Sakura Wars GB FAQ - Kohran version 1.0 by Carl Chavez ( or Last updated 21 November 2000. This FAQ is intended to show players of Sakura Wars GB the various effects of choices in the game. It shows players the effects of LIPS menu choices and mini-game performance. It also tells players of the likely locations of Kohran for each day. This FAQ is not originally intended to be a translation FAQ. However, as I improve my ability to understand Japanese, I will try to update the FAQ with translations. I will have a general Sakura Wars GB FAQ available in the near future. The general FAQ describes the effects of each shop item, a list of special events, and whatever else doesn't belong in the character-specific FAQs. The latest version of this FAQ may be found: -------------- Conventions -------------- The FAQ is divided into 31 parts. Each part represents one day of the game. Each menu is numbered for reference. The first number represents the day, and the second number represents a question in that day. Any following numbers represent subquestions for a particular question. For example, "4.2.2" would be the second subquestion of the second question on day 4. "1.1" is the first question on day 1. If you've seen Kayama's excellent translation FAQs for Sakura Wars 1/2/3, you'll see my system is very similar to his. Under each menu are a group of questions. Unlike previous versions of Sakura Wars (1, 2, 3, Columns 1, Columns 2), the menus are randomly ordered. This means that players who can't read Japanese characters can't play based on the order of the questions anymore! Therefore, I devised a system to help players who can't read Japanese characters: Most questions have three choices. They are usually of different lengths. In these cases, I describe the choices as "short", "medium", and "long". Other questions have two choices. If they are of different lengths, I refer to one as "shorter" and the other as "longer". If a three-part question has two answers of the same length, I refer to the longer one as "longer" and the other two as "shorter". Then I give an easy-to-remember Japanese character if possible... if it's not possible (like with kanji), I try to describe the character or the look of the sentence. If all of the choices in a question are of the same length, I try to describe the characters as I have said above. The characters I use most often for descriptions are: ku - like Pac-Man's mouth (Paku-Man...) wo - like "TLC" smashed together re - a curly cursive capital 'n' su - like a cross with a twisted circle near the bottom shi - like a curved 'L' chi - like an upside down communist hammer-and-sickle go - one curved line over another, not touching, with two dots above Reactions are described as follows; (no mood change) - the choice does not affect the character's mood. (Ko+) - the character becomes more happy. (Ma-) - the character becomes less happy. (SaF) - the character *F*lashed. I think the meaning of the flash depends on the situation. It may be an indicator of of a hug, a kiss, or an expression of surprise like a gasp. (Su2xF) - the character flashed more than once (in this case, twice). [no reaction text] - it either means that I haven't mapped that choice yet, or that it has no effect. If you see [??] in a group of text, it means that a character was kanji. I can't read kanji yet... If you see words in all capitals, like "ATARI" or "RENBAA", then a character said something that was written in katakana. ************************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ***** DAY 1 ************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ************************************************************ * Enter name * Meet the theater group MENU 1.1 #1: short (Ka+, Ma+) #2: medium (Su+, Ma-, Ir+) #3: long (Ko+, Sa+, SaF) * Win battle (Ko+ Sa+) ************************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ***** DAY 2 ************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ************************************************************ * get dressed This part requires you to answer five questions about what clothes to put on. If you make a mistake, it asks you the same question over and over until you get it right. If you don't make any mistakes, you get free movement. If you make one mistake, you meet Sakura on time (Sa+). If you make two or more mistakes, you meet Sakura late (Sa-). #1st correct choice: starts with SU (katakana), ends with Re (hiragana) #2nd: starts and ends with Ku (hiragana) #3rd: ends with Ku (hiragana) #4th: middle contains Wo (hiragana), ends with Re (hiragana) #5th: longest one; it contains two repeating To characters (hiragana) * free movement (morning) You only get this if you didn't make any mistakes when dressing. Kohran is most likely in the library, but she may be in the hangar or storeroom. MENU 2.2 - #1: shortest of the three #2: middle-length (no change) #3: longest of the three (Ko+) * training (Sakura) * free movement (afternoon) Kohran is most likely in the library, but she may be in the hangar or storeroom. She offers to show you around the theater. MENU 2.3 - #1: shorter of the two #2: longer of the two (Ko+) W: (Ko-) (in storeroom) MENU 2.4 - #1: short #2: medium (no change) #3: long (Ko+) (in command center) MENU 2.5 - #1: shortest #2: the one with "~" (Ko-) #3: the other one, ends with Re (Ko+) (in hangar) MENU 2.6 - #1: ends with "!" (Ko+) #2: longer answer (in entrance hall) MENU 2.7 - #1: "Are" (Ko+) #2: "Nai" (Ko-) Though it causes a negative reaction, I recommend answering "Nai" so you don't end the game on Day 2 (see the next section for details...) * training (free) * free movement (evening) * If you got all of menus 2.3-2.7 positive: Kohran comes to your room. MENU 2.8 - #1: ends with ".." (Ko-) #2: "Ii desu yo" "It's good" (Ko+) MENU 2.9 - #1: contains a hyphen (Ko-) #2: all hiragana (no reaction) An explosion occurs. You wake up in the sick bay and Yoneda makes you leave the theater. ****** GAME OVER ******* W: same as #2 * If you didn't get all of menus 2.3-2.7 positive: Kohran is most likely in the storeroom, but she may be in the hangar or library. ************************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ***** DAY 3 ************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Kohran is in the hangar and is too busy to talk. * training (Sumire) * free movement (afternoon) Kohran is in the hangar and is still too busy to talk. If you visit Kasumi instead of Kohran, then she will give you a present to give to Iris. * training (free) * free movement (evening) Kohran is in the hangar or the library and is STILL too busy to talk! If you took a present from Kasumi, Iris will be in her bedroom. She's asleep, so you leave the present there. ************************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ***** DAY 4 ************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Kohran is most likely in the storeroom, but she may be in the hangar, courtyard, or library. MENU 4.1 - #1: short (Ko+) #2: medium "Doki doki desu!" (Ko+) #3: long (no reaction) * training (Maria) * free movement (afternoon) Kohran is in the storeroom, the prop room, the hangar or the library. MENU 4.2 - #1: starts with "shi" (no mood change) #2: starts with "3" #3: starts with three kanji #2: MENU 4.2.2 - #1: short (Ko-) #2: medium, ends with "!" (Ko-) #3: long, ends with "?" (Ko+) #3: I think you're guessing Kohran's blood type. MENU 4.2.3 - #1: B (Ko+) #2: C (no mood change) #3: two kanji (Ko+) #1: "ATARI!" ("you win!") #3: "SUBARI!" ("wonderful!") * training (free) * free movement (evening) Kohran is in her bedroom. MENU 4.3 - #1: "Hai" (Ko+) #2: "Iie" (Ko-) #1: Kohran gives you a jigsaw puzzle. Whenever you have a free movement turn, you can either move around the theater as you normally would, or you can try to solve the puzzle. When you finally solve the puzzle, you get (Ko+) and she demonstrates her special attack in the courtyard. ************************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ***** DAY 5 ************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Kohran's busy again. * training (Iris) * free movement (afternoon) Kohran is in her bedroom. Yuri stops you in the hall and asks you for a favor. She gives you FANRETA-YO (fan letters?) for Kohran and says she's pleased to meet you (yoroshiku ne). You bring the fan letters to Kohran. (Ko+) * training (free) * free movement (evening) Kohran is in the courtyard but doesn't have time to talk. If you visit Maria (usually at the entrance hall stairs) at this time, she will ask you to do pushups for her the next morning, which means you'll miss a chance to get an extra Kohran point. If you don't see Maria the next morning, she'll be angry (Ma-). If you do see Maria, hit the A button rapidly to perform pushups. ************************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ***** DAY 6 ************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Kohran is in the hangar. MENU 6.1 - #1: short, has Kohran's name (Ko+, KoF) #2: medium, has katakana (no mood change) #3: long (no mood change) #2: something about "TOIRE", or Western toilet. * training (Kohran) * free movement (afternoon) Kohran is in the storeroom. Too busy, as usual... * training (free) * free movement (evening) Kohran comes to your bedroom. She needs to hide and she wants to hide there. MENU 6.2 - #1: longer #2: "Ii desu yo" (It's good) (Ko+) #2: Sakura comes to your bedroom, too. She's looking for Kohran and asks if you've seen her. MENU 6.2.1 - #1: "Iie." (No) (Ko+, Sa no mood change) #2: "Hai Hai" (Yes, yes) ************************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ***** DAY 7 ************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Kohran is busy in the hangar again... * training (Kanna) * Koubu battle practice * free movement (evening) Kohran is in her bedroom. When you approach, you hear an explosion. MENU 7.1 - #1: short, ends with "!" (no mood change) #2: medium #3: long, with Kohran's name (Ko+) ************************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ***** DAY 8 ************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ************************************************************ Oogami comes to your bedroom. He wants you to meet the others at a party. You to the dressing room. Everyone except Sumire is in a good mood. Yoneda asks what you want to drink: MENU 8.1 - #1: (forgot to look) #2: katakana "Ju-su wo" (Juice) Next, each of the main characters ask you a question. SAKURA - #1: has a kanji that looks like a flower (Sa+) #2: (forgot to look) SUMIRE - #1: shorter (Su+) #2: longer (Su-) KANNA - #1: Tsuyoi (Ka+) #2: Shiwai (Ka-) MARIA - #1: shorter (Ma+) #2: longer (no reaction) KOHRAN - #1: shorter (Ko+) #2: longer IRIS - #1: short, starts with "chi" (Ir-) #2: short, doesn't start with "chi" (Ir+) #3: long question Suddenly the alert signal goes off. MENU 8.2 - #1: (no obvious reaction) W: (Yoneda is angry) Now you're outside in your Koubu. Oogami asks you to look around the area ("soba ni iru da"). MENU 8.3 - #1: doesn't end with "su" #2: ends with "su" #2: you find the enemy, but Oogami and Maria decide not to fight it. MENU 8.4 - #1: short #2: medium (Yoneda isn't angry) #3: long, ends with "..." ************************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ***** DAY 9 ************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Kohran is in the storeroom or hangar. MENU 9.1 - #1: longer, one kanji looks like a three-part box #2: longer, one kanji doesn't look like a three-part box #3: shorter #1: MENU 9.1.1 - #1: short (Ko+) #2: medium (no mood change) #3: long (Ko-) #2: MENU 9.1.2 - #1: four kanji, second is not blocky (Ko+) #2: four kanji, second is blocky (Ko-) #3: four katakana, two kanji (Ko-) #3: MENU 9.1.3 - #1: short (no mood change) #2: medium (Ko+) #3: long * training (Sakura) * free movement (afternoon) Kohran is in her bedroom. MENU 9.2 - #1: "Ii desu yo" (Ko+) #2: refuse #1: MENU 9.2.1 - #1: starts with "kichin" #2: doesn't start with "kichin" W: BOOM! *** GAME OVER *** as with Menu 2.9 #1: BOOM!!! *** GAME OVER *** as with Menu 2.9 * training (free) * free movement (evening) Usually, you should get menu 9.3. For some reason, sometimes you get menu 9.4 instead. I don't know why. It may depend on Kohran's mood before this turn of free movement. If menu 9.3 is going to show, then you'll find Kohran in the command center. MENU 9.3 - #1: "sure" #2: "shi(something)" #1: Question #1: what is 93782+1? Answer: 93783 Question #2: what is 10000-9998? Answer: 2 Question #3: what is 26983-20983? Answer: 6000 If you got all three correct, (Ko+). Otherwise, you'll get menu 9.4. Kohran may be in the courtyard for this. MENU 9.4 - #1: short #2: medium #3: long ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 10 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Kohran is busy in the hangar. If you visit Kasumi at this time, she will have fan mail for Maria. * training (Sumire) * free movement (afternoon) If you picked up Maria's fan mail in the morning, you can deliver it to her now or in the evening. If Kohran's mood is not very high, then she'll be in the hangar, busy and unwilling to talk. It would be best to visit Yuri right now. Yuri will tell you something about Kohran that you can use later. Otherwise, Kohran will be in her bedroom. But you may not want to visit her at this time... MENU 10.1 - #1: "Ii desu yo" (Ko+) #2: refuse #1: MENU 10.1.1 - #1: starts with "kichin" #2: doesn't start with "kichin" W: BOOM! *** GAME OVER *** as with Menu 2.9 #1: BOOM!!! *** GAME OVER *** as with Menu 2.9 * training (free) * free movement (evening) Normally, Kohran will be in the courtyard or hangar, and unwilling to talk. However, if you talked to Yuri this afternoon, you can say something to Kohran. MENU 10.2 - #1: shorter (Ko-) #2: longer (Ko+) ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 11 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Kohran is in the storeroom, courtyard, or hangar. MENU 11.1 - #1: shorter #2: longer with "ku" #3: longer without "ku" #1: MENU 11.1.1 - #1: shorter #2: longer (Ko+) #2: MENU 11.1.2 - #1: shorter question (no reaction except a smile) #2: longer question (Ko-) #3: longer statement (Ko-) * training (Maria) * free movement (afternoon) Kohran is in the courtyard, library or hangar. MENU 11.2 - #1: shorter #2: longer #2: You have to answer three questions. Kohran gives you hints in red text, but if you aren't fluent in Japanese then they don't help much :-). Unfortunately, all of the characters look similar in all of the possible answers, so good luck... at least it's good reading practice! 1st correct answer: SARU go toki ni 2nd correct answer: KATSUPA buzeiga 3rd correct answer: [????]ga[????]na no ka... All correct: (Ko+) * training (free) * free movement (evening) Kohran is in the shower! MENU 11.3 - #1: starts with "ku" (Ko-) #2: starts with kanji #3: starts with "go" (Ko+) ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 12 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Kohran is busy in the hangar. * training (Iris) * free movement (afternoon) Kohran is in the courtyard. MENU 12.1 - #1: shorter with "ku" at the end #2: shorter without "ku" at the end (Ko+) #3: longer #1: She asks something about a "nikki-hin" (diary?). MENU 12.1.1 - #1: shorter (Ko+) #2: longer #3: MENU 12.1.3 - #1: shorter with star kanji (no mood change, KoF) #2: shorter without star kanji (no mood change, KoF) #3: longer (no mood change, Ko2xF) * training (free) * free movement (evening) Kohran is busy in the hangar if her mood isn't high. Otherwise, she's in her bedroom. MENU 12.2 - #1: ends with "u" #2: ends with "ru" (Ko-) #3: ends with "ku" #1: MENU 12.2.1 - #1: #2: #3: MENU 12.2.2 - #1: shorter (Ko+) #2: longer ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 13 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Kohran is in the hangar. MENU 13.1 - #1: short #2: medium #3: long #1: MENU 13.1.1 - #1: short #2: medium (Ko+) #3: long #2: MENU 13.1.2 - #1: shorter (Ko-) #2: longer (Ko+) #3: MENU 13.1.3 - #1: short #2: medium (Ko+) #3: long (no mood change) * training (Kohran) * free movement (afternoon) Kohran is busy in the library. * training (free) * free movement (evening) Kohran is in the cafeteria. MENU 13.2 - #1: short #2: long #1: MENU 13.2.1 - #1: "hai" (Ko+, Ma-) #2: "iie" #1: Kohran: "Oh! Souka! Yaro-yaro!" You join Kohran for a late meal. Maria finds you two violating curfew and is angry. Maria: "Kohran mosou datedo, [name]-kun. Anata ha [??][??][??][??][??] na no yo!" Something like "I understand Kohran breaking curfew, but you, [name]-kun?!" ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 14 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Kohran is busy in the storeroom. * training (Kanna) * Koubu battle practice * free movement (evening) Kohran is in the storeroom. (no mood change, KoF) ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 15 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Kohran is messed up in the library or storeroom. MENU 15.1 - #1: shorter with "gu" (Ko+) #2: shorter without "gu" (Ko+) #3: longer MENU 15.2 - #1: one kanji (Ko+) #2: two repeating katakana "MAMA" (Ko+) #3: two kanji (Ko+) #3: turns what she replied with for your choice in Menu 15.1 into a pun. Kohran loves puns, so this is probably a great choice. MENU 15.3 - #1: longer with "ii" (Ko+) #2: longer without "ii" (Ko+) #3: shorter (Ko+) * free movement (afternoon) Kohran is busy in the storeroom. * free movement (evening) Kohran is busy in the courtyard. ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 16 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) MENU 16.1 - #1: shorter with kanji as first character #2: shorter without kanji as first character #3: longer #1: MENU 16.1.1 - #1: shorter with kanji #2: shorter without kanji #3: longer (Ko+) #2: MENU 16.1.2 - #1: short, two kanji (Ko+) #2: long, begins with "MI" (katakana) (Ko+, KoF) #3: medium, begins with another katakana character (no mood change) #1, #3: MENU - #1: short (Ko+) #2: long (Ko-) #3: MENU 16.1.3 - #1: short #2: medium (Ko+) #3: long * training (Sakura) * free movement (afternoon) IF KOHRAN'S MOOD ISN'T VERY HIGH: Kohran is in the backstage prop room. MENU 16.2 - #1: begins with "HA" (katakana) #2: begins with "FU" (katakana) #3: begins with "TO" (?) (katakana) (Ko+) #3: MENU 16.2.3 - #1: short #2: medium #3: long (Ko+) #1, #3: MENU - #1: shorter (Ko+) #2: longer with "be" (no mood change) #3: longer without "be" IF KOHRAN'S MOOD IS VERY HIGH: Kohran is in her bedroom. She shows you her famous truth machine (from Sakura Taisen 1). It's a machine that attaches to somebody's head and blows up if that person lies. 1st question: ? MENU 16.3 #1: "Hai" (yes) (PICK THIS) #2: "Iie" (no) #3: "Dochira" (neither!) #2, #3: it blows up! You are also hurt slightly (your health bar will have a yellow bar on it). Skip past 16.4 and 16.5. 2nd question: do you weigh 200 kilograms? MENU 16.4 #1: "Hai" (yes) #2: "Iie" (no) (PICK THIS) #3: "Dochira" (neither!) #1, #3: it blows up! You are also hurt slightly (your health bar will have a yellow bar on it). Skip past 16.5. 3rd question: will you do your best? MENU 16.5 #1: "Hai" (yes) (Ko+) #2: "Iie" (no) #3: "Dochira" (neither!) #1: You: "Hai...." * training (free) * free movement (evening) Kohran is in the shower again. MENU 16.7 - #1: shorter #2: longer (no mood change) #1: Peek... Kohran: "Aaa, SHOWA-ha [??][??] chiEEnaaa." (Best guess: "Ah, a hot shower was wise.") MENU 16.7.1 - #1: you leave. Skip 16.7.2. Wait: (no mood change) Wait: Kohran: "...! What the devil?!" MENU 16.7.2 - #1: short (Ko-) #2: medium (no mood change) #3: long (Ko-) #1: You say something about a banana, then Kohran hits you... #2: You: "Er, uh, who's that?" Kohran: "Oh, Carl-san. It's Kohran." You: "It's Kohran, huh? I'll close (?)." Kohran: "No." You: (couldn't figure out) #3: "...NEZUMI ka?" (Is there a rat?) #2: you leave. ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 17 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ If Kohran is very happy with you, then she will drop by your bedroom in the morning and ask you to come to the hangar. MENU 17.1 - #1: "Hai, ii desu." (Ko+) #2: "Iie." #1: This gets you into another barrage of questions. Kohran gives more red hint text, but they are exactly the same except for the first kanji character. All of them have " sa..." in them, so avoid the questions that have the correct kanji but the wrong sentence ending (the wrong one usually has "me" in it). Kanji A looks like a tree. Kanji B has a square with a horizontal line inside it. Kanji C looks like a stick person with a square for a body and a cross inside the square. 1st correct answer: Kanji A BARUBU wo akeru. 2nd correct answer: Kanji B BARUBU wo akeru. 3rd correct answer: Kanji C BARUBU wo akeru. If you miss #2 or #3, then you have to start the sequence from the beginning. Next, replace "wo a keru" with "shimete" and reverse the kanji order. 4th correct answer: Kanji C shimete. 5th correct answer: Kanji B shimete. 6th correct answer: Kanji A shimete. If you miss #5 or #6, then you have to start the sequence from #4. All 6 correct with at most one mistake per triplet: (Ko+) Now she changes the words again. 7th correct answer: Kanji B BARUBU, REBAA. 8th correct answer: Kanji C BARUBU wo akeru. 9th correct answer: Kanji A BARUBU, REBAA. If you miss #8 or #9, then you have to start the sequence from #7. And then again! 10th correct answer: Kanji A BARUBU, REBAA. 11th correct answer: Kanji C BARUBU, wo shimeru. 12th correct answer: Kanji B BARUBU, REBAA. If you miss #11 or #12, then you have to start the sequence from #10. All 6 correct with at most one mistake per triplet: (Ko+) And again! 13th correct answer: Kanji C BARUBU, REBAA. 14th correct answer: Kanji A BARUBU, REBAA. 15th correct answer: Kanji B BARUBU wo akeru. If you miss #14 or #15, then you have to start the sequence from #13. 16th correct answer: Kanji B BARUBU wo shimeru. 17th correct answer: Kanji A BARUBU, REBAA. 18th correct answer: Kanji C BARUBU, REBAA. If you miss #17 or #18, then you have to start the sequence from #16. All 6 correct with at most one mistake per triplet: (Ko+) All 18 correct without a mistake: (KoF) You get a picture of Kohran cleaning a Koubu. And now the pain (and the entire day!) is over... :-) IF KOHRAN IS NOT REALLY HAPPY WITH YOU: * free movement (morning) Kohran is in the courtyard. If you made Kohran angry in the shower room last night, she will be unwilling to talk to you at this time. * training (Sumire) * free movement (afternoon) Kohran's busy in the hangar. * training (free) * free movement (evening) Kohran's busy in the storeroom. ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 18 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Kohran is in the storeroom, library, or courtyard. MENU 18.1 - #1: short (no mood change) #2: medium (no mood change) #3: long, contains "Maria" (no mood change) #1: MENU 18.1.1 - #1: ends with "suru" (Ko+) #2: doesn't end with "suru" (no mood change) #2: MENU 18.1.2 - #1: short (no mood change) #2: long (Ko-) #1: Kohran: "???" * training (Maria) * free movement (afternoon) IF KOHRAN IS NOT VERY HAPPY: Kayama is in the command center. IF KOHRAN IS VERY HAPPY: Kohran is backstage. MENU 18.2 - #1: starts with "to" (Katakana) (Ko+) #2: starts with "no" (katakana) (no mood change) #3: starts with "ha" (katakana) (Ko+) MENU 18.3 - #1: short (Ko+) #2: medium (no mood change) #3: long (Ko+) MENU 18.4 - #1: shorter (Ko+) #2: longer, starts with "pe" (no mood change) #3: longer, doesn't start with "pe" (no mood change) * training (free) * free movement (evening) Kohran is practicing on stage. MENU 18.5 - #1: shorter (Ko-) #2: longer, with her name (Ko+) ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 19 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ If Kohran didn't come to your bedroom on day 17, and Kohran's mood is high enough, Kohran comes to your bedroom today to ask you to play her word game. See Menu 17.1 for instructions. Otherwise: * free movement (morning) Kohran is busy in the storeroom, library, or courtyard. * training (Iris) * free movement (afternoon) If you didn't get Kayama in the command center on day 17, you get him now. *training (free) * free movement (evening) Kohran is in the courtyard. If she's very happy, she'll give you (KoF). ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 20 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Kohran is in the hangar. MENU 20.1 - #1: short (no mood change) #2: medium (no mood change) #3: long (no mood change) #1: MENU 20.1.1 - #1: short (Ko+) #2: medium (no mood change) #3: long (Ko+) #2: MENU 20.1.2 - #1: short (Ko-) #2: medium (Ko+) #3: long (no mood change) #2: Octopus * training (Kohran) * free movement (afternoon) Kohran is in the hangar. MENU 20.2 - #1: three characters (Ko+) #2: BAWABAWA! (no mood change) #3: BAAHATSU! (Ko+) * training (free) * free movement (evening) Kohran is in her bedroom. She wants to know if you'd like to play a game with her. MENU 20.3 - #1: shorter (yes) #2: longer (no) Kohran's minigame is a puzzle game. You have 60 seconds to solve 20 puzzles. Each puzzle consists of three gears and three axles. You have to attach one or more gears to one or more empty axles. If the three gears fit together, then they will move correctly and you'll be shown the next puzzle. Kohran will be impressed (Ko+) if you solve a certain number of puzzles before the time runs out. I think the minimum is 15. It *IS* possible to solve all 20. I usually get about 17 or 18, but I have solved all 20 puzzles. The first option shows the controls. The second option allows you to practice (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED). The last option starts the real game. CONTROLS: pad - move cursor. A - place a gear on an axle. B - take back your last move. ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 21 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Kohran is busy in the storeroom or library. If you visit Kasumi at this time, she will give you a love meter to give to Kohran. :-) * training (Kanna) * Koubu battle practice * free movement (evening) Kohran is busy in the library, courtyard or storeroom. If you visited Kasumi in the morning, you can give Kohran the love meter now. MENU 21.1 - #1: short (Ko-) #2: medium (Ko+) #3: long (no mood change) #2: "SUITSUCHINEN!" ("switch on!") It overloads and explodes! Unfortunately, it does hurt you a bit. But it's funny... #3: MENU 21.1.1 - #1: Ii desu. (Ko+) #2: Iie. #1: It overloads and explodes! Unfortunately, it does hurt you a bit. But it's funny... After free movement, Kohran comes to your bedroom if her mood is high enough. MENU 21.3 - #1: shorter (Ko-) #2: longer ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 22 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ (If you chose #1 in menu 21.3) Time to get dressed for a date... 1st correct answer: "SHIYATSU..." 2nd correct answer: "KU"..."HAKU" (not "KU"..."SAKU") 3rd correct answer: ends with "KU" 4th correct answer: short 5th correct answer: first kanji is really complicated All correct: (Ko+) Shrine entrance: MENU 22.1 - #1: shorter (Ko+) #2: longer (Ko-) #1: go to the game stand #2: go to the gift stand GAME STAND MENU #1: ends with "ki" (katakana) (Ko+) #2: ends with "ki" (hiragana) (Ko+) #3: the other one (Ko+) #1: Go to the gift stand #2: Go to the gift stand #3: Go to the gift stand GIFT STAND MENU #1: shorter with kanji that has "I" (Ko+) #2: shorter with kanji that has a square (Ko+) #3: longer (Ko+) #1: go to the park #2: go to the park #3: go to the park Unless you got to the gift stand directly from 22.1, you will get a picture of Kohran stretching to get something from above. PARK MENU #1: short, "maamaa" (Ko-) #2: medium (Ko-) #3: long (Ko+) #1: go home #2: go home #3: go home And that's the end of the day. (If you chose #2 in menu 21.3) * free movement (morning) Kohran is in the hangar. MENU 22.1 - #1: short #2: medium #3: long * free movement (afternoon) Kohran is busy in the storeroom. * free movement (evening) Kohran is busy in the library. ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 23 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Kohran is in the hangar or the courtyard. MENU 23.1 - #1: ask about Sakura. (no mood change) #2: ask about Kanna. (no mood change) #3: starts with two kanji (no mood change) If you talk to Yuri at this time, she tells you something that you might find useful for Kanna. You can also catch Kasumi in the hallway and ask her about any of the characters, including Kohran. * training (Sakura) * free movement (afternoon) Kohran is in her bedroom. She asks if you'd like to do something involving red text. :-) MENU 23.2 - #1: Hai #2: Iie If you get the three right, you get (Ko+). 1st correct answer: 5 TORU. 2nd correct answer: 2 RITSU TORU. 3rd correct answer: 7. * training (free) * free movement (evening) Kohran is in the hangar. MENu 23.3 - #1: short (Ko+) #2: medium (Ko-) #3: long (Ko+) #2: you say "DOKI DOKI desu" again, but she doesn't like it. ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 24 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ (IF KOHRAN IS HAPPY WITH YOU) Kohran wants your help in building something. Could you get some parts for her? MENU 24.1 - #1: Hai (Ko+) #2: Iie She gives the phrases "53 TORU", "42 MIRI no NERUTO 23", and "21 MIRI no NATSUTO 54" in red text. These are the parts she needs for her project. 1st correct answer: "53 TORU". You get some wire. 2nd correct answer. "42...23". You get some nails. 3rd correct answer: "21...54". You get some nuts. All parts: (Ko+) Now she needs more stuff. 1st correct answer: short (Ko+) short = mop middle = chopsticks long = bamboo pole 2nd correct answer: longer w/"2" (Ko+) shorter = tea kettle longer w/"2" = vase/water gourd longer w/"shi" = milk pitcher 3rd correct answer: shorter (Ko+) shorter = dumbbells longer w/"kaga" = something that looks like whipped cream longer w/o "kaga" = ? She has now finished a control panel. She needs more things, though. For this part, remember the three kanji from that word game on day 17/19. 1st correct answer: kanji B, ends "REBAA". 2nd correct answer: kanji A, short. 3rd correct answer: kanji C, ends "REBAA". 4th correct answer: kanji C, ends "REBAA". 5th correct answer: kanji A, short. 6th correct answer: kanji B, ends "REBAA". Hooray, it's finished! (Ko+) KABOOM!!!!!!!!! (Ko+) You get to see a picture of Kohran holding a wrench. End of day. (IF KOHRAN IS NOT VERY HAPPY WITH YOU) * free movement (morning) Kohran is busy in the library. * training (Sumire) * free movement (afternoon) Kohran is busy in the courtyard. * training (free) * free movement (evening) Kohran is in the hangar. She wants to play a trivia game. MENU 24.2 - #1: "Sure" (yes) #2: "Shinai" (no) #1: QUESTION #1: NIYU-TON (Newton) ANSWER #1: ? QUESTION #2: ? ANSWER #2: shorter QUESTION #3: AINSHINYUTAIN (Einstein) ANSWER: E=mc^2 ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 25 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ (IF KOHRAN IS VERY HAPPY) * free movement (morning) MENU 25.1 - #1: ask about Sakura (no mood change) #2: ask about Kanna #3: ask something else (no mood change) (IF KOHRAN IS NOT VERY HAPPY) * free movement (morning) MENU 25.1 - #1: shorter #2: longer with kanji at beginning (no mood change) #3: longer w/o kanji at beginning (NORMAL) * training (Maria) * free movement (afternoon) Kohran is in her bedroom. She asks if you want to play her mini-game again. MENU 25.2 - #1: short (yes) #2: long (no) #1: after playing, she will ask you another question. MENu 25.2.1 - #1: "Are" (Ko+) #2: "Nai" * training (free) * free movement (evening) If you answered "Nai" in 25.2.1 (or you didn't even visit Kohran in the afternoon), and you haven't played the science trivia game in 24.2 yet, you can at this time. If you answered "Are" in menu 25.2.1, then Kohran will be waiting for you in her bedroom. She demonstrates her dish-spinning technique. MENU 25.3 - #1: ? #2: ? #3: longer (Ko+, KoF) ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 26 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ (IF KOHRAN IS VERY HAPPY) * free movement (morning) MENU 26.1 - #1: shorter #2: longer w/o kanji at beginning #3: longer w/kanji at beginning #1: MENU 26.1.1 - #1: shorter, starts with "I" (Ko+) #2: shorter, starts with "ki" #3: longer (Ko+) #1: a toolbox #2: ? #3: some plates * training (Iris) * free movement (afternoon) MENU 26.2 - #1: starts with two kanji (no mood change) #2: the other one #1: 1st correct answer: kanji with square 2nd correct answer: three diagonal lines 3rd correct answer: kanji with "I", followed by "shi" All correct: (Ko+) * training (free) * free movement (evening) Kohran makes a rare appearance at the terrace. She's thinking about your coming departure from the theater at the end of the month. (Ko+) (IF KOHRAN IS NOT VERY HAPPY) * free movement (morning) Kohran is busy in the storeroom. * training (Iris) * free movement (afternoon) Kohran is in the courtyard. MENU 26.3 - #1: shorter (Ko-) #2: longer * training (free) * free movement (evening) Kohran is busy in the storeroom. ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 27 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Kohran is in her bedroom. BOOM! MENU 27.1 - #1: short ("?") (no mood change) #2: medium ("?") #3: long ("!") (Ko+) * Training (Kohran) * free movement (afternoon) Kohran is busy in the courtyard. * Training (free) * free movement (evening) Kohran is in her bedroom. MENU 27.2 - #1: shorter (?) #2: shorter (?) #3: longer, begins with "ii" (good) (Ko+) ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 28 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Kohran is busy in the command center. * training (Kanna) (IF KOHRAN IS VERY HAPPY) * Koubu battle practice... but wait, it's now a real battle!!! MENU 28.1 #1: shorter #2: longer (Yoneda isn't angry) After the battle, Kohran asks if you'd like to spend time the next day. MENU 28.2 - #1: Hai #2: Iie (IF KOHRAN ISN'T VERY HAPPY) * Koubu battle practice * free movement (evening) Kohran is busy in the courtyard. ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 29 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ (IF YOU ANSWERED "HAI" TO 28.2) Get dressed again... 1st correct: kanji w/sun 2nd correct: shorter, ends with "ro" 3rd correct: medium 4th correct: shorter with "HA" 5th correct: short You and Kohran go to the shrine. How much are you going to donate for your wish? 1 sen 10 sen 10 yen (OTHERWISE) Oogami visits your room in the morning. He says something and laughs. You leave your room and bump into Kasumi in the hall. MENu 29.1 - #1: shorter #2: longer (At this point I got rather empty-headed...) Kasumi and Yuri ask you three more questions, none of which I bothered to check... Now Maria asks you three questions... Then Kanna... Then Sakura... Then Sumire... Then Kohran. MENU 29.19 - #1: shorter #2: longer, starts with "ma" (PICK THIS ONE) #3: longer MENU 29.20 - #1: shorter #2: longer One of these causes an explosion, but you still get (Ko+). Lastly, Iris asks her questions. Yoneda stops you in the hall and asks a question. Finally, Oogami comes to your room and asks you a question. ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 30 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ When you get up, you go down to the hangar. Oogami wants you to pick a character to play a mini-game against. For once, a menu isn't scrambled... to pick Kohran, pick the last option twice. Her name will appear on the top row of the third page of choices. BOOM! BOOOOM! She appears in her usual fashion. :-) After playing the mini-game (Ko+ if you do well), you have to pick a Koubu to fight a mech with. No reaction if you win. ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 31 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ They all give their goodbyes. If Kohran likes you most, she'll say goodbye again outside the theater. If Kohran really likes you, she'll say goodbye again at the train station. She'll give you a gift that lets you buy her pictures and voice clips from Tsubaki. (ENDING TEXT FOR A DECENT PERFORMANCE) Omedetou! Anata no [??][??] na [??][??] hamasani [??][??] [??][??] ki desu! [??][??] ya [??][??][??] no seibimo, [??][??] shite makasera rerudeshiyau! (incomplete translation) Congratulations! Your ?? ?? fell into ?? ?? is spirit! ?? ?? ?? gift (?), ?? ?? appoint entrust ????. (KOHRAN'S ENDING TEXT) [name]-han, [??][??][??][??] NENMA ni o[??] rehan. [??] eba, [name]-han ni hairohairo mei wa kumokakete moutanaa~. [??][??]toka, [??][??]toka, [??][??]toka............. te, [??][??]bakkariyanka!! Na~n teiuhutoribo U haoitoite... [Name]-han ni ha UCHI kara sasayakana ga [??] ri [??] ga arunya. Atode [??][??][??] he [??] temirutoeede. Kitte, [name]-han no [??] shikatte mo no ga [??] itearu sakai. Hona, matana. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to Sega for creating a great game series. Thanks to Nintendo for not laughing at Sega for wanting to make a Game Boy game! Thanks to for providing me with this and many other imports. Thanks to Kayama for his well-organized translation FAQs, which helped guide me in a way. Also thanks to Vash for his Hanagumi Taisen Columns FAQs, since I play that game a lot, too. :-) This FAQ is Copyright 2000 Carl Chavez. This FAQ may be distributed freely for non-commercial use. It may not be edited or altered in any way. It may not be distributed with advertising in any form without permission. has explicit permission to distribute this FAQ.