Sakura Wars GB FAQ - Sumire version 1.0 by Carl Chavez ( or Last updated 13 December 2000. This FAQ is intended to show players of Sakura Wars GB the various effects of choices in the game. It shows players the effects of LIPS menu choices and mini-game performance. It also tells players of the likely locations of Sumire for each day. This FAQ is not originally intended to be a translation FAQ. However, as I improve my ability to understand Japanese, I will try to update the FAQ with translations. I will have a general Sakura Wars GB FAQ available in the near future. The general FAQ describes the effects of each shop item, a list of special events, and whatever else doesn't belong in the character-specific FAQs. The latest version of this FAQ may be found: -------------- Conventions -------------- The FAQ is divided into 31 parts. Each part represents one day of the game. Each menu is numbered for reference. The first number represents the day, and the second number represents a question in that day. Any following numbers represent subquestions for a particular question. For example, "4.2.2" would be the second subquestion of the second question on day 4. "1.1" is the first question on day 1. If you've seen Kayama's excellent translation FAQs for Sakura Wars 1/2/3, you'll see my system is very similar to his. Under each menu are a group of questions. Unlike previous versions of Sakura Wars (1, 2, 3, Columns 1, Columns 2), the menus are randomly ordered. This means that players who can't read Japanese characters can't play based on the order of the questions anymore! Therefore, I devised a system to help players who can't read Japanese characters: Most questions have three choices. They are usually of different lengths. In these cases, I describe the choices as "short", "medium", and "long". Other questions have two choices. If they are of different lengths, I refer to one as "shorter" and the other as "longer". If a three-part question has two answers of the same length, I refer to the longer one as "longer" and the other two as "shorter". Then I give an easy-to-remember Japanese character if possible... if it's not possible (like with kanji), I try to describe the character or the look of the sentence. If all of the choices in a question are of the same length, I try to describe the characters as I have said above. The characters I use most often for descriptions are: ku - like Pac-Man's mouth (Paku-Man...) wo - like "TLC" smashed together re - a curly cursive capital 'n' su - like a cross with a twisted circle near the bottom shi - like a curved 'L' chi - like an upside down communist hammer-and-sickle go - one curved line over another, not touching, with two dots above Reactions are described as follows; (no mood change) - the choice does not affect the character's mood. (Ko+) - the character becomes more happy. (Ma-) - the character becomes less happy. (SaF) - the character *F*lashed. I think the meaning of the flash depends on the situation. It may be an indicator of of a hug, a kiss, or an expression of surprise like a gasp. (Su2xF) - the character flashed more than once (in this case, twice). [no reaction text] - it either means that I haven't mapped that choice yet, or that it has no effect. If you see [??] in a group of text, it means that a character was kanji. I can't read kanji yet... If you see words in all capitals, like "ATARI" or "RENBAA", then a character said something that was written in katakana. ************************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ***** DAY 1 ************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ************************************************************ * Enter name * Oogami asks you a question. MENU 1.1 #1: kanji contains an 'x' #2: kanji doesn't contain an 'x' #1: Oogami is saddened #2: Oogami is satisfied * Meet the theater group MENU 1.2 #1: short (Ka+, Ma+) #2: medium (Su+, Ma-, Ir+) #3: long (Ko+, Sa+, SaF) #2: "Yo-ku, oboete okinasai." I think Sumire reminds you to get up on time... * Pick a koubu for your first battle practice Win battle If you picked #1 on menu 1.2 (Ir+, Su+) Iris: "Wa-i! sugoi, sogo-i!" Sumire: "Ara, SHIROUTO ni shite hyarimasu wa ne." If you picked #2 on menu 1.2 (Ma+, Ka+) If you picked #3 on menu 1.2 (Ko+, Sa+) Lose battle: no mood change * Meet Yuri, Kasumi, and Tsubaki * Oogami takes you to your room and hands you a notebook. The notebook contains the schedule of your training. MENU 1.3 #1: shorter #2: longer (Oogami saddened) ************************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ***** DAY 2 ************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ************************************************************ * get dressed This part requires you to answer five questions about what clothes to put on. If you make a mistake, it asks you the same question over and over until you get it right. If you don't make any mistakes, you get free movement. If you make one mistake, you meet Sakura on time (Sa+). If you make two or more mistakes, you meet Sakura late (Sa-). #1st correct choice: starts with SU (katakana), ends with Re (hiragana) #2nd: starts and ends with Ku (hiragana) #3rd: ends with Ku (hiragana) #4th: middle contains Wo (hiragana), ends with Re (hiragana) #5th: longest one; it contains two repeating To characters (hiragana) * free movement (morning) You only get this if you didn't make any mistakes when dressing. Sumire is most likely in the salon. You: "A, Sumire-san da" MENU 2.2 - #1: shortest of the three (Su+) #2: middle-length (no change) #3: longest of the three (Su-) #3: You: "Sumire-san, ohayou gozaimasu. Ano... ?? ?? ohimo desu ka?" Sumire: "Ara, [name]-san. Soreha, dou iutsu mori?" (Note that she mispronounces your name.) "Watakushi wo sasou nante 100 [years early] injanakutte. Son na koto yori, ?? ?? ni hageminasai." You: "Ano... ?? no ?? ?? ha, [name] desu yo." Sumire: "En na koto, dou demo ii ja arimasen no." * training (Sakura) * free movement (afternoon) Sumire is in the cafeteria. You: "A, Sumire-san. O-?? wasamo desu. Sumire-san, ano..." MENU 2.3 - #1: shorter, ending with "re" (hiragana) (no mood change) #2: shorter, not ending with "re" (Su+) #3: longer W: #3: Sumire: "...SUTAA toiu watakushi ni ta yoranaito, mina-san yatte ikenai no desu wa." MENU 2.3.3 - #1: kanji with 'x' (no mood change) #2: kanji without 'x' #1: You: "Tokanantoka ?? chotte minna no koto ga ?? kinandesho Sumire-san." Sumire: "Na, nani wo osshatteru no. Minna ga watakushi wo ?? kina no ni ?? motte ru jaarimasen no." (blushes) "...?????? ga narinba ?? ?? itashimasen." * training (free) * free movement (evening) Sumire is in the cafeteria. MENU 2.4 - #1: First kanji is a square with two lines (Su+) #2: #3: ************************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ***** DAY 3 ************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Sumire is in the salon or the dressing room. No conversation possible. If you visit Yuri, she will tell you something about Sumire. Yuri: "Ara, Bub-kun. Nee, ??tte ru? Sumire-san no o?? ??tte ?? ?? ?? ?? no ?? SUTAA na no yo. Enhamou SUTEKI de ?? ?? bakarijanakute ?? ?? no FUN mo ?? ino yo. -??, Sumire-san ni o?? ?? no o ??, ?? kasemo rautoiiwa. Ja, mata ne." * training (Sumire) Sumire: "Konnichiha, [name]-san (mispronounced)." You: "Chigaimasu yo. ?? no ?? ?? ha, [name] desu yo." That is wrong. ?? ?? ?? ??, I am [name]. Sumire: "En na ito, dou domoiija arimasen no." * free movement (afternoon) If you visit Kasumi, she will ask a favor. She would like you to bring a package to Iris. Kasumi: "[name]-san. Doukashimashita ka? A, kore desu ne. Kore ha ?? ?? Iris he no FUNRETA- nan desu. Okuri ??mo, konnanitakusan. Iris hare ?? ?? ?? ?? towazu ?? ?? ga a sun desu yo. [name]-san. -tsu o?? ?? wo o ?? ishitai no desu kedo... Korewo Iris ni ?? kete hoshiin desu. O??ishimasu ne." Otherwise... (IF YOU DIDN'T TALK TO YURI IN THE MORNING) Sumire is in the cafeteria. You: ("Huh? Sumire-san da.... SUPU-N wo ?? u no ka....) " MENU 3.1 - #1: shorter (Su+) Pick up the spoon. #2: longer (Su-) Don't pick up the spoon. #1: "Hai, Sumire-san. Chinaminiboku no ?? ?? ha [name] desu yo." (IF YOU TALKED TO YURI IN THE MORNING) You: "Sumire-san. O ? resama desu." "(Euda....Yuri-san kara ?? nita o??-san no ????itemi you)" "Sumire-san. Sumire-san no o????tte SUGOIKA shii desu ne." Sumire: "Watakushi no ?? ha ???? SUTAA no [????hina] yo. ?? tteru desha." MENU 3.2 - #1: short #2: medium (Su+) #3: long (Su+) #2: Sumire: "Yokuowakari ne. Desu ka ra watakushi ha ??marena ga ranishite SUTAA no ?? ?? wo ??tteiru. Kore ha ?? ?? no koto desu wa yo ne. Kanna-san nimo ?? kete sashi ?? getai wa. Hohoho. Ara.... Ero-ero ?? ?? no ?? ?? desu wa ne. Ganbarinasai." * training (free) * free movement (evening) Sumire is in the wardrobe room. She mispronounces your name and you have to correct her again, then she leaves. ************************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ***** DAY 4 ************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) MENU 4.1 - #1: shorter, ends with "ku" (Su-) #2: shorter, ends with "ite" (Su+) #3: longer (Su+) #2: Some red text is here: "shii watakushi wo ?? ?? ni." #3: Sumire is surprised. Sumire: "Ara, kono watakushi to, o???? woshita idanante, 92 [years early] i desu wa." (Note that you've gained 8 "years" since day 1...?) "Maa, ?? shisugiru watakushi ga ?? nanoha. wakatte imasu ka........ jaa, ??????-??, ganbarinasai." * training (Maria) * free movement (afternoon) (IF YOU TALKED TO YURI YESTERDAY MORNING) Sumire is in the cafeteria now. See menu 3.1. * training (free) * free movement (evening) Sumire is in her bedroom. MENU 4.2 - #1: short (Su-) #2: medium (no mood change) #3: long (Su+) ************************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ***** DAY 5 ************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Sumire is in the salon and mispronounces your name again. * training (Iris) * free movement (afternoon) Sumire is in the entrance hall or the salon. Sumire: "Ah, [name]-san. (mispronounced) Choudo yo katta wa. ?? ?? ?? ?? no ?? ni aru ZENSU wo ?? tekite kudasaranai?" MENU 5.1 - #1: Hai (yes) (Su+) #2: Iie (no) #1: You: "Hai. Yorokonde. Chato ??tte tekudasai ne." (You leave for a bit and then come back.) "Hai. Sumire-san. Chinaminiboku no ?? ?? ha [name] desu yo." Sumire: "Ara, eu deshita kashira. Maa, enhatomo kakudou mo arigatou." * training (free) * free movement (evening) Sumire is in the wardrobe room. She mispronounces your name again. If you visit Maria (usually at the entrance hall stairs) at this time, she will ask you to do pushups for her the next morning, which means you'll miss a chance to get an extra Kohran point. If you don't see Maria the next morning, she'll be angry (Ma-). If you do see Maria, hit the A button rapidly to perform pushups. ************************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ***** DAY 6 ************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Sumire is in the wardrobe room. MENU 6.1 - #1: short (Su-) #2: medium ("Doki doki desu") (no mood change) #3: long (no mood change) #2: Sumire looks angry and asks you another question. MENU 6.1.2 - #1: shorter (Su+) #2: longer (Su-) * training (Kohran) * free movement (afternoon) Sumire is in the entrance hall. * training (free) * free movement (evening) Sumire is in her bedroom. She'd like you to grow flowers out of a few packets of seeds. MENU 6.2 - #1: hai (Su+) #2: iie ************************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ***** DAY 7 ************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Sumire is in the wardrobe room. * training (Kanna) * Koubu battle practice * free movement (evening) Sumire is in the wardrobe room. ************************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ***** DAY 8 ************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ************************************************************ Oogami comes to your bedroom. He wants you to meet the others at a party. You to the dressing room. Everyone except Sumire is in a good mood. Yoneda asks what you want to drink: MENU 8.1 - #1: (forgot to look) #2: katakana "Ju-su wo" (Juice) Next, each of the main characters ask you a question. SAKURA - #1: has a kanji that looks like a flower (Sa+) #2: (forgot to look) W: (no mood change) SUMIRE - #1: shorter (Su+) #2: longer (Su-) KANNA - #1: Tsuyoi (Ka+) #2: Shiwai (Ka-) MARIA - #1: shorter (Ma+) #2: longer (no reaction) KOHRAN - #1: shorter (Ko+) #2: longer W: Ko- IRIS - #1: short, starts with "chi" (Ir-) #2: short, doesn't start with "chi" (Ir+) #3: long question #2: You: "Souda yo." Suddenly the alert signal goes off. MENU 8.2 - #1: (no obvious reaction) W: (Yoneda is angry) Now you're outside in your Koubu. Oogami asks you to look around the area ("soba ni iru da"). MENU 8.3 - #1: doesn't end with "su" #2: ends with "su" #1: You: "Wakaramashita." Oogami: "Yoshi, ikuzo!!" You find the enemy, but Oogami and Maria decide not to fight it. #2: you find the enemy, but Oogami and Maria decide not to fight it. MENU 8.4 - #1: short (Yoneda isn't angry) #2: medium (Yoneda isn't angry) #3: long, ends with "..." ************************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ***** DAY 9 ************************************************ ***** ************************************************ ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Sumire is in the entrance hall. MENU 9.1 - #1: longer, one kanji looks like a three-part box (no mood change) #2: starts with "Maria" #3: starts with "Sumire" (Su+) * training (Sakura) * free movement (afternoon) Sumire is in the wardrobe room. MENU 9.2 - #1: shorter (Su-) #2: longer (no mood change) #2: Sumire says something with red text. It's three kanji (last one has an "I" on the bottom). The next red text is "Sono ?? wohanase!". The third is "Hikyoudazo!" Get all three correct: (Su+) * training (free) * free movement (evening) Sumire is in the salon or entrance hall. MENU 9.3 - #1: shorter #2: longer, ends with "ya" #3: longer, with katakana #3: MENU 9.3.3 - #1: shorter (Su+) #2: longer ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 10 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Sumire is busy in the wardrobe room. * training (Sumire) * free movement (afternoon) Sumire is in the shower room (sort of...). MENU 10.1 - #1: shorter (no mood change) #2: longer (no mood change) W: run away W: Ayame's in the shower! Run away! #1: Sumire is drowning in the pool! MENU 10.1.1 - #1: save her (Su+, Sa+) W: wait #1: Sumire thanks you. Sakura comes in and asks what happened. Sumire tells her that you saved her. Then you black out. Later, you wake up in the sickbay. You are slightly hurt (yellow bar on your health meter) and you miss the free training and evening free movement. W: Ayame runs in and saves Sumire. Ayame: "...Tokorode, [name]-kun. Anata, nani shiteta no?" You: "....Eh?" Eventually, Ayame takes you to Yoneda's office, where you get scolded and kicked out of the theater. ** GAME OVER ** #2: Ayame is in the shower! MENU 10.1.2 - #1: leave W: stay W: Ayame catches you in the shower room and she scolds you. She also tells you that she will tell Yoneda of this. (I'm guessing you can eventually get kicked out of the theater for misbehaving.) * training (free) * free movement (evening) Sumire is in the salon. ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 11 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Sumire is in the entrance hall. MENU 11.1 - #1: shorter (no mood change) #2: longer with rectangular kanji (no mood change) #3: longer without rectangular kanji (no mood change) #1: Sumire is saddened. MENU 11.1.1 - #1: shorter (Su+) #2: longer #2: Sumire is saddened. MENU 11.1.2 - #1: shorter without kanji #2: shorter with kanji (Su+) #3: longer (Su-) #3: Sumire is surprised. MENU 11.1.3 - #1: shorter (Su+) #2: longer (Su-) * training (Maria) * free movement (afternoon) Sumire is in the salon or wardrobe room. * training (free) * free movement (evening) Sumire is in the entrance hall or dressing room. MENU 11.2 - (This one's kind of tough to tell the differences with: they are exactly the same except for two kanji) #1: a kanji in the middle has an 'x' (Su+) #2: a kanji in the middle has a really dark left side (Su-) #3: a kanji in the middle doesn't have a really dark left side (Su-) ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 12 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Sumire is busy in the wardrobe room. * training (Iris) * free movement (afternoon) Sumire is in the theater's balcony. Kanna stops you from entering. Kanna: "Ara, [name]. Eh? Kono ?? he ?? runoka yo. Yoshitoitahougaiize. ?? niha, sumire ga irundokedo ?? hasakki, Sakura to KENKA shitamitaidesa-. Anmashi, kigengayokunainda yo~." MENU 12.1 - #1: Ends with 'u' #2: Ends with 'no yameru' #1: Kanna: "Soukai. Ja, maa, ganbarina." Sure, well ,good luck. Kanna lets you pass. Sumire is really angry about something. Sumire: "Ara, [name]-san. Nan desu no?" You: "Sakki.... Sakura-san to KENKA sareta sou desu kedo........" MENU 12.1.1 - #1: starts with "Sumire-san" (no mood change) #2: #3: ends with "desu yo" (Su+) #1: Sumire: "Atarimae desu wa. Ano ?? ?? ??ttara, watakushi no ?? ?? ?? wonetande.... Annakotoya, konnakotowosurun desu no. Mo-watakushi, ?? ga ??tte, ?? ga ??tte!" MENU - #1: ends with "no yameru" (Su-) W: (Su+) W: Sumire: "....toiukotonan desu no. Aa, sukkiri shimashita wa. Deha, watakushi hakorede ?? ?? shimasu wa." #2: Kanna is relieved. You leave. * training (free) * free movement (evening) Sumire is in the salon or the dressing room. Sumire: "Ara, [name]-san. ?? ?? rigokurousama." You: "Sumire-san. Konna, ?? osokuni doushitan desu ka?" Sumire: "?? renakute.... ?? shi ?? ideimashita no." (SuF) Sumire: "Soreja, oyasuminasai." Well, then, good night! ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 13 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Sumire is in the wardrobe room or the entrance hall. MENU 13.1 - #1: shorter with no kanji #2: shorter with three kanji (no mood change) #3: longer #1: MENU 13.1.1 - #1: shorter (Su+) #2: longer #2: MENU 13.1.2 - #1: second half starts with 'ko' (Su+) #2: second half starts with 'o' (Su-) #3: second half starts with 'ka' (Su-) #1: Sumire is touched, and says something about 1 retraction. Sumire: "Sou desu wa. Yoku 1 'retraction' oboeraremashita ne." * training (Kohran) * free movement (afternoon) Sumire is in the salon. Iris is in her bedroom, and you can play her mini-game. * training (free) * free movement (evening) Sumire is in the salon, entrance hall or dressing room. MENU 13.2 - #1: starts with Kohran's name (no mood change) #2: starts with katakana (no mood change) #3: ends with 'ku' (no mood change) W: (Su-) #2: MENU 13.2.2 (untimed) - #1 short (cocoa) (Su+) #2 medium (a kid's life preserver) (Su-) #3 long (dumbbells) (Su-) #3: MENU 13.2.3 - #1: shorter (Su-) #2: longer ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 14 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) If you talked to Iris yesterday afternoon and said "hai" to her question after the mini-game was finished, but you didn't talk to her in the evening, then she comes to your bedroom and is very angry. You miss the morning's free movement turn. * training (Kanna) * Koubu battle practice * free movement (evening) Sumire is in the wardrobe room, salon, or entrance hall. ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 15 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Sumire is in the wardrobe room, salon, or entrance hall. MENU 15.1 (untimed) - #1: enryosuru #2: o??ishimasu #2: You: "Zehi, o??ishimasu. Sumire-san. Wakarimashita. Shikkari ??? mechoudaine. Mazu, o?? desu ga. Mechigatte mo MINERARU ?? ha DAME desu wa yo." Sumire proceeds to give you three hints in red text so she can ask you some questions. CORRECT ANSWER #1: short, contains a star kanji CORRECT ANSWER #2: contains "tata" CORRECT ANSWER #3: medium All three correct: (Su+) Sumire talks about Kohran's "GO-RUDEN-RURU" (golden rule), which involves 1 "KATSUBU" and 1 "TEI-SUBU-N" (teaspoon?). * free movement (afternoon) Sumire is in the wardrobe room, salon, or entrance hall. * free movement (evening) Sumire is in the wardrobe room, salon, or entrance hall. ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 16 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) MENU 16.1 - #1: shorter with lots of kanji (no mood change) #2: shorter without lots of kanji (no mood change) #3: longer (no mood change) #1: MENU 16.1.1 - #1: short (noodles) (no mood change) #2: medium (bento) (Su+) #3: long (steak?) (no mood change) #2: MENU 16.1.2 - #1: short (Su+) #2: medium (Su-) #3: long (Su-) #3: MENU 16.1.3 - #1: short (Su-) #3: medium (nothing) #2: long (Su-) * training (Sakura) * free movement (afternoon) Sumire is in the shower room, but the shower is broken. Sumire asks you to fix it. MENU 16.2 - #1: Hai (Su+) #2: Iie #1: After fixing the shower, Sumire thanks you. Sumire: "Arigatou. Tokorode, [name]-san. Naze, kokomi ?? ta no?" MENU 16.2.1 - #1: shorter(no mood change) #2: longer, starts with "Sumire" (Su-) W: (no mood change) * training (free) * free movement (evening) Sumire is in her bedroom. Yuri stops you on the way there and gives you Sumire's fan mail. You give the mail to Sumire. (Su+) ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 17 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ If Sumire is very happy with you, then she will drop by your bedroom in the morning and ask you to come to the cafeteria to learn TE-BURUMA-NA (table manners). MENU 17.1 - #1: shorter #2: longer (Su+) #2: This gets you into a barrage of questions. Most of these choices look the same, so the choices must usually be differentiated by the kanji. Forgive me for my crude descriptions. :-) 1st correct answer: first kanji's bottom looks like 'x' 2nd correct answer: first kanji's bottom looks like 'I' 3rd correct answer: choice contains 'hi', which looks like the Roman 'U' 4th correct answer: longer; first kanji does NOT look like a gate (or for you Tron fans, a "Recognizer") 5th correct answer: contains a square 6th correct answer: second character is 'no' 7th correct answer: first kanji looks like a roof's TV antenna 8th correct answer: medium 9th correct answer: first kanji's bottom looks like 'I' All correct: you get a special picture of Sumire wiping her mouth with a napkin. (Su+) Sumire: "Sasuga desu wa ne. [name]-san. ?? ?? desu wa. ?? ?? desu wa yo." 1 mistake: No special picture. (Su+) ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 18 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) MENU 18.1 - #1: short (no mood change) #2: medium (no mood change) #3: long (no mood change) #1: Sumire is surprised. #3: Sumire asks what your favorite color is. MENU 18.1.3 - #1: short, "aka" (red) (Su-) #2: medium, "PINKU desu" (pink) (Su-) #3: long, "murasaki desu" (violet) (Su+) #3: You: It is purple. ("Murasaki" and "sumire" both mean violet, though "sumire" is the violet flower... you are such a brown-noser! :-) ) Sumire: "Murasaki? Sou, ii ?? desu wa ne. Watakushimo ?? ?? ki desu wa. Ara, [name]-san. ?? ?? no ?? maru ?? ?? janakutte." * training (Maria) * free movement (afternoon) MENU 18.2 (untimed) #1: Enryo suru #2: O ?? ishimasu (no mood change) #2: Another red-text question barrage... Correct answer #1: medium, contains 'tata' Correct answer #2: long Correct answer #3: long, contains '3' All three correct: (Su+) Sumire: "Subarashii desu wa. [name]-san." * training (free) * free movement (evening) Sumire is in the shower room for the third time. She really likes being clean... You: "Oh! Sumire-san da...." MENU 18.3 - #1: shorter (stay) (no mood change) #2: longer (leave) W: (no mood change) #1: Sumire: "Sasuga watakushi, nante ?? bekina SUMAIRU nanokashira.... MENU 18.3.1 - #1: leave W: W: Sumire: "....! ??? Sokoni ?? kaimasu no!" MENU 18.3.1.W #1: short (Su-) #2: medium (no mood change) #3: long (Su-) #1: You: "(Kokoha ?? geyou...)" You: "Ah! BANANA no ?? ga! O, o?? ?? sugiruuu! Uwaa!" Sumire hits you. (Or are you purposely falling?!) You: "Atatataatata...." #2: You: "(Kokoha ?? geyou...)" You: "Ah, sumimasen.... donataka ??tte rassha run desu ne?" Sumire: "Ah, [name]-san? Watakushi desu wa." You: "Sumire-san deshita ka.... koreha ?? ?? shimashita." Sumire: "Iie. O?? wotsukeninatte choudai." You: "(??katta....)" #3: You: "NYA-O." Sumire: "Ara, UKO-chan deshita no...." You: () Sumire: "Te, sonna ni ookina NEKO ga iru wake gozaimasen desho!" #1, #3: (in the locker room, after your poor attempt to cover for yourself) Sumire: "[name]-san! Nozokidanante, watakushi ?? sokonaimashita wa! FUN!" ("FUN" as in the sound, not "fun" as in enjoyable...) ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 19 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * Sumire comes to your bedroom again. (No free movement in the morning.) Sumire: "Chotto yoroshi ikashira?" You: "Hai, douzo." Sumire: "Ohayou, [name]-san." You: "Ohayou gozaimasu. Sumire-san." Sumire: "Bub-san te, ?? ?? ohima desu ka? Moshi yoroshi kereba, ?? ?? keiko no o???? nado wo...." MENU 19.1 - #1: Ii, desu yo. (Su+) #2: the other choice #1: You: "Ii desu yo. ?? deha ?? ni ??te runara oyasuigo ?? desu yo." Sumire: "Sou desu ka. Deha, ?? ??, ?? ?? de o??chishite imasu wa." * training (Iris) * free movement (afternoon) Sumire is at the pool. Sumire: "Ara, [name]-san. ?? ?? no ?? ?? ni irashitan desu no? Sou da wa. [name]-san ha derekurai ?? wo ?? mete irareru ka, ?? setekudasai na." MENU 19.2 - #1: hai #2: iie #1: Sumire: "Deha, ?? memashou ka. Junbihaii desu wa ne. ?? me!" I think she wants your opinion on her swimsuit. MENU 19.2.1 - #1: (Su-) W: W: You: "(Mada ikeru kana....)" MENU 19.2.1.W - #1: W: W: You: "Da, daibu ?? shikunatte kita kana...." MENU 19.2.1.W.W - #1: "Soso..." (Su+) W: #1: Sumire: "Naka-naka yarimasu wa ne. [name]-san. Mazu-mazu desu wa. Sore deha, watakushi mou ?? shi ?? gimasu kara. ?? ??...." * training (free) * free movement (evening) Sumire is on stage. You: "Sumire-san. O??taseshimashita." Sumire: "Deha, ?? memashou ka. [name]-san. Anata ha, ?? ?? ?? no ?? desu wa. ?? ?? ?? ?? vs ?? ?? ?? no ?? ?? woyarimasu wa yo." More red text now... Correct answer #1: first kanji contains 'I', nikawashi "'left' ni kawashi" Correct answer #2: Bawa ?? shitekawashi Correct answer #3: kanji looks like a t-square "'turn to your right', 'rose punch'" ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 20 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Kayama is in the dressing room instead of Sumire. He will ask you three trivia questions about Sumire and Kohran. The questions are randomized * training (Kohran) * free movement (afternoon) Sumire is in the salon. * training (free) * free movement (evening) Sumire wants you to play a quiz game in her bedroom. She will ask you three questions about Kohran. Correct answer #1: 3 Correct answer #2: medium Correct answer #3: HA-BU ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 21 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Sumire is too busy to talk. * training (Kanna) * Koubu battle practice * free movement (evening) Sumire is on stage. MENU 21.1 - #1: starts with "Sumire", has kanji in the middle #2: starts with "Sumire", doesn't have kanji in the middle (Su+) #3: doesn't start with "Sumire" After free movement, Sumire knocks on your door if she's happy enough. She wants to know if you want to spend the next day together. MENU 21.2 - #1: shorter #2: longer (Su+) ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 22 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ (If you chose #1 in menu 21.2) Time to get dressed for a date... 1st correct answer: "SHIYATSU..." 2nd correct answer: "ku"..."haku" (not "ku"..."saku") 3rd correct answer: ends with "ku" 4th correct answer: short 5th correct answer: first kanji is really complicated All correct: (Su+) On the street: Sumire: "Saa, ?? imasu wa yo~. Hai. [name]-san. Kono ?? ?? ?? ??tte." MENU 22.1 - #1: hai (Su+) #2: iie #1: You: "(?? ?? ??chika.... maaiiya. Sumire-san to issho ni irarerushi..)" Sumire: "Hai. ?? ikore ne." MENU 22.1.1 - #1: shorter (no mood change) #2: longer (Su-) #1: You: "(Huh? Kekkou ?? izo....)" Sumire: "Hai. ?? hakore ne." MENU - #1: shorter ("Ha, hai") (no mood change) #2: longer (....) #1: Sumire: "Hai. ?? hakore ne." MENU - #1: Ha, hai (Su-) #2: ..... (Su+) #1: You: "Ha, hai~. ......... Ahhhhh! Kuzuretaaa!" Sumire: "Kyah! Nante koto desu no? ?? tenainara, ?? tenaito-chan to osshai! Matta kumo-. Saa, ?? ku ??inasai. ??rimasu yo." (back at the theater's entrance hall) Sumire: "Toriaezu, ?? ?? ha go ?? ?? samadeshita. Deha...." #2: You: "Mo-, DAME desu. Soro-soro, ?? desu." Sumire has a big stack of goodies. Sumire: "Ara, sou? Ma, iro-iro ?? imashitashi, soro-soro ?? rimashouka." (back at the theater's entrance hall) Sumire: "[name]-san. ?? ?? hadoumo, go????kimadeshita. Oyasuminasai." #2: You end up back at the theater in time for afternoon free movement. (IF YOU SELECTED #2 IN MENU 22.1.1, OR IF SUMIRE IS NOT VERY-HAPPY) * free movement (afternoon) Sumire is too flustered to talk to you right now. * free movement (evening) Sumire is cordial, but not into conversation. ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 23 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Sumire is in the entrance hall. MENU 23.1 - #1: ask about Sakura. (no mood change) #2: ask about Kanna. (no mood change) #3: starts with two kanji (no mood change) You can also catch Kasumi in the hallway and ask her about any of the characters, including Sumire. * training (Sakura) * free movement (afternoon) Sumire is in the wardrobe room, and she's in trouble! Sumire: "A~~~re~~~~~~~~~!" You: "(Areha, Sumire-san no ?? da!)" You: "Doushimashita! Sumire-san!" THERE'S A SPIDER ON SUMIRE'S HAND!!! EEK! Sumire: "Bub-san. Ha, ??kukorewo ??tte ??saranai...." MENU 23.2 #1: hai (Su+) #2: iie #1: Sumire: "....Fuu. Na, ?? karimashita wa....Nee, [name]-san. Kono ?? haminnaniha, naishonishiteoite??saranai?" MENU 23.2.1 - #1: hai (Su+) #2: longer #1: You: "Hai. Wakarimashita." Sumire: "Arigatou. Naka-naka, ?? ?? ?? desu wa ne. Sore deha, watakushi ha korede...." * training (free) * free movement (evening) Sumire is in her bedroom. Sumire: "Ara, [name]-san, ?? ??rigo ?? ?? sama. Ah, sou desu wa ?? ?? no o ?? mokanete, chotto o?? ??ndeisamasen koto." (You enter her bedroom) Sumire tells you the story about her TOPPUSUTAA (top-star) mother and businessman father, and how she got scared by a KUMO (spider) on her birthday when she was young. (Su+) Sumire: "Sakihodoha, KUMO wototte kudasatte, ?? ?? ni arigatou gozaimashita. Watakushi ga KUMO giraininatta ikisatsu wo o??shi shimasu wa. ?? shi ?? i desu kedo.... Watakushi no ?? ha ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??. ?? ha ?? ?? no TOPPUSUTAA. ?? ?? tomo ?? no ?? ?? ?? nisae ?? niirarenaiisogashisa....?? ?? na PUREZENTO nanteii. ?? to ?? saeitekurereba.... ?? shikute, sabishikute, ?? wazu ?? nikakedashita ??." Sumire becomes surprised or excited. Sumire: "Ukkari KUMO no ?? nikaramatte shimai.... ?? ?? chi??katte." Sumire face softens. Sumire: "Demo, ikura ?? itemo.... ?? mokitekurenakatte. Sore ?? ??, KUMO ga ?? ?? ninatte shimattan desu no. KUMO wo ?? ruto, sono ?? ?? chi ?? sato, ano ?? no ?? ?? tosabishisagamazariatte.... ?? ri?? shiteshimaun desu no.............." Sumire: "Ara, moukonna ?? ??. ?? te gomennasaire. ?? ?? ?? itekurete arigatou. Ja, oyasuminasai." ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 24 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ (IF SUMIRE IS HAPPY WITH YOU) Sumire wants to take you out to a fine dinner. You had better know your table manners! MENU 24.1 - #1: Hai #2: Iie #1: You and Sumire go to dinner. The waiter comes and you have to start behaving well with good table manners. CORRECT ANSWER #1: longer, first kanji has "x" on bottom (Su+) CORRECT ANSWER #2: shorter (Su+) CORRECT ANSWER #3: shorter, first kanji doesn't look like a gate or curtain (Su+) CORRECT ANSWER #4: medium, ends with "kuu" (Su+) CORRECT ANSWER #5: longer, first kanji has "i" on bottom (Su+) CORRECT ANSWER #6: longer (no mood change) CORRECT ANSWER #7: either of the longer answers (no mood change) If she's pleased with you, you get a special picture of her profile. (IF SUMIRE IS NOT HAPPY WITH YOU) (v1.0: unknown) ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 25 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) MENU 25.1 - #1: ask about Sakura (no mood change) #2: ask about Kanna (no mood change) #3: ask something else (no mood change) #1: Sumire: "Doumo, koumo, renna, inaka [??] i [??].... nantomo [??]tte masen wa." * training (Maria) * free movement (afternoon) MENU 25.2 - #1: shorter (first kanji looks like a flower) (no mood change) #2: shorter (first kanji looks like a fish) (Su+) #3: longer * training (free) * free movement (evening) You: "Ano, chotto ii desku ka? ([??] no [??][??] wo shiyou kana....)" MENU 25.3 - #1: short (no mood change) #2: medium (no mood change) #3: long (no mood change) #1: Sumire is pleased. #2: Sumire blushes. #3: Sumire is pleased. ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 26 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) MENU 26.1 - #1: shorter (w/ya) (Su-) #2: shorter (w/o ya) (Su+) #3: longer (Su+) * training (Iris) * free movement (afternoon) Sumire wants you to race her in the hangar (mini-game). * training (free) * free movement (evening) Sumire is seeking your ADOBAISU (advice). MENU 26.2 - #1: shorter, "hagemasu" ("encourage") (no mood change) #2: longer W: (Su+) W: Sumire: "Ara, soko ni itan desu no. [??] ka nishite nante [??] ga kikimasu wa no. [name]-san [??] [??] he no dekai ga dekiruyou ni natte no desu wa ne." ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 27 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Sumire is in the library, and she's REALLY angry. You: "(A! Nan ka Sumire-san [??]tte rumi ni idazo. Doushiyou ka...)" MENU 27.1 - #1: "?" #2: "..." (you leave, go to Kohran's training) #1: MENU 27.1.1 - #1: shorter (Su-) #2: longer (Su+) * Training (Kohran) * free movement (afternoon) Sumire is not talkative here. If you haven't yet picked up her bromide from Tsubaki, now would be the last opportunity to do so. * Training (free) * free movement (evening) Sumire is in her bedroom. Sumire: "Dou kashimashita ni?" You: "Ie, [??]tonaku...." MENU 27.3 - #1: shorter #2: shorter #3: longer (Su+) ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 28 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ * free movement (morning) Sumire can't talk right now. * training (Kanna) * Koubu battle practice... but wait, it's now a real battle!!! If you win, you get (Su+ Ma+ Ir+ Ka+ Ko+ Sa+). ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 29 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ (IF YOU ANSWERED "HAI" TO 28.2) Get dressed again... 1st correct: kanji w/sun 2nd correct: shorter, ends with "ro" 3rd correct: medium 4th correct: shorter with "HA" 5th correct: short All correct: (Su+) one miss: (no mood change) two or more misses: (Su-) You and Sumire are out on the town. MENU 29.1 - #1: shorter (no mood change) #2: longer, ends with "i" #3: longer (no mood change) #1: Sumire is pleased. #2: Sumire is disappointed. You end up at a balcony. Skip menu 29.2 and go to menu 29.3. #3: (forgot to check her facial reaction) (Sumire and you are in a movie theater) When the movie is over, Sumire is blushing. MENU 29.2 - #1: short (no mood change) #2: medium #3: long (no mood change) #1: Sumire laughs. #3: Sumire looks disappointed. (If you picked #3 in menu 29.2) You and Sumire are on a balcony. You want to tell her something... MENU 29.3 - #1: shorter ("METOROtte....?") (no mood change) #2: longer (no mood change) #1: Sumire is surprised. #2: Sumire is pleased. (You and Sumire are strolling along a street) She disappears for a moment and then comes back. MENU 29.4 - #1: shorter (no mood change) #2: longer (no mood change) #1: Sumire is pleased. #2: Sumire is angry. MENU 29.4.1 - #1: shorter (no mood change) #2: longer (no mood change) #1: Sumire is still pleased. MENU - #1: ends with "tsu" (no mood change) #2: doesn't (no mood change) #1: You decide to wait for a while. If you pick this three straight times, Sumire hits you! #2: You want to go to the next place. #2: Sumire is still angry and **the date is over**. Skip the rest of this day and go to the next day. (eventually you arrive at "Cafe Noir" and go inside) MENU 29.5 - #1: starts with "Sumire" #2: starts with "Ko" (in kanji) #1: MENU 29.5.1 - #1: first kanji is a square (no mood change) #2: first kanji is a three-row rectangle #3: the other one #1: Sumire laughs. #2: Sumire is indifferent. MENU 29.6 - #1: starts with "Sumire" #2: doesn't (no mood change) #2: Sumire is angry at first, but she smiles a moment later and says something about "SUTEKI" (steak). (back on the street) MENU 29.6 - #1: short #2: medium (no mood change) #3: long (no mood change) #2: Sumire is smiling and laughs. MENU 29.7 - #1: short #2: medium (no mood change) #3: long (no mood change) #2: Sumire blushes. #3: Sumire smiles. (when you arrive back at the Tegeki) Sumire gives you a card of some sort...? You get a special picture. (OTHERWISE) (v1.0: unknown) ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 30 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ When you get up, you go down to the hangar. Oogami wants you to pick a character to play a mini-game against. For once, a menu isn't scrambled... to pick Sumire, pick the second option. Her name will appear on the top row of the third page of choices. After playing the mini-game (Su+ if you do well), you have to pick a Koubu to fight a mech with. No reaction if you win. ************************************************************ ***** *********************************************** ***** DAY 31 *********************************************** ***** *********************************************** ************************************************************ They all give their goodbyes. If Sumire likes you most, she'll say goodbye again outside the theater. If Sumire really likes you, she'll say goodbye again at the train station. She'll give you a gift that lets you buy her pictures and voice clips from Tsubaki. (ENDING TEXT FOR A DECENT PERFORMANCE) Omedetou! Anata no [??][??] na [??][??] hamasani [??][??] [??][??] ki desu! [??][??] ya [??][??][??] no seibimo, [??][??] shite makasera rerudeshiyau! (incomplete translation) Congratulations! Your ?? ?? fell into ?? ?? is spirit! ?? ?? ?? gift (?), ?? ?? appoint entrust ????. (SUMIRE'S ENDING TEXT) Konichiha, [name misspelled]-san, na jakute [name]-san. Tatta-[??] [??] [??] deshita ga, TOTSUPUTAA no [attach?] ki [person] wo tsuto merarete [??] sedeshita wa ne. Anata ga no [??] na [??][??] wo [??] mukaha wakarimasen ga, moshi... moshi, [in trouble] ta [??] ga attara, watakushi wo tayotte kitero yoroshii desu wa yo. Sono to kiha, [??][??][??] chi demo sasete agemasu kara. O-ho-ho-ho-ho! Soro deha, mata [??] u [??] made, gokigenyou. Ah.... sou deshita wa, [name]-san. [??] de [??][??][??] ni oyorinasai na. Watakushi kara no PUL[??]NTO ga [??][??] shite arimasu wa. Deha, gokigenyou. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to Sega for creating a great game series. Thanks to Nintendo for not laughing at Sega for wanting to make a Game Boy game! Thanks to for providing me with this and many other imports. Thanks to Kayama for his well-organized translation FAQs, which helped guide me in a way. Also thanks to Vash for his Hanagumi Taisen Columns FAQs, since I play that game a lot, too. :-) This FAQ is Copyright 2000 Carl Chavez. This FAQ may be distributed freely for non-commercial use. It may not be edited or altered in any way. It may not be distributed with advertising in any form without permission. has explicit permission to distribute this FAQ.