The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX Guide System: Game Boy Color Version: 1.0 Guide by: PentiumMMX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Table of Contants: Title-----------------------------------------------------------------Keyword (Use "Find") Legal Crap------------------------------------------------------------[LGLCR] Introduction----------------------------------------------------------[INTRO] Storyline-------------------------------------------------------------[STRYL] Controls--------------------------------------------------------------[CTRLS] Tips for Begenners----------------------------------------------------[4TIPS] FAQs------------------------------------------------------------------[4FAQS] Walkthrough-----------------------------------------------------------[WKTRH] Starting your Quest-----------------------------------------------[WSTRT] Level 1: Tail Cave------------------------------------------------[WTAIL] After Level 1-----------------------------------------------------[WPLV1] Level 2: Bottle Grotto--------------------------------------------[WGRTO] After Level 2-----------------------------------------------------[WPVL2] Level 0: Color Dungeon--------------------------------------------[WCLRD] After Level 0-----------------------------------------------------[WPLV0] Level 3: Key Cavern-----------------------------------------------[WKEYC] After Level 3-----------------------------------------------------[WPLV3] Level 4: Angler's Tunnel------------------------------------------[WTUNL] After Level 4-----------------------------------------------------[WPLV4] Level 5: Catfish's Maw--------------------------------------------[WCMAW] After Level 5-----------------------------------------------------[WPLV5] Level 6: Face Shrine----------------------------------------------[WFACE] After Level 6-----------------------------------------------------[WPLV6] Level 7: Eagle's Tower--------------------------------------------[WEAGL] After Level 7-----------------------------------------------------[WPLV7] Level 8: Turtle Rock----------------------------------------------[WROCK] After Level 8-----------------------------------------------------[WPLV8] Final Level: Wind Fish's Egg--------------------------------------[WFISH] Locations of the Secret Seashells-------------------------------------[SHELL] Locations of the Peices of Hearts-------------------------------------[HEART] Weapons and Items List------------------------------------------------[SWORD] Version History-------------------------------------------------------[VERHS] Special Thanks--------------------------------------------------------[SPCTH] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Legel Crap Keyword: [LGLCR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Legend of Zelda is (C)1987-2007 Nintendo The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening is (C)1993-2007 Nintendo Game Boy is (C)1989-2007 Nintendo ...And finaly, this guide is (C)2007 PentiumMMX. DO NOT: - Take it and claim you made it - Sell it for profit or - Post it on any website other then GameFAQs (http:/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Introduction Keyword: [INTRO] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to my 2nd guide! This time it for the GBC ramake of the best GB game ever! Zelda: Link's Awakening DX has everything the older version for GB did (Minus the "Select Warp" glitch) but in color. Also included is the Photo Shop, owned by a mouse who will take pictures of you at certan spots in order to fill your album, and a new Color Dungeon that's only accessible on GBC-compatible hardware (Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Advance SP and the Gamecube's Game Boy Player will work). If you don't have the DX version, ALMOST everything in this guide applies to the origenal, except some items will be in different spots and the Photo Shop and Color Dungeon arn't in it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Storyline Keyword: [STORY] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are many different version of the storyline, going with the many ideas people have on how the Zelda games fit together. I'm going with the offical version (Based on how Myamoto said the Zelda Storyline is): After defeating Ganon at the end of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Link sat sail for another adventure, when he gets caught in a thunderstorm, and lightning destroys his raft! He wakes up in bed in some house, and discovers from a girl that looks like Zelda that he's on Koholint Island. He then follows directions to where they found him, and he saw an Owl, who told him that is he wants to return to Hyrule, then he'll need to collect the 8 Instruments of the Sirens and awaken the Wind Fish! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Controls Keyword: [CTRLS] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you've forgot (Or you're new and don't have the instructions), here they are for reference: D-Pad (Control Pad): Move Link (On Overworld) \ Move Cursor (On Menus) A Button: Use Item 1 (SEE NOTE) B Button: Use Item 2 (SEE NOTE) Start: Brings up the Items and Quest Status Menu (Equip items, see how many Insturmants you've recovered, see the Dungeon Map, etc.) Select: Brings up the Map Note: You're allowed to set items to either the A or B Buttons. You can also combind items, like Roc's Feather and Pegisus Boots (Allowing you to jump farther), and more! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tips for Begenners Keyword: [4TIPS] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you've played any Zelda games before, you already know most of these, but if you're just starting out, these might be helpful: - The owl will tell you some important infomartion and where to go next, so pay attention to it! - If you press and hold the button you have your Sword set to for a few seconds, your sword will start flashing. Release and Link will spin around with the sword drawn (Refered to as the "Spining Blade Attack") - Collect Rupees! It's the form of money in the game, and you'll need to save up a lot to get the Bow later on - If you see something you can't get to (Over a pit with no path across, etc.), wait until you get the needed item (Roc's Feather, etc.) or complete a certen task before returning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FAQs Keyword: [4FAQS] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here are some commonly asked questions about Zelda: Link's Awakening DX that I've seen before: Q: What does DX stand for? A: It stands for "Deluxe" Q: How do I save? A: Press the Start, Select, A, and B buttons at the same time, and it will bring up a menu asking if you want to continue playing or save and quit. This ONLY works in Link's Awakening and Link's Awakening DX (It's the reset code for other GB games) Q: I can't enter the Color Dungeon! How do I enter? A: First off, you need to be playing on any GBC-compatible system (Game Boy Color, Gamecube Game Boy Player, and all of Nintendo's newer handhelds except for Game Boy Micro and Nintendo DS). If you're playing on a Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket, or Super NES Super Game Boy, then it can't be accessed. Also, you'll need to have beaten Level 2 (Bottle Grotto), since you'll need a Power Bracelet in there. Q: What item is inside the Color Dungeon? A: You'll just have to wait and see (Or go to the Color Dungeon Stratigy, the keyword is back at the Table of Contants) Q: What happened to the Select Warp Glitch? A: Nintendo fixed it in Link's Awakening DX, so no more warping past obsticles or entering the Glitch World. However, there is still the origenal GB version for that. Q: Where is the Photo Shop? A: In Link's Awakening DX, it's located at H-4. If you're playing the origenal GB version, then the Photo Shop is not in the game. Q: What are those Secret Seashells for? A: If you collect 20 of them, you'll receive a Level 2 Sword, which allows you to shoot blade beams by swinging it. Q: What is the Yoshi Doll for? A: It's part of a long trading process that's required to get the Magnifying Glass, which is needed toward the end of the game. Q: Can you completely fill in the lava with the Sliding Block in room F-5 in Turtle Rock (Level 8)? A: One word: No. Q: How do I get the Boss Key in Bottle Grotto (Level 2)? A: Go to the section for Level 2 (The keyword is back at the Table of Contents) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walkthrough Keyword: [WKTHR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok, So you're ready to start your adventure. The first thing you'll see when you start up your Game Boy (After the Nintendo Screen (GB\GBP), Super Game Boy Logo (SNES Super Game Boy), or Game Boy logo (GBC and newer)) is the intro. If you've read my story discription, then you know what's going to happen. so procede to the File Select Menu. Select a empty file slot (If there arn't any, then delete a file by selecting Erase from the File Select Menu, then selecting the file you want deleted, then select Ok) and enter your name. After that, then select your file again, and your adventure starts... Before we begin, however, I'll explain the Map System. It's like a Battleship board, except it's a map of Koholint Island. When I gave a code (A-1, for example), look it up on this map and compare it to the in-game map in your file. Here is a text version of the map: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 2 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 3 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 4 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 5 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 6 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 7 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 8 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 9 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 10 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 11 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 12 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 13 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 14 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 15 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 16 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| _______________________ _/Starting Your Adventure\_________________ Keyword: [WSTRT] You'll start with your character in bed, with some woman that looks like Zelda standing by the bed. You'll discover she isn't Zelda, she's Marin, and that you're on Koholint Island. Once she's done talking, get out of bed and talk to the guy at the table that looks like Mario. His name is Tarin, and he'll give you your Level 1 Shield once he's done talking. Now leave their house and go find your sword! After exiting their house, follow the path leading from their door until it stops just outside of Mabe Village. Then Just keep going down until you reach the beach, then go right 2 screens. You'll see your sword, but a starfish is blocking the path, so push it out of the way with your Sheild, then walk to the sword. Before you grab it, the talking owl comes in and tells you some stuff, but more inportantly, it tells you to go to the Mysterious Woods. Once it's speech is over, claim your Level 1 Sword, and fight your way back to Mabe Village. Once back, head one screen up from the well you passed by earlier. Destroy the shrubbery blocking the path with your sword, and enter... The owl appears again and tells you some stuff, but more importantly, tells you that you'll need to go to Tail Cave once you get the key hidden in this forest. Start by going to the cave located at C-7. The First thing you'll see is a room with a 3 long pits with Keese (Bats) hiding in them and a Treasure Chest. destroy the blue sandstones (Yeah, it doesn't make any sense to me, either) while defeating the Keese. Once all the sandstones have been destroyed, you can push a bolder out of the way and open the chest and claim the 50 Rupees inside it. After going through a tunnel, you'll find yourself in a room with a Piece of Heart (Ignore it for now, since you can't get to it) and a lot of bolders. Push the block to your character's left (When you enter), and then move down and push the one in front of your character out of the way and exit the cave. Once outside, you'll see a Mushroom behind 3 shrubs. Grab it, then make your way back through the cave. Back where you started at C-7, go up 2 screens, then right 2 screens, and you'll be outside the Mysterious Woods. You'll see another Piece of Heart, but you can't get to this one yet, either, so procede to the Witch's Hut at F-7. Once inside, present her with the Mushroom, and she'll mix up some Magic Powder for you. Now head back into the Mysterious Woods and go the area with the Raccoon at B-6. Sprinkle some magic power on it, and it will spin around, bouncing aganst sceanery, and when it stops, it turns into Tarin! He'll explain what happened to him, and he'll set a spell so you can finaly get to the key (If you try without using the Magic Powder on him, he'd warp to another part of the Mysterious Woods). Now hack the shrubbery away and claim your treasure: The Tail Key! The owl will fly in again and tells you to go to the Tail Cave and obtain the 1st Instrument of the Sirens, which is hidden inside! Now leave the Mysterious Woods, cut through Mabe Village, and procede to D-14. ____________________ /Level 1: Tail Cave \ _/(Tall Tale, Tail Cave)\__________________ Keyword: [WTAIL] Map: +--1--2--3--4--5--6--7 A [I] B [ ][ ][ ] [B] C [R] [ ][K][ ][O][ ] D [ ][H][G][S][ ][ ][ ] E [ ] [ ][S][M] F [C][S][ ] ^ Key: ^: Entrance S: Small Key K: Boss Key (Also knows as "Nightmare Key") R: Roc's Feather B: Boss I: Full Moon Chello C: Compass M: Map H: Secret Seashell G: Chest of Rupees O: Stone Beak Start by Going Left and knocking the turtles into one of the pits, making the first key appear. Grab it and go into the room to your left. Inside, you'll have to destroy 4 Blue Slimes (This sounds like Dragon Quest, doesn't it?) to make a Treasure Chest appear, containing the Compass (Reveals where the Treasure Chests and Boss are, and makes a special sound letting you know if a key is in a room as soon as you enter it). Now go back to where you started and go up. Knock the turtle into the pit and stand on the switch, which will make a chest appear with a key inside. Now go into the room on your right and defeal all the monsters inside, which will make a chest appear with the Map inside. Enter the next room, and go right. In the next room you'll find a Treasure Chest being guarded by a Large Fireball. Run up to the front of the chest when the fireball is behind or beside it and open it to get another key. Go right and defeat the Mini-Moldrome to make a Treasure Chest of Rupees appear. Open it and go up. Push the block up to block the Sliding Blade, unlock the door, and continue going foward. Once in the next room, go right, dodge some fireballs and Tiny Red Slimes and go left. Push the block over (In any direction you want) to open the door. In this room, you'll need to flip the Spikey-Shelled creatures over by blocking them with your shield. Attack them while they are upside-down to defeat them, which will make a staircase appear. Go down them, follow the short tunnel, and exit. On the other side, go up 2 screens. You'll find a Treasure Chest on a platform over a pit, and the only way to get there is being guarded by Sliding Blades. Once you get close to them, they will slide out to attack you. While they are sliding back to their origenal position (Aganst the Wall), run over to the Chest and open it, and you'll receive Roc's Feather, allowing you to jump across pits! Equip it and jump over the Sliding Blades and go down 2 screens (Jump and collect the Winged Heart if your hearts are low), go though the tunnel, and make your way to Room C-5. Jump across the pit, unlock the block, and procede up the stairs and go to the Treasure Chest on the next screen (To your left). Open it and you'll receive the Boss Key. Now go back to Room D-5. Unlock the door to your right and enter. Go up and you'll find wired little tings that scroll through the different symbols for a Deck of Playing Cards (Hearts, Diamonds, Spades, and Clubs), and when you attack them they will freeze (Symbol inculded). Attack them until they all stop on the same symbol, whil will defeat them and make a Treasure Chest appear, containing a Stone Beak (which allows you to get hints from Owl Statues). Now go down one room, jump across the pit, and enter the next room, where the first Mini-Boss waits... ________________________ _/Mini-Boss: Rolling Bones\___________________________ | HP: 6 | | Difficulty: Easy | | | | The main stratigy here is to jump over the spikey | | cylender after it rolls it and constantly attack | | the Mouse thing to keep it from rolling the cylender.| | Hit it 6 times and it's toast! | |______________________________________________________| After beating it, Enter the next room, avoid the Sliding Blades, unlock the door, and prepare for the 1st boss... _____________ _/Boss: Moldorm\________________________________ | HP: 6 | | Difficulty: Normal | | | | Thos boss is mildly irritating, since it can | | knock you off the platform and into the | | basement, meaning you'll have to start the | | fight again, and it will have it's HP restored.| | Attack it's tail (The only weak part), and it | | will take damage and slither around madly. | | Repeat that 5 more times and that snake thing | | is defeated! | |________________________________________________| With the boss defeated take the Heart Container and procede into the next room, where you'll find the 1st Instrumant of the Sirens: The Full Moon Chello! 1 down, 7 to go! _____________ _/After Level 1\________________ Keyword: [WPLV1] After leaving the Tail Cave and going right, you'll run into the owl again, who tells you some stuff, but more importantly, that you'll need to go to Gopanga Swamp. So off you go! As soon as you return to Mabe Village, the kids that where playing catch run to you in panic, telling you that Moblins (The monsters from the Mysterious Woods) invaded the village and did something at Madam Meow-Meow's House. Go there are talk to her, and she'll tell you that the Moblins have captured her full grown Chain Chomp, Bow-Wow! So you have to enter the Mysterious Woods again and defeat those moblins! Remember where that Heart Container you saw earlier was? Go there (E-5 on the map), collect it, then jump over the pit and continue up, then go right and enter the cave. Once inside, you'll fight a few weak Moblins, and eventuly reach the Mini-Boss... _____________________ _/Mini-Boss: Big Moblin\_________________ | HP: 8 | | Difficulty: Easy | | | | Block it's arrows with your shield, and | | when it charges at you, dodge it and he | | should hit the wall, stunning him for a | | moment. Attack him while he's like this | | 8 times and he's down for the count! | |_________________________________________| Enter the next room, and untie Bow-Wow's chain from the rock and take it back to Madam Meow-Meow, but she says you should take it for a walk, so take it to Gopanga Swamp (You can get there from where you got the Tail Key eallier, and following that path until you reach Gopanga Swamp. Bow-Wow loves eating those wired fireball-shooting plants here, so it can clear the path to a Treasure Chest with 50 Rupees in it, and the entrance to Level 2: Bottle Grotto! ____________________________________ /Level 2: Bottle Grotto \ _/(I'm a genie in a bottle in a grotto!)\______ Keyword: [WGRTO] Map: +---1--2--3--4--5--6 A [P][G][S][ ][ ][ ] B [M] [K] C [ ][ ] [I][B] D [ ] [ ] E [O] [ ] F [ ][ ][S][ ][S][ ] G [G][ ][S][S] ^ Map Key: ^: Entrance S: Small Key K: Boss Key P: Level 1 Power Bracelet B: Boss I: Conch Horn C: Compass M: Map G: Chest of Rupees O: Stone Beak As soon as you enter you'll see a Treasure Chest being blocked by pots (Ignore that for now). Go up into the next room (And have some Magic Power ready), sprinkle some into the 2 torches on the platform, and the door to your right will open. In the next room, you'll find a red and a blue Skulltulla (Skeleton), and the Blue one has a move Red doesn't: The Ability to jump and then drop directly on top of you. After defeating them, you'll get a Small Key, so go back to the last room and unlock the door to the left of the Torch Platform. Inside, you'll find a few bats hiding in the dark, so destroy them to open the doors. Go up into the next room, light the torches, jump across the pit, Knock the turtle into the pit, and open the Treasure Chest, containing the Stone Beak. Return to the room you where in earlier (With the Skulltullas) and go right, hit the crystal ball switch, and go down. In this room, defeat the Stalfoe hit the crystal ball switch, and open the Treasure Chest, containing another Small Key. Now return to the room with the Skulltullas and open the door in there. You'll find a Shy Guy in this room, whis is copying all your movements in reverse, and it can't be attacked from the front (It's mask protects it). To defeat it, Stand with your back to itand Charge up a Spining Sword Attack and walk toward it with your back still to it, and it will move the same way. Release when you're next to it, and that will finish off that pest! Head back to the room with the Stalfoe and go right. Jump across until you reach the platform with 2 switches: A ground switch and a Crystal Ball Switch. Step on the ground switch and a Treasure Chest will appear, and it contains a Small Key. Go up into the next room and you'll find 2 Shy Guys. defeat them the same way you did earlier, and another Small Key will appear. Grab it and go right. In this room, you'll fight 2 Spikey-shelled creatures, and then you can safely unlock the door and go up. In this room, you'll need to push the 2 blocks together to cover up the floor that looks different, which will make a staircase appear. Take them and you'll be in a tunnel. Follow it and exit, and you'll be in a dark room with Keese and a Large Fireball. After that, you'll face a Mini-Boss. ________________ _/Mini-Boss: Hinox\_________________________ | HP: 6 | | Difficulty: Normal | | | | The Trick to beating this guy is attacking | | it while avoiding the bombs it throws and | | avoiding iut's attempts to grab and throw | | you. If it does throw you, it will take | | away an enitre heart of HP! 6 Hits will | | beat this beast, thankfuly. | |____________________________________________| After beating it, procede into the next room. In there, you'll see a staircase, but there are pots blocking the way. Ignore it for now and go to the next room. In this room, you'll find 3 bats, a Treasure Chest, and a wired eye thing in the bottom corner. theeye will take care of the bats, but now you're left facing a pest. You can try jumping over to itand attacking, but be careful, because if it eats you, you'll be sent back to the entrance of this dungeon! After defeating the eye thing (Or ignoring it, your call), open the Treasure Chest, and you'll finally receive the Map! Now head into the next room. open the Treasure Chest (It contains 20 Rupees), Unlock the door, and go into the room on your left. In here, you'll need to light a torch and defeat the ghosts (Or light a torch and wait for them to flee, your call). Then a Treasure Chest will appear, containing the Level 1 Power Bracelet, so you can pick up pots and stones! Now return to the entrance (G-2). Remember that Treasure Chest you couldn't get to when you first entered? You can use the Power Bracelet to get the pots out of your way and claim the 50 Rupees inside that Treasure Chest! Now return to the room with the stairs blocked by pots (C-2). Move the pots like you did to get to the Treasure Chest earlier, and go up the stairs. Follow the short tunnel with Mario enemies and exit on the other side. In this room, you'll need to defeat the Enemies in a certen order to get the Treasure Chest to appear. Start by freeing the Polis Voice (The Rabit Thing) and then throwing a pot at it. Then defeat the Keese, and finally, the Stalfoe. Then the Treasure Chest will appear, and you'll claim the Boss Key that's inside it! Now go into the next room. You'll see a Blue Skulltulla, 4 bats, and a Crystal Ball Switch. Defeat the bats and the Blue Skulltulla if you want, hit the switch, and go right, Jump across the larger pit and continue right. Throw a pot at the Crystal Ball Switch, move a pot out of your way, jump across and open the Treasure Chest, containing the last Small Key for this level! Hit the switch again and head back to A-5. Unlock the door and enter. Defeat the 2 Polis Voices and the Red Slime to make the staircase appear. Go down into the tunnel and stand on top of the platform to lower it. On the other side, grab a pot and then stand on top of the platform to lower it, then climb up the ladder. Jump across the pits, unlock the Boss Door, and prepare for your next boss... ___________ _/Boss: Genie\_________________________________ | HP (Bottle): 3 | | HP (Genie): 6 | | Difficulty: Above Normal | | | | For the first part, have your Power Bracelet | | ready. Step foward and the Pot will hop | | foward, and the Genie will pop out and after | | a few seconds, start throwing fireballs at | | you. dodge the firaballs (If you get hit, it | | takes an entire heart of HP away!) Wait for | | it go go back into it's bottle, and poke it | | with your sword. It doesn't do any damage, | | but it will temperarly paraize it. Pick it | | up and throw it aganst the wall. Repeat that | | 2 more times and the pot will break, meaning | | The Genie isn't invensible anymore! Attack it | | and he will split in two spin around then | | reassemble and Throw a fireball at you. Dodge | | the fireball (Roc's Feather helps here) and | | attack it again. 6 hits and he's finished! | |_______________________________________________| Take the Heart Container, enter the next room, and take the Conch Horn! Just 6 more Instrumants! _____________ _/After Level 2\_____________ Keyword: [WPLV2] After Level 2, while going through the Mysterious Woods, move the rock on the screen with the Moblain and the Sword Moblin at C-6 on the map. Go down the stairs and you'll find a well with 2 large skulls next to it (Not very welcoming, isn't it?). Sprinkle some Magic Powder into the well, and Mad Batter (a mat) will come out and place a "curse" on you, allowing you to carry twice as much Magic Powder! Once your back in Mabe Village and returned Bow-Wow to Madam Meow-Meow (By going into her house ad talking to her), I suggest you try the Trendy Game, a crane game (D-12 on the map). Play it and get the Yoshi Doll (It's the easiest thing to get since it's the only thing that isn't moving). Go to C-9 on the map and eneter the house and present it to the lady holding the baby, and she'll give you a Bow in return. Go the the Dog House beside Madam Meow-Meow's House (B-11 on the map) and give the bow to the little dog in there, and she'll give you a Can of Dog Food. Go to Sale's House o' Bananas (D-15 on the map) and give him the Can of Doog Food and he'll give you Bananas (Which you'll need later). Go to the Shop (?-? on the map) and buy a Shovel and some bombs (You'll need them later), and if you have any money left over from buying the bombs and the Shovel, then drop by Crazy Tracy's Hut (F-5 on the map) and buy her magic potion, which when you run our of hearts, this will automaticly restore all of them once, preventing a Game Over. Once you've done all that, you have a choice on what do to next: Go to the Color Dungeon or continue onto Key Cavern. The Color Dungeon if optional, but I'd reccamend going anyway, since you'll get a very useful item inside. If you want to skip it and go to Level 3 (Key Cavern), then go to the Table of Contants, bring up the "Find" menu, and type in the keyword. Otherwise, read on... So you're wanting to go to the Color Dungeon. Ok then...Go to the Witch's Hut (F-7 on the map), jump over the pit and go right. You'll now be in the cemetary, where you'll get to face ghosts and (On one screen) zombies! At H-8, you'll see 5 Tombstones (With sausage and pepperroni! Oops, wrong Tombstone...) in this order: [3] [4] [5] [2] [1] Now push all of them except 5, so they will look like this: [3] [4][5] [2] [1] Once they are in that order, push the 5th Toumbstone foward, and a staircase should be under it. Now climb down the stairs and enter the Color Dungeon... _______________________ /Level 0: Color Dungeon \ _/(Insert Barney joke here)\_______________ Keyword: [WCLRD] Map: +---1--2--3--4--5--6 A [B][P] [K][ ] B [ ][ ][M][S][S][ ] C [ ][ ][ ][ ] D [ ][C][ ][O] E [ ][R][S][ ] ^ Map Key: ^: Entrance S: Small Key K: Boss Key P: Special Item (I'm not saying what it is yet...) B: Boss C: Compass M: Map G: Chest of Rupees R: Room of Rupees O: Stone Beak (NOTE: You'll need a Game Boy Color-compatible system to enter (Game Boy Color, Gamecube Game Boy Player, Game Boy Advance, and Game Boy Advance SP coung as GBC-compatible). If you're playing on a Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket, or Super NES Super Game Boy, they will tell you that "You need the power of color to enter" and will not let you in) Once inside, talk to the skeleton in blue, and he'll ask you what color he's wearing. Obviosly, you need to answer "Blue". Then he'll move aside. Then talk to the skeleton in red. He'll ask the same thing. Tell him that he's wearing red, and he'll move aside. allowing you to enter. In the next room, you'll find a new type of monster: Colored Shadow Monsters the pop out of the ground! Wait form them to come up and attack them, which will open the door. In this room, you're faced with an easy color puzzle: Turn all the Red statues into Blue Statues by hitting them with your sword. Once they are all blue, a Treasure Chest will appear. Open it and take the Compass that's inside. Now bomb the south wall and a part of the wall should break open allowing you to enter The Rupee Room, which has sevrail special Rupees that are worth 5 Rupees in there! Now exit the Rupee Room and continue on. In the next room, you'll see colored tiles on the floor that you can bounce on, but after a few times they will dissipear (3 if it's green, 2 if it's yellow, and 1 if it's red) and a new type of enemy: A Winged Fleaman thing thing that drops bombs. Go right after dealing with with the winged thing. In this room, you'll need to hit the colored ball creatures (Another new enemy) and throw them into the hole of the same color. After doing that, a Treasure Chest will appear with a Stone Beak inside. Now go down, and you'll have another encounter with the Colored Shadow Monsters. Defeat them like you did earlier and the door will open, so go left. In this room, you'll find another new enemy: It's like the Winged Fleaman you saw earlier, but without the wings and doesn't drop bombs (It's more of a pest like the Fleamen from Castlevania). Defeat them and open the chest, which contains a Small Key. Now go up into the next room. Now that you're back in the Winged Fleaman room, go back to the Colored Ball Room (D-5) and go up. You'll find more of those Winged Fleamen. Defeat them and go up. In this room, you're faced with another Color Puzzle, except they threw in Yellow in additon to Red and Blue. Like last time, make all of the statues blue, and you'll receive a Small Key. Now go right, a you'll face more Colored Shadow Monsters, but they threw in Blue this time in addition to Red and Green. Defeat them the same way, and unlock the door, and you're faced with the first Mini-Boss. ______________________ _/Mini-Boss: Giant Slime\_____________________________ | HP: 6 | | Difficulty: Easy | | (Note: If you run out of Magic Powder, a fairy will | | fly in carrying more) | | | | This boss can't be defeated with your sword, so use | | some Magic Powder if you have any left. Dodge the | | lightning bolts (They move rather slow) and attack 6 | | times and the Slime is defeated. | |______________________________________________________| After beating it, go left. In this room, push some blocks out of your way and open the Treasure Chest, containing the Boss Key! Now head back to the first room with the Winged Fleaman (D-4), and unlock that door, and you're faced with another Mini-Boss. ______________________ _/Mini-Boss: Stone Golem\_____________________________ | HP: 8 | | Difficulty: Normal | | | | Unlike the last boss, thos one can be defeated with | | your sword. He's first move is stompong on the floor,| | paraizing you temperarly while rocks fall. Dodge | | the rocks and the spikes on the floor and attack him.| | Repeat ? times and Golem is defeated. | |______________________________________________________| After that, go left. You'll run into a Winged Fleaman and a normal Fleaman. Defeat them, ove the pot in the top-left corner, step on the switch, and go up. In this room, you'll face a few Slimes (Some red, some blue). Defeat them and a Treasure Chest will appear, containing the Map! No go right, and you'll find another colored ball puzzle. Match the colors (Can't they come up with some harder puzzles?) and a Key will appear. Now go back to C-3 and go left. You'll have another puzzle involving making all the Red Statues turn to Blue, but with more ataues this time. Once you solve it, the door will open, so go into the next room. Defeat the Blue Slimes, unlock the door, and go in. Walk over to the Crystal Ball Switch and hit it, then walk over to the Boss boor, unlock it, and get ready for the boss... __________________________ _/Boss: Crystal Ball Monster\____________________________ | HP: ??? | | Difficulty (Without Bow): Above Normal | | Difficulty (With Bow): Normal | | | | This boss involves color like everyting else in this | | dungeon. It has 3 different modes: Blue (Safe), Yellow | | (Caution), and Red (Danger). You have to get it into | | the red and keep it there in order to defeat it. It's | | easier with a Bow, so if you have one on hand, this will| | be a peice of cake! If you don't however, then this will| | be one tough battle. Once it's in the Red, you'll have | | to deal with Skulltullas while trying to keep it in the | | Red. It takes a while unless you have the bow. | |_________________________________________________________| Now that you have defeated the boss you can enter the final area of this dungeon! You'll find a fairy waiting, who is going to give you a special item! You can chose between 2 tunics: Red (Which increses your attack power) and Blue (Which increses your defense power). Select the one you want (You can always come back and change to the other color). After selecting, you're teleported out of the dungeon. _____________ _/After Level 0\_____________________ Keyword: [WPLV0] With the Color Dungeon out of the way (Unless you skipped it), it's time to continue your quest to get the Instrumants of the Sirens! Head to E-10 on the map (Outside Mabe Village) and go right until you reach F-10, then do down and follow that path until you reach a house at G-14. Enter it and talk to the guy. his name is Richard (Who has his own game in Japan, if I remember right), and he wants you to recover the 5 Golden Leafs he left in Kanalet Castle not too far from his house. He'll also tell you you'll need a Shovel, but you should already have one by now (If not, then go to the Shop in Mabe Village at D-10 and buy one). Leave his house and go right and follow the path until you reach the castle gate, but it's locked, so go right until you find a monkey. Give Kiki the Bananas you got from Sale earlier, and it will get it's monkey freinds to build a bridge, and they leave bhind one unused stick. Take it (You'll need it later) and go up until you reach L-3, then go right, cut down a bush. Go down the stairs and follow the short tunnel and exit on the other side. Now to find those Leafs! The 1st feather is at K-6. You'll find a guy poping out of the holes and throwing bombs at you. When he pops up, attack him. After a few hits, he'll be defeated and will leave behind the 1st leaf. The 2nd leaf is at I-6. Using the Power Bracelet, throw a stone at the crow to get it ot of the tree, then defeat it using your sword to get it to drop the 2nd leaf. The 3rd is inside the castle so go on in! Go right once you enter and defeat the enemies in here to make the 3rd leaf appear. Go up then left, and step on the switch, which will open the castle gate. Now go up the stairs, go left, and go up more stairs. In this room, drop a bomb in front of the left armor and defeat it, and it will drop the 4th Leaf. Now go right (Notice that guy with the mace? He's guarding the 5th leaf!) and down and exit. Now enter the door to your right. Once inside here, grap and throw a pot at the door to open it. Now go in and fight that guy! Attack him a few times and he'll be defeated, leaving behind the final Golden Leaf! Now return to Richard's House (G-14) and talk to him, he'll tell you to move a box, and he'll move out of your way so you can push the box, revealing a staircase. Go down it and follow the path. Just follow it until your outside in his backyard. Carefuly destroy the bushes (Some reveal potholes, whil others reveal solid ground!) and make your way to that wired-looking statue. Hack away the bush in front of it and dig atthat spot, and you'll find the Slime Key, so you can Unlock the Key Cavern! Go now, Master of Unlocking! (I felt tne need to use a quote from Resedent Evil) After unlocking the door, you'll need to go past Richard's House until you reach H-12, now jump over to land, then jump a few more times, and you'll reach the entrance to Key Cavern! ______________________________________ /Level 3: Key Cavern \ _/(The Level for the Master of Unlocking!)\_______________ Keyword: [WKEYC] Map: (1st Floor) +---1--2--3--4 A [ ][S][C][ ] B [G][ ][P][K] C [S][ ][ ][ ] D [O][ ] E [?] F [ ][M] G [S] H [ ][S] ^ (2nd Floor) +---1--2--3 A [S] B [S][ ][ ] C [S] D [I] E [B] F [S][ ] Map Key: ^: Entrance S: Small Key K: Boss Key P: Pegasus Boots B: Boss I: Sea Lily's Bell C: Compass M: Map G: Chest of Rupees O: Stone Beak Once inside, you'll need to torow a pot at the door to open it (Like you did back in Kanalet Castle). Once in this room, you're faced with a new enemy: Evil-looking Bomb-Umbs! Wen you attack them with your sword, they will bounce around the room the explode, so they are a little annoying. After defeating them and the Stalfoe, a Treasue Chest will appear containing a Small key. Now go through the door, and defeat the Blue Slimes and the doors will open (BTW, the chest contains another Blue Slime). Go up 2 more times ad go doens the stairs. You're now faced with 4 locked doors. Unlock the north door, and defeat the Stalfoe and the Blue Skulltulla inside to obtain a Small Key. Go back to D-2 on the 1st foor and open the chest and take the Stone Beak inside, then go to F-3 (Also on 1st floor) and go right, open the chest and claim the Map in the Treasure Chest. Now head back tote 2nd floor. Once you're back here, unlock the west door. Defeat the wired bird things (Another new enemy!) with bombs or arrows (If you have the Bow) and slay the hidden Blue Slime, and take the Small Key that appears (If it falls into the pit before you can grab it, then exit the room and re-enter, and the key will be back). Now unlock the South door. Inside, you'll face a Stalfoe, a bird, and some hidden Blue Slimes. Dfeat them likt you normaly would, and claim the next small key. Now unlock the east door, and you'l find stars leading to the 2nd half of the 1st floor(Where the good stuff is). In this room, defeat all the Blue Slimes and you'll receive a Small Key (Now you know why this is called Key Cavern). Now go to B-4, and you'll run into 3 bombs (But this one will follow you until it exlpldes)and a few Blue Slimes to make the doors open. Go left into the next room and open the chest, and claim your Compass. Now bomb the left wall, and go in. Defeal all the bombs in here (They are the bounce-across-the-room-and-explode kind) and take the Small Key they leave behind. Now go to C-2 and defeat the Red Slime and the 4 Small Red Slimes and go up into the next room, where you'll face the next mini-boss. ______________________________ _/Mini-Boss: Twin Dodongo Snakes\__________________ | HP: 3 per Snake | | Difficulty: Easy | | | | As you could guess by the name, there are 2 of | | this guy. Drop a bomb in front of one, and it will| | eat it. Do this 3 times per snake and they are | | finished! But if you run out of bmbs mid fight, | | you can leave and get more (and if you managed to | | beat one, you'll find the other ran away when you | | return!) | |___________________________________________________| Now go right and push some blocks out of your way. Since you're now trapped, just open the chest and you'll receive the Pegasus Boots! Now equip it (Also have your Sword equipped) and charge at the dark-blue stones, They will break, so now you can push a block out of the way and continue on! Now head back to C-2 and go left. Defeat the slimes and birds (They are easier to beat with the Pegasus Boots then bombs or arrows) and take the Small Key. Now go up into the next room. Defeat the Red Slimes and the Red Skulltulla and a chest will appear (But you can't get to it yet). Now go up into the next room and go down, and you'll reach the chest, which contains 50 Rupees. Now go back to E-2 on the 1st floor. Defeat the Red Skulltillas and then go to G-2 and go up the smaller path. Break the dark-blue stones by dashing into them with the Pegasus Boots. and go up. Defeat the Small Red Slime and a Chest will appear on the other side. Return and claim the 200 Rupees inside. Now head to H-3 on the map. You'll see a eye thing on the floor like what you saw back in Level 2, but this one works in reverse: It pushes you away instead of pulling you in! Using the Pegisus Boots, charge at it (With Sword) when it's eye isn't open to defeat it. Now open the Treasure Chest and take the Small Key inside. Now head back to the other half of the 1st floor using the portal. Go to D-4. Bomb the wall (At the end of the arrow shape on the floor) and go in. Defeat the Skultullas and then jump the pit using both Roc's Feather and Pegasus Boots and go up. Jump another pit (Same way as last) and open the chest and take the Boss Key inside. Now head back to C-2 and unlock the locked stone, then go up the path that was blocked by it. Unlock the next block, then go right. Unlock another stone and go down. Now unlock one last stone and go down the stairs. In this tunnel, you'll need to dash into the large stone using the Pegasus Boots, then use it as a stepping stone. Then jump across the spike pit and exit. Using the Pegasus Boots, defeat the birds, which will make the door open. In this room, defeat all the bats to get the last Small Key (If you want to. There is no use for it, anyway, since all doors and stones unlocked by Small Keys should be unlocked). Now unlock the Boss Door and prepare for battle... ____________________ _/Boss: Slime Eyeballs\________________________________ | HP: 4 per eye | | Difficulty: Below Normal | | | | To get the boss to appear, dash into one of the | | walls to knock it loose. Now attack it over and over | | until it looks like there are two eyes held together | | with a littke slime. Now dash at them (Sword + Pegasus| | Boots) and you can start doing damage. Once you attack| | one, it will fly up, then fall down, temperarly | | paralizing you. After hitting the eyeballs ? times | | each, the boss is finished! | |_______________________________________________________| Now take the Heart Container, then go up and take the 3rd Instrumant of the Sirens: The Sea Lily's Bell! Just 5 more to go! _____________ _/After Level 3\____________________________ Keyword: [WPLV3] After leaving the level and going right, you'll run into the owl again, who will tell you to go to Yarna Desert. Before that, go back to Mabe Village and go to the Dream Shrine (D-9 on the map). Jump into the bed and go to sleep, and you'll enter the main part of the Dream Shrine. Once inside, you'll see wired goast-like thingd that are simmelar to Shy Guys. Defeat them by dashing into them. Keep going this until you reach a set of Stairs. Climb up and open the Treasure Chest and take the 100 Rupees inside. Go back down, and break the dark-blue stones, and climb up more stairs and open another Treasure Chest, and you'll receive the Ocarina! Now leave the Dream Shrine. If you have enough money yet, go buy a Bow (It's 980 Rupees!), since it'll come in handy. After that, talk to Marin and she'll teach you the 1st Ocarina Song: The Ballad of the Wind Fish! This song has 2 uses: Defeating the Polis Voices and opening the Final Dungeon (Wind Fish's Egg). Anyway, Now go to G-9). You'll find Tarin, who needs to borrow the stick you got earlier. He'll hit a bee hive to get it down, and bees will chase him around. He leaves and the hive drops from the tree. Now take it (It's the next Trade Item) and continue on the path. Blow up the wired-looking bolder with a Bomb and continue on. Once you reach J-9, go down, and once you reach J-11, go right and cut down the bush. Follow the tunnel and exit on the other side. Now go down until you reach L-13, then go right. You're now in the next village: Animal Village. Now go to N-14, enter the house, and talk to the bear inside. You'll give it the Honeycomb (The Bee Hive you got earlier), and you'll receive a Pineapple in return (The next trade item), and it's will tell you someting inportant concerning the next area you need to go to: Yarna Desert. It'll tell you that a Large Walrus is sleeping in the way, blocking the path, and that Marin might be able to wake it. Now exit the house, go down, and then left. Jump into the hole with the lights spining around it, and you'll teleport back to a area outside Mabe Village with a portal that looks the same (Yay for Warp Points!). Once you're back, you'll notice that Marin isn't where she normaly is, so head to Tornobo Shores. Once you reach F-15, move some rocks and open the chest and claim the 50 rupees inside. then go down, and you'll find Marin. Walk towards her and she'll notice and a special scene starts. After that, she'll deside to come with you (and follow you like Pikachu does in Pokemon Yellow)! Now return to Animal Village! Once you're back, go to M-14 and go down twice and go left until you reach N-16, where the Walrus is. Walk over to it and Marin will ask if you want her so start singing. Say Yes, and she'll start singing, and the Walrus will wake up, jump up and down over and iver, then fall into the water. Then one of the rabbits from the village will come and want Marin to come to Animal Village and sing for them, so she goes, and while she does that, go into Yarna Desert! Once in here, go up until you reach O-13, where you'll face a Mini-Boss... _____________________ _/Mini-Boss: Sand Snake\____________________________ | HP: 8 | | Difficulty: Very Easy | | | | The arena is a Sand pit with a hole in the middle | | and with the solid ground constanly sliding toward | | this pit, it's a little tricky, but its not too | | bad. Beat it by attacking it 8 times with your | | sword. It doesn't have any attacks. All it does is | | occasionaly jump out of the ground, allowing you to| | attack it. Yeah, it's a little too easy... | |____________________________________________________| After beating it, it will leave behind the Angler's Key, which will unlock Level 4: Angler's Tunnel! Now go down two screens (Unless you fell into the pit, then go right, then up the stairs, then left, and then down 2 screens) and you'll run into the owl. He'll tell you to go Waterfall at Tal Tal Heights (Located at L-3). Once there, insert the key into the slot and you'll open up the Door to Level 4, but there's one problem...How do you get to the entrance? To get there, go to Mt. Tamaranch at H-2 and enter the cave, follow it until you reach some dark-blue stones. Exit and open the chest containing 50 Rupees. Now go back into the cave and dash at the dark-blue stones and exit the through the door on the next screen. Go right, and enter another cave (You'll see a guy on top of the entrance. You'll get to him in a moment to continue the Trading Process). Once outside on the other side, talk to the guy, and give him the Pineapple, and he'll give you the next trade item: A Flower. Now enter the cave again and work your way back. Go right until you reach L-2, then jump down, and you'll be right in front of the entrance to Level 4: Angler's Tunnel! ________________________ /Level 4: Angler's Tunnel\ _/(No fishing!) \_________________________ Keyword: [WTUNL] MAP: +---1--2--3--4--5--6 A [F][ ] B [I] [ ][ ] [S] C [B][ ][S][S][M][ ] D [ ][L][G][ ][ ][S] E [ ][ ][ ][G] F [K][ ][C][O] G [ ][S] ^ Map Key: ^: Entrance S: Small Key K: Boss Key F: Flippers B: Boss I: Surf Harp C: Compass M: Map G: Chest of Rupees O: Stone Beak L: Blue Slime Start by going up. unto the next room, going up the stairs, and going left until you reach F-5. Inside the chest in that room, you'll find a Stone Beak. Now go back to F-3 and defeat the Slime and the Spikey-shelled creatures and go right. Defeat the spikey-shelled creatures and the slime, then open the Treasure Chest and claim you Compass and go down. Defeat all the Tekties in this room, open the Treasure Chest, take the Small Key inside it, and then go to D-5. Go up, open the Treaaure Chest and take the Map inside it. Go back to E-5 and jump across the pit (Roc's Feather + Pegasus Boots) and go into the next room. Bomb the cracked block, and push the other block out of the way and open the Treacure Chest and take the Small Key inside it. Now go up 2 screens and bomb another cracked block and open the Treasure Chest and receive a Small Key. Now return to F-4. Unock the door and go in, then unlock the next door, and go in. You'll see a Treasure Chest, but you can't get to it yet. Ignore it and go up. Jump across the pit (Roc's Feather + Pegasus Boots) and go up. Unlock the block, push another one out of the way, and go left. Defeat the two slimes and a key will fall...into a hole (Ignore that for now, you'll be able to get it later). Go to D-2 and open the Treasure Chest if you want (It contains a enemy (Blue Slime, to be exact)), and then procede to C-3 and open the Treasure Chest and take the Small Key inside. Now return to C-4 the long way (Since you can't swim), unlock the door and get ready for the Mini-Boss. __________________ _/Mini-Boss: Cueball\________________________________ | HP: 8 | | Difficulty: Very Easy | | | | This mini-boss had no attacks. It just roams around | | and will turn and go the other way when you attack | | it. Just attack this guy 8 times and hes finished! | |_____________________________________________________| That was one wimpy mini-boss...Anyway, go up into the next room. Go over to the handle and (Using the Power Bracelet) pull it to make the bricks in front of the left doorway move appart, and then quickly release and get through before it shuts (If it does sut before you get through, then pull the handle again and try to run though again). In this room, defeat the Red Slimes, open the Treasure Chest, and receive the Flippers, so you can finally swim! Now go down. In this room, you'll find 5 wired panels on the floor (One blinking). Step on it and another one will light up. Remember (Or write down) the order you stepped on the tiles before the door opened (You'll need it later). Now go back ro E-5. Remember that Treasure Chest you couldn't get to earlier? With the flippers, you can swim over and take the 50 Rupees inside it. Now return to C-2 (Take the short way, since you have the flippers). In there, step on the tiles in the same order you did earlier, and a staircase will apear. Go down them and enter the tunnel. Dash past the Thromp (Using the Pegasus Boots, obviosly) and go to the next screen. Here you'll need to dash past the Thromp and then jump on top of it, so you can reach the ladder leading out of there. On the other side, go down and open the Treasure Chest (It contains the Boss Key). Now go to C-5 (While going by, open the Treasure Chest on D-3 and take the 50 Rupees inside it) and go down the stairs and into another tunnel. Remember that Key that fell down that hole? Well, it's down here, so swim over to it, take it, and exit the cave. Now go to E-3, step on the switch, and go through the doorway. Unlock the block and go down the stairs and into another tunnel. This one's easy, so just exit on the other side. Now go left, push a block out of your way, defeat a few weak slimes, and unlock the boss door. Go down the stairs in here, and go one screen down, and you'll find the boss. _________________ _/Boss: Angler Fish\____________________________________ | HP: 10 | | Difficulty: Easy | | | | Yeah, you're fighting an Angler Fish. Just attack the | | bulb 10 times while dodging it's attacks (Like charging| | at you and making rocks fall) and this guy's finished. | | What a weak boss... | |________________________________________________________| After beating the boss, take the Heart Container, climb back up the ladder, and enter the next room. Inside, you'll find the 4th Insturmant of the Sirens: The Surf Harp! Only 4 left before you can wake the Wind Fish! _____________ _/After Level 4\____________ Keyword: [WPLV4] Once you're outside Level 4, go to J-3 and enter the cave, Talk to Manbo (The Whale in there), and he'll teach you the 2nd Ocarins song: Manbo's Mambo, which will teleport you to Crazy Tracy's Shop (On the overworld) or back to the entrance of a dungeon (If you're un a dungeon. Very useful in Level 8). After exloring for a few minutes, a ghost will start following you! To make things worse, you can't enter Level 5 with it following you! To get it to leave, take it to it's old house (House by the Bay, locates at F-16) After that, it wants to go to go back it's grave. Head to E-7 and stand in front of the Toumbstone, and now Pepperroni (Sorry, I had to name the ghost someting relating to pizza...) can now rest in peace. Before you leave, the Owl returns to tell you to go to Catfish's Maw (At Martha's Bay, located at J-14). Once there, dive in front of the inner bolder and you'll enter a tunnel. swim through it and exit on the other side and you'll be in front of Catfish's Maw! ______________________________________________________________ /Level 5: Catfish's Maw \ _/(I want tuna, I want liver! Meow Mix, Meow Mix! Please deliver!)\___ Keyword: [WCMAW] Map: +---1--2--3--4--5--6--7 A [H][S][I][M][H] B [B] K [ ][R] C [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][G][S] D [ ][ ][H] E [ ][ ][H][ ] F [S][ ][ ][ ] G [O][ ][ ] H [C][ ][G][ ] ^ Map Key: ^: Entrance S: Small Key K: Boss Key H: Master Skulltulla (Beat him 4 times to get the Hookshot) B: Boss I: Wind Marimba C: Compass M: Map G: Chest of Rupees O: Stone Beak Start by going left 2 screens. Then defeat the bats and the A thing with a skull protecting it head like a helmet (It will be called "Cubone" for the rest of the guide) and a door will open. Go in and open the Treasure Chest and take the Compass inside. Now go down the stairs. Jump across the platforms and exit on the other side. Defeat the Skulltullas and a few sandstones until you can push the 2 blocks together, and a Small Key will appear. Take it, go back into the tunnel and return to H-4. Defeat the Cubones and go left. Then unlock the door and go up and then left. Defeat the Cubone and go left again. Defeat the Cubones (You can throw pots at them if you want. It's easier then aiming a attack with your sword) then open the chest and take the Stone Beak. Now go back to G-5 and go up, Defeat the Skulltullas and go up, and you'll fight the 1st Mini-Boss... ______________________________________ _/Mini-Boss: Master Skulltulla (Round 1)\__________ | HP: 3 | | Difficulty: Very Easy | | | | This guy is easy if you have plenty of bombs on | | hand. Just attack him with your sword, and drop a | | bomb in front of him while he's paralized. Just 3 | | hits and he'll run off. | |___________________________________________________| Now go right and open the chest, but nothing is inside! You'll find a message inside from Master Skulltulla sayign he has the item inside (The Hookshot)! Now go up into the next room. Push the block and go left, then go back. Push the block and go up (Irritating, isn't it?). Jump the pit and go up then left. Defeat the 3 slimes in there (You might have to move a few pots and push a few blocks to get to the last 1) and go up and left (You won't have to do anything in this room yet). Defeat all the Skulltullas and open the Treasure Chest and take the Map inside. Now go back to D-6 and step on the switch, push the block, and go right, and you'll find Master Skulltulla again... ______________________________________ _/Mini-Boss: Master Skulltulla (Round 2)\___________ | HP: 2 | | Difficulty: Very Easy | | | | Beat him like you did last time (Hit him with your | | sword, then drop a bomb in front of him while he's | | down). After 2 hits, he'll run off again... | |____________________________________________________| Now go back to A-5 and prepare to fight him again... ______________________________________ _/Mini-Boss: Master Skulltulla (Round 3)\____________ | HP: 2 | | Difficulty: Very Easy | | | | Same as last time (Attack him with your sword, then | | drop a bomb in frint of him while he's down). After | | 1 hits, he'll run off yet again... | |_____________________________________________________| Now go back to H-4, follow the tunnel again and exit on the other side. Go into the next room, where you face Master Skullltulla one last time... ______________________________________ _/Mini-Boss: Master Skulltulla (Round 4)\____________ | HP: 3 | | Difficulty: Easy | | | | Same as last time (Attack him with your sword, then | | drop a bomb in frint of him while he's down). After | | 3 hits, you've finally beaten him! | |_____________________________________________________| After beating him, you'll receive the Hookshot! Now return to H-6 (On the way, you'll have to deal with Cuebones again. Pull off their helmet with the Hookshot and finish them with your sword) and hookshot the Treasure Chest and it will pull you over to it. Open it and take the 200 Rupees inside it, then hookshot a block to pull yourself back across the gap. Now go back to G-4 and go up and then left. Hookshot the block on the other side of the pit go left. Hookshot the Treasure Chest, and then open it, and take the Small Key inside it. Now go to C-6 and hookshot the block in the bottom right cornet, then the Treasure Chest. Now open it (It contains 50 Rupees) and go right. Hookshot a block and open the Treasure Chest (It contains a Small Key), and then hookshot back across and go left and then up. hookshot the hook near the Treasure Chest, which will pull out a bridge. Walk across it and open the Treasure Chest and take the 50 Rupees inside. Now go to C-5 and dive in the pool of water right where the 4 torchlights cross (In the middle of that pool), and you'll enter a tunnel, follow it and exit on the other side, and you'll be in the blank spot of the map that has the Boss Key (Didn't you notice the blank spot next to the Boss Room with the K in the middle on my map?). Hookshot the hook to pull out a bridge, walk across, and open the Treasure Chest and take the Boss Key. Now go to E-4, unlock the block, and go left, and you'll face another Mini-Boss. _______________________ _/Mini-Boss: Twin Spiders\_____________________________ | HP: 3 per Spider | | Difficulty: Below Normal | | | | Unlike Master Skulltulla, these guys won't run away | | when their HP is low. They walk around for a while, | | will sometimes try to push you aganst the wall, and | | will open their eye to shoot a fireball. When it does | | that, shoot an arrow into it's eye (See? I told you a | | Bow would come in handy!) 3 times to beat it. After | | that, repeat the same steps on the last spider, and | | it's finished! (If you Run out of arrows, then the | | Hookshot will work in it's place, but it isn't as | | powerful as the Bow & Arrows) | |_______________________________________________________| After beating them, go right and down the stairs. In this tunnel, hookshot the Dragon Head to pull yourself up and go to the next screen. Drop down and hookshot another Dragon head to pull yourself up to the exit (The ladder). Unlock the block and hookshot across the pit and unlock the boos door and get ready for the 5th boss... _______________ _/Boss: Slime Eel\_____________________________________ | HP: 16 | | Difficulty: Normal | | | | The fight starts with the boss smashing the center of | | the room with it's tail, and it will stay there, | | spinning around. Also, it breaks 4 holes into the wall| | where it's head will pop out. When it pops out near | | you, use the Hookshot to pull it out. If it's the real| | Slime Eel, it won't come out all the way after you | | pull it out and will have a heart symbol behind it's | | head. Attack it with your sword as many times as you | | can before it goes back in. If it's a fake, then it | | completely comes out, roams around a while, then dies.| | After a total of 16 hits, this boss is toast! | |_______________________________________________________| After the Slime Eel's dramatic speech, take the Heart Container and go into the next room. Inside, you'll find the 5th Instrumant of the Sirens: The Wind Marimba! Only 3 Instrumants left! _____________ _/After Level 5\_________________ Keyword: [WPLV5] With that finished, it's time to get ready for Level 6! First off, drop by Animal Village and go to N-13 and enter the house to the left. Talk to the goat at the table and give her the flower, and you'll receive a Letter to Mr. Write, so head to his house (Located at A-4, on the outskirts of the Mysterious Woods) and give it to him (Notice the pic of Peach?), and you'll receive the Broom. Now return to Animal Village (N-13, same spot as last time) and give the old lady the broom, and you'll receive a hook. Go to K-15 and dive inder the bridge and you'll find a fisherman. Give him the hook, and you'll receive the Mermaid's Magical Necklace (It's a bra in the Japanese version). Now go talk to the Mermaid at J-13 and give her the Necklace (Or bra, if you're playing the Japanese version), and you'll receive a Scale from her tail in return. Now go to K-16, hookshot across the gap, and continue on until you reach a statue of the Mermaid. Attach the scale to the statue and it will move, revealing a staircase. Obviosly, go down them! Once doen there, go up one room and take the Magnifieing Glass! This is what all that trading was for (It's needed toward the end of the game). Before continuing on to Level 6 (Face Shrine), drop by the Shop in Mabe Village and stock up on Arrows and Bombs. Once you're ready, go to N-10. The owl will fly in and tell you there are 2 Face Shrines: North and South Face Shrine, and that you'll need to go south first. Go to P-11 and work your way through the maze of Knights. Once you reach M-11, you'll find the entrance to South Face Shrine. Once inside, go up into the next room and fight the Mini-Boss... _____________________ _/Mini-Boss: Big Knight\________________________ | HP: 12 | | Difficulty: Easy | | | | This guy isn't too hard. Just rapidly fire | | arrows at him while jumping when it butt-slams | | Eventuly the shield will break and then his | | helmet. After 12 hits, he's defeated! | |________________________________________________| After beating him, take the Face Key and go into the next room. Light the torches and read the message on the wall. It mentions something important concerning Koholint Island (I'm not going to say here, so you'll have to read it yourself) After reading the sign, exit the cave. You'll run into the owl again, who talks about the sign, and tells you to go to the North Face Shrine, also known as Level 6. Once the own is finished talking, go to N-9, swim down, defeat the knight to the left, and go down the stairs. Follow the tunnel and exit on the other side. Now go up and unlock the door (By walking over to that wired frog-like statue. Now go down, up the stairs, and enter Level 6... _____________________________________ /Level 6: Face Shrine \ _/(...And I though Catfish's Maw was odd)\___ Keyword: [WFACE] Map: +--1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8 A [G] [G] B [ ][C] [S][I] [K][ ] C [ ][O][ ][ ][B][ ][S][ ] D [M][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] E [ ][G][ ][ ][ ][ ] F [P][G] [ ][E] G [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] ^ Map Key: ^: Entrance S: Small Key K: Boss Key P: Level 2 Power Bracelet B: Boss I: Coral Triangle C: Compass M: Map G: Chest of Rupees O: Stone Beak E: Potion (Same thing you get from Crazy Tracy) Once inside, go left. You'll have to deal with ghost-like things here. Stand at a distance, and when they materalize, shoot an Arrow at them (Or hookshot them, and while they are paralized, drop a bomb in front of them, which will beat them in 1 blow!). After defeating hem, go into the (now opened) door, open the Treasure Chest, and take the 50 Rupees inside it. Now go back into the last room and take the other way up. Follow the path until you reach E-2. In here, you'll find a Shy Guy and a Crystal Ball Switch. Drop a bomb in front of the Crystal Ball switch and run into te left path going up but don't leave that room yet. After the bomb blows up, triggering the switch, go up. Bomb the wall in-between the torches on the wall, and go in. Defeat the slimes (Light the torch if you need to) and go down the stairs. Follow the tunnel (Avoiding the Large Energy Ball) and exit on the other side. Defeat the Mini-Moldrom and the ghost-like things and go up. Now open the Treasure Chest and take the Level 2 Power Bracelet! Now using your new Power Bracelet, pick up one of those Eleflint Statues and throw it out of your way, and do through the door. Now that you're back at E-2, pick up another Eleflint Statue and throw it at the closed door to open it. GO in and claim the 100 Rupees inside the Treasure Chest, and go back left. Drop a bomb in front of the Crystal Ball Switch, then run to the right path leading up (But don't leave the room yet!). After the bomb bluws up, triggering the switch, go up into the next room, move some pots until you find a switch, step on it, and go into the next room. Defeat those ghost-like things like you normaly would and a Treasure Chest will appear, containing the map! Now go up and then right until you reach C-2. Open the Treasure Chest and take the Stone Beak inside it. Now go back into the last room and throw a pot at the door to open it, and go up then right. Open the Treasure Chest and take the Compass inside it. Now hit the Crystal Switch and follow the path until you reach B-4. Defeat the ghost-like things and a Small Key will appear. Take it and go back to B-1. THrow an Eleflint Statue at the door and go into the next room. Open the chest and take the 100 Rupees inside it. If you've been collecting Secret Seashells, then go up those stairs and you'll find yourself on land in the middle of the Rapids Ride. Open the chest and take the Secret Seashell (Fore more Secret Seashell locations, go to the Locations of the Secret Seashells section, the keyword is back at the table of contants) Now go back down the stairs and continue Level 6... Using your Power Bracelet, throw the Knight Chess peices (It looks like a horse, BTW) until they both land straght up to open the door. Now go to G-6 (If you get stuck on the way, then play Manbos Mambo on your Ocarina to warp back to the entrance). Block the Floor Tiles with your shield until they are all destroyed, then the door will open. Go up, unlock the upper door and continue up, Then drop a bomb in front of the uppper wall and continue up to find the Mini-boss... __________________ _/Mini-Boss: Smasher\______________________ | HP: 6 | | Difficulty: Easy | | | |'re fighting a overgrown mouse | | that can throw a steel ball! To beat it, | | You'll need to throw the steel ball at it | | 6 times to beat it. It isn't too hard... | |___________________________________________| Before you go up into the next room, go back to F-6. Throw an Eleflint Statue at the door and go right. Defeat 4 more of those ghost-like things and go up until you reach C-7. Open the Treasure Chest, take the Small Key inside it, and go back to D-6, where you fought Smasher. If you want, yo can go to F-7 and work your way across the blocks to get to a Potion (Yeah, it's Crazy Tracy's Potion) if you don't already have one. Otherside, to go D-6... From here, go up. Throw the left Eleflint statue out of the way, go down the stairs, follow the tunnel, and exit on the other side. In this room, block all the Floor Tiles until they break, and a Small Key will appear. Take it and unlock that block on the same screen. Throw the Eleflint Statue at the door and continue on. Now throw those Knight chess peices until they land straght up, then go left and down the stairs. Follow the tunnel (You might want to use the Pegasus Boots to get past those Mini-Thromps) and exit on the other side. Play the Ballad of the Wind Fish (Song #1 on the Ocarina) to defeat the Polis Voice, and then go up. Navigate the small maze with the Large Fireballs and go up. Open the chest and take the 200 Rupees inside it. Now go back to C-8 and go down, and you'll face another Mini-boss... ______________________________ _/Mini-Boss: Twin Dodongo Snakes\__________________ | HP: 3 per Snake | | Difficulty: Easy | | | | Yeah, the Twin Dodongo Snakes from Level 3: Key | | Cavern are back! Defeat them the same way you | | did before (Feed one bombs 3 times to defeat it). | | Rather easy... | |___________________________________________________| After beating them, go right. Hookshot across the platform and follow it until you reach B-7. Throw a pot at the Treasure Chest and it will open, and you'll receive the Boss Key! Now go back to D-4 and go down. Defeat all the enemies (And if you want to, that annoying eye thing as well) and then go left. Push a block out of your way, defeat the ghost-like thing, jump across, push another block out of your way, and go up. If your hearts are low, light the 2 unlit torches and it will destroy the Large Fireballs, causing fairys to appear (Like the ones Mini-bosses leave behind after beating them). Once done, unlock the boss door and prepare for the next boss... ____________ _/Boss: Facade\_______________________________________ | HP: 5 | | Difficulty: Very Easy | | | | This buy is a face on the floor. Yes, a face on the | | floor! He first starts by making some pots and Floor | | Tiles at you, then once he's done with that, he runs | | out of attacks. All he will do is make a few pits | | open up, but otherwise, drop a bomb on him. After 5 | | hits, he's defeated. He's the easiest boss in the | | game! | |______________________________________________________| After his overdramatic speech, grab the Heart Container, and go up. In here, you'll find the 6th Instrumant of the Sirens: The Coral Triangle! Only 2 left! _____________ _/After Level 6\_________ Keyword: [WPLV6] After leaving, you'll run into that owl again. He'll tell you to go to the Mountain Tower (Level 7: Eagle's Tower), but before that, you'll need to go to the Pothole Maze, located at E-12. Jump across the pit and read the sign (It will say "Go this way" and have an arrow pointing either up, down, left, or right), follow it to the next sign and read it (If you don't follow the signs in order, you'll have to start over), and keep following signs (You'll have to use your hookshot and Power Bracelet a few times) until you read the last sign, which will say that you've completed it and have an arrow pointing to the staircase that just opened. Go down the stairs. Inside, you'll find Mamu the frog (Who is actuly Wart from Super Mario Bros. 2), who will teach you the next song for only 300 Rupees. If you have that much on hand, then pay and he'll teach you the 3rd and final Ocarina song: The Frog's Song of Soul! This song can wake the dead, which will come in handy in a moment. Now return to Mabe Village. If you need to, stock up on arrows and bombs at the Shop, then go to C-10. Push the Rooster Statue foward to reveal a staircase. Go down it, and follow the cave until you see the skeleton of a bird lying on a platform. Play The Frog's Song of Soul, and The Flying Rooster will come back to life and help you! Before you head off toward Mt. Tamaranch, go to J-16. Destroy the shrubbery on the other side of the pits (By combinding bombs with arrows), jump acorss, and go down the stairs. Follow the tunnel and exit on the other side, then go left. go down those stairs, and you'll run into a cave with the well and skulls (I still say it's not very welcoming). Sprinkle some Magic Powder into the well, and Mad Batter will place a "curse" on you, allowing you to carry up to 60 bombs! Once you're done with that, go to -16 and bomb the cracked wall and enter the cave. You'll find a guy inside, who will trade you a special item for whatever you have set to your B Button. Put the Shovel on the B buton and talk to him and you'll receive the Boomerang! If you ever need the shovel back, then you can return and exchange the Boomerang for the Shovel. With all that out of the way, go to H-2, and you'll run into that owl again, who tells you that you need to go east. Now enter the cave and follow it like you did to get into Level 4 earlier (Including the breaking dark-blue crystals), except you keep going right until you reach M-2, and then go up then left until you reach The Hen House (K-1). Now go into the cave. Once inside, go left, then go to the middle of this room and push a few bolders out of your way, jump acorss, and go up. You'll see what looks like a pit that's impossile to cross, but that's where the Flying Rooster comes in. Pick it up with your Power Bracelet and you'll start flying! Now fly over to the other side of the pit and go left. Then just jump across a small gap and take the Bird Key, which will unlock Eagle's Tower! Now work your way back out of the cave and to N-2 on the map and enter the cave there. Once inside, follow it and exit on the other side (Or place a bomb on that dry patch of land, go into that room, go up the stairs, and you'll be in a room with 5 chests filled with 20 rupees (Though you can only open 4) and be close to an exit leading to a Secret Seashell). Now go right and enter this cave. Work your way through and exit on the other side. Then go left and enter the cave, go right, and down the stairs. Then just follow it, hookshot acorss a gap, and exit. Once outside, go into the cave to the right. Go through the cave, up the stairs, and exit. Then go left one outside, move some stones out of your way with your Power Bracelet, and unlock Eagle's Tower! Now go in... ___________________________________ /Level 7: Eagle's Tower \ _/(Where eagles Eagle's Tower)\___________________ Keyword: [WEAGL] Map: 1st Floor: +--1--2--3--4 A [H][ ][ ][S] B [ ][ ][ ][ ] C [O][ ][ ][ ] D [ ][ ][ ][S] ^ 2nd Floor: +--1--2--3--4 A [C][M] B [ ][P][P][ ] C [ ][P][P][A] D [S][ ][ ][ ] 3rd Floor (After breaking pillers on 2nd floor, combinding it with 4th floor): +--1--2--3--4 A [ ][E] B [ ][ ][I][K] C [ ][ ][B][ ] D [D][ ] Map Key: ^: Entrance S: Small Key K: Boss Key A: Level 2 Shield (Mirror Shield) B: Boss I: Organ of Evening Calm C: Compass M: Map P: Piller (Break all 4 to merge the 3rd and 4th floors) G: Chest of Rupees O: Stone Beak D: Bombs H: Secret Seashell E: Potion (Same as what you get from Crazy Tracy) Start by going right. Jump over the spikes and Sliding Blades then continue going right. Defeat the 2 Like-Likes and a Small Key will appear. Take it and unlock the door and go up, then up the stairs. Once on the 2nd floor, go up. Move the ball th an easier to get to area, then pull the switch, grab the ball, and go left before it shuts (If it does, pull the handle again and try again. It might take a few trys). See the piller in the middle of this room? Throw the steel ball at it, and it will break (You'll need to break all 4 to get the 3rd and 4th floors to merge). Now throw the ball across the pit (If it falls into the pit, go back to B-4 on the 2nd floor and it will be back), jump across, grab the ball again, and go down. Carefuly pick up the ball (It will probably land on the spikes) and throw it into the Piller, and it will break. Now grab the ball and go down. Throw the ball to the other side of the room, hit the Crystal Ball Switch and go to A-3 on the 2nd Floor. Throw the Knight Chess Peices until they land straght up, and a Treasure Chest will appear, containing a Map! Now go to A-2. In here,defeat the Queens (The wired creatures with the symbols from a Deck of Playing Cards on them) by making them stop on the same symbols, and a Treasure Chest will apperar, containing a Compass! Now go down the stairs. Once down there, go left. Defeat the Anti-Kirby with 2 bombs, then go down until you reach C-1. Now go up the stairs to the 2nd Floor. Go down and you'll have a run-in with the Mini-boss from Level 2... ________________ _/Mini-Boss: Hinox\_____________________________ | HP: 6 | | Difficulty: Normal | | | | Remember this guy? Yeah, he's back. Defeat him | | like you did back in Level 2 while avoiding the| | bombs it throws, it's attempts to grab you, and| | the Fireballs being shot by the torches. | |________________________________________________| After beating it, you'll receive a Small Key! Go left and beat the Queens in here, then go left. Take the Steel Ball back and go back right. Throw it across the pit and go to B-1 on the 2nd Floor. Block all the Floor Tiles until they break, then go right. Bomb the wall in-between the torches and go down, then bomb the crakced wall and go down again. Hookshot across the gap and open the Treasure Chest, which contains more bombs! Now go up and take the Steel Ball with you. Throw it into the Piller and it will break (Just 1 more!). Now go back down. Throw the ball across the pit (So you can get to the last piller) and jump down the pit, and you'll land at D-2 on the 1st Floor. Now go to C-4 (1st Floor) and go up the stairs to the 2nd Floor. From there, go to D-3 (2nd Floor) and hit the switch and then go to A-2 (2nd Floor) and go down the stairs to the 1st Floor. Go to C-1 (1st Floor) and go up the stairs. Go to D-3 (2nd Floor), hit the Crystal Ball Switch again, then throw a bomb over to it, stand on top of the block, and the bomb will explode, maming the block you're standing on to rise. Now go left then up, open the Treasure Chest and take the Level 2 Shield! Now you can reflect lazers! Now hit the Crystal Ball Switch and go down then left until you get to D-2 (2nd Floor). Take the Steel Ball and go to B-1 (2nd Floor). Block all the Floor Tiles until they break, then take the Steel Ball again and go right. Throw it into the Piller to break it, and the 4th Floor will merge with the 3rd Floor! Now go to D-3 (2nd Floor), hit the switch, and go up the stairs. Now go to C-4 (3rd Floor) and you'll run into the Mini-boss... _______________________ _/Mini-Boss: Grim Creeper\____________________________ | HP: 1 per bat | | Difficulty: Easy | | | | After his short speech, he'll summon 6 wired-looking | | bats. Once they are all on screen, they will fly at | | you. If you miss even one, then the others will | | regenarate when he plays the song again. If you | | destroy all 6 bats, then the Grim Creeper will run | | away. | |______________________________________________________| After beating him, go up. Push both blocks together and a Treasure Chest will appear, which contains the Boss Key! Now go to C-2 (3rd Floor) and unlock the boss door and go up (No boss yet!). Hookshot across the gapand go down then left and up the stairs. Climb the ladder and you'll find the 7th boss... ________________ _/Boss: Evil Eagle\___________________________________ | HP: 6 | | Difficulty: Normal | | | | Grim Creeper appears again, and after another speech,| | He'll summon Evil Eagle, the boss! This boss is | | somewhat annoying, because it flies around. It has 2 | | attacks: One where it will swoop down ant try to | | attack you (Easy to beat, leaves it open for attacks)| | and a Wind Attack, where it will create strong gusts | | of wind with a few feathers thrown it. The 2nd one is| | more annoying, since it can blow you off the platform| | and when you climb back up, it's HP is fully | | restored! To keep it from blowing you off as easliy, | | hold out the Shield and walk in the directon of the | | wind. To put this boss to rest, you'll need to attack| | it 6 times with either the Boomerang, Hookshot, | | Sword, or Arrows. After you get in the last hit, this| | boss is finished! | |______________________________________________________| After his speech, take the Heart Container, go back inside, jump down and go up, and take the next Insturmant of the Sirens: The Organ of Evening Calm! 7 down, 1 to go! _____________ _/After Level 7\____________ Keyword: [WPLV7] Before I continue, I'll tell you where the Flying Rooster went (To the Hen House, since it's no longer needed). Anyway, If you have 20 Secret Seashells, then I'd reccamend going to the Seashell Mansion (K-9 on the map). Inside, you'll receive a Level 2 Sword! This sword has slightly higher attack power over the Level 1 Sword and it's tempered, so you can use Blade Beams when your hearts are full! If you don't have 20 Secret Seashells, then go to the Locations of the Secret Seashells setion on my guide (They keyword is at the table of contants), unless you want to beat the game with a Level 1 Sword. It's your call. To get to Level 8, you'll need to go to I-1 (Or drop by the Shop in Mabe Village if you need to stock up on anything, then go to I-1). You'll find out that some monsters put Marin up on a platform, and you need to help her! Hookshot the rock behind her, and while you go buy, your character will grab Marin and pull her across. It seems like she's trying to say something, but she's interupted by Tarin, who is looking for her. Then they leave and the owl flies in (I'm getting sick of that owl...) and tells you that you'll need to play a song in order to open Level 8's entrance (I'll get to that in a moment). Anyway, go left. Destroy the bush and you'll find a staircase. Go down them and follow the tunnel until you reach a staircase going down. Take them and then follow this tunnel, hookshot across the gap, and exit. Now work your way up, avoiding the falling rocks on the way, until you reach E-1. Open the Treasure Chest and take the 50 Rupees inside it, then move that rock and you'll find a staircase going down, so take them. Once inside, you'll find a well with 2 skulls beside it, which can only mean Mad Batter is back one last time! Sprinkle some Magic Powder into the well and he'll come out and increse the ammount of Arrows you can carry to 60! Now go left, jump down, bomb the wall, and go inside. Follow the cave until you reach a Flamethrower on the wall. Block the fire with the Mirrir Shield and walk foward until you've gone far enough to go left to the staircase. Take them and you'll be back on D-1 on the other side of that bolder! Now keep going until you reach A-2. You'll notice a giant Turtle head blocking the entrance to Level 8, so whip out the Ocarina and play the Frog's Song of Soul (The 3rd Sond listed), and prepare for a Mini-boss... _______________________ _/Mini-Boss: Stone Turtle\_____________________ | HP: 16 | | Difficulty (With Level 1 Sword): Normal | | Difficulty (With Level 2 Sword): Very Easy | | | | It only has one attack: It lunges at you, but | | that can be blocked with your Shield easliy. | | Just attack it 16 times and it's finished! | |_______________________________________________| After that, the doorway to Turtle Rock is open, so go in... ____________________________________________________________________ /Level 8: Turtle Rock \ _/(Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Turtles in a Half-Shell, Turtle Power!)\_____ Keyword: [WROCK] Map: +---1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8 A [I][ ] B [K] [B][E] [F] C [ ][ ][G][ ][ ][S][ ][ ] D [S][S][ ][ ][ ][ ] E [S][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] F [S][G][ ][M][ ][ ][ ][ ] G [ ][G][ ][ ][ ][ ][S][ ] H [C] [ ][ ] [O] ^ Map Key: ^: Entrance S: Small Key K: Boss Key F: Fire Rod (Also known as the Magic Rod) B: Boss I: Thunder Drum C: Compass M: Map G: Chest of Rupees O: Stone Beak E: Potion (Same as what you get from Crazy Tracy) Once inside, go up. Defeat the Giant Bat (The Fire Rod (Which you get later in the dungeon) or Blade Beams from a Level 2 Sword work great here, since it runs from normal sword attacks, arrows, Boomerangs, and Hookshots) and go left. Defeat the snakes and go up, and you're faced with the mini-boss from Level 2... ________________ _/Mini-Boss: Hinox\__________________________ | HP: 6 | | Difficulty (With Level 1 Sword): Normal | | Difficulty (With Level 2 Sword): Very Easy | | | | Just beat this guy like you did in Level 7 | | and Level 2 (Attack it while avoiding the | | bombs and it's attempts to grab you). | |_____________________________________________| After beating him, go left. You'll see this wired block-thing. After pushing it, you'll need to guide it with your D-Pad until you fill all the holes in the floor, and a Treasure Cest (Containing 50 Rupees) will appear. (You'll need to remember that trick with that sliding block, because you'll be doing that a lot in this level). After opening it, go down. Jump acorss the pit and open the Treasure Chest, containing 50 Rupees. Now go left, and get ready to face the Mini-Boss from Level 1... ________________________ _/Mini-Boss: Rolling Bones\___________________ | HP: 6 | | Difficulty (With Level 1 Sword): Easy | | Difficulty (With Level 2 Sword): Very Easy | | | | Just jump over the Spikey cylender when it | | rolls it and attack it 6 times to defeat it! | |______________________________________________| After that, go down. Defeat a few slimes and one of those annoying Floor Eyes (The kind that pull you in and return you to the start of the level) and then open the Treasure Chest, containing a Compass! Now go up until you reach F-1. Defeat the Giant Bat in there, a Small Key will appear. Take it, go back to G-4, and go up then right. You'll see another one of those Sliding Blocks. Push it and guide it to that patch of land to your left in-between two blocks. After that, follow the newly-created path left. Push the upper and lower block to the left, and push the middle one down, and then you can get to the Treasure Chest, conining a Map! Now bomb the wall (If you have to, poke the wall with your sword until you hear a hollow clanking sound, then drop a bomb there) and go up, and down the stairs. Follow the tunnel (Avoiding the Fireballs) and exit on the other side. Defeat all the snakes in this room and open the Treasure Chest, containing a Stone Beak! Now gp up and you'll find the Mini-Boss from Level 6... __________________ _/Mini-Boss: Smasher\____________________________ | HP: 6 | | Difficulty: Easy | | | | Beat this guy like you did before, by taking the| | steel ball it's throwing and throw it at it 6 | | times to defeat it. Where's the New Mini-Boss? | |_________________________________________________| After beating it, go left. Use that Sliding Block to fill in the floor to make a Small Key appear. Take it and then go left. Jump over the Lava pit and open the Treasure Chest and defeat the Bue Slime inside (If you want to) and continue going left until you return to F-5. Push the Sliding block and guide it until it stops in-between 3 blocks (One to the left, one to the right, and one directly in fron of it) and push the right block and go up. Unlock the block on this screen, go right, unlock the door, and go right again. Now go up, defeat all the slimes, and go up again. Defeat the Mummies in this room, and a Small Key will appear. Take it and go left. You'll find the Twin Dodongo Snakes from Level 3, but ignore them for now and go left. Unlock the door and go left again. You'll see the Boss Door, but ignore it for now and go left. Defeat the Snakes and the Giant Bat and go left, up to the higher platform, and then right. Hookshot the Treasure Chest and then open it (It contais 50 Rupees). Jump doen and go through the staircase. You'll now be outside Level 8, near a Peice of Heart. Take it and then go right. You'll find a Warp Point, so if you need to stock up on bombs or arrows, then take the warp point to Mabe Village, buy some, and take the warp point back to Level 8. Otherwise, go right again and enterthe wired-looking builing, and you'll be back inside Level 8, in the Room with the Twin Dodongo Snakes. on the higher platform (Where you want to be) ______________________________ _/Mini-Boss: Twin Dodongo Snakes\__________________ | HP: 3 per Snake | | Difficulty: Below Normal | | | | They are just slightly harder then before because | | of the design of the arena, but isn't too hard. | | Just wait for them to get in one of the corners | | closest to the platform you're on, and throw bombs| | at them. After 3 have been fed to each snake, | | victory is yours! | |___________________________________________________| After beating them, open the Treasure Chest that just appeared, take the Small Key inside it, and go to D-3. Shoot the statue in the eye with an Arrow and a Small Key will appear. Take it and go right. Push the blocks out of your way and open the Treasure Chest and take another Small Key. Now go to F-5 (You might have to fight Hinox again on the way, unless you play Manbo's Mambo, which will warp you back to the entrance), and guide the block over to the patch of land near a staircase, and go left. Poke the east wall with your sword unti you hear a hollow clanking sound then place a bomb there to blow open an entrance into that room. Hit the Crystal Ball Switch, go back left, up to the highet platform, ad go down one screen. Jump down and go to F-5 again. Push the Sliding Block and guide it until it stops in-between the 3 block toward the top of the screen. Now follow the path, push the right block, and go to D-7. Place a bomb next to the wall and the cracked block to the left, and after it blows, go left. Light a torch, jump over the pit, unlock the block, and go left again. Defeat the Snake and go left again. Climb up to the higher platform, unlock another block, and go right. Light a torch if you need to, then hookshot across the gap, unlock yet another block, go down the stairs, and follow the tunnel and exit on the other side. Once on the other side, go down and prepare for the real Mini-boss of this level... _________________ _/Mini-Boss: Blaino\_________________________________ | HP: 8 | | Difficulty (With Level 1 Sword): Hard | | Difficulty (With Level 2 Sword): Above Normal | | | | This mini-boss is a pain in the butt. It has 3 main | | attacks: Jab (Weakest attack, easy to dodge and | | leaves this guy wide open for attack), Mega Punch | | (Paralizes you temperarliy), and Mega Uppercut | | Sends you back to the entrance. It's most annoying | | attack). Something also annoying about this boss | | is when you attack it while it's preforming the | | Mega Uppercut, you can still get sent back to the | | entrance! Anyway, when it uses Jab, get behind it | | and attack with your sword 8 times to defeat this | | guy! | |_____________________________________________________| After defeating him, go up. Open the Treasure Chest and take the Fire Rod, allowing you to burn things! Now go to E-2. Defeat the Snakes, and then light the torches using your Fire Rod, and a Treasure Chest will appear, contianing a Small Key. Once you're done with that, head back to F-5. Push and guide the sliding platform toward that staircase in the bottom-right corner, then go up the stairs. Follow the tunnel (Destroy the Ice Blocks with your Fire Rod) and go left. Jump up using Roc's Feather and use the Fire Rod while in mid-air to destroy the middle layer, which will let you easliy get to the ladder and go down them. Once outside, you'll be at C-2. Go down to the locked door and unlock it and you'll find the Mini-Boss from Level 4... ___________________ _/Mini-Boss: Cue Ball\_______________________________ | HP: 8 | | Difficulty (With Level 1 Sword): Easy | | Difficulty (With Level 2 Sword): Easy | | | | Like before, this guy has no attacks, but the arena | | has a pool of Lava in the middle, so the difficulty | | went up a little. Othersise, just attack this guy 8 | | times to defeat him. | |_____________________________________________________| After beating him, go up. You'll deal with one last fill-in-the-floor-with- -the-Sliding-Block puzzle, except this one is harder then the last one. Like before, fill it in and a Treasure Chest will appear, containing the Boss Key! Now head back to the Entrance (Play Manbo's Mambo on your Ocarina if you want), and go to F-5 yet again. Guide the Sliding block to the patch of land near that staircase you took earlier, and go right. Take the staircase on this screen. In this tunnel, you'll make heavy use of the Fire Rod, so I'll help you here. Once inside, go up the 2nd Ladder just above where you entered from. Once on top, use the Fire Rod to melt the 2 Ice Blocks to your left, and then melt the Ice Block above you. Now jump with Roc's Feather and use the Fire Rod in mid air to melt the 4 Ice Blocks, and then jump up. Walk over to the row of 2 blocks going down and melt those, and while falling, torch the ice block to your left. Then climb back up and fall into that small tunnel you just made the path to and go left. On this screen, melt the lower layer of Ice Blocks, then walk over until until you're directly under the row of 3 Ice Blocks blosest to the right side of the screen. Now melt those and then climb back up the ladder, and jump a lot until you reach the exit. Once outside, you'll be right in front of the Boss Door. Unlock it and prepare for the next boss... ______________ _/Boss: Hot Head\________________________________________ | HP: 16 | | Difficulty Above Normal | | | | This guy, as you could guess by the name, is a fire | | boss. He'll first start by jumping out of the lava, | | and after one hit, he'll fly around the room and then | | eventuly drop into the lava. Just as a note, when it | | drops into the lava, it'll send 4 drops of lava flying. | | If one hits you, it'll take 4 hearts of damage off your | | meeter, and it can't be blocked with your shield, but | | you didn't expect the 8th boss to be a cake walk, right?| | Beat him by hitting him with the Fire Rod when he jumps | | out of the lava and while he's floating. After about 10 | | hits, his shell will shatter. Hit him 6 more times and | | he's finished! | |_________________________________________________________| After his dramatic speech, take the Heart Container and go up into the next room. Inside, you'll find the 8th and final Insurmant of the Sirens: The Thunder Drum! _____________ _/After Level 8\__________________ Keyword: [WPLV8] Now that you have all 8 Instrumants, you can go to the Wind Fish's Egg, but there's something you'll need to go do back in Mabe Village first... Once you've returned to Mabe Village, head to the Library and read the book in the bottom-right corner (It's titled "Dark Secrets and Mysteries of Koholint Island"). It says "Round and round the passageways of the egg..." and is followed by a special set of directions you'll need inside the Wind Fish's Egg. Write this down since you'll need it later. After that, stock up on bombs and Arrows at the shop and get some more Magic Powder from the Witch if you're out. If you're wanting to get all the Heart containers, then do so now! Check out the Location of the Heart Peices section of my guide (The keyword is at the Table of Contants) to find the locations of all 12. Once you have all that done and have stocked up on items, it's time to go to the Wind Fish's Egg! Go to G-2, and you'll run into that owl again, telling you what you alreacy know: Play the Instrumants in front of the egg! After that, go up and whip out your Ocarina and play the Ballad of the Wind Fish (Song 1 on your Ocarina) in front of it, and then a dooway will open on it, big enough for you to enter, when that own returns to tell you what you already know: Go inside! ______________________________________________________________________ /Final Level: Wind Fish's Egg \ _/(Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, and then fell off and became an Egg Roll!)\___ Keyword: [WFISH] This is it! The final level! Once inside, go up. You'll fall down a pit and you'll land inside a room with 4 ways to go. Folow the directions you wrote down earlier, and you'll come to a pit. Jump down and a shadow will start talking to you and after it sats "Let's Rumble!", it transforms into it's first form... ____________________________ _/Final Boss Form 1: Buzz Blob\_______________ | HP: 3 | | Difficulty: Very Easy | | | | It's like the Giant Slime you fought back in | | Level 0 (The Color Dungeon), except easier. | | Avoid it's attack and sprinkle Magic Powder | | on it 3 times and this form is done with! | |______________________________________________| After you've beaten that form, it transforms into it's net form... ___________________________________ _/Final Boss Form 2: Agahnim's Shadow\________________ | HP: 4 | | Difficulty: Below Normal | | | | If you've played "Zelda: A Link to the Past" before, | | then you'll remember this guy. He has 2 attacks: | | Magic Energy Blast (Knock it back at him in order | | to damage him) and Exploding X (Can't be sent back | | to him. Kinda annoying at times). After ? hits, this | | form is finished! | |______________________________________________________| Once you're finished with that form it transforms into the next one... ___________________________________ _/Final Boss Form 3: Moldrom's Shadow\________________ | HP: 14 | | Difficulty (With Level 1 Sword): Above Normal | | Difficulty (With Level 2 Sword): Normal | | | | He's now taken the form of the boss from Level 1, | | except he has more HP. Beat him like you did before | | (Attack it's tail), and this form is out of the way! | |______________________________________________________| After that, it transforms into the next form... _________________________________ _/Final Boss Form 4: Ganon's Shadow\__________________ | HP: 6 | | Difficulty (With Level 1 Sword): Above Normal | | Difficulty (With Level 2 Sword): Normal | | | | This guy has now transformed into Ganon, and fights | | like Ganon did in "Zelda: A Link to the Past". He has| | 2 main attacks: Axe Throw (As you could guess, he | | throws an axe at you) and Call Bats (Summons a few | | Bats to attack you). To defeat him, dash into him | | with a combo of the Sword and Pegasus Boots ?? times | | and he's finished! | |______________________________________________________| After that, it transforms into the next form... __________________________ _/Final Boss Form 5: Lanmola\_________________________ | HP: 1 | | Difficulty: Very Easy | | | | This form is pathedic. Sure, it's quick, but just 1 | | blow from a Fire Rod or a Hookshot will finish him. | |______________________________________________________| After that, the boss reveals it's true form... _________________________ _/Final Boss Form 6: Dethyl\___________________________ | HP: 16 | | Difficulty (With Bow): Hard | | Difficulty (With Boomerang): Very Easy | | | | Here is it. The True form of the Final Boss. It's a | | Ball with swinging spikey arms and one eye. Jump over | | it's arms with Roc's Feather and you can (A) shoot it | | 16 times in the eye with Arrows, or (B) hit it once in| | the eye with a Boomerang. Just as a warning, if you | | chose to use the Boomerang, you have to get a Direct | | Hit for it to count. | |_______________________________________________________| After that, You can celebrate, since you just beat Zelda: Link's Awakening DX! Now kick back and watch the ending, unless you want to spoil it, then read on... *WARNING! ENDING SPOILERS AHEAD!* After getting in the last hit, Dethyl says "This island is going to dissappear... Our world is going to dissappear... Our world... Our... world..." and then blows up. Then you hear a voice saying "...(Your character's name here), you have beaten all the Nightmares! Climb the stairs before you!". Then a Staircase appears, so take them and the ending continues. Once you're at the top, you'll see that owl one last time. It says "Hoot! Young lad, I mean... (Your character's name here), the hero! You have defeated the Nightmares! You have proven your wisdom, courage and power! ... ... ... ... As part of the Wind Fish's spirit, I am the guaradian of his dream world... But one day, the Nightmares entered the dream and began wreaking havoc. Then you, (Your character's name here), came to rescue the island... I have always trusted in your courage to turn back the Nightmares. Thank you, (Your Character's name here)... My work is done... The Wind Fish will wake soon. Good bye... Hoot!", and the owl fades away! YAY! After that, a ugly whale will appear and it says "... ... ... ... I am the Wind Fish... Long has ben my slumber... In my dreams... An egg appeared and was surrounded by an island, with people, animals, an entire world! ... ... ... ... But, verily, it be the nature of dreams to end! When I do awaken, Koholint will be gone... Only the memory of this dream land will exist in the waking world... Someday, thou may recall this island... That memory must be the real dream world... ... ... ... ... Come, (Your character's name here)... Let us awaken... Together!", and then the WInd Fish fades away, and then it says "Play the eight instruments! Play the song of awakening!". After that, you automaticly pull out all 8 Instrumants and the Ballad of the Wind Fish plays, and the island starts to fade away... (Damn, I wish Marin wasn't part of the dream, and that she would be in Zelda: Twilight Princess!). Anyway, then a cut-scene plays with line on a log, and he wakes up, and sits on the remains of the rast and looks up as the Wind Fish flies by overhead, and your character seems to be happy about something as he sails away... If you didn't die once while playing, After the credits you'll (In the DX version on GBC) see a portrat of Marin, which turns into a Seagull and flies away, and you'll see this message: "The development team would like to thank you for playing!", or (In the DX version on a GB and in the old version) on the The End screen, you'll see Marin with wings. *END SPOILERS* (Notice this large gap in-between the guide and the next section?) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Locations of the Secret Seashells Keyword: [SHELL] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is it, the list of the locations of the Secret Shells. As a note, you only need 20 of them to get the Level 2 Sword, but there is actuly 25 shells. Here is a complete list of the loations: 1: In a field in Mabe Village (D-11) 2: In a tree not far from Tail Cave (C-14) (Pegisus Boots Needed) 3: Inside Level 1: Tail Cave (D-2 on Tail Cave Map) 4: In the cave under Richard's House (G-14) 5: Above the Entrance to Key Cavern (F-11) 6: Inside the Seashell Mansion (K-9) (Must have 5 seashells) 7: In a tree outside Mabe Village near a Telephone Booth (E-11) 8: In a cave near Kanalet Castle (I-8) (Flying Rooster needed) 9: In a Treasure Chest in the Mysterious Forest (B-8) 10: In a bush not too far from the Seashell Mansion (L-9) 11: Inside the Seashell Mansion (K-9) (Must have 10 Seashells) 12: Under a rock in Ukuku Prarie (J-12) 13: Under a rock in Yarna Desert (P-16) 14: Under a pot in the House by the Bay (F-16) (Appears after returning the Ghost to it's grave) 15: In a cave under a knight (O-11) 16: In a Treasure Chest at the Rapids Ride (M-7) (Accessed by exiting Level 6: Face Shrine from A-1 on Face Shrine map) 17: Under a bush at Martha's Bay (J-15) 18: Under another bush at Martha's bay (I-16) (Need Flippers) 19: Under anoter bush at Ukuku Prarie, near Key Cavern (G-11) (Need Flippers) 20: Buried neer a statue in Ukuku Prarie (I-11) (Shovel needed) 21: Under a rock on Mt. Tamaranch (M-1) (Power Bracelet needed) 22: Inside a Treasure Chest on Mt. Tamaranch (N-2) (Bombs needed) 23: Inside Eagle's Tower (A-1 on 1st Floor) 24: Inside the Dog House next to Madam Meow-Meow's House (B-11) 25: Burried on land near Martha's Bay (K-14) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Locations of the Heart Peices Keyword: [HEART] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since you probably want to have the maximum amount of Heart Containers, here's a list of the locations of all 12 Heart Peices: 1: Inside the well in Mabe Villege (A-11) 2: Outside of the Mysterious Woods (E-5) (Roc's Feather needed) 3: Inside the cave in Mysterious Woods that leads to the Mushroom (A-6) (Power Bracelet needed) 4: Inside a cave in Ukuku Prarie (P-13) (Bombs needed) 5: Inside a cave in Yarna Desert (O-13) 6: Underwater inside a cave at Tal Tal Hieghts (O-3) (Flippers Needed) 7: In a cave on Mt. Tamaranch (H-1) (Bombs and Hookshot needed) 8: On Mt. Tamaranch, outside Level 8 (A-1) 9: With the Large Fish closest to the bank in the Fishing Game (B-9) 10: Underwater in the Kanalet Castle Moat (I-8) (Flippers needed) 11: Inside a cave in Animal Village (N-13) (Bombs, Bow, Hookshot, and Roc's Feather needed) 12: In a cave on Koholint Prarie (F-8) (Roc's Feather, Hookshot, and bombs needed) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapons and Items List Keyword: [SWORD] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since this might come in handy, here's a list of the Items and Weapons of the game: _____________________________________________ _/Main Weapons and Items (Equipible to A and B)\_____ Level 1 Shield Location: In Marin and Tairn's House (C-11), given to you by Tarin Discrpition: This the the basic shield. It's small, and can't block every attack, but it comes in handy. Level 1 Sword Location: On Tonrobo Shores (C-16) Discription: This is the basic Sword. It has low attack power, but it's still useful for defeating enemies. Mushroom Location: In the Mysterious Woods (A-6) Discription: The only point of the mushroom is taking it to the Witch, who will make you some Magic Powder out of it. Magic Powder Location: Made from a Mushroom by a Witch outside of Mytserious Woods (F-7) Discription: It's not very powerful, has the lowest range of any attack, but it's needed to light torches and a few other things Roc's Feather Location: In Level 1: Tail Cave (C-1 on the Tail Cave map) Discription: It's not a weapon, but with this feather, you can jump over small pits! Level 1 Power Bracelet Location: In Level 2: Bottle Grotto (A-1 on the Bottle Grotto map) Discription: I found this to be one of the most useful items in the game. With it, you can pick up and throw pots and stones! Shovel Location: For sale in the Mabe Village Shop (D-10) for 200 Rupees Discription: It's not a weapon, but it's fun finding burried rupees and stuff with it (I dig that!) Pegasus Boots Location: In Level 3: Key Cavern (B-3 on Key Cavern Map) Discrpition: It's a cool item. You can combind it with your Sword and preform a Charge Move (Mowing down enemies as you run by) and with Roc's Feather, you can jump across larger pits! Bow & Arrows Location: For sale in the Mabe Village Shop (D-10) for 980 Rupees Discription: This is one of the best projestile weapons in the game, with long range and good attack power. It's worth the 980 Rupees Ocarina Location: In Dream Shrine (D-9) Discription: This isn't a weapon, but it's needed for 3 main things: Waking the Wind Fish (Ballad of the Wind Fish), Resurecting the Flying Rooster (Frog's Song of Soul), and warping to Crazy Tracy's house or to the entrance of a dungeon (Manbo's Mombo). The Ballad of the Wind Fish can also be used to knock out those annoying Polis Voice Hookshot Location: In Level 5: Catfish's Maw (A-1 on Catfish's Maw Map. Obtained by beating Master Skulltulla) Discription: It's not intended to be used as a weapon, due to how slow it is compared to the arrows, but the Hookshot is useful for crossing large gaps. Level 2 Power Bracelet Location: In Level 6: Face Shrine (F-2 on Face Shrine) Discription: It's the same as the Level 1 Power Bracelet, but you can now pick up some larger items. Level 2 Shield Location: In Level 7: Eagle's Tower (C-4 on the 2nd floor of Eagle's Tower map) Discription: It's like the Level 1 Shield, except it's larger and can block a few more types of attacks. Fire Rod (Also called the Magic Rod) Location: In Level 8: Turtle Rock (B-8 on the Turtle Rock map) Discription: This is the ultimate long-range weapon next to the Arrows. When you swing it, it shoots a fireball that moves quickly and does a decent ammount of damage. Boomerang Location: Trade the Shovel for it at Tornobo Shores (E-16) Discription: It's not as good as the Fire Rod, but the Boomerang is useful at points. Level 2 Sword Location: Given to you in the Seashell Mansion (K-9) after getting 20 shells Discription: It's like the Level 1 Sword, but it's got higher attack power and it's tempered, so (When your hearts are full) you can shoot Blade Beams! ______________________________ _/Quest Status and Dungeon Items\___ Insturmants of the Sirens Locations: Inside Levels 1-8 (Always past the boss room) Discription: You'll need to obtain all 8 in order to wake the Wind Fish, but you'll need to defeat bosses in order to get to the instrumants. Yoshi Doll Location: A prize in the Trendy Game (D-12) Discription: The Yoshi doll is the first item in the trading process needed to obtain the Magnifying Glass. Magniying Glass Location: In a cave under a Mermaid Statue at Martha's Bay (J-15) Discription: This is what you'll receive after all that item trading. It's needed to read the book in the bottom right corner of the Library (Dark Secrets and Mysteries of Koholint Island), which contains some important infomation you'll need toward the end of the game. Potion Location: For sale in Crazy Tracy's house (F-5) Discription: It's quite useful. When your hearts drop to zero, this will automaticly fill them back to maximum! Flippers Location: In Level 4: Angler's Tunnel (A-3 on Angler's Tunnel map) Discription: It automaticly activates when you need it, so as soon as you enter water, you'ss start swiming. You can also dive under and discover secrets (Like hidden rooms) Keys (Tail, Slime, Angler, Face, & Bird) Locations: Multiple Locations (See guide for what key you're looking for) Discription: Each key is used to open up Levels 1 (Tail), 3 (Slime), 4 (Angler), 6 (Face), and 7 (Bird). That's all they do. Dungeon Map Locations: Inside Levels 0-8 (See the Level Stratigy for the map you need) Discription: This will allow you to see the map of the dungeon you're in. You'll find them inside a treasure chest somewhere in the level it's for. Compass Location: Inside Levels 0-8 (See the Level Stratigy for the compass you need) Discription: This will show you where the Treasure Chests and boses are hidden in a level, and it will make a special sound when you enter a room where a Key is hidden. You'll find one in a inside a treasure chest in the level it's for. Stone Beak Location: Inside Levels 0-8 (See the Level Stratigy for the Stone Beak you need) Discription: This will let you get hints from the Owl Statues in the level you got it from. Red Clothes Location: Inside Level 0: Color Dungeon (A-2 on Color Dungeon Map) Discription: This tunic increses your sword's attack power and give you the abilities of a Peice of Power (Strong sword blows and slightly faster running speed). Blue Clothes Location: Inside Level 0: Color Dungeon (A-2 on Color Dungeon Map) Discription: This tunic will incerse your defence, like the Guardian Acorn. ___________ _/Other Items\__________________ Rupee Location: Many different locations, and frequintly dropped by enemies Discription: This is the currency used in the Zelda games. Enemies will drop Rupees frequintly. Shiny Rupee Location: In a hidden room in Level 0: Color Dungeon (E-3 on Color Dungeon Map) Discription: It's like a Rupee, except it's worth 5 normal rupees. It's only in Level 0: Color Dungeon. Winged Rupees Location: In the Rapids Ride Discription: It's like a Rupee, except it's worth 10 normal Rupees. Heart Location: Commonly dropped by enemies Discription: This will refil 1 heart on your HP meeter Winged Heart Location: In a few dungeons Discription: This is like a normal heart, but will refil 3 hearts on your HP meeter instead of 1 Heart Bunch Location: For sale in the Mabe Village Shop (D-10) for 10 Rupees Discription: This is like the Winged Heart, except it's only at the Mabe Village Shop. Faerie Location: Commonly dropped by Mini-bosses Discription: This will refil 6 hearts on your HP meeter, which is very useful Arrow Location: Dropped by certen enemies Discription: Obviosly, you'll get one extra arrow for your bow by picking it up Winged Arrow Location: In a few dungeons and the Rapids Ride Discription: This will add 10 extra arrows for your bow by taking it. Arrow Bunch Location: For sale in the Mabe Village Shop (D-10) for 10 rupees Discription: Like the Winged Arrow, except it's only avalible in the Mabe Village Shop. Bomb Location: Dropped by certen enemies Discription: Obviosly, you'll get 1 bomb for picking it up. Winged Bomb Location: In certen levels and the Rapids Ride Discription: Grabbing this will give you 10 extra bombs. Bomb Bunch Location: For sale in the Mabe Village Shop (D-10) for 10 rupees Discription: Like the Winged bomb, but it's only avalible at the Mabe Village Shop. Magic Powder Bag Location: A prize in the Trendy Game (D-12) Discription: This will give you 20 extra doses of Magic Powder. Winged Magic Power Bag Location: In certen dungeons and the Rapids Ride Discription: This will give you 10 extra doses of Magic Powder _______________ _/Temperary Items\______________ Peice of Power Location: Dropped by enemies ever so often Discription: This will temperarly boost your sword's atack power, give you a Strong Blow, and slightly increse your running speed. Guardian Acorn Location: Dropped by enemies ever so often Discription: This will increse your defence, so the damage you'll take from enemies is cut in half! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version History Keyword: [VERHS] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.0 (2-3-2007): First Release. - Main Walkthrough fully complete - Complete Weapon & Item List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Thanks (And a few last words) Keyword: [SPCTH] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...And now, for a couple of thank-you's to: - Nintendo (For releasing the Game Boy Color and this game) - Bill Trenin (For translating Zelda: Link's Awakening so I don't have to learn Japanese) - My grandmother (For buying me a Game Boy Pocket with this game for Christmas years ago) - Hyrule: The Land of Zelda (Though they shut down their site, the guide they had for this game helped me a lot when I first played through years ago, and had some influence on my guide.) Now to get to work on an Enemy List to add to this guide... Until then, that's all for now. [END OF FILE]