SHADOWGATE For the NES Created by Kemco-Icom Simulations By PinKirby ( (c) 2004 ----------------------------------------------- ---------------TABLE OF CONTENTS--------------- ----------------------------------------------- 1. History 2. Item List 3. Legal Stuff and Info --------------------------------------------- 1. History --------------------------------------------- December 14, 2003 - Began this guide. --------------------------------------------- 2. Item List --------------------------------------------- ---------- ARROW ---------- Description: "A finely crafted silver arrow is not uncommon in the elven lands." Where found: CHAMBER Usage: USE on woman (actually a werewolf) in MOONLIT ROOM Use for suicide: YES ---------- BAG 1 ---------- Description: "It's a leather pouch!!" Where found: CRAMPED CAVE (HIT rock) Usage: OPEN to find Red gem, White Gem, and Blue gem Use for suicide: No Other notes: You can LEAVE this after getting the gems from it. ---------- BAG 2 ---------- Description: "It's a leather pouch!!" Where found: TOMB (OPEN the middle-right coffin) Usage: OPEN to find coppcoins Use for suicide: No Other notes: You can LEAVE this after getting the coppcoins from it. ---------- BAG 3 ---------- Description: "This canvas pouch looks to be quite light. Closer inspection reveals some druidic script on it." Where found: LOOKOUT POINT Usage: OPEN to find Big coin and 3 Gold Coins Use for suicide: No Other notes: You can LEAVE this after getting the Big coin and gold coins from it. ---------- BELLOWS -- ---------- Description: "This wooden bellows has stoked many a floundering fire." Where found: FIREPLACE ROOM Usage: USE on sphynx to answer his riddle Use for suicide: No ---------- BIG COIN ---------- Description: "It is a large coin with a well engraved on it." Where found: LOOKOUT POINT, OPEN Bag 3 Usage: USE on well in WELL ROOM in order to MOVE through the well without dying Use for suicide: No ---------- BLADE ---------- Description: "It's some sort of spike that is made from precious metals. OUCH!! The tips are as sharp as needles." Where found: MOONLIT ROOM Usage: USE on staff, then USE orb on staff. Use for suicide: No Other notes: The staff is useless without this! You cannot USE orb on staff unless this is USEd on the staff first. ---------- BLUE GEM ---------- Description: "It's a dark blue gemstone that is as big as the pommel of a sword!!" Where found: CRAMPED CAVE, OPEN Bag 1 Usage: USE on stone slab in WIZARD CAVE Use for suicide: No ---------- BONE ---------- Description: "This bone has been picked clean." Where found: DRAGON ROOM Usage: None Use for suicide: No Other notes: You can LEAVE this. ---------- BOOK ---------- Description: "This book looks quite old. The words "The Prophecy" is written on it." OPEN, without glasses: "You can't read the strange writing in the book." OPEN, with glasses: "Wow!! With these glasses, you can understand and read what you could not before!!" Where found: LIBRARY Usage: USE glasses on self, and LOOK at book to learn the MOTARI spell. "The light grows faint, the path winds round. Where life is lost, wisdom is found. The seed of the dream, fore the evil is free. Where the sword is hung, he must place the key. A bridge to from, amidst burning death. A demon to guard." "MOTARI RISETH" Use for suicide: No ---------- BOTTLE 1 ---------- Description: "It's a small silver bottle. What is it? It sure smells terrible!!" USE on self: "As you consume the liquid in the vial, your body convulses and death spasms quickly follow." Where found: EPOR ROOM Usage: None Use for suicide: YES Other notes: You can LEAVE this. ---------- BOTTLE 2 ---------- Description: "This small silver bottle lines with a lustrous shine. You notice that the bottle is impossibly light!!" USE on self: "You drink the liquid and immediately begin to rise in the air!!" Where found: SMALL ROOM (EPOR ROOM) and LABORATORY (2 more) Usage: USE on self in DEEP CHASM to float, then enter the room on the left(with the weak bridge) Use for suicide: No Other notes: There are 3 Bottle 2's in the game. ---------- BOTTLE 3 ---------- Description: "It's a silver vial." USE on self: "Glug!! You swallow the viscous liquid. It's like drinking tar." Where found: LABORATORY Usage: None Use for suicide: No Other notes: You can LEAVE this. ---------- BOTTLE 4 ---------- Description: "This jar is extremely slimy." USE on self: "Glug!! You swallow the viscous liquid. It's like drinking tar." Where found: LABORATORY Usage: None Use for suicide: No Other notes: You can LEAVE this. ---------- BOTTLE 5 ---------- Description: "It's a small black bottle with a cork on top." USE on self: "You drink the liquid in the bottle. It's as sweet as sugar." Where found: FIREPLACE ROOM, USE TERRAKK, OPEN globe. Usage: None Use for suicide: No Other notes: You can LEAVE this. ---------- BROOM ---------- Description: "This broom looks remarkably like the one owned by the sirens of the isle of Yeklum Iret." Where found: MIRROR ROOM Usage: USE on Sphynx to answer his riddle Use for suicide: No ---------- CLOAK ---------- Description: "This heavy cloak contains no frivolous adornments, such as pockets or a hood." Where found: SMALL CHAMBER (After killing the wraith) Usage: USE on self to withstand the heat in the FIRE ROOM Use for suicide: No Other notes: A glitch can allow you to pass the FIRE ROOM without the cloak; once you are returned to the MIRROR ROOM from the heat, kill yourself. When you continue, you continue from the FIRE ROOM. ---------- COPPCOIN ---------- Description: "Hey!! Wait a minute!! This is no gold coin. It's but a brass slug. What a royal rip!!" Where found: OPEN bag 2 (found by opening the Middle-right coffin in the TOMB) Usage: None, but for fun: USE on troll (will pass first time, but be found out if it is the second coin you give him) or USE on ferryman (he will not accept it). This is not necessary, and does not help you at all in your quest. Use for suicide: No Other notes: You can LEAVE this. There are 3 coppcoins in the game. ---------- CREST ---------- Description: "It's the family crest of Sir Dugan himself." Where found: BANQUET HALL Usage: None Use for suicide: No Other notes: You can LEAVE this. ---------- CUP ---------- Description: "It's a pewter goblet, which glows with a lustrous shine." Where found: FIREPLACE ROOM Usage: None Use for suicide: No Other notes: You can LEAVE this. ---------- FLUTE ---------- Description: "It's a small, wooden flute. It looks like it could make wonderful music." USE in FOUNTAIN GARDEN: "The sound of the flute is very pretty, indeed. It seems like you wake from a dream only to find a hole in the tree!! Is it real? The flute's music is like magic." USE elsewhere: "The flute's music could possibly lead you to an endless dream." Where found: FOUNTAIN GARDEN Usage: USE in FOUNTAIN GARDEN to make ring appear Use for suicide: No Other notes: Once the ring is revealed, you can LEAVE this, only in the FIRE ROOM. ---------- GAUNTLET ---------- Description: "It's a gauntlet of silver plate. It bears the symbol of the Circle of Twelve." USE on self: "You place the gauntlet on your hand. It feels like it was made just for you." Where found: COURTYARD, USE the well's crank to make a bucket rise, then OPEN the bucket. Usage: USE on self to TAKE the Flute from the acidic fountain. Use for suicide: No ---------- GLASSES ---------- Description: "These glasses are worn. They've probably been used for a long time." Where found: LIBRARY, OPEN desk. Usage: USE on self in order to read the book Use for suicide: No ---------- GOLDCOIN ---------- Description: "This coin has a mark on it that looks like a human skull." Where found: LOOKOUT POINT, OPEN Bag 3 Usage: USE on ferryman in RIVER STYX to pay the fare. Use for suicide: No Other notes: There are 3 gold coins in the game. For some reason (maybe a glitch), you can LEAVE this at anytime, even dumping the last goldcoin, thus making the game impossible to win, since you need a goldcoin to pay the ferryman's fare. ---------- HAMMER ---------- Description: "It's an ancient gnome war hammer. This weapon does not show the signs of battle." Where found: DRAGON ROOM Usage: USE on middle mirror in MIRROR ROOM to find a door. Use for suicide: Yes Other notes: After the middle mirror in the MIRROR ROOM is exposed, you can LEAVE this. ---------- HELMET ---------- Description: "This seems to be a helmet of the sort commonly worn by hobgoblins." Where found: DRAGON ROOM Usage: None Use for suicide: No Other notes: You can LEAVE this. ---------- HORN ---------- Description: "The horn is forged of flawless platinum. Its beauty is unbelievable!!" USE to open the skull in the SKULL ROOM: "The sound of the horn echoes loudly in your ears. Suddenly, you hear the sound of grinding rock. The jaw of the skull begins to descend!! Hot wind erupts from the mouth creating the illusion that the stone skull is alive!!" Where found: BRAZIER ROOM Usage: USE after placing the Talisman in the SKULL ROOM to make the skull's mouth open, revealing a door. Use for suicide: No Other notes: ---------- HRSESHOE ---------- Description: "This horseshoe seems to have taken quite a beating." Where found: LABORATORY Usage: USE on sphynx to answer his riddle Use for suicide: No --------- KEY 1 --------- Description: "It's a small iron key." Where found: FRONT DOOR (OPEN skull) Usage: USE on middle door in CORRIDOR to unlock STONE PASSAGE. Use for suicide: No Other notes: If STONE PASSAGE is unlocked, you can LEAVE this. ---------- KEY 2 ---------- Description: "This key bears a skull. This must be a skeleton key." Where found: OPEN Book in the STONE PASSAGEWAY Usage: USE on right door in CORRIDOR to unlock CLOSET Use for suicide: No Other notes: If CLOSET is unlocked, you can LEAVE this. ---------- KEY 3 ---------- Description: "It's a small brass key." Where found: POOL CAVERN, held by the skeleton Usage: USE on door in MIRROR ROOM, after you USE hammer on the middle mirror Use for suicide: No Other notes: If the FIRE ROOM is unlocked, you can LEAVE this. ---------- KEY 4 ---------- Description: "This rusty lock doesn't seem to have been used for a long time." Where found: BANQUET HALL, USE torch on rug Usage: USE on bottom door in BANQUET HALL Use for suicide: No Other notes: If the door to the PASSAGEWAY is unlocked, you can LEAVE this. ---------- KEY 5 ---------- Description: "It's a small iron key." Where found: LIBRARY, OPEN desk Usage: USE on upper right door in BANQUET HALL Use for suicide: No Other notes: If the door to the SPHYNX room is unlocked, you can LEAVE this. ---------- KEY 6 ---------- Description: "It's a jet black skeleton key." Where found: FIREPLACE ROOM, USE Terrakk, OPEN globe. Usage: USE on upper left door in BANQUET HALL Use for suicide: No Other notes: If the door to the BRAZIER ROOM is unlocked, you can LEAVE this. ---------- MAP ---------- Description: "This fine map of the lands of Tarkus is quite detailed, although incomplete." Where found: LIBRARY Usage: USE on sphynx to answer his riddle Use for suicide: No ---------- MIRROR ---------- Description: "The frame of this fine mirror is laced with silver and gold." USE hammer on it: "The mirror seems to have been a helpless victim of your wrath." LOOK after you USE hammer on it: "Good job!! I hope you don't believe in bad luck." Where found: BANQUET HALL Usage: USE on sphynx to answer his riddle Use for suicide: No ---------- ORB ---------- Description: "Aha!! It's an orb made of silver. Its glowing surface causes your skin to tingle." Where found: SMALL CAVE Usage: USE switches in SMALLE to reveal the orb. (Right, Left, Right) USE blade on staff, then USE this on staff to prepare it for use against the behemoth. Use for suicide: No ---------- POKER ---------- Description: "It's a black iron poker. It is used to stir the embers of an ongoing fire." Where found: FIREPLACE ROOM Usage: None Use for suicide: YES Other notes: You can LEAVE this. ---------- RED GEM ---------- Description: "It's a fine red ruby!! The color reminds you of your adventure across the sea of blood." Where found: CRAMPED CAVE, OPEN Bag 1 Usage: USE on hole by bookcase in LIBRARY Use for suicide: No ---------- RING ---------- Description: "It's a ring!! Set with a large, black sapphire." Where found: FOUNTAIN GARDEN, USE flute to make it appear. Usage: USE scepter on skeleton king in THRONE ROOM to make the pillar fall, which reveals the ring-shaped hole. USE the ring on the hole to make a passage to the STONE Use for suicide: No Other notes: This is NOT the one ring to rule them all! ---------- ROD ---------- Description: "This rod is made of cast iron." Where found: OBSERVATORY, TAKE star, OPEN starmap Usage: USE on hole in BALCONY to see a hand with a wand Use for suicide: No ---------- SCEPTER ---------- Description: "This jewel-studded scepter is truly made for a king!!" Where found: TOMB, OPEN near-right coffin to make the mummy appear, then USE lit torch on the mummy. Usage: USE on skeleton king in THRONE ROOM to make a ring-shaped hole appear Use for suicide: No ---------- SCROLL 1 ---------- Description: "It's an ancient, leather bound parchment." Where found: EPOR ROOM Usage: OPEN to read about your quest (NOT A NECESSITY) "Five to find, three are one. One gives access, the bladed sun. The silver orb, to banish below. The staff of ages, to vanquish the foe. Joining two, the golden blade. The last to invoke, the platinum horn." Use for suicide: No Other notes: You can just OPEN to read, as opposed to taking and then opening it. Once you read it, you can LEAVE it. ---------- SCROLL 2 ---------- Description: "It's an ancient, leather bound parchment." Where found: WIZARD ROOM, USE Blue gem on stone slab, and listen to the wizard Usage: OPEN to learn the HUMANA spell. "As the shadow of the wind, thou shalt be!!" "HUMANA" Use for suicide: No Other notes: You can just OPEN to read, as opposed to taking and then opening it. Disappears once you learn the spell. ---------- SCROLL 3 ---------- Description: "It's an ancient, leather bound parchment." Where found: LIBRARY, OPEN the desk Usage: OPEN to learn the TERRAKK spell "Lands under the heavens; the key to the world." "Terra Terrakk" Use for suicide: No Other notes: You can just OPEN to read, as opposed to taking and then opening it. Disappears once you learn the spell. ---------- SCROLL 4 ---------- Description: "It's an ancient, leather bound parchment." Where found: LIBRARY, OPEN desk Usage: OPEN to learn the ILLUMINA spell "To move the sun from far to near, Light is what the darkness fears." "INSTANTUM ILLUMINA" Use for suicide: No Other notes: You can just OPEN to read, as opposed to taking and then opening it. Disappears once you learn the spell. ---------- SCROLL 5 ---------- Description: "It's an ancient, leather bound parchment." Where found: OBSERVATORY Usage: OPEN it. It reads: "Observing the stars; the throne constellation appears once every five summers. Legend says that it is a portal to another land." Use for suicide: No Other notes: ---------- SHIELD ---------- Description: "It's a heavy shield. There are only a few dents on it." Where found: DRAGON ROOM Usage: TAKE for protection against the dragon when taking items in the DRAGON ROOM. Use for suicide: No Other notes: The shield withstands no more than 4 fire attacks from the dragon in a row. The 5th fire attack melts both the shield and you! To cool off the shield, leave, then return to the DRAGON ROOM, remembering the 4-item rule. You will be killed by the dragon if you attack him or try to MOVE where he is, whether you have the shield or cloak, or not. Once you have the spear, torch, the 2 skulls, the helmet, the hammer, the bone, and the shield itself from the DRAGON ROOM, you may LEAVE the shield. ---------- SKULL ---------- Description: (DRAGON ROOM) "This skull looks like it has been dried and cracked by extreme heat." (LIBRARY AND DRAGON ROOM) "It seems to be the skull of some unfortunate individual." Where found: DRAGON ROOM (2), LIBRARY (1) Usage: USE on Sphynx to answer his riddle Use for suicide: No Other notes: There are 3 skulls in the game. You only need one skull for the Sphynx. ---------- SLING ---------- Description: "It's a small leather sling. This would come in handy for long-range battles!!" Where found: CLOSET Usage: USE stone on it, USE on cyclops, then USE sword to kill KO'd cyclops Use for suicide: No Other notes: This will not work without stones. Once the cyclops is dead, you can LEAVE this. ---------- SPEAR ---------- Description: "This spear is some seven feet long. The tip seems to be made of finely forged silver." Where found: DRAGON ROOM Usage: USE on troll to ward him off Use for suicide: YES Other notes: Once the spear is used on the troll, the troll will then use it on you if you try to pass the bridge or attack him. ---------- SPHERE ---------- Description: "This crystal sphere is as cold as ice." Where found: PEDESTAL ROOM, USE White gem on hole Usage: USE on lake to freeze it, USE in FIRE ROOM to kill the firedrake, USE torch on it to put out the flames Use for suicide: Yes, USE last lit torch on it to enter darkness ---------- STAFF ---------- Description: (By itself) "Druidic script winds its way around this staff. You can feel power emanating from it!" (With Blade on it) "The golden thorn is permanently bonded onto the staff." (With Blade and Orb attached) "Power emanates from the staff!! Three are, now and forever, one." Where found: SNAKE ROOM, USE wand on snake Usage: USE Blade on staff, then USE orb on staff, then USE staff on behemoth Use for suicide: No Other notes: The staff will not work unless the blade and orb are attached to it. ---------- STAR ---------- Description: "It's an ornate carving of a shooting star. The object is made of silver and is extremely heavy." Where found: OBSERVATORY Usage: USE on wyvern in WYVERN TURRET Use for suicide: No --------- STONE --------- Description: "This stone would not be good for skipping." Not taken: "This stone is almost perfectly round." Where found: WATERFALL Usage: USE on sling to arm the sling Use for suicide: No Other notes: There are a total of 5 stones in this game. Once you kill the cyclops, you can LEAVE this. --------- SWORD --------- Description: "It's a double-edged broadsword. The handle has druidic script written upon it." Where found: CLOSET Usage: USE on Cyclops (After you USE stone on sling and USE sling on cyclops) Use for suicide: YES Other notes: Once you kill the cyclops, you can LEAVE this. (But who'd want to LEAVE such a cool sword?!) ---------- TALISMAN ---------- Description: "This rather heavy talisman is made of gold and is extremely sharp along its edges. It shines with an incredible brilliance!" Where found: WYVERN TURRET (USE Star on wyvern before you TAKE it) Usage: USE under the sword engraving in the SKULL ROOM Use for suicide: No Other notes: If you USE this item under the jewel or crown engravings in the SKULL ROOM, you will be killed. ---------- TESTTUBE ---------- Description: "It's an empty test tube on a wooden rack." Where found: LABORATORY Usage: None Use for suicide: No Other notes: You can LEAVE this. --------- TORCH --------- Description: "It's a torch. An oil soaked rag is wrapped around it." Lit: "This torch throws dancing shadows about the room." Unlit: "The flame from the torch has gone out." Where found: Many places Usage: USE to light a torch (at least one must be lit at any given time), USE lit torch to burn various objects Use for suicide: YES (Use on self thrice) Other notes: Torch burns do not heal. Ever. If you burn yourself at the FRONT DOOR twice, and burn yourself a third time at the FINAL ROOM, you are going to die from the third burn. There are 18 torches throughout the game. ---------- TORCH ---------- Description: "There is something out of the ordinary about this torch but you can't put your finger on it." LOOK at it again: "It's a strange torch." Where found: STONE PASSAGE Usage: USE lit torch on this to kill the wraith Use for suicide: No Other notes: This torch is by itself in the GOODS window, as opposed to the torches indicated by number. ---------- WAND ---------- Description: "It's a wand of sorts. Carved on the side of the wand is a small picture of a serpent." Where found: BALCONY, USE rod on hole to make a hand holding the rod appear. Usage: USE on snake in SNAKE ROOM Use for suicide: No ---------- WATER ---------- Description: "The glass vial is filled with a clear liquid. The sign of the cross is on it." Where found: USE stone in LABORATORY to find it. Usage: USE on Hellhound in BRAZIER ROOM Use for suicide: No ---------- WHITEGEM ---------- Description: "It's a white stone of unknown origin. A fine thing to gamble away in a good card game!!" Where found: CRAMPED CAVE, OPEN Bag 1 Usage: USE on hole in PEDESTAL ROOM to make the sphere appear. Use for suicide: No --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- 3. LEGAL STUFF AND INFO --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- This guide is copyrighted by PinKirby (inter401op). The following sites MAY have this Walkthrough/Guide posted: Please email me if you wish to be among those listed, and if I say yes, be sure to give me credit! Shadowgate is copyrighted by Kemco and Icom. The NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) is copyrighted by, and a registered trademark of, Nintendo. All rights reserved.