Star Wars Episode 1: Racer - Parts & Pit Droid Guide Author: Matt Menzies Email: Version: 1.1 Updated: July 7, 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.1 - redone the whole part guide - added the author, email, version, and last updated at the top of the page NOTE: I don't think anyone has seen version 1.0 since I was accused of copying others work. This is a game faq right? I made this because when I looked over the other faqs for racer, I did not see what I needed to see. I had to think up new strategies for winning. And now I'm sharing them with you, so you don't have to be as frustrated as I was. -------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS 1) How Pit Droids Work 2) Junkyard Strategy 3) Part Guide ---------------------------------------------------------------- -----1) H O W P I T D R O I D S W O R K ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------- Pit Droids maintain your pod parts (duh). Each pit droid can only maintain 1 part. So if you have 5 new parts and 4 pit droids (MAX, unless using a cheat) 1 part is going to get ruined (condition is brought down). So if you want to win you just want to get all 4 pit droids and choose 4 categories that you want to max out and only buy those parts. This is the key to winning. ALSO: The least expensive part in each category never gets damaged! ------------------------------------------------------------ ------2) J U N K Y A R D S T R A T E G Y ------- ------------------------------------------------------------ - Use this strategy to 1) Get the parts you need 2) Get more money The Junkyard Strategy is a really good way to win. This strategy helps you earn money and get maxed out parts for cheap prices. A) Win a couple of races (DON'T UPGRADE and get a pit droid or 2). B) Go to the junkyard and try and find one of the best parts in bad condition. If there isn't any in the junkyard, go to SELECT RACER and select your racer over again. When you go BACK to the junkyard, there should be DIFFERENT parts there. REPEAT until you get one of the BEST parts for cheap. C) Race with this part so the pit droids repair it. D) The part should now be in mint condition and be able to get money for selling it. ---------------------------------------------- -----3) P A R T S G U I D E ----- ---------------------------------------------- -----TRACTION----- - A Podracer's traction determines how closely it hugs the ground. As you increase your machine's speed, augment its traction for better handling. R-20 Repulsorgrip- 250 R-60 Repulsorgrip- 400 R-80 Repulsorgrip- 600 R-100 Repulsorgrip- 1200 R-300 Repulsorgrip- 2600 R-600 Repulsorgrip- 6000 -----TURNING----- - To increase your Podracer's turn response, buy turning components. The better the part is, the more touchy the steering of your craft will be. Control Linkage- 200 Control Shift Plate- 400 Control Vectro Jet- 700 Control Coupling- 1600 Control Nozzle- 3800 Control Stabilizer- 7500 -----ACCEL----- - Is it taking too long to go from zero to 600mph? Purchase upgrades for your fuel injection system to give your Podracer a little extra kick at the starting block Dual 20PCX Injector- 800 44 PCX Injector- 2200 Dual 32PCX Injector- 5600 Quad 32PCX Injector- 7000 Quad 44PCX Injector- 10,400 Mag-6 Injector- 14,000 -----TOP SPEED----- - Thrust Coils increase your maximum speed. As you upgrade your thrusting mechanisms, you will reach speeds in the neighbourhood of 900mph. Plug2 Thrust Coil- 1000 Plug3 Thrust Coil- 2400 Plug5 Thrust Coil- 6000 Plug8 Thrust Coil- 14,000 Block5 Thrust Coil- 17,500 Block6 Thrust Coil- 20,000 -----AIR BRAKE----- - You think these Podracers can stop on a trugut? Not really. You need to upgrade your air brakes in order to slow down quickly enough when the courses get turny. Mark II Air Brake- 700 Mark III Air Brake- 1400 Mark IV Air Brake- 3600 Mark V Air Brake- 7000 Tri-jet Air Brake- 10,400 Quadrijet Air Brake- 14,000 -----COOLING----- - As you reach your Podracer's top speed, your engines will start to overheat. A good cooling system will cool down your engines quickly after thrusting. Coolant Radiator- 50 Stack-3 Radiator- 100 Stack-6 Radiator- 300 Rod Coolant Pump- 900 Dual Coolant Pump- 2700 Turbo Coolant Pump- 5400 -----REPAIR----- - You can repair your Podracer midrace, but it will slow down your pod. Purchase better repair modules to fix your machine faster and maintain your speed better. Single Power Cell- 150 Dual Power Cell- 300 Quad Power Cell- 800 Cluster Power Plug- 1400 Rotary Power Plug- 4000 Cluster2 Power Plug- 7000 ---------------------------------------------------------------- YOU MAY NOT TAKE ANYTHING FROM THIS FAQ WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR!!!!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading my guide....... Email me questions at GUIDE/FAQ by: Matthew Menzies