by Drenn =============================================================================== Background =============================================================================== Oracle of Ages and Seasons have a system of "secrets" to exchange data between games. Normally, these secrets are file-locked; that is, a secret meant for one "lineage" of files won't work on another. This is because each lineage of password-linked files has a unique "GameID" which all secrets are encoded with. The GameID of the file and the secret must match, or there will be an error. However, secrets encoded with a GameID of 0 work on all files. This is perhaps a sort of cheat-code left in by the developers. This document lists these "universal secrets" which will work on any file. =============================================================================== Universal Ring Secrets =============================================================================== Tell these to the red snake. These secrets work in any game, on any file, except for uncompleted unlinked files (at least one game must be completed for the red snake to activate). Obtain all rings: | US/PAL | JP | |---------------+--------------------| | M/%♣) B~&JS | 0ね6ぞと 052そが | | $j(D= | ぞれいわ7 | Obtain only the GBA-exclusive rings (useful for 3DS players): | US/PAL | JP | |---------------+--------------------| | M/%HJ @bS9& | 0ね69て 4のんれか | | hmR%↓ | ぺそちまと | =============================================================================== How to use event secrets =============================================================================== The following 5-letter "event secrets" have some flags limiting their use. In the unlinked game, all secrets may be used immediately upon completing the game; they must simply be told to the correct NPC. In the linked game, all event secrets are told to Farore; however, they may not be used until you hear a secret from the NPC which starts the sidequest, somewhat limiting their utility. There are other faqs which outline these conditions more in-depth, but I've provided quick summaries for where to hear and tell the secrets. =============================================================================== Linked Ages secrets =============================================================================== Secrets for a pair of files linked in this order: Seasons -> Ages. US/PAL Secrets: | | Secret | Return secret | | Event | (for Seasons) | (for Ages) | +------------+---------------+---------------+ | Clock shop | !&hm- | 5Y3)6 | | Graveyard | -→5@j | @♣♦←7 | | Subrosian | !&h:● | 5Y35↑ | | Diver | -→5↑Y | @♣♦83 | | Smith | !&h*■ | 5Y3(8 | | Pirate | -→5←T | @♣♦@5 | | Temple | !&hnY | 5Y33← | | Deku | -→58● | @♣♦↑) | | Biggoron | !&h$+ | 5Y325 | | Ruul | -→5→h | @♣♦↓8 | JP Secrets: | | Secret | Return secret | | Event | (for Seasons) | (for Ages) | +------------+---------------+---------------+ | Clock shop | すかぺそな | あおよめけ | | Graveyard | わはもも8 | 45す4な | | Subrosian | すかぺせ7 | あおよ7に | | Diver | わはも6ぴ | 45すど7 | | Smith | すかぺに5 | あおよぷそ | | Pirate | わはもりど | 45すが5 | | Temple | すかぺ2ぷ | あおよ5せ | | Deku | わはもを4 | 45すぴぷ | | Biggoron | すかぺぺと | あおよりつ | | Ruul | わはもぷご | 45すぼと | The Ages secrets are told to Farore, while the Seasons secrets are told to a particular NPC. Remember that Ages secrets cannot be used until you start the sidequest by hearing the Seasons secret from a particular NPC. Where to hear (Ages) and tell (Seasons) the secrets: Clock shop (sword upgrade): Hear from old lady near ember tree in Lynna City (after dungeon 4); Tell to old man in cave underneath Horon's clock shop. Graveyard (heart container): Hear from ghini outside Syrup's potion shop (after dungeon 1); Tell to old man underneath grave near Explorer's Crypt. Subrosian (bombchus): Hear from subrosian in a cave near target carts; Tell to subrosian in a cave west of the first subrosia warp. Diver (swimmer's ring): Hear from a diver above water from Zora Village; Tell to the master diver in Sunken City. Smith (shield upgrade): Hear from a subrosian at the mystery tree in past rolling ridge; Tell to the subrosian smithy. Pirate (bomb upgrade): Hear from a girl northwest of Rafton's house; Tell to a piratian in the pirate house. Temple (heart ring L-1): Hear from a fairy in the fairy's forest (after dungeon 2); Tell to a fairy in a hidden area in the Temple of Seasons (north from where the rod of seasons was obtained). Deku (satchel upgrade): Hear from a deku scrub in Deku Forest (near Wing Dungeon); Tell to a deku scrub in a cave in Natzu (animal companion region). Biggoron (biggoron sword): Hear from a goron in a cave at the top of Rolling Ridge; Tell to Biggoron. Ruul (ring box upgrade): Hear from lady in Plen's house in Lynna City (after dungeon 2); Tell to Mayor Ruul in Horon Village. =============================================================================== Linked Seasons secrets =============================================================================== Secrets for a pair of files linked in this order: Ages -> Seasons. US/PAL Secrets: | | Secret | Return secret | | Event | (for Ages) | (for Seasons) | +------------+------------+---------------+ | King Zora | G/%H♣ | qs↑=: | | Fairy | ♣@b+↓ | y▲←(Q | | Troy | G/%BM | qs↑4r | | Plen | ♣@bf( | y▲←3F | | Library | G/%LJ | qs↑2t | | Tokay | ♣@bb) | y▲←)B | | Mamamu | G/%FD | qs↑6% | | Tingle | ♣@bh5 | y▲←5H | | Elder | G/%J♦ | qs↑(~ | | Symmetry | ♣@b-← | y▲←=R | JP Secrets: | | Secret | Return secret | | Event | (for Ages) | (for Seasons) | +------------+------------+---------------+ | King Zora | しね69わ | なぴりわや | | Fairy | せ4の9ん | りふ7せゆ | | Troy | しね6だほ | なぴりさす | | Plen | せ4のだだ | りふ7そめ | | Library | しね6むて | なぴりきみ | | Tokay | せ4のむぼ | りふ72ぷ | | Mamamu | しね6ぼう | なぴり3お | | Tingle | せ4のぼむ | りふ7に5 | | Elder | しね6ぴや | なぴりやわ | | Symmetry | せ4のぴあ | りふ7いよ | The Seasons secrets are told to Farore, while the Ages secrets are told to a particular NPC. Remember that Seasons secrets cannot be used until you start the sidequest by hearing the Ages secret from a particular NPC. Where to hear (Seasons) and tell (Ages) the secrets: King Zora (sword upgrade): Hear from a zora in Hero's Cave; Tell to King Zora. Fairy (heart container): Hear from lady at water fountain in Horon Village; Tell to fairy in the fairy's forest. Troy (bombchus): Hear from a boy on the screen with the guy playing the song of storms; Tell to Troy, a guy at the Target Carts minigame. Plen (spin ring): Hear from a subrosian on the screen where you got the bomb flower (after getting autumn); Tell to Plen in Lynna City. Library (shield upgrade): Hear from a ghini in a house north of the pirate ship (once back in water); Tell to old man at Eyeglass Library (where you got Fairy Powder). Tokay (bomb upgrade): Hear from a moblin at King Moblin's former fortress (after you destroy it); Tell to tokay at the Wild Tokay Museum in the present. Mamamu (snowshoe ring): Hear from Mamamu's mom at the house east of Poison Moth's Lair; Tell to Mamamu Yan, the lady with a dog in Lynna City. Tingle (satchel upgrade): Hear from a fairy in a cave next to Snake's Remains; Tell to Tingle. Elder (biggoron's sword): Hear from a red goron in the cave leading to Biggoron (after giving lava soup to biggoron); Tell to Goron Elder at the goron shooting gallery. Symmetry (ring box upgrade): Hear from a girl in the house where you got the shovel (after dungeon 2); Tell to one of the twins in Symmetry City in the house with the tuni nut. =============================================================================== Credits and Other Stuff =============================================================================== Universal secrets discovered by Drenn (myself). Email me if there are any problems with this document: Kabili207 wrote Zora Sharp, a secret generator, which was modified to generate these secrets: Details on where to hear/tell secrets taken from the official strategy guide. If you'd like to read more about flaws in the secret system, check the following link: This document was written for Gamefaqs. You may redistribute or reuse this information however you wish, I merely ask that you cite your source.