Shadowgate Script by Mike Molnar KirbyPufocia at gmail dot com VERSION 1.1 - UPDATED MARCH 24, 2007 *==========================================================* Table of Contents *==========================================================* 1. What's New? (NEW SECTION!) 2. Introduction 3. How to Use this Guide 4. The Script A. Room-by-Room 1. Outside 2. Entrance Hall 2a. Closet 3. Cramped Hall 4. Dwarves 5. Shark Pond 6. Waterfall 6a. Cave 7. Cold 7a. Dragon's Den 8. Coffin 9. Mirror 10. Hidden 11. Bridges 11a. Serpent 12. Wraith 13. Epor 13a. Wizard 14. Drake 15. Troll 16. Courtyard (NEW SUICIDE!) 17. Hall 18. Library 18a. Study 19. Laboratory 19a. Fountain 20. Banquet Hall 21. Sphinx 22. Observatory 22a. Werewolf 23. Hellhound 23a. Wyvern 24. Happy Hall 25. Balcony 25a. Balcony's End 26. King's Tomb 27. Underground 28. Gargoyles 29. Motari 29a. Guinea Pig (Orb Room) 30. Wishing Well 31. River Styx 32. Bank 32a. The Chasm 33. King's Chamber of Stormhaven B. Items C. Deaths C1. Room-specific Deaths C2. Suicides (NEW SUICIDE!) D. Miscellany D1. Sphinx Dialogue (UPDATED) D2. Select Button Text D3. The Rest 5. Version Info 6. Contact 7. Credits E. Contributors *==========================================================* 1. What's New? *==========================================================* Last updated March 24, 2007: A new Suicide (109) has been added care of Larcen Tyler, and some minor, minor, minor formatting changes have been made. I sincerely hope I didn't get anybody's hopes up with this update, as honestly and truly, this guide is pretty much done. I expect maybe a dozen or so quotes to be added in the next decade. One of the biggest changes is that my e-mail address has changed. If you've sent anything to me since the last update (2004), please re-send it as my previous e-mail has been defunct for well over two years. *==========================================================* 2. Introduction *==========================================================* Welcome to the world of Shadowgate! Though many would be quick to scoff at the notion of a video game telling a good story, I believe that this game is rich in literary gold. The problem, however, lies in the fact that this game can be slow. There's no doubt about it; point and click makes not for a fast adventure. And the horror to know that once you have completed the game, it is no longer much more than bare tedium getting back through to parts you enjoyed. This is where I come in. Some time ago, I dreamed of a world where people could freely view any part of the game's story without having to trudge through the screens just to get there. Today that dream is realized in the form of this script. Is there a part in the game that you think had cool lines? Or perhaps you're just looking to settle down and read up on the game. In any case, you can easily do so here. Just scroll down to the section you're most interested in, and bask in the genius of the writers. Fasten you're seatbelts, ladies and gentlemen, because you're in for one hell of a ride. *==========================================================* 3. How to Use this Guide *==========================================================* I will be typing out every bit of text you'll see in the game. This includes line breaks, but does not include sentence structure. Because let's face it, do YOU want to be reading through a guide with nothing but CAPITAL LETTERED TEXT? I thought not. All spelling errors will remain un- fixed, but I'll be sure to note them so you don't think they're mine. In the first section of the script, I will be giving out the text room-by-room. Everything that is unique to the room will be covered, including deaths. Before the actual script comes into play, I will if applicable list the action required to activate the text. The second section offers full text for every item in the game. It also outlines what happens when you use them on yourself, including deaths. Needless to say, this is quite a task, and believe it or not, was actually completed for the first version of this walkthrough. Within the third section are the mostly humorous texts associated with many ways to kill yourself in this game. This section will cover every death outlined in the main game, but not those from items. Note on the numbering system: I used three digits for easy reference; that way, if you do a search for a death, you won't hit some random room instead. Suicides start with 1xx, for the same basic reason. Finally, the fourth brings about anything not unique to any room and not associated with deaths or items. You may be surprised by how big this section becomes. Though probably not that surprised. This is the section I'll need the most help with. Send me anything you find, with directions on how to do it. Credit will be due! For you Ctrl-F/Clover-F/whatever users, if you are searching for a section within the script itself, put a hyphen ("-") before the section number (ex "-97.") to ensure that you find what you're looking for right away. *==========================================================* 4. The Script *==========================================================* =A. Room-by-Room========================================== ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --1. Outside------------------------------------------------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon your arrival, you are greeted with the following: "The last thing that you remember is standing before the wizard Lakmir as he waved his hands. Now you find yourself staring at an entryway which lies at the edge of a forest. The Druid's words ring in your ears: "within the castle Shadowgate lies your quest. The dreaded Warlock Lord will use his Black Magic to raise the Behemoth from the dark depths. The combination of his evil arts and the great Titan's power will surely destroy us all!! You are the last of the line of Kings, the seed of prophecy that was foretold eons ago. Only you can stop the evil one from darkening our world forever! Fare thee well." Gritting your teeth, you swear by your god's name that you will destroy the Warlock Lord!!" Upon reentry "It's the entrance to Shadowgate. You can hear wolves howling deep in the forest behind you..." Press SELECT "The secret thoughts of the skull can be yours!!" LOOK at the Skull "It's the skull of some creature. Its meaning seems quite clear: death lurks inside." LOOK at Wall "It's a stone wall." LOOK at Door "It's a heavy wooden door with iron hinges." OPEN the Skull "As if by magic, the skull rises." TAKE Key 1 "The Key 1 is in hand." CLOSE the Skull "The Skull is closed." OPEN Door "The door is open. It's the door leading into the castle Shadowgate." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --2. Entrance Hall------------------------------------------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: ""That pitiful wizard Lakmir was a fool to send a buffoon like you to stop me. You will surely regret it for the only thing here for you is a horrible death!" The sound of maniacal laughter echoes in your ears." Upon reentry: "You stand in a long corridor. Huge stone archways line the entire hall." LOOK at closet door "Even though this door is only an inch thick, it is very sturdy." LOOK at far door "This wooden door is reinforced with heavy sheets of steel." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --2a. Closet------------------------------------------------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "Oh! As you enter, you can see a sword and a sling inside." Return: "You are in a small' cramped closet." LOOK at Shelf "A very sturdy shelf rests against the wall." TAKE the Sling "The Sling was taken." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --3. Cramped Hallway---------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "The stone walls seem uncomfortably close as you walk down the stairs." Return: "The stone passage winds to an unseen end." LOOK at white stone "This stone seems to be set loosely in the mortar." LOOK at Book - "It's an ancient tome. It seems that no one has disturbed its pages for centuries." LOOK at Candle - "It's a small candle, perfect for reading." HIT or OPEN white stone - "The stone falls away to reveal a secret passage!" LOOK at opening - "The wall is opened." [I thought this line was funny.] CLOSE the opening - "The wall is closed." [Even better!] OPEN the Book - "The book is opened and examined. A rectangular hole has been cut out of the inside of the book." CLOSE the Book - "You closed the book." TAKE Key 2 - "The Key 2 is in hand." TAKE Torch - "The Torch is in hand." TAKE Book DEATH 001 "When you remove the book from its pedestal, the floor collapses, and you fall to your death." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --4. Dwarves------------------------------------------------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "The stones in these walls were probably cut by the hands of enslaved mountain dwarves." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --5. Shark Pond--------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "A shark swims by as if patrolling this calm pool." Return: "This subterranean cavern has been carved by centuries of supernatural erosion." LOOK at water "The waters of this subterranean lake are as still as a corpse." LOOK at skeleton "A lime covered skeleton stares at you through eyeless sockets." MOVE in water, Take Key 3 (before sphere) DEATH 002 "As you swim toward the skeleton, you feel the jaws of a shark grab you and pull you under. You curse yourself for using your body as bait!! Even before the life has left your body, the lake will be filled with your blood." USE Sphere in Water "You drop the Sphere into the lake and notice the ripples disappear as the water turns into ice." LOOK at ice lake "The lake has become a solid sheet of ice." LOOK at sphere "This crystal sphere is as cold as ice. USE Torch on Sphere "The Sphere has put out the flames!!" USE Torch on Lake "You put the burning torch close to it. The torch melts away the ice over the sphere, allowing it to float to the surface. Not surprisingly, the lake quickly refreezes." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --6.Waterfall----------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "Water cascades over a subterranean cliff into a cool, clean stream." Return: "You're standing in a dark, underground cavern." Press SELECT "It looks like something is behind the waterfall." LOOK at water "Cold water cascades down a cliff into a small stream." LOOK at rockpile "This landslide looks like it occurred ages ago. It would take you months to clear it away." MOVE to rockpile "The way is blocked by a landslide and even with your might you cannot clear yourself a path." LOOK at stone "This stone is almost perfectly round." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --6a. Cave-------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "The walls in this room are much too close for comfort. The damp walls of this eerie cavern are rough and irregular." Return: "You're in a cave behind the waterfall." LOOK at wall "This wall just out from the wall" [Should be "juts"] LOOK at rock "The rock is quite loose." HIT rock "You hit the rock as hard as you can. The loose rock falls down as if hinged to the wall." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --7. Cold--------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "You enter a cold room. The stench of flesh in decay pervades the small chamber. You begin to shiver. This room is really cold!!" Return: "The room stinks of rotten meat." LOOK at pedestal "It's a large pedestal with iron trim." LOOK at hole "It's a small hole in the wall some three inches deep." LOOK at trap door "It's a small trap door made of polished metal." USE Whitegem on Hole "The Gem fits perfectly in the hole. A small crystal sphere magically appears on the stand!!" LOOK at hole (w/gem) "The Gem fits perfectly in the hole." MOVE to trap door DEATH 003 "A broken fragment of a wooden ladder hangs from the opening. As you go down the trap door, you realize you took a big step. The fall is quite fatal." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --7a. Dragon's Den------------------------------------------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "Fear grips you as you ener this hot room!!" Return: "This room is terribly hot!!" LOOK at dragon "All you can see are two eyes in the darkness. They seem to be watching every move you make." LOOK at gold "This pile of gold is worth a king's ransom!! The pieces have been melted together." LOOK at chest "This is an extremeley heavy iron-bound chest. It is securely locked." TAKE Shield "You raise your shield just in time to block the dragon flame." TAKE another item (after shield) "Again flame spews forth!! You use the shield for protection. It's getting hot! You don't know how much longer you can stand it." TAKE object other than shield, wander near dragon DEATH 04 "Whoosh! Flames suddenly shoot from the dragon's mouth!! Dragon flame engulfs your body. You pay for your curiosity with your life." TAKE 4 items after shield DEATH 05 "The shield melts under the intensity of the dragon flame. Your body fares no better!! Not even your best friend could recognize your burning body. Dragon flame engulfs your body. You pay for your curiosity with your life." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --8. Coffin------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "This long, cold hallway is lined on either side by half a dozen coffins." Return: "The walls, the floor, and the coffins are all made of stone." (From left to right) LOOK at Coffins "The cold, marble coffin lid seals an ancient death bed." "This tomb is sealed with a silver lid." "It's a cold stone coffin" "The lid to this coffin is made of solid gold. It must be worth a fortune." "This standing sarcophagus is sealed with a dragon scale cover." OPEN Coffins -"As you open the tomb, a Banshee flies out and emits an ear-shattering scream!! You're all right, but it is very hard to hear." -"This green slime is quite disgusting!!" -"The lid of the Coffin is open. A mummy stands silently before you." LOOK at Slime "The green slime is very thick and is warm to the touch." CLOSE Slime tomb "You can't close the tomb. The slime blocks the door." LOOK at Mummy "This carefully embalmed six-footer stands straight and still." USE Torch on Mummy "The mummy bursts into flames, leaving behind a scepter among the ashes." HIT Slime, or MOVE to north door DEATH 006 "You try to pass the slime but it engulfs your body, dissolving it in seconds. die instantly. No pain, no nothing. You were slimed." [best line ever!] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --9. Mirror ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "This room full of mirrors reminds you of the elven fun house at King Otto's Fair." LOOK at middle mirror "This mirror throws back a fine reflection." LOOK at other mirrors "The mirror has a carved oak frame." USE Hammer on middle mirror "Bellowing like some Norse god, you smash the hammer into the mirror. You shatter the mirror revealing an iron door!!" LOOK at door "A solid iron door lies beyond the broken edges of the mirror." USE Hammer on Left Mirror DEATH 008 "As soon as you break the mirror, shards of glass fly through the air and slice into your body! Blood pours from your wounds and your body slumps to the floor." USE Hammer on Right Mirror DEATH 009 "You have opened a magic portal into deep space. You are immediately sucked through. The lack of air causes you to quickly lose consciousness. The Grim Reaper quickly embraces you!" [What a sweetheart!] MOVE into Hole (before using Epor) DEATH 010 "You jump down the hole and, after a couple of moments, hit the floor! It seems that you have broken both of you legs! It's only a matter of time before you die! Neat glitch: If you go into the next room without the cloak, you'll be shunted right back into here. Here's where the fun comes in: after being shuffled back between the mirrors, find some manner of killing yourself (perhaps smashing one of the mirrors?) and choose to continue play. Guess where you start off? That's right, in the next room. In this way. you can completely avoid getting the cloak. So, if like, the Wraith gives you nightmares or something, rest assured you'll never have to see him again. (Though you still need items in the rooms before him to complete the game!) Thanks, Smoby! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --10. Hidden (from room 3)---------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "As soon as you enter the room, you see an arrow on the front wall." Return: "Cold air rushes into this chamber from an opening some ten feet above the floor." LOOK in doorway "It is very dark." LOOK at stone ledge "A slab of concrete rests upon two stone supports, some ten feet from the floor." LOOK at supports "It's part of the wall. MOVE to door "The ledge wasn't strong enough to hold you. You fall to the ground and land hard on your rump." LOOK at rubble "It's rubble from the broken ledge." LOOK at Right Torch "This torch is attached securely to the wall." LOOK at Left Torch "This torch seems to be fastened to the wall with rather modern looking nails." USE Left Torch "You moved the torch. It's a hidden door. There is a spiral staircase leading down." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --11. Bridge------------------------------------------------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "You stand at the edge of a deep chasm. From the darkness below arise the screams of the undead. This cave is hewn roughly in the chasm's wall." Return: "There are two bridges that span the chasm." LOOK at Left Bridge "Judging by the intricate workmanship, this bridge seems to be quite sturdy." LOOK at Right Bridge "This shabby bridge is held together with nothing but frayed ropes and rotten planks. The ropes are indeed in bad condition." MOVE from room 11a "Suddenly, you feel heavier than you did only a moment ago!" MOVE across Right Bridge DEATH 007 "As you reach the middle of the bridge, it collapses under your feet!! The bridge won't hold you. You can't cross unless you lose some weight!!" MOVE into Chasm "With a loud cry, you take the big plunge. The Grim Reaper stands below, waiting to catch you." [Aw. My knight in shining armor!] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --11a. Snake ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "A giant snake confronts you in this small cave!" Return: "You're inside a narrow alcove." LOOK at Snake "It's a giant snake. It doesn't move. Perhaps it's getting ready to strike! You wait for the creature to kill you but it still has yet to move. Upon closer inspection, you laugh at your foolishness. It is only a statue!" "This huge statue is carved in the shape of a giant snake. It is extrememly life-like." USE Wand on Snake "The snake begins to shake and shutter. Is it just your eyes or is it shrinking? The serpentine statue begins to change! It grows smaller and smaller! It dematerializes and forms anew as a staff of tremendous beauty!" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --12. Wraith------------------------------------------------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "What's this? A wraith is standing in your way, barring your path!!" Return: "A stone archway opens into a small chamber. This room is very cold." Attempt anything while the Wraith is in the room: "You're afraid to get near it." LOOK at Wraith "It's a shadow wraith, a hideous spectre, who eternally walks the line between life and death." USE (strange) Torch on Wraith (Thanks, Takeshi!) "You put the torch close to the Wraith but nothing happens. Hmmm. There must be more than one way to do it." USE Lit Torch on Torch "The torch burns with a strange white flame. With a shout, you throw the flaming torch at it. With a blinding flash, the white flame engulfs the undead apparition!! When you open your eyes again, the wraith is gone." MOVE to upper-right square on map "Hmmm! It's too high for you to reach." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --13. Epor-------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "This small stone chamber is lined on one side by two barred portals." Return: "You're inside a small room." Press SELECT "Some things require a second glance." LOOK at cage "Sturdy bars seal this cage. Your nose detects the presense of a concealed animal." HIT Cage ""Thump!" The sound echoes in the room." LOOK at rope "It's a hemp of rope." LOOK at sign "This sign reads "Epor." LOOK at sign, again "Epor, Epor, Epor... You got it! It seems to some [Missing "be"] sort of magic word!! You've learned one magic spell." Totally LOOK at the sign again "It's a strange sounding word, indeed!!" Look at outline on far wall "Damp air is blowing out of the gap in the stone wall." "It seems that this part of the wall doesn't quite fit." OPEN far wall "You feel the ground shake as the rock moves slowly aside to reveal a passageway." USE Epor "The spell was chanted. 'Epor' There are many strange things in this world! When you said the magic spell, the rope moved. Having stretched up to the hole. The rope stops moving. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --13a. Wizard----------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon Entry: "The cold water from the limestone drips on your neck, sending shivers down your spine!!" Return: "A huge, man-made slab of granite seals the far side of the cavern." LOOK at Floor stone "This is a concave polygon. It seems to have been carefully carved into the stone." USE Blue Gem on Hole "As soon as you place the Blue Gem in the hole, you hear the sound of grinding stone. The wall slowly rises to reveal a magical image of an old wizard. 'Listen, Warrior! The Warlock Lord can only be defeated by thy courage and the Staff of Ages. Remember, five to find. Three for the Staff, one to be the Key, and one to be thy pathway. Have thy wits about thee, warrior! Fare thee well.' The wall slides back into place, hiding the image from your sight. A scroll appears!!" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --14. Drake------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "This room is incredibly hot! This must be what the lower levels of Gehenna are like. The heat is unbearable and you have to turn back." Return: "It's so hot, you begin to sweat profusely! The heat is unbearable and you have to turn back." (If the cloak is on, subtract the last 3 lines.) LOOK at fire "This tireless fire burns with such heat that this room seems to be in the belly of Hell itself. LOOK at bridge "It's a long, thin bridge forged of fine metal." OPEN door "Suddenly, you feel a gust of wind!! A searing blast of heat knocks you across the room!! A flaming horror appears at the end of the bridge!!" USE Sphere "You hurl the Sphere into the fire below you. The hell-spawned flames quickly vanish as soon as the Sphere touches them. With nothing to feed itself on, the Firedrake immediately follows suit." LOOK at oil "Your view of the floor is totally obscured by a thick, black oil." MOVE to door DEATH 011 "The Firedrake screams triumphantly and gives you an eternal sunburn." MOVE to fire SUICIDE 103 "Bellowing like a fool, you leap off the bridge and into the blaze! You are instantly fried. MOVE to oil SUICIDE 104 "Suicide obviously does not solve problems." USE Lit Torch on oil DEATH 012 "The oil quickly catches and sets you on fire!! There is no way to put the fire out once it starts. You will be burned to the bone!!" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --15. Troll------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "A sharp, cold wind whips up over the ledge of the deep, dark chasm. Press SELECT "Weapons are not the only way to 'defeat' an enemy." LOOK at Bridge "It's a sturdy wooden bridge." LOOK at doorway "It's a doorway." MOVE north "As you step on the bridge, a troll appears and says, 'this bridge is mine!! It'll cost you a gold coin to cross!'" SPEAK to Troll "The troll says with a strained face, 'I've nothing to say to you. Go away!'" USE Coppcoin/Goldcoin on Troll "The troll says that the toll has just been raised to two gold coins." USE Humana "Uh oh, the wind has suddenly died down! Nothing happens! There must be something missing!" USE Spear on Troll "The troll falls silently into the dark cavern. You listen, but you do not hear him crash." LOOK at Troll "The troll stares at you." LOOK at Bridge "It's a sturdy wooden bridge." Enter this room a second time, MOVE door "The troll says you must pay a toll of one gold coin." OPEN Bridge "It looks like the troll is getting very impatient. He pulls out a nasty looking spear!" USE Humana "As soon as the magic is invoked, you lose sight of yourself. You're as invisible as the wind!" USE 2nd Coppcoin on Troll DEATH 013 "The troll shouts,'Hey, what's this? It isn't gold! Are you trying to cheat me?' The troll then picks up the bridge causing you to fall into the chasm!" HIT troll, Move north DEATH 014 "The troll cries, 'you can't trick me!" With one swift motion, the troll launches his spear and runs you through!" MOVE past troll, or whatever else DEATH 021 "The troll blows up like a volcano and throws his spear at your chest! The spear pierces your chest and exits through your back!" USE 2 Goldcoins on Troll "The troll says, 'I've changed my mind! I won't let you cross my bridge after all!' The troll then picks up the bridge causing you to fall into the chasm." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --16. Courtyard--------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "The moon casts a brilliant shadow over the grounds of the courtyard." Return: "The castle Shadowgate looms before you." LOOK at Cyclops "The Cyclops stands before you, ready for battle!" LOOK at well "It's a finely crafted well, made of stone and mortar." LOOK at rope "The teeth marks of water rats are evident on this rope." USE Crank "The crank turns rather easily. At the end of the rope there is a small bucket." USE Sling on Cyclops "As soon as you start twirling the sling, a magical influence takes over your body! You cry out, 'death to the philistine!', and release the stone. Bull's-eye! LOOK at felled Cyclops "You can almost see the stars revolving around the cyclops' head. He is down but not out." USE sword on Cyclops "You drive the sword deep into the cyclops. Blood pours out of the wound and onto the grass." LOOK at Cyclops "It's a dead clyclops. What do you expect after stabbing him with your sword?" HIT Cyclops, or USE anything other than Sling DEATH 015 "A battle cry dies in your throat, as the cyclops crushes your skull with his club." MOVE into well SUICIDE 105 "With a mighty leap, you jump head first into the well. On the way down, you see no water below. The well was deeper than you imagined. You have just broken every bone in your body." USE rope from well SUICIDE 109 (thanks to Larcen Tyler) "The rope is loose you reach out for it but as you do, you slip and fall down the well!! The well was deeper than you imagined. You have just broken every bone in your body." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --17. Hall-------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "It's a long drafty hallway with one flight of stairs and several open passages." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --18. Library----------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "You stand in a small library." Return: "The bookcase in front of you is full of books." LOOK at right side of bookshelf "It's full of books. You don't have time to read every one of them. Think of your quest!" LOOK at mid-left bookshelf "This book's title is the History of the War. You open the book and read it. 'And when the warlock Lord had finally gained power, he went up against the great Kings! The Evil One would have succeeded if it were not for the Circle of Twelve. If he ever returns to power, Tarkus will not live to see the rising sun...' LOOK at upper-left bookshelf "The bookcase in front of you is full of books." LOOK at lower-left bookshelf "This is a complete twelve-volume set of the Encyclopedia Druidica." LOOK at Book on Desk "This book looks quite old. The words 'The Prophecy' is written upon it." Look at Desk "It's a strong, wooden desk fit for a king. There are a couple of drawers in it." OPEN Book "The book is open. You can't read the strange writing in the book." LOOK at Book (w/glasses) "Wow! With these glasses, you can understand and read what you could not before! 'The light grows faint, the path winds round. Where life is lost, wisdom is found. The seed of the dream, fore the evil is free, where the sword is hung, he must place the key. A bridge to from, amidst [<-"form"] burning death. A demon to guard.' ______________________ ______________________ ____'Motari_Riseth'___ ______________________ ____________________/E You've learned one magic spell. As the spell was chanted, the book quickly vanished." OPEN Bookshelf "It won't open!" USE Red Gem on Bookshelf "The bookcase slowly slides away revealing a hidden passage." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --18a. Study------------------------------------------------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "This room is dominated by a large fireplace set in a red brick wall." Return: "You're in a room with a fireplace." LOOK at Globe "It is a globe mounted on a stand for display. It shows all the known lands. Looking closely, you can see a seam along the equator." LOOK at woodpile "Kindling rests within the fireplace." LOOK at fireplace "This fireplace is quite large." LOOK at window "Through this portal you can see the moon hovering over the darken [sic] mountains." USE Lit Torch on Kindling "You torched the firewood. The fire starts burning, adding warmth to the room." USE Terrakk "A large crack appears around the equator of the globe." MOVE through window SUICIDE 106 "With a cry you jump to your death! It takes only a couple of seconds before you hit the bottom with a thud." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --19. Laboratory-------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "It smells like a kennel in here and there are no windows through which to circulate fresh air." Return: "You're in a small, stuffy laboratory." LOOK at stone in floor "Lab animals can be chained to this stone while performing experiments on them." LOOK at cage "This steel mesh cage rattles constantly. A simple latch secures it." LOOK at pot "Ugg! There's a strange, poisonous-looking liquid in the pot. It really stinks!" USE Pot on Self "Slurp! You taste the poisonous-looking liquid in the pot. You notice small blue hairs begin to grow on the palms of your hands. The viscous liquid seems to contain body altering ingredients." USE pot on self again "Looking at the blue hair covering your hands, you hesitate to drink the awful, stinking liquid. USE Stone "The stone rises slowly out of the floor. A shining vial is inside it." OPEN cage DEATH 016 "You remove the latch and a mutated dog pounces on you! It looks like the doctor put something strange in the dog's water. Before you can do anything else, the mutation quickly rups you apart! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --19a. Fountain--------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "You stand in a small garden within the castle walls. The outside air is cool and moist." Press SELECT "Are you getting it?" LOOK at tree "The bark on this tree shows no hint of disease and its leaves are an awesome gold color." LOOK at fountain "This exquisite marble fountain is shaped into the image of a sea serpent. From its mouth spews an acidic liquid." LOOK in background "It's a small evergreen tree." TAKE Flute "As you reach for the flute, you touch the water and pain explodes through your hand! The water is extremely acidic and obviously, not good for drinking." TAKE Flute (w/gauntlet) "By using the silver gauntlet, you remove the flute easily. The sound of the water splashing is music to your ears. USE Flute "The sound of the flute is very pretty, indeed. It seems like you wake from a dream only to find a hole in the tree! It it real? The flute's music is like magic." LOOK at hole "Suddenly, a small hole appears in the side of the tree!" USE Fountain on Self DEATH 20 "Kneeling down next to the fountain, you drink a handful of the acidic water. You can't even scream because you no longer have a throat, let alone a larynx!" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --20. Banquet Hall---------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "You are awed by the majestic beauty of this immense banquet hall." Return: "It's a large banquet hall." LOOK at balcony "It's a sturdy stone balcony." LOOK at tapestry "It's a silk tapestry." TAKE tapestry "You can't reach it from here." USE Lit Torch on rug "The rug quickly catches on fire and burns away. A key can be seen underneath!" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --21. Sphinx------------------------------------------------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "It appears to be a sphinx. It looks at you indifferently." Return: "The sphinx rests quietly in the room." LOOK at sphinx "You have stumbled upon a sphinx. It has the body of a lion and the head of a man." LOOK at stairs "It's a stairway leading upward. There seem to be some strange marks scratched into its side." LOOK at torch "The strange, eerie flame burns silently." HIT Sphinx "Suddenly! The room begins to fade! It seems that the sphinx's magic has taken you to . [sic] USE item on Sphinx (I tried Coppcoin) "Suddenly! The room begins to fade! It seems that the sphinx's magic has taken you to the troll bridge." MOVE to stairs "As you moved, the sphinx spoke, 'who are you? No one may pass without my permission. To pass, you must answer a riddle!" Dost thou know? Bring me the answer and I shall let you pass." USE "'You have correctly answered my riddle, warrior. Thou may now pass.' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --22. Observatory------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "A telescope is beside the window. A star map is on the wall. This must be an observatory." Return: "It's an observatory." LOOK at table "It's a round wooden table." LOOK at telescope "As you peer through the telescope, you are amazed by the clarity of the night sky." LOOK at map "It's a map of the known galaxy. You can see billions and billions of stars. The map seems to be only loosely attached to the wall." LOOK at ladder "It's a wooden ladder." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --22a. Werewolf--------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "You are so captivated by the woman's beauty that you momentarily forget her predicament. Yes, in the moonlight she is even more beautiful." Return: "This small, plain room is lit only by the light of the moon itself." LOOK at woman "The fine lass lies upon the floor, chained to the wall. She is extremely beautiful." LOOK at chain "This silver chain seems to be strongly secured to the wall." USE Arrow on Woman "Your aim is true as you plunge the silver arrow into the beautiful woman. The beautiful lady suddenly transforms into a wolf!" LOOK at wolf "This looks like your typical dead werewolf. Your arrow is deeply lodged in its body." TAKE Blade, Use Lit Torch on WOLF DEATH 017 [Funny note: if you do the second option here, the woman doesn't change into the wolf, but the text is the same.] [Note 2: If you do this while the wolf is dead, it stays in its dead position while this text goes by.] "With a loud roar, the wolf pounces on you, taking your life! The wolfs powerful jaws [sic] rip your throat out!" HIT Woman DEATH 017-a (Same as TAKE Blade, but without the second part.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --23. Hellhound--------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "Although the evening air is cool, this small circular room radiates a fervent heat." Return: "You're in a room with two braziers." LOOK at brazier "A flame burns within this brazier, lighting the entire room." LOOK at pillar "This marble pillar seems to be supporting the ceiling." TAKE horn, MOVE to ladder "A large fireball suddenly appears in the room and causes you to shield your eyes. When you open them, you notice that the fire has changed into something far more menacing." LOOK at hellhound "The hellhound makes this hot room even hotter! There must be a way to cool the room off before you roast!" USE Water on Hellhound "The Holy Water has sent the hellhound back to the place where it was spawned. The flame died out. The room is quiet, as though nothing had happened." HIT, use wrong item on Hellhound DEATH 018 "The demon dog snarls and pounces on you. Its teeth sink deep into your flesh." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --23a. Wyvern----------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "As you stand on the turret, an eerie blue dragon appears in the clear starry sky." Return: "You're standing on a turret." LOOK at Wyvern "It's a wyvern! This beastie is a distant cousin of a dragon but is smaller and fiercer!" LOOK at pedestal "This pedestal is some thirteen inches tall, and made of some unknown metal." LOOK at sky "The sky foretells the coming of a great storm." USE Star on Wyvern "The star becomes a flash of light as you launch it. Crash! It strikes the wyvern and it explodes into a million pieces!" TAKE Talisman DEATH 019 "With the speed of lightning, the wyvern wraps its tail around your neck. You die, screaming silently." NEW! - USE Lit Torch on Wyvern DEATH 018 "The demon dog snarls and pounces on you. Its teeth sink deep into your flesh." (Thanks, Allen!) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --24. Happy Hall-------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "You have entered a small corridor. Two arched doorways wait patiently for you." Return: "It's a passageway with two arches." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --25. Balcony----------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "From this windy ledge you can get an idea of the size and strength of the castle." Return: "It's a balcony." LOOK at hole "This appears to be a mount of some sort, perhaps for a flagpole." Again "The small hole in the center is perfectly round." LOOK at stairs "The stone stairs connect the balcony to the look-out point." USE Rod on hole "Suddenly the sky seems to be on fire as a bolt of pure lightning strikes the rod! You are startled to see a skeletal hand rise from a hole that has formed at your feet." LOOK at hand "Although the hand is skeletal, it holds the wand rather tightly." TAKE Wand "As you take the wand from the skeletal hand, it begins to descend. The hole then closes up as if it had never been." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --25a. Outlook---------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "Lightning lights up the countryside as you stand on a look-out point." Return: "Heavy stone stairs lead down to a sturdy lookout point." LOOK at pot "It's a pot of gold! The leprechaun must have skipped town." LOOK at pouch "This canvas pouch looks to be quite light. Close inspection reveals some druidic script on it." TAKE, OPEN pot DEATH 020 "As you move the pot, you realize that you have fallen for the oldest trick in the book. You suddenly find yourself knee-deep in the moat. It seems that the alligators really enjoy your company!" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --26. King's Tomb------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon Entry: "You're in a small throne room. A skeleton wearing a gold crown sits on a throne in front of you." Return: "It's the royal throne room." LOOK at king "Although he looks dead enough, this royal skeleton sends shivers down your spine! There seems to be something in his hand." LOOK at left pillar "In the center of the pillar is a carving of a sword." LOOK at right pillar "Sir Dugan's royal seal is carved on the stone pillar in vivid colors." USE Scepter on King "As soon as you give the scepter to the skeleton, the seal on the pillar lowers. You can now see a ring-shaped hole!" USE Ring on Right pillar hole "The ring fits perfectly. The throne magically rises, revealing a secret passageway." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --27.Underground-------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "This hallway is made of large granite slabs." Return: "It's a stone passageway." MOVE to doorway on left DEATH 023 "Without thinking, you jump through the opening and immediately hear a loud click. Suddenly, the granite slab above you gives way and crushes you beneath it. It breaks every bone in your body." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --28. Gargoyles--------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "On the opposite wall are a pair of stone beasts guarding a dark archway." Return: "You are in a dark and gloomy cavern." LOOK at Gargoyle "This stone statue is some three and a half feet tall and ugly as all heck. It is very cold to the touch." USE Illumina "Suddenly the cavern is so bright that you have to shade your eyes! It takes you a few moments to regain your senses from the nova burst. It seems the gargoyles were also affected and haven't yet recovered from the spell." MOVE into doorway (before Illumina) OR HIT them (after Illumina) DEATH 31 "Suddenly, the beasts begin to shudder and their eyes begin to glow red! The gargoyles, angered at your presence, spring from their frozen state and rip you to pieces! There's not enough left of you to even feed to the birds." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --29. Motari------------------------------------------------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "Sulfurous fumes rise from the hot molten lava some thirty feet below you. Swimming would not be wise." Return: "This room is filled with lava." LOOK at lava "This dark-red lava comes from the earth's core." LOOK at bridge "It's a narrow, stone bridgeway." LOOK at statue "This huge statue is made of precious metals. It holds a basin of smoldering coals." USE Motari "The statue lowers and a large platfrom rises out ["platform"] of the lava! You now have a way across!" LOOK at statue "The eerie statue descends into the lava." MOVE north, or in lava SUICIDE 108 "Shouting a battle cry, you catapult yourself off of the platform. You are brave, warrior, but stupid! Your body explodes as you plunge into the lava." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --29a. Guinea Pig------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Sorry about the title, I just happen to think that the guardian of this room looks just like one of my guinea pigs. It's eerie, actually. ] Upon entry: "Stalagmites surround this room like the cavernous jaws of a huge beast." Return: "It's a dark and eerie cave." LOOK at switches "It's a finely-crafted wooden handle. There are three handles here, side by side. LOOK at cylinder "It's a strong-looking metal cylinder." LOOK in pit "It looks like a large, very deep pit." USE Switches "The handle was ." USE switches in wrong order "Nothing happened. The handle returned to its original position." USE Switches correctly (R, M, R) "Scree! The cylinder lifts with a shuddering sound. You're momentarily dazzled as the darkness is lit by a blinding flash! The Silver Orb is revealed!" TAKE Orb "As soon as you remove the orb, the cylinder closes." MOVE into pit DEATH 024 "You woke the sleeping guard from his beauty sleep. He decides to eat you for breakfast!" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --30. Wishing Well------------------------------------------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "The room seems to be made solely for the purpose of housing the well." Return: "This room is dominated by a sophisticated yet ancient well." LOOK at well "This fine well is made of both stone and mortar." LOOK at handle "It's a small handle attached to an assortment of gears." LOOK at door "This door is covered with dust and dirt." USE Big Coin on well "As soon as you throw the coin into the well, a huge wind erupts from within it. It reminds you of the small 'dust devils' you see in the autumn months." SUICIDE 105 happens here, as well. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --31. River Styx-------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "The swirling winds carry you down the deep well and set you gently into the cavern below. You stand above a beach, looking down upon a river." Return: "You're standing on the bank of the River Styx. Its still waters support no life." LOOK at water "The river's water is dead calm. It wouldn't surprise you if this were the River Styx." LOOK at gong "It's a great gold gong. Its beauty is enhanced by the intricate stand that supports it." "This mallet is made from, what appears to be, Centaur hide." USE Mallet on Gong (both are on-screen) "After the gong sounds, a spectre materializes right before your eyes. The ghostly ferryman doesn't look friendly. You hear a faint voice ask for a fare." LOOK at specter: "The spector is wrapped [<-"Specter" or "spectre"] in tattered rags. You can see a skeleton within the cloak. Just gazing at this apparition is enough to give you the creeps!" LOOK at raft "It's a wooden raft." MOVE onto raft "The ferryman will not let you board. He is still waiting for a fare." USE Goldcoin on ferryman "The ferryman takes the coin and gestures you to board quickly. MOVE in water DEATH 026 "As soon as you jump in you find that you cannot escape the strong current of this river. Your cries for help are cut off as your lungs fill with water!" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --32. Bank-------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "You climb aboard the tiny raft and soon reach the opposite bank. A stone skull stands against the far wall, screaming silently. For some reason, you get the feeling you are standing on sacred ground." Return: "This chamber has been hewn out of solid rock and is very hot." LOOK at skull "The jaw of the skull is made of polished stone." LOOK at skull "Hot, dry air emanates from the hole." Look at pillar "The shape of is carved in pillar." pillar." Look at hole "It's a polished stone slab with an odd-shaped niche cut out of it." USE Talisman on Sword "The artifact, known as the Bladed Sun, is now secured and in place." USE Horn "The sound of the horn echoes loudly in your ears. Suddenly, you hear the sound of grinding rock. The jaw of the skull begins to descend! Hot wind erupts from the mouth creating the illusion that the stone skull is alive!" USE Talisman on crown or jewel DEATH 027 "You have placed the Bladed Sun in the wrong hole. You did not heed the warnings and now the Warlock Lord's defenses end your life!" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --32a. The Chasm-------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upon entry: "The cavern that you have entered is by far the largest your eyes have ever gazed upon. From the depths rises the most powerful creature that has ever existed: the Behemoth! Your stomach knots up as you stare at this new horror. The beast is indeed incredible! You wonder, for a moment, how you can defeat such a creature as this!" LOOK at Behemoth "Your jaw drops and you stare in awed silence at the sight of the Great Titan! Acid drips from his jaws and sizzles on the ledge below!" LOOK at Warlock Lord "Although his back is turned, you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's the Warlock Lord. It seems that his staff is controlling the creature, keeping it at bay!" LOOK at brazier "Flame burns intensely within this brazier as if in celebration of the Dark One's victory!" LOOK at pillar "It's a huge stone platform with stairs descending from it." USE Staff on Behemoth "You pray, as you raise the Staff of Ages, that it has the power that the prophets claimed! The staff pulsates with power and a beam of light explodes from it striking the behemoth! The creature screams in agony, thrashing back and forth in great pain! In his rage, he grabs the Warlock Lord, and descends into the depths forever. You can hear the Warlock Lords screams fade into ['s] silence. Suddenly, it is very quiet. A beautiful light seems to fill the cavern. 'The morning sun,' you say to yourself, 'it is over.' Although exhausted, you lean on the Staff of Ages and begin your long journey home. Do anything to the Warlock Lord DEATH 028 "The Warlock Lord feels your presence and knows that you are the seed that must be destroyed. Flame shoots forth from his staff and engulfs your body. You have failed!" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --33. King's Chamber of Stormhaven-------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Word of your historic quest has already reached the farthest parts of the land! You are triumphantly greeted as you enter the gates of the royal city of Stormhaven. Moments later, you are ushered into the royal palace where you are greeted by the king! 'I know what thou hast done, brave one. The world would be dark forever without thee!' You are bestowed a kingdom to rule and the king's fair daughter's hand! As you leave the throne room, you know that although this quest is over, others await. After all, the bards will need new legends to sing of and new tales to tell! The first story's end. =B. Items (Updated 10/21)=================================== Lit Torch - "This torch throws dancing shadows about the room." USE on Out Torch (Thanks, Takeshi!) - "No! Wait a minute! It's best if you don't do that!" USE on ARROW in HIDDEN room (Go, Smoby!) - "The torch is wet and won't burn" USE SELF - "You now have terrific second-degree burns on your hands." "You hold the flame close enough to your skin to cause second and third-degree burns." DEATH - "You finally set your hair on fire. The rest of your body soon follows!!" Out Torch - "The flame from the torch has gone out." Key 1 - "It's a small iron key." Key 2 - "This key bears a skull. This must be a skeleton key." Key 3 - "It's a small brass key." Key 4 - "This rusty lock doesn't seem to have been used for a long time." [lock?!] Key 5 - "It's a small iron key." Key 6 - "It's a jet black skeleton key." Torch - "It's a torch. An oil soaked rag is wrapped around it." USE - "The torch is lit." - "The torches are burning strongly. You don't need to light any more." Torch - 1. "There is something out of the ordinary about this torch but you can't put a finger on it." 2. "It's a strange torch." Sword - "It's a double-edged broadsword. The handle has druidic script written upon it." USE SELF - "You thrust sword into your chest! Blood begins to flow! Suicide won't help in your quest! The Warlock Lord will surely triumph now!" Sling - "It's a small leather sling. This would come in handy for long-range battles!!" Stone - "This stone would not be good for skipping." Bag 1 - "It's a leather pouch!!" OPEN - "The bag contains three large jewels." Bag 2 - "It's a leather pouch!!" Whitegem - "It's a white stone of unknown origin. A fine thing to gamble away in a good card game!!" Red Gem - "It's a fine red ruby!! Its color reminds you of your adventure across the sea of blood." Blue Gem - "It's a dark blue gemstone that is as big as the pommel of a sword!!" Sphere - "This crystal sphere is as cold as ice." Shield - "It's a heavy shield. There are only a few dents on it." Spear - "This spear is some seven feet long. The tip seems to be made of finely forged silver." USE SELF - "You thrust Spear into your chest! Blood begins to flow! Suicide won't help in your quest! The Warlock Lord will surely triumph now!" Helmet - "This seems to be a helmet of the sort commonly worn by hobgoblins." Hammer - "It's an ancient Gnome war hammer. This weapon does not show the signs of battle." USE SELF - "You thrust hammer into your chest! Blood begins to flow! Suicide won't help in your quest! The warlock lord will surely triumph now!" Bone - "This bone has been picked clean." Skull - "The skull looks like it has been dried and cracked by extreme heat." Skull - "It seems to be the skull of some unfortunate individual." CoppCoin - "Hey! Wait a minute!! This is no gold coin. It's but a brass slug. What a royal rip!!" Scepter - "This jewel-studded scepter is truly made for a king!!" Arrow - "A finely crafted silver arrow is not uncommon in the Elven lands." USE SELF - (Thanks, Takeshi!) "You thrust arrow into your chest! Blood begins to flow! Suicide won't help in your quest! The warlock lord will surely triumph now!" Cloak - "This heavy cloak contains no frivolous adornments, such as pockets or a hood." USE SELF - "You try on the Cloak and find it very unbecoming. It barely fits over your armor." Bottle 1 - "It's a small silver bottle. What is it? It sure smells terrible!!" USE SELF - "As you consume the DEATH - liquid in the vial, your body convulses and death spasms quickly follow." Bottle 2 - "This small silver vial glows with a lustrous shine. You notice that the bottle is impossibly light!!" USE SELF - "You drink the liquid and immediately begin to rise in the air!" Bottle 3 - "It's a silver vial." USE SELF - "Glug! You swallow the viscous liquid. It's like drinking tar." Bottle 4 - "This jar is extremely slimy." USE SELF - "Glug! You swallow the viscous liquid. It's like drinking tar." Bottle 5 - "It's a small black bottle with a cork on top." USE SELF - "You drink the liquid in the bottle. It's as sweet as sugar. Scroll 1 - "It's an ancient, leather bound parchment." OPEN - "Your hands begin to sweat because of your extreme excitement... 'Five to find, three are one. One gives access, the bladed sun. The Silver Orb, to banish below. The Staff of Ages, to vanquish the foe. Joining two, the Golden Blade. Last to invoke, the Platinum Horn." [That doesn't rhyme!] Scroll 2 - "You've read the scroll. The scroll reads, 'as the shadow of the wind, thou shalt be!' _________________________ _________________________ ____'Humana'_____________ _________________________ _______________________/E You've learned one magic spell. As the spell was chanted, the Scroll 2 quickly vanished." Scroll 3 - "Your hands begin to sweat because of extreme excitement.. Lands under the heavens; the key to the world. _________________________ _________________________ __'Terra_Terrakk'________ _________________________ _______________________/E You've learned one magic spell. As the spell was chanted, the Scroll 3 quickly vanished." Scroll 4 - "You've read the scroll. 'To move the sun from far to near, light is what the darkness fears.' _________________________ _________________________ __'Instantum_Illumina'___ _________________________ _______________________/E You've learned one magic spell. As the spell was chanted, the Scroll 4 quickly vanished. Scroll 5 - "You've read the scroll. 'Observing the stars; the throne constellation appears once every five summers. Legend says that it is a portal to another land.' Broom - "This broom looks remarkably like the one owned by the Sirens of the isle of Yeklum Iret." USE SELF - "I know neatness counts, but there would seem to be better ways to spend your time." Gauntlet - "It's a gauntlet of silver plate. It bears the symbol of the Circle of Twelve." USE SELF - "You place the gauntlet on your hand. It feels like it was made just for you." Glasses - "These glasses are worn. They've probably been used for a long time." USE SELF - "You try the glasses on and they fit perfectly. Hmmm, you can see very well." Map - "This fine map of the lands of Tarkus is quite detailed, although incomplete." Poker - "It's a black iron poker. It is used to stir the embers of an ongoing fire." USE SELF - "You thrust poker into your chest! Blood begins to flow! Suicide won't help in your quest! The Warlock Lord will surely triumph now!" Bellows - "This wooden bellows has stoked many a floundering fire." Cup - "It's a pewter goblet, which glows with a lustrous shine." Testtube - "It's an empty test tube in a wooden rack." Hrseshoe - "This horseshoe seems to have taken quite a beating." Water - "The glass vial is filled with clear liquid. The sign of the cross is on it." Flute - "It's a small, wooden flute. It looks like it could make wonderful music." Ring - "It's a ring! Set with a large, black sapphire." Mirror - "The frame of this fine mirror is laced with silver and gold." Crest - "It's the family crest of Sir Dugan himself. Star - "It's an ornate carving of a shooting star. The object is made of silver and is very heavy." Rod - "This rod is made of cast iron." Blade - "It's some sort of spike that is made of precious metals. Ouch! The tips are as sharp as needles." USE on - "Suddenly, lightning STAFF begins to flash in the room! Then,the Golden Spike slides smoothly onto the Staff and locks into place." Horn - "This horn is forged of flawless platinum. Its beauty is unbelievable!" Big Coin - "It is a large gold coin with a well engraved on it." Goldcoin - "This coin has a mark on it that looks like a human skull." Staff - "Druidic script winds its way around this staff. You can feel power emanating from it!" LOOK++++++++"The golden thorn is (after using permanently bonded onto +blade)+++++ the staff." "Power emanates from the staff! The three are, now and forever, one." Orb - "Aha! It's an orb made of silver. Its glowing surface causes your skin to tingle." USE on - "Light cascades through STAFF the room as the staff becomes a living entity!" =C. Deaths=(Updated 4/21)=================================== After death text: "It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here!!" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --C1. Room-specific Deaths---------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 000 - (Almost any room) - Let your Lit Torch die "Your torch goes out with a fizzle. With out-stretched arms, you move slowly, looking for a light. Suddenly, you trip over something! Smash! You fall face first to the floor!" (Thanks, Takeshi!) 001 - (Room 3 ) - TAKE the Book "When you remove the book from its pedestal, the floor collapses, and you fall to your death." 002 - (Room 5 ) - TAKE Key 3 (before sphere) "As you swim toward the skeleton, you feel the jaws of a shark grab you and pull you under. You curse yourself for using your body as bait!! Even before the life has left your body, the lake will be filled with your blood." 003 - (Room 7 ) - MOVE to trap door "A broken fragment of a wooden ladder hangs from the opening. As you go down the trap door, you realize you took a big step. The fall is quite fatal." 004 - (Room 7a) - TAKE items, MOVE to dragon "Whoosh! Flames suddenly shoot from the dragon's mouth!! Dragon flame engulfs your body. You pay for your curiosity with your life." 005 - (Room 7a) - TAKE 4 Items with Shield "The shield melts under the intensity of the dragon flame. Your body fares no better!! Not even your best friend could recognize your burning body. Dragon flame engulfs your body. You pay for your curiosity with your life." 006 - (Room 8 ) - HIT Slime, MOVE to north door "You try to pass the slime but it engulfs your body, dissolving it in seconds. die instantly. No pain, no nothing. You were slimed." 007 - (Room 11) - MOVE across Right bridge "As you reach the middle of the bridge, it collapses under your feet!! The bridge won't hold you. You can't cross unless you lose some weight!!" 008 - (Room 9 ) - USE Hammer on Left Mirror "As soon as you break the mirror, shards of glass fly through the air and slice into your body! Blood pours from your wounds and your body slumps to the floor." 009 - (Room 9 ) - USE Hammer on Right Mirror "You have opened a magic portal into deep space. You are immediately sucked through. The lack of air causes you to quickly lose consciousness. The Grim Reaper quickly embraces you!" 010 - (Room 10) - MOVE into Hole (before Epor) "You jump down the hole and, after a couple of moments, hit the floor! It seems that you have broken both of you legs! It's only a matter of time before you die!" 011 - (Room 14) - MOVE to door, HIT drake, USE item on Drake "The Firedrake screams triumphantly and gives you an eternal sunburn." 012 - (Room 14) - USE Lit Torch on oil "The oil quickly catches and sets you on fire!! There is no way to put the fire out once it starts. You will be burned to the bone!!" 013 - (Room 15) - USE 2 Coppcoins on Troll "The troll shouts,'Hey, what's this? It isn't gold! Are you trying to cheat me?' The troll then picks up the bridge causing you to fall into the chasm!" 014 - (Room 15) - HIT troll, MOVE north "The troll cries, 'you can't trick me!" The troll then picks up the bridge causing you to fall into the chasm!" 015 - (Room 16) - HIT Cyclops, USE wrong weapon "A battle cry dies in your throat, as the cyclops crushes your skull with his club." 016 - (Room 19) - OPEN Cage "You remove the latch and a mutated dog pounces on you! It looks like the doctor put something strange in the dog's water. Before you can do anything else, the mutation quickly rups you apart!" 017 - (Room 22a) - TAKE Blade, USE Lit Torch on dead Wolf "With a loud roar, the wolf pounces on you, taking your life! The wolfs powerful jaws rip your throat out!" 018 - (Room 23 ) - HIT Hellhound, USE wrong item (Room 23a) - USE Lit Torch on Wyvern "The demon dog snarls and pounces on you. Its teeth sink deep into your flesh." (Thanks, Allen!) 019 - (Room 23a) - TAKE Talisman, HIT Wyvern, wrong item "With the speed of lightning, the wyvern wraps its tail around your neck. You die, screaming silently." 020 - (Room 25a) - TAKE, OPEN pot "As you move the pot, you realize that you have fallen for the oldest trick in the book. You suddenly find yourself knee-deep in the moat. It seems that the alligators really enjoy your company!" 021 - (Room 15) - MOVE north, etc "The troll blows up like a volcano and throws his spear at your chest! The spear pierces your chest and exits through your back!" 022 - (Room 15) - USE 2 Goldcoins on Troll "The troll says, 'I've changed my mind! I won't let you cross my bridge after all!' The troll then picks up the bridge causing you to fall into the chasm." 023 - (Room 27) - MOVE to left door "Without thinking, you jump through the opening and immediately hear a loud click. Suddenly, the granite slab above you gives way and crushes you beneath it. It breaks every bone in your body." 024 - (Room 29a) - MOVE into pit "You woke the sleeping guard from his beauty sleep. He decides to eat you for breakfast!" 025 - (Room 28) - MOVE into doorway, HIT Gargoyle "Suddenly, the beasts begin to shudder and their eyes begin to glow red! The gargoyles, angered at your presence, spring from their frozen state and rip you to pieces! There's not enough left of you to even feed to the birds." 026 - (Room 31) - MOVE in Water "As soon as you jump in you find that you cannot escape the strong current of this river. Your cries for help are cut off as your lungs fill with water!" 027 - (Room 32) - USE talisman on Crown or Jewel "You have placed the Bladed Sun in the wrong hole. You did not heed the warnings and now the Warlock Lord's defenses end your life!" 028 - (Room 32a) - Do anything to the Warlock Lord "The Warlock Lord feels your presence and knows that you are the seed that must be destroyed. Flame shoots forth from his staff and engulfs your body. You have failed!" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --C2. Suicides---------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 101 - (Room 05) - MOVE in Water "As you swim toward the skeleton, you feel the jaws of a shark grab you and pull you under. You curse yourself for using your body as bait!! Even before the life has left your body, the lake will be filled with your blood." 102 - (Room 11) - MOVE into Chasm "With a loud cry, you take the big plunge. The Grim Reaper stands below, waiting to catch you." 103 - (Room 14) - MOVE to fire "Bellowing like a fool, you leap off the bridge and into the blaze! You are instantly fried." 104 - (Room 14) - MOVE to oil "Suicide obviously does not solve problems." 105 - (Room 16, 30) - MOVE into WELL "With a mighty leap, you jump head first into the well. On the way down, you see no water below. The well was deeper than you imagined. You have just broken every bone in your body." 106 - (Various Rooms) - MOVE in Window "With a cry you jump to your death! It takes only a couple of seconds before you hit the bottom with a thud." 107 - (Room 19a) - USE Fountain on SELF "Kneeling down next to the fountain, you drink a handful of the acidic water. You can't even scream because you no longer have a throat, let alone a larynx!" 108 - (Room 29) - MOVE to lava "Shouting a battle cry, you catapult yourself off of the platform. You are brave, warrior, but stupid! Your body explodes as you plunge into the lava." 109 - (Room 16) - USE rope (from the well) "The rope is loose you reach out for it but as you do, you slip and fall down the well!! The well was deeper than you imagined. You have just broken every bone in your body." =4.4. Miscellany============================================ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --D1. Sphinx Dialogue--------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "As you moved, the Sphinx spoke, 'who are you? No one may pass without my permission. To pass, you must answer a riddle!'" --- Following are the six riddles that may be posed by the puzzling Sphinx. --- (Mirror) "You look at me, I look back, your right hand raises, I my left. You speak, but I in vain." (Broom) "Long neck, no hands, 100 legs, cannot stand. Born of a forest nest, Against a wall I rest." (Horseshoe) "First burnt and beaten, drowned and pierced with nails, then stepped on by long-faced animals." (Map) "It has towns, but no houses. Forests, but no trees. Rivers, but no fish." (Skull) "I've no eyes, but once did see, thoughts had I, but now I'm white, and empty." (Bellows) "I´m a fire´s friend, my body swells With wind. with my nose I blow, how the embers glow." --- After the riddle is posed, he shall procure the following dialogue. --- "Dost thou know? Bring me the answer to my riddle and I shall let thee pass." --- If you USE the correct item upon the beast, he will reply with: --- "You have correctly answered my riddle, warrior. Thou may now pass." --- If not.. --- "Suddenly!! The room begins to fade! It seems that the Sphinx's magic has taken you to ." --- OR --- "Suddenly! The room begins to fade! It seems the Sphinx's magic has taken you to " --- OR --- ... "It seems that the Sphinx's magic has taken you to the room with a fireplace." --- Locations --- So far, I've hit the following locations: Troll Bridge "Charnel" [Coffin Room] Laboratory Library Room with a Fireplace (Note: If you're transported to the Fireplace, you can leave without ever needing the Red Gem. When he asked the Map riddle, I used Skull on him. Try it out, I really don't know how the room you're going to is determined. It's not really much of a time-saver anyway. Hell, the other two gems are absolutely required to beat the game, and they're in the same bag as the Red Gem, so you save one turn by not grabbing the gem, two by not having to use it in the library and enter. Then you lose turns entering and exiting the library for Key 5 so you can enter the Sphinx's room so you can have a 1 in 6 chance of being teleported to the fireplace.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --D2. Select Button Text------------------------------------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Room 1 "The secret thoughts of the skull can be yours!!" Room 2a "Try with all your might!" Room 3 "Look closely at the hallway." Room 6 "It looks like something is behind the waterfall." Room 5 "Some things have more than one use!" Room 8 "You can set things on fire with a burning torch." Room 13 "Some things require a second glance" Room 15 "Weapons are not the only way to 'defeat' an enemy" Room 18 "As you open the Bookcase on the left..." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --D3. The Rest---------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Doors "This metal door shows significant signs of rust." "It's a heavy wooden door with iron hinges." "It's a finely crafted, wooden door." Open door "It's a doorway." Walls "It's a stone wall." When nothing happens "Nothing happened." "What you were expecting hasn't happened." TAKE item "The is in hand" "The was taken." HIT certain objects "Ouch! That smarts!!" HIT self "Smash!! Now you see stars!!" LOOK at nothing much "You seem to be wasting your time." LOOK at SELF (with all items equipped) "Thou art truly a brave knight!! You are wearing the cloak. You are wearing the glasses. You are wearing the silver gauntlets." Do something stupid (I.e. USE SELF, SPEAK SELF) "What odd behavior for such a brave warrior!!" LEAVE an item in the room (or SELF) "You can't drop what you didn't take." OPEN something not openable "It won't open!!" OPEN an object "The is open" OPEN locked door "The door is locked." CLOSE an object "The is closed." USE object "What do you want to use this on?" Press SELECT (except in specific rooms, where you instead get really obvious hints) "Don't quit now!!" "Are you getting it?" "You feel frustrated as you look around you. There must be a clue somewhere!" USE Key on Door "'Click!' The key worked!! It unlocked the door!!" USE Stone on Sling "You've put the small stone into the sling." LOOK at Rugs "It's a beautifully woven rug." USE Torch on Rugs "The rug quickly catches on fire and burns away." *==========================================================* 5. Version Info (Updated 4/30) *==========================================================* v.1b - Just about everything is done. Only minor refinements will be needed for future releases. Not bad for a first version, eh? (10:56 PM 4/18/2004) v.2b - Whoops! Looks like I completely forgot about my Deaths section. Phew. That's up now, so you know. The following list still stands. (6:30 AM 4/19/2004) v.4b - Holy dag, yo! New section distinctions; there is now a Suicide section under Deaths. That, and I reformatted the numbering system. What was 4.1 is now A. Let me know if that's any better for you guys. Or gals. SEND ME TEXT! I don't know what I might be miss- ing. I'll work on getting the Miscellany section up and neat for my next update. Until then! (7:49 PM 4/22/2004) - Added Neoseeker to my list of hosts. (12:30 PM 4/25/2004) v.5b - Amended DEATH 22 to reflect the fact that it's possible to get that text when using a Torch on the Wyvern. Thanks, Allen. (5:09 PM 4/26/2004) v.6b - Takeshi was added to the contributers list and credits as a result of 5 new text additions. Several sections are updated. This guide is so close to being ready for primary release. I think I'll be pretty much done once I flush out the to-do list. If you have anything, please send it my way! Everyone who contributes kicks major ass. Look at how many times I put the names of my first two in the guide. I'm a madman, I tell you! (4:14 PM 4/29/2004) - Well, before I even released version 6b, I decided to clean up my Death section a bit. Any entry that was moved to suicides or not there to begin with has been erased, and all of the numbering was shifted down accordingly. I'm starting to really rule. I also modified the Main script accordingly. (4:39 PM 4/29/2004) v.9b - All Sphinx riddle text added; new section on its own for this text. Updated a few things in the script. From to-do list: Hall and Outlook entry text filled. SELECT button text is complete. Not much left to do! Thanks, everyone, for your support thus far! Naturally, with so much stuff done, the version gets bumped up exponentially. (6:58 PM 4/30/2004) 1.0 - All Misc text done! This FAQ is now considered complete, though I'm sure there's something or other that I'm missing. E-mail me if you find anything new! Until then, I'm done. 1.01 - Blah, blah. New stuff! Thanks to Smoby for contributing something after like 6 months of nothing. I'm done playing the game, people. I need input! (6:25 AM 10/22/2004) 1.1 - Hooray, new input! Thanks to Larcen Tyler for a new suicide! The most recent changes made to the FAQ can now be found in a new section at the top ("What's new"). Please be sure to note that my e-mail address has changed to "kirbypufocia at gmail dot com". If you've sent any mail to the other address in the last 2 or so years, please send it again to my new address. This guide is mostly complete, but your input is always welcome. The new version also includes a bit of trimming, a dash of reformatting, and perhaps a subtle hint of reorganization. (2:54 PM 3/24/2007) *==========================================================* 6. Contact *==========================================================* If you wish to contact me, you may do so at the following address: "KirbyPufocia at gmail dot com" Please put "Shadowgate" in the suject line. The name's Mike, by the way. I'm open to: -Questions (please ask if don't understand something!) -Suggestions (format, etc) -Corrections -New discoveries!! -Criticism (any kind will do) I am accepting offers of hosting to any site interested in doing so. For the guaranteed most recent version of this FAQ, however, please visit GameFAQs. *==========================================================* 7. Credits *==========================================================* - CjayC (GameFAQs), for hosting this beauty. - Leo Chan (Neoseeker), for the same reason. - Kemco-Seika, for bringing such a great text adventure to full motion graphical life! - Nintendo, for licensing this game. - My parents, for allowing me to purchase this game at the tender age of 5 (you bastards!). - Sean Babbit, for format advisory. - Kain Lacroix, for the kind words regarding my obsession with this game. - BSulpher, whose guide helped me remember which item corresponded to which riddle. (Damn you, Sphinx!) - The folks at Minibosses board (you guys rule!) - Monospaced fonts in general. - Myself, for taking the 12 hours needed to go through the game and write this at the same time. - And you, the reader, for your interest in my FAQ! Drop me a line sometime, will ya? ==E. Contributors=(Chronological Order)==================== - Allen Johnson (Wyvern DEATH text glitch - See DEATH 018) - Takeshi (Everything you'd ever want to do with a torch, Arrow suicide, attempts at sequence breaking.) - Smoby (Staff after Blade text, neat glitch w/ firebridge, even more stuff with torch) - Larcen Tyler (SUICIDE 109 - trying to climb down the well) ---The first story's end--- -**********************************************************- Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Mike Molnar All rights reserved. Please do not host this guide without permission. This guide is free for personal use and reproduction so long as the guide is not modified in any way or used for any profit, unlikely as that may be. This guide is permitted to be hosted by the following sites: -GameFAQs -Neoseeker -**********************************************************-