***************************************************************************** The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons FAQ/Walkthrough For the Gameboy Color Version 1.05 (Last Updated 6/1/2007) By Devin Morgan This file is Copyright (c)2005-2007 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. ***************************************************************************** Table of Contents 1. What's New 2. Introduction 3. Story 4. Controls 5. Walkthrough 6. Bosses 7. Weapons/Items 8. Heart Pieces 9. Gasha Seeds 10. Rings 11. The Trading Process 12. Secrets/Tips and Tricks 13. Credits 14. Copyright Notice ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 1. What's New -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Version 1.05 (6/1/07): Finally got around to correcting the directions for the Lost Woods, thanks to Crocomire! Version 1.0 (3/9/05): The first version of this FAQ. Everything is complete for the most part, so enjoy! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 2. Introduction -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The second time Link made an appearance on the portable Gameboy, he starred in two linked adventures (excuse the pun): Oracle of Ages, and Oracle of Seasons. This guide covers the Seasons half of it. Both games are unique and separate, but connected by means of a password system that allows for you to get items and things not otherwise attainable. For this version, the seasons are out of whack and the Oracle of Seasons, Din, was captured by the evil Onox. You must travel the world to regain the power of the seasons so you can progress and eventually restore stability to the land of Holodrum. There are 8 dungeons not including the final tower, and lots more room for items and such, not to mention many added goodies along the way. Personally this is my favorite Zelda GBC game over Ages, so if you were to ask, I'd recommend playing this one if you had a choice between this and Ages. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 3. Story -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= One day in Hyrule, a strange force drew Link deep within Hyrule castle, where he found the Triforce resting, glittering brilliantly as it awaited him. "Link... Link... Accept the quest of the Triforce!" Suddenly, Link was enveloped in a *shaft* of light, and the next moment, he vanished. When Link awoke, he found himself in a forest he had never seen. Confused, he looked around blankly at the unfamiliar surroundings. He heard pleasant music and laughing voices echoing from deep within the woods. Link followed the inviting voices until he came upon a traveling troupe of actors. He was immediately struck by the beauty of a young woman who was dancing about in circles. When the girl noticed Link, she smiled brightly and called to him. "Welcome to Holodrum. I am Din, the dancer," she said with glee. "Would you like to dance with me? Don't be shy. It will be more fun if we dance together." She took him by the hand, and he reluctantly began to dance. Unfortunately, this blissful moment did not last long. The sky suddenly went dark, and there was a loud crash of thunder, followed by a resounding, thunderous voice. "I've found you, Din! You can't deceive me by disguising yourself as a dancer. I am Onox, General of Darkness! Now reveal yourself, Oracle of Seasons!" Then a great tornado dropped from the sky and drew near Din, as if to engulf her. "Help me, Link!" she cried. Link was blown back by the tornado as he struggled against its awesome force, and Din was swept away in the wind... And then strange things began to happen throughout the land. When Onox carried off the Oracle of Seasons from the land of Holodrum, the seasons fell into chaos and the land was deprived of the bountiful gifts of nature. Life was slowly being drained from the land, and all living things began to wither. And so Onox set in motion his plan to gather the power from the withering land and create a world of total darkness. Will Link be able to rescue Din from the hand of evil, the General of Darkness? Such is the quest Link must undertake. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 4. Controls -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Control Pad: Move Link Start: Pause game, bring up submenu Select: Show world/dungeon map A: Use currently equipped weapon, talk, read signs, etc. B: Use currently equipped weapon ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 5. Walkthrough -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NOTE: Before I begin, I know there are certain aspects of the game that can be played differently. This walkthrough is based upon my experiences only, so feel free to play around as you wish if you want different results. Thanks. Introduction ------------ The game opens with Link lying unconscious on the ground, only to be found by a mysterious woman. When you get control, go into the area to the right. Talk to everyone here to learn more about Din, the girl/dancer who found you moments earlier. It is a festive mood at the moment, so go talk to Din twice and dance with her. After some dialogue, the area will turn dark and an ominous voice known as Onox will call to Din, otherwise known as the Oracle of Seasons. Then, a dark tornado will roar through the area knocking everyone else away. Link tries to stop it but fails, and Din is kidnapped! She is crystalized and left helpless, while Onox causes chaos by destroying the Temple of Seasons, which throws the seasons off all through the land. The next scene shows Link waking up in a wintry setting. Impa will speak to you for a bit, before asking you to deliver a message to the Maku Tree in nearby Horon Village. So, head south a scene into the village. Horon Village ------------- Upon entering the Horon Village, you will find that the season is now autumn. Take your time walking around town, and talk to everyone you can if you wish. You should stop at the Ring Shop and meet Vasu inside. He will give you the Ring Box, as well as your first ring for free! Get it appraised for free this time to discover it is a Friendship Ring. It has no bearing on you, but take it anyway. All future appraisals will cost 20 rupees though, so you are aware. When you're ready, head to the northeast section of the village where you will find a gate. You cannot pass yet, since the nearby sign reads that you need to show courage to pass. So, head to the northwest area of town and exit to the west. Western Coast ------------- Out here, you'll be faced with Octoroks wandering around. You cannot fight them yet, so evade them as you go. Head left a scene, then south. Walk onto the beach itself and head east to find a cave; go inside the Hero's Cave. Hero's Cave ----------- Start by simply heading into the east room, past the Keese. In the second room, push the lone block in the center area to open the doors leading ahead. For now, go into the north room. Push the block out of your way and follow the path until you reach 2 blocks in your path. Push the left one downward and the other one to the right so you can continue. In the east room, step on the floor switch and open the chest that appears to get a Small Key. Head back to the room with the lone block, and push it again to open the doors. This time head into the southern chamber. In there, unlock the east door and continue into that room. Step on the floor switch, then run around the room to the now opened doorway. In the final room, step up to the chest and open it to receive the Wooden Sword. You will now leave the cave. Western Coast ------------- Back outside, you now have a weapon so you can fight enemies for the rupees they drop! If you get to the upper ledge above the Hero's Cave, you can even cut down the bush and drop into the hole below. It will lead to a high ledge within the cave where you can open a chest for 30 rupees! There is a fairy fountain cave around, in case you run low on health. When you're done running around getting loot, head back to the village. Horon Village ------------- Back in the village, make your way to the northeast gate. Use your sword in front of the gate, and it will now open. Go forward to the Maku Tree, who appears to be sleeping. Swing your sword at its sleep bubble to wake it up. The Maku Tree will then speak, telling you of the 8 Essences of Nature you must collect throughout Holodrum in order to restore the seasons and rescue Din. He then mentions going to the Northern Peak region, where the Temple of Seasons is situated. The tree will then drop a Gnarled Key for you to use on a root in that region. Take the key and head back into the village. Since you collected those 30 rupees before, you may want to stop by the village Shop and buy the Wooden Shield for that price. Also, you can visit the mayor of Horon Village in his home in the northeast section. Talk to him and you'll receive your first Gasha Seed. You may have noticed those soft soil patches (there was one outside his house). If you plant the seeds and come back in the summer season, a tree will have grown in the spot. If you cut the gift ball out of the tree, you can get a nice reward for your efforts. That's really all you have to do in town, so exit to the north. North Horon ----------- Head to the north and east here, past Impa's refuge. When you reach the line of bushes blocking your path, cut them down with your sword because you can do so now. Go north from there and you'll find a bridge; cross it and use your Gnarled Key on the keyhole there to open the first dungeon. Level 1: Gnarled Root Dungeon ----------------------------- Start by heading into the room straight ahead. In there, if you push the upper-right block to the side, the locked doors will open. Then, go into the east room. Defeat the 4 Stalfos inside and grab the Small Key that falls after beating them. Back in the previous room, unlock the west door and go in there. Defeat some more Stalfos and take the Map from the chest, and then continue northward. Kill the enemies inside and ride the mine cart through the next couple rooms. In the room where you end up, push the lone block to open the door, then pass the blade traps and enter the west room. There, push through the block maze to a chest containing a Gasha Seed. Go back to the mine cart room and walk up the steps to the upper area. In the east room, hit the lever to switch the tracks below. Grab the Compass from the chest ahead, then go back down and ride the mine cart along the new path to another chamber. When you get out, walk to the previous screen and open the chest to get 10 Bombs. Back to the right, go up and down the steps, and run past the trap to a floor switch. Step on it and collect the Small Key from the chest that appears. Run back out the way you came, but instead of going back down the other steps, go west. Bomb the cracked wall and enter that new room. In here, navigate the trap-ridden room until you reach the locked door. Use your key to enter, and you'll be faced with 2 Moblins as your mini-bosses. Defeating one will kill them both. After you beat them, go into the west room. Push the leftmost block downward to open the passage to the stairs. Go down into the dungeon and collect the Seed Satchel, complete with 20 Ember Seeds inside! Go back upstairs and out of the room you're in, and step into the warp to return to the room where the mine cart tracks began. This time, light the lanterns to the left with your Ember Seeds, and enter that room. Inside, defeat 3 Moblins and open the chest that appears to receive the Boss Key. Exit the room and head south and east 2 rooms. When you're in the second room with the Stalfos, defeat them and light the north lanterns to open that door. Going into that new room, open the chest in the upper-left corner to get a ring. Continue to the right along the northmost path, cutting through the hand traps along the way. When you reach the boss door, open it and go inside to meet Aquamentus. Read the Bosses section for help winning this easy fight. When it's over, collect the Heart Container and go into the eastern room. In there, walk up and collect the Fertile Soil, the first of 8 Essences of Nature! You will now be taken out of the dungeon. North Horon ----------- Back outside, head across the bridge and southward into the village again. Horon Village ------------- Now that you're back in the village, feel free to explore some more with your new items. Visiting the Maku Tree gains you nothing, so head to the east section of the village, where you'll find 2 shrubs in your way. Burn them down with the Ember Seeds and continue out of town that way. Eastern Suburbs --------------- In this new area, head north a couple screens and then east. You'll then see an odd looking girl talking about a temple that fell into a secret place called Subrosia. She then runs to the north, trying to get back there without being seen. This is a hint for you to follow, so head north as well. Woods of Winter --------------- In the next 3 areas, hide behind the trees to avoid being spotted as the girl wanders around the area. In the northmost area, don't be so quick to follow since she'll walk off to the west, then walk back into the area briefly, so watch out! When she walks into the west area for the second time, it's safe to follow. Eyeglass Lake ------------- Go west in this area and cut through the bushes to reveal a warp vortex; step into it to reach Subrosia. Subrosian Volcanoes ------------------- In this underground land, start by going down the steps to the next screen. There is a path split here; go west and south to a dance hall where you can play a dancing mini-game and win the Boomerang. Do this, then go back northeast and continue along the south path into the village section. Subrosia Village ---------------- Check out the buildings that are around, including the Smithy, who you will return to later in the game. Head to the southeast area and you'll see steps leading down into the eastern plaza. Temple of Seasons ----------------- In this region, head eastward until you reach a greenish path. At that point, go north and you'll be greeted at the entrance to the Temple of Seasons. The seasons will speak to you, then beckon you to visit them with the Rod of Seasons. You can't enter anywhere else yet, so head north into the temple itself. Inside, go forward to the second room and stand on the middle ledge. You will receive the Rod of Seasons here. Now that you have it, exit the temple. Once outside, go south 2 screens and then eastward to the only open corner tower thus far. In there, use the Boomerang to hit the crystal switch to make a bridge form. Go upstairs a couple floors and approach the Spirit of Winter inside. You will now be able to change the season to winter when you swing the rod atop a tree stump. As a note for right now, understand that you can NOT change seasons at will! You must hop onto one of the tree stumps scattered in the world of Holodrum, and use the Rod of Seasons while standing on it to change the seasons. If you keep swinging the rod, the seasons will change further, assuming the rod was powered up with more than one season at that point. Right now you only have winter, so that's the only season you can switch the area to. Remember this. Anyway, go back downstairs and exit the tower, and the Maku Tree will contact you. It will mention a forest to the east, where another Essence might be found. So, make your way back through Subrosia the way you came. Go back up through the volcanic region to the first warp vortex, and return to Holodrum. Eyeglass Lake ------------- Back in the overworld again, head east to the next area. Woods of Winter --------------- Upon entering the forest again, you will meet the wandering prophet atop the tree stump. He will explain again how to use the Rod of Seasons. When he leaves, jump onto the stump and change the season to winter. Once you do that, head east across the now-frozen lake. Go all the way east, then south, and east some more. You'll pass by another tree stump, remember its location even though your map records stump locations on its own. Anyway, go east and north a bit until you reach a new area where the season is no longer winter. Go west to a tree stump in this area, and change it back to the wintry setting you're used to. Go right a screen and up the steps, then drop onto the top of the snow block. Fall into the chimney from your perch to enter the house. Inside, talk to the lady and she will give you a Shovel. Exit the house normally and use it to clear the small snow piles out of the way. Then, head southward again until you reach the stump we passed by moments earlier. Change the season to winter so you can progress, and head west. There, take the eastern path going northward. You'll find lots of snow in the way, so use the Shovel to clear a path for yourself. In the east area, swing your sword at the seeds in the tree to knock them out. You'll now have some Mystery Seeds, which you can use on the owl statues to get some useful information out of them. Now, continue onward to the north. Here, simply go west and you'll find another dungeon entrance, so go inside! Level 2: Snake's Remains ------------------------ Starting off in a darkened room, head west. Defeat some of the slimes and open the western chest to get 5 rupees. In the room north of here, defeat the Ropes and collect the Small Key that falls from above. Now, return to the entrance room and light the 2 lanterns with Ember Seeds, and enter the north room that opens up. In there, watch out for the fire the lanterns shoot at you. In the east room, defeat some Ropes and push the right center block to the right. Open the chest that appears to get a Compass, then return to the previous room. This time go north. Here, simply defeat the enemies and continue to the east room. In there, kill yet some more enemies, then push the right center block to the right to open the doors. In the room with the giant blade traps, walk around to the chest containing a Small Key. Now, go back west a couple rooms and unlock the north room with your key. Defeat some enemies in there and continue to the west room. There, throw bombs across the gap to kill the 2 enemies over there. A chest will appear on your side; open it to get the Power Bracelet. Now, go back to the previous room and lift the pots out of the way so you can reach the chest containing the Map. From here, head back south and east into the giant trap room. Get to the far end of that room and exit to the south. With the Power Bracelet on, push the blue bars forward so you can continue through the room to the stairs in the corner. They will take you outside the dungeon. Open the chest out there for a Gasha Seed, then go west and down the other steps to a new room. Inside again, go north into the next room. You'll spot a chest in the middle, with cracked blocks all along the path to it. It's timed though, so quickly bomb the necessary cracked blocks as you make your way around the room, before the chest disappears. If you're too slow, you can buy more bombs from the Deku Scrub in the previous room for 30 rupees. Either way, when you get to the chest, open it for a Small Key. Then, go back out via the steps and down the east steps into the dungeon once more. This time around, push the bars ahead so you can get to the north room. Once there, simply continue to the east area. Bomb the cracked blocks and go down the steps. Make your way west through the basement area, walking across the top of a giant Thwomp after it falls (when you walk close enough to it, it'll drop), then running under a line of smaller ones. In the room you emerge at, push the top bar to the right, and head south. Open a chest to get 10 rupees, then continue northeast to the following room. Push some more blue bars along, being careful not to step on the cracked floors and fall into holes. At the far right, clear some pots and unlock the south door. In there, you'll meet the Facade mini-boss; simply drop bombs on its face to cause damage (one at a time) while avoiding the various attacks he throws at you. 4-5 bombs will do the trick here. After the fight, continue into the east chamber. Here, keep moving into the next east room, and unlock the keyhole block in the way. Defeat some enemies and head into the south room. Ride the moving platforms to the east ledge, and go north to a chest in the previous room to get the Boss Key. Drop down the ledge to the room below and head west 2 rooms. This time, clear the pots to the south and bomb the cracked wall. In that room, throw bombs to clear the enemies inside the 2 enclosures, and the east door will open. In that room, walk into the rotating device in the center to reach the south path. Get across the gap by walking across the moving platforms when you can. Defeat the 2 Ropes and lift the pots out of your way to access the boss door. In the next room, you'll face a Dodongo as the dungeon's boss. Check out the Bosses section of this guide for help winning the fight. After the fight, take the Heart Container and enter the southern room. You will find the Gift of Time, the second Essence, inside. The game will now send you outside. Woods of Winter --------------- Upon stepping outside, the Maku Tree will speak to you again. It will mention Spool Swamp to the west as your next destination. Lift the stone to the left and continue into the woods again. There, go north to a tree stump and change the season back to winter. Next, head all the way south and west across the frozen lake. At the other side, continue south out of the forest. Eastern Suburbs --------------- From here, continue going westward and to the south. There isn't too much you can do here, so you might as well head into the village to the west. Horon Village ------------- Make your way west and north through the village, and exit via the north. North Horon ----------- Continue to the north through this region, and you will come to a couple rocks in the path. Lift them up and head north to a new area of North Horon. There, continue north a few scenes and then go east one screen. You'll find a sign that points to Blaino's Gym to the south, so head south and enter the building. Bet 10 rupees and you will become unequipped in a fistfight with Blaino. Knock him out of the ring by punching him with A, and you will win Ricky's Gloves. You can fight him again anytime you want to win some added cash. Anyway, head back north 1, west 1, south 1, and west 1 screen. Continue west until you cross a bridge into a new area. Holodrum Plain -------------- In this area, head north and you will meet Ricky the kangaroo. Talk to him and he will mention needing his gloves to be of any use. Since you just won them, Ricky will give you Ricky's Flute so that if you need help, you can call him with it. He will agree to help you reach Spool Swamp, so hop into his pouch and get going. Attack with A, or hold A to unleash a tornado attack. So, head all the way south, hopping the gaps along the way. At the far south, go west and north to a cliff. Jump the cliff and continue onward to the next area. Keep going to the north and west to enter the Spool Swamp region. Spool Swamp ----------- In this area, you'll find a tree with seeds in them; stop and jump out of Ricky briefly (hit B), and swing your sword to knock out the seeds. Collect the Pegasus Seeds, which will let you dash quickly when used. Continuing on, go north and east to a house, then jump out of Ricky and enter the house. Hit the lever there to drain the shallow patch of water, and pick up the Floodgate Key that you uncover. Go outside and down the steps in his now drained yard. In here, step on the floor switch and use the Pegasus Seeds to dash across the bridge before it vanishes again. In the next room, push/lift the rocks out of the way to reach the steps. Continue through the next couple rooms, going down the steps, until you reach the cave exit. Outside again, go south and east when you can, to find a keyhole. Use the Floodgate Key there, and the waters below will come crashing down so you can walk around. Go west and north a screen, then east. Talk to the prophet Sokra, then drop down into the water and head all the way southward into the swamp area. Go through 2 areas, defeating the spider enemies, then go west into a dry segment of land. Here, use Ricky's Flute to summon Ricky to your aid. Hop to the upper ledge and head south to the next area. Jump the gaps while punching in air to clear the bushes below. Go south and east, then north on the other path. Jump out of Ricky there and use the Power Bracelet, then step into the vortex. Subrosia Village ---------------- Back in the underworld, head west 1 screen and then southward to a beach area. Subrosia Seaside ---------------- Down here, talk to the people and they will speak of Rosa and the star-shaped ore buried in the sands. Go south a screen and use your Shovel to dig around until you find the special ore. Now that you have it, go back up the steps and visit the Subrosia Market. Trade the star-shaped ore for a Ribbon, then go back to the beach. Head to the eastmost area of the beach to meet Rosa, holding her key. Talk to her when you have the Ribbon and give it to her. She will now go on a "date" with you to explore the temple, and proceeds to follow you around. So, head north and west, and up the steps to the village. Subrosia Village ---------------- Back in the village, head west a screen, then all the way northward. Pass the Market and you'll find an area with 2 keyholes. Unlock the doors with Rosa's key and exit through the other side of the cave. From there, continue eastward a few areas, and down the steps to the temple area. Temple of Seasons ----------------- Here, head east a couple areas, then up the main path leading towards the temple itself. Go north a screen, then head to the northwest. You'll come to a locked door; open it with Rosa and go inside. Get through this maze of rocks with help from your Power Bracelet, and continue upstairs to the Spirit of Summer. You are now granted the power to call summer with your Rod of Seasons! Now, exit the temple and head back westward into the village. Subrosia Village ---------------- After you go up the steps from the temple, head west and south to the doors you went through previously. Head through that cave once more, and continue south and east to the vortex. Step into it to return to Holodrum. Spool Swamp ----------- Lift up the rock in your way, and hop back into Ricky's pouch (if he's not there, use the flute). go south and west, then go northward again by jumping the small pits/punching the bushes. Drop down the cliff at the end, then disembark from Ricky and continue northward solo. Go north and east, and drop down the cliff to the swamp area itself. Head north a couple areas from there, and head west when you can. Hop onto the tree stump and change the season to summer. Now, go north a screen and vines will be hanging from the cave entrance in the wall. Climb up the wall and enter the third dungeon. Level 3: Poison Moth's Lair --------------------------- Start by going forward into the second room. Flip and defeat the shelled enemies by using your Shield to flip them, then enter the north room. Go around the wall and beat 2 Moldorms before continuing into the eastern room. Flip a couple more enemies as you keep going east through the next couple rooms. When you reach the room with the pots and hand traps, pick up the pots in your way and walk past the floor switch. Go right and toss away the rightmost pot, then push the left one to the left and down. Push it onto that floor switch to open the door, so you can head southward. In this room, defeat the mimics and continue west and south a room. Push the blue bars to the left as you approach the far left side of this particular room. Go down and push the third bar to the right, opening the chest you pass to get a Small Key. Continue right and up to a lone block; push it out of the way and head back to the room you came from. Go up and right a room, and walk up the steps you see. Upstairs, push the north block upward and head to that room. Defeat the Moldorms and open the chest to get 10 bombs, then bomb the north wall. In the next room, you'll find a Map in the chest there. Now, go back down to the room with the steps. Push the second block from the right downward, then bomb the enemies to kill them. Push the middle block to the left, and the second block from the bottom downward, then continue to the next room. In here, you'll have to push the blue/red statues downward to match the pattern against the north wall. Push the left 2 blocks downward, and the rightmost red block downward. Push the third red block from the right downward, then push the remaining red block to the left. Next, push the other blue block left 2 and down 1, and slide the remaining red block into the open slot. This should match both sides perfectly, enabling you to enter the new room ahead. Run along the hall here, avoiding the enemies you encounter. In the room ahead, defeat a couple Moldorms before moving onward to the following area. At the next room, make your way north to the room ahead, where you'll find lots of holes in the ground. Knock the bouncy enemy into a pit, then open the north door with your key, and enter that room. Move along the conveyors, defeating the mimics and being cautious of the blade trap. After you kill everything, open the chest that appears to get Roc's Feather. You can now hop over small gaps on your own! Exit this room and jump onto the moving platform to the left when it comes by. Ride it to the other side, and drop into the leftmost pit. You'll land on an upper ledge in the room below. There are stairs leading downward, so make use of them. In the dungeon area, hop across the ledges to the second screen. Over there, jump onto the second platform you see, then climb the ladder and hop onto the top platform. Ride that one to the left, then jump up to and go across the ladders to the exit. In this room, jump onto the trampoline to reach the room above. Open the chest to get the Compass, then drop back down. Push the trampoline to the marked square in the lower-right area of the room, then jump on it to reach a different part of the same room above. In the next room to the right, push the blue bars to the right, then jump across the spike pits with Roc's Feather. Enter the room to the far right and go down the steps to a room with the trampoline again. Push the trampoline left 3, down 2, right 7, up 2, and right 1. Jump to the upper level and open the chest there to get a Small Key. Drop down that hole, and take the steps going down into the basement. Jump across the elevator platforms, then in the second area, hop across the Thwomps and the ledges in between. Upstairs again, ride the platform to the left and jump off at the other side. Head east 1 room, south a room, then west a room. You'll see a floor switch and a bunch of tiles to the left of it; jump over the switch to avoid collapsing the tiles, then go up the steps. Jump along the conveyor, avoiding the blade trap when you can by standing in the alcoves. Go all the way east and follow the path around to a chest with a Gasha Seed inside. Go back around and drop to the lower area when you reach the conveyors again. This time, go all the way left and through the locked door with your key. Here, you'll fight 3 blooper-like enemies; pick them up with the Power Bracelet, then strike them with your sword several times to kill them all. When they're gone, go up the steps to the room above. Head west a couple rooms until you can't go west anymore, then jump across the gap to the north. Go down the steps and drop into the pit to the room below. Run around to avoid the giant blade trap, and push one of the blocks to the right into the pit. Jump across and open that chest to receive the Boss Key. Jump across again and go down into a slight alcove. Push that block to the right, and drop down to the lower area. From there, go into the right room. Defeat the shelled enemies by flipping/attacking them, and continue into the north room. Jump across the moving platform to reach another room where you can open a chest for 30 rupees. Go back to the room with the shelled enemies, and head south from there. Step into the warp and go upstairs from there to the second floor. Head west a room, but when you reach the first jump point, jump across the gap. Go right into the next room, where you can use the Boss Key to enter the final door. In here, you'll be fighting Mothula; read the Bosses section for help beating it. After the fight, grab the Heart Container and go down the steps to the room below (do not drop into the pits). Go into the north room and collect the Bright Sun, which is the third Essence of Nature. You will now be taken outside once more. Spool Swamp ----------- Now that you're outside, you have a new destination to head to. According to the Maku Tree, you should be heading towards Sunken City and the mountains north of that. Anyway, drop down to the ground and go east a screen. Go up the steps and continue southward along the upper path. Go south 2, east 1, north 1, and east a screen, then at the split, go south 2 screens. Holodrum Plain -------------- Drop down the cliff and pass the stump as you go south 1, east 1, and north 4 screens. At that point, go east a few screens across a bridge and past some enemies. You'll see a small pit you can jump over in the upper-right corner of the area; hop it and go north. Natzu Prairie ------------- Over here, start by hitting the lever with your sword to make the bridge form for easy access later. Then, head right if you want to visit a fairy cave, otherwise go up the steps and north a screen. Call Ricky with the flute and hop up the cliff, and continue eastward. Go east a few screens, then south and down another cliff. Go south from there, hopping gaps and punching the bushes out of the way. Go around the corner and up another cliff, then just follow the rather straightforward path around the next several areas. At the end of the upper path, drop down the cliff and continue going northward on the lower trail. When you reach the river, go east a couple areas, then south to the Moblin's Keep. You have no business here now, so just go east into the next area. Sunken City ----------- As soon as you step foot into this region, your animal buddy will leave you. You will notice that much of the city is submerged in water, so you'll have to rely on Roc's Feather to get across the deeper segments for now. Anyway, head south and east along the perimeter of the city. Pass a building in the southeast corner and head north to a tree containing Gale Seeds. Knock them out with your sword so you can get them, then return to where you entered the city. You will find a group of kids checking out what appears to be a monster. Talk to the middle kid and he will ask if you have Bombs; say yes and they will run away. Talk to the creature and you will learn that it is Dimitri the waterfall-climbing dinosaur. He can even walk in the water, which really helps you out! Head north and east a screen with Dimitri, and when you come to the waterfall, swim up it. You will encounter some sharks here; you can eat them by pressing A with Dimitri. There are 2 more waterfalls here; start by going up the right one. Inside that cave, open a chest on the left side to get 50 rupees, then go to the right half. Talk to the master diver here, who will issue you a challenge in the other cave. Swim out of here and go up the left waterfall this time. In here, disembark from Dimitri and walk around to find 4 statues. Push the left ones closer to the ones on the right, then stand in the middle and do a spinning sword attack to hit them all in one shot. This will make a chest appear, so jump over the water and open the chest to receive the Master's Plaque. Exit here and revisit the master diver, who will now reward you with Zora's Flippers! He will also tell you about a secret diving spot in the reef that will lead to Mt. Cucco. With Dimitri, exit the cave and head down the falls again. Back in town, head to the northwest section and disembark, then dive into the deep area by the reef. Swim through the sideview area and you will emerge in Mt. Cucco. Mt. Cucco --------- Here, climb up the vines and swim north to the next screen. Head east past a tree stump and go up the steps to the peak. You will see a spot where you can drop off the cliff; do so and you will fall right into the vortex below. Subrosia Village ---------------- As soon as you get here, hop over the lava and you will be ambushed by two thieves who take your Roc's Feather away. Chase them by going west and into that house you see. They will run ahead, so follow them into the second room and out via that exit. Treasure Grove -------------- Out here, you have to play another round of hide and seek, this time with two opponents to stay away from. Make it through the next 5 areas by hiding behind trees and rocks, and moving all around to avoid being seen. Eventually they will bury your feather and run off, which gives you a chance to dig it back up. Now that you have your item back, go back through that house. Subrosia Village ---------------- After you leave that house again, there is one extra thing you should do as a shortcut for later on. Go south and jump over the lava, and you'll see a building with a vortex atop it. Go inside and head all the way upstairs, then step into the vortex. When you return to Holodrum, hit the lever to make the bridge form. Now, step into the same warp to return to Subrosia, and head north 2 screens to the house again. Now, go east 2 screens and jump to the stairs on a platform to the south. Get through this area by hopping across some moving platforms. Go up the ladder at the end and you will end up at the temple. Temple of Seasons ----------------- You will emerge right in front of the spring tower, so go inside. Jump across the lava and go upstairs to meet the Spirit of Spring. You will get your Rod of Seasons blessed with your third season! Exit the tower and go back through the underground passage the same way you came. When you emerge, go west a screen and go back through the vortex to Holodrum. Mt. Cucco --------- When you return here, drop down to the stump below and change the season to spring. Go east and cut through the newly bloomed flowers so you can continue northward. You'll find a flying cucco here; pick it up with the Power Bracelet and tap the button to ascend. When you get dropped off atop the high cliff, go north and into that cave. Jump across the ledges inside to reach the steps at the north exit. Back outside, cut the Spring Banana from the tree and drop down a ledge. If you want, enter the lower cave to get a ring by hitting the switch and riding the fast-moving ledge around. Otherwise, keep falling to the ground level. Go west a screen and feed the bananas to the winged bear named Moosh, and he will agree to help you. While riding Moosh, head west several screens until you reach a wintry region and can't go any further. At this point, go north to an area full of huge gaps. Bridge the gaps with Moosh's hovering ability by tapping A. Grab the Dragon Key at the end, then fly back out of this area. Head back east a bit until you reach a tree stump, then change the season to spring. Then, go west 3 screens and you'll find a blooming flower on the ground. Stand in it and it will launch you to the upper ledge. From there, go east a couple areas to a tree stump. Change the season to winter and head back west. Go up the steps and walk along the top of the snow block to enter an otherwise unreachable cave. Head through this whole cave by lifting the rocks in your way with the Power Bracelet, and jumping the gap with Roc's Feather. At the summit, go east to find another flying cucco. Get across the gap with it, then in the next screen use your key on the keyhole to open the dungeon below. Go back left and drop off the cliff, then go east and change the season to summer. Now, climb the vines to enter the fourth dungeon. Level 4: Dancing Dragon Dungeon ------------------------------- Start by going into the north room, where you can defeat a couple enemies and open a chest containing 10 Bombs. Then, hop into the mine cart and ride through the next couple rooms. Along the way you'll see a switch; hit it, then when you go to the north room, jump back into the cart and ride it southwest. In that room, defeat the enemies and push the statue onto the floor switch to open the north door. Defeat some more enemies in here, then go to the upper corner of the room. Push the middle block upward and the right block in that direction, then go down the steps. In the room below, defeat the enemies as you make your way south to the next room. There, get to the southeast corner and continue into the next room, where you can open a chest containing the Map. Go back to the room you just came from and go down the steps in the lower-left corner. In the first basement area, jump across the moving platforms to the second room. The next room has blocks that appear and disappear in the air. When the block closest to the ledge appears, quickly jump onto it and over to the second block in the air. Hop onto the next block that appears to the left above, then the upper block to the right when that appears. From that, jump to the right when the next blocks form and you'll make it to the right ledge. Go up the ladder into the room above and light the lamp as you jump around the room. Open the chest to get the Small Key. Go back down the steps and through that dungeon area. When you emerge in the upstairs room at the far end, go north 2 rooms and up the next set of stairs. Then, just backtrack to the mine cart and ride it into the northern room. In the room where you end up, bomb the right wall and enter through the hole. In this room, toss aside one of the middle pots, as well as the center one, then push all the others onto the switches. There will be one switch left over for you to stand on, triggering a Small Key to fall down. Grab it, then return to the dungeon's entrance and unlock the eastern door. Use Roc's Feather to jump over the rows of spikes, then bomb the east wall and go into that room. Defeat all the enemies and push the block to the right, and a chest will appear. Open it to get the Compass. Back in the previous room, go north this time. Defeat some enemies in here, then hop across the cracked tiles and ride the mine cart onward. When you reach a stop, jump back into the cart and start riding it back. This time around, hit the lever to change tracks so you end up in a new area. There, defeat the enemies and dive into the water to grab the Small Key that drops into it. Now, ride the mine cart back to the eastern room and use your key to unlock the keyhole block there. In that next room, defeat the enemies to make some steps to the upper level appear. Go up them and use a Pegasus Seed, then jump over the gaps to the next room. Do this in the next room as well to reach the stairs. Downstairs, push the middle block forward and clear the enemies, then hop into the mine cart. In the next room, open the chest to get a Small Key. You will also find a Deku Scrub who wants to sell you Ember Seeds for 20 rupees. In the room to the south, you'll have to fight a mini-boss. Defeat the wizard by lighting the lanterns with Ember Seeds, then attacking the real wizard (he has a shadow, the clones do not) with your sword. Every couple rounds you'll have to relight the lamps; if you need more seeds, cut down the bushes around the room. After you beat the wizard, head into the south room. Jump into the mine cart and ride it through the next couple rooms since you can't do anything else there yet. In the room where you end up, unlock the west door and go in there. Push the blue statue onto the floor switch, then get running around the maze to the steps at the end. Use Pegasus Seeds to make it there quickly. Open the chest you reach to get the Slingshot. Leave the room and continue into the northern room, and jump into the mine cart again. Ride it back to where it ends, then go north a couple rooms. In the room past the spike one, go east and ride the mine cart. This time, use the Slingshot to shoot Ember Seeds at the unlit lamps to make a chest appear. Ride the mine cart back left, then go south a room. Hop across the spikes and get to the southeast corner, then go up the steps and follow the path to a chest with a Small Key. Now, go back to the spike room and head south to the following room. Ride the mine cart to the east room, but equip the Slingshot before you enter. As soon as you enter, shoot the first lever to the right to switch the tracks. Do this for all 3 levers so you go through the southeast door at the end. When you get out of the cart, go north and east a room. In that room, defeat the Keese and use Pegasus Seeds + Roc's Feather to cross the gaps above. Unlock the block in your way and continue to the north room. Defeat the enemies here, then dive into the right eye (look at the floor pattern) to get the Boss Key. Backtrack a few rooms again, and ride the mine cart to where it ends. Back in that room, push the block to the right of the blade trap downward to block it in. Then, use your Slingshot to shoot a seed at the lever to the right, so the tracks are switched. Ride the mine cart to the new room now. Defeat the Wizzrobes in this room to open the door, then continue north. In there, unlock the keyhole block and take the steps going down to the floor below. In the room where you emerge, defeat some more Wizzrobes and shoot Ember Seeds at the lanterns to make a bridge appear. Cross it and enter the next room. In here, defeat the enemies and just continue to the north. Ride the moving platform around this room as you kill the Keese, then get off at the northeast ledge. Open the door with your Boss Key and enter that room. Walk around the middle of the room and you will see a shadow. Move when it's above you since Gohma will fall into the room. Check out the Bosses section for help beating this boss. After it's over, grab the Heart Container and go east a room. Walk up the steps and take the Soothing Rain, and you will exit the dungeon from there. Mt. Cucco --------- When you step outside, you will be contacted by the Maku Tree as usual. It sees a lake shaped like eyeglasses (Eyeglass Lake, where the first Subrosia vortex was). That is your next destination, apparently. Start by dropping off the south ledge, where you'll find a Piece of Heart. Drop down again to the ground, then jump into the water and go down the waterfall. Dive at the rightmost spot and swim through the underground area to return to Sunken City. Sunken City ----------- Back in this underwater city, go south and west a scene to exit town. Moblin's Keep ------------- Out here, you will be called by the Great Moblin again and then bombed. If you want, go counter-clockwise around and enter the keep itself to fight/beat the Great Moblin for a heart piece. Otherwise, head south 2 areas to enter the forest. Woods of Winter --------------- In this area again, drop down the cliff and continue southward. Go south 2 more screens, west 1, south 3, west 1, south 2, and west 1 into the village again. Horon Village ------------- Head through the village by going west and northward, then exit to the north. North Horon ----------- In this area, head north 2 screens and east 1. You will find a tree stump here. Head south from there and jump over the gap to the water. Head south from there into the lake region. Eyeglass Lake ------------- Here, swim to the right and you will find a vortex on the island. Go up the steps onto the land and step into the vortex to return to Subrosia. Subrosia Village ---------------- You will emerge this time to the south of the temple. Head south from where you enter and go down the steps to the Lava Lake. Lava Lake --------- In this area, you will find lots of small/narrow ledges with lava flowing all around. Make your way west and north, then eastward jumping across these ledges. At the end, use your Power Bracelet to collect the Bomb Flower. Now that you have what you need, go back the way you came and exit the lake area. Subrosia Village ---------------- From the signpost house, take the path going west. Jump across the lava stream and continue west and north 1 screen apiece. Lift the rock out of the way, then use Pegasus Seeds/Roc's Feather to jump the gap. At the next screen, go down the steps to the north to reach the temple region. Temple of Seasons ----------------- Here, jump over the gap and make your way to the right. When you can go up the main path, do so and head to the northeast. Jump over the lava stream and continue upward to find a bunch of rocks in the way of the tower. Talk to the Subrosian person there to use the Bomb Flower so the path will be cleared. Now, go inside and head upstairs as usual. Talk to the Spirit of Autumn and you will be blessed with the last season. With the last season in hand, exit the tower and make your way back to the vortex north of the signpost house, and return to Eyeglass Lake. Eyeglass Lake ------------- Now that you're back in Holodrum, swim to the north and get on land. Walk to the tree stump and change the season to autumn, then go north a screen. If you want, dig in the middle of the bush ring to reveal a soft soil patch for planting. If not, then go east a screen to find the mushrooms can be picked this time. Pick them with the Power Bracelet, then go up into the Unicorn Cave. Level 5: Unicorn's Cave ----------------------- Starting off in here, head north to the next room. There, swim to the east room and jump into the left mine cart. Hit the lever to the left as you pass it so you continue along the northbound track for now. When you get off, go up the steps and across the room to the right. At the other side, go into the east room. Defeat the enemy in here and push the block to the right, and a metal ball will drop in the north enclosure. That's all you can do in here for now, so head back to the mine cart and ride it southward. At the end of the track, jump into the right mine cart this time. Hit the lever as you pass it so you can continue northward. In the next room, open the chest to get a Small Key, then ride the cart back out. Hit the lever a second time and ride the mine cart back north so you can go east. In there, go down the steps into the basement dungeon. Jump across in between the falling fireballs, then in the second half, jump atop the Thwomps to progress. You'll see some cracked blocks; ignore them for now and climb up the first ladder. In this room, go right and defeat the enemies there to make a chest appear. Open it to get the Map, now return to the previous room and head west this time. In this watery room, head to the left and push the side blocks forward, and the middle block to the side. Then, in the north room unlock the west door and continue into that room. In there, open the chest atop the steps to get the Magnetic Gloves. You can use these to manipulate the metal balls you've seen around, such as the one in this room. It also helps when you want to pull/push from one of those blocks with N and S on it. Either way, use the gloves on the metal ball and move the ball to the floor switch so you can exit this room. From here, it's time to backtrack again. Go south and east to the stairs, and go down into the dungeon. This time around, bomb the cracked blocks and take that path to the new room. Jump onto the moving platforms and avoid the energy balls being shot at you from the heads on the wall. Then, jump to the left and go up that ladder to the next room. In here, you will see an Armos statue that when you move it, the one on the left side of the room will move in the opposite direction. There is a floor switch over on that side though. Move your statue down 3, right 2, and up 1. This will open the door for you to get through to the south. In the next room, simply defeat the Gibdos and Keese and follow the path into the west area. There, go all the way left and up the steps to a chest containing 100 rupees. Then, enter the room in the northeast corner. Defeat the masked enemies and the Moldorm to open the door, then go into the west room. This next room can be a bit tricky; it fooled me numerous times before. There are 4 Armos Knights in here; you must defeat them all, then open the chests that appear in all 4 spots in the order which you killed them! Activate one at a time, carefully kill it, then continue with the next, remembering where each one was. Then, open the chests in that order to get 1 rupee, 10 Bombs, 4 Ember Seeds, and the Small Key from the last chest. Now, leave this room and head south. Use the Magnetic Gloves to pull the ball out of the alcove so you can continue south. Defeat the enemies in that room and go into the west room. You will find a narrow path of conveyor belts here; carefully walk along the path to the chest in the center, which has the Compass. Exit the room and continue southward 2 more rooms. In this bottom room, defeat the enemies and stand on the floor tile. Use your gloves to pull yourself across the gap to the S pole. Follow the path to the north room and open the chest to receive a Small Key. Go back south and use your gloves to repel yourself from the same pole to cross the gap again. From here, go east 1, north 1, and east 1, into the room with the tracks. Ride the left cart into the next room, and hit the lever so you go into the west room instead. There, use your Magnetic Gloves to pull yourself to the rotating pole in the pit. When your back is to the left side, repel yourself onto the ledge and open the chest for a Small Key. Get back across the room in the same manner and ride the mine cart back out. Hit the lever a second time and ride northward this time around. Follow the path around the room and go east to where the metal ball is. Kill the knight and use your gloves to pull/push the ball onto the floor switch, opening the north door. Exit this room now and head back to the mine cart. Ride it south, then go west 2 rooms, north 2, east 1, and north 1 more. You'll be back in that room with the Armos Knights. Go down the steps and head right through the dungeon, bombing the cracked blocks in the way. Go all the way right through here and up the ladder at the end. When you emerge from the dungeon, repel yourself across the gap and ride the mine cart to the left. In the room you end up at, open the chest for a Small Key, then ride back. Unlock the east door and enter that room. You will have to fight a mini-boss tiger in here. Attack its glowing tail and watch out when it rolls/charges around. Upon defeating the tiger, take the fairy and go into the north room. In here, go east and hit the floor switch in that room, then continue into the north room you just opened up. Defeat the enemies in here if you want, otherwise go into the next room ahead. There will be several polar enemies in here, which you'll need to pull towards you with the Magnetic Gloves so you can attack them. It also works if you corner them and then attack with the sword. After you kill these, go to the next room. There, pull the metal ball to the left as you move as far to the left as possible. Now, backtrack east 2 rooms, south 1, and west 1 room. From here, unlock the west door and enter there. Because you moved the metal ball earlier, you can simply continue to the north room from here. Use your Magnetic Gloves to continue pulling the metal ball to the left, then pull the ball towards you and move to the right, using the ball as a shield against the flamethrowers. Unlock the north door when you get across and enter that room. Go down the steps into a basement area. Make your way downward by using the gloves to pull yourself upward, then jump across the moving conveyor platforms. In the second room below, do the same to reach the Boss Key on the right. Now, go back upstairs and use the metal ball to cross the flamethrower line once more. Head south and east to the Keese room, and unlock the keyhole block with your final key. Then, go down those steps into another dungeon area. Use the Magnetic Gloves to push yourself upward onto the moving platforms so you can reach the second half of the dungeon. In the second half, push yourself upward with the gloves while avoiding the spark enemies. Then, jump across the gap with Roc's Feather and climb out of here. Lift the pots and use the Magnetic Gloves to reach the next platform to the north. Face the right and pull yourself across to the next pole, then move up and repeat going left. On the final ledge, open the boss's door and go inside. You will face a giant eyeball called Digdogger in here; read the Bosses section for help defeating this odd creature. When it's over, take the Heart Container and enter the north room. Go forward and receive the Nurturing Warmth, the fifth Essence of Nature, then exit the dungeon. Eyeglass Lake ------------- Outside again, the Maku Tree will contact you and direct you towards some ruins. Anyway, since it's not autumn anymore, drop off the cliff and go south. Lift up the rock and jump over the pit, then continue to the west. Go west 1, and south until you reach the vortex. Jump in to return to Subrosia. Subrosia Village ---------------- From where you arrive, go south 1, west 2, north 1, and west 3 to the Subrosia Market. This time, he has a Member's Card; you need this so trade 5 Ore Chunks for it. Now that you have what you came for, return to the vortex and head to the Horon Village upon arriving in Holodrum. Horon Village ------------- When you make it to this village, visit the Shop. Try to walk behind the counter and the shopkeeper will allow you into the rear section because of the Member's Card. Downstairs, buy the Treasure Map for 200 rupees, then check your map. There should be 4 sparkling points on your map; you must go to all 4 of them to collect some items. I will just list off what areas they are in and what you need to do in each, to save time: Holodrum Plain: Simply swim to this obscure section of land, and enter the building. Talk to the old man to get the Round Jewel. Mt. Cucco: Dive in the water in the upper-right corner of the screen. In the sideview area, swim all the way right to get the Pyramid Jewel. Spool Swamp: Change the season to winter so the trees blocking access are withered away. Bomb the cracked wall and open the chest inside to get a Square Jewel. Western Coast: Shoot an Ember Seed at the lantern on the beach to make a bridge appear. Cross it to find some bones on the platform; drop a Mystery Seed onto it and a Moldorm will appear. Defeat it and open the chest to get an X-Shaped Jewel. After you get all 4 jewels, head to the northwest corner of Holodrum Plain. There is a tree stump below a cliff, so change the season to summer and climb up the vines. Continue north from there until you reach a tunnel going north; head through it to reach the Tarm Ruins (alternatively you can use a Gale Seed to travel to Spool Swamp, then just go east and north a screen). Tarm Ruins ---------- You will see a gate with 4 openings in the wall; go to each and the jewels will automatically fit in them. The gate will open when all 4 jewels are placed. So, head north to the next area. Use the tree stump and change the season to summer, and climb the vines to the north area. Up there, simply go west and into some water. Climb down the vines to the lower section, and push the Armos to the side to make part of some steps appear above. Return to the tree stump and change the season to winter, then walk west to the next screen. Walk up onto the snow block that's there now, and go up the steps to a new area. Before you use the stump, push the bottom 2 Armos right a space each. Now, jump onto the stump and change the season to spring. Doing this will give you access to the area to the north. Go there and change the season once more to autumn. This will make the mushrooms ripe for picking. Toss them aside and go west to the next screen. Avoid the Like Likes here and go south into the Lost Woods. Lost Woods ---------- In this area, go left and you will be in a recurring section where there's a tree stump and 4 ways to go. The only way out is to the right, or left if you can solve the riddle of the lost woods, like in past games. Start by changing the season to winter, then walk to the left. Next, make it autumn and go south. The third season is spring, so change it and go right. Finally, change the season to summer and go up to exit. Tarm Ruins ---------- Now that you made it through the Lost Woods, go north 2 more areas to a tree. Get the Gale Seeds from it and go east to the next area. Change the season to winter atop the tree stump, then go south, east, and north. Shovel your way through the snow blocking your path, and go up the path on the snow block to reach the upper area. Go left a screen and push the bottom Armos to the side, then drop down to the tree stump below. Make the season spring, then shoot back up there via the blossoming flower. Go left across the bridge and you will meet some strange old man with an ominous warning. After he leaves, go into the sixth dungeon. Level 6: Ancient Ruins ---------------------- Start off by going into the second room ahead, as usual. There, just continue north to the following room. Walk into the rotating device in the center area and head east. Defeat some Ropes if you want as you go into the far east room. Open the chest in there to get 5 rupees before continuing southward. You have no business in this next room, so just continue west 2 rooms, then go up the steps and into the north room. This time, step into the revolver and go into the west room. Here, defeat some Gibdos and head north. In this room, knock the bouncy enemy into the pit, then use your Magnetic Gloves to pull the metal ball along the path to the left. When you can't move it anymore, jump the gaps to the northmost point with Roc's Feather and continue pulling the ball up and right. Push the ball across the pit, then jump across and get to the south side of the metal ball. Go right with it and push the ball across the next pit while moving to the right, then pull it to the floor switch so a Small Key appears. Take the key and head south 2 rooms. In this room, defeat the Ropes and go up the steps into the north room. Open the chest to get the Map. Now, go back south and push the lone block so the east door opens. Go into that room and unlock the keyhole block, then head north. Go through the revolver, then go east, south, and west a few rooms until you return to the room south of the revolver. This time, continue west and use your gloves to pull the metal ball from the ledge onto the floor switch. Open the west door and go into that room. Head north 1, and east 1 room. This time, go through the revolver and you'll be able to go north. In that room, defeat the Ropes and move the metal ball onto the floor switch to reveal steps. Go up them to the second floor. Upstairs, jump across the spike pit and continue through the maze while avoiding the blade/spinning traps along the way. In the south room, open the chest to get a Small Key. Now, backtrack and go downstairs again. This time, go south 1 and west 1 room to where the Gibdos are. Head south 1, east 1, and north 1 room through that revolver once again. Repeat this goaround once more so you can enter the east room from the revolver room. In there, unlock the north door and enter that room. Use the moving platforms here to reach the upper-left corner, where you can open a chest to get the Compass. From here, head to the eastern room. There, hit the floor switch in the back corner, then run around (use a Pegasus Seed if you want) and cross the bridge that just formed. In the room you just came from, go upstairs. There, open the chest to get 10 Bombs, then bomb the cracked south wall. In there, open another chest if you want 5 rupees, otherwise go into the southwest room. Defeat the shelled enemies here, then push the trampoline onto the marked tile to the right. Jump up it to reach the third floor; once there, go south. Beat the ball-and-chain knight in here, then go into the east room. There, open the chest to get the Magical Boomerang. Suddenly, the Armos will come to life; use Bombs to defeat them. Now, go through the open door and in that room, drop down the lower-left pit to the first floor. From that point, go west a room. Defeat the Ropes and walk up the steps to the left, then go north and west a room. Make your way around the maze of this room, jumping over the spinning traps when they approach. When you reach the blade trap, trigger it so it moves left, then quickly step on the floor switch to open the north door. In that room to the north, use your Magical Boomerang and throw it left into the pit. Curve it as it goes so you make it around the corner and hit the crystal switch. This will make stairs appear, so go upstairs again. Up here, go into the south room. Go forward and use the Magical Boomerang to hit the crystal switch around the bend, then go into the now-opened south room. There, simply fall into the hole to the floor below. Down there, head south, east, and north to reach 2 small moving platforms going across a pit. Stand on one of them as you move, shooting Ember Seeds at each of the 5 lanterns. At the far end after you do this, go up the steps that appear. In the room to the east, use a Pegasus Seed and equip Roc's Feather, then grab that rupee. The Armos will clear, but the walls will start to close in on the room. So, quickly move right to the next room, then south and west along the lower half, to the chest at the end. Be quick and careful of the spike pits and the conveyors you will encounter. In the room after all this, open the chest to get the Boss Key. Now that you have the key, go back to the previous room and head upstairs to the third floor. There, defeat the hooded skeleton enemies, and push the upper-left block to open the door. Going into the north room, defeat some Ropes before dropping down the pit to the second floor yet again. Down there, walk along the catwalk to a chest containing a Small Key. Bounce back up to the third floor and unlock the north door, and enter that room now. You will have to face a flying demon called Vire as a mini-boss. Use your sword to attack when he flies by, then when he splits into 2 bats, cut them when they swoop down. Following the fight, continue into the east room. Grab a Pegasus Seed and run straight across the trap-filled room. In the following area, get through the maze by jumping over the spiked bars. At the east end of the room, hit the floor switch and head into the south room. Hit the switch on the right (the left one drops many Ropes into the room) and continue to the fourth floor. Up there, clear the hand traps and go north. In the next room, use the Magnetic Gloves to move the metal ball around so you can kill the 2 bouncy enemies and open the west door. In the west room, defeat some enemies and head to the southwest corner. Throw the Boomerang at the 3 crystal switches until they're all red, then enter the south room that opens up. In here, defeat a couple enemies, then push the trampoline down 2 tiles. From there, push it right 4 spaces, then jump to the upper level. Throw the Boomerang at the switch above to trigger a staircase to appear; to reach it, drop back down to the floor below. Go left and up the steps, and push the lone block to the right. Open the boss door and continue into the final room, where you'll be fighting Manhandla, the 4-headed piranha plant creature. Read the Bosses section if you need help beating it. When it's over, take the Heart Container and go to the roof where you'll find the Blowing Wind essence. Tarm Ruins ---------- Back outside, the Maku Tree will direct you towards a cemetery to the west of Horon Village. It also mentions something about finding a way to cross the sea. So, make your way back to Horon Village (use a Gale Seed to make it quicker). Horon Village ------------- When you arrive in this village yet again, exit to the east, then go south into a tunnel. Eastern Coast ------------- Down here, go east 2 screens and you'll find a pirate of sorts. Talk to him and he will mention getting a bell in order to raise the ship from the sand. You can't do anything else here for now, but you will need to go to Subrosia. The closest vortex is in Horon Village itself; just go down the steps near the tree stump and walk around the bridge (assuming you followed my directions earlier before Level 4). House of Pirates ---------------- You will arrive atop the pirate's hideout in Subrosia, how fitting. Go down the steps into the base and talk to the pirate on the right side. There are 4 switches to the north, and he will hit them in the order needed soon. That order, from left to right, is: 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4. Also, go downstairs and talk to everyone, including the Cap'n, to learn of their situation with the bell. As for that code you just heard, it is the key to the desert, so head back upstairs and step into the vortex, then return to the pirate at the Eastern Coast. Eastern Coast ------------- Talk to that pirate again who was looking for the bell. He will realize that you are also going to look for the bell, so he runs off. Now, push in the code you just received not long ago, and the gate will crumble. Go forward into the desert from here. Samasa Desert ------------- In the desert, head east 2 screens to the other half of the pirate ship. Go inside and talk to the ghost pirate there, and he will tell you to find his skull rolling around in the desert. After he vanishes, exit the ship and head northeast until you reach the oasis. To avoid the quicksand pits, walk around them or jump along the sides with Roc's Feather. At the oasis, enter the cave to collect fairies if you need. Otherwise, check out the red skull to the right and it will lead you to the bell. Pick it up and walk around the desert until it chatters (you'll have to walk close to the centers of the quicksand sections to find out, so be careful). When the skull chatters, drop into that hole in the quicksand and you will find the Rusty Bell. Now that you have what you need, get out of this cave. Go east 2 screens and south 1 to the ship, and go inside again. Push the box into the pit and go up the steps at the north end to return to Subrosia. Subrosia Seaside ---------------- Back here, head all the way west to the pirate base again. There, talk to the Cap'n and he will acknowledge that it is the right bell, but it needs to be polished before he'll accept it. You need to visit the Smithy for this to be done, so from the base, go north 2 and east 3 screens. Lift one of the rocks out of the way and use the Magnetic Gloves to cross the lava. Once across, go north 2 and west 2, and you will be at the Subrosian Smithy. Talk to the guy at the desk and when he asks, say to "Do it!" and the master will polish the bell. Take the Pirate's Bell and return to the base the same way you came. House of Pirates ---------------- When you arrive again, talk to Cap'n and he will gladly accept the polished bell this time. Because you brought it back, the Cap'n and crew are now ready to set sail. You will automatically return to the ship, which will set sail in the overworld of Holodrum. After the pirates get seasick, the Cap'n decides to dock in the Western Coast. Western Coast ------------- Now that you're docked, you are now able to move around again. So, walk left off the ship and head north a screen. If you want, go east to a chest with a ring inside. Then, continue northward into an abandoned house. Open the chest to get 10 Bombs if you need, then bomb the cracked wall and exit through the second room. Jump onto the tree stump outside and change the season to summer, then go back through the house and head south. From the ship, go west a couple areas until you find vines hanging from the wall. Climb up them to reach the Graveyard. Graveyard --------- When you enter this area, simply go north to the next screen. Walk up the steps leading inside what appears to be a crypt, and it is the next dungeon. Level 7: Explorer's Crypt ------------------------- Start by going north 1 room, then west a room. Go up and continue east along the north half of the previous room, and continue into the northern room ahead. In here, continue into the room to the north, where you'll have to leave the room before the lanterns are blown out and you get sent back to the dungeon entrance. For now, head to the east. Defeat the Wizzrobes in that room and open the chest that appears to get a Small Key. Next, backtrack a few rooms and unlock a door to the far east. In that room, defeat a few simple enemies and open a chest to get a ring. Then, go up the steps and follow the upper path west and north. In the dark room again, use the Slingshot to shoot Ember Seeds at the 2 unlit lanterns. By doing so, a ghost will appear and become upset that you're trying to break the curse. It will then attack you with a sword; drop down and fight it until the ghost runs off. Then, go into the north room where the curse was lifted. Bomb the left wall and go into that room to get the Compass. Back in the uncursed room, go to the right side of the room and push the blue bars aside. Get to the top half of the room, then go downstairs to the lower floor. Down here, go into the west room for now. Go up the steps and defeat the slimes, then hit the switch to make a trampoline appear. Push it left 1 and down 2 spaces, then jump onto it. Land on the switch above and a key will fall; drop down to get the Small Key. Back in the east room, defeat the Armos that do come to life by using Bombs, then push the remaining one onto the floor switch. In the south room, defeat a couple enemies, then go down the steps and walk against the conveyor to reach some steps. Downstairs, ride the platform to where it stops, then use the Magnetic Gloves to push against the pole and land on the ledge. Continue into the north room from here. Use a Pegasus Seed in this next room and quickly run across the bridge before the tiles start coming out to attack you. Run into the west room, and you'll see some more Armos statues and 4 switches. You must hit them in a certain order to align the statues properly, so if they were numbered in order from top-left to bottom-right, hit them in this order: 2, 3, 1, 4. Grab the Small Key that lands in the middle and exit the room. Get back across the crumbling bridge, then in the next room, pull yourself to the magnetic pole and let go when the platform comes. Ride it to the stairs and return to the upper floor. From here, unlock the south door, then the east door in that room. You will end up in a darkened chamber with lanterns you can light up. Use a Pegasus Seed, then equip Ember Seeds and light the lanterns quickly to make the ghost appear. Defeat this one as well to break the curse in one of the rooms nearby. Head 2 rooms to the west and dive into the water to avoid the blue bars. Swim to the stairs and go down them. There, go west a room and equip your Magnetic Gloves. Defeat the one knight on your side, then use the gloves to pull the other two into the pit. Cross the newly formed bridge and go north to a crystal switch; hit it, then go back across the bridge and head to the north. Now that the poles are rotating, use a Pegasus Seed and Roc's Feather to jump across the ledges alongside the pit. On the northmost ledge, go left and pull yourself toward the pole to the south. When your back is to the left, repel, then when you're in front of the next pole, face it and repel quickly to reach the south ledge. You'll have 2 trampolines here; jump on the blue one first. Defeat the Stalfos upstairs to open the door, then go back down and use the red trampoline. You'll be launched 2 floors up, into a spike-filled room. Jump across them and drop into the pit to the north. When you land, enter the north room. In here, jump onto the fast-moving platform when it passes by, then time another jump onto the safe spot in the middle area. Open the chest to get Roc's Cape, which replaces your feather! With the cape, you can hold the button and fly in the air, which really adds to your jumping ability. Now, jump across and exit this room, then fall to the floor below. Continue through the next couple rooms and up some more stairs to the watery chamber. Get through this to the eastern room, and you'll see a trampoline in the middle. If you want, push the blocks on the left to the side/up, and do the same on the right side. Push the trampoline left 3 and up 1, and bounce upstairs to a chest with the Map inside. If not, then just go north and head downstairs from there. Here again, ride the platform to the pole and repel yourself onto the west ledge. In the north room this time, go across the bridge and head right at the other side. Use Roc's Cape to make it across the corner pits and continue into the eastern room. There, defeat the magnetic enemies by using the gloves and your sword. Then, push the trampoline up 3 spaces and jump up it. Land on the moving platform, and walk onto the platform to the left when you reach it. Use the Magnetic Gloves to push the metal ball onto the floor switch below, allowing a Small Key to appear in a chest. Get the key and go west a room. In this room, defeat the Armos knights, then push the statue one onto the floor switch. Head south 2 rooms from here and then to the west. Dive below the spiked bars and continue downstairs. As soon as you get there, wait for all the tiles to come up and crash into the wall safely avoiding you. Then, clear the keyhole block and jump across the small ledges to the east. Get to the south half of the room, then go into the south room. Follow the path going south and east, then north along the perimeter of the rooms. When you reach a ledge you can jump from, go down and defeat the Moldorms, making sure to stay on the non-cracked sections of floor. In the south room, use a Pegasus Seed and Roc's Cape to reach the floor switch. Jump back across the gap and enter the eastern room. You will face up against both ghosts this time around. They will both be attacking you while trying to put out all 4 lanterns. Beware that if all 4 lights go out, you're sent to the dungeon entrance, so use Ember Seeds to keep at least 1-2 lights lit at all times. Once you win, go into the east room, which appears to be a maze of stairs. To get through this maze, start by going up the steps directly north of you. Go down the steps to the north from there, then take the east steps up. Going back downstairs, take the east set back up in the next segment, then take the north set of stairs back down. Go north and up the next set, and then go east and down the last set. Now you'll be at the end, so go north. In here, use the Magnetic Gloves and pull yourself to the first pole. Repel to the south ledge, and jump to the right ledge with Roc's Cape. Pull yourself to the next pole to the west, then repel to the left. Quickly hold Down so you can walk onto the small ledge next to you, then ride the moving platform. At the far left, jump to the north and go into that room. Defeat all the enemies inside to get the Small Key, then go back south. Ride the moving platform to the right, then push the last block upward to exit the maze. Continue into the north room from here, and unlock the eastern room's door. Head north and down the steps in that room to the water below. Swim to the south where you'll find 3 switches across 3 small ledges. The statues to the left of them hint at the order you must press them. To reach the bottom one first, use a Pegasus Seed and Roc's Cape. Jump to the top switch next, then the middle one last. This will make a ledge to the right appear. Go south and jump across the east gap, then continue north to another switch. This will trigger a trampoline to fall from above to the land patch below. Push it down a space, then jump onto it to reach a room above. Land on the moving platform in the upstairs room, and stop on the left ledge. Go down the steps and hit both crystal switches on this side (the top one should be blue, the bottom one should be red). Go back up and ride the platform to the right side, and go down those steps. Make both switches there red and the door will open. Jump across the gap to the door, and enter that room. Defeat the Stalfos and open the chest that appears to get the Boss Key. With this, exit the room and drop into the pit to reach the basement. Go up the steps to the left and continue south a couple rooms until you reach the stairs maze again. This time, go up the first set and down the set to the west like you're supposed to. From there, go all the way to the southeast corner of the room and go up those steps. Finally, go west to the boss door and continue inside. You will be fighting the multi-headed dragon Gleeok this time; visit the Bosses section of this guide for help beating it. After the fight, take the Heart Container as usual and go into the western room. There you will find the seventh Essence of Nature, the Seed of Life. You will now exit the dungeon. Graveyard --------- Outside, the Maku Tree will contact you yet again. It will tell you to go find the last Essence of Nature, but has no hints as to where to look this time around. There is a section of your map to the north you haven't visited yet, though. So, start by using a Gale Seed to warp to North Horon. North Horon ----------- From here, go south 1, west 1, north 1, west 1, north 2, and west 1 screen. You will then arrive at the Temple Remains. Temple Remains -------------- In this area, go north a screen and defeat the ball-and-chain knight. Then, hop over the gap and head into the east area. There, defeat the fast-moving sword throwers as you continue northward into the temple ruins. Go east from there and you'll find a tree stump. Change the season to autumn, then head west a few screens. When you can go north at the end, do so, but don't cut down any of the leaves or else the holes will be revealed. Go all the way north and south when you round the corner. When you reach the next stump, switch the season to winter and go north 1 screen, then east a screen. Walk along the snowy path to the south, and hop into the Subrosia vortex. Subrosian Volcanoes ------------------- In this area, go north into a cave. Throw a Bomb into the lava tile in the center of the room, and the volcanoes will erupt outside. The eruptions will flood the Temple Remains in the overworld with lava, too. Exit this room and return through the vortex. Temple Remains -------------- In this area which is now filled with lava, go north, east, and south to a tree stump. Change the season to summer and continue to the east. Climb the vines to the north area, then continue along the path by means of Roc's Cape until you reach a cave. Inside that cave, go left and use the Magnetic Gloves to cross the pit. Repeat this on the right side, then go upstairs to the next room. There, push the right block downward, then the lower block left and the next one upward to unblock your path. Continue to the left, pushing the lowest block upward and the next block to the right. Outside again, go west to some more stairs. In this cave, take the north path going west to the stairs leading out of here. Continue westward into a building at the end, where you'll find another vortex to Subrosia. Collect the fairies and step into the portal. Subrosian Volcanoes ------------------- Back here once more, simply go north 2 screens. Enter the cave there, which just happens to be the next dungeon. Level 8: Sword & Shield Maze ---------------------------- In here, start by going into the room ahead. There, defeat 3 Wizzrobes and head into the east area. There, shoot a seed with your Slingshot at the statue across the pit to make a Small Key appear. Clear the pots and take the key before leaving this room. Head north a couple rooms, and defeat the magnetic enemies in the icy chamber. Continue north and defeat some slimes, then bomb the cracked blocks to reach the metal ball. Pull it with the Magnetic Gloves to kill the bouncy enemy. Grab the Small Key and go east. Defeat some Keese and avoid the sparks as you continue eastward. In the next room, unlock the keyhole block and head downstairs. Down here, beat some Ropes and head into the southern room. Use Roc's Cape to fly over the spiked bars, and watch out for the hand trap that can fall onto you, sending you back to the entrance. Anyway, head down the steps in the far corner of the room. In the dungeon, you'll notice 2 fireballs make large and small circles around the middle platform. Jump left the first time after they make the large circle, then jump to the left ledge after the small circle. In the second half, jump across the moving platform while avoiding the fireballs below. In the room above, go west and south over the spiked bar, to reach the next room. Avoid the giant blade traps and step on the floor switch, then continue into the eastern room. In this room, defeat the enemies and head up the stairs. In the icy room, make your way carefully to the chest so you can obtain the Compass. Go back down and unlock the east door, and go into that room instead. Walk through the revolver and head northward to an upper path. Go west and south, then east through the revolver a second time. In the southern room, defeat the enemies, then leave the room and return. When you return though, do NOT move! When the Armos starts moving, go up the stairs in the corner. Up there, go esat to a chest containing the Map. After that, use the Magnetic Gloves to move the metal ball downward and right just before the lava. Then, push the ball with the gloves as you move right, then left, maneuvering it onto the switch, causing a bridge to form. Now, go back left and downstairs again. Down here, go east a room and then back upstairs. This time, head to the west and awaken the Armos knights. Bomb them if you wish, then push the block aside and open the chest to get the Hyper Slingshot, which shoots 3 seeds at once. Now, go east a room and take the northmost path to the right. Use Roc's Cape to fly over the lava, and head across the bridge to some steps. Follow the upper path north and west a few rooms, until you reach that revolver again. Use it to reach the right area, and open the chest you find for the Small Key. Go back through the revolver and head east to some steps. Go down them and use the Magnetic Gloves to cross the lava, then continue into the eastern room. Head to the right side of this room, where you'll find 3 statues. Stand in the same row as the middle one and go against the wall, then use the Hyper Slingshot to hit all 3 at once, revealing some steps. Go upstairs and bomb the cracked blocks to reach a chest containing another Small Key. Go back downstairs and unlock the east door, and go inside to meet a fire/ice mini boss. To beat this one, shoot a Mystery Seed at its hot form to make it cold. Then, when it shoots an ice crystal your way, drop a Mystery Seed on it, then pick up the ice block with the Power Bracelet. When it changes back to hot, throw that ice to attack. Alternatively, shoot Ember Seeds at the cold form to cause damage. Do this a few times to win. After the fight, go into the north room. Light the middle torch, then stand on both sides of the middle lantern and shoot Ember Seeds at the 3 unlit ones. Go up the stairs that appear to reach the upper level once more. Up there, go north into an icy puzzle room. There are 3 ice blocks, which from left to right I will call 1, 2, and 3. Start by moving block 3 to the right. Move block 1 down, right, and up. Next, move block 2 left, down, right, up, and right. Finally, push the remaining block to the right and the stairs will appear; go down them now. In the basement, jump up the ice blocks to reach the second area. Then, jump onto the conveyor platforms as you make your way to the upper-left ledge. Jump across some Thwomps and go up the ladder at the end. In the new area, simply continue into the east room. Defeat some Wizzrobes and head into the room ahead. Beat some more enemies, then stand by the pit and use the Magical Boomerang to hit the crystal switch. Cross the newly formed bridge and go into the south room. There, defeat some enemies and go through the southwest door. Simply walk up the steps and open the chest there to get the Boss Key. Then, go into the south room and drop down to the lower area, and unlock the west door. Here, run through the room until you reach the following one. Kill the enemies you find and bomb the cracked wall, and enter it. As soon as you enter, you'll see a ghost moving along the tiles in a certain way; you must follow that same path. Watch it closely since the path is not the same every playthrough. Do it correctly and you will get a Small Key. Return to the previous room, and pick up one of the ice crystals on the upper ledge. Ride the mine cart north and west, then in the room where you end up, unlock the keyhole block and throw the ice into that hole (Note: You can drop the ice so you can unlock the keyhole and fight enemies.). Ride the mine cart back to the ice crystal room, and grab the second one. Take the cart back to where you just were, but this time hit the lever and hop back into the mine cart. In the next room, throw the ice crystal into the second hole to dry up more of the lava downstairs. Now, backtrack to the ice room and take another crystal. This time, head south. In this room, drop the last crystal into the hole, then go down the stairs. In the basement now, defeat the enemies and open the chest to the east to receive a Small Key. Go to the west room and open another chest for 10 Bombs, then head back up to the first floor. Go north a room and ride the mine cart to the next room. In there, unlock the south door, then go down the steps you find inside. Head east a screen down there and up another set of stairs. Follow the path going east and south to a room with a chest in it; open it to get a Small Key. Return to the stairs, and ride the mine cart back to the southeast room. From there, go south and down those steps once more. In the basement again, go west a screen and up those steps. Ride the mine cart to the northern room, then go down those steps to the basement yet again. Head east and south, then up the stairs there. Go north and grab an ice crystal, then ride the mine cart to the next area. When you arrive there, go south and ride the mine cart that should now be at its post. In the south room, throw the crystal into the last hole and the remaining basement room will be dried up. Go down the steps, and follow the path north a couple rooms. Unlock the last keyhole block, then open the boss door and go inside. You will face up against the Medelock as the dungeon's boss. Read the Bosses section for help defeating this one. After the fight, grab the Heart Container and enter the north room. This time you will receive the final Essence, the Changing Seasons. You will then be taken outside, as is expected. Subrosian Volcanoes ------------------- Out here, the Maku Tree will tell you to come visit, for it has something to give you. So, head south 2 screens and step into the vortex. Temple Remains -------------- Head outside of the room you warp to, and use a Gale Seed to return to Horon Village quickly. Horon Village ------------- Upon your arrival here, head north and east to the Maku Tree. Approach it and the tree will speak to you once again. It will give you the Huge Maku Seed to use for fighting evil. The scene will now cut to Onox's lair where Din is being held captive. Following this, you will have control again. Before you head towards the final area, it might be a good idea to go around collecting things you missed, such as heart pieces, the Noble Sword, and Iron Shield (check the Secrets section). Also, if you can afford it, buy a Magic Potion from Syrup in Sunken City; it will be worth your while. Whenever you're ready to go, head to the North Horon warp via the Gale Seeds, then continue northward to the Temple Remains. Once there, go west and north to a new area altogether. Northern Peak ------------- When you enter this area, the Huge Maku Seed will kick in and the Essences of Nature will allow you to stay in this area. Then, the old man from earlier will appear, along with the witches Twinrova. After they speak and run off, the Maku Tree will encourage you to continue. So, head north into the castle. Onox's Castle ------------- Inside the final dungeon of the game, go north to the next room. Defeat all the Wizzrobes and move on to the following room. Defeat the knights and hand traps before continuing onward. In the third room, you'll have to fight the Facade; use Bombs to beat it as always. Note that if you ever need health through this entire ordeal, go into one of the side rooms and take the fairy floating around, but put up your shield to avoid the flying tiles! Go forward 2 more rooms and you will find Din encased in the crystal. As you approach, she will vanish and Onox will attack you with a giant spiked ball. He will introduce himself as Onox and after some taunting you'll have to fight. Check out the Bosses section for help defeating Onox here. Once you beat both forms, walk to the crystal and free Din. Watch the scene and the ending credits now; congratulations on clearing the Oracle of Seasons! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 6. Bosses -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Aquamentus Found: Gnarled Root Dungeon Strategy: Veteran Zelda gamers may remember this dragon from the first NES Zelda game. This version of the dragon however, isn't exactly the same. Its weak spot is its head, so when the boss is on the ground, swing away at its face. Be careful though since it can charge across the room to attack you, and even shoot energy balls in 3 directions from its horn. 8-10 hits will destroy it, though. Dodongo Found: Snake's Remains Strategy: Your fight with this bomb-eater takes place in a room with a spike pit in the center. Dodongo will walk around the room following you, so keep moving to stay ahead. He will eventually stop and open his mouth; quickly toss a bomb into his mouth and when he becomes bloated from it, pick him up with the Power Bracelet and throw the boss onto the spikes. In addition to this though, Dodongo can charge at you and spit fireballs straight ahead, so watch out. It will only take 4 rounds of you attacking Dodongo like this to win. Mothula Found: Poison Moth's Lair Strategy: This is actually a very easy fight, since all you need to do is avoid falling into the pits. Mothula flies all around the room, shooting energy balls at you, or smaller versions of itself which you can kill to get hearts and such. Your best bet is to stand on one of the center platforms and swipe at the boss whenever it flies by. When it stops in the middle, that's your chance to really attack it. This fight really won't take too long, just avoid the pits since when you fall down and return, you'll have to repeat the fight from the start. Gohma Found: Dancing Dragon Dungeon Strategy: This armored spider starts off with a giant claw in front of it. Strike it with your sword, then back away so it doesn't grab you. Repeat this until you clear the claw, then the real fight will begin. Gohma will move left and right, or up and down, occasionally stopping to shoot small creatures that will stick to/slow you down. Cut them apart if you need seeds or hearts. Anyway, Gohma's vulnerable spot is its eye when it's open, so have your Slingshot ready. The best time to attack is immediately after it launches the smaller creatures, since the eye will still be open. It will take several rounds of this time to win, so be patient and aim well to win! Digdogger Found: Unicorn's Cave Strategy: For this boss, you cannot attack it directly (at least for the early half of the fight). You must utilize your Magnetic Gloves to move a spiked ball around the room. Move it around and hit the boss with the ball to cause damage. After several hits, Digdogger will split into 5 smaller, faster versions of itself that will run around the room aimlessly. These you can hit with your sword, so do that. If you don't kill them off quick enough, they will turn back into the bigger boss. If you want this part to go very fast, keep moving the spiked ball around; it will flatten and kill the smaller ones in one hit. If they recombine, the bigger boss will move much faster, so be careful! Defeat the smaller ones to win the fight. Manhandla Found: Ancient Ruins Strategy: Here's another classic Zelda monster you have to face as a boss in this game. You can't use Bombs or your sword, though. Equip the Magical Boomerang in one hand, and Roc's Feather in the other hand, first off. The way to attacking this creature is to wait for one of its four mouths to open up and shoot fireballs at you. Throw the Boomerang at the open mouths to attack; 3 shots will kill a head. The boss will then move around faster, so be careful. After you knock off all 4 heads, the body itself will speed around the room, which you'll have to attack with the Boomerang still. When it is temporarily stunned because of the Boomerang hit, continue hitting it to open up a vulnerable core. When it's visible, strike it with your sword to kill it. Gleeok Found: Explorer's Crypt Strategy: This two-headed dragon is the boss of the crypt, and it's actually a somewhat difficult fight too. It has two heads, but if you were to kill one off, it'll bounce around the room before reconnecting to the boss again. The trick is to alternate your attacks on the heads, so you hit both the same amount of times. That way when you knock one head off, the other one will be off with the following hit. Once the heads are gone, the body will become a skeleton and you'll have to deal with that now. It will jump in the air before slamming into the ground, stunning you if you're not in the air, so jump before it lands. Then, it will charge at you, so move away and attack with your sword when it stops before jumping again. It should take around 8-10 hits to kill the body and win here. Medelock Found: Sword & Shield Maze Strategy: This boss can be a real pain to defeat, but if you know the pattern you'll be fine. The boss moves in a circular pattern, shooting fireballs in your direction; you cannot get close enough to attack at this point. Every now and then, it will warp to one of the corners and slide across the room shooting a double laser. Following that, Medelock will warp to the center of the room to shoot out a beam that will temporarily petrify you, and then the cycle continues. The best time to attack is when the boss warps to the middle area. Just have Roc's Cape equipped so you can jump over any attack sent your way, and attack with your sword when you can. Onox (Part 1) Found: Onox's Tower Strategy: For the first fight against Onox, he walks around the room in his fully armored body, swinging his mace around. He will throw it at you every now and then, and also pound the ground to cause rocks to fall from the ceiling. The only way to attack this boss is to use your spinning sword attack. Just keep your distance to avoid the mace attack. After a bunch of hits, the crystallized Din will appear and be used as a shield for Onox. If you attack it, you'll take damage, so knock it away with the Rod of Seasons before resuming your original attack pattern on the boss. Another several hits will do him in for this round. Onox (Part 2) Found: Onox's Tower Strategy: For the final half of the fight, you fight Onox in a dark dragon form. This can get tricky, so I recommend having easy access to the Pegasus Seeds. Anyway, Onox will float around before sending one of his claws to the ground; jump onto it, then when you move back up, jump and strike his head with your sword to cause damage. If you can manage to fly back onto the claw and repeat this, even better. As for other attacks, Onox will drop blue fireballs in your direction, and later on shoot a barrage of red fireballs in all directions, so watch out for those. When Onox gets to the far side of the screen, run to the other side since he's going to charge across the screen with his claws out to attack. When he sends a claw down for you to jump onto, that's when you can attack again. Do this a bunch of times (around 10) and you will win the fight. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 7. Weapons/Items -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NOTE: I know this isn't the full list of items, but understand that this guide is only meant to be covering THIS GAME ONLY, thus will not cover things you get from linked games or passwords. Sorry! Boomerang: The classic throwing item, which comes back to you after going a certain distance. It can be used to stun enemies and trigger distant switches, etc. Bombs: These explosive devices can be thrown at enemies to attack, and even blow open cracked walls. Dimitri's Flute: If you won the Strange Flute at the Subrosian Dance Hall, you will get this when you meet Dimitri. He can move around in the water with you on his back. He can also eat water enemies, such as those sharks. Use this flute to summon Dimitri when you need him later on. Flippers: You cannot equip these manually, but they allow you to swim in the deep waters. They are a necessity for much of the game later on. Hyper Slingshot: The upgrade to your original Slingshot. This one shoots 3 seeds at once, one straight ahead and two in the diagonal directions. Magical Boomerang: An upgraded version of the Boomerang. This one can be thrown farther, plus it can round corners and such when thrown. Simply hold the button and move the Control Pad in the direction you want it to go. Magnetic Gloves: New to this game, these special gloves allow you to pull yourself towards/repel against magnetic poles which you'll find throughout the game later on. You can even pull armored enemies and metal balls with these on! Moosh's Flute: Use this to summon Moosh. If you bought the Strange Flute in Horon Village, you will get this when you meet Moosh. He is a winged bear who can fly over gaps if you keep tapping the jump button, and even ground pound if you hold the attack button for a few seconds. Power Bracelet: When equipped, you can lift up/push pots and rocks with it. Without it, you are apparently too weak to do anything. Ricky's Flute: Use this to call Ricky the kangaroo whenever you need his assistance. Ricky will help you jump up cliffs and over small pits, and he can punch enemies to attack. Roc's Cape: This is the upgraded version of the feather with the same name. The difference with this, is that if you hold down the button you'll be able to fly a greater distance than a regular jump, allowing you to cover larger gaps with ease. Roc's Feather: Allows you to jump over small, one-tile gaps and such. It comes in handy when dealing with conveyor belts and avoiding some enemy attacks. Rod of Seasons: The sacred item you have for the game's duration; use it when you stand on a tree stump to change the seasons around. Here is a quick rundown of what each season does to the area: Spring: Flowers bloom, and the water flows freely. Summer: Certain watery areas dry up, flowers dry up, etc. Autumn: Leaves cover the ground, filling up holes. Also, mushrooms become ripe for picking up. Winter: Most water turns to ice you can walk on, snow buildups appear in certain spots, snow piles you can shovel appear, etc. Seed Satchel: With this, you can hold various types of seeds inside for use whenever you want. There are five types of seeds: Ember: Use to light unlit lanterns and burn down shrubs. Scent: Draws enemies near you, for a mass attack if you so desire. Pegasus: Allows you to dash around for a limited time. Gale: Warps you to any of the seed trees in Holodrum. Mystery: Use on owl statues to get tips, among other things. Shield: With this, you can defend yourself against various enemy attacks. Your regular shield is weaker than the Iron Shield you can pick up later on, which is much larger and can defend against stronger attacks. Shovel: Use this to dig up the dirt, revealing treasures and such. Slingshot: The equivalent of a Bow in this game. Use this to shoot your seeds at enemies or other objects to attack. Strange Flute: You can buy this at the Horon Shop or win it at the Subrosian Dance Hall. Depending on where you get it from, your animal friend will either be Dimitri or Moosh. Sword: Your primary weapon in this game. You start off with the Wooden Sword, but later in the game you can acquire the more powerful Noble Sword. You can hold the sword button to charge up, to unleash a spinning attack for added damage. Also, with the L-2 sword, if you are at full health, you can shoot beams from your blade tip. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 8. Heart Pieces -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ======== Holodrum ======== Horon Village ------------- 1. In the area east of the clock shop, burn the bush on the ledge with an Ember Seed to gain access to this heart piece. Eastern Suburbs --------------- 2. Go to the tree stump south and east of the windmill, and change the season to winter. Go north from there and walk across the large snow block that appears, and enter the cave on the upper level. Inside, you'll find the heart piece sitting there. Woods of Winter --------------- 3. In the area east of one of the tree stumps, you'll find a lake with a rock blocking the dry path. Use the Power Bracelet to clear the path, or swim across later when you have the Flippers to reach it. Mt. Cucco --------- 4. From the entrance of the Dancing Dragon Dungeon, drop off the south ledge. You will land on a ledge below with the heart piece on it. Moblin's Keep ------------- 5. After you get the Flippers, swim into the keep itself and go inside. Defeat the Great Moblin (pick up his bombs and throw them back) and open the chest at the end to get this Piece of Heart. Eyeglass Lake ------------- 6. Change the season to summer, and go to the screen south of the vortex. Walk through the dried-out section of lake and lift the rock to reveal steps. Go all the way to the bottom level in the cave and open the chest there to get this heart. Spool Swamp ----------- 7. Change the season to spring and head south of the Poison Moth's Lair. Follow the watery path south and east to the rapids, then follow those west where you'll find a heart piece on a small island. Maneuver through the rapids to collect it. Graveyard --------- 8. After you get Roc's Cape, go through the house in the Western Coast and change seasons to autumn. Then, go southwest and enter the first cave you see. Jump the pit and push the rocks to reach the steps. In the actual cemetery, go to the northwest and pick up the mushrooms, and follow the path to a heart piece. Temple Remains -------------- 9. After you flood the ruins with lava, head north from the vortex to a cracked wall. Bomb it and go inside to find this heart piece. Maple (Random) -------------- 10. Throughout Holodrum, you may have a random encounter with Maple the witch at some point. She appears after every 30 kills in certain areas, and there's a chance that when she bumps into you, she'll drop a heart piece. See Shdwrlm3's map for details: db.gamefaqs.com/portable/gbcolor/file/zelda_oracle_of_seasons_maple.gif Gasha Tree (Random) ------------------- 11. When you plant a Gasha Seed in some soft soil, it will grow into a gift tree if you give it enough time. Knock the ball out of the tree with your sword and you'll get a prize; one of the possible prizes is a heart piece. ======== Subrosia ======== Subrosia Village ---------------- 12. In the Subrosia Market, buy the heart piece for 20 Ore Chunks and 10 Ember Seeds. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 9. Gasha Seeds -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Seed Locations -------------- 1. In the Hero's Cave, after you get the sword, go to the room with the 4 blocks and Keese flying around. Defeat them and push the top-left block to reveal steps. Go down them to a room with this seed. 2. Talk to the mayor in Horon Village, he will give you a complimentary seed. 3. Also in the mayor's house, bomb the east wall and you'll find a seed in that small room. 4. In a chest in the Gnarled Root Dungeon. 5. On the cliff above the Snake's Remains dungeon, open the chest to get it. 6. In a chest in Poison Moth's Lair. 7. After you get the Bright Sun essence, go inside the Maku Tree. A Gasha Seed is on the first ledge when you go upstairs. 8. In the Sunken City, there is a cave atop some vines you can swim to. Go inside and open the chest to get this seed. 9. Also in the Sunken City, head to the south section of town. Along the shallow path there is a single tile of deep water; dive there and open the chest in that cave to get the seed. 10. In the Subrosia Village, there is a house to the east of the Strange Brothers House. Inside, you'll find the seed. 11. Go down the steps to the south of the house where you found the previous seed. In the second half of the underground area, pass the ladder to the right and go down another one to find this hidden seed. 12. After you get the Nurturing Warmth essence, go inside the Maku Tree again. You will find another seed on a ledge outside. 13. In the Subrosia Shop, you can trade 40 Ore Chunks and 20 Scent Seeds for a seed. 14. After buying the first one, return to the Subrosia Shop and buy another seed for 100 Ore Chunks and 20 Scent Seeds. 15. In the western area of the Subrosian Volcanoes, you'll find a cave. Inside is a chest containing this seed. 16. After getting the Seed of Life essence, return to the Maku Tree. Go inside and make your way to the topmost ledge in the branches to get this seed. 17. With the Member's Card, go to the Horon Shop. You can buy a Gasha Seed inside for 300 rupees. 18. After you buy the first seed from the Horon Shop, return again and he will have another one for 500 rupees. 19. In the Sunken City, change the season to winter and enter Syrup's Potion Shop. You can buy a single Gasha Seed for 300 rupees here. 20. During one of your random encounters with Maple, she may drop a seed. 21. East of Impa's refuge in North Horon, there is an island with holes on it. Use Roc's Cape to jump over all the holes, and open the chest to get the seed. 22. If you're playing the game on a GBA, you can enter the Advanced Shop in the west section of Horon Village. There, you can buy a Gasha Seed for 100 rupees. Soft Soil Locations ------------------- 1. Directly outside the mayor's residence in Horon Village. 2. In the scene north of Impa's Refuge, in North Horon. 3. In the Woods of Winter, go 1 screen north of the area with all the Like Likes (it's 2 screens east and 1 screen south of the first vortex). 4. At Spool Swamp, check under the rock one scene south of the vortex. 5. Also in Spool Swamp, go west of the keyhole and lift the rock to find this soft soil. 6. In the Sunken City, check under the bush next to a house above the waterfalls. 7. On Mt. Cucco, check the screen to the east of the vortex. You'll need to make the season autumn so you can even reach it. 8. In the area west of Unicorn's Cave, use the Shovel in the center of the ring of bushes to reveal this patch. 9. In the Holodrum Plain, go 2 screens east of the tree stump. In the spring you will see a ring of bushes; dig in the middle to uncover this soil. 10. In the southeast corner of Samasa Desert, there is a patch of soil. 11. At the southwest corner of the Western Coast, you will find a soft soil patch lying here. 12. In the middle of the lake in Holodrum Plain, there is an island. Cut down the flowers to reveal this patch. 13. From the Temple Remains, go east to Goron Mountain. Follow the path all the way east to a formation of rocks; lift up the middle one to find this patch of soil. 14. In the first area of the Temple Remains, dig to the right of the upper left statue to find this spot. 15. At Tarm Ruins, go 1 screen south and east of the tree stump. Dig around in the grassy spot to find this soft soil. 16. In Eyeglass Lake, go north of the tree stump and dig in the middle of a formation of bushes to uncover this patch. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 10. Rings -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ======== Overview ======== Throughout the game, you will come across many rings. They can be found in chests, as prizes from the Gasha trees you plant, or can be dropped by Maple the witch. When you get a ring, you cannot use it right away; you must first have it appraised by the ring shop in Horon Village. Pay 20 rupees for an appraisal, to reveal the ring's actual name/powers. You can then take a ring with you (or 3, or 5, depending on the size of your current ring box), and equip it as needed. If you appraise a ring you already have, the shopkeeper will award you with 30 rupees for your trouble. Most of the rings below are found at random, but there are certain ones you can get when playing Oracle of Ages, or by talking to certain people/completing certain tasks. The following section is a full list of all the rings in the collection. ========= Ring List ========= 01. Friendship Ring Use: Does nothing for you, it's just a symbol of friendship. 02. Power Ring L-1 Use: Your sword's attack power increases, but your defense decreases. 03. Power Ring L-2 Use: Your sword's attack power greatly increases, but your defense then greatly decreases. 04. Power Ring L-3 (Seasons only) Use: Your sword's power even more greatly increases, at the expense of your greatly decreased defense. 05. Armor Ring L-1 (Ages only) Use: The amount of damage you take decreases, but your sword's attack power decreases as well. 06. Armor Ring L-2 (Seasons only) Use: The amount of damage you take greatly decreases, but so does your sword's attack power. 07. Armor Ring L-3 (Ages only) Use: The amount of damage you take even more greatly decreases, as does your sword's attack power. 08. Red Ring (Seasons only) Use: Your sword's attack power is doubled. 09. Blue Ring (Ages only) Use: The amount of damage you take from attacks is halved. 10. Green Ring Use: Your sword's attack power is increased, and the amount of damage you take from attacks is decreased. 11. Cursed Ring Use: Your sword's attack power is halved, and you take twice as much damage from enemy attacks. 12. Expert's Ring Use: Allows you to punch when you aren't equipped. 13. Blast Ring (Seasons only) Use: Bombs cause more damage. 14. Rang Ring L-1 Use: The Boomerang causes more damage. 15. GBA Time Ring Use: Has no significance; get it from the Advance Shop in Horon Village (if you're playing the game in a GBA unit). 16. Maple's Ring Use: Increases the frequency of Maple's appearances (only need to kill 15 enemies instead of the normal 30). 17. Steadfast Ring (Seasons only) Use: You don't get knocked back as far from enemy attacks. 18. Pegasus Ring (Ages only) Use: Your running time with a Pegasus Seed is increased. 19. Toss Ring Use: Your throwing distance (bombs, rocks, etc.) is increased. 20. Heart Ring L-1 (Seasons only) Use: You will slowly recover your empty hearts with this ring. 21. Heart Ring L-2 Use: You will regain lost hearts at a quicker pace than the L-1 ring. 22. Swimmer's Ring (Seasons only) Use: Swim faster in the deep water areas. 23. Charge Ring Use: Your sword takes less time to charge up for the spinning attack. 24. Light Ring L-1 (Ages only) Use: You can shoot beams from your sword if you're missing 2 hearts (Noble Sword only). 25. Light Ring L-2 (Ages only) Use: You can shoot beams from your sword if you're missing 3 hearts (Noble Sword only). 26. Bomber's Ring (Ages only) Use: Allows you to throw 2 Bombs on the same screen without waiting for the other to detonate. 27. Green Luck Ring Use: You take half damage when you get hit by blade traps, etc. 28. Blue Luck Ring Use: You take half damage when you get hit by beams. 29. Gold Luck Ring (Ages only) Use: You take half damage when you fall into a pit. 30. Red Luck Ring Use: You take half damage when walking across spiked floors. 31. Green Holy Ring Use: You take no damage from electrical attacks. 32. Blue Holy Ring Use: You take no damage from Zora's (water enemy) fireball attacks. 33. Red Holy Ring Use: You take no damage from small rocks when equipped. 34. Snowshoe Ring Use: When you walk on icy surfaces, you will not slide. 35. Roc's Ring Use: When you walk on cracked floors, they will not crumble under you. 36. Quicksand Ring Use: Keeps you from sinking into the quicksand. 37. Red Joy Ring Use: Get double the amount of rupee drops when defeating enemies. 38. Blue Joy Ring Use: Get double the amount of heart drops when defeating enemies. 39. Gold Joy Ring (Ages only) Use: Get double the amount of item drops when defeating enemies. 40. Green Joy Ring (Seasons only) Use: Find double the amount of Ore Chunks in Subrosia. 41. Discovery Ring Use: Senses soft patches of soil nearby. 42. Rang Ring L-2 Use: The Boomerang causes even more damage when used. 43. Octo Ring Use: Turn into an Octorok. You cannot attack in this form, only move. 44. Moblin Ring Use: Turn into a Moblin. You cannot attack in this form, only move. 45. Like Like Ring Use: Turn into a Like Like. You cannot attack in this form, only move. 46. Subrosian Ring Use: Turn into a Subrosian. You cannot attack in this form, only move. 47. First Gen Ring Use: Turns you into the original Link from the NES days. 48. Spin Ring (Ages only) Use: When you do the spinning sword attack, you will spin around twice. 49. Bombproof Ring Use: You take no damage if a Bomb you place detonates nearby. 50. Energy Ring Use: When you charge your sword, you will shoot a beam instead of doing the spinning sword attack. 51. Dbl. Edge Ring Use: Your sword's attack power increases, but you take damage whenever you use it. 52. GBA Nature Ring (Seasons only) Use: If you're playing this game on the GBA, enter the Advanced Shop in Horon Village. You can get this ring here; it does nothing, though. 53. Slayer's Ring Use: Get from the ring shop after killing 1000 monsters. Does nothing. 54. Rupee Ring Use: Get from the ring shop after collecting 10000 rupees. Does nothing. 55. Victory Ring Use: Get from the ring shop after defeating Ganon. 56. Sign Ring (Seasons only) Use: Get from the ring shop after destroying 100 signposts. 57. 100th Ring Use: Get from the ring shop after appraising 100 rings. 58. Whisp Ring Use: Makes it so jinxes have no effect on you (i.e. when those spark enemies touch you and makes you temporarily unable to use a sword). 59. Gasha Ring Use: Allows for greater prizes from the Gasha trees you plant. 60. Peace Ring Use: If you're holding your Bomb overhead, it will not explode until after you throw it. 61. Zora Ring Use: When swimming, you can dive for an indefinite period of time. 62. Fist Ring Use: Allows you to punch when you aren't equipped. 63. Whimsical Ring Use: Your sword's attack power is decreased, but it sometimes hits powerfully. 64. Protection Ring Use: Whenever you take damage from anything, you only lose one heart. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 11. The Trading Process -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Cuccodex: In Horon Village, visit Mr. Left the Biologist in his home. Light the lantern next to his table, and he will give you this as thanks. Lon Lon Egg: Visit Malon in her house at North Horon, and she will give you this egg in exchange for the Cuccodex (you can tell she'll use it because of all the Cuccos in her house). Ghastly Doll: Wander the world until you have a random encounter with Maple the witch. If you have the egg and she bumps into you, you will trade the egg for the doll with no further consequence. Iron Pot: Visit Mrs. Ruul's Villa in Holodrum Plain, and she will be looking for something creepy. Give her the doll and she will trade you a well-seasoned Iron Pot. Lava Soup: Go to the Subrosian Chef's Kitchen (it's in the west area of the village) and give him the Iron Pot. He will make you a serving of this soup as thanks. Goron Vase: Go through Goron Mountain to the summit where you will find Biggoron sitting there with a cold. Give him the soup and he will give you the Goron Vase everyone was talking about inside. Fish: Head down to Sunken City and visit Ingo's house. He has a vase collection inside and complains about Biggoron not giving him his Goron Vase. Talk to Ingo and trade him the vase for his dinner, a Fish. Megaphone: In North Horon, go east of Impa's house to find a man calling to his cat in a tree. Give him the fish to help get the cat down, and he will give up his megaphone as thanks for the assistance. Mushroom: At Mt. Cucco, go into the cave west of Dancing Dragon Dungeon. You will find Talon sleeping inside. Wake him up and he will give you a Mushroom as a reward before running off, giving you access to a ring inside a chest too. Wooden Bird: Go to the Sunken City and change the season to winter. Go up the newly formed path to reach Syrup's Potion Shop up on the high ledge. Give her the Mushroom in exchange for the Wooden Bird. If you return afterward, her shop will be open which sells Magic Potions for 300 rupees. Engine Grease: Return to Horon Village and enter the clock shop. Talk to the shopkeeper and give him the bird; he will give you some Engine Grease in exchange. Phonograph: In the Eastern Suburbs, you'll see the music player sitting in front of the windmill. Go through the cave and up the stairs to reach him. Give up the Engine Grease and he will give up his Phonograph as a reward. Noble Sword: If you go to the Lost Woods, you will find some stairs in the southeast corner. Inside is a Deku Scrub; play the Phonograph and he will give you a hint about the repeating area of the woods. Basically, head west, stopping each time to change the seasons in this order: winter, autumn, spring, then summer. If you do this right, the final time you go west will lead you to the Noble Sword (L-2)! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 12. Secrets/Tips and Tricks -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ================= Bipin and Blossom ================= In Horon Village, there is a long house with a married couple inside, named Bipin and Blossom. If you visit early in the game, you will see they have a baby; talk to Blossom and you can name it. If you return at various points in the game, you can help out monetarily and do other things. All of your actions will affect how this baby grows up though. At the end of this game, if you were to link to Ages and return to the house, the baby will be grown up. Feel free to experiment with different options to see how your child grows up! There is also a great guide on GameFAQs.com by Puritan that explains this well, so check that out as well. ======================= Getting the Iron Shield ======================= Your optional upgrade to the shield can be acquired in Subrosia. You will need the Magnetic Gloves, though. Anyway, head to these two locations: Subrosian Wilds: Use the gloves and Roc's Feather to reach the marked patch of dirt in the southwest corner. Dig there to get the Red Ore. Subrosia Village: 2 screens to the west of the signpost house, cross the pit and enter the cave. Exit at the top and open the chest for Blue Ore. When you get both ores, go to the Great Furnace in the eastern area of the village. Talk to the blue Subrosian inside and he will mix them into a Hard Ore for you. Take the ore and head to the Subrosian Smithy now. Tell him to "do whatever", and they will craft you an Iron Shield from the ore. It will be bigger than your previous shield, which makes it better for reflecting projectiles and enemy attacks. =============== Golden Monsters =============== When the season is summer, head to where the Gnarled Root Dungeon is in North Horon. Go down the steps into the water, and enter a cave under the ground since the water is dried up. Talk to an old man in the cave and he will tell you to kill 4 golden monsters throughout the world. Here are their locations and the season it has to be in order for them to appear: Western Coast (Spring): Darknut Spool Swamp (Summer): Octorok Woods of Winter (Autumn): Moblin Tarm Ruins (Winter): Lynel After killing all 4 of these creatures, return to the old man. He will give you a ring which turns out to be the Red Ring, when appraised. ===================== Horon Shop Chest Game ===================== After you buy out everything in the Member's Only section, there will be a chest game downstairs. You have to guess which chest holds the large rupee inside. If you make it through all 5 rounds, you can win a rare ring. If you mess up, you lose and will have to try again for another 10 rupees. ============= Item Upgrades ============= Big Bomb Bag: In Subrosia Market, you can get this bag if you trade 10 Bombs and 50 Ore Chunks to the shopkeeper. This bag lets you hold 30 Bombs. Big Ring Box: Bomb the cracked wall in Goron Mountain, and make your way to the summit. Drop off the top of the cliff to a small cave; go inside and talk to the Goron and he will upgrade your ring box for free. This upgrade allows you to hold up to 3 rings at once. Super Seed Satchel: With the Member's Card, go to the Horon Shop and buy this satchel for 300 rupees. It holds a maximum of 50 seeds of each type. ========= Passwords ========= At the end of your first playthrough, you will receive a password. If you were to start a new file on the other game (in this case Ages), pick the Secrets option and enter said password. Alternatively, you can enter the Maku Tree and talk to Farore at the counter, to enter any secrets you've obtained. This will allow you to start that game with an extra Heart Container, and your Wooden Sword equipped. There are a wide variety of passwords and secrets you can learn throughout the course of your linked playthrough, by talking to various people. By using some of these passwords, this is the only way you can obtain certain items and weapons. I don't intend on listing all these passwords here, but if you want to try them out, I recommend you visit AstroBlue's Password List, all of which are working, at this URL: http://db.gamefaqs.com/portable/gbcolor/file/zelda_oracles_password.txt ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 13. Credits -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= AstroBlue/Shdwrlm3: For allowing me to reference one of their maps in my guide, thanks! Astro Blade: For helping me out with information I was previously missing, in regard to the Rings section. Crocomire: For correcting the method of getting through the Lost Woods prior to Level 6. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 14. Copyright Notice -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This file is Copyright (c)2005-2007 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. Please view the following URL to see the list of sites that are allowed to post my work: http://www.freewebs.com/dbmfaqs/allowlist.html This list is comprised of sites I know and trust well. If your site is not on the aforementioned list, you are currently not allowed to post any of my files on your site. Please respect my work and do not steal it or post it without my permission. I only want my most recent work to be available and I do not feel that can be achieved if others take from me without my knowledge or permission. If you are writing a FAQ for this game as well, and would like to use some information, credit me for what you use. Please do not rip me off, as that is blatant plagiarism and such will not be tolerated. If you wish to contact me, do so at dbmfaqs(at)gmail(dot)com. Please only contact me if there are corrections to be made to information that's currently included. Thanks! http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/3579.html =- End of File -=