=============================================================================== INTRODUCTION =============================================================================== This FAQ details all of the paths and permutations of Bipin and Blossom's kid. What can you make him grow up to be? As you follow his growth from one Oracle game through to the next, the kid can grown to be a singer or a swordsman... you can get 200 rupees from him or nothing at all. How do you get what you want? I figured out these paths by trying each possible response in turn to all of the questions that Blossom and the kid (who I named "Tipin" in my game) ask. It turns out that Tipin can only grow up to be one of four different jobs, which is kind of a disappointment after all that work. For those of you who just want to see what goodies you can get out of Tipin at the end, you'll be happy to know that once Tipin reaches adulthood and takes on one of those four careers, there are usually a number of new choices that will entail what reward you'll get for all your good parenting. =============================================================================== DECISION PATHWAYS ================================================================================ 1. TIPIN IS SICK After level 2 in your first game, Tipin will fall sick and Blossom will ask you to lend her some rupees to take Tipin to the doctor. (She means "lend" in name only, as you'll never see those rupees again :) .) You can give her 150 rupees, 50, 10, or only 1. (You also have a choice of refusing her request, but Tipin will not grow beyond this stage unless you help him out.) 2. TIPIN WON'T SLEEP After level 4, if you visit Blossom, she will complain how Tipin will not go to sleep. She will ask your advice on how to get him to sleep; you can suggest that Blossom either sing with him or play with him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After these two decisions, Tipin will grow from being a baby to being a kid. His growth in the first game ends at that point; you need to beat the game and link your character to the other Oracle game to grow beyond this point, after which Blossom will begin to ask you more questions after you beat Level 1. 3a. HE'S A HYPERACTIVE KID If you told Blossom to play with Tipin, he will grow to be a spikey-haired hyperactive kid who runs back and forth in the room. Blossom, exasperated at his hyperactivity, asks you if you were a hyperactive kid in your youth. If you say no, she will ask you if you were quiet and weird, in turn, before agreeing that it's difficult to sum a personality up in one word. Tipin, for his part, will ask you if you have a girlfriend or not. 3b. HE'S A CURIOUS CHILD If you told Blossom to sing to Tipin and gave him either 1 or 10 rupees, he will grow up to be a smiling kid with rosy cheeks and a face that reminds me of a circus clown who jumps from one bed to the other. Blossom will ask you if you were energetic, quiet, or weird, while Tipin will ask you which came first, the chicken or the egg. 3c. HE'S SHY OF STRANGERS The lesson here is don't pamper your kid, as if you give Blossom 50 or 150 rupees for Tipin's medical treatment and tell her to sing to him, Tipin will grow up to be a pampered bespectacled kid who is terrified of strangers and runs away from you whenever you try to approach him. Stranger? You practically raised this kid! It can be annoying to try to get close enough to this kid to talk to him. Again, Bipin will ask if you were energetic, quiet, or weird, and Tipin will ask you if you are strong or not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4a. WARRIOR Tipin will have finished his miraculous speed growth from boy to man by the time you beat level 3 in your linked game. Tipin will grow up to be a swordsman if you took one of the following decision paths: 1 rupee / play / hyperactive / no girlfriend 10 rupees / play / hyperactive / either 10 rupees / play / quiet / girlfriend 50 rupees / play / hyperactive / no girlfriend 50 rupees / play / quiet / either 50 rupees / play / weird / girlfriend 150 rupees / play / quiet / no girlfriend 150 rupees / play / nota / girlfriend Tipin will be wearing a gasha hat like his father, but he carries a sword and shield as he paces the room, training to be a hero like his idol, Link. He will ask you how he can become mightier: through daily training, natural talent, a caring heart, or none of the above. After you beat another level, he will reward you for all of your help, with 100 rupees if you said daily training, one full heart refill if you said a caring heart, 1 rupee if you said none of the above, and one pathetic heart if you said natural talent. 4b. SINGER: Tipin will be sitting on a stool with a guitar, busting out the ballads, if you took one of these paths: 1 rupee / sing / anything / egg 1 rupee / sing / weird / chicken 1 rupee / sing / nota / chicken 10 rupees / sing / quiet / egg 10 rupees / sing / weird / either 10 rupees / sing / nota / either 50 rupees / sing / anything / not strong 50 rupees / sing / weird / anything 50 rupees / sing / nota / anything 150 rupees / sing / quiet / not strong 150 rupees / sing / weird / either 150 rupees / sing / nota / either Tipin will start writing a song to praise the hero Link. He will ask you which is more important, love or courage. No matter which one you choose, Tipin's final reward will be to fill up your hearts whenever you talk to him, like a fairy; the question only changes what melody you will hear when you talk to him. I like the love song better myself, but it's a matter of personal preference. The love song is more melancholy, while the courage song is more cheerful and boisterous. 4c. ARBORIST Tipin will be a gasha farmer, shoveling the ground with dear old dad, if you took one of these decision paths: 50 rupees / play / hyperactive / girlfriend 150 rupees / play / hyperactive / either 150 rupees / play / quiet / girlfriend 150 rupees / sing / energetic / strong He will give you a gasha seed as a reward for your troubles, telling you to help him go out and plant the earth with trees. If you talk to him again after that, he will give you gasha advice, just like Bipin. 4d. SLACKER: Tipin will have donned a pair of shades and will be lying on his bed, listening to music, and basically just hanging out whiling the days away if you followed one of these paths: 1 rupee / play / anything besides hyperactive and girlfriend 1 rupee / sing / energetic / chicken 1 rupee / sing / quiet / chicken 10 rupees / play / quiet / no girlfriend 10 rupees / play / weird / either 10 rupees / play / nota / either 10 rupees / sing / energetic / egg 10 rupees / sing / quiet / chicken 50 rupees / play / weird / no girlfriend 50 rupees / play / nota / either 50 rupees / sing / energetic / strong 50 rupees / sing / quiet / strong 150 rupees / play / weird / no girlfriend 150 rupees / play / nota / no girlfriend 150 rupees / sing / energetic / not strong 150 rupees / sing / quiet / strong He will try to hit you up for money to go out to "explore the world." You can give him 100 rupees, 50, 10, or only 1. If you give him 50, he will reward you later on with 200 rupees. 10 will net you a gasha seed, 100 will get you a seed satchel refill, and if you only give him 1, he'll just stay at home, wondering what he could have seen... As a side note, a slacker Tipin can net you the biggest possible "profit" that you can get out of him. If you follow one of the 1 rupee paths to the slacker and give him 50 rupees, he will give you 200 back, for a profit of 149 rupees, the biggest possible "profit" you can get. Of course, 149 rupees is not that much in the grand scheme of things, which just goes to show that raising kids for money is not a winning proposition. :) =============================================================================== GAME TEXT =============================================================================== For those of you who are interested, here is the exact game text of each of Blossom and Tipin's questions. This text was taken from a game that started in Ages and linked to Seasons (the text from Seasons to Ages is slightly different; for example, when Blossom wants to make her baby sleep, you can either suggest "Sing to him" or "Play with him" rather than "Sing" and "Play"). In each category, the question text will appear first, followed by the statements that each character says if you talk to them again right after you answer their questions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - NEWBORNS: BLOSSOM: I am Blossom. This is my first child--a healthy baby boy! But I am having trouble choosing a name. Can you help me think of one? What would you call him? You would call him Tipin? Yes No It's a fine name! I shall call him so! He seems happy to have it. Come visit us anytime. --- BLOSSOM: I hope Tipin grows up strong and healthy, like you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - SICKNESS: BLOSSOM: Tipin looks a little strange. I want to take him to a doctor, but we have no Rupees... Could you please lend us some? Yes No YES - Really? How much can you lend us? 150 50 10 1 150 - Thank you, Link! You are a true samaritan! 50 - Thank you. This should be just enough. 10 - Thanks... I'll have to do something about the rest... 1 - Link! You are no rich man. Your sympathy will do just fine. NO - I understand... --- BLOSSOM: Thank you! Now I can take him to the doctor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - INSOMNIA: BLOSSOM: My baby never sleeps. How can I get him to sleep, Link? Sing Play SING - I like to sing! I'll try it! PLAY - I see! If we play, he'll get all tired out. Thank you! --- BLOSSOM: Well? Isn't he a darling baby? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - END OF THE FIRST GAME: BLOSSOM: See! Tipin has grown! HYPERACTIVE - TIPIN: I am called Tipin. They say I was named by a great man. Isn't it a cool name? CURIOUS - TIPIN: My name is Tipin. Isn't it groovy? SHY - TIPIN: I... I am called Tipin... ! ! ! ! ! ! Oops! I spoke to a stranger! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - BEGINNING OF THE SECOND GAME: BLOSSOM: Link! We meet again! Do you remember naming our son, Tipin? He's quite well! HYPERACTIVE - TIPIN: Where have you been, Link? Do you remember me? It's Tipin! Mom and Dad are doing well, too! CURIOUS - TIPIN: Hey! Link! Remember me? It's Tipin! All right! We meet again! SHY - TIPIN: You're Link? I'm Tipin! No way! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - HYPERACTIVE: BLOSSOM: Tipin is so hyperactive! Were you a hyperactive child, Link? Yes No YES - Oh? I bet you were quite a mischievous boy. NO - Quiet, perhaps? Yes No YES - Really? You must have been cute! NO - Were you weird? Yes No YES - You were? I never would have guessed... NO - I guess it's hard to sum it up in a word. TIPIN: Do you have a girlfriend? Yes No YES - ...Actually, I have someone I like, too, but don't tell! NO - ...I guess you aren't ready. --- BLOSSOM: Tipin is so hyperactive! TIPIN: I can't wait to grow up! ----------------------------------------------------------- - CURIOUS: BLOSSOM: Tipin is such a curious child. What kind of child were you, Link? An energetic one? Yes No YES - Oh? I bet you were quite a mischievous boy. NO - Quiet, perhaps? Yes No YES - Really? You must have been cute! NO - Were you weird? Yes No YES - You were? I never would have guessed... NO - I guess it's hard to sum it up in a word. TIPIN: Which was first, the chicken or the egg? Chicken Egg CHICKEN - Hmm... Then how did that chicken hatch? EGG - Hmm... Then who laid that egg? --- BLOSSOM: Tipin is a strange child, but he'll be a man of great deeds! TIPIN: I can't wait to grow up! ----------------------------------------------------------- - SHY: BLOSSOM: Tipin is very shy. What kind of child were you, Link? An energetic one? Yes No YES - Oh? I bet you were quite a mischievous boy. NO - Quiet, perhaps? Yes No YES - Really? You must have been cute! NO - Were you weird? Yes No YES - You were? I never would have guessed... NO - I guess it's hard to sum it up in a word. TIPIN: Are you strong? Yes No YES - I'll be strong, too, so I can protect my mom and dad! NO - Huh??? And it doesn't bother you?!? ----------------------------------------------------------- BLOSSOM: Tipin is too shy. TIPIN: I can't wait to be a grown-up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - NOVICE WARRIOR: BLOSSOM: Link! Do you remember naming our son, Tipin? He's grown into a fine man! TIPIN: My name is Tipin. I am training every day to be a hero like you, Link! ----------------------------------------------------------- - NOVICE SINGER: BLOSSOM: Link! Do you remember naming our son, Tipin? He's a famed musician now! TIPIN: I, Tipin, am writing a song to praise Link, the great hero! ----------------------------------------------------------- - NOVICE ARBORIST: BLOSSOM: Link! Do you remember naming our son, Tipin? He's a master arborist, too! TIPIN: I, Tipin, have decided to take the same tree-lined path as my father! ----------------------------------------------------------- - NOVICE SLACKER: BLOSSOM: Link! Do you remember naming our son, Tipin? He's grown into a fine man! TIPIN: My name is Tipin! Isn't it a cool name? Yeah, dude! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - WARRIOR IN TRAINING: BLOSSOM: Tipin, my son, heard of your deeds, and is now trying to become a hero, himself. TIPIN: Some day I will travel the lands and save the world's peoples, like my hero, Link! So can you give me some advice? What will make me mightier? Training daily? Yes No YES - I see! I have learned a lot! NO - Natural talent? Yes No YES - I see! I have learned a lot! NO - A caring heart? Yes No YES - I see! I have learned a lot! NO - Hmm... It's hard, isn't it? ----------------------------------------------------------- - SINGER IN TRAINING: BLOSSOM: Tipin said he is writing a song about your deeds! TIPIN: My song is almost finished! Say, which is more important, love or courage? Love Courage LOVE - My song is almost complete! I think you'll like it. COURAGE - My song is almost complete! I think you'll like it. ----------------------------------------------------------- - ARBORIST IN TRAINING: BLOSSOM: That child has high hopes and big dreams!!! TIPIN: Some day I shall fill the world with my trees! I know! You can help me! Here!!! You got a Gasha Seed! Plant it in a patch of soft soil! With this, you can add to the greenery, too! ----------------------------------------------------------- - SLACKER IN TRAINING: BLOSSOM: Tipin... He's grown up, but he idles his time away. What am I to do? TIPIN: I'm gonna save my money and go out into the world! So can you make a contribution? How much can you contribute? 100 50 10 1 100 - Thanks, dude! I'll never forget this favor! 50 - That's it, dude? ...Uh, thanks!!! 10 - It's better than nothin'! Thanks! 1 - You're stingy, dude! Later! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - WARRIOR: BLOSSOM: My son is now a great hero, too. TRAINING DAILY - TIPIN: With your help, I shall be a great hero! Here! I give you this in thanks! You get 100 Rupees! I bet you're thrilled! I will continue my training!!! NATURAL TALENT - TIPIN: With your help, I shall be a great hero! Here! I give you this in thanks! You recovered only one heart. I will continue my training!!! CARING HEART - TIPIN: With your help, I shall be a great hero! Here! I give you this in thanks! Your hearts are full! I bet you're thrilled! I will continue my training!!! NOTA - TIPIN: With your help, I shall be a great hero! Here! I give you this in thanks! You got 1 Rupee! ... I will continue my training!!! ----------------------------------------------------------- - SINGER: BLOSSOM: Have you heard Tipin's songs? They're quite nice. TIPIN: Finally! My song is now finished! Will you listen? Yes No YES - How was it? (hearts full) NO - Really..? Come listen anytime! ----------------------------------------------------------- - ARBORIST: BLOSSOM: Tipin has followed in Bipin's footsteps. We're so happy! TIPIN: (various gasha advice) ----------------------------------------------------------- - SLACKER: BLOSSOM: Tipin... He's grown up, but he idles his time away. What am I to do? 100 - TIPIN: Link, what's up? I've been out in the world building character! Yeah, dude! Since you gave me a donation, here!!! Your Seed Satchel is full! Dude, from now on we're buds! 50 - TIPIN: Link, what's up? I've been out in the world building character! Yeah, dude! Since you gave me a donation, here!!! You got 200 Rupees! That's pure bliss! Dude, from now on we're buds! 10 - TIPIN: Link, what's up? I've been out in the world building character! Yeah, dude! Since you gave me a donation, here!!! You got a Gasha Seed! Plant it in a patch of soft soil! Dude, from now on we're buds! 1 - TIPIN: I wonder what's happenin' out there in the world... =============================================================================== COPYRIGHT AND CONTACT INFO =============================================================================== Please do not copy or repost this FAQ without contacting me. I spent a lot of time tracing each of these pathways, so please respect the effort I put into this and don't copy it or post it without permission. I would be interested in hearing people's feedback about the FAQ, comments, suggestions, criticisms, etc. I would particularly be interested in knowing if the name that you give the kid affects his growth in any way. I experimented with some other names in the early stages, but I did not map out all of the pathways with different names (as that would just take far too long). Given the relatively simplistic scheme and number of outcomes (only four) for my given name "Tipin", I would doubt that the name affects the kid's growth in any way, but I would like to hear if you get different results. This FAQ © Copyright 2002 by Puritan. All rights reserved.