R-Type Full FAQ/Walkthrough Turbo Grafx 16 & Arcade By Kenshin Zlash (Kenshin_zlash@juno.com) ============================================================================= -------- Contents -------- I. Legal Info II. Introduction III. Controls IV. Basics V. Screen Display VI. Walkthrough VII. Bosses VIII. Ending IX. Closing ============================================================================= Update Info ============================================================================= 10/11/02-v0.5--Most of guide is done. -Walkthrough will be finished by next update. 10/12/02-v1.0--FAQ is complete. 10/16/02-v1.5--Minor little section added. -Is anyone even reading this thing? 11/05/02- --I only changed the legal info. Nothing big. ============================================================================= I. Legal Info ============================================================================= This FAQ is property of Kenshin Zlash. This FAQ is only allowed to be put up on: (1) gameFAQs.com, (2) Any site owned by the author. No one except the sites listed may use this FAQ. PERIOD! You are allowed to print and distribute this FAQ freely as long as no money is paid for it. If anyone makes money off this FAQ, it better be me. Anyone caught taking this guide as their own at any time will be severely punished. ============================================================================ II. Introduction ============================================================================ It all started with R-Type 3. Now, my father, being an old geezer and all, went out and bought R-Type 3 because it was an airplane shooter thing that reminded him of his old Army days. @_@ Two days later he gave up and never touched it again. That's when I picked it up and got into it. Two days later I gave up and just got me a rom and emulator and finished it off, lol. So I got interested in older R-Type games. I got R-Types for PSX, R-Type Delta, and R-Type DX. My cousin then gave me his Turbo Duo system (YAY!) and here I am writing out the FAQ before you. R-Type is a game where you control a ship called the R9 to destroy the evil Bydo empire. It supposedly has the power to kill off the empire and the speed without being detected. It also has the special Force Pod, which is an indestructable orb that adds lots of powers to your ship. For this guide I am using the Turbo Duo version. ============================================================================ III. Controls ============================================================================ Blah. Well, this will all depend on the platform your playing it on, so I won't be listing any particular buttons for any particular platforms. Button Functions ------ --------- Up Moves ship up Down Moves ship down Right Moves ship forward Left Moves ship back Fire (press) Fires a pellet shot :P Fire (hold) Can fire anything from a big pellet to a strong blast, depending on how long you hold it Force pod Press to have it come back to your ship, press when attached to your ship to shoot it out again Pause Pauses game (not avaliable on arcades) ============================================================================ IV. Basics ============================================================================ -------------- Charging Shots -------------- Your ship has not only cheap little pellet shots, but it has a charged shot. The Charge can be anywhere from 1% to 100% (determined by your meter on the bottom). 100% shots are better, and usually can kill more than one enemy with one blast. ---- Orbs ---- Orbs are these grey balls that you collect. You can have a max of 2. An orb will either go on the top or bottem of your ship. They provide the same protection your FP does, but do not move with you as fast. They can also hurt enemies. --------------------- Use the force Luke... --------------------- Your Force Pod is important. Learn to use it. Fast. You have a button for controlling your FP. It will either shoot out your FP or make it come back to you. Tip: USE YOUR FP TO KILL THINGS. Most enemies die faster if you ram your FP into them. It also blocks projectiles (the little red dots). When the FP is mobile, moving around freely, it will continueously shoot out pellets (directions vary on how many power-ups you have obtained). When it is attached to your ship, you can see the FP's true power. It will fire off different weapons depending on what power-ups you've obtained. FP's can be attached to either the front or back of the ship. Normal FP --------- Gained: when you collect any power-up; You have no FP already Attached: No extra effect. Can block fireballs. Detached: Fires pellets continueously straight forward. *Note: All FPs do the same thing when detached. They shoot pellets in different directions* Red FP ------ Gained: When you have a FP and you collect a red power-up. Attached: Shoots 3 red arrows straight forward. Also makes Orbs shoot pellets straight forward. Blue FP ------- Gained: When you have a FP and you collect a blue power-up. Attached: Shoots three blue lasers in three directions. They bounce off walls. Yellow FP --------- Gained: When you have a FP and you collect a yellow power-up. Attached: Shoots 2 fire waves up and down. If the waves touch a floor, they will travel along it damaging any enemy in its path. ---------- Speed Up!! ---------- Every once in a while you'll come across these power-ups with an S on them. Collect these to make your plane into a speed demon! More speed=less hits! Too much speed=Out of control. Just be careful with how many you pick up. -------- Missiles -------- Power-ups with an M on them are for missiles. They help you greatly. Two missiles are fired each time, and they home in on enemies. Great if you want to stay away from some baddies. ============================================================================= V. Screen Display ============================================================================= There are only three things you need to pay attention to on the bottom of the screen. The little ship icons represent your lives. The bar is your charge meter. And the number is your score. ============================================================================= VI. Walkthrough ============================================================================= ------- Level 1 ------- Your outside the Bydo base. Ok there'll be plenty of tiny creatures shooting at you. You should also make it a habit to get through this stage without getting killed. After getting past all the flying enemies and enemies on the ground, you'll have to go through a small opening. On the other side will be some Gundams(TM) waiting to kill you. Fire them off and continue. There are also some stupid little guns on the ceiling and floor that shoot at you. Take 'em down or pass em. There will be a big circular moving enemy in the next part.(This enemy makes a special appearance in R-Type 3) Go inside the when you have the chance, then come out through the other side when you have the chance. There will be another small passage for you to go through, and there will be two gundams shooting homing missiles at you. You can shoot the missiles down. Now you'll be at the boss. ------- Level 2 ------- This would be a place where all the aliens sleep. There will be some that come out of the ground, so be careful of those. After a while there will be some uh....tadpoles :P coming. Then some metroid-like monsters will start coming out of the ceiling and floor. When you get past another set of brain canister things, a giant worm will appear. Be careful of it and you'll come up to the boss. ------- Level 3 ------- Agh! Its the giant battle ship everyone hates! First of all, don't stay in the center of the screen. The back of the ship shoots unblockable beams at you. Fire EVERYTHING you see. You'll have to if you want to survive. So first fire off the back thruster of the ship. Then take out all the little guns that are firing at you. As you go under, take out the other part that's shooting unblockable lasers at you. Almost all the fireballs shot at you in this stage are blockable by your FP. Use Charge beams to take the parts of the ship out more easily. Now as you are under the ship, take out all the thrusters you see. Now the ship will begin to fall (uh oh....). Stay in the tiny space you get to avoid being crushed. As it raises back again, quickly move forward and take down the other guns. Put your FP on the back of your ship, and start taking out the guns in the front of the ship now. DON'T get stuck under the ship. Now move up the front of the ship and keep taking out the guns. Beware that the guns in front shoot unblockable fire at you. When all of them are gone, you'll hear the boss music begin. ------- Level 4 ------- Ooh...this one's a toughy. TONS of little monsters will fly out all over the place. They leave behind little walls that can be broken through, but your pellets aren't gonna do any good. You'll need to hit them with your FP or your charged shots. Be careful of the ones that come from the top of the screen. Now as you move down the stage, there will be some more flying enemies and robots waiting to be killed. At one point, the wall- builders will come from every direction, even behind you. Then some gundams will come from behind. I recommend you switch your FP to behind you. Two VERY pesky ones will decide to do some sky-writing and do loop-de-loops. Stay away from those mofos. Then there will be a huge wall of the break- able walls. Do whatever you can to break through it. Try to get the power up thats stuck in the wall. You'll get the red power-up allowing you to destroy the blocks faster. Now some red crab monsters will come from behind. Now as you get close to the boss, pick up the blue power-up to make things a bit smoother. ------- Level 5 ------- Too many worms in this stage. Hit the worms in the head with either a charged shot or your FP to kill them. Becareful that when you kill the worms, they break apart and shoot all over the place. After killing about 50 worms, thousands of unblockable laser shooting enemies will come. Then a few more unblockable laser shooting enemies will appear, but these are bigger and take more hits. Some crabs and a gundam will appearn with these guys. Then some more worms. Then you'll reach the boss. ------- Level 6 ------- This stage is NOT very welcoming. First of all, kill ALL those little guys on the walls, floors and ceilings that shoot at you. The moving box things are very hard to kill, so your gonna have to dodge most of them. As you first move into the stage, go into the middle passage you have there. Stay very close to the top wall. Two boxes will move paste you. Now move out of that space and move forward, to avoid any more boxes coming your way. There will be some robots coming and shooting at you, just shoot them. Now stay on the left side of the screen. The boxes will make U-turns. When there is a break in the row of boxes coming, go up the top passage and stay near the bottom wall. Some more boxes will fly over you. Now here's the tought part (as if the rest of the stage wasn't 0_o), you must go up, then go all the way to the right. Three boxes will fly up, and you'll miss them. Stay near the wall on the right, as the last box will go that way. Now you'll be between two walls that have robots jumping from the top. As you get to the other side of these walls, a whole army as a accumulated and they will all jump down the other side shooting at you. Do your best to block the shots and kill them. Now you'll reach a room with boxes moving around clockwise. Wait until there is a big gap in the row and move along with it. As you get to the next passageway, stay near it, but not in the center. A box will come flying through that passage. When it passes, go through. Get out of the passage quickly or you'll be hit by another box. I beleive this is the part that almost nobody can ever make it by. Now if you got past that one hell of a stage, you'll get to the boss. ------- Level 7 ------- This is the "real" final stage. As you approach the small passage way, some annoying little flying enemies will fly out of it. Keep in mind that this area is breaking down, so most of the walls and ceilings explode. Watch out for the explosions. As you move through the hoards of flying enemies in the first room, you'll move into a room split into three small passages. A big spiked ship will come by. There will be some more gundams coming. Once it passes by, move out of the lower passage and now through the middle passage. Now there will be plenty of robots on the ground shooting at you, take them out and go through the next passage. A lot of those damned yellow flying enemies will keep coming and shooting at you, so take EVERYTHING out that you can see moving in the next few rooms. Keep fighting your way through, and there will be a big gundam waiting for you. Take it down and now you'll fight the boss. ------- Level 8 ------- Is there a strategy I can give you for this stage? Its basically all these baby aliens coming after you until you reach the boss.Keep up the fighting and you'll have this game done. ============================================================================= VII. Bosses ============================================================================= -------------------- Level 1 -- The Alien -------------------- Yes, this is the Alien you will see in almost every R-Type. Its the first boss and its a pretty cool looking one. Its weak point is in its stomach, when the head in it comes out. All you need to do is fire your Force Pod into it. Then just move out of the way and watch as it takes damage. Repeat. And don't get in the way of its tail or fireballs. ----------------------- Level 2 -- Heart Worms? ----------------------- It looks to me like a giant heart with a worm coming in and out of the arteries. Very easy. See that eye that opens up alot? Hover OVER it with your FP attached to the front of your ship and just stay there. When the eye opens, it'll take the damage. If the worm gets too close, simply run away (if you can!). -------------------------------- Level 3 -- Battle Cruiser Cannon -------------------------------- As you reach the end of the battle ship, you'll see a gun type thing appear from the top. That's the boss! Now hopefully you picked up the blue power- up, and this will be a breeze. Just hover over the gun, and keep shooting. The lasers will hit the gun, and your FP will block all it's shots. ---------------------- Level 4 -- Battle Ship ---------------------- Ouch. Here's where the bosses start getting hard. This guy has two attacks, when he is on the right side of the screen, he shoots little pellets like crazy. When he is on the left, he shoots lasers that are unblockable. He splits into three peices. The blue parts are the weak points. Hopefully you have the blue power-up and you can shoot his weak points from far with your lasers. Good Luck. ----------------- Level 5 -- Legion ----------------- Yes, I call this the legion because it reminds me of the boss from Symphony of the Night. This guy is one hard ****. He constantly shoots out blue things at you, and you must fire away at them until they are all gone to reveal the inner core. To avoid the blue things easily, stay at the bottom of the screen (no you won't die) and just move around and keep shooting. When the core is revealed, shoot the crap outta him. -------------------------- Level 6 -- Thing uh..thing -------------------------- This guy is one annoying ****. First, be sure you have the blue power-up. No other will do. Now you will be in a room with those boxes flying around. Blow up each one as they come down. After destroying a certain number, you'll begin to move on to the final boss. Half of his body falls down to the ground, while the other part stays on the ceiling. The top shoots out lots of fireballs, which can easily be avoided by staying next to him. The weak point is that stupid red eye you see on the right wall. The bottom half shoots two flames straight upward. Here's my strategy: Stay near the top right of the room. Keep shooting your lasers to hit the boss. Be careful of the top half of the monster moving around on the ceiling. As long as you keep shooting the eye, it'll be dead in no time. ------------------------ Level 7 -- Trash Monster ------------------------ One big giant trash room. Trash will fall from above, and a turret will appear from the trash pile below and start shooting at you. Uhh...try dodging everything they throw at you. Every once in a while a giant robotic eye will appear. Shoot the **** outta it. If you can keep it up for a while, you'll pretty much kill it. -------------------- Level 8 -- Bydo King -------------------- GAH! This guy pisses me off! Hopefully your playing with an emulator or something. Your gonna need a full powered FP, 2 orbs, and missiles to beat this one. First of all, stay all the way to the left of the screen in the CENTER. You must stay in the center to avoid the attacks. Keep the baby aliens at bay, and when the big one opens his mouth, shoot your FP into it. Now all you have to do is stay in the center left of the screen and keep the little aliens away. Staying in the center will keep you safe from the spinning balls. By the time the boss shoots out the second ball, he will pretty much die from all the damage he's been taking from the FP. :P ============================================================================= VIII. Ending ============================================================================= Ok. You've done all this work and you wanna know what's the ending? Well its nothing special. So you pretty much get the satisfaction of beating one hell of a shooter. The ending is, you've beaten the Bydo King, and now you fly out of the Bydo empire and the other R9 units meet up with you (those bastards were no help eh?). Then you'll get a message saying: "Thanks to your brave fighting, the Cosmos restored peace. The Byde Empire was annialated to never scare people again. Your name will remain in the universe forever. Thank you for playing the game to the end." There you go. And when your done, a hard-ER mode will begin! Have fun with that. ============================================================================= IX. Closing ============================================================================= Ah, I love the R-Type series. It has to be the best of all the side scrolling shooters. I also like Darius, but its not as fun as R-Type. Here are all the people that helped in the making of this FAQ: Me--I wrote it. Cousin--He had a pretty damn big Turbo Duo collection until he had to sell it. He gave me the system and a few games, R-Type being one of them. HUdx--Pretty good emulator. Without this I could have never passed the game. Classicgaming.com--I downloaded the game from them. Check out some of my other FAQs: Castlevania Dracula X - SNES Super Castlevania 4 - SNES Fire Emblem - NES I'm out peoplez!