T H E L E G E N D O F Z E L DA L I N K ' S A W A K E N I N G / D X Nintendo Gameboy / Color Action Reply Codes by oblivion from aoc oblivion_ee hotmail.com Version: 0.20 =============================================================================== 1. - *Contents* =============================================================================== 0. Table of Contents 1. Update History 2. Copyright/distribution 3. Introduction 4. AR Codes 4.1. PLAYER 4.2. COMPANION CODES 4.3. KEY ITEMS 4.4. WEAPON CODES 4.5. TRADE ITEMS 4.6. DX ONLY CODES 4.7. SOUND AND MUSIC TEST CODES 4.8. UNHELPFUL/CUSTOM CODES 4.9. GLITCHY CODES 5. General FAQ 6. Credits =============================================================================== 1. - *Update History* =============================================================================== 0.10 - 09th December 2009. 24kb. 0.20 - 16th December 2009. +SFX section +Sorting/fixes +Table. 29kb. =============================================================================== 2. - *Copyright* =============================================================================== ---------------------------------- .:'*':. Copyright .:'*':. ---------------------------------- Copyright 2004 to me. This document may not be modified in any way, shape or form unless consent by the author or for personal private use. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. ---------------------------------- .:'*':. Distribution .:'*':. ---------------------------------- You can freely distribute the DOCUMENT, provided that: (a) you DO NOT charge, or ask for donations, for this. (b) you DO NOT distribute it with any other product, commercial or not. (c) ALL of the document are to be remained unmodified, unrenamed, and untouched. The document MUST remain in its ORIGINAL text form. (d) this document must NOT be used in any illegal activities of any kind. Warning: This document is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Latest version of the guide will always be located on the GameFaqs.com server. http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/49375.html =============================================================================== 3. - *Introduction* =============================================================================== Welcome to the Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening Action Reply codes FAQ. This guide will list all the Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening Action Reply/ GameShark codes I and others have created. These codes are for the USA/Europe version of the game and may or may not work on other languages or editions of the game. The DX and black and white version of the game use the same codes. The DX only codes are in their separate section. Throughout the guide you will find codes with 'xx' in them, this means you can place any number between 00-FF there unless the description says otherwise. Use this table to choose the value: .___.___.___.___.___.___.___.___.___.___.___.___.___.___.___.___, | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | .---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| | 0 | 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15| | 1 | 16| 17| 18| 19| 20| 21| 22| 23| 24| 25| 26| 27| 28| 29| 30| 31| | 2 | 32| 33| 34| 35| 36| 37| 38| 39| 40| 41| 42| 43| 44| 45| 46| 47| | 3 | 48| 49| 50| 51| 52| 53| 54| 55| 56| 57| 58| 59| 60| 61| 62| 63| | 4 | 64| 65| 66| 67| 68| 69| 70| 71| 72| 73| 74| 75| 76| 77| 78| 79| | 5 | 80| 81| 82| 83| 84| 85| 86| 87| 88| 89| 90| 91| 92| 93| 94| 95| | 6 | 96| 97| 98| 99|100|101|102|103|104|105|106|107|108|109|110|111| | 7 |112|113|114|115|116|117|118|119|120|121|122|123|124|125|126|127| | 8 |128|129|130|131|132|133|134|135|136|137|138|139|140|141|142|143| | 9 |144|145|146|147|148|149|150|151|152|153|154|155|156|157|158|159| | A |160|161|162|163|164|165|166|167|168|169|170|171|172|173|174|175| | B |176|177|178|179|180|181|182|183|184|185|186|187|188|189|190|191| | C |192|193|194|195|196|197|198|199|200|201|202|203|204|205|206|207| | D |208|209|210|211|212|213|214|215|216|217|218|219|220|221|222|223| | E |224|225|226|227|228|229|230|231|232|233|234|235|236|237|238|239| | F |240|241|242|243|244|245|246|247|248|249|250|251|252|253|254|255| '---'---'---'---'---'---'---'---'---'---'---'---'---'---'---'---'---' So for example if you want 152 you'd enter 98. If you wanted 250 you'd enter FA. If you wanted 255, which is the maximum, you'd enter FF. If you wanted 20, you'd enter 14. If you enter any number higher than 69, or any letter combination not shown in the table you will get an error or it won't work properly. =============================================================================== 4. - *AR Codes* =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1. PLAYER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can't lose health (doesn't work vs pits/water/shop keeper) 0134C7DB Impossible to die (doesn't work vs shop keeper) 01010DDB Shallow water/long grass/stairs do not affect walk speed 01001FC1 Always have piece of power (can't use with acorn code) 91017CD4 01017CD4 Always have acorn (can't use with power code) 91027CD4 01027CD4 All talking/dialog is instantly skipped 01009FC1 Walk through any solids (disable to exit/enter doorways) 01100AC1 Matrix mode, all enemies/people are frozen and can't harm you. Toggle on/off to freeze/unfreeze living things. 010211C1 Walk On Water 0180ADC1 Have All 14 Heart Containers 01735BDB Shop keeper always has his back turned and never kills you for stealing 010080C3 010046DB Raft Ride is always Free 01F177D4 Only takes one piece of heart to make a whole container 01045CDB No lives lost (save slot 1) 01005CA4 010000DC No lives lost (save slot 2) 010090A8 010002DC No lives lost (save slot 3) 0100B6AB 010004DC Jumps straight to the ending sequence 010195DB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.2. COMPANION CODES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Having more than one companion at a time will make them all use the same sprite. But they still work fine. Also you can't control the rooster with the Walk through any solids code enabled and other similar codes. Always have Bowwow (enemy eater) following you everywhere 010156DB Never Have Bowow (enemy eater) following you everywhere 010056DB Always have Ghost (annoyance) following you everywhere 010179DB Never have Ghost (annoyance) following you everywhere 010079DB Always have Rooster (bird fly) following you everywhere 01017BDB Never have Rooster (bird fly) following you everywhere 01007BDB Always have Marin following you everywhere 010173DB Never have Marin following you everywhere 010073DB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.3. KEY ITEMS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tail Key 010111DB Slime Key 010615DB Angler Key 010112DB Face Key 010113DB Bird Key 010114DB Magnifying Glass 010E0EDB Flippers 91010CDB Medicine 01010DDB All 20 seashells 01200FDB All 5 Golden Leaves 010515DB Dungeon's Stone slab / Beak 0101CEDB Dungeon's Compass 0101CDDB All Dark Dungeon rooms are bright 0100CCC3 Max/infinite small keys 0109D0DB Dungeon's Map 0101CCDB Nightmare Key 0101CFDB All Instruments, the codes are in order in which you receive the instruments. So if you only want the 3rd instrument, only use the third code on the list. 010265DB 010266DB 010267DB 010268DB 010269DB 01026ADB 01026BDB 01026CDB 9180xxD8 Replace xx with 00 -> FF to unlock mini-map tiles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.4. WEAPON CODES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All 3 Ocarina songs learned 010749DB Infinite Arrows 01FF45DB Infinite Bombs 01FF4DDB Infinite Magic Powder 01FF4CDB Bracelet Level 2 010243DB Shield Level 2 010244DB Sword Level 2 01024EDB Rapid fire weapons 01004CC1 01004DC1 01004EC1 01004FC1 Boomerang can go off screen (use with rapid fire weapons code) 01E04FC2 Always have sword beams even if half a heart (lvl 2 sword only) 0101A9C5 A-Button equipped item 01xx01DB B Button equipped item 01xx00DB Inventory slots, replace yy with 02-0B 01xxyyDB Replace xx with one of the following for that item 00 Blank 01 Sword 02 Bombs 03 Power Bracelet 04 Shield 05 Bow 06 Hookshot 07 Fire Rod 08 Pegasus Boots 09 Ocarina 0A Roc's Feather 0B Shovel 0C Magic Powder 0D Boomerang All Weapons (with boomerang), disable when game is loaded to use them properly. 010101DB 010400DB 010202DB 010303DB 010404DB 010505DB 010606DB 010707DB 010808DB 010909DB 010A0ADB 010D0BDB All Weapons (with shovel), disable when game is loaded to use them properly. 010101DB 010400DB 010202DB 010303DB 010404DB 010505DB 010606DB 010707DB 010808DB 010909DB 010A0ADB 010B0BDB All bosses that can be hit with sword die in 1 slash(turn off when not vs boss) 01FF4EDB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.5. TRADE ITEMS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Only use one of these at a time. 91xx0EDB Replace xx with: 00 Nothing 01 Yoshi Doll 02 Ribbon 03 Dog Food 04 Bananas 05 Stick 06 Honeycomb 07 Pineapple 08 Hibiscus 09 Letter 0A Broom 0B Fishing Hook 0C Necklace 0D Scale 0E Magnifying glass ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.6. DX ONLY CODES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wearing green default cloak 91000FDC Wearing red offensive cloak 91010FDC Wearing blue defensive cloak 91020FDC 91xx0FDC Replace xx with 00-FF for other color cloaks that do nothing or try: 07 - Link is invisible (untested) 10 - Golden (untested) 40 - Link is upside down (untested) 80 - Link appears behind everything (untested) Have Photos 1-8 91FF0CDC Have Photos 9-12 plus Normal 1 910F0DDC Have Photos 9-12 plus Alternate 1 918F0DDC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.7. SOUND AND MUSIC TEST CODES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music Test, play any song in the game Replace xx with 00 to FF to select song, then disable the code to play it. If you make the game load music by going in a cave/level it will go back to normal. 01xx68D3 00 No music 01 Title music when zelda logo appears 02 Trendy game/Witch hut 03 Game Over screen 04 Mabe Village 05 Overworld music 06 Tal Tal Heights 07 Village Shop 08 Raft Ride Rapids 09 Mysterious Forest 0A Home/trader house 0B Animal Village 0C Fairy House 0D Title music 0E BowWow kidnapped music 0F Found level 2 sword 10 Found new weapon 11 2D underground dungeon 12 Owl song 13 Final Knightmare in Egg song 14 Dream Shrine Entrance music 15 Found an instrument 16 Overworld cave 17 Piece of Power/Acorn 18 Received horn instrument 19 Received bell instrument 1A Received harp instrument 1B Received xylophone instrument 1C Received ?? instrument 1D Received ?? instrument 1E Received thunder drum instrument 1F Marin singing 20 Manbo's Mambo fish song 21 Received ?? instrument 22 Instruments song ?? 23 Instruments song ?? 24 Instruments song ?? 25 Instruments song when opening Egg 26 Instruments song when opening Egg part 2 27 Instruments song ?? 28 Lonely/ghost house 29 Piece of Power part 2 2A Marin singing + Links ocarina 2B Level 5 2C Dungeon entrance Unlocking 2D Dream sequence sound? 2E At beach with Marin song 2F Unknown 30 Dungeon sub-boss music 31 Received level 1 sword at beach 32 Mr Write's house 33 Ulrira's house 34 Tarin attacked by Bee's 35 Song of Soul by Mamu frogs 36 Monkey's building bridge 37 Mr Write's house version 2 38 Richard House Secret Song 39 Turtle Rock entrance boss 3A Fishing/crane game 3B Received item 3C Hidden/Unused song!? 3D Nothing 3E BowWow stolen music 3F Ending music 40 Richard's House 41 Glitched noise, possibly unfinished song or Sound effect 42 Glitched noise, possibly unfinished song or Sound effect 43 Glitched noise, possibly unfinished song or Sound effect 44 Glitchy music 45 Glitchy music 46 Glitchy music 47 Silence 48 Silence 49 Glitchy noise 4A Silence 4B Glitchy music 4C Glitchy music 4D - 4F Silence 50 - 57 Silence 58 Glitchy music 59 Silence 5A Glitchy music 5B Silence 5C Silence 5D Glitchy music 5E Silence 5F Silence 60 Silence 61 - 69 Color dungeon (DX only) 6A - F9 Untested F0 Glitched music FF Nothing I don't know where the other dungeon sound tracks are, and won't speculate. They are likely to be stored at another address. Sound Effects Test Hexadecimal values from 00 to C1 to load the sound, then disable the code to play it. 01xx60D3 Replace xx with: 00 nothing 01 opened treasure chest 02 Unlocked dungeon room secret 03 Enemy takes damage 04 Power up sword 05 Magic powder sprinkle 06 Enemy transform sound when devil bat is woken 07 Unknown, high beep 08 Jump down cliff 09 Bounced off enemy with shield 0A Beep 0B Unknown 0C Like sword power up sound but not 0D Jump 0E Swim sound 0F Swim sound 2 10 Silence 11 Unknown, low to high sound 12 Unknown, low beep 13 Pressed on pad in level 4 14 Received heart when health is full 15 Unknown 16 Unknown, high short beep 17 Picked up piece of power/acorn 18 Silence 19 Unknown 1A Unknown 1B Unknown 1C Teleport noise 1D Incorrect DUD DUD sound 1E Lost in woods screen noise 1F Unknown 20 Unknown, low pitch sound 21 Seagull sound 22 Silence 23 Found secret long version 24 Jump 25 Unknown 26 Teleport sound 27 Unknown 28 Shrink sound 29 Wobble sound 2A Bomb eater mini-boss eaten bomb sound 2B Teleporting outside of dungeon with instrument in hand 2C Teleporting using Ocarina 2D Ghost 2E Loud bass noise unknown 2F Bounce 30 Skid sound 31 Unknown 32 Unknown 33 Ghost annoyance sound 34 Unknown 35 Enemy moving 36 Final Knightmare Form Change 37 Final Knightmare Form Change 38 Unknown 39 Unknown, enemy related 3A Unknown 3B Sword laser 3C Enemy teleport 3D Boss related 3E Unknown 3F Unknown 40 Unknown 41 Unknown, dungeon related 42 Silence 43 Dungeon room secret 44 Silence 45 Silence 46 Silence 47 Silence 48 Silence 49 - FF Untested Sound Effects Test 2 Load the sound, then disable the code to play it. 01xx70D3 00=No Sound Effects 01=Getting A Full Heart 04=About To Die 05=Money Spent 08=Spin And Die 09=Flute Music 1 0A=Flute Music 2 0B=Flute Music 3 0C=Falling 0F=Menu Select 10=Death Cry Of A Boss 14=Menu Select 2 15=Flute Music 4 17=Strange Dragon Like Noise 18=Bowwows Pups Bark 1B=Nitemare Key Near By 1F=Space Invaders Noise 21=Laser Noise 22=Laser Powering Up Noise 23=Beebing Noise 26=Strange Noise 2B=Strange Death Sound Noise 2F=Strange Fall Noise 30=Strange Laser Noise 34=Strange Laser Loading Up Noise 35=Missle Noise 3A=Chicken/Roaster Noises 3B=Strange Money Noise 3C=BottomLess Pit Fall Noise 3F=Jungle Noises 41=Dropping Of A Giant Missile 43=Laser Gaining Super Power 44=Double Beeping 45=Fast Powering Laser Speed of music 91xx01D3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.8. UNHELPUFUL/CUSTOM CODES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains codes which are not very helpful. But some are fun! Always running 01204AC1 Replace xx with 00-FF for how many seashells you want 01xx0FDB Replace xx with 00-FF for how many Golden Leaves you want 01xx15DB Bracelet Level Modifier (replace xx with 00-FF) 01xx43DB Shield Level Modifier (replace xx with 00-FF) 01xx44DB Sword Level Modifier (replace xx with 00-FF) 01xx4EDB Jump height Modifier (replace xx with 00-FF) 01xx49C1 Replace xx with 00 -> FF to unlock that mini-map tile 9180xxD8 Speed of Music 91xx01D3 Ribbon's On Bowwow´s Pups(ALL THE TIME) 0106511C2 01xx07C5 Buy Item Modifier Replace xx with 00 Empty 01 Shovel 02 Hearts 03 Shield 04 Bombs 05 Bow and Arrow set 06 Arrows 07 Ocarina (Free) 08 Acorn (doesn't work) 09 Crazy Tracy's Medicine (Free) 10 Mushroom, is invisible and crashes game Lives lost (save slot 1) xx = number of lives lost 01xx5CA4 01xx00DC Lives lost (save slot 2) xx = number of lives lost 01xx90A8 01xx02DC Lives lost (save slot 3) xx = number of lives lost 01xxB6AB 01xx04DC Always spinning, lets you use some items without stopping. 01FF75D4 When changing rooms link falls from ceiling 0170C8DB Hold arrows that you can throw 010781C2 Every time you change room the game thinks you stole something so you get the guess what you stole it are you proud of yourself message. 01017ED4 Every screen change you get dream exit sequence effect. 010174D4 Sword never disappears but doesn't do anything. 01016AC1 Sword always looks like it's powered up. 016922C1 Invisible Sword 01006AC1 Squashed Zelda Title 01027EC1 Moon Walk Mode Allow You To Walk Backwards 01016EC1 Moon Walk Mode 2 Always Walk Backwards 01026EC1 Holding something in air link 01015CC1 01015DC1 Can't Spin Or Power Up Sword 010022C1 Link Always Looks Like He's Pushing Something 01FF44C1 Teleportation wavey screen always on 01FF7FC1 BIG map exploration code, this 32-long code will make all tiles on the outside of every screen walkable, allowing you go travel absoletely anywhere you want without risk of falling down holes/being blocked. 910411D7 910412D7 910413D7 910414D7 910415D7 910416D7 910417D7 910418D7 910419D7 91041AD7 910421D7 91042AD7 910431D7 91043AD7 910441D7 91044AD7 910451D7 91045AD7 910461D7 91046AD7 910471D7 91047AD7 910481D7 910482D7 910483D7 910484D7 910485D7 910486D7 910487D7 910488D7 910489D7 91048AD7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.9. GLITCHY CODES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These codes are very glitchy and potentially game-ruining, so be warned. But they are placed here for fun. Have Super Shield (Advance Shield) 01025AC1 01025BC1 Game Save Select Modifier You can use this if you want to save your current game in a different slot. 01xxA6DB 00=Save 1 01=Save 2 02=Save 3 03=Erase 04=Die And See GAME OVER Screen shake. MAY NOT WORK. 010455C1 010456C1 010457C1 Screen shake. MAY NOT WORK. xx = intensity. 01xx55C1 01xx56C1 01xx57C1 Room Modifier, this lets you choose which room in the entire game you are in. But it is VERY glitch as the sprites don't load. 01xxA5DB Music Corrupter 01xx23D3 Music Corrupter 2 01xx7CD4 Music Corrupter 3 01xx9FD3 Game crashes when you lose health (POTENTIAL CHEAT/GAME CARTRIDGE DESTROYER!) 01735ADB Ice Skate Mode and screaming beep, can't change screen without disabling 011046C1 Link is in Slow Motion, Plus Link Can´t Use His Items, Weapons, etc 011017C1 Half body Link 01FF1DC1 Other half body Link 01FF1EC1 Invisible Link 01FF1DC1 01FF1EC1 Invisible Link 2 010045C1 Link does not animate when walking 010020C1 Walk Through Walls Code 1 01100AC1 Spinning link 010275D4 Instantly die 010194DB Invincible Link don't lose health 010094DB Always Hear The Sound Of Money 010292DB Impossible to have more than 0 rupess, always rupee sound 010191DB Get knocked out from drugs 01017FC1 Earth Quake Mode And Flashy Screen Mode. MAY NOT WORK 012364D4 Can't skip intro of the game, always loops 010101D0 Intro of game doesn't pass the ocean scene 010102D0 No Lighting strikes in first scene of game intro and Title doesn't shine 010081C2 Star On Zelda Always Shines On Place Modifier 01xx03D0 00=Lower Part Of Z In Zelda 01=Lower Part Of E In Zelda 02=Upper Part Of E In Zelda 03=Lower Part Of L In Zelda 04=Upper Part Of D In Zelda 05=Upper Part Of A In Zelda 06=Lower Part Of A In Zelda 07=Upper Part Of Z In Zelda Glitched Intro of Ocean 01FF06D0 Glitch Intro Of Ocean 2 01FF07D0 Completely glitched up Intro sequence 010124C1 Ocean Movement During Intro Of Game Is Changed 01FF05C1 01FF06C1 No Boat During Intro 010581C2 Stars on The Loading Screen of game shine below the name ZELDA 016511C2 Links Raft On Loading Screen Place Modifier 01xx02C2 Very Very Slow Rain On Intro sequence 01003DC1 Caught Red Handed In Shops 010109C5 Most Enemies And Some People Look Modifier 01xx95C1 00=Glith Enemies 01=Female Bowwow 39=Invisible Enemies 40=Plant Monster 41=Strange Head Monster 42=Crow 43=Old Lady 44=Skull Monster 45=Mother & Child 46=Old Guy 47=The Lady Who Owns Bowwow 48=Small Bowwow 49=Crazy Tracys Head 4A=Sea Fish & Sea Plant Monster 4B=Guy Who Rights Letters 4C=Strange Fish 4D=Fishing Guy 4F=Strange Circles 50=Musical Instruments 51=Same But Better Then The Code Above 52=Strange Creature 53=Giant Monster 54=Cyclops 55=Kirby Like Creature 56=Strange Monster 57=Strange Eye Creature 58=Mask Monster 59=Card Monster 5A=Knight Monster 5B=Frog Guy 5C=Frog 5D=Big Fish From The Fish Mini Game 5E=Horses Head 5F=Snake/Plant 60=Bug/ Strange Creature 61=Fish Creature 62=Skull 63=Sword/Sheild 64=Plant Eater 65=Angry Store 66=Strange Sign 67=Monkey 68=Strange Monkey 69=Dog Like Creature 6A=Cup/Bannanas 6B=Bee´s Nest/ Signing Guy 6C=Talon 6D=Father Of The Kid 6E=Strange Slime Monster 6F=Warus 70=Same As Above 71=Mermaid´s Head 72=Same as above 73=Mermaid Statue 74=Ghost Head 75=Fisherman Fishing 76=Flying Monster 77=Mummy Monster 78=All Monsters & People Are The Same 79=Green Eye Monster 7A=Flying Gremlin Monster 7B=Snake 7C=Beast Monsters 7D=Hoping Frog 7E=Crocodile 7F=Same As Above But The Crocodile Is Smiling 80=Beast Master Monster 81=Spike Monster 9E=Strange Bird Monster 9F=Very Very Strange Creature A1=Big Fish/Fish Hook A2=Flying Monster A3=Witchs Head A4=Bowwow A5=Strange Monster A6=Some Monster/Person A7=Fish Creature A8=Big Bug A9=Skull Man AA=Plant Monster 2 AB=Strange White Monster AC=Strage Urn Orb AD=Glitch B0=Worm Monster B1=Middle Of Worm Monster B2=Tail Of Worm Monster B3=Strange Stick Thing B4=Eye BB=Strange Slime Creature BC=Dragon Head BD=A Wing BE=Claws C0=A Word That Appears That You See Is The Word OH C2=Eyes C3=Sea Shell Creature C4=Bunny C5=Singing Marin C6=Strange Thing C7=Flying Gremin C8=Raccon CD=Girl Crocodile CE=Strange Creature CF=Furry Creature D0=Head Of Crocodile Man D2=Monkey D3=Some Guy D4=Bannanas D5=Brick Wall D8=Scary Ghost DC=Little Boy DD=Chicken/Hen DE=Chicken DF=Rat E0=Bowwows Pup E1=Girl Bowwow E2=Marin´s Dad E3=Ball Shooter Monster E4=Bowwow E5=Chicken E6=Dancing Marlin E7=Boy E8=Hole F0=Blob F2=Strange Blob F3=Eye F4=Link Himself F5=Link Himself 2 F7=Strange Urn Ball F9=Evil Strange Urn Ball FA=Skull FB=Crystal Ball FD=Strange Thing FE=Target Squares FF=Circle Things People Change Modifier (use the digits from the there modifier from the above code) 01xx94C1 Everyone (excluding Link) colors are inverted 01FF20C4 01FF21C4 01FF22C4 01FF23C4 01FF24C4 01FF25C4 01FF26C4 01FF27C4 Everyone Is Transparent Mode 010198DB Everyone including link is stuck inside an invisible box 01F5A5DB Almost Completely Deserted Koholint Island (Almost no chickens, people, shop keep guys, etc are gone) 010080C2 010081C2 Tarin and Marin are always at Home 01004EDB Carrying invisible object 01078FC2 Sprite Randomizer 01xxA0C3 Sprite mover 010010C3 Buttons Always Enabled 010067C1 Enemies can't touch you 0140C7DB Almost Everything Is Frozen 010111C1 Button Presses Always Allowed (except for when talking) 010067C1 Link Can Always Move (except for when talking) Cannot lift heavy objects (i.e. rocks) with this code on. 0100A1FF =============================================================================== 5. - *General FAQ* =============================================================================== Common questions I've been asked by readers or undoubtedly will be asked. 1. Q. You are missing a code that... A. Any codes emailed to me will be verified, then added to the guide with the contributors name and/or email if requested. 2. Q. I found these codes on another site, are they the same? A. All sources/references are listed under section 6. - *Credits*. 3. Q. Are there any codes you think exist but haven't been found yet? A. Yes, these are still needed but are difficult/impossible to create: - Make BowWow attack all the time/longer chain/multiple BowWow's. - Faster rooster, fly across screens with rooster. - Enable all 255 tiles of the mini-map with one code. - Faster walking than with the piece of power. - The remaining music tracks for all the dungeons and inside the egg. - x and y position of raft so you can use it anywhere. - Combination of egg maze. - Change the name of the saved games. 4. Q. How do people glitch their game up and skips large parts of the game without using a cheat cartridge? A. Either by using the warp screen exploit (this was fixed in the DX version) and/or the 'Underworld' exploit. A full 'Underworld' guide may be found at: http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/gbcolor/file/197769/46050 To do the warp screen exploit (ONLY WORKS IN BLACK AND WHITE VERSIONS OF THE GAME) simply press select as you are going across a screen. 5. Q. What fun things can be done with the codes in this guide? A. I would suggest giving every code a try. The ones I find the most fun are the rapid fire weapon codes and the companion codes. Also if you use the weapons codes to put two of the same item in both slots you can use them both at the same time to do some fun things. 6. Q. What codes can I use safely for a new game? A. I would suggest you complete the game and all its secrets first before using any codes in this document. Then you'll know which are safe to use. 7. Q. I know what some of the unknown SFX are, ## is... A. Any finds will be verified and your name added to the credits. =============================================================================== 6. - *Credits* =============================================================================== Me - For making such an awesome guide. Nintendo - For making + publishing the game. You - For reading it. Code finders/creators: Codebreaker.com Gail Elizabeth Pryatel of The Realm of Hyrule Gameshark.com GSCentral.com Hextator Hifiber7 from gamewinners.com (hifiber7%%£$%^&*()compuserve.com) Jirua from jeuxvideo.com/forums/1-1996-7704302-1-0-1-0-0.htm Me, oblivion from aoc Primagames.com Xkeeper from zelda-coalition.com/index.php?action=profile;u=40 Zeldapower.com _______________________________________________________________________________ End of Document.