+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Shrek: Fairy Tale Freakdown (Game Boy Color) FAQ and Move List by The Unlikely 1 Version 1.03 - January 24th, 2018 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Table of Contents ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C0 History C1 Introduction C2 Controls and Notation C3 Gameplay C4 Modes C5 Move List C5.1 Shrek C5.2 Big Bad Wolf C5.3 Pinocchio C5.4 Gingerbread Man C5.5 Monsieur Hood C5.6 Princess Fiona C5.7 The Dragon C5.8 Thelonius C5.9 Lord Farquaad C6 Cheats C7 Credits and Thanks ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C0 History ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Version 1.0: January 21st, 2018 Initial release. Version 1.03: January 24th, 2018 Some minor touch-ups, and also a proper copyright message. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C1 Introduction ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Shrek: Fairy Tale Freakdown was released for the Game Boy Color on May 29th, 2001. It is based on Shrek, a 2001 3D-animated film that parodies various fairy tales and is itself based on a children's book from 1990. The game, one of the many licensed products that followed (and barely two weeks after, at that), takes most of the major characters from the film and tosses them into a fairly awkward one-on-one fighter. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C2 Controls and Notation ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +----------------------------------------------+ | | | -- --- | | | | | | | | -- -- --- | | | | | | | | --- | | -- -- | | A | | | | --- | | -- B | | --- --- | | | | | | SEL STA | | | | | | | +----------------------------------------------+ Menus: Arrows Move cursor A Confirm selection B Confirm selection (Main Menu, Player Select); Cancel selection (Password, Options) In-Game: Fw Forward Bk Back Dn Down U Up (Jump) B B button (Kick) A A button (Punch) Start Pause Select Return to main menu (pause screen) , Then + Press together ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C3 Gameplay ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ As far as gameplay goes, Shrek: FTF is quite barebones. Grabs and low attacks are both mostly absent, and each fighter has only two or three special moves. Every fight is only one round long. You can double-tap Bk or Fw to run. Also, holding Bk will cause your fighter to block for a split second before moving, even if the enemy isn't attacking. It also lets you block if the enemy *is* attacking, of course. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mirror Matches ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While the game does have same-character matches, as most fighters do, there are no alternate palettes. Instead, the game places an arrow above the fighter you're controlling. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stage Layouts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The stages have differing layouts, with some having higher platforms to jump to. Also, the Forest, Swamp, Dark Forest, Bridge, and Castle all have holes in the terrain. Falling into a hole is naturally an instant loss. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Normals and Special Moves ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There isn't much for move diversity. Noticeably, most fighters' air attacks are the same as their ground attacks. Shrek, Pinocchio, and Farquaad have unique "B in air" attacks. Wolf, Gingerbread, Hood, and Thelonius have unique "Dn+B" attacks. There are really only two types of specials: projectiles and close-range strikes that (usually) do a little more damage than usual. Like with normal attacks, most special moves can be used in the air. The following can be entered in midair, but they won't activate until the user hits the ground: *Shrek's Flaming Gas (after a delay) *Wolf's Hat Swat *Pinocchio's Nose Punch *Hood's Flail Punch *Dragon's Tail Whip (after a delay) *Thelonius's Choke Hold *Farquaad's Crown Charge Projectiles will pass through each other instead of cancelling out. The inputs are rather loose. In particular, it's possible to use "Fw, Fw" moves by pressing Bk, Bk very quickly. ~~~~~~~~~ Power-Ups ~~~~~~~~~ The power-ups become available after you win a match with enough points. They can be activated once your health hits 1/2 and the P icon next to your health bar starts flashing. Each one lasts about four seconds, and you can only have one active at a time. Note that unlocked power-ups only apply to your current playthrough. Also, the CPU seems to have access to them in every stage, even the ones you haven't unlocked yet. Invincibility Dn, Dn, A, B *Requires 800 points. Protects you from damage. Speed Dn, Fw, A, B *Requires 1,500 points. Lets you move and attack faster. Ogre Strength Bk, Dn, Fw, A, B *Requires 2,000 points. Makes your attacks deal more damage. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C4 Modes ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~~~~~~~~~ Play Game ~~~~~~~~~ The arcade mode. Fight whomever the game tosses at you until you reach the end, as always. The stage order is always the same, but the opponent order varies slightly with some characters. The only way to quit is pausing and pressing Select. If you lose a match, the game will just restart said match. ~~~~~~~~ Password ~~~~~~~~ Exactly what it sounds like. You receive a password every time you finish a match, though due to how short the game is, they aren't of much use. ~~~~~~~~ Practice ~~~~~~~~ A rudimentary practice mode. The opponent and stage are randomly selected, and you get a new set whenever you knock the opponent out. ~~~~~~~ Options ~~~~~~~ Despite the name, there's only one option. You can set the difficulty to Easy, Medium, or Hard. That's it. (Note: No, there's no two-player mode.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C5 Move List ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A very short move list, at that. The hidden characters are the Gingerbread Man, the Dragon, and Lord Farquaad. Defeating each one adds them to the roster. :::::::::::::::::::::::: C5.1 Shrek :::::::::::::::::::::::: Ogre Slime Dn, Fw+A Flaming Gas Dn, Bk+B :::::::::::::::::::::::: C5.2 Big Bad Wolf :::::::::::::::::::::::: Sonic Howl Dn, Fw+A Hat Swat Bk, Fw+B :::::::::::::::::::::::: C5.3 Pinocchio :::::::::::::::::::::::: Arm Toss Dn, Fw+A Nose Punch Bk, Fw+B :::::::::::::::::::::::: C5.4 Gingerbread Man :::::::::::::::::::::::: Sugar Spit Dn, Fw+A Gumdrop Toss Bk, Fw+B :::::::::::::::::::::::: C5.5 Monsieur Hood :::::::::::::::::::::::: Flail Punch Fw, Fw+B Archery Shot Dn, Fw+A :::::::::::::::::::::::: C5.6 Princess Fiona :::::::::::::::::::::::: Flying Kick Dn, Bk+B Siren Voice Dn, Fw+A Frying Pan Fw, Bk+A :::::::::::::::::::::::: C5.7 The Dragon :::::::::::::::::::::::: Tail Swat Dn, Bk+B Fire Ball Dn, Fw+A Dragon Bite Fw, Fw+B :::::::::::::::::::::::: C5.8 Thelonius :::::::::::::::::::::::: Choke Hold Bk, Fw+B Axe Throw Dn, Fw+A :::::::::::::::::::::::: C5.9 Lord Farquaad :::::::::::::::::::::::: Royal Chomp Bk, Fw+A Crown Charge Fw, Fw+B ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C6 Cheats ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All Characters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Simply finish the game once to unlock the three hidden characters. Alternatively, use any password you get from finishing the game, such as VGHVGTVRQ. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C7 Credits and Thanks ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DreamWorks Animation: Producers of the original Shrek films. Prolific and TDK Mediactive: Developers and publishers, respectively, of this (rightfully) forgotten fighting game. GameWinners.com: A now-defunct cheat code site from which I got most of the special move motions. Cheatcodes.com: The source for the power-up codes. GameFAQs: The place where I posted this FAQ. Yours truly: The writer of this guide. It's probably more in-depth than this game warrants, but at least it only took a weekend. This guide is (c) 2018 The Unlikely 1. For corrections, omissions, and other feedback, e-mail: jaytheunlikely at gmail dot com. ----------------------------------END OF FILE----------------------------------