ZELDA: LINK'S AWAKENING - COLOUR GAME BOY - GRAVEYARD BONUS DUNGEON Update Ver. 1.2 - DEC 29/1998 Original Ver. 1.0 - DEC 19/1998 ******************************************************************* 1) INTRODUCTION AND COPYRIGHT Well, here it is! My FAQ on the colour game boy extra dungeon, the "colour dungeon". Fight your way through this dungeon and you will be given the "gift of colour," either a blue (defensive) or red (offensive) tunic for Link to wear! Here's what to do! ** This FAQ may be copied and distributed as long as it remains AS IS. It may not be reproduced for sale. All contents Copyright 1998/99 R. Grant (bomberman@gamesages.com) **Please note that this is all I will do in regard to this game. There are plenty of FAQ on the B&W version of the game already. Please don't e-mail me with questions on the whole game, as I haven't written down anything other than the information for the new "Colour Dungeon." ******************************************************************* TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1) Introduction and copyright 2) What was updated? 3) Map 4) Object locations 5) Where to find it and how to get into it 6) Walkthrough ******************************************************************* 2) WHAT WAS UPDATED? 1.2 Updated the fact that you must be alone when you try to enter 12/29 the dungeon. 1998 1.1 Updated room 22. You can change your colour tunic as many 12/22 times as you'd like by simply re-entering the dungeon and 1998 working your way back to the fairy. Also, Complete the game with no deaths and you'll see a special ending! Special thanks to "Quaker X" for the update! ******************************************************************* 3) MAP ****** ****** ****** ****** * 21 * ** * 22 * * 11 * ** * 10 * ****** ****** ****** ****** * * * * ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** * 20 * ** * 19 * * 16 * ** * 17 * * 8 * ** * 9 * ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** * * * * * * ****** ****** ****** ****** * 18 * ** * 15 * ** * 14 * * 7 * ****** ****** ****** ****** * * * * ****** ****** ****** ****** * 2 * ** * 3 * ** * 5 * ** * 6 * ****** **O*** **^*** ****** * * ^ * * * ^ * START ****** ****** ****** ****** HERE >>> * 1 * * 4 * * 13 * ** * 12 * ****** ****** ****** ****** LEGEND: O - False walls ^ - One way door ******************************************************************* 4) Object Locations Room 1 - 2 - FAIRY DUST 3 - COMPASS 4 - Lots of 5 point rupees 5 - 6 - BEAK 7 - 8 - 9 - 10- FAIRY 11- NIGHTMARE KEY 12- 13- SMALL KEY 14- FAIRY 15- 16- MAP 17- SMALL KEY 18- 19- FAIRY 20- 21- FAIRY 22- BLUE OR RED TUNIC ******************************************************************* 5) WHERE TO FIND IT AND HOW TO GET INTO IT The dungeon is located in the GRAVEYARD. You must enter the graveyard and go to the only section that has 5 HEADSTONES (Bottom right section of the graveyard). To open the path to the dungeon you need to push all of these headstones a certain direction. Here it is: **The NUMBER on the gravestone indicates the ORDER in which you have to push them. Start at #1 and go to #5. XXX XXX XXX X X X X X X X 3 X X 4 X X 5 X X X X X X X XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX PUSH UP PUSH RIGHT PUSH UP UP XXX XXX /\ X X X X LEFT< >RIGHT X 2 X X 1 X \/ X X X X DOWN XXXXX XXXXX PUSH LEFT PUSH DOWN After pushing HEADSTONE 5 up, you'll find stairs underneath it leading to the "COLOUR DUNGEON." **NOTE!! You must be ALONE when you try to enter the dungeon. If you have Marin or the Rooster following you, you can expect to see the following message: "If you have no courage, then you have no strength. Cowards don't move grave stones." Complete the tasks that require Marin and the Rooster and then come back to the graveyard. ******************************************************************* 6) WALKTHROUGH Don't try to do this room too early in the game. The normal time to do this dungeon is after you've found the PEGASUS BOOTS (it lets you knock the book stuck up on the high shelf down). Try to do it then. ROOM# DECRIPTION ----- ---------- 1) When you enter, you will see a red ghost and a blue ghost, simply talk to one of the ghosts and tell them what colour they are. They will move out of your way. 2) In the pots in the top left corner is fairy dust. Walk towards the eyes on the floor and they will become slime monsters. They can only be killed when they have popped up from the floor. Kill them all to continue. 3) In this room you must make all the heads on the floor blue. To do this hit the top left head first, then the bottom right head. Also, poke around the southern wall of the room and you'll find a weak spot. Bomb this spot and you'll find and opening to room 4. You'll also find the COMPASS in this room once it is clean. 4) This room is filled with 5 point rupees. 5) The squares on the floor only let you step on them so many times. The sequence is: BLUE - YELLOW - RED - HOLE. Watch your self. When you step on a square, you will bounce into the air. To kill the flying creature I found holding my sword out and bouncing at him works very well. 6) You'll find two holes in the ground, a red one and a green one. You also find two creatures that when hit will become either a red or green ball. Hit the "Cue Ball" creature and then push it into the matching color hole. Do this and receive the BEAK. 7) This room has squares and flying beasts similar to room 5. See Room 5. 8) This room is similar to room 3. You must turn all the heads blue. To do this hit bottom right once, then top left until all heads are blue. 9) In this room you must kill all the slime creatures before continuing. 10) This is the first "boss" you'll meet. It is a slime boss. You sword is useless so arm yourself with FAIRY DUST. You must sprinkle the blob with 6 hits of FAIRY DUST to kill it. Kill it and collect a FAIRY. 11) In this room you'll find the NIGHTMARE KEY. You'll be blocked by three blocks. To solve this puzzle, push the TOP block to the left, then push BOTTOM block to the left. Lastly, push the MIDDLE block UP into the place where the top block used to be. Head to room 12. 12) Kill all the slime to continue. 13) More squares and flying creatures like room 5. Kill them all and receive a SMALL KEY. Go through the one way door at the top of the room that will lead you to ROOM 5. Go through the locked door in ROOM 5. 14) The second "boss" is a Rock Monster. He will jump up in the air and upon landing will knock Link onto his butt. Try to dodge the rocks he tosses at you. To kill him you must strike him with your sword about 8 times(maybe 9?). Your reward will be another FAIRY. 15) Kill all the flying creatures again, and lift the pot up in the top left corner to reveal a button. Step on it to open all doors. 16) This room is filled with jelly balls. Kill them all and your prize will be the dungeon MAP. 17) This room is like room 6 only this time there are four Cue Ball creatures. As with room 6, hit the creatures to turn them into a ball, and then push them into a matching colour hole. Your reward? A SMALL KEY. Head to room 18. 18) In this room you must again turn all the heads on the floor to blue. There are nine this time. Unfortunately I don't have the exact sequence for this, but can tell you that hitting a CORNER head will rotate it and the two beside it. A MIDDLE EDGE head will rotate the whole side plus the center. Hitting the CENTER head rotates it and all heads beside it. Good luck. Keep on hitting until you get it! 19) In a pot in the top right corner you'll find another FAIRY. Grab it, you'll NEED it! 20) Walk along the bottom of the room and hit the switch. Walk up to the top and prepare for the FINAL boss! 21) Meet the Dungeon boss! It looks like a JellyFish. The JellyFish has three colours, blue, yellow and red. As you hit the JellyFish its head will change colour. Be warned! The JellyFish spits out little starfish at you. Also note that the JellyFish is always SELF HEALING, that means that you must strike furiously! If you use your shield the starfish will push you away from the JellyFish letting it self heal and forcing you to start all over again. If you can make the head change to yellow, then you can relax a bit (according to the game - I didn't relax). Once you have killed it, you can collect your prize! NOTE: I trapped the JellyFish in a corner and then beat upon it mercilessly WITHOUT USING MY SHIELD. Yes, I took a lot of damage, but don't worry! When you kill it you will receive another FAIRY. 22) Enter and find a fairy fountain!. Talk the to fairy and she will give you the choice of either a RED (Offensive) tunic, or a BLUE (Defensive) tunic. If you get bored with your tunic, or wish to try the other colour, simply go back through the dungeon and ask the fairy for the other tunic. If you use the blue tunic, it will aid you in your quest to finish the game with no deaths (special ending). When you save, the three digits that appear beside your save game is how many times you have died. ******************************************************************* Good luck and I hope you enjoyed the new dungeon!