|| _||_ | | THE LEGEND OF ______| |_______ ______________ ______ ____ / ____| |__ / \ __ \ / \ "\ \_ \ / / | | / / | | \ | | | |"\ | \ \ /__/ _| |/ / / | | \_| | | | | | | \ / __ / / / | |_/| | | | | | | | \ /_/| / / / | | | | | | | | | /_\ \ |/ / | |_ | | | | | | | ; __ \ / / / | | \/ _| | || | | | / / \ \ / / / | |___/ / |/|| |_/ |/ / \ \ / /| __|______/|____|/______//___\ /___\ / / / | / / / / / | / / LINK'S AWAKENING / / /| |____/ / /_____| |______/ - - - - - - - - - - | | | | SPOILERFREE WALKTHROUGH \ / \/ ======================== intr. Introduction ======================== Welcome to my first, big, full-game FAQ ever. There are a few reasons that I wrote this FAQ. The first reason is that this Zelda game is by far my favorite (yes, I think it's even better than Ocarina of Time). As this is my first big FAQ, it makes sense to do it about your favorite game. The writing of this walkthrough actually helped me relax sometimes; think of it as an hobby. Another reason is that I missed a spoiler- free walkthrough for this game on Gamefaqs. This is the first Zelda game I have ever owned, so I have finished it quite a few times. Sure, there are normal walkthroughs here, but in my opinion, this Legend of Zelda has one of the best stories and characters of all. A story so good, it deserved to have it's own spoiler-free walkthrough. I know a lot of the people on this site have already played and/or finished Link's Awakening, but if I can save this story and it's characters for only one person, I'll have reached my goal. This Zelda will always have a special place in my heart, and I hope you'll enjoy it... This walkthrough won't have tactics in it for the regular monsters, nor for the bosses, so you'll need to look in another FAQ for help with those (or try it for yourself). The FAQ will only go over the necessary actions to finish this game. You should look elsewhere for an in-depth FAQ. Side-missions aren't covered either, and neither are the locations of the Pieces of Heart and the Secret Seashells. After a little consideration I decided to include the dungeons in the walkthrough, because they are a big part of the game. They are pretty straigth-forward, so if you want, you can skip the descriptions. They are marked clearly in the walkthrough. One thing you should remember if you decide to use the parts in which dungeons are explored, is the fact that the dungeons aren't completely described. I simply go over the action necessary to complete it (usually I won't even tell where the map and compass are). This guide is made for those who want to enjoy the story of Zelda, but are stuck. If you use this guide, the story won't be spoiled. Just remember there is a lot more to do and explore on Koholint Island than the things I mention below... I started this FAQ early november of last year, but only recently finished it. I'm not sure why it took me so long, but it's not really important. If you think I missed something, have a question for me or found some kind of mistake somewhere, feel free to email me. My adress is Kaas.Bink(at)gmail(dot)com. Please put Zelda in the subject title. This walkthrough, and all it's content (including the ASCIIs), is Copyrighted, 2004 by Jaap van Zon. This walkthrough is only allowed on www.gamefaqs.com. No part of this walkthrough can be used without proper quoting and/or recognition. Any person(s) found violating this copyright is/are punishable by law and will be to the fullest extent. If you see this walkthrough on another site, please alert me. REMINDER: - Spoiler-free walkthrough, nothing story or character related will be spoiled. - No side-quests included. - No heart-pieces, secret items and monster-tactics included. - Dungeons are included, but bareboned (often without map and compass). - No boss-tactics are included. - Directions on where you should go next are present. - Everything you'll need to complete the game is included. ======================== cont. Content ======================== You can use ctrl+f for quick acces to the part you are looking for. Just enter the code in the searchbox. Example: for the Introduction, press ctrl+f, enter intr., press enter and voilá. I've devided the walkthrough in Chapters, that way it is easier to locate information in it. Every chapter handles the way to a dungeon and the dungeon itself. This means, if you're stuck in the 5th dungeon, you'll need to be in chapter 5. If you want to see how may dungeons you have finished (and figure out at which chapter you should be looking), simply press "start" outside a dungeon and look at the circle at the right. Every item in the circle means a completed dungeon. intr. Introduction cont. Content vers. Version History cntr. Controls gene. General Hints wrld. World Map wlkt. Walkthrough chp1. Chapter 1 chp2. Chapter 2 chp3. Chapter 3 chp4. Chapter 4 chp5. Chapter 5 chp6. Chapter 6 chp7. Chapter 7 chp8. Chapter 8 chp9. Chapter 9 ======================== vers. Version History ======================== -Version 1.0 - 8 november 2004 / 27 januari 2005 Finally. The first version of this walkthrough is finally completed. It took me some time and work, but it was worth it. Now I'm off to submit it. ======================== cntr. Controls ======================== Since this is a Gameboy game, the controls are easy to learn. Plus, it's pretty good explained in the game too. A: you use this to talk to people and to interact with objects. You also use this to continue the conversation you are having. +: you use this to move Link around. You can move Link in eight directions. Start (outside dungeon): brings up items and inventory screen. Start (inside dungeon): brings up items and inventory screen, but also shows the dungeonmap (if you found it). Select: brings up the worldmap (press B or select to exit, press A for info about the square your cursor is on). A and B: you control your items with these. Press start to see which items you have, then press A or B to assign an item to it. Sometimes in a conversation, pressing B will cancel it. ======================== wrld. World Map ======================== Sometimes in the walkthrough, you'll notice a coordinate. Refer to this map to pinpoint the location. I added these to avoid confusing on where to go next. Coordinates are noted like this: (a;1) for the first square, (p;16 for the last square). a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p 1 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 2 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 3 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 4 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 5 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 6 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 7 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 8 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 9 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 10 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 11 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 12 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 13 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 14 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 15 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 16 |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| ======================== wlkt. Walkthrough ======================== The first thing you do in this game, after you've watched the pretty impressive introduction movie, is the entering of your name. Your name can consist out of a maximum of 5 characters. Just pick a cool name. Press start, pick your character, and we're ready to go! Let's go to Koholint Island! ======================== chp1. Chapter 1 ======================== Once you gain control of your character for the first time, talk to the man in the house, then exit. Follow the path west, then go south until you reach the beach. Go east until you are blocked by an enemy. Push it aside with your shield and walk towards the item you see (c;16). Take the item and make your way back to the village. Keep going north, cut the grass between the two trees with your sword and enter the forest. Keep going north. Now go east (c;7) until you see a cave. Enter the cave and make your way through it. Leave the cave, take the item you see on your left and return through the cave to the Forest. When you leave the cave again, go north and east until you see a path. Follow this path until you see a spooky house (f;6). Enter it and talk to the woman. Use the item you just found in the forest on the kettle. Once you've got your new item, leave and make your way back to the second cave you saw (the one you couldn't enter yet). Go south there, then west, then north. Talk to the animal (b;6), then use your newest item on it (the one you got in the spooky house). After the scene, go north and open the chest. Now you should return to the village. When you leave the forest, you should follow the road south to the beach. When the road ends, you shouldn't drop down, but go east instead. Just keep walking and you should end up in front of a building (d;14). Stand in front of the statue most south to open it up. Enter the building. Dungeon 1 - Tail Cave. When you enter the dungeon, go west. Defeat the two monsters you see there. Take the item and continue west. Open the chest and go back to the entrance. Go north and step on the switch to reveal a chest. Open it and go east, where you need to defeat the monsters to make another chest appear. Go north, east and north to find some odd enemies. Defeat them and take the item. Now go south and three times west. Kill the monster and open the chest (note the crack in the wall). Go north through the door and make your way to the next door. Push the block to open the door. Kill the monsters to make a stairs appear, which you should follow. Keep going until you reach a chest, which you should open. Go back all the way to the wall with the crack in it. From there you should go east two times. Go north, open the keyhole and open the chest to your left. Now go back two rooms and keep going east, where you'll find you're first miniboss. Kick his ass and proceed northwards, where you'll find the first real boss. Deafeat him to finish this dungeon. You'll exit it automatically. ======================== chp2. Chapter 2 ======================== Go back to village after you completed the dungeon. Talk to the two boys you meet there. Follow the path north and east and enter Bowow's house (b;12). Talk to the woman in there. Now go north-east through the Mysterious Forest until you see the heartpiece (e;5). Take it if you want (you'll probably want it) and go north. Enter the cave you see there (the one with the head-statue in front of it). Make your way through the cave by killing all the monsters and rescue the animal at the end of the cave. Go back to the village once you rescued the animal and talk to Madam MeowMeow (b;11). Make sure to buy bombs if you haven't already (the store is at d;10). Go north through the Mysterious Forest again until you see a house (a;4). Go east to see the swamp. Make your way through the swamp until you find an entrance (e;3). Enter it. Dungeon 2 - Bottle Grotto Use some magic powder on the candles in the dark room. Go east, defeat the monsters and take the small key. Go east and southto get another key, then go east for yet another key. Keep going and go through the locked door. Push the blocks you see and go through stairs. Go north where you'll find a miniboss, which you should defeat (obviously). Keep going until you see a room with a locked door to the left. Defeat the ghost and open the chest. Go east for another key. Go south at the end, where you must defeat the enemies in a specific order to make a chest appear. Go back a room and go through the locked door. Kill all the enemies and go through the stairs. When you resurface, go through the door, where you'll find the boss of this dungeon. Defeat him. ======================== chp3. Chapter 3 ======================== Go back to the village again and talk to Madam MeowMeow again. Now go and buy a shovel in the store (you should have enough money by now). Go to the southeast of the village and enter the building (d;12). Talk to the man and play the game (you should aim for the one prize that isn't moving; it's in the middle). Leave the building and go to the house in the top of the village (c;9). Talk to the woman with the baby and say "Yes". Now enter the small house next to Madam MeowMeow's house and talk to the animal. Say "Yes" again. Leave, and go back to the beach, where you should go and talk to an animal in a house (d;15). Say "Yes" and leave again. Make your way back to the village and take the east exit. Keep following the path you see; when you get to a big rock, just blow it up with a bomb. Follow the second path to the south. Keep following it until you reach a little house, which you should enter (g;14). Talk to the man and say "Okay". Go back until you reach the path again. Keep following it north. When you see the castle, go east and talk to the monkey. Say "Yes". Go north and go down the stairs (under the bush at k;5). Make your way underground and resurface. First, go east and south where you should kill the monster and take the item he leaves behind. Now go to the other side of the castle (i;6) where you should kill the monsters too. Take the second item and enter the castle. Kill the monsters in the second room to get your thirth item. Continue, step on the switch and go up the stairs. Bomb the monster you see in the wall below and kill it for your next item. Make your way out of the castle and enter the next door. Open the door by throwing a bottle at it and kill the monster you see there. Take your final item and go back to the man in the house (just follow the path again). Talk to the man, move the box he's standing next to and go down the stairs. Make your way through the cave, exit it and go through the maze. Cut the grass in front of the Stonestatue (the same type rock you saw earlier when rescuing BowBow) and dig there with your shovel for an item. Go back and exit the house. Go north, up the stairs and use your new item (f;12). Go back to the house, go east and north a bit until you see a little island on your left (h;12). Walk around the trees and jump from island to island until you get to a cave (f;12). Enter it for your next dungeon. Dungeon 3 - Key Cavern Pick up a bottle and throw it at the door. Kill the monsters to get a key. Take the right entrance and keep going north; at the end, go down the stairs. Take the door north, kill the monsters and collect your key. Go back, take the west door and do the same thing there. Now go back and take the south door, where you once again must kill all the monsters for another key. Go back and go through the last door (on the right). Go down the stairs there. In the new room, kill all monsters for a new key. Now go west, kill the monsters, go west again, kill the monsters again and take the key. Go north, kill the monsters and go north; then keep going back south. Kill the blobs again and go north. Kill the two snakes and go east. Open the chest. Go east and bomb the south wall. Jump across the gap and go north for a chest. Open it and drop down from the ledge. Now go north and keep going to the left (you'll need to bomb a wall). Go back to the entrance. Go east for a key. Enter the warp in the middle of the entrance. Go south and make your way through the keyholes.Go down the stairs and make your way through the cave. When you resurface, kill the monsters and go west. Go north to find the boss waiting for you. Kill him. ======================== chp4. Chapter 4 ======================== First, you should go east and north to (h;9). Talk to the man you see there and say "Can". Take the item and go back to the village. Now is a good time to enter the building in your village (d;9). Go to sleep in the bed you see, make your way through the minidungeon and open the chest at the end. Now exit the cave and talk to the girl near the statue (c;10). Exit the town at the east exit and just keep going east until you get to the river (l;11). You'll notice you can't cross it yet, so head back one screen. Cut the bush, head down the stairs and use your boots to run through the odd rocks and go up again. You're now at the other side of the river. Go south and east to find the second village in the game. Talk to the man in the house in the south-east part of town (n;14) and reply "Yes". Now take the southwest exit and keep going until you see a big monster. Talk to it and go back to Mabe Village (you can use the warp south of the chef you talked to earlier in the new village). Go to where the statue is (c;10) and talk to the boy there. Go to the beach again and make your way to the most southeast corner of the beach (f;16). Talk to the girl and say "Yes!". Enjoy the scene and say "Yeah". Make your way back to the big monster which blocked your way and approach him. Say "Yes" and go east. Now go north three times and destroy the monster you see there. Drop down the hole and take the item (or take it really fast when you see it). You're done here for now, so go back near Mabe Village (by using the warp south of the village). Head north and east when you see the mountains until you see another river (l;3). Here you can use your new key, so do that. Now go back west a bit and go up the second stairs you see (h;2). On a unrelated side-note, don't you just love this music? I always hum along... Anyway, enter the cave you see and make your way through it. Enter the cave you see in the next screen and make your way through that one. Talk to the man you see around there (j;2) and say "Yes". Now go west and drop down from there and go east a few screens until you reach a dry area where you can drop down. Obviously, you should drop down there. Do so and enter the giant fishhead. Dungeon 4 - Angler's Tunnel Keep going north from the beginning and take the map if you want. Go down one screen and cross the giant gap by jumping across it. Bomb the cracked block, push the other block out of the way and open the chest for a small key. Keep going north for another cracked rock. Bomb it and open the chest for another small key. Go back to the room before the entrance where you should kill the monsters to open the locked door. Go east, kill the monsters and head south for another small key in a chest. Go back one room and go east through the locked door. In the new room you should go north through the locked door. Keep going north, across the gap and open the keyhole. Go west, kill the monsters in the new room and keep following the path until you see the second chest, which has a small key in it. Take the key by opening the chest and go back to the locked door you saw earlier (the one where the key fell down in a pit). Open the locked door and kill the (extremely easy, might I add) mini-boss. Now go north a room and pull the chain with your new item. When the chain is pulled out maximally, go west and open the chest. Go south for an interesting puzzle. I advise you kill the monsters first. The idea of this puzzle is to step on the switch which is blinking. Easy enough, but you should also remember the combination. Now head south and west and repeat this puzzle, except there are no lights here to help you out. Go down the stairs that appeared and make your way through the little cave. Open the chest you see when you head south after surfacing. Drop down at the north side of the stairs and head east. Go back to the room where the small key fell down into the pit and head east. Go down the stairs in the most east room and take the key at the end. Now go to the room with the switch (two rooms above the entrance; look at your map) and stand on the switch. The door will open and you can proceed northwards. Go through the keyhole and down the stairs. Swim across the room and exit. Now head west and go through the big door. Go down the stairs and kill the boss. Go back up and go north to finish this dungeon. ======================== chp5. Chapter 5 ======================== First of all, swim to the cave just west of where you are. Swim towards the big fish and say "Yes". Now head back to Animal Village. You can use the warp nearby or just walk there. Enter the house in the north-east region of the town. It's the house where a goat lives, talk to her and say "Yes". You should go south now, to the house near the bay (g;16). Enter it. Now you need to go to Ukuku Prairie. Go north until you see the Witch's Hut, where you should head west. Lift the rock, go south and north to finally reach your destination (e;7). While you're around (well, a bit anyways), you should visit the house of a man (a;4). Talk to him. Head back to Mabe Village where you should talk to the woman who's outside her house (b;12). Just say "Yes" to her and head to Martha's Bay to enter the water (it doesn't matter where you enter the water; Martha's Bay is located just west of Animal Village). Swim to the middle of the bay where you'll see a giant fish's head sticking out of the water surrounded by rocks. Press "B" to dive in the southwest corner of the rock- formation. Look below for a small illustration. X: big rock a: small rocks O: where you should dive aXXXX X a X X aX X OX aX aaaXaXX Dive there to enter an underwater cave, which you should pass through. Resurface (remember where, as you'll need to exit that way too), and enter the giant fish's head (now there's something I never thought I'd say...). Dungeon 5 - Catfish's Maw This dungeon is a bit bigger than we were used to, but I'm sure we can pull it off together. Go left from the beginning until you enter a room with four statues (remember this room), where you should kill all enemies. Go left and go down the stairs. Go through the cave and, once you resurface, kill the monsters and chop away the stone grass you see. Now push the upper two blocks so that you have a complete sqaure. Take the key and go back to the room with four statues. Go through the locked door and go all the way to the north, where you'll find the mini-boss. Defeat him, check the chest in the next room, and go north one room. Push the block away and go left and up two times, where you should kill the enemy. Now go back to where you pushed the block and push it again, then go north. Go back immediately, stand on the button, push the block and go to the east room, where you'll find your friend again. Dispose of him and go back a room, where you should push the block again. Go north two times, then go left. Kill the monsters in the room (you'll have to push the block in the middle, next to the bottle, to get to the last monster). Then go up and dispose of your friend again. Now go all the way back to the beginning of the dungeon, or, to be more exact, the room with the four statues. Go to the left after killing the monsters again and go down the stairs (also, again). Go to the left after resurfacing and finish off that monster for once and for all! Take the item and go back to the room with the four statues. Go north, left and north. Go left and use your new item. Go left and use your new item again and open the chest. Now go right two times and go one room down. Go right and up until you can't anymore (you fought the boss here). Go right and up two rooms (you know how to push the block now; push it, go left, go back and push it again). Use your new item on the chest you see, then go right one room and use your item again, then open the chest. Go back, up and left. Push the middle block and go down one room, where you'll see some water. Swim to the middle of the water and press "B" to dive under. Swim through the cave and climb the stairs at the end. Now use your item to get to the chest and open it. Return and backtrack a few rooms, until you reach the one south of the block-pushing room (where you found the empty chest). Go down the stairs you see, and make your way through the cave. Once you're in the main dungeon again, keep going to the right. Push the block you see, open the keyhole and go the big door a room back. You'll have to use the item again to get there. Now open the door, meet the boss and defeat him. After his defeat, go north and finish the dungeon. ======================== chp6. Chapter 6 ======================== When you exit the dungeon, dive under in the southwest area (the place where you resurfaced earlier). Swim through the cave again and resurface. Now swim to the southeast part of the bay (k;15), where you should dive and swim under the bridge. Talk to the person you see there and say "okay". Now go back and swim to the area above the last dungeon (j;13), talk to the girl you see there and say "give". Now, if you haven't done this already, go to Mabe Village and buy the bow in the Tool Shop (d;10). After your purchase, make your way back to the area where you needed to cross the river to get to Animal Village (L;11) and walk to the northeast. When you reach the end of the island (p;10), go south and navigate through the small maze. When you finally find the building, enter it (M;11). Kill the monsters in the next room and take the item he leaves behind. Progress to the next room, use some magic powder on the unlit candles and look at the relief. Exit the shrine and go back through the maze. Once you exit the maze, go west until you find a way into the water (there's one northwest, through the grass, rocks and monsters). Swim to (n;10) and get on the platform. Touch the left monster and go down the stairs he reveals. After you've gone through the cave, go northwest and touch the face. Now go back and enter the new dungeon. Dungeon 6 - Face Shrine Welcome to one of my favorite dungeons, the Face Shrine. From the beginning, go west and north. Keep going until you see a switch, a face statue and a monster. Drop a bomb near the switch and stand near the upperleft exit (don't go to the next room yet!). After the explosions, the block should go up. Now go north and stand on the switch you find under the topleft bottle (remember this room; you'll come back here). Go left, then go north two times (use a bottle to smash in the door). Go north, then east and hit the switch. Follow the path until you come across a big room. Kill the monsters there and take the key. Then go back to the room with the switch under the bottle (remember?). Go down a room a place a bomb near the switch you see in the centre of the room. This time, stand in the topright exit when the bomb explodes and the block goes up. Go up a room. Now bomb the east wall, go through the hole and kill all the monsters. Go down the stairs you see and make your way through the cave. When you resurface, kill the monsters you see and go north one room, where you need to open the chest. Throw away the statues and proceed. now go back to the beginning of the dungeon. Go east two tmies and survive the attack. Go north, pick up a statue (it doesn't matter which one) and throw it at the door. Go through the door and kill all the monsters again. Go north and just keep walking. Open the chest you see at the end and go back to the room with the two giant face- statues (where you used one to throw in the door). Now go through the locked door. Kill the blobs and bomb the the north wall. Go north and defeat the cute-looking, but unfriendly monsters. Go north and pick up the left statue and go down the stairs. Make your way through the cave; when you resurface, survive the attack again. Take the key. Go north through the keyhole, pick up the statue, throw it at the door and go west. Now pick up the horses and keep throwing them until they both are standing up. Go west and go down the stairs. Run through the cave and resurface, where you need to kill the enemies.Go west, use the hookshot, go north and open the chest you see (throw a bottle at it). Go back a few rooms and drop down. Just keep moving until you come in the room with the 4 wizard enemies. Kill them, go left, then north a few times. Once you see the two giant face statues, pick up the left one. go down the stairs and make your awy through the cave. When you resurface, go south, walk around the hole once and go east. Kill the monster and go north to find the big door. Go through it to find the boss (if you want, you can sprinkle some magic powder on the unlit candles first to get some fairies). Kill the boss, pick up the heartpiece and go north to claim your price. ======================== chp7. Chapter 7 ======================== Go south and drop into the water. Swim to the left and exit the water. Now go west, south and then east where you should cross the river. Keep going south until you can't continue anymore. Cross the water using your hookshot and follow the path. Press "A" in front of the statue and go down the stairs. Go the second room and take the item. You should go to Ukuku Prairie now, it's east of Mabe Village. You can use the warppipe to get there, or simply walk there. Go to (e;12) and equip both the feather and the boots. Jump across the hole while running and read the signpost you see there. Follow the arrow straight down and read the signpost it points to. Again, follow the arrow in a straight line to the next signpost and keep following the arrows until a cave appears. If you happen to read a wrong signpost, you'll have to start all over again. go down the stairs and walk towards the middle. Select "Pay". Exit and go to Mabe Village (it's not very far; just go north 4 screens and go west). Go to the statue in the centre of the village (c;10) and push it away. Go down the stairs, stand next to the bird and play the song you just learned. Exit the cave and go to the house where the two boys are playing with the ball (a;12). Enter the house and erad the book in the right bottom corner. Write down the arrow-code, as you'll need it later in the game (or remember it, if you're really smart). Exit the house and take the east exit out of the village and keep going north. Once you reach (h;3), go up and enter the cave you see. Make your way through it and take the eastmost exit. Enter the water and keep going east. When the water gets deeper, go up the big stairs you see. At the end, go west and enter the cave you see. In the second room, push away the blocks and go north. Pick up the rooster by using your Power Bracelet and go west, where you should take the item. Now exit the cave again. Go east and down the big stairs, go east at the bottom. Keep going east and enter the cave. Go through it, exit it and enter the new cave. Go through that one, exit it and enter yet another cave. Go down the stairs and exit the cave. Enter the east cave, go down the stairs and make your way through it. Once you exit, go west. Pick up the blocks and stand in front of the odd block. Enter the tower. Dungeon 7 - Eagle's Tower Welcome to the 7th dungeon of the entire game. It's pretty big and difficult, so good luck with it. Every time you change floors, I noted it clearly, to avoid confusion. Look in your inventory. If you don't have some bombs (three is enough), go to the west and pick up the bottles to find some. After that, go back to the beginning, go right two times and kill the monsters. Take the key and go through the locked door. Go up the stairs to the second floor. 2nd floor. Go north where you see a ball. Pick it up with the Bracelet and keep holding down the button. Now walk over to the chain and pull it out. Once it's completely pulled out, release the button and move west. In the new room, throw the ball against the big pillar. Now pick up the ball again and throw it across the gap (over the railing at the east of the room). Jump across the gap, pick up the ball and go south. Throw the ball at the new pillar. Go south and hit the switch. Go up two rooms (don't forget to pick up the ball again), push the block away and go west. Now go north, then south at the other side to find another pillar. Throw the ball over the railing, go north and go down the stairs. 1st floor. Take the upper left path and follow it. When you see the stairs (after two rooms), take it upstairs. 2nd floor. Go right, push the top and the bottom block to the right and bomb both the walls. Go back, then go down, where you should kill the monster. Take the key and go north two times. Survive the attack, then go east. Throw the ball at the pillar and push the block at your right. Throw across the ball, then jump across yourself. Go right, then south two times. Throw the ball across the railing. Go north two times, left and north again. Go down the stairs here. 1st floor. Again, take the upper left path and follow it. When you see the stairs (after two rooms), take it upstairs. 2nd floor. Go south, then east and kill the monsters (if you happen to fall down to the first floor before you threw the ball at the pillar, you'll need to kill them again. The chest will dissappear if it isn't opened and you fell down). Go east, take the ball, go back and throw it across the gap. Now go left, then north two times, where you need to survive the attack again. Go east, then south two rooms (through the holes in the wall). Use your hookshot to get across, pick up the ball and go north. Throw the ball against the pillar. Go south and fall down the hole. 1st floor. Keep going east, then go north and go up the stairs. 2nd floor. Open the chest you see and go south. Open the lock and go west. Drop down, hit the switch with an arrow or a bomb and go upstairs. 3th floor. Go north, then east. Defeat the ememies. Go north and push the two blocks in the middle towards each other. Now go back two rooms, then north two times (yes, through the big door). Go up the small stairs and use your hookshot to get across. Just follow the path and go up the stairs. Final Floor. Climb the big stairs you see and defeat the boss. After the battle, climb down the stairs and press "up" while you're standing next to the stairs to go through the door. 3th floor. Drop down at the right side and go north. Claim your prize. ======================== chp8. Chapter 8 ======================== When you regain control, make your way to the area where the cave is in which you found the key for the dungeon you just completed (k;1). Go left there and use your hookshot to get across. Again, go left and use your hookshot to get across. Go left, cut the grass you see and go down the stairs. Make your way through the cave and exit it. After you exit it, just keep following the road up. At the top, just keep going west. Drop down at the end and bomb the wall with the crack in it and enter the cave. Enter the cave and go north. Use your new shield to block the fire and go down the stairs at the left. Just keep following the road until you see a big staute. Play the same song you did with the bird (the one the frog in the maze taught you) and defeat the monster. Enter the cave. Dungeon 8 - Turtle Rock From the beginning, go north two times, then go right. You'll be in a room filled with lava; remember this room as you'll be coming here again. You'll also see a "cake" (or something like that). Well, you can move it around. Just push it and move it with your directional buttons. This time, just push it north and make it go left at the end. Now go north and go down the stairs. Make your way through the cave. Kill the monsters in the new room and go north. Defeat the monster and go west. Make the "cake" move in this way, following the alphabetic order in the ASCII. The X is the beginning, the w is the end. |i|h|g|_|_|_|_|_| |j|k|f|e|_|_|_|_| |_|l|m|d|c|_|_|_| |_|_|n|o|b|a|X|_| |_|_|_|p|q|t|u|_| |_|_|_|_|r|s|v|w| |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| If you done it correct, a key will appear. Take it and go back a room. Go up and go down the stairs. Go through the cave. Once you surface, go north, then west. Now kill the monster. Then go left, kill the monsters and go north. Kill the monster and go left, where you'll find an interesting situation. Push the "cake" (or whatever it is) and it will move on itself. Once it reaches the wall, push down to make it go down. Now go south, then west and defeat the monster. Go north and defeat the monster. Take the key and go back to the beginning. Once again, go to the room with the "cake" and the lave. Push the "cake" and make it go east. You'll need to go east between the one-eyed statue and the lowest block on the right side. Once you've gone east, you'll be in a room with a stairs down. Don't enter them, but bomb the east wall. Go through the hole, hit the switch and go back. Now go south (via the small stairs) and drop down. Go west two times. Go north and go to the room with the "cake" and the lava. This time, push the block in a way so you can push the block between the 2nd and 3th block at the top of the screen. You need to go north between the 2nd and 3th block at the top. Unlock the block and go east. Go through the locked door. Go north, kill the monsters and go north again. Kill the two monsters you see and take the key. Go back a room, bomb the westwall and go west. Jump across the gap and unlock the block. Go west and kill the monster. Keep going west and bomb the west wall. Go through the hole into the new room. Fire an arrow into the one- eyed statue and take the key. Go west and open the chest. Go back a room and go north. Enter the staircase. Then, go east two times and enter the cave. Now defeat the enemies (I know, it's difficult, but it's possible). Open the chest, go west and drop down. Go west two times and go south. Go east and open the block. Go east (after you've gone up the small stairs of course) and use your hookshot to get across. Open the block and go down the stairs. Make your way through the cave and exit it. Once you've exited it, drop down. Defeat the enemy and go north. Open the chest. Now go back to the beginning (you can use the warp nearby). Go to the room with flying monster in it (the room above the entrance). Kill the monster and go left. Go north, kill the monster and go left. Go north and light both the candles with your new item. Open the chest. Go back to the beginning and make your way to the lava and "cake" room. Push the block and park it in front of the stairs. Go down the stairs. Make your way through the cave. Once you exit, go through the locked door. Defeat the enemy and go north. Push the block and completely the hole; use the ASCII below if you have trouble (follow the alphabetic order again). The X is the beginning and the ! is the end. The #'s are the two candles. |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| |_|c|d|e|f|g|h|_| |_|b|#|n|m|#|i|_| |_|a|p|o|l|k|j|_| |_|X|q|t|u|x|y|_| |_|_|r|s|v|w|z|!| If you've done it correct, a chest'll appear. Open it and go back to the beginning. Go to the lava and "cake" room again and go east (the lowest-east exit). Go down the stairs and make your way through the cave. Once you exit the cave, go north and open the big door. Defeat the boss behind it and go north to claim your reward. ======================== chp9. Chapter 9 ======================== Once you exit, go east and drop down. Go south two times and go east. Keep going north and east until you reach a stairs (g;3). Go north two times and play the song Marin taught you. Enter the hole. Go north two times. Remember when I told you to memorize or write down the arrow-code? You need it now. You need to follow the directions of the arrows, or else you'll get lost. Every room looks the same here. For example, my code was left, left, up, right, right, up, left, up. So that's the direction I had to walk. Now you walk the direction you got in the book. After that, drop down in the hole. Now defeat the boss. Congratulations! You have now finished Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening! Just sit back, crank up the volume and watch the great ending! If you want, play the game again and try to find some more secrets... ======================== spcl. Special Thanks ======================== - A big "Thank You" goes to Nintendo, for making this excellent game. I really enjoyed this, and all the other Zelda games. - Another big "Thank You" goes to CJayC, for making this cool, but time- consuming site and hosting my walkthrough. Great job. - Special thanks to Zharlock, who took the time to be a big annoyance all over. And he would do it again if he had to! - A big "Thanks" goes to Xim, for having faith in me and eating a lot of mayonnaise. - Another thanks goes to my sweet girlfriend, for being patient when I was working on this instead of taking her out ;) - I'd also like to thank my mother, for buying me this great game for my birthday all those years ago. I really appreciated it. - The last "Thank you" goes to you, the reader of this walkthrough. Thanks.