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Introduction and Copyright Information (SECT.1) 2. Story (SECT.2) 3. Controls (SECT.3) 4. Walkthrough (SECT.4) 5. Abilities (SECT.5) 6. Other Stuff (SECT.6) ***************************************************************************** 1. Introduction and Copyright Information (SECT.1) Toki Tori was released in 2001 by a new videogame company named Two Tribes (twotribes.com). It was released for the Game Boy Color, and is one of the last great GBC games, and one of the best puzzlers I've ever played. This game stars a little chicken named Toki Tori, and his mission in this game is to find his missing brothers and sisters that have been captured in eggs. This game starts out rather easy, but soon becomes very difficult, and some stages you'll be wondering if they are even possible to beat. To save you time, I have created shortcuts so you can access whatever stage you are on faster. The shortcut system works like this: To skip down to the walkthrough for level 4 of Creepy Castle Normal, you would put in your find function (which is often ctrl+f in Windows) the odd bunch of characters next to the stage name in the walkthrough table of contents. This should bring you directly to whatever stage you having problems with, and it should cut down on needless time scrolling through this walkthrough. As for copyright information, and where this walkthrough can be found, this FAQ belongs to me, James (koholint takeout on GameFAQs), and I finished this version of the FAQ (in this case, Version 1) on July 00th, 2003. If you have any questions or comments about this walkthrough, you can e-mail me using this address: jmckinn(at)bgnet(dot)bgsu(dot)edu This walkthrough can only be used on two sites as of right now. Those two sites are GameFAQs (gamefaqs.com) and my own Toki Tori site, The Chicken Coup (personal.bgsu.edu/~jmckinn/tokitori). If this walkthrough happens to be at any other site, heads are gonna roll. If you have any new ways of beating any stages already covered, or if you have been able to beat a stage I haven't covered yet, feel free to send in your strategy. Walkthrough History: Version 3 - 8/17/03 Forest Falls Hard 5 has been solved! Thanks Dave! Version 2 - 7/18/03 Minor changes, ASCII title art. Added Walkthrough History section. Version 1 - 7/5/03 First version, about halfway done with walkthrough. ***************************************************************************** 2. Story (SECT.2) This is taken directly from the Instruction Booklet included with the game. - - - - - Toki Tori is destined for fame! Right now he's just a little newborn chick, hatched just in time to see his brother and sister eggs kidnapped by an unidentified force! It seemed like a powerful wind just carried them away! This would be a terrible situation for any newborn chick. But Toki Tori is special. He knows what needs to be done. He must rescue all the eggs and save his family! Toki Tori races after the eggs. In the distance he sees them float into a magnificent castle. Then they all fly out again in different directions. Strange forces are at work! Toki Tori's brother and sister eggs are now scattered throughout four magical worlds. Toki Tori begins his rescue mission by exploring a dense forest surrounding the castle. During his quest, Toki Tori will discover his own magical powers - strong enough to defeat the monsters that infest the levels. Help Toki Tori rescues all the eggs and uncover the secret behind why the eggs were stolen! - - - - - And no, I didn't mistype in that last sentence. It really says 'rescues'. ***************************************************************************** 3. Controls (SECT.3) In the menu: Control Pad: Highlight selection Start/A Button: Confirm B Button: Cancel In-game: Control Pad: Walk (double tap a direction to run) A Button: Jump Select: Select ability B Button: Action (use ability) You can switch the Jump and Ability buttons in the Options menu. ***************************************************************************** 4. Walkthrough (SECT.4) This walkthrough does not cover the training stages, and will only briefly touch on the levels that do not pose much difficulty. The letters in the parathesis are the shortcuts to the walkthrough for that stage. In other words, if you wanted to access level 4 of Forest Falls Hard, you would put copy and paste in (FF.H.4) the Find option (ctrl+f in Windows). Contents of Walkthrough: Forest Falls Normal - Stage 1 (FF.N.1) - Stage 2 (FF.N.2) - Stage 3 (FF.N.3) - Stage 4 (FF.N.4) - Stage 5 (FF.N.5) - Stage 6 (FF.N.6) - Stage 7 (FF.N.7) - Stage 8 (FF.N.8) - Stage 9 (FF.N.9) - Stage 10 (FF.N.10) Forest Falls Hard - Stage 1 (FF.H.1) - Stage 2 (FF.H.2) - Stage 3 (FF.H.3) - Stage 4 (FF.H.4) - Stage 5 (FF.H.5) Creepy Castle Normal - Stage 1 (CC.N.1) - Stage 2 (CC.N.2) - Stage 3 (CC.N.3) - Stage 4 (CC.N.4) - Stage 5 (CC.N.5) - Stage 6 (CC.N.6) - Stage 7 (CC.N.7) - Stage 8 (CC.N.8) - Stage 9 (CC.N.9) - Stage 10 (CC.N.10) Creepy Castle Hard - Stage 1 (CC.H.1) *Not Complete* - Stage 2 (CC.H.2) *Not Complete* - Stage 3 (CC.H.3) *Not Complete* - Stage 4 (CC.H.4) *Not Complete* - Stage 5 (CC.H.5) *Not Complete* Slime Cave Normal - Stage 1 (SC.N.1) - Stage 2 (SC.N.2) - Stage 3 (SC.N.3) - Stage 4 (SC.N.4) - Stage 5 (SC.N.5) - Stage 6 (SC.N.6) - Stage 7 (SC.N.7) - Stage 8 (SC.N.8) - Stage 9 (SC.N.9) *Not Complete* - Stage 10 (SC.N.10) *Not Complete* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :: Forest Falls Normal :: Forest Falls Normal Stage 1 (FF.N.1) This stage doesn't have you using any abilities. Just keep walking and collect all the eggs. Forest Falls Normal Stage 2 (FF.N.2) Create a bridge over the gap in the already-existing bridge, and collect all the eggs that are all in plain view. Forest Falls Normal Stage 3 (FF.N.3) Start by going up the higher of the two ladders to your right, and continue until you get to the upper-right hand corner of the stage, create a bridge over the gap between the log and the ledge, collect the egg, and you'll work yourself back to the starting point. The tricky part of this stage is the fact you should not collect the first egg you see near the starting point first, you should collect it last, seeing how once you are in that hole, you can't get out. Forest Falls Normal Stage 4 (FF.N.4) This stage starts out with a monster chasing you. Run to the other side of the stage, collect the egg, wait for the monster to turn around, then climb the ladder, teleport up, and climb the ladder up, get the egg on the left by climbing down the ladder and grabbing it, and then climb back up the ladder, then climb up the next ladder, grab the egg, run to the right and grab that egg, climb down the ladder, grab the egg to your left, and then drop down to collect the egg below you. Forest Falls Normal Stage 5 (FF.N.5) The first part of this stage consists of you just walking and collecting the eggs that are in your path. When you get to the bottom, teleport up onto the ledge, then build the bridge to get across the gap. You then want to build another bridge and get the egg that is above the other remaining egg. After that, drop down, and grab the last egg on the ground. Forest Falls Normal Stage 6 (FF.N.6) Grab the egg infront of you, then drop down, build a bridge, grab that egg, then climb down the ladder. Turn left, grab that egg, climb up the ladder on the left side of the stage, then run right and grab that egg, run back left, climb up the ladder, get below the ledge, teleport up, climb the ladder and grab the egg when the monster is on the left side of that ledge. Then run to the right, across the bridge you made earlier, and climb down the stairs, then drop down and collect the last egg on the ground. Forest Falls Normal Stage 7 (FF.N.7) Start off by grabbing the egg on the far-right part of the stage by walking right, going through the log, and grabbing the egg. After that, come back to where you first began. Drop down to the far-left part of the screen, grab the egg, then teleport down. Run right, collect the egg, then climb up the ladder and collect the two eggs. Climb down the ladder, and shoot the monster with the ice gun, and then teleport past him (to the left) and collect the last egg. Forest Falls Normal Stage 8 (FF.N.8) Collect the first two eggs below you, the left one first, and then the right (so as to make the enemy go down to the left). After that, go down to the left, climb up the ladders, build the bridge, get the egg, then fall down, collect that egg, then run to the right, climb down the ladder and grab the egg, then run to the right, and climb up the ladders and collect the last two eggs. Forest Falls Normal Stage 9 (FF.N.9) Start by going up the ladder to your left, and climb up to the place with the gap. Build a bridge, jump onto the land, and collect the egg. Work youself back to the starting point, go down the ladder, and build a bridge over the gap, then collect the egg to your right, then go under the ledge where the egg is and teleport up to get it. Then go up the stairs, and to the right, freeze the enemy and then teleport to the other side of it, and then walk to the right until you fall down to the bottom level, and then go left, freeze the enemy, jump over him and get the last egg. Forest Falls Normal Stage 10 (FF.N.10) In this stage you want to begin by building a bridge to the left, get the egg, then climb down the ledges in the waterfall, then go to the right, grab the egg, then teleport to the right and grab the egg. Move right, grab the egg, and then climb up the ladder, freeze the monster, grab the egg, then teleport to the right. Climb up the ladders, grab the egg, and then you'll see you are almost exactly where you began, and grab the egg that was to the right of where you started the stage. :: Forest Falls Hard :: Forest Falls Hard Stage 1 (FF.H.1) Hop down to the ledge to your left and collect the egg. Then go down the ladder, go to your left, and teleport up to the egg and the ladder. Then teleport up again, go through the log, create a bridge, then walk on the ladder and create a bridge going to the right, and then jump down to the ledge, then climb up the ladder to your right and collect the egg. Jump off the ledge to the left, and then walk to your right to get the last egg. Forest Falls Hard Stage 2 (FF.H.2) Start off by walking up the ladder and freezing the enemy. Climb up the ladder to your right, and then jump down to collect the egg, and then jump down to the right. Now climb up the ladder again, and then jump down, and then jump down to the left, and then down to the left again, and then teleport down, go left and collect the egg, and then walk right and teleport to the right of the frozen enemy, and climb up the ladder again. Now build two bridges to the left, grab the egg, then drop down to the left several times, then go up the ladders, and then teleport to the right and grab the final egg. Forest Falls Hard Stage 3 (FF.H.3) Go right, climb up the ladder and collect the egg. Climb up the ladder to your left (the first one) and build a bridge across the gap. Stand on the ledge that is higher than the others and teleport up. Go left, and climb up the ladder and go to the left to collect the egg. Climb down the ladder, and stand below the lowest egg in the enclosed areas. Teleport up, then up again, and then to the right to get all the eggs. Get in the log, and then right after the monster touches the egg on the right, jump down and grab the egg, then teleport to the left to avoid the monster. Grab the egg on the left, then jump down the right side of the ledge, go to the right, and teleport up, climb the ladder, and grab that egg. Now jump down to the bridge you created earlier, but make sure not to get hit by the enemy. Jump up to the high ledge, then walk to the left and drop down to collect the last egg. Forest Falls Hard Stage 4 (FF.H.4) Walk across the waterfall, walk up the ladder and grab the egg. Grab the egg on the left at the top of the ledge at the far-right hand part of the stage, and then climb down the ladder and freeze him when he gets between the ladder and the ledge to the left (he'll complete a bridge with the section of the bridge that was there already). Create a bridge to your right, then go up, collect the eggs up top, then fall down, grab the egg down there, and then teleport up to the bridge you made. Walk across the frozen enemy, and then make your way left until you get the last egg. Forest Falls Hard Stage 5 (FF.H.5) This solution comes from Dave (dberkompas@att.net). Thanks Dave! Start off by climbing down the ladder to your left. Drop a bridge across the water, cross the bridge and keep going left. Drop down and move to your right, cross under the waterfall and at the ledge, drop another bridge. Cross this bridge and jump onto the small green platform. Build another bridge to the next platform. Jump up onto the platform and then drop down the right hand side on top of another egg. Walk to the left across the waterfall, jump up to grab another egg. Keep going left, under the waterfall. Climb up that ladder and move to the left to collect another egg. Move back to the right and climb up the ladder. Walk all the way to the left to get another egg. Climb up all three ladders to the very top of the stage and collect the egg up there. You should only have three eggs left at this point.Here’s where the stage might get a bit tricky, but you have plenty of time. Walk to the right, drop down to where you build the very first ladder. Stand on the ladder where another egg and the only monster is walking. Wait for the monster to get to the right side of the stage, the collect the egg blocking him in. Quickly climb the ladder and run across the top, then climb down the ladder on the right. Quickly teleport down, where you’ll fall onto another egg. Now you need to get your freeze gun ready, because you’ll need it very soon. Drop down to the left then drop down onto the very last bridge you built. As soon as the monster hits the platform immediately to your left, freeze him. The rest of this is cake, climb up to your right, and then fall down to the right. Walk to your left and climb up the ladders to the same level as the monster. Walk to your right and jump on top of the monster, which should allow you to teleport up to where the last egg remains. Congratulations, you’ve just finished Forest Falls. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :: Creepy Castle Normal :: Creepy Castle Normal Stage 1 (CC.N.1) Run to the left and grab the egg and then climb down the ladder. Then telewarp across the lava to the right. Collect the egg and then fall down the pit. Collect the egg there, and then teleport down. Build a bridge to get over the first gap to your left. Continue to the left to get the last egg. Creepy Castle Normal Stage 2 (CC.N.2) Use the brick switch ability and switch the bricks you see to your left. Collect the egg, and then go back left, and teleport down to the egg at the far right. Build bridges across the lava and then continue left and go down the ladder. Teleport over the gap, and jump onto the bricks. Go right, switch the bricks, climb down the ladder and grab the egg, and then go up the ladder, and switch the bricks and jump down to the left to grab the last egg. Creepy Castle Normal Stage 3 (CC.N.3) Teleport to your right, and lay the Ghost Trap to the directly to the right of the egg. Now grab the egg and move to the right. Build a bridge across the gap and grab the egg to the left, then climb the ladder and grab the egg. Climb back down the ladder, and then continue to climb down the ladders to the platform with the egg to the left. Collect the egg, and then jump off the platform to the left. Build a bridge to your right, and grab the egg. Now go grab the egg thats at the top of the ladder to your left. Now drop down to the very bottom, grab the egg, and then bridge the gap to the right and grab the egg. Creepy Castle Normal Stage 4 (CC.N.4) Start the stage by building a bridge to your left. Climb up the 2nd ladder you see. Switch both of the bricks into the lava, and then climb back down the ladder, and jump onto the bricks and continue left. Build a bridge in the empty space that you see right before the ladder. Climb the ladder and switch the bricks so they fall down the small hole. Now climb up the ladder, bridge the gap, and then jump down to the left, and then jump down to the left again. Now continue to the right, and switch the bricks into the lava. Climb up all the ladders, and collect the final egg. Creepy Castle Normal Stage 5 (CC.N.5) Climb the ladder to your right and grab the egg. Keep your eye on the ghost below, and when he goes to the far right, switch the brick so it traps him. Now climb down the ladder to the left, and lay the ghost trap to the very far left. Now switch the bricks quickly and then go down the ladder and let the ghost free. He'll fall through the ghost trap. Jump down, bridge the gap, and then cross it, and jump down, grabbing the eggs. Now bridge the gap to the left over the lava, get on the bridge, and teleport left to beat the stage. Creepy Castle Normal Stage 6 (CC.N.6) First off, walk to the left, and turn the brick floor into a ghost trap. Climb the ladder to collect the egg. Make your way back to the right and climb down the two ladders to get an egg. Now climb up the next ladder to get the next egg. Don't do anything with the brick. Climb down the ladder, then up the other two ladders, jump onto the ledge and build a bridge to get the egg. Now switch the brick from to the left. Go down the ladder and back up the other two again, using the bridge and the brick as platforms to get to theledge. Teleport up, climb the ladder to the top of the right tower and grab the egg. When the ghost turns away from you, get the egg and go down the ladder. Teleport over the gap to the left. Go the top of the left tower, grab the egg and go down to where the ghost is at. Lay a ghost trap on the brick floor, then collect the left egg. The ghost will fall through the ghost trap. Jump down, wait for him to get trapped under you, and then go across the lava to grab the last egg. Creepy Castle Normal Stage 7 (CC.N.7) To begin, just jump down the ledges, grab the egg, and jump down again. Now walk to your left and grab the egg. Walk right, and climb up the ladders and grab the egg to your right. Now go left, and build a bridge over the lava. Now walk left a bit, and build bridges from the ledge so you can get up the ladder to your right. Climb up the ladder, collect the egg, climb up the next two ladders and grab the egg. Build bridges over the lava. Walk left and you'll wind up at your starting point. Switch the bricks down, and then jump down onto them. Walk to the right, collect the egg, and continue left, across the bridges and up on the ledge, and then jump down to get the last egg. Creepy Castle Normal Stage 8 (CC.N.8) Grab the egg to your left and the near the ladder to your right. Climb up the ladders, and grab the egg to your left. Go up the next ladder and grab the egg. Switch the bricks, and then drop to the left of the bricks and then grab the egg below, then climb up the stairs, switch the bricks, then grab the egg to your right. Jump down onto the bricks, build a bridge, but then jump down to the right, switch those bricks, and then climb up the ladder, get on the bridge, switch those bricks, and then switch them again. Jump down the pit and grab the last egg. Creepy Castle Normal Stage 9 (CC.N.9) Climb up the ladder, and lay a ghost trap in the spot that is not as high as the rest of the upper level. Grab the egg, and then walk to the left. Wait for the ghost to fall through the trap, and then build a bridge over him. Walk to the left and grab the egg. Go down the ladder, walk left and teleport to the left of the bricks. Switch the bricks so they go down next to the lava, and then walk to the left, climb back up the ladder, go across the upper level, and go down the ladder and switch the bricks again. Now go back where you switched the bricks the first time, but this time go down the ladder. Drop down, and build a bridge to get across the lava. Go left and teleport to the left side of the bricks, and switch them for the last time, and then drop down and collect the last egg. Creepy Castle Normal Stage 10 (CC.N.10) Grab the egg to the right. Build a bridge over the first section of lava. Climb down the ladder behind you. Go the left, collect the egg and climb up the ladder. Grab the egg to your right, and build bridges over the lava, but only build two bridges. Build some more bridges over the ladder so you can get the next egg and ladder. Climb up that ladder, and grab the egg and then climb up the ladder and get that egg. Now teleport to the right of the bricks and switch them. Climb down the ladder and now only bridge once over the egg below you. Walk over the bridge and jump down and get that egg. Go to the right and go across the ledges and get the egg. Now go right some more, and climb up the ladder. Climb up that next ladder and grab the egg. Now climb back down and jump over to the next side of the brick and switch it. Jump down the ledge and go as far as you can to the left, so you can teleport up to the section of the bridge you built and go the long lava pit. Walk across it and jump down the pit to your right to get the last egg. Creepy Castle Hard Stage 1-5 (CC.H.1) (CC.H.2) (CC.H.3) (CC.H.4) (CC.H.5) No solution yet. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :: Slime Cave Normal :: Slime Cave Normal Stage 1 (SC.N.1) From the beginning, grab the egg to your right and head down the ladder. Vacuum up the snail, and jump down to the right and go down that ladder and grab the egg. Now go up the ladder to your left and grab that egg. Now build two bridges across the gap to get to the platform on the left. Now jump down and climb up that ladder. Grab the egg, then jump down, vacuum up the snail when he is to the right and collect the eggs at the top and the bottom of the ladder and then walk to the left and grab the last egg. Is it just me, or is that graphical effect of darkening the cave as you go deeper in it just the best programming on the Game Boy Color ever? Or am I just stupid? Slime Cave Normal Stage 2 (SC.N.2) Start off by climbing up the ladder to your right, and grabbing the egg to the right. Vacuum up the snail, then climb up the ladders to your right. Now walk to the left until you get to the gap. Use the crate ability and lay two crates, then jump down onto them. Build a bridge to the left and then climb up the ladder to your left. Go halfway up the ladder, grab the egg, and then go to the top. Grab the egg to the right, and then go up the ladder. Right after the snail touches the egg and is moving to the left and get the egg. Now this is the hard part. Step up the ladder once, turn to the right, and lay a bridge. This should turn put a bridge where the gap that led down to the pit with the egg to your right. Now the hard part is done. Climb up the rest of the ladder, but don't grab that egg in the pit yet. Instead, drop down, go right, and grab that egg. Now go left and you'll through part of the level again, but this time drop down into that pit and grab the last egg. Slime Cave Normal Stage 3 (SC.N.3) Start off by going to the left, and on the two crates, use the crate ability to get rid of the gap. Jump onto the crates, and climb up the ladder and grab the egg. Now once you are up on the ledge, lay 2 crates down that will fall down and get rid of the gap between the ledge you are on and the ledge below. Jump down onto the crates, walk right and collect the egg. Now go back to where you started, but go right. Go up the ladder, go to the right, lay some crates in the gap and then grab the egg, climb down the ladder, and then go down the next ladder, and go right and collect the egg. Now go up the ladder a bit, and then get on the ledge on the left. Jump down in between the snails when both of them are going left. Walk with them left and then climb down the ladder and collect the egg. Now walk left, all the way to the wall and climb up the last ladder to the left. Now this is somewhat confusing, so I'll try to be really clear here. First, walk to the right of the ladder, onto the ledge that is the same height as the ladder. Second, place a crate down. Jump onto the crates, and build a bridge to the right. Finally, lay a crate from the bridge to get to the ladder on the right side. Now jump up to the ladder, climb up the ladder, go all the way to the left and build a bridge over the hole with the egg in it. Now teleport down to the egg, and then teleport back up. Now go down the ladder, across the crates and bridge, down the ladder to the left, and then go to the right, climb up the two ladders, grab the egg on the top ledge, and drop a crate down, then jump down onto the crate, grab the egg, and then wait until the snails are both headed right, jump in between them, and then walk right until you get to the ladder. Climb down the ladder and then go right to collect the last egg. Slime Cave Normal Stage 4 (SC.N.4) Once the snail below you has moved to the right, jump on down. Continue on left, and then climb up the ladders and grab the eggs. Go up to where the higher of the two eggs was, and use the crate ability once. Now build two bridges to the left and go up the ladder and grab the egg. Go up the next ladder, now go up the next ladder but wait until the snail is to the left enough so you can vacuum him up. Grab the egg, and then go down the ladder. Turn to the right, and use the crate ability and then jump down and grab the egg. Now go the left and drop down, and then go back up the ladder and then build a bridge over the gap to the right. Now build a bridge over the next gap, grab the egg, drop down, grab that egg, and then go down the two ladders and then go up the one to your right and grab the egg. Drop down and then go right and grab the last egg. Slime Cave Normal Stage 5 (SC.N.5) Start off by building a bridge to your left. Go up the two ladders and grab the two eggs. Now jump down to your right, and then grab the egg to your right. Now go left, down the short ladder and then up the other short ladder, and continue left and grab the egg. Now stand on those two small crates, and lay crates to your left. Now turn around, and lay crates on those small crates. You'll keep doing this until you have two crates left. Basically you just created a stairway up to the next part of the level. Isn't that just terrific? Now climb up the ladder to your right, and then the next ladder, and then go right and grab the egg there. Now go left, down the ladder, and go left until you are right past the ladder and you're on that ledge, and build a bridge. Now go up the ladder, and drop some crates onto the bridge. Walk left and collect the final egg. Slime Cave Normal Stage 6 (SC.N.6) Do not grab the egg to your immediate right. Instead, go up the ladder and grab the egg at the top of the ladder. Now watch the snail drop down, onto the egg, and continue moving right, out of your way (for now). Now grab the egg to the left. Now go down the ladder and now grab the egg to the right. Now go back up the ladder and up the next ladder. Now get off the ladder about halfway, and go the far right and lay some crates. Now go back up the ladder and go infront of the gap and lay another crate. Now drop down onto the crates you just laid, and teleport to the right onto the crates you laid a little bit ago. Grab the egg, now go up the ladders, collect the other egg, and drop down to the left. Build a bridge over the crates, and continue left and go down the ladder, back down to where you started the stage. Go down the ladder that leads to an egg and a snail moving back and forward a lot. Now this part is pretty tricky, so I'll lay it out in steps for you. First, grab the egg. Second, go all the way up the ladder. Third, wait for the snail to hit the ground below you. Fourth, drop down after the snail. Fifth, wait until the snail gets past the egg next to the ladder. After he is past that, grab the egg, and then go up the ladder real fast. Sixth, turn on your vacuum. Now this is the hardest part. Use the vacuum to change the snail's direction, but don't suck up the snail. When he starts moving left, climb down the ladder. Watch him fall into the gap where the egg used to be, and then go down the ladder further, and go down to the left. Drop down again, and grab the egg and vacuum up that snail. Walk left, collect that egg, and now use the teleport ability to get over to the right. Now go up the ladder and grab the two eggs up there and you've beat this terror of a level! Slime Cave Normal Stage 7 (SC.N.7) This stage is pretty easy. Start off by going up the ladder and vacuum up the snail to the left. Grab the egg on the left, but not the one on the right yet.Go to the edge on the left, and build two bridges. Now go back to the left and collect the egg. Climb down the ladder as to avoid the now-free snail. Follow behind him and watch him fall into the gap. Now go to the left and build a bridge over the snail that is now captured in the gap. Now continue left and lay a crate down into the gap. Now drop down, and go right and collect that egg. Go up the ladder, collect that egg, and drop another crate into the gap. Drop down, go left and collect the egg, and now go up the ladder and collect that egg. Drop one more crate into the gap, and walk right a bunch. Climb up the two ladders, go across the snail you captured, and go down the ladder and drop down from there to the place you build the two bridges over earlier. Continue right, grab the two eggs, grab the egg right next to the gap, lay a crate in the gap, jump onto the crates and teleport up. Now walk right a bit, build a bridge over the gap, and walk right and drop onto the last egg. Slime Cave Normal Stage 8 (SC.N.8) Start off by going left and drop down to the left next to the egg. Wait for the snail to hit the egg and start moving left before you grab the egg. After you have grabbed the egg, turn around to the right and lay a crate in the space between the ledges above. Now continue left, jump on the ladder to avoid the snail, and then after the snail is below you, jump to the left, grab the egg, and then jump back on to the ladder before the snail hits you. Now climb up the ladder, and go right. Continue across the crate you just laid, and go right some more and then jump down to the ladder below. Now this gets pretty complicated. First, go all the way down the ladder, and build bridges across the gaps at the bottom. Continue left and grab the egg. Now go up the ladder a little bit, and climb out onto the ledge. Build a bridge to get across the first gap, and then drop two crates into the second gap. Hop down onto those crates and grab the egg. Now go up the ladder, and grab that egg. Now go back over to the ladder on the far right, and climb up the ladder all the way, and jump off the ledge to the left and onto the platform below. Build a bridge to the left, and then drop down to the right. Go all the way back up the ladder again, but don't drop down yet. Instead, build a bridge, and then use the crate ability one last time to drop a crate onto the bridge below. Now drop onto the crate, and continue left, grab the egg, and then go down the short ladder and grab that egg. Now go back up the ladder, go right, and drop down, and go left a lot and drop down into the lowest part of the level (you can tell its the lowest because it got darker...sorry, I'm a sucker for neat graphical effects on subpar hardware). Now grab the egg, vacuum up that snail, and continue right. Grab the egg, and then keep going, and grab the egg to the right of the ladder, and then go up the ladder and go right to collect the last egg. Slime Cave Normal Stage 9 and 10 (SC.N.9) (SC.N.10) Not done yet. Sorry. ***************************************************************************** 5. Abilities (SECT.5) This, like the story, is taken directly from the Instruction Booklet included with the game. Why? Because, Moltar, world hunger is something that affects all of us. - - - - - EYES Eyes let you look all around the level to plan your next move. Press the B Button to activate Eyes and press the Control Pad change your view. BUBBLE SUIT Encase Toki Tori in the Bubble Suit to float through a level until he runs out of air. Find air sources in the level - to refill the Bubble Suit just walk into them. BRIDGE BUILDER If you are stopped by an uncrossable gap, use Bridge Builder. Walk to the edge of the gap and press the B Button to make your bridge. TELEWARP Create a warp hole to transport Toki Tori to another area in a level. When you press the B Button, a blinking line will appear over Toki Tori's head. Press and hold the Control Pad in the direction you want to go. A "ghost" Toki Tori will appear. If Toki Tori can go there, press the B Button to warp him to the new spot. If Toki Tori can't go there, he will shake his head "no." release the Control Pad and press the B Button to turn off the Telewarp without warping anywhere. SNAIL SUCKER Snail Sucker works in two ways: Suck 'em up or sucker 'em into walking the wrong way. - When a snail is on the same horizontal level as Toki Tori, press and hold the B Button until the snail is sucked up into his backpack. Try using this across long distances. - To make a snail crawl in the other direction, press and hold the B Button until you can see the snail turn around. (You can only turn a snail around if it's moving away from Toki Tori.) BRICK SWITCH When a pile of bricks is blocking your way, press the B Button and Toki Tori will pick up the pile and place it behind him. You can then move through the maze. GHOST TRAP Make ghosts fall right through a solid stone floor. When you work your magic on the floor, it will show gravity waves as a ghost falls through. Then the floor will be gone! Warning: The Ghost Trap does not work on wood. CRATE CREATOR Put a crate right in front of Toki Tori to fill gaps and road-block monsters. FREEZE-O-MATIC Freeze-O-Matic comes in two forms (and counts as tool tools): - Fire the first Freeze-O-Matic ray to turn enemies into harmless ice cubes. But be careful - you can't move around an ice cube, so don't trap yourself. - The Underwater Freeze-O-Matic turns enemies into ice cubes that float right out of your way to the surface. ***************************************************************************** 6. Other Stuff (SECT.6) Here is stuff that fits in no other section, enjoy. Toki Tori, if left alone, will look forward, start waving, etc. To try to get you to start playing again. If you push left and right a lot, he'll get dizzy. Useless, but funny. If you want to see the box art, full instruction booklet, and other fine Toki Tori-related stuff, visit The Chicken Coup, the only fansite dedicated to Toki Tori! (personal.bgsu.edu/~jmckinn/tokitori) I'm aware the link above was not only shameless, but lacked any sort of originality at all. Oh well. You could also visit the official site of Toki Tori at tokitori.com . Or Two Tribe's site at twotribes.com . Creative domain names, aren't they? This walkthrough was created with Araneae (araneae.com), which makes the little children oh so happy. Thanks - God, Two Tribes, Capcom, Nintendo, My family, My dog, Margaret Thatcher, Space Ghost, Ghost Planet Central (snard.com/sg), monkeyforahead's walkthrough for getting me through Slime Cave 3, Collin for helping me with Slime Cave 7, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Bill Watterson, Araneae (araneae.com), that guy, and CJayC for running GameFAQs (gamefaqs.com). ***************************************************************************** *end of file*