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Introduction (And you're doing this, why?) 2. People (Haven't I seen you somewhere?) 3. Places (This isn't Hyrule...) 4. Items (I want my Hookshot!) 5. Rings (Are these real diamonds?) 6. Big Changes (One Goron, Two Gorons, Red Goron, Green... Green?!) 7. Credits / Verstion History (Stuff you won't read) 8. Copyright Info (More stuff you won't read) NOTE: This document contains Shift-JIS. You must have a web browser capable of displaying Japanese characters, or else you obviously will not be able to view the Japanese characters. Otherwise, you can download a Japanese Word Processor, such as JWPce (available at: http://www.physics.ucla.edu/~grosenth/jwpce.html ) to view the Japanese characters. ッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッ 1. Introduction (And you're doing this, why?) _____________________________________________ Konichiwa! Welcome to my Random Insanity FAQ, also known as the Changes FAQ, for the Legend of Zelda:Oracle of Ages/Seasons. Hard to believe, but it's true-- my FAQ writing (while always in-depth and absolutely helpful :^) ) can be rather static and lifeless. So, as with my recent Maple FAQ, you must turn down your maturity level and make sure your funny bone is working correctly (or otherwise be drunk) to fully enjoy this FAQ. Please enjoy your stay and come again. The purpose of this FAQ is to have a resource for hardcore (id est, obsessive) gamers like myself to see exactly what has been changed during the translation and localization of Ages and Seasons (I also want to improve my Japanese reading skills). If you want help in actually playing the games, this isn't the place for it. Why don't you check out our FAQ/Walkthroughs and other guides for both Ages and Zelda (available at GameFAQs.com) for help in beating them? Oh yes, by no means do I claim to be a master at Japanese. In fact, I'm barely a beginner. However, my Kana table and Kanji dictionaries should be enough for mostly accurate stuff. If you do speak/read Japanese and see any problems, please tell me so I can fix them. I'm pretty sure a lot of the Kanji may be wrong since apparently they have different readings based on where they are placed. ッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッ 2. People (Haven't I seen you somewhere?) _________________________________________ Ages ----+----------------+-----------------+------------------+------------------- No. |English |Romaji |Rough Translation |Kana/Kanji ----+----------------+-----------------+------------------+------------------- 1 |Adlar |Aadara |Ardala |アーダラ 2 |Bipin |Pekku |Peck |ペック 3 |Cheval |Shibaaru |Cheval |シバール 4 |Graceful Goron |Karisuma Goron |Charisma Goron |カリスマゴロン 5 |Dekadin |Dekadan |Dekadan |デカダン 6 |Forest Fairy |Mori no Yousei |Forest Fairy |森の妖精 7 |King Zora |Kingu Zoora |King Zora |キングゾーラ 8 |Lord Jabu Jabu |Jabu-Jabu-Sama |Lord Jabu Jabu |ジャブジャブさま 9 |Maku Tree |Maka no Ki |Maka Tree |マカの木 10 |Mamamu Yan |Mamamu Yan |Mamamu Yan |ママム ヤン 11 |Mayor Plen |Puren Chouchou |Mayor Plen |プレン町長 12 |Nayru |Neeru |Nayru |ネール 13 |Patch |Repaa |Repair |リペア 14 |Queen Ambi |Anbi Joou |Queen Ambi |アンビ女王 15 |Rafton |Rafuton |Rafton |ラフトン 16 |Ralph |Rarufu |Ralph |ラルフ 17 |Tingle |Chinkuru |Tinkle |チンクル 18 |Tokay |Tokegejin |Lizardman |トカゲ人 19 |Tokkey |Tokkii |Tokkey |トッキー 20 |Troy |Toroi |Troy |トロイ 21 |Veran |Beran |Veran |ベラン 22 |Zora |Zoura |Zora |ゾーラ 23 |N/A |Omenoku |Mask Dealer |お面屋 24 |N/A |Aikata |Sidekick |相方 25 |N/A |Beruda |Builder |ビルダ 26 |N/A |Daiku Oyakata |Master Carpenter |大工親方 27 |N/A |Suuberu |Thuber |スーベル 28 |N/A |Te |Hand |手 29 |N/A |Koufu |Workers |工夫 ----+----------------+-----------------+------------------+------------------- 1. I'm not exactly sure how to translate it, but I do know Adlar is slighty incorrect. A double "a" can be sounded out like "are" or the "-er" in builder. As such, it probably should've been Ardara, Ardra, Ardala or left alone as Aadara. 2. I honestly don't know how they got Bipin out of Peck. In fact, they seem to have confused Bipin and his great great great great (you get the idea) grandfather, Pippin, who, as you will see, was named Beck in the Japanese version. Strange that Peck becomes Bipin and Beck becomes Pippin... 3. Mr. Horse certainly has a strange name. Cheval probably is a good translation of Shibaaru, but did the original Japanese team intend to name him after the French word for horse? 4. The dancing Goron has received a name change. Graceful is probably better suited to the dancing Goron than Charisma was anyway. 7. Good translation, but I find it weird that the Japanese used the American word for King (in Katakana form). 10. Mamamu Yan confuses me a lot, but maybe it's just her real name and not some sort of title? 14. When 'n' is placed before a b or p, it's sounded as 'm.' 18. I actually prefer Tokey over Lizardman. It just fits in more with the names of the Zelda races. 23-29. For some reason, these weren't named in the English versions. Seasons ----+----------------+-----------------+------------------+------------------- No. |English |Romaji |Rough Translation |Kana/Kanji ----+----------------+-----------------+------------------+------------------- 1 |Biggoron |Daigoron |Biggoron |ダイゴロン 2 |Blaino |Maito |Might |マイト 3 |Din |Din |Din |ディン 4 |Holly |Hoorii |Holly |ホーリー 5 |Ingo |Ingoo |Ingo |インゴー 6 |Maku Tree |Maka no Ki |Maka Tree |マカの木 7 |Malon |Maron |Malon |マロン 8 |Mayor Ruul |Ruuru Sonchou |Mayor Rule |ルール村長 9 |Mittens |Chimimi |Chimimi |チミミ 10 |Mrs. Ruul |Zaamasu Fujin |Madame Zarmas |ザーマス夫人 11 |Onox |Gorugon |Gorgon |ゴルゴン 12 |Sokra |Sokura |Sokra |ソクラ 13 |Subrosian |Uura |Woola |ウーラ 14 |Talon |Taron |Talon |タロン 15 |N/A |Guru-Guru |Geru-Geru |グル・グル 16 |N/A |Ojii |Grandfather |おじい 17 |N/A |Refuto Kyouju |Professor Left |レフト教授 18 |N/A |Chiku Taku |Tick Tock |チクタク ----+----------------+-----------------+------------------+------------------- 6. A very strange translation. Don't pronounce it as Mak-ooh, but rather, Mak-uh. 11. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Why the heck did they choose Onox over Gorgon?!!?! Interestingly enough, Oracles previews in Nintendo Power did refer to him as Gorgon once. Also interesting is that in Oracle of Ages they sometimes refer to him as Knox. It's as if two different translating teams worked on the games. 13. This is honestly even worse than the Onox thing. It's like calling the Gorons Mountainosians or the Zoras Unerwaterosians. Uura or Woola would've fit into the naming moreso than the horrid Subrosian... 15-18. For some reason, these weren't named in the English versions. 17. Actually a semi-reference to Zelda DX, which had a Professor Write (Right). 18. There is no sound for Ti, so Chi is used instead. Ages & Seasons ----+----------------+-----------------+------------------+------------------- No. |English |Romaji |Rough Translation |Kana/Kanji ----+----------------+-----------------+------------------+------------------- 1 |Blossom |Ramin |Ramin |ラミン 2 |Cap'n |Kaizoku Senchou |Pirate Captain |海賊船長 3 |Dimitri |UiUi |WiWi |ウィウィ 4 |Farore |Furoru |Furoru |フロル 5 |Goron |Goron |Goron |ゴロン 6 |Great Moblin |Bosu Burin |Boss Blin |ボスブリン 7 |Impa |Inpa |Impa |インパ 8 |Maple |Meipuru |Maple |メイプル 9 |Moosh |Musshu |Mushu |ムッシュ 10 |Pippin |Bekku |Beck |ベック 11 |Princess Zelda |Zeruda Hime |Princess Zelda |ゼルダ姫 12 |Ricky |Rikkii |Ricky |リッキー 13 |Shop Keeper |Ten no Oujin |Shop's Ruler |店の王人 14 |Syrup |Shiroppu |Syrup |シロップ 15 |Vasu |Kaano |Karno |カーノ 16 |Vire |Baia |Vire |バイア 17 |N/A |Kobun Son |Loyal Henchmen |子分そん 18 |Twinrova |Tsuinroba |Twinrova |ツインローバ 19 |Ganon |Ganon |Ganon |ガノン ----+----------------+-----------------+------------------+------------------- 3. How they got Dimitri from Wiwi is beyond me. 4. This actually still confuses me. Dan Owsen did a great job of translating OoT, but Farore I thought would have a much different sound than Furoru. 7. When 'n' is placed before a b or p, it's sounded as 'm.' 15. Another tragedy. There is absolutely no way you can get Vasu from Kaano. 18. There's no Japanese sound for Tu, so Tsu is used instead. Additionally, there's no Wi, so a U in front of I is sounded like Wi. ッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッ 3. Places (This isn't Hyrule...) ________________________________ Ages ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- No.|English |Romaji |Rough Trans. |Kana/Kanji ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- 1 |Advance Shop |Shoppu Adobansu |Advance Shop |ショップアドバンス 2 |Ambi's Palace |Ambi no Kyuuden |Ambi's Palace |アンビきゅうでん 3 |Ancient Adlar's |Chourou Aadara no|Elder Aadara's |ちょうろうアーダラの | House | Ie | House | いえ 4 |Ancient Tomb |Inishie no Haka |Ancient Grave |いにしえの はか 5 |Bipin's and |Pekku to Ramin no|Peck and Ramin's |ペックとラミンのいえ | Blossom's House| Ie | House | 6 |Black Tower, The|Ankoku no Tou |Tower of Darkness|暗黒の塔 7 |Black Tower |Ankoku no Tou |Tower of Darkness|暗黒の塔 入口 | Entrance | Irikuchi | Entrance | 8 |Cheval's House |Shibaaru no Ie |Cheval's House |シバールのいえ 9 |Cheval's Grave |Shibaaru no Haka |Cheval's Grave |シバールのはか 10 |Coast of No |N/A |N/A |N/A | Return | | | 11 |Crescent Island |Mikajiki Shima |Crescent Moon |ミカヅキしま | | | Island | 12 |Crescent Strait |Mikajiki Umi Kyou|Crescent Moon |ミカヅキ海キョウ | | | Strait | 13 |Crown Dungeon |Oukan no Danjon |Crown Dungeon |王かんのダンジョン | | | |王冠のダンジョン 14 |Dekadin's House |Dekadan no Ie |Dekadan's House |デカダンのいえ 15 |Deku Forest |Dekunattsu no |Deku Nut's Forest|デクナッツのもり | | Mori | | 16 |Dr. Troy's House|Doubutsugakusha |Zoologist Troy's |どうぶつがくしゃ | | Toroi no Ie | House | トロイのいえ 17 |Eyeglass Island |Megane Shima |Eyeglass Island |メガネしま としょかん | Library | Toshokan |Library | 18 |Fairies' Woods |Yousei no Mori |Fairy's Forest |ようせいのもり 19 |Forest of Time |Ji no Mori |Forest of Time |時のもり 20 |Goron Shooting |Goron no Mato |Goron's Target |ゴロンの マトあてや | Gallery | Ateya | Aim | 21 |Hero's Cave |Yuusha no |Hero's Cave |勇者の どうくつ | | Doukutsu | | 22 |Jabu-Jabu's |Jabu-Jabu-Sama |Lord Jabu Jabu's |ジャブジャブさまの | Belly | no Anaka | Belly | おなか | | | |ジャブジャブ様のお 23 |Know-It-All |Monoshiri Baado |Know Already |ものしりバードの | Birds' Hut | no Yakata | Bird's Hut | やかた 24 |Labrynna |Raburennu |Labrennu |ラブレンヌ 25 |Lynna City |Rennu no Machi |Lennu Town |レンヌのまち 26 |Lynna Village |Rennu no Mura |Lennu Village |レンヌ村 27 |Maku Road/Path |Maka no Michi |Maka Way |マカの みち | | | |マカの道 28 |Mamamu Yan's |Mamamu Yan no Ie |Mamamu Yan's |ママム ヤンのいえ | House | | House | 29 |Mask Shop |Omenyasan |Mask Shop |おめんやさん 30 |Mayor Plen's |Puren Chouchou no|Mayor Plen's |プレンちょうちょうの | House | Ie | House | いえ 31 |Mermaid's Cave |Kongyo no |Mermaid's Cave |にんぎょの どうくつ | | Doukutsu | |人魚の 洞くつ 32 |Middle House |Mannaka no Ie |Middle House |まんなかのいえ 33 |Moblin Keep |Bosu Burin Yousai|Boss Blin's Fort |ボスブリンようさい 34 |Moonlit Grotto |Tsukikage no |Moonlight Shrine |つきかげの ほこら | | Hokora | |月影のほこら 35 |Nayru's House |Neeru-sama no Ie |Nayru's House |ネールさまのいえ 36 |Northeast Lynna |Rennu Hokutou |Northeast Rennu |レンヌ北東 37 |Nuun Highlands |Nuun Kougen |Noon Plateau |ヌーンこうげん 38 |Pippin's House |Bekku no Ie |Beck's House |ベックのいえ 39 |Post Office |Posutoman |Postman Post |ポストマン | | Yuubinkyoku | Office | ゆうびんきょく 40 |Rafton's House |Rafuton no Ie |Rafton's House |ラフトンのいえ 41 |Restoration Wall|Fukuken no Kabe |Restoration Wall |ふくげんのカベ 42 |Rolling Ridge |GoroGoro Yama |GoroGoro Mountain|ゴロゴロ山 43 |Rolling Ridge |GoroGoro Yama |GoroGoro Mountain|ゴロゴロ山ふもと | Base | Fumoto | Base | 44 |Room of Rites |Gishiki no Aida |Ceremony Interval|儀式の間 45 |Ruined Keep |Bosu Burin Yousai|Boss Blin's Fort |ボスブリンンようさい | | Ato | Ruins | あと 46 |Sea of No Return|Kaerazu no Umi |Sea of No Return |かえらずの海 47 |Sea of Storms |Arashi no Umi |Storm Sea |あらしの海 48 |Shop |Shoppu |Shop |ショップ 49 |Shooting Gallery|Mato Ateya |Target Aim |マトあてや 50 |Skull Dungeon |Dokuro Danjon |Skull Dungeon |どくろダンジョン 51 |South Lynna |Rennu Nan |South Lennu |レンヌ南 52 |South Shore |Nan no Umi Gan |South Sea Shore |南の海がん 53 |Spirit's Grave |Tamashii no Haka |Spirit's Grave |たましいの はか | | | |魂の墓 54 |Symmetry Village|Shimetori no Mura|Symmetry Village |シメトリ村 55 |Syrup's Potion |Dai Mahoutsukai |Great Witch |大まほうつかい | Shop | Shiroppu no Mise| Syrup's Shop | シロップのみせ 56 |Talus Lake |Toroiwa Ko |Troywa Lake |トロイワこ 57 |Talus Peaks |Toroiwa Sanchi |Troywa Mountain |トロイワ山地 | | | District | 58 |Target Carts |Torokko |Truck Rifle Range|トロッコ | | Shatekijou | | しゃてきじょう 59 |Toilet |Toire |Toilet |トイレ 60 |Tokay Traders |Tokege Koukaya |Lizard Barter |トカゲこうかや 61 |Vasu Jewelers |Kaano no Ubiwa |Karno Ring |カーノの | | Kanteiya | Appraisal |ゆびわかんていや 62 |Wing Dungeon |Tsubasa no Danjon|Dungeon of Wings |つばさの ダンジョン 63 |West Lynna |Rennu Nishi |West Lennu |レンヌ西 64 |Yoll Graveyard |Yooru Bochi |Yoll Graverard |ヨールぼち 65 |Zora Seas |Zoora Umi |Zora Sea |ゾーラ海 66 |Zora Village |Zoora no Sato |Zora Village |ゾーラのさと ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-------------------- 10. Interestingly enough, the "Coast of No Return" is never actually named in the Japanese version. 42. Rolling Ridge... NOOO!!! How they got that from Goro Goro Yama just astounds me. Goro Goro Ridge would've made much more sense. Seasons ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- No.|English |Romaji |Rough Trans. |Kana/Kanji ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- 1 |Advance Shop |Shoppu Adobansu |Advance Shop |ショップアドバ?ス 2 |Ancient Ruins |Kodai no Iseki |Ancient Ruins |こだいの いせき 3 |Biggoron |Daigoron |Biggoron |ダイゴロン 4 |Biologist's Home|Doubutsukusha no |Zoologist's House|どうぶつがくしゃの | | Ie | | 5 |Bipin's and |Pekku to Ramin no|Peck and Ramin's |ペックとラミ?のいえ | Blossom's House| Ie | House | 6 |Blaino's Gym |Maito Panchi no |Might Punch's Gym|マイトパンチのジム | | Jimu | | 7 |Clock Shop |Tokeiya |Watch Shop |とけいや 8 |Dancing Dragon |Ryuu no Mau |Dragon Dance |りゅうの まう | Dungeon | Danjon | Dungeon | ダンジョン 9 |Eastern Coast |Tou no Umigan |East Coast |東の海がん 10 |Eastern Suburbs |Son no Tou |East Village |村の東 11 |Eyeglass Lake |Megane Chi |Spectacle Pond |メガネ池 12 |Explorer's Crypt|Boukensha no Haka|Adventurer's Tomb|ぼうけん者の はか 13 |Floodgate |Suimon Kanrijin |Floodgate Contro-|水門かんり人のいえ | Keeper's House | | ller's House | 14 |Gnarled Root |Nekko no Danjon |Root Dungeon |ねっこのダジョン | Dungeon | | | 15 |Goron Mountain |Goron Yama |Goron Mountain |ゴロン山 16 |Graveyard |Bochi |Graveyard |ぼち 17 |Great Furnace |Youkouro |Blast Furnace |ヨウコウロ 18 |Hero's Cave |Yuusha no |Hero's Cave |勇者の どうくつ | | Doukutsu | | 19 |Holly's House |Hoorii no Ie |Holly's House |ホーリーのいえ 20 |Holodrum |Horodoramu |Holodrum |ホロドラム 21 |Holodrum Plain |Horodoramu Heigen|Holodrum Plain |ホロドラムへいげん 22 |Horon Village |Horon Mura |Holon Village |ホロン村 23 |House of Pirates|Umizoku no Iruie |House of Pirates |海ぞくのいるいえ 24 |Impa's Refuge |Inpa no Kakurega |Impa's Hideout |インパのかくれが 25 |Ingo's House |Ingoo no Ie |Ingo's House |インゴーのいえ 26 |Know-It-All |Monoshiri Baado |Know Already |ものしりバードの | Birds' Hut | no Yakata | Bird's Hut | やかた 27 |Lava Lake |Yougon Ike |Lava Pond |ヨーゴン池 28 |Lost Woods |Mayoi no Mori |Lost Woods |まよいのもり 29 |Mayor Ruul's |Ruuru Mura Chou |Mayor Rule's |ルール村ちょうのいえ | Residence | no Ie | House | 30 |Moblin Keep |Bosu Burin Yousai|Boss Blin's Fort |ボスブリ?ようさい 31 |Mrs. Ruul's |Mura Chou Fujin |Mayor's Wife's |村ちょうふじんの | Villa | no Bessou | Villa | べっそう 32 |Mt. Cucco |Kokko Yama |Cucco Mountain |コッコ山 33 |Natzu |Nattsu |Nattsu |ナッツ 34| Prairie | Heigen | Prairie | へいげん 35| River | Taiga | River | たいが 36| Wasteland | Kouya | Wasteland | こうや 37 |North Horon |Horon Mura Hoku |North Horon |ホロン村北 | | | Village | 38 |Northern Peak |Hoku no Yama |North Mountain |北の山 39 |Onox's Castle |Gorugon Jou |Gorgon's Castle |ゴルゴじょう 40 |Poison Moth's |Dokuga no Suana |Poison Fang |どくがの すあな | Lair | | Cave | 41 |Ruined Keep |Bosu Burin Yousai|Boss Blin's Fort |ボスブリ??ようさい | | Ato | Ruins | あと 42 |Samasa Desert |Samasa Sabaku |Samasa Desert |サマサさばく 43 |Shop |Shoppu |Shop |ショップ 44 |Sign-Loving |Kanban Uura no Ie|Sign Woola's |かんばんウーラのいえ | Subrosian's | | House | | House | | | 45 |Snake's Remains |Hebi no Nakigara |Snake's Remains |ヘびのなきがら 46 |Spool Swamp |Supooru Numa |Spool Swamp |スプールぬま 47 |Strange |Henna Kyoudai no |Strange Brothers'|ヘンなきょうだいの | Brothers' House| Ie | House | いえ 48 |Subrosia |N/A |N/A |N/A 49 |Subrosia |Uura Bochi |Woola Cemetery |ウーラぼち | Cemetery | | | 50 |Subrosia Market |Uura Maaketto |Woola Market |ウーラマーケット 51 |Subrosia Seaside|Uura Umigan |Woola Coast |ウーラ海がん 52 |Subrosia Village|Uura Mura |Woola Village |ウーラ村 53 |Subrosian Chef's|Uura Ryourijin no|Woola Chef's |ウーラりょうり人の | Kitchen | Ie | House | いえ 54 |Subrosian Dance |Uura Dansu |Woola Dance |ウーラダンス | Hall | Renshuujou | Practice Ground | れんしゅうじょう 55 |Subrosian Smithy|Uura Kokuhou no |Woola Blacksmith |ウーラコクホウの | | Kazaya | | がじゃ 56 |Subrosian |Uura Kazan Chitai|Woola Volcano |ウーラ火山ちたい | Volcanoes | | Zone | 57 |Subrosian Wilds |Uura Shigemi |Woola Thicket |ウーラしげみ 58 |Sunken City |Suibitashi no |Water ??? Village|水びたしの村 | | Mura | | 59 |Sunken City Gate|Suibitashi no |Water ??? Village|水びたしの村 入口 | | Mura Irikuchi | Entrance | 60 |Sword and Shield|Ken to Tate no |Sword and Shield |剣と たての | Dungeon/Maze | Danjon | Dungeon | ダンジョン 61 |Syrup's Potion |Dai Mahoutsukai |Great Witch |大まほうつかい | Shop | Shiroppu no Mise| Syrup's Shop | シロップのみせ 62 |Talon and |Taron to Maron no|Talon and Malon's|タロンとマロンのいえ | Malon's House | Ie | House | 63 |Tarm Ruins |Taamu Iseki |Tarm Ruins |タームいせき 64 |Temple of |Shiki no Shinden |Temple of Four |四季のしんでん | Seasons | | Seasons | 65 |Tower of |Tou no |Tower of |塔の 66| Autumn | Aki | Autumn | 秋 67| Spring | Haru | Spring | 春 68| Summer | Natsu | Summer | 夏 69| Winter | Fuyu | Winter | 冬 70 |Treasure Grove |Otakara no Mori |Treasure Forest |オタカラのもり 71 |Unicorn's Cave |Ikkakujuu no |Unicorn's Cave |いっかくじゅうの | | Doukutsu | | どうくつ 72 |Vasy Jewelers |Kaano no Ubiwa |Karno Ring |カーノの | | Kanteiya | Appraisal |ゆびわかんていや 73 |Western Coast |Sei no Umigan |West Coast |西の海がん 74 |Woods of Winter |Uinta no Mori |Winter Forest |ウインタのもり ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- ッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッ 4. Items (I want my Hookshot!) ______________________________ Ages and Seasons Items ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- No.|English |Romaji |Rough Trans. |Kana/Kanji ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- 1 |Biggoron's Sword|Daigoron Tou |Biggoron's Sword |ダイゴロンとう 2 |Bombchu |Bomuchuu |Bombchu |ボムチュウ 3 |Bombs |Bakudan |Bombs |バクダ? 4 |Boomerang |Buumeran |Boomerang |ブーメラン 5 |Dimitri's Flute |Ui Ui no Fue |Wi Wi's Flute |ウィウィのふえ 6 |Ember Seeds |Achichi no Mi |Achichi Nut |アチチの実 7 |Gale Seeds |Pyuu no Mi |Pyuu Nut |ピューの実 8 |Iron Shield |Tetsu no Tate |Iron Shield |"Sのたて 9 |Master Sword |Masutaa Soodo |Master Sword |マスターソード 10 |Mirror Shield |Kagami no Tate |Mirror Shield |かがみのたて 11 |Moosh's Flute |Musshu no Fue |Mushu's Flute |ムッシュのふえ 12 |Mystery Seeds |Hatena no Mi |Hatena Nut |ハテナの実 13 |Noble Sword |Huwaito Soodo |White Sword |ホワイトソード 14 |Pegasus Seeds |Sassa no Mi |Quick Nut |サッサの実 15 |Power Bracelet |Pawaa Buresuretto|Power Bracelet |パワーブレスレット 16 |Roc's Feather |Rokku-chou no |Roc's Feather |ロックちょうのハネ | | Hane | | 17 |Scent Seeds |Itete no Mi |Itete Nut |イテテの実 18 |Seed Satchel |Ki no Mi Baku |Nut Bag |木の実ぶく 19 |Shovel |Sukoppu |Scoop |スコップ 20 |Strange Flute |Henna Fue |Strange Flute |ヘンなふえ 21 |Wooden Shield |Ki no Tate |Tree Shield |木のたて 22 |Wooden Sword |Uddo Soodo |Wood Sword |ウッドソード ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- Ages Items ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- No.|English |Romaji |Rough Trans. |Kana/Kanji ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- 1 |Cane of Somaria |Somaria no Tsue |Cane of Somaria |ソマリアのつえ 2 |Harp of Ages |Ji no Tategoto |Harp of Time |時のたてごと 3 |Long Hook |Rongu Irakae |Long Switch Hook |ロングいれかえフック | | Hukku | | 4 |Power Glove |Pawafuru Guroobu |Powerful Glove |パワフルグローブ 5 |Seed Shooter |Mamedeppou |Pea Shooter |まめでっぽう 6 |Switch Hook |Irakae Hukku |Switch Hook |いれかえフック 7 |Tune of Ages |Toki no Shirabe |Preparation of |ときのしらべ | | | Time | 8 |Tune of Currents|Nagare no |Preparation of |ながれのしらべ | | Shirabe | Currents | 9 |Tune of Echoes |Yamabiko no |Preparation of |やまびこのしらべ | | Shirabe | Echo | ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- Seasons Items ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- No.|English |Romaji |Rough Trans. |Kana/Kanji ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- 1 |Hyper Slingshot |Haipaa Pachinko |Hyper Slingshot |ハイパーパチンコ 2 |Magic Boomerang |Majikaru |Magical Boomerang|マジカルブーメラン | | Buumeran | | 3 |Magnetic Gloves |Magne Guroobu |Magna Glove |マグネグローブ 4 |Roc's Cape |Hane Manto |Winged Cape |ハネマント 5 |Rod of Seasons |Shiki no Roddo |Rod of 4 Seasons |四季のロッド 6 |Slingshot |Pachinko |Slingshot |パチンコ ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- Swim Gear ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- 1 |Zora's Flippers |Suikaki |Flippers |水かき 2 |Mermaid Suit |Ningyo Suutsu |Mermaid Suit |にんぎょスーツ ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- Ages Special Items ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- No.|English |Romaji |Rough Trans. |Kana/Kanji ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- 1 |Bomb Flower |Bakudan Hana |Bomb Flower |バクダン花 2 |Book of Seals |Fuuin no Hon |Book of Seals |ふういんの本 3 |Brother Emblem |Kyoudai no Akashi|Proof of |キョーダイのあかし | | | Brotherhood | 4 |Cheval's Rope |Shibaaru no Roppu|Cheval's Rope |シバールロープ 5 |Cracked Tuni Nut|Wareta Minomu no |Broken Minomu Nut|われたミノムの実 | | Mi | | 6 |Crown Key |Oukan no Kagi |Crown Key |王かんのカギ 7 |Fairy Powder |Yousei no Kona |Fairy Powder |まほうのクスリ 8 |Gasha Seed |Gacha no Tane |Gacha Seed |ガチャのタネ 9 |Goron Vase |Goron Tsubo |Goron Vase |ゴロンつぼ 10 |Goronade |Tafu Goron 2001 |Tough Goron 2001 |タフゴロン2001 11 |Graveyard Key |Hakaba no Kagi |Grave Key |はかばのカギ 12 |Island Chart |Mikajiki Shima no|Crescent Moon |ミカジキじまの海図 | | Umizu | Island Sea Map | 13 |Lava Juice |Yougan Dorinku |Lava Drink |ヨーガンドリンク 14 |Letter of |Shoukai Jou |Introduction |しょうかいじょう | Introduction | | Letter | 15 |Library Key |Toshokan no Kagi |Library Key |としょかんのカギ 16 |Magic Potion |Mahou no Kusuri |Magic Medicine |まほうのクスリ 17 |Magic Ring |Mikantei no |Unidentified Ring|みかんていのゆびわ | | Yubiwa | | 18 |Maku Seed |Maka no Mi |Maka Nut |マカの実 19 |Mermaid Key |Ningyo no Kagi |Mermaid Key |にんぎょのカギ 20 |Old Mermaid Key |Furi Ningyo no |Old Mermaid Key |ふるいにんぎょのカギ | | Kagi | | 21 |Ricky's Gloves |Rikkii Guroobu |Ricky's Glove |リッキーグローブ 22 |Rock Brisket |Karubi no Iwa |Club Rock |カルビいわ | (Rock Sirloin) | | | 23 |Scent Seedling |Itete no Naeki |Itete Seedling |イテテのなえ木 24 |Slate |Sekiban |Lithograph |せきばん 25 |Tokay Eyeball |Tokage no Medama |Lizard Eyeball |トカゲのめだま 26 |Tuni Nut |Minomu no mi |Minomu Nut |ミノムの実 27 |Zora Scale |Zoora no Uroko |Zora Scale |ゾーラのうろこ ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- 27. The Japanese appear to have a strange way of forming palindromes. Seasons Special Items ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- No.|English |Romaji |Rough Trans. |Kana/Kanji ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- 1 |Blue Ore |Aoi Tetsu |Blue Iron |あおい鉄 2 |Bomb Flower |Bakudan Hana |Bomb Flower |バクダ?花 3 |Dragon Key |Ryuu no Kagi |Dragon Key |リュウのカギ 4 |Floodgate Key |Suiman no Kagi |Floodgate Key |水門のカギ 5 |Gasha Seed |Gacha no Tane |Gacha Seed |ガチャのタネ 6 |Gnarled Key |Nekko no Kagu |Root Key |ねっこのカギ 7 |Hard Ore |Katai Tetsu |Hard Iron |カタイ鉄 8 |Jewels |Houseki |Jewels |ほうせき 9 |Magic Potion |Mahou no Kusuri |Magic Medicine |まほうのクスリ 10 |Magic Ring |Mikantei no |Unidentified Ring|みかんていのゆびわ | | Yubiwa | | 11 |Maku Seed |Maka no Mi |Maka Nut |マカの実 12 |Master's Plaque |Goukaku no Akashi|Proof of Success |ごうかくのあかし 13 |Member's Card |Menbaazu Kaado |Member's Card |メンバーズカード 15 |Pirate's Bell |Umizoku no Dora |Pirate Gong |海ぞくのドラ 16 |Red Ore |Akai Tetsu |Red Iron |あかい鉄 17 |Ribbon |Ribon |Ribbon |リボン 18 |Ricky's Gloves |Rikkii Guroobu |Ricky's Glove |リッキーグローブ 19 |Rusty Bell |Sabi te Dora |Rusty Bell |サビたドラ 20 |Spring Banana |Shun Banene |Spring Banana |春バナナ 21 |Star-Shaped Ore |Hoshi no Tetsu |Iron Star |ホシの鉄 22 |Treasure Map |Takara no Chizu |Treasure Map |タカラの地図 ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- Ages Trading Sequence ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- No.|English |Romaji |Rough Trans. |Kana/Kanji ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- 1 |Poe Clock |Pou no Tokei |Poe Clock |ポゥのとけい 2 |Stationery |Retaa Setto |Letter Set |レターセット 3 |Stink Bag |Nioi Bakuro |Scent Bag |ニオイぶくろ 4 |Tasty Meat |Derishosu Oniku |Delicious Meat |デリシャスおにく 5 |Doggie's Mask |Wanko no Omen |Dog |わんこのおめん 6 |Dumbbell |Tetsu Arei |Iron Dumbbell |鉄アレイ 7 |Cheesy Mustache |Gehin Hige |Coarse Mustache |げひんヒゲ 8 |Funny Joke |Dai Uke Suru Neta|Do a Great Joke |大ウケするネタ 9 |Touching Book |Osenti Ehon |Sentimental |おセンチえほん | | | Picture Book | 10 |Magic Oar |Mahou no Ooru |Magic Oar |まほうのオール 11 |Sea Ukulele |Umi no Ukerere |Sea Ukulele |海のウクレレ 12 |Broken Sword |Oreta Ken |Broken Sword |おれた剣 ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- Seasons Trading Sequence ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- No.|English |Romaji |Rough Trans. |Kana/Kanji ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- 1 |Cuccodex |Kokko Zukan |Cucco Picture |コッコずかん | | | Book | 2 |Lon Lon Egg |Ron Ron Tamago |Lon Lon Egg |ロンロンたまご 3 |Ghastly Doll |Bukimi Dooru |Ghastly Doll |ブキミドール 4 |Iron Pot |Tetsu no Nabe |Iron Pot |鉄のナベ 5 |Lava Soup |Yougan Suupu |Lava Soup |ヨーガンスープ 6 |Goron Vase |Goron Tsubo |Goron Vase |ゴロンつぼ 7 |Fish |Sakana |Fish |サカナ 8 |Megaphone |Megahon |Megaphone |メガホン 9 |Mushroom |Kinoko |Mushroom |キノコ 10 |Wooden Bird |Kibori no Hato |Wooden Dove |木ぼりのハト 11 |Engine Grease |Kikai Abura |Machine Oil |キカイあぶら 12 |Phonograph |Chikuonki |Gramophone |ちくおんき ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- Ages Essences of Time ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- No.|English |Romaji |Rough Trans. |Kana/Kanji ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- 1 |Eternal Spirit |Tamashii no Kioku|Soul of Memory |たましいのきおく 2 |Ancient Wood |Mori no Kioku |Forest of Memory |もりのきおく 3 |Echoing Howl |Kemono no Kioku |Beast of Memory |けもののきおく 4 |Burning Flame |Honoo no Kioku |Flame of Memory |ほのおのきおく 5 |Sacred Soil |Tsuchi no Kioku |Soil of Memory |つちのきおく 6 |Lonely Peak |Yama no Kioku |Mountain of |山のきおく |Bereft Peak | | Memory | 7 |Rolling Sea |Umi no Kioku |Sea of Memory |海のきおく 8 |Falling Star |Hoshi no Kioku |Star of Memory |ほしのきおく ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- Seasons Essences of Nature ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- No.|English |Romaji |Rough Trans. |Kana/Kanji ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- 1 |Fertile Soil |Tsuchi no Megumi |Soil of Blessing |つちの恵み 2 |Gift of Time |Toki no Megumi |Hour of Blessing |ときの恵み 3 |Bright Sun |Taiyou no Megumi |Sun of Blessing |たいようの恵み 4 |Soothing Rain |Ame no Megumi |Rain of Blessing |あめの恵み 5 |Nurturing Warmth|Nukumori no |Warmth of |ぬくもりの恵み | | Megumi | Blessing | 6 |Blowing Wind |Kaze no Megumi |Wind of Blessing |かぜの恵み 7 |Seed of Life |Mi no Megumi |Fruit of Blessing|実の恵み 8 |Changing Seasons|Shiki no Megumi |Seasons of |四季の恵み | | | Blessing | ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- Miscellaneous ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- No.|English |Romaji |Rough Trans. |Kana/Kanji ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- 1 |Piece of Heart |Haato no Kakera |Piece of Heart |ハートのかけら 2 |Heart Container |Haato no Utsuwa |Heart Container |ハートのうつわ 3 |Small Key |Chiisana Kagi |Small Key |小さなカギ 4 |Dungeon Map |Danjon no Mappu |Dungeon Map |ダジョンマップ 5 |Compass |Conpasu |Compass |コンパス 6 |Boss Key |Bosu Beya no Kagi|Boss Key |ボスべやのカギ ---+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+--------------------- ッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッ 5. Rings (Are these real diamonds?) ___________________________________ Thanks to Meowth346. Without his extraordinary hacking skills we would not have access to all 64 Rings, and therefore this List would not be a reality. Make sure to check out his website located at: http://members.nbci.com/_XMCM/meowth346/LOZ/index.htm To save space, Ring will be abbreviated as "R" Yubiwa, which is Japanese for Ring, will be abbreviated "Y ---+------------+-----------------+---------------+--------------------------- No.|English |Romaji |Rough Trans. |Kana/Kanji ---+------------+-----------------+---------------+--------------------------- 1 |Friendship R|Deai no Y |Meeting R |であいのゆびわ 2 |Power R L-1 |Chikara no Y L-1 |Power R L-1 |力のゆびわL-1 3 |Power R L-2 |Chikara no Y L-2 |Power R L-2 |力のゆびわL-2 4 |Power R L-3 |Chikara no Y L-3 |Power R L-3 |力のゆびわL-3 5 |Armor R L-1 |Mamori no Y L-1 |Defense R L-1 |まもりのゆびわL-1 6 |Armor R L-2 |Mamori no Y L-2 |Defense R L-2 |まもりのゆびわL-1 7 |Armor R L-3 |Mamori no Y L-3 |Defense R L-3 |まもりのゆびわL-1 8 |Red R |Akai Y |Red R |あかいゆびわ 9 |Blue R |Aoi Y |Blue R |あおいゆびわ 10 |Green R |Midori no Y |Green R |みどりのゆびわ 11 |Cursed R |Akuma no Y |Demon R |あくまのゆびわ 12 |Expert's R |Tatsujin no Y |Expert R |たつじんのゆびわ 13 |Blast R |Ka Yaku no Y |Fire Enhancer R|火ヤクのゆびわ 14 |Rang R L-1 |Buumeran no Y L-1|Boomerang R L-1|ブーメランのゆびわL-1 15 |GBA Time R |Adobansu Y Ji Kuu|Advance R |アドバンスゆびわ「時空」 | | | [Space/Time] | 16 |Maple's R |Meipuru no Y |Maple R |メイプルのゆびわ 17 |Steadfast R |Funbari Y |Brace R |ふんばりゆびわ 18 |Pegasus R |Sassa no Y |Quick R |サッサのゆびわ 19 |Toss R |Poi Poi Y |Poy Poy R |ポイポイゆびわ 20 |Heart R L-1 |Haato no Y L-1 |Heart R L-1 |ハートのゆびわL-1 21 |Heart R L-2 |Haato no Y L-2 |Heart R L-2 |ハートのゆびわL-2 22 |Swimmer's R |Sui Sui Y |Swi Swi Ring |スイスイゆびわ 23 |Charge R |Hayate no Y |Swift Ring |はやてのゆびわ 24 |Light R L-1 |Hikari no Y L-1 |Light R L-1 |ひかりのゆびわL-1 25 |Light R L-2 |Hikari no Y L-2 |Light R L-2 |ひかりのゆびわL-2 26 |Bomber's R |Daburu Bomu Y |Double Bomb R |ダブルボムのゆびわ 27 |Green Luck R|Yasuragi no Y |Peace R Green |やすらぎのゆびわ・みどり | | Midori | | 28 |Blue Luck R |Yasuragi no Y Ao |Peace R Blue |やすらぎのゆびわ・あお 29 |Gold Luck R |Yasuragi no Y |Peace R Yellow |やすらぎのゆびわ・きいろ | | Kiiro | | 30 |Red Luck R |Yasuragi no Y Aka|Peace R Red |やすらぎのゆびわ・あか 31 |Green Holy R|Sei Naru Y Midori|Become Sage R |聖なるゆびわ・みどり | | | Green | 32 |Blue Holy R |Sei Naru Y Ao |Become Sage R |聖なるゆびわ・あお | | | Blue | 33 |Red Holy R |Sei Naru Y Aka |Become Sage R |聖なるゆびわ・あか | | | Red | 34 |Snowshoe R |Kanjiki Y |??? |カンジキゆびわ 35 |Roc's R |Rokku-chou no Y |Roc Ring |ロックちょうのゆびわ 36 |Quicksand R |Ryuusa no Y |??? |りゅうさのゆびわ 37 |Red Joy R |Shiawase no Y Aka|Luck R Red |しあわせのゆびわ・あか 38 |Blue Joy R |Shiawase no Y Ao |Luck R Blue |しあわせのゆびわ・あお 39 |Gold Joy R |Shiawase no Y |Luck R Yellow |しあわせのゆびわ・きいろ | | Kiiro | | 40 |Green Joy R |Shiawase no Y |Luck R Green |しあわせのゆびわ・みどり | | Midori | | 41 |Discovery R |Hakken no Y |Discovery R |はっけんのゆびわ 42 |Rang R L-2 |Buumeran no Y L-2|Boomerang R L-2|ブーメランのゆびわL-2 43 |Octo R |Okuta no Y |Octo R |オクタのゆびわ 44 |Moblin R |Moburin no Y |Moblin R |モブリンのゆびわ 45 |Like Like R |Raiku no Y |Like R |ライクのゆびわ 46 |Subrosian R |Uura no Y |Woola R |ウーラのゆびわ 47 |First Gen R |Shiddai no Y |First Gen R |しょだいのゆびわ 48 |Spin R |Ken Sei no Y |Sacred Sword R |剣聖のゆびわ 49 |Bombproof R |Hanabi no Y |Fireworks R |花火のゆびわ 50 |Energy R |Bimu no Y |Beam R |ビームのゆびわ 51 |Razor R |Moroha no Y |Double-Edged R |もろはのゆびわ 52 |GBA Nature R|Adubansu Y Daichi|Advance R |アドバンスゆびわ「大地」 | | | [Earth] | 53 |Slayer's R |Mamono Kiraa Y |Goblin Killer R|まものキラーゆびわ 54 |Wealth R |Daifogou no Y |Great Fortune R|だいふごうのゆびわ 55 |Victory R |Kuria no Y |Clear R |クリアのゆびわ 56 |Sign R |Kanban no Y |Sign R |かんばんのゆびわ 57 |100th R |Kantei 100 Y |100 Appraisal R|かんてい100ゆびわ 58 |Whisp R |Uisupu no Y |Whisp R |ウィスプのゆびわ 59 |Gasha R |Gacha no Y |Gacha R |ガチャのゆびわ 60 |Peace R |Anshin no Y |Peace R |ガチャのゆびわ 61 |Zora R |Zoora no Y |Zora R |ゾーラのゆびわ 62 |Fist R |Kobushi no Y |Fist R |コブシのゆびわ 63 |Whimsical R |Kimagure no Y |Mood R |きまぐれのゆびわ 64 |Protection R|1 Dameeji Y |1-Damage R |1ダメージゆびわ ---+------------+-----------------+---------------+--------------------------- ッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッ 6. Big Changes (One Goron, Two Gorons, Red Goron, Green Goro... Green?!) ________________________________________________________________________ While most of the localization involved translating the names, Nintendo of America actually added a few things that were not present in the Japanese games. These changes are relatively few and don't affect the gameplay (much). The biggest change by far is the inclusion of the Green Clairvoyant Goron in Rolling Ridge. Apparently NoA thought Americans were too stupid to figure out what to do in Rolling Ridge, so they added the Clairvoyant Goron to help them on their way to finding the Mermaid Keys. Looks like it didn't work cause I still get way too many e-mails on the Mermaid Keys... A relatively minor change is the inclusion of a new screen after beating a NON-linked game. The screen tells you that the adventure continues in the other game. If I remember correctly, that screen was absent from the Japanese versions. ッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッ 7. Credits / Version History (Stuff you won't read) ___________________________________________________ Credits ------- This FAQ could not have been possible were it not for the workings of these higher beings: AstroBlue- For helping with tons of translations. Nintendo/Capcom- For making not only one, but TWO new Zelda games! CJayC- For posting our stuff, as always, at GameFAQs. JWpce/eDict- For helping with translations. Mike- For correcting some Kana. Nobuo Uematsu- The Opera scene in Final Fantasy VI truly got me hooked on RPGs, and it wouldn't have been possible were it not for the heavenly music. Psy-yai-yai. Thank goodness the news wasn't true, and Uematsu is alive and well. I'm still wondering who would've found that cruel joke funny... Version History --------------- V 0.1- June 26, 2001- Yet another new FAQ from us :) Everything new. V 0.1a- June 27, 2001- Updated with more stuff. The news I saw of Uematsu's death was apparently some cruel joke. Sigh, rumors of being able to get the Triforce in Zelda 64 were funny, but stuff like this is just not. V 0.2- July 2, 2001- Huge update. Ring section redone to include English names and Romaji. Lots of Seasons stuff added this time around, though it may be a while before I get the Romaji and Kana/Kanji for them. I also realized some of my Romaji was incorrect. Somehow I feel that I put down offensive Japanese by accident. If you know how to read Japanese, please tell me if I put anything wrong down! V 0.3- July 14, 2001- Another huge update. I've finished all the necessary tables. I'm missing an item in Seasons, but no one should really care about that ;) V 1.0 Final- October 13, 2001- Uggh, SOOOO many Kanji wrong! I hope I fixed most of it, but I'm sure there are still some mistakes. Unfortunately my free time is extremely limited nowadays so I've decided to delete some unfinished sections. This will be the final update. Currently Listening to: Um Jammer Lammy Milkcan, that's us! ッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッ 8. Copyright Info (More stuff you won't read) _____________________________________________ This FAQ is Copyright ゥ 2001 to Shdwrlm3. This file is for non-profit use only. Do not print it out and sell it or use it to profit in any way. You may keep a copy of this file on your hard drive and you may print it out for personal use. Do not use information from this FAQ that is not general knowledge without asking for permission first. This is an EXCLUSIVE FAQ for the following sites ONLY: GameFAQs- http://www.gamefaqs.com Temple of Four Seasons- http://to4s.cjb.net The latest versions will always be found at the above sites. If you see this FAQ anywhere else, please e-mail me the URL of the site or the name and e-mail address of the magazine/publication. "Yum. It's rich in bunly goodness."