Robopon: Sun Version Side Quest Guide By: Oron999 This guide was created to help my fellow Robopon lovers in the game’s side-quests. If you need to get to a specific section press ctrl + F on your keyboard and type in what you’re searching for. Table of Contents: 1. Elite Eight and Golden Sunny 2. Illusion Village Dungeon and Scar 3. Cherry Hill and Draco 4. Old man Brownie and the three parts 5. Grandpa Hogle’s Company and Teabot 6. Boss Rush ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Elite Eight and Golden Sunny ------------------------------------------------------------------- The first secret is accessible before you beat the game. This is the Elite 8. The thing is, you trade robopon in a specific order to eight girls around Porombo Island. The only robopon you must capture is Gidget, if you play your cards right. The Girls and their locations: Girl 1: Rena, Libra Town Girl 2: Sandy, Caleyu Town Girl 3: Maya, Cools Town Girl 4: Yoko, Dine Town Girl 5: Hiromi, Poro Vilage Girl 6: Meg, Illusion Village Girl 7: Riz, Tail Castle (town) Girl 8: Janet, Ghana Lake (town) Trade the first girl a Gidget to get her ‘Pon. Then the next girl in order will want it for their ‘Pon. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Illusion Village Dungeon and Scar ------------------------------------------------------------------- Illusion village is a secret village. It is only accessible between 3:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. there isn’t much of interest in the village. There is a shop and an elite eight girl. Yeah, not much of interest. However, at the North end of the town is a dungeon inside a cave. Walk inside, and you will find a man in blue. Here, you can buy healing items and tickets from the man. The four tickets lead into three different areas of the dungeon. The fourth ticket opens up all three, but it is worthless and too pricey. In order to open up a dungeon’s entrance, you must go into your inventory and select to use your ticket while standing in front of the man in blue. He will then move out of the way and open up the dungeon you paid for. There are three dungeons: Beginner, Intermediate, and Expert. Each one has a different number of floors and a different prize. After entering, you will come down a fligh of stairs. The floors are randomized and there are multiple types. I am not sure on beginner or Intermediate but Expert has fifty floors. Dungeon Floor Types: 1. Button. >_<… These floors are filled with buttons. You start out on a platform and there are two buttons. Each button closes up a path to a different platform and opens a new one. Work your way to the sides to find platforms without any buttons. These are the four where the stairs are. 2. Television In this room you must press A in front of a TV in the room you start in. It warps you to a new room. That room also has multiple TVs. Continue warping until you reach the stairs. 3. Mine Desert This floor is a large square with four branches on the side. The stairs are on one of the branches. There are multiple mines along the path that deal 60 damage a peice. 4. Maze The room is surrounded by blue buttons. They serve as obstacles and form a maze. Work your way to the branches on the sides to find the stairs. Now, the prizes. Beginner: ??? Intermediate: ??? Expert: Scar Scar is a robopon. It looks like a Metroid and is one of the strongest Robopon in the game. It has two ice 4s softwares and one fire 3. Its part is a Mega laser. It is a boot type. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Cherry Hill and Draco ------------------------------------------------------------------- Remember Cherry Hill? You know, that dungeon you didn’t have to go through? Well, you have to now. Don’t worry, I have directions. 3: You’ll start out on Floor three (0_0). At the entrance you can go two different ways. Go left. Continue on the path until you find some stairs. Go down to the second floor. 2: On the second floor continue on the path until you come to another split. Go right. Now continue on until you reach a set of stairs. Go down to floor one. 1:Head south. Here, make a left and continue on the path. Go down the first set of stairs you see. You’ll go down to floor B1. B1:You’re on a small, secluded path. Head further down to the next set of stairs, which leads down to B2. B2:You should be on a platform and can only go up. Go up and then left. Head south until you reach a dead end, Next, head a little bit right an dthen south, which should lead to the stairs, which bring you to B3. B3: Go right as soon as you can. You should find Hunter at one of his chests. Talk to him to find out you need to use a remote control to get across. Send a signal from your TV’s Remote to the receiver on the top and a bridge will appear. You’ll fall down a hole which will take you to B5. B4: If you came here, you went the wrong way. B5: Go up the stairs to the platform. Follow it and get off ASAP. Go to the next platform. Go up an follow it to reach the stairs that lead to B6. B6: You should be in a secluded room with a staircase. Go down to floor B7. B7: Follow the long path to find a large lake-like thing at the end. Walk around it and go upstairs. B6: Here there is a puzzle. It’s fairly simple. To start off, push the three to the side, then push the top rock ot the left. I’ll let you solve the rest yourself. Once solved, go back down. B7: Go back to the lake thing and go down the stairs. B8: Be prepared for one of the toughest fights in the game. You’ll have to face a level 65 golden sunny. Bring in a fire type or high-level. I used my own Golden Sunny which was just one level over. After winning, Hunter will give up his treasure, and you can get the Morris Tear from the chest behind him. He’ll warp you out as you try to leave, if you want him to. Go back to Prince Tail and select use on the tear in front of the evil mirror. Darcy will be saved. She’ll give you a Bless Software and the prince will give you Seabee, a seahorse that evolves into Draco, one of the toughest ‘Pons. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Old Man Brownie and the three parts ------------------------------------------------------------------- This quest is available once you have unlocked Donald’s Lab. Talk to his assistant Douglas. He will tell you to meet him in front of Meiji Cave. Come to the cave on a path north of the lab at 6:00 P.M. Talk to Douglas and he will let you into the cave. Once in, progresses through the cave until you see an opening to your north. There will be a platform with lots of rocks scattered about. Here is the puzzle: X = Rock _ = space between rocks X_X XXX XXX To progress, you must make numbers. You have three pushable rocks. Answers: XXX X X XXX X XXX XXX X XXX X XXX XXX X XXX X XXX XXX X XXX X XXX After creating one number, go north. You will see and opening where there will be an odd pearl-shaped thing. Go up and press A on it. After some flashing, Old Man Brownie will appear. You must then battle him. He has a level 50 Screwy. Afterwards, you’ll appear outside. Prof. Donald will show up and make a wish, having it corrupted. Then repeat the next day, using a different number. On the final number, you must dive under the water. When it is all completed, you can search the lab for parts with high ram. A note: Douglas will not reappear in front of the cave if you load up In the area. If you plan to time travel, go inside Donald’s lab first. Douglas will only spawn if you enter the forest from the lab. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Grandpa Hogle’s company and Teabot ------------------------------------------------------------------- In order to obtain Teabot, you must complete Grandpa Hogle’s company. This means you have to keep paying the janitor to make new floors. This can be done at any point in the game, but it costs a lot of money. There are twenty floors, and very few of them have anything worthwhile on them. At the end you receive Teabot, a boot type Robopon. I have not done this is in my current file and so I can’t post its equipment yet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Boss Rush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, there isn’t much to write about this. This can only be done after you have beaten Doctor Zero. Go back to the place where Doctor Zero was and you will find all of the current legends plus Bisco and minus Zero. You face them in order of strength. Bisco’s ‘pons start at level 40. Each Legend in order’s Robopon has 5 more levels than the last. After beating them, you can watch the credits roll. Then, their Robopon will have gained ten levels each. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Legal Stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------- This guide may only be used on and It may not be reproduced in any way and if used by a site other than the two above, I can and will take legal action against you. The game Robopon belongs to Atlus and I do not take any type of ownership claims. This guide is my property. Taking it will ensure that you become bankrupt sooner or later through lawsuits. If you wish to put this on your site, then that’s too damn bad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I give special thanks to: GameFAQs: For hosting this guide Nintendo: For making the GBC and other systems Soccaprodi, Tenryu572, Whymedude, AustinA123, and Dragonrulds: For being my good friends Silverwarp: For helping me on the Old Man Brownie side quest Elbannano216: For creating the Ocki Socki Corp topic, where my Old Man Brownie question was answered Katman: For helping me get through the game with his guide. Whymedude: For proofreading this guide for me.