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MMB 7MMMM .i 8MMMM8 FAQ/Walkthrough by sandstorm6299 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Game: Toki Tori, by TwoTribes and Capcom Platform: Nintendo GameBoy Colour FAQ Version: 1.41 Last Update: 08/02/2005 AUTHOR: Benjamin Lee a.k.a sandstorm6299 (a.k.a icarus1502) E-mail: AIM: sandstorm6299 ___________________ |TABLE OF CONTENTS| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ I. INTRODUCTION ............................... (INTROD) II. VERSION HISTORY ............................ (VSNHST) III. COPYRIGHT RULES ............................ (CPYRLS) IV. GAME INTRODUCTION .......................... (GMINTR) V. STARTING THE GAME .......................... (STTGAM) VI. CONTROLS ................................... (CNTRLS) VII. ITEMS ...................................... (ITMSTM) VIII. MONSTERS ................................... (MNSTRS) IX. WALKTHROUGH ................................ (WLKTHR) 1. FOREST FALLS 2. CREEPY CASTLE 3. SLIME CAVE 4. BUBBLE BARRAGE X. TIPS, TRICKS AND OTHER USELESS STUFF ....... (TTAOUS) XI. THANKS ..................................... (THANKS) XII. WALKTHROUGH STATISTICS ..................... (WLKSTT) XIII. GOOD BYE ................................... (GOODBY) To search for the section that you want, use the Find function of your internet browser/word processor, and search for the 6-letter capital code. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I. INTRODUCTION (INTROD) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Firstly, thank you for (starting to play/playing) one of GBC’s most mind- boggling puzzle game ever and probably the swan song of the GBC. Also thank you for coming all the way to this wonderful solo-manned site called to read this walkthrough (or some other website that has my permission to host this walkthrough). Also, in my opinion, this game features one of the best background music you would ever hear in a puzzle-solving game too, so enjoy the tunes while you solve the puzzles. Also the graphics can be compared to the GBA, so you know this is quality stuff. At first, it would be really easy to solve the puzzles but by the time you reach the middle of the game, start thinking really seriously because they get really hard. Or you could always have a look at this walkthrough for the solutions, and that’s why you are here, aren’t you? Also, if you happen to see any spel1ling mistaekes, or margiunal; errroprs, then please inform me because I may have missed them out – which is really rare, since I typed this on Microsoft® Word© (which finds all errors (thank goodness for technology :) ) and converted it to a document with line breaks. Also, before you start, make sure that the font is always Courier New, font size 10 and that the page width is 79 characters wide, the maximum page width accepted by, otherwise, some of the lines and ASCII art will get screwed up, and we don’t want that to happen, don’t we? So far, this is my first ever walkthrough that I’ve ever written so please do not e-mail me to tell me about what a bad job I might have done or basically insult me as this walkthrough is a result of my hard work and consumed time. If you do not enjoy reading this FAQ, then don’t read it. That’s your choice. However, if you still have any problems with the game (which you shouldn’t really have once you read the Walkthrough) or this FAQ/Walkthrough or you wish to contribute information to this FAQ/Walkthrough, then e-mail me at: and put “Toki Tori” as the subject heading so that I know what the e-mail is about beforehand. Putting the stage name like “Creepy Castle Hard 5” or “Slime Cave Hard 2” will do fine too. If you find some parts of the walkthrough too vague, or you need diagrams, I can make the phrasing simpler, re-word or create some ASCII diagrams. Also to those that are playing the PocketPC or mobile phone versions, the order of levels in your game may be different from the GBC version, so if it does not match, then try to look for the level which matches the level you want. Meanwhile, I’ll try (try) to find out which levels in the GBC version corresponds to which level on the Pocket PC and mobile phone versions so that this walkthrough can be used for all platforms. E-mailing me some alternate solutions to a puzzle will also be very welcome. But if you just change the order of doing things e.g. I wrote: ‘Take the egg on the right, then climb down to take the egg below’, and you offer: ‘Climb down to the egg below and climb back up to take the egg on the right’, then I won’t accept that, because it is just a regurgitation of what I wrote. Things like using items in different areas would be acceptable. Enough with the introduction already, on with the walkthrough! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= II. VERSION HISTORY (VSNHST) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The date format in this version history is the one used in Australia, the UK and practically everywhere else, except the US and other areas where the date and month are reversed. The date format is: dd/mm/yy. 03/01/08 v1.41 Deutsch is German, not Dutch. 09/02/05 v1.4 Re-worked the end part of the Slime Cave Level 10, an alternate end to Slime Cave Hard 2 and an alternate middle section to Slime Cave Hard 3. Also an improved contents page that allows you to auto-search a certain section and a new useless fact. 08/02/05 v1.3 Lots of rewording... yeah, that’s it really... oh yeah, and a correct brand new solution for Bubble Barrage Hard 1 and slight change to Slime Cave Level 3 27/12/04 v1.222 Even more really, really minor spelling and grammar checks. 04/09/04 v1.221 Just some really, really minor changes to wordings and stuff. 22/05/04 v1.22 After receiving an e-mail that my solution for Creepy Castle Level 5 was not enough, I re-worded it. Also, I’ve continued the relative difficulty values. Yeah, that’s pretty much it. 27/03/04 v1.21 Jon Patterson has given me a solution for Bubble Barrage Level 3 via e-mail. It definitely much easier. If you have difficulty using my suggested solution, then I recommend his solution. 14/02/04 v1.2 A brand new logo header at the top, it looks much cleaner now. The relative difficulty values keep going on also. Also fixed up some solution errors. 09/02/04 v1.1 Some updates on the relative difficulty and clearing up on the alternative name of Slime Cave. A new section of the walkthrough has also been added. 06/02/04 v1.0 Posted the finished walkthrough. There is still some minor updating though. Other than that, all the solutions are here. Enjoy :) 03/02/04 0018h (Australian Western ST, GMT+0800h) --MAIN WALKTHROUGH COMPLETED-- 127 days after starting to write it, I have finally finished writing the solutions of every level of Toki Tori on this walkthrough and made sure that the solutions were correct. Also added was a glitch I found tonight. Now to complete the ‘Relative Difficulty’ ratings for the levels. 31/01/04 v0.22 Another update and another site has offered to host my FAQ. Yes! 2 more sites in 4 months! Of course, there is more on Bubble Barrage as I continue to update it. Also added a monster section which gives some info on the animate things that kill you, and make you restart all over again. 26/01/04 v0.2 I’ve continued Slime Cave and started Bubble Barrage. Due to time constraints, you might have to wait a while before I finish this whole thing up. I also cleared unnecessary areas and added some personal touches, like :). 01/12/03 v0.13 I made a few tune-ups and also added a difficulty rating for each stage. It’s still underway so be patient. 14/11/03 Finally finished Toki Tori, the whole thing. Whew! Anyway, I’ll be writing the whole walkthrough really soon as I have exams going on right now. This walkthrough sure is growing. 05/10/03 v0.12 Wrote walkthrough for Bubble Barrage Level 6 to keep it off my mind, brought the Copyright Rules up and added a section for websites (which is 2 at the moment) that are authorised to have my FAQ/Walkthrough. 03/10/03 v0.11 Posted this half-complete FAQ/WAlkthrough on four days after starting it. Will be updating really soon. Really. 30/09/03 v0.1 Started writing this walkthrough after finding out there are only two FAQs in dedicated to Toki Tori, how disappointing. :( =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= III. COPYRIGHT RULES (CPYRLS) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1) GENERAL - Everything on this FAQ/Walkthrough is copyright of myself, Benjamin Lee a.k.a sandstorm6299. - You must obtain written permission from ME ONLY to copy this FAQ/Walkthrough and host it on your website. - You can copy this FAQ/Walkthrough onto your computer, laptop, palmtop, mobile phone (if possible, but nowadays it these’s so hard to keep up with it), etc... - You can distribute this FAQ/Walkthrough freely. - You can print out this FAQ/Walkthrough. - You CANNOT change, alter, edit, distort or modify any section of this FAQ and/or use it for commercial use. This includes correcting spelling/grammar mistakes. - You cannot sell this FAQ/Walkthrough for commercial profit as this is written for free, and is to be viewed for free. - You cannot plagiarise this FAQ/Walkthrough. That means you cannot copy the entire FAQ/Walkthrough as it is and claim any credit for it. - You do not insult my work by criticising any of the text. - You do not insult myself either. Constructive criticism: Yes. Mean, low- down, outright insults: No. - You must update your copy of my FAQ/Walkthrough whenever I update it on I do not really want to see e-mails of people asking me questions about issues that I have already settled in the latest FAQ/Walkthrough in 2) EXCERPT-COPYING - You can copy small excerpts of this FAQ/Walkthrough provided that you insert the paragraph written below at the end of the excerpt OR put a reference on the excerpt to the paragraph written below: This text is copied from sandstorm6299’s Toki Tori FAQ/Walkthrough on and is copyright by Benjamin Lee. - The ‘General’ copyright rules are followed. - You do not take the excerpts and describe them out of context. That means to change the intended meaning of the excerpt. Toki Tori is copyright of Capcom ©, TwoTribes ©, Nintendo GameBoy Colour (tm) and Nintendo ©. The following websites are allowed to have my FAQ/Walkthrough and host it in their website for free public viewing: - - - - =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IV. GAME INTRODUCTION (GMINTR) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Basically, you’ll be manoeuvring a chicken that is going to end up being the hero of the game (don’t they always). If first starts off in a farm where everything seems peaceful. Suddenly, eggs are sucked up from their warm nests and out of the farm. However, only one lone egg remains and our hero, Toki Tori, emerges from his shell and finds all his siblings gone. Where can they be? He decides to climb to a nearby cliff and over at the end of the forest and he sees a castle. Suddenly, the castle starts spewing out eggs into the forest in front of him. Time for our chicken hero (how ironic) to save the eggs... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= V. STARTING THE GAME (STTGAM) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- When you start the game, you’ll see some splash screens and stuff (GameBoy Nintendo, some credits to some people, Capcom, TwoTribes – digital happiness) and then a menu. Here, you’ll be able to pick the language of choice. This only affects the game tips, not the entire game. The rest of the text is in English. You have a choice of English (duh!), Francais (French), Deutsch (German), Español (Spanish), and of course, Japanese (I can’t display Japanese characters here, but if you can’t read it and you want to know, the four characters’ Romanised form is ‘Nihon Go’ which means Japanese Language). After choosing the language of choice, you will be brought to the main menu consisting of ‘Play Game!’ and ‘Options’. Pressing the ‘A’ button will bring you to the next menu and pressing the ‘B’ button will bring you back to the previous menu. 1) Play Game! This brings out the ‘Select World’ screen. It records all your status and progress. Choose the world that you want and then enter the stage that you want and play ball!...I mean game.. Yay! 2) Options The first option is to switch the functions of the ‘A’ and ‘B’ buttons. The default is A: Jump and B: Action. The next two in the middle is whether you want to activate Music and Sound Effects (Sfz). I personally recommend that you activate both. The bottommost option (Clear Savegame) is to...erm...well...clear your saved game. By no reasons whatsoever should you select this unless you want to start all over again. Avoid at all costs. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VI. CONTROLS (CNTRLS) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Before you start the game, you have to know how to control Toki Tori. Control Pad – To move Toki Tori. To move faster/run (which is really, really important), press the direction (Right or Left) twice that you want Toki Tori to run and he will run like the wind – well, almost. Start - Brings up the in-game menu which has easy-to-understand options, pauses the game and makes the screen really dark. Select - Changes the item to use. You can see which item you are using by looking at the top left corner of the screen. I will explain which icon corresponds to which item later in the Items section. A-Button - By default, this would be Jump. But you can always go to Main Menu>Options and then change it to Action (which means Use Item). B-Button - By default, this would be Action (which means Use Item). But you can always go to Main Menu>Options and then change it to Jump. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VII. ITEMS (ITMSTM) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The items will be listed in order of appearance. The name of the stage is shortened into a four-character code explained at the start of the Walkthrough section. I copied the descriptions from the game itself to provide a no- nonsense, quick, and a straight to the point explanation (they are in double quotes). Also, I decided to add my own notes and tips on how to use them to its furthest potential at no extra cost. Also, in the levels, there is usually a limit to the number of times the item can be used. When there is no limit specified, that means that it is unlimited and you can use it forever. Sounds good, but having an unlimited supply items means you have to think more about whether you should use it more or less often. Enjoy... EYES (Forest Falls Level 1) Icon: A pair of eyes looking around. Used: All stages except New Item levels (59 level appearances) “Use the Control Pad to look around.” Technically, this is not an item, anyway, this may seem very basic and practically useless but you can use this to your advantage. Look ahead and plan ahead. See what’s below Toki Tori before you make him jump off a platform...are there any monsters below? Or maybe there is a hole you would not be able to jump out of? Use this well and you can go far into the game. Don’t just play blindly, unless you are blind. Not that I’m insensitive (I’m not), it’s just that some people might actually point out the obvious :( BRIDGE BUILDER (after Forest Falls Level 1) Used: Forest Falls New Item 1; Forest Falls Levels 2 to 3, 5 to 06 and 8 to 10; Forest Falls Hard 1 to 5; Creepy Castle Levels 1 to 10; Creepy Castle Hard 1 to 5; Slime Cave Levels 1 to 10; Slime Cave Hard 1 to 5; Bubble Barrage Levels 1, 3 to 5, 7, and 9 to 10; and Bubble Barrage Hard 1 to 3 and 5 (54 level appearances) Icon: Toki Tori is standing on the left platform there is a blinking part where the gap is and the two platforms are thus joined. “Use the action button to build a bridge. It will only work when Toki Tori is standing on the edge of a platform and there’s enough space for it.” Remember, you do not necessarily have to build a bridge at the top of a platform. You can always build them while in the middle of a ladder. The bridge is also a good way to make a set of extra platforms for later use (to telewarp to or to fall onto). Building bridges is also not the only way to go across a gap. TELEWARP (after Forest Falls Level 3) Icon: Toki Tori is standing in the middle and there are four arrows pointing outwards from him. Used: Forest Falls New Item 2; Forest Falls Levels 4 to 7 and 9 to 10; Forest Falls Hard 1 to 5; Creepy Castle 1 to 3, 5 to 6 and 9 to 10 Creepy Castle Hard 2 and 4 to 5; Slime Cave Levels 3, 6 to 7; Slime Cave Hard 3 to 4; Bubble Barrage Levels 3 to 4 and 10; and Bubble Barrage Hard 1 (31 level appearances) “Use the action button to activate the warp-hole. To see where you can go, keep pressing the Control Pad in the direction you’d like to telewarp to. Toki Tori will nod his head when it’s impossible to go there. Press the action button to confirm your move.” Use this carefully because one wrong telewarp move can send you into an inescapable hole or into ‘enemy’ territory. Not pretty. The things you can do with telewarp is very broad since it can be used up/down and left/right so there are a thousand-and-one possibilities with the telewarp. Okay, maybe there are only four. Telewarping is also not the only way to go across a gap. FREEZE-O-MATIC (after Forest Falls Level 6) Icon: A grey bazooka/rocket launcher-like object. Used: Forest Falls New Item 3; Forest Falls Levels 7 and 9 to 10; and Forest Falls Hard 2 and 4 to 5 (7 level appearances) “Press the action button to fire a freeze ray, transforming the monster in its path into an ice cube. Be careful, since ice cubes can block your way.” Take the game’s advice. Never recklessly freeze the monsters because you could end up blocking the only route. Also, you could use the ice blocks as extra platforms, so some strategising is involved. Just be careful not to let the monsters get too near Toki Tori when trying to freeze monsters. BRICK SWITCH (after Creepy Castle Level 1) Icon: Toki Tori is standing in the middle and there is an outline of it on his right. He will then turn around and the outline will follow him too. Used: Creepy Castle New Item 1; Creepy Castle Levels 2 and 04 to 10; Creepy Castle Hard 1 to 5; Slime Cave Level 09; Slime Cave Hard 1 and 3 to 4; Bubble Barrage Level 4 to 5, 8 to 10; and Bubble Barrage Hard 3 to 5 (26 level appearances) “Bricks in your way? Place them behind you, by pressing the action button. Make sure there’s enough space though.” Be extremely careful when using this, especially in the later stages. Sometimes moving these bricks could end up blocking your way, trapping eggs or even trapping yourself. These (again) can be used as platforms as Toki Tori can stand on them safely without falling off. Bricks are also not the only way to fill a gap to go across one. GHOST TRAP (after Creepy Castle Level 2) Icon: A grey ghost, similar to the one prancing around Creepy Castle. Used: Creepy Castle New Item 2; Creepy Castle Levels 3, 5 to 6 and 9; and Creepy Castle Hard 1 and 3 (7 level appearances) “Press the action button to replace the stone floor beneath you with magic material, crafted to let ghosts fall through and let all others pass. It won’t work on wood though.” Since this is only limited to stone floors, you would have to trace its route to put this in the right spot. Make sure that after you use this and the ghost falls through, you have way out of the area. It is still not known how magic it really is. SNAIL SUCKER (before Slime Cave Level 1) Icon: Toki Tori is standing on the left holding a vacuum cleaner type pipe. There are also animated lines to show which way the air around it are moving (into the pipe). Toki Tori is also carrying a backpack to collect the snails. Who knows what for? Used: Slime Cave New Item 1; and Slime Cave Levels 1 to 2, 4, 6 to 8 and 10 (8 level appearances) “Keep the action button pressed until the snail’s in your backpack or press it shortly to change the monster’s direction.” Remember that you can also use this not only to suck snails but also to make them move towards you. Not very ideal but it is quite useful later in some of the levels. CRATE CREATOR (after Slime Cave Level 1) Icon: Toki Tori stands on the left and four small squares, making up a large square, ‘magically’ appears in front of Toki Tori. Used: Slime Cave New Item 2; Slime Cave Levels 2 to 9; Slime Cave Hard 1 to 5; Bubble Barrage Levels 2 to 3 and 6 to 10; and Bubble Barrage Hard 3 and 5 (23 level appearances) “Place the action button to place a stack of crates in front of Toki Tori.” Create crates carefully since these things are pretty big. These are usually used as platforms but can double up as a monster trap with other items, like bricks. This is also very useful in making ‘staircases’ (explained in Slime Cave) and platforms to telewarp to (explained in Bubble Barrage). Crates are also not the only way to go across a gap. BUBBLE SUIT (before Bubble Barrage Level 1) Icon: A floating blue bubble with a pair of eyes. The eyes look in different directions once in a while. Used: Bubble Barrage New Item 1; Bubble Barrage Levels 1 to 2, 4 to 10; and Bubble Barrage Hard 1 to 4 (14 level appearances) “Press the action button to wear a Bubble Suit for a change. It even enables you to float around. When you run out of air, you can refill your suit at the various bubble sources throughout the levels.” Be careful and see how much bubbles you have left. Always walk/run whenever possible and use the bubble suit as the very last resort. You can always save on the bubbles by standing halfway off the platform and then activating it to save on one bubble. When you refill the bubble suit, always refill to the maximum possible that the bubble source can allow, regardless on how much you intend to use. Note: There are three types of bubble sources that can refill your suit. One (represented by the almost lack of bubbles bubbling out and occupies one unit of space) can only refill five, another one (represented by an average bubbling and occupies two units of space) refills ten and the third (represented by the crazy amount of bubbles bubbling out and occupies three units of space) refills fifteen. Floating across is also not the only way to go across a gap. FREEZE-O-MATIC (after Bubble Barrage Level 1) Icon: A grey bazooka/rocket launcher-like object. Used: Bubble Barrage New Item 2; Bubble Barrage Levels 2 to 3, 6 to 7 and 9; and Bubble Barrage Hard 1 to 2 (8 level appearances) “What if you freeze something under water? Yes! It will float.” I know this has been explained already. But since I’m not senile and Toki Tori is now underwater, this does deserve an extra explanation. When you freeze a monster underwater, it will turn into an ice block and like all ice cubes, they will naturally float since it’s underwater. See what education can do for you? Another note: It’s easy to be confused with areas like Forest Falls where the ice blocks will stay on the ground. Floating ice blocks can unfortunately block pathways so freeze carefully. Floating ice blocks, however, are also very useful as platforms. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VIII. MONSTERS (MNSTRS) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Yes, Toki Tori has its own share of them. But not to worry, although you can’t annihilate them directly (don’t wanna get the SPCA involved...), you can always trap them, freeze them, or let them dissolve into nothingness in the old lava pool. There are actually only four monsters – one per world – oh well. NAME: Apparently none – I don’t know what to call it either. How about ‘Monster’? It does look like a porcupine of sorts... WHERE: Forest Falls WHAT TO DO WITH IT: You can freeze it and let it block your way or let it get trapped in a recess. NAME: Ghost WHERE: Creepy Castle WHAT TO DO WITH IT: You can kill it (Again? Aren’t they dead already?) the cruel way by letting it dissolve in the lava pool in the levels or the more humane way by letting it get trapped in a recess. Ghosts also can get rid of floors for you by letting it step on stone falls laced with the ‘magic’ of a Ghost Trap. NAME: Snail WHERE: Slime Cave WHAT TO DO WITH IT: You can suck it up with the Snail Sucker or let it get trapped in a recess. NAME: Apparently none – but I rather call it ‘Fish’ since it is one, isn’t it? WHERE: Bubble Barrage WHAT TO DO WITH IT: You can freeze it and watch it float up or let it get trapped in a recess. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IX. WALKTHROUGH (WLKTHR) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= READ THE FOLLOWING BEFORE PROCEEDING. This entire walkthrough WILL SPOIL your Toki Tori playing experience. I hope that YOU, as a player of Toki Tori, have resorted to reading this walkthrough for the reason being that you are stuck at a certain level. If you are here to just solve the puzzles easily, then please DO NOT continue reading any further. The fun of Toki Tori is to solve the puzzles independently, so please do not continue reading unless you are really, really stuck, like maybe after 30 or 40 tries. I, for one, only resorted to asking for help for BB06 in the Toki Tori Official Forums after 50+ tries and more than 8 weeks of headache, so never give up – unless all hope is really lost. To look for the level that you want to find in this Walkthrough, use the ‘Find’ option. It is usually in the ‘Edit’ menu of your toolbar or you can just press Ctrl+F (these are the default shortcut keys. The shortcut keys depend on your web browser or word processor). _____________________________________________________ | First two characters | Last two characters | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |FF = Forest Falls | 01~10 = Level Number | |CC = Creepy Castle | N1~N3 = New Item Level Number| |SC = Slime Cave | H1~H5 = Hard Levels Number | |BB = Bubble Barrage | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Then just input the above into the search field in any of the above combination possibilities e.g. FF01 means Forest Falls, Level 1. Easy and simple. The walkthrough is arranged in this format: World Name, Level Number (Level Abbreviation) Items: (Items used in this level) Eggs: (Number of eggs to collect in the level) Time: (Time limit of the level in m:ss) Relative Difficulty: (An arbitrary scale of the approximate difficulty of a level on a scale from 1 to possibly 20, maybe 25 – valuing still in progress) _____________________________________________________________ |TOTAL EGGS IN GAME: 511 EGGS IN 69 LEVELS/7.41 EGGS PER LEVEL| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ --Cutscence-- 1) FOREST FALLS Total Eggs: 105 eggs in 18 Levels/5.83 eggs per level New Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder, Telewarp, Freeze-O-Matic Items Used: Eyes, Bridge Builder, Telewarp, Freeze-O-Matic _______________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to Forest Falls. This is where the journey begins, in a land of natural and unspoiled beauty. But behind the luscious trees and flowing waterfalls are monsters lurking around to inhibit your rescue of your egg siblings. Can you use the tools given to you to pass the treacherous path ahead? ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Forest Falls, Level 1 (FF01) Items: Eyes Eggs: 09 Time: 4:00 Relative Difficulty: 1 This is a really straightforward course. Just follow the path down as you collect the eggs. Just remember not to miss them. Forest Falls, New Item! [1] (FFN1) Items: Bridge Builder Eggs: 01 Time: 5:00 Relative Difficulty: 1 You’ve been given a lot of time so relax as you go up the ladder, build a bridge over the gap, cross the gap and make your merry way to the lonely egg. Don’t build bridges all over the place or you’ll end up trapping yourself. Simple :) Forest Falls, Level 2 (FF02) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (1) Eggs: 06 Time: 4:00 Relative Difficulty: 1 Just collect all the eggs. However, note that you only have ONE bridge builder so build carefully. When you are at the top of the ladders on the left side of the level, ‘repair’ the log bridge with your bridge builder and collect the rest of the eggs. Forest Falls, Level 3 (FF03) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (1) Eggs: 05 Time: 4:00 Relative Difficulty: 2 Finally, a monster appears. But it still isn’t difficult. Yet. Firstly, note the egg on your right in the deep hole. Once, you go in, you can’t get out, so let’s leave that till last. Collect the rest of the eggs on the lower levels and then go up. The monster above will be walking to and fro minding its own business so once the monster passes the ladder, go up and continue up the ladder. Don’t linger around to see what the monster will do to you. Just to let you know...IT WILL KILL YOU!!! Not a really life-changing consequence. Now, continue up and into the log. Step up to the edge but not all the way or you’ll fall and then build a bridge for you to cross over to get to the other side. Get the egg and continue to the other side. Drop and let the monster pass before you go down the ladder and go collect the last egg in the deep hole. Forest Falls, New Item! [2] (FFN2) Items: Telewarp Eggs: 03 Time: 5:00 Relative Difficulty: 1 You can telewarp all you want as there is no limit so you should have no fear of wasting it. First, telewarp up since that’s the only way you can go. Take the egg and either telewarp to the area on the right or the area below. Either way is fine as you can still retrieve the other one later. Forest Falls, Level 4 (FF04) Items: Eyes, Telewarp (1) Eggs: 06 Time: 3:00 Relative Difficulty: 2 They finally teach you to run...I already did that earlier!!! Anyway, once you start, start running left all the way, up the ladder and into the alcove. Or you could always wait for the monster to fall halfway for that extra adrenaline rush!!! Whichever you choose, just go up the ladder and telewarp up. Ignore the egg on the lower level on the left for now. Go up and get the central egg and then get the egg on the left that is accessible by the ladder and then go up another ladder to get a couple more eggs. Now go down and get the egg on the floating platform and then go to the left and retrieve the final egg. Forest Falls, Level 5 (FF05) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (2), Telewarp (1) Eggs: 05 Time: 3:00 Relative Difficulty: 3 Now to use both tools to work. Follow the path till you reach a dead end, collecting eggs as you go along. Telewarp up into the alcove behind the waterfall and then go right but don’t fall or you would not be able to go up again. Build a bridge to pass the gap and a second bridge to pass the second gap. Take the egg and then go and get the last egg. Forest Falls, Level 6 (FF06) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (1), Telewarp (1) Eggs: 06 Time: 4:00 Relative Difficulty: 3 Now there is some difficulty but it’s still quite easy to pass. Firstly, fall in and build a bridge over the gap. Grab the egg and climb down. Going to the right will leave you stuck as the step is too high so go left. Continue up until you cannot and the telewarp up to the platform with ladder leading to the monster. Wait till the monster passes the ladder and then make a break for the egg and run right. Keep running as the monster is catching up fast. The gap falls will slow you down so be quick to go down the ladder once you cross the bridge you made earlier and then calmly take the last egg below. Forest Falls, New Item! [3] (FFN3) Items: Freeze-O-Matic Eggs: 02 Time: 5:00 Relative Difficulty: 1 They are giving you ample time to do this stage so take your time. The monster on the same level as you would be walking right first away from you so that gives you time to face it and freeze that butt of his. Now it is frozen solid. Also, you can’t push the ice cube since you are not strong enough. What a joke! You can build bridges, warp all over the place and fall 20 feet but you can’t push a simple ice block!!! Anyway, collect the egg on the left and make your way to egg on the right. You can freeze the monster below for some practice or extra fun but that’s optional. Forest Falls, Level 7 (FF07) Items: Eyes, Telewarp (3), Freeze-O-Matic Eggs: 06 Time: 4:00 Relative Difficulty: 3 The monster above is just for decoration so you can just ignore it. For now, get the egg on the left, go down the step behind the waterfall and telewarp down. Collect the three eggs that are in plain sight and go down the ladder. Here is a narrow passage with a solitary monster and no place to hide. So freeze the walking monster and then telewarp across it and get the last egg. Forest Falls, Level 8 (FF08) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (1) Eggs: 07 Time: 4:00 Relative Difficulty: 3 Whoa...7 eggs in 4 the pressure is building. But that’s no problem for a professional like you ( it was sarcasm). You can still make it. You start on a platform above a walking monster trapped between two eggs. First take the left egg, let the monster make its way down then take the right egg (as in the egg on the right, there is no wrong egg) and make your way down on the left also. The monster would now be trapped between an egg and a wall but it doesn’t really matter now. Climb down the ladders and build a bridge across the gap to go to the other side. Grab all the eggs except the one trapping the monster. Once you get all four eggs, grab the final one trapping the monster. Forest Falls, Level 9 (FF09) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (2), Telewarp (2), Freeze-O-Matic Eggs: 05 Time: 4:00 Relative Difficulty: 2 First, go up the ladder on the left, continue through the path and build a bridge across the gap to reach the egg. Go down by the ladder and continue down the second ladder. Repair the bridge, take the egg, and stand beneath the egg on the platform above and telewarp up. Go back to where you started. Freeze the monster and then telewarp across it. Alternatively, you could wait for the monster to reach you side (away form the egg), and then freeze it. This way you can just step over the frozen thing and save one telewarp. However, there’s no need to do this, as you don’t need the telewarps anymore in this level from this part onwards. Anyway, take the egg and make your way down. Go on top of the wooden platform, which is part of the bridge which had fallen above and then freeze the monster to take it out of its spinning misery. Step over the ice block and get the last egg. Forest Falls, Level 10 (FF10) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (1), Telewarp (2), Freeze-O-Matic Eggs: 07 Time: 4:00 Relative Difficulty: 4 More eggs, less time, more pressure. Honestly, this took me a while before I figured it out. Let the monster fall off first and then build a bridge on the left. Follow the path down behind the waterfall and then reach the end. Telewarp to the other side where there is a hole above the egg specially made for you to telewarp into and then continue along the lower level and get the other eggs. Now climb up the ladder where the monster is and freeze it. Climb over it, grab the egg and use the last telewarp to warp to the right. Just grab the remaining two eggs. *Now here you have two choices and you will have to make such a choice after Level 10 of every area (except Bubble Barrage as that is the last area): Go to the harder stages or continue to the next area. If you do the harder stages first, then you have to labour your way through all five of them before you can enter the next area: unwise choice. If you choose to go to the next area, then you’ll see a cutscene on how you reach it and you’ll go there. But don’t worry, you can always come back to the previous area to do the hard levels at your own pace. You should choose to go to the next area but for this walkthrough, I wish to complete the whole of Forest Falls first, for continuity sake. So you can go skip the hard levels and continue to Creepy Castle. Once you are ready, you can come back and take on the difficult stuff. --Cutscene-- Forest Falls, Hard 1 (FFH1) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (2), Telewarp (2) Eggs: 04 Time: 4:00 Relative Difficulty: 5 This is a slightly difficult one and it took me a few days to solve this one. But this walkthrough will make it seem like a breeze. First, drop to the left and take the egg and then climb down the ladder and drop off. Remember to wait for the monster to crawl off, of course, before dropping off. I’m sure you knew that. Stand beneath the alcove on the left and telewarp up to it. Take the egg and continue to telewarp upwards. Go into the log and build a bridge across to the platform. Pass the ladder and build another bridge. Walk off it, go up the ladder on the right and take the egg. Finally, drop off and grab the final egg. That’s one hard level down, four to go. Forest Falls, Hard 2 (FFH2) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (2), Telewarp (3), Freeze-O-Matic Eggs: 09 Time: 4:00 Relative Difficulty: 4 First, go up the really long ladder on the right and go in to the log. Drop off and collect the two eggs on the extreme right. Don’t collect the other eggs yet as you can save them for later as they are more accessible. Go up the ladder once again and use both bridge builders to build a long continuous bridge at the end of the log over to the other side. Don’t telewarp as you will be crossing this part a couple of times. I’ll call this the log bridge from here onwards for ease of typing. Collect the egg at the end and drop off and take that egg too. Now drop off to the left and take that egg and then drop to the right and go back to the log bridge. This time, go all the way to the left and climb the series of ladders. Telewarp into the small alcove, get the egg and telewarp out. It doesn’t matter which way. Get the egg in the hole at the bottom and telewarp below where the monster is scurrying around. Wait for it to move right and then telewarp. Run left before the monster returns and get the last egg. Not too hard, wasn’t it? Forest Falls, Hard 3 (FFH3) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (1), Telewarp (6) Eggs: 09 Time: 3:00 Relative Difficulty: 5 You may have been given lots of telewarps but this is no time to fool around with those telewarps, you’ve only got 3 minutes to do everything so you must be quick. Cross under the waterfalls and get the egg at the top of the ladder. Notice that there is an egg at the extreme left in a really deep hole. You know what to do...leave that till last. Climb the ladder on the left and jump onto the step. Telewarp up and then climb the ladder to get the egg at the top left corner. Now to get the eggs stuck in the holes. Don’t be impulsive just yet. Strategise first and try to go along to minimise the number of telewarps to use. Go down the ladder till you are on the same level as the egg on the second highest level. Telewarp in and then telewarp up and then telewarp right. No wonder they gave so many telewarps. Okay, this one is tough and is all in the timing. Below you is a monster trapped between two eggs and on the left is a platform on the same level. Set your item to bridge builder. At the exact time when the monster moves left, quickly jump down, build the bridge, press select to change the item to telewarp and telewarp across. You should make it just in time. But it’s not over yet. The monster is now going to make its way to the egg in the deep hole so quickly get the egg on top, telewarp to where the monster used to be and grab that egg and make a mad dash and run like nobody’s business to the last egg before the monster does. You should be able to beat it by one or two seconds. Phew, what a rush. Forest Falls, Hard 4 (FFH4) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (2), Telewarp (1), Freeze-O-Matic Eggs: 07 Time: 3:00 Relative Difficulty: 3 They gave you the Freeze-O-Matic but you actually don’t need it for this level. I think it’s more of a safety measure for those who don’t get the opportunity to read this walkthrough (Yes, that’s sarcasm again). Anyway make your way right. Ignore the egg on the left because as usual, it’s in a deep hole so leave that till last. Grab the egg at the top of the ladder and go back down. Climb the stairs and build a bridge over the egg that’s next to the waterfall. I’ll explain why later. Climb up the ladder and let the monster loose. It will now be stuck at the bottom of the stairs so there’s no need to be cruel towards it. Get the egg at the end of the corridor and the one below the ladder on the floating platform. Now move right to where the egg next to the waterfall is. Now you are trapped. What are you going to do? *ahemtelewarpcough* That’s why the bridge was put there earlier so that it will provide a platform for you to telewarp to. Otherwise you’ll be stuck there till the sun sets or till time runs out, depending on which comes first (or sun rises depending on what time you’re playing this level). Climb halfway up the ladder till you are level with the two wooden pieces on the other side. Complete the bridge and make you way over the top and into the aforementioned deep hole where your last egg is waiting to be rescued/collected/crushed by Toki Tori’s weight. Forest Falls, Hard 5 (FFH5) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (3), Telewarp (2), Freeze-O-Matic Eggs: 08 Time: 4:00 Relative Difficulty: 6 Finally, the last hard level of Forest Falls and you thought you’d never make it. This is the hardest one in Forest Falls so either take out your thinking caps or read this. Go down and build a bridge over the waterfall. Ignore the egg trapping the monster as you can come back later. Drop down below and go right uninjured by what seems like a 20-foot fall. Build a bridge over the gap so that the bridge joins the floating platform. Now collect all the eggs that you can collect without falling over or trapping yourself. Go up the ladder all the way (which I assumed you’ve already done to collect as many eggs as possible) and drop off the right. Now let the games begin. Take the egg trapping the monster and then drop down the 20-foot hole. The monster will be following you so be quick. Climb the ladder on the left and wait for the monster to pass. When it passes under you and goes right, follow it. Once it crosses the bridge and onto the floating platform, freeze it. DO NOT let the monster fall below or you’ll never be able to finish the level. With that extra ice block giving you some lift, teleport up into the alcove above and get the egg. Go back up the series of ladders, drop off the cliff onto the bridged waterfall and move all the way to the right. Below there is an egg so telewarp down, grab it and then get the last egg at the bottom right. Easy once you know how. 2) CREEPY CASTLE Total Eggs: 87 eggs in 17 Levels/5.12 eggs per level New Items: Brick Switch, Ghost Trap Items Used: Eyes, Bridge Builder, Telewarp, Brick Switch, Ghost Trap _______________________________________________________________________________ You have finally reached the castle where the eggs had been coming out from. It’s time to get to the root of the problem and rescue more of your siblings. What lies ahead behind the cold stony walls? The question can be answered only if Toki Tori continues on his quest. In my opinion, Creepy Castle has the best background music in the whole game so enjoy it. The official site even has a Creepy Castle Disco Remix so you should go check it out and download it. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Creepy Castle Level 1 (CC01) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (1), Telewarp (2) Eggs: 05 Time: 2:00 Relative Difficulty: 2 Be quick for this one, as you’ve not much time. Don’t worry about the bat flying above as it can’t hurt you. Take the egg at the other side and go down the ladder. Here, there is some lava that will kill you if you walk into it. And you can’t build bridges ON it since the bridge is made of wood and wood burns on contact with fire so telewarp across and take the egg. Telewarp below and take the other egg also. Move right and there will be a gap OVER some lava. Build the bridge OVER the lava and walk across the half-platforms to the other side. Creepy Castle, New Item! [1] (CCN1) Items: Brick Switch Eggs: 01 Time: 5:00 Relative Difficulty: 1 An interesting item but it can be very disastrous if you use it on impulse. But in this level you can try out your new toy and get use to it, as you’ll be using this often. Approach the metal bricks and use the brick switch on it. You’ll move the bricks behind you. Do the same with the rest of the bricks and get your egg. Creepy Castle Level 2 (CC02) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (2), Telewarp (2), Brick Switch Eggs: 05 Time: 2:00 Relative Difficulty: 3 Move the bricks out of the way and get the egg. Go back to where you started and telewarp below to get the egg. Build a bridge over the lava and then telewarp to the stone floor on the other side. Go down the ladder and build another bridge. Continue and drop below between two bricks. Use the brick switch on the right, climb down the ladder and get the egg. Climb back up and use the brick switch on both bricks. Fall below and get the last egg. It would not be good if you decide to go left first. Creepy Castle, New Item! [2] (CCN2) Items: Ghost Trap Eggs: 02 Time: 5:00 Relative Difficulty: 2 Grab the egg above and go back down to wait for the ghost to move right. Go back up and put the ghost trap on the only stone floor and go back down the ladder quickly. Wait for the ghost to break the floor and follow it, but don’t follow it into the lava. I’m sure you didn’t, right? This is where you climb up the ladder and get the last egg. Creepy Castle, Level 3 (CC03) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (3), Telewarp (1), Ghost Trap (1) Eggs: 08 Time: 3:00 Relative Difficulty: 3 Telewarp to the right and out of the turret. Set the ghost trap next to the egg and take the egg. Wait for the ghost to fall through and then make a bridge to cross over the newly created gap. Take the eggs on top and below and climb down the ladders. Drop to the left and build a bridge over the gap on the right and take the egg. Drop to the left, climb the ladder and get the egg. Finally, go down all the way and get the egg. Build a bridge over the lava on the right and get the final egg. Creepy Castle, Level 4 (CC04) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (5), Brick Switch (4) Eggs: 01 Time: 6:00 Relative Difficulty: 4 One egg and a lot of work in six minutes. Don’t you just wish you could just simply telewarp to the egg below? Anyway, build two bridges to get over the lava and go down the steps. DO NOT climb down the first ladder as it is a decoy. Climb up the second ladder and use the brick switch on both bricks to create a bridge below. Remember that as long as there is half a block you can always step on it. Just be careful not to fall off. Anyway, cross over and build a bridge over the passable gap. Although you can easily cross over, you have to do this to prevent the bricks from falling down the hole and blocking your way later. Use the brick switch on the bricks on the left to clear the way to go up the ladder. Build a bridge over the lava and go across, go to the left and fall down all the way and through the large room and up the ladder. Build a bridge over the lava and continue. Go up the ladder and use the brick switch on the bricks and retrieve the egg you’ve worked so hard for. You earned it! Creepy Castle, Level 5 (CC05) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (2), Telewarp (1), Brick Switch, Ghost Trap (1) Eggs: 04 Time: 2:00 Relative Difficulty: 2 Go up the ladder on the right and wait for the ghost to reach the left side. Wait for the ghost to be on the right side before using the brick switch on the bricks and then go down the ladder on the other side. Drop off the ledge and set the ghost trap as left as possible. Go to the bricks, switch them again to bring them into the hole next to the ladder and then quickly climb down the ladder and hide. Wait for the ghost to fall and then go down also. Build a bridge over the gap and continue on your way across and down to the next egg. Build a bridge over the lava and then telewarp to the other side to get the last egg. Creepy Castle, Level 6 (CC06) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (1), Telewarp (2), Brick Switch (1), Ghost Trap (2) Eggs: 10 Time: 3:00 Relative Difficulty: 3 The pressure is really building now as you have 10 eggs to collect in only 3 minutes. Collect the egg on the left and then use the ghost trap between the two wooden floors. Go up on the step on the right and then build a bridge and get the next egg. Use the brick switch and collect the next egg. Go down the ladder and then climb the ladders on the left and use the bridge and bricks to go into the alcove above where the two eggs were. Telewarp up and then go up the ladder all the way, and take the egg that’s midway through the ladder. Be careful as there’s a ghost. Go up all the way and when the ghost hits the egg telewarp left and then grab the egg and make run for the other side. Collect the other two eggs while the ghost makes its way to the ladder on the left. When it does that, follow it and set the ghost trap on the stone floor in the middle. The ghost will fall through that one and fall through the one you had made earlier. It will then be stuck in one corner so you can merrily take the last egg. Creepy Castle, Level 7 (CC07) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (5), Brick Switch (3) Eggs: 07 Time: 3:00 Relative Difficulty: 4 Go down first and take the egg on the right and continue down. Take the egg on the left and then make your way above the lava. Collect the egg at the end of the ladders, then go to the steps on the left and build a bridge over the lava. I will explain why later. Face right and then make two bridges to go over to the other side. Doing this will block the ladder below, but it is all right in this level. Continue up and take the two eggs. Build two more bridges over the two gaps and jump off the left side. You are now back where you started. Use the brick switch on the bricks on the right and left to get the egg that could not be reached before. Continue to the right and onto the bridge above the lava you had made earlier. Fall off the edge on the right and collect the final egg. Creepy Castle, Level 8 (CC08) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (1), Brick Switch (5) Eggs: 07 Time: 3:00 Relative Difficulty: 5 Collect the two eggs on the right and left and then make your way up the long ladder. Get the egg on the left and then climb up the ladder to get the other egg. Drop off the edge on the right and use the brick switch on the bricks. Drop down to stand on the bricks and move left. DO NOT move right or you’ll be stuck. Get the egg at the bottom of the ladder and then go back up and use the brick switch again on the bricks. Stand on those bricks and then build a bridge on the left to get the hard to reach bricks. Use the brick switch on the bricks below and then use the brick switch on the bricks above. Now there is a pile of bricks safely above the lava. Climb up the ladders for the egg ignored earlier and then the last egg is there for the picking. Creepy Castle, Level 9 (CC09) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (2), Telewarp (2), Brick Switch (3), Ghost Trap (1) Eggs: 03 Time: 3:00 Relative Difficulty: 4 There’s only one way to go so move left and up the ladder. There is a depression in the stone floor and a ghost so make use of this opportunity to trap it. Set the ghost trap IN the depression and take the egg. Watch the ghost fall in, oblivious to its fate and then build a bridge over it to cross over. Climb down the ladder and telewarp across the bricks and then brick switch them so that they fall off. Go back to where you first started and brick switch it again so that it falls into the thin hole specifically designed for it. Cross over to the other side again to where the bricks initially were and then proceed down the ladder. Drop into the hole and build a bridge over the lava on the left. Telewarp across the bricks again and brick switch it again. Stand on the bricks you had just felled and take the last egg. Creepy Castle, Level 10 (CC10) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (6), Telewarp (2), Brick Switch Eggs: 10 Time: 3:00 Relative Difficulty: 5 Note that on your right is a really, really deep hole with an egg inside so as usual, leave that till last. Get the egg on the left and climb down the ladder, cross the corridor and climb up another ladder and get the egg. From the next egg above, build two bridges on the left to reach the other egg. In doing so you also block the ladder. It does not matter here. Get the three eggs that are close to the left wall. Telewarp across the bricks and then brick switch it too make them fall to the lava below. Go down and build a bridge over the egg hiding in the corner and then go down and take the egg. The bridge is there for no reason. Cross to the other side and get the other egg. Climb up to get the rest of the eggs and then go to the ladder next to the bricks. Climb up the ladder and then fall over to the left so that you are now on the other side of the bricks. Brick switch it and also see them fall below. Go back to where you built the bridge for no reason and telewarp up to the bridge. Hey! Looks like there WAS a reason. Anyway, go to the lava pool and build bridges as you go over the lava. The bricks help to reduce the number of bridges to build. After passing the lava, go collect the last egg of the easy levels of Creepy Castle. Again now you have two choices. Again, please take the right route and go to Slime Cave straightaway. I’ll continue the Creepy Castle walkthrough for the benefit of those who wish to return to do these puzzles. --Cutscene-- Creepy Castle, Hard 1 (CCH1) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (2), Brick Switch, Ghost Trap (2) Eggs: 07 Time: 5:00 Relative Difficulty: 7 Take those bricks on your right out of the way and take the egg. Then climb up the ladder and brick switch the bricks there too. After that, build a bridge on the right of the ladder to prepare the path for the ghost later on. Take the egg and then fall off the edges. Put a ghost trap _next_ to the wooden floor. Go right, and up and down the ladders to take the egg at the bottom right corner. Go up all the way and take the egg in the turret and then go to level where the ghost is. Set the last ghost trap on the stone floor between the wooden floor and ladder but NOT next to the ladder. We want the ghost to go down, not linger around the ladder. Take the egg to release the ghost and let it fall in. Build a bridge and cross over the platform to reach the other egg trapping the ghost earlier on. Wait for the ghost to fall off the platform below and down into the ghost trap before making your way down. If you’re fast enough, you can watch the ghost sink into its fiery final resting place. *Glug glug* Oh yeah, also, take the final egg while you’re there. Creepy Castle, Hard 2 (CCH2) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (5), Telewarp (4), Brick Switch Eggs: 02 Time: 3:00 Relative Difficulty: 9 This place might look simple but getting to the eggs took a lot of brainpower for me. First, go to your right and on to the square block platform. Build a bridge across and walk over. Go to the lava and build two bridges. Then go to where the egg in the hole is and telewarp over the hole and go back up. Telewarp across the bricks and then across the gaps (In two attempts, NOT one). Go down and build two bridges across the lava and then go back up and telewarp across the gap. Brick switch the bricks and follow it down. Take the egg and then go right and take the final egg in the hole. Creepy Castle, Hard 3 (CCH3) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (3), Brick Switch, Ghost Trap (1) Eggs: 05 Time: 3:00 Relative Difficulty: 8 Go up, take the egg and proceed to the left. Wait for the ghost to pass by and then take the egg and build a bridge. Go to the bricks and wait for the ghost to pass by then jump off and set the ghost trap and go back up the ladder. Quickly go to back to the bricks before the ghost reaches the trap. When the ghost falls, brick switch the bricks to trap it in that alcove. Go back up and use the remaining two bridges to cover the ladder and get the egg on the other side. Go to the bottom and get the left egg and then the egg on the right. Creepy Castle, Hard 4 (CCH4) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (5), Telewarp (1), Brick Switch Eggs: 04 Time: 5:00 Relative Difficulty: 9 This one caught me off guard for a while but once I solved it, it was pretty easy. As usual, do not take the egg in the deep holes or you’ll never get out. Leave it till last. Go to the ladder on the right and climb down ONE step. Face the right and build a bridge. It may seem out of place, but it is essential to solving this puzzle. Cross the bridge and brick switch the bricks so that it falls to the left where it is not needed. Then go back up and slowly but surely brick switch the bricks at the top till it falls into the lava on the right. Step on the fallen bricks and build a bridge to the right to get to the solid ground. Build two bridges over the large gap and then build another bridge OVER the egg. Go down, take the egg and then telewarp up to safety on the bridge. Go up and brick switch the bricks to get the egg. Beware of the ghost walking about. Finally, go get the last egg all the way on the left side of the level. Creepy Castle, Hard 5 (CCH5) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (1), Telewarp (4), Brick Switch (6) Eggs: 06 Time: 5:00 Relative Difficulty: 10 This is quite difficult and it actually took me a week or so to solve this one. Climb down the ladders to the egg below and then go back up to cross to the other side of the lava pool. Brick switch the bricks and continue. Telewarp across the bricks and go up the ladder to get another egg. Drop in to the hole and go right. Step down to the little bit that sticks out a build a bridge to the right. On your left are two bricks. Brick switch the left one until it falls into the lava. Now go to the edge of your bridge and telewarp up. Go up the step and telewarp down. Brick switch the bricks blocking your way and take the egg. Drop down and take the other egg. Go to the edge of the bricks and telewarp up. Brick switch the bricks blocking your path and take the egg. Continue to the left and take the final egg in the large room. Two areas done, two more to go. 3) SLIME CAVE Total Eggs: 146 eggs in 17 Levels/8.59 eggs per level New Items: Snail Sucker, Crate Creator Items Used: Eyes, Bridge Builder, Telewarp, Brick Switch, Snail Sucker, Crate Creator _______________________________________________________________________________ The floor collapses and you land in this icky world of a sewer. The smell, the broken pipes, the crawling animals, all welcome you to Slime Cave, home to a few of the most difficult ground levels in Toki Tori that would drive you nuts for weeks (it did to me). ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Also, the level gets darker as you proceed downward, just like a real sewer (they call it a cave in the game, but you don’t find pipes in a cave so I find that sewer is a closer fit, and you also usually find sewers under castles, caves...maybe but not all the time). Some extra information: I have been informed by Collin van Ginkel via e-mail that the name of Slime Cave in the PocketPC version of Toki Tori is ‘Slimy Sewer’. How about that? Sounds better too. Slime Cave, New Item! [1] (SCN1) Items: Snail Sucker Eggs: 01 Time: 5:00 Relative Difficulty: 2 Another item learner level so they give you the full 5 minute treatment in such a small area. How I wish they would give such a luxury in other levels. Anyway, this is very straightforward. The egg is just below where you start and the only things in your way are two snails (They look more like slugs but since the game calls them snails, who is to argue?). Use the snail sucker to suck the snails. It’s much like a vacuum cleaner so you can see the snail struggling for its life before it gets sucked up *evil laugh*. The snail sucker can also be used to change the direction of the snail. Use it momentarily and the snail would crawl towards you. You can’t get a snail to crawl away from you using this because it sucks, not blows. However, the further you are from the snail, the weaker the suction, just like the real thing, so go a bit nearer if you need to. Slime Cave, Level 1 (SC01) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (2), Snail Sucker (2) Eggs: 07 Time: 2:00 Relative Difficulty: 2 It’s time to test your brand new toy in a real situation. Get the egg on your right and climb down the ladder. Suck up the snail before it falls off and continue down. Get the two eggs below and on your left. From the egg on the left, build two bridges so that you can go over to the other side. Get the egg above and equip your snail sucker. Wait for the snail to pass the wall, then fall off and suck the snail. Finally, go down and get the last three eggs. Slime Cave, New Item! [2] (SCN2) Items: Crate Creator Eggs: 01 Time: 5:00 Relative Difficulty: 2 Now, instead or using bridges to pass over gaps which can stay in the air and allow stuff to pass underneath it, you can now use crates which are bulky, can’t stay in the air and block the way. Hmmm...I wonder what good is that? I guess the good thing about it is that you can create them anywhere, not just at the edge of a platform and that you can trap monsters with it. Anyway, since you are given it, might as well use it. Go up the ladder and fill in the first hole with your very first crate. Then go and fill the next hole and climb the ladder at the opposite side. Climb the steps and use another crate to fill in the last hole and get the egg. Just be careful not to trap yourself! Slime Cave, Level 2 (SC02) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (2), Snail Sucker (1), Crate Creator (2) Eggs: 06 Time: 3:00 Relative Difficulty: 5 From this level onwards, you have to be sure whether you want to cross a gap with either a crate or a bridge so look through the whole level and strategise before you make your move. Go up the ladder and build a bridge, then go to the right till you’re half a step off the bridge, and then create a crate to the left to prepare for later. When on the other side, suck up the snail and climb the ladders. Take the eggs and fall into the hole and onto the platform you had made earlier. Go to the left and climb the ladders. Let the snail crawl to the left before proceeding up and create a crate away from the ladder to trap the snail. DO NOT block the ladder, as you will have to return later. Climb over the ladder and go right. Take the egg that was ignored earlier and go back to where you trapped the snail. Go up the ladders, go over the edge and take the last egg in the inescapable hole. Slime Cave, Level 3 (SC03) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (2), Telewarp (2), Crate Creator (7) Eggs: 09 Time: 3:00 Relative Difficulty: 4 First go left and create a crate to the left of the two small wooden boxes to continue the steps. Climb up the ladder and drop two crates down the hole and get the egg. Now go to the right and climb up the ladder. Put a crate into the hole or build a bridge over it (it doesn’t matter) and take the next egg. Go down the ladders and get the egg on the right. Now go up the ladder a bit and step onto the platform on the left of the ladder. There are two snails and you have no way to defend yourself so the only way is to adapt to the situation. When the snails leave the ladder below, drop below and climb down the ladder, but not all the way, try to be as high as possible without having your head peeping above the surface. Soon the snails will crawl from the left. The first snail will pass and enter the little alcove and then the second snail will come along. Once the first snail makes its return trip over the ladder, then come out. You’ll now be standing between both snails. As the snails move, move along with them. Don’t go too fast and don’t go too slow or you’ll die. From here on I’ll call this “The Snails’ March”. Once you reach the other ladder, quickly scramble down and climb the ladder on the left. Go up all the way and drop a crate down the hole to the right of the platform. Get the egg and by now the snails would be making their way to the other side again so quickly drop down and climb down the ladder again. Go over to the other side, climb the ladder and you’ll reach a wide gap. First use a crate, take a step, then another crate. Climb up the ladder and build a bridge over the deep hole. Telewarp inside the hole and get the egg and then telewarp up. Go back and do The Snails’ March to go back to the other side and get the last egg at the lower right corner. And depends on what you used to go over the first hole, you’ll have one extra tool left. Slime Cave, Level 4 (SC04) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (4), Snail Sucker (1), Crate Creator (2) Eggs: 09 Time: 3:00 Relative Difficulty: 7 Do this on you level on your own first and you’ll be surprised by how this level is done. At the second level you continued building bridges and went on forward, right? Unfortunately, that is the wrong way. I did that way too at first but I found out the correct way after about 20 tries. This is the correct way. Ignore the egg on the right and go all the way to the left and climb the ladder. Take the higher egg first and then the lower egg. Walk to the edge till there’s half a crate worth of space left between you and the edge. Create the crate. The crate would have half on solid ground and half sticking out. Go on top of the crate and build a bridge out to the right and climb up the ladder. Get the egg and continue up. Create a crate on the ladder you had just climbed out from, thus creating a platform to reach the former-inaccessible egg. Climb the ladder on the left and equip your Snail Sucker. Climb up the next ladder and suck up the little critter and take the egg it had defended till now. Climb down the ladder and jump off the edge on to the crate that you had made earlier and get the egg. Climb back up to that edge and build a bridge across and then build another bridge across the next gap. Get the two eggs and climb down the ladders. Here you can either use the last bridge builder to the right for convenience sake, or you can just hop off the platform and climb up the ladder to get it. Both ways, you still get the egg. Finally, just drop to where the very first egg was and finish the level. Slime Cave, Level 5 (SC05) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (2), Crate Creator (8) Eggs: 06 Time: 3:00 Relative Difficulty: 6 When you start, don’t get tricked by the ladder on the other side. Slime Cave is very notorious for putting extra ladders all over the place to throw players off. Just drop into the hole and get the two eggs on the lower levels. Now go to the left and put a crate where the egg was and step onto it, then put a crate where you last stood and step on the new crate, thus creating a staircase effect. Do so until you are able to reach the platform on the right. Climb the ladder and go on to the elevated part on the left. Build a bridge on the left and then climb the ladder on the right. Go and get the egg on the right, then go to the gap on the left. Drop the last two crates into the hole and get the egg. Now go all the way to the right and climb down the ladder. Build a bridge across and get the last two eggs. Slime Cave, Level 6 (SC06) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (1), Telewarp (2), Snail Sucker (1), Crate Creator (2) Eggs: 11 Time: 4:00 Relative Difficulty: This one caught me off for weeks on end, but it’s easy when you know how. Firstly, ignore the egg on the right and climb the ladder instead. Take the egg above and let the snail escape. The egg that you had ignored earlier will be used as steps for the snail to travel on and get trapped by another egg below. Once the snail has passed, take the other egg and climb up the ladder on the left. Climb up halfway and put a crate at the end of the corridor. Go back up the ladder and put a crate into the hole. Drop down and telewarp onto the crate you had made earlier. Get the two eggs and drop off on the left and you’ll be on the other side of the gap. Build a bridge and go across. Get the first egg you had ignored earlier and then go down the ladder to the egg trapping the snail. Take the egg, thus releasing the snail and climb up the ladder quickly. Wait for the snail to drop off the edge, wait for a while for the snail to crawl a bit and then drop off also. Take the egg next to the ladder and then stand on the ladder. Equip the snail sucker and suck the snail so that it changes direction, but DO NOT suck up the snail. Climb down the ladder and the snail will make its way to be trapped in the alcove on the left. Proceed down, take the egg, suck the snail and take the other egg. Telewarp to the right, climb up the ladder and then take the last two eggs. If you did not trap the first snail earlier, that snail will be stuck in this final room and you would not be able to get the last egg. Slime Cave, Level 7 (SC07) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (4), Telewarp (1), Snail Sucker (1), Crate Creator (4) Eggs: 12 Time: 3:00 Relative Difficulty: Climb up the ladder and suck the snail on the left and proceed left. Ignore the right side first. Take the egg and build two bridges across. Put a crate in the hole specifically designed for it and continue left. Take the egg and drop a crate into the hole. Drop in after the crate. Take the egg, climb up the ladder, take the other egg and drop another crate into the hole. Go across, get the egg, climb the ladder, get the next egg and drop another crate into the hole. Go across to the right along the lowest level and get the egg next to the ladder. Climb up the ladders and go to the right. Get the egg trapping the snail and quickly go left. Climb down the ladder between the bridges and crate you had made earlier and drop off to the right. Continue to the right and get the three eggs. Build a bridge across the step and climb up the steps. Walk off the step halfway and telewarp up. Build a bridge across the gap and get the last egg. Slime Cave, Level 8 (SC08) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (5), Snail Sucker (1), Crate Creator (4) Eggs: 11 Time: 4:00 Relative Difficulty: Go to the left and drop off the edge. When the snail hits the egg next to you and proceeds right, take the egg and create a crate on the right, thus trapping the snail and saving the snail sucker for later. Climb the ladder and go to the hole above the egg on the left. Wait for the snail to hit that egg and proceed right, then drop off the edge and get the egg. Follow the snail and climb the ladder once you reach it. Go to the left and drop off the edge. Climb down the ladder and build a bridge over the gap to the left and another bridge over the next gap. Take the egg at the end and go back up the ladder and get off halfway. Build a bridge over the gap and drop two crates into the next gap. Get the two eggs and climb the long ladder all the way. Go to the left and drop off the edge. On the floating platform, build a bridge and then create a crate to the left. Drop off and climb the long ladder to the top. Go to the left and build a bridge at the edge. Drop off and get the next two eggs and drop off the right till you land on a bridge you had made earlier. Go all the way to the left, equip your snail sucker, and then drop off the edge. Get the egg and suck up the snail. Continue to the right and get the last three eggs. Slime Cave, Level 9 (SC09) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (3), Brick Switch, Crate Creator (2) Eggs: 08 Time: 3:00 Relative Difficulty: Brick switch the bricks on the right and build a bridge on the edge and then brick switch the bricks again. Climb up the ladder and fall off the edge. Brick switch the bricks down and follow them down. Go to your left and build a bridge to fill in the empty space so that you can return later. Take the egg and quickly go onto the makeshift stairs you had made earlier and climb up the ladder on the right. Take the egg and drop off the edge. Fill the hole on your left with a crate and climb up the ladder. Take the egg, thus releasing the snail, jump off the edge and climb up the ladder. Take the other egg after the snail has dropped off and drop down to where you first started. Go to your left and brick switch the bricks, take the eggs and plunge down the hole. Continue on your right and build a bridge over the gap, take the egg, fill the hole with a crate and take the last two eggs. Slime Cave, Level 10 (SC10) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (4), Snail Sucker Eggs: 11 Time: 3:00 Relative Difficulty: This is one of the most heart-stopping levels, as you have to be one step ahead of the snail, set up the snail’s route, make sure the snail does not fall off the edge and rescue the eggs, ALL at the same time. This is Level 10 after all, nothing to be surprised about. If at any time you need to calm down a bit or you’d like to plan ahead, pause if you need to. This stage practically challenges your running skills and thinking skills so this one is a real challenge. It’s definitely worthy of being the hardest of the easy Slime Cave levels. Imagine what you’ll expect in the hard levels, those are a real killer. Throughout this stage, you MUST NOT, and I repeat, MUST NOT allow the first snail to drop off the edges at the left or right. Otherwise you’ll have two snails to contend with at the bottom instead of one, so you must be quick and alert. Firstly, equip the snail sucker and wait till the snail turns away from the egg before taking it to give yourself some time. Go down to the left, over the two wooden blocks, down the hole on the left, climb down the ladder on the right, take the egg, climb back up and stay on the left side of the hole above. When the snail comes down and crawls off a bit. Suck it so that it changes direction and then run to the left and drop down the edge. Again wait for the snail to drop down and crawl a bit and then suck it so that it changes direction. Run and drop off to the right and hide beneath the platform to the left of where you just dropped down and wait for the snail. After the snail drops off, let it crawl till it touches the end of the screen, then use the snail sucker till it changes direction. You’ll be quite far away from it, so you have to wait a bit. All this is to give yourself some time for the next obstacle ahead. Drop down the gap on the left and run to the egg on the right and then run all the way to the left. You would have just made it pass the gap JUST before the snail drops. Climb down the ladder, take the egg and build a bridge over the deep hole on the left to prevent the snail from dropping off. Run to the right and build a bridge across the first gap and drop into the second gap. Climb the ladder and take the egg and then climb down the ladders on the left and climb up the ladder on the right to get the next egg. Go under the platform to your left and when the snail drops, change its direction by sucking it again. Quickly build a bridge across the first gap, use the Snail Sucker to change the snail’s direction so that it move towards you, then climb the ladder to let it pass under. Once it falls in the second hole, build a bridge over the hole and get the egg over the edge. Fall to the next level to get the next two eggs. Finally, fall to the bottom to retrieve the final two eggs. Oh, and remember to suck the snail up. Yet again you have two choices. Just go on to the watery world of Bubble Barrage and leave the really hard levels of Slime Cave for later. --Cutscene-- Slime Cave, Hard 1 (SCH1) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (2), Brick Switch (3), Crate Creator (2) Eggs: 13 Time: 3:00 Relative Difficulty: There are a whopping total of 13 eggs to collect here so it’s time to work harder. Brick switch the bricks on the left and take the egg. Climb the ladder to the top and drop off the edge on the right to take the egg. Make sure that the snail below is out of the way and then jump off, take the egg, go to the ladder, create a crate on the left and take the egg. Climb the ladder halfway to the first opening and go right. Build a bridge over the gap, climb down the ladder and get the egg on the right. Wait till the snail below is in the alcove to the right then run to the bricks and brick switch them. Get the egg below and above and then go back to the bricks. Wait until the snail turns away from the bricks and then brick switch them. Follow the snail to the ladder, climb up the ladder and go to the left. Create a crate onto the bridge you had made earlier and climb up the ladder on the left. Go to the right and build a bridge over the gap and take the egg. Drop off the platform and get the two eggs, climb the ladder on the right and go all then go all the way to the left, climb down the ladder and return to where you first started. Use the bricks as steps and go to the right and take the final three eggs. Slime Cave, Hard 2 (SCH2) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (2), Crate Creator (2) Eggs: 12 Time: 5:00 Relative Difficulty: Climb up the ladder, take the egg and climb down. Wait till the snail drops off into the hole on the left and then build a bridge over it. Climb up the ladder and take the egg at the end of the corridor. Go back to the trapped snail, go across the bridge and continue dropping off the edges on the left as you take the two eggs. Now there are 2 ways at this point. One saves a bridge, the other doesn’t, but you still solve the puzzle anyway. EITHER: Go to the right and build a bridge on the edge. After that, create a crate on the edge so that one half of it is next to where you are standing and the other half is sticking out. Go up the series of ladders and drop off the right on to the crate you had made earlier. Build a bridge on the right and create a crate. Take the egg on the left and then go up the ladders again. Once at the top, build a bridge, step off it and land on the crate created earlier. Take the egg on the right, build a bridge, create a crate at the tip of the bridge and go back up the ladders again. This time, instead of falling off, continue building the bridge so that you reach the egg on the right. Take the egg, step to the right once, and drop a crate below. Drop down and, take the egg on the left, then take on the right and proceed down the ladder. Drop to the lowest level and take the last three eggs. OR: Go to the right and create a crate such that half of it is hanging out. Climb the ladders and then fall onto the crate you made earlier. Build a bridge on the right and create a crate. Take the egg on the left and then go up the ladders again. Once at the top, build a bridge, step off it and land on the crate created earlier. Take the egg on the right, build a bridge, create a crate on the bridge and go climb the ladders again. This time, instead of falling off, continue building the bridge so that you reach the egg on the right. Take the egg, step to the right once, and drop a crate below. Drop down and, take the egg on the left, then take on the right and proceed down the ladder. Drop to the lowest level and take the last three eggs. Slime Cave, Hard 3 (SCH3) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (5), Telewarp (6), Brick Switch (5), Crate Creator (5) Eggs: 11 Time: 6:00 Relative Difficulty: This level seems to give an excess of items, or maybe I’m conserving too much. Build a crate on the left such that the whole thing is on solid ground. Climb up onto it by the ladder and build a bridge off it. Climb down the ladder on the right and continue right till you reach a deep hole which reaches the bottom. Drop three crates in and seal up the hole with a bridge. In this section, there are two ways: HARD: Climb up to the ladder which leads to the worm and stand on the ladder such that you CAN see the first, second AND third rung from the bottom. Build a bridge to the left and continue up. Switch the bricks and the hide down the ladder. This part requires lots of timing. When the snail drops off, you go up before the snail reaches the ladder. Take the three eggs above and return to the ladder. When it’s safe to climb down, proceed. Stand next to the ladder which leads to some bricks above. Ignore them. Instead, build a bridge to the left and telewarp to the left. Take that egg and another one at the top of the ladder. Climb back down and jump down => GO TO PART 2 EASY: Climb up two ladders and go to the left and build a bridge. Telewarp to the left and take that egg, followed by another egg at the top of the ladder. Climb back down and build a bridge to the right. Go right to land on the bridge made earlier and climb all the way to the top where the bricks are and switch them. Climb down a ladder and then go left where there is another ladder leading to a snail. Step up to the ladder and build a bridge to the left. Climb the ladder and switch the bricks, then climb down to switch them again so that now they are safely tucked away in the crevice. When the snail drops down, climb up and take the three eggs above. Go back to where you created the first crate and drop down to the left. Be careful of the snail on your way down => GO TO PART 2 PART 2: Ignore the egg on the left trapped by the bricks for now and jump into the hole on the right and telewarp down. Take the egg on the left and go right to the wall of crates. Telewarp across the crates and take the egg at the end. Climb the ladder to another egg and telewarp across the wall, onto the crates. Telewarp up onto the bridge. Go right to the crate and bridge above the hole and jump off. Switch the bricks trapping the egg and take the egg. Now go to the hole on the right but don’t jump in. Step halfway off the edge instead and telewarp up to the bridge. Now go right, down the ladder, down the corridor, across the bridge and take the egg. Climb the ladder and switch the bricks for the last egg with one bridge, one crate and two brick switches to spare. Slime Cave, Hard 4 (SCH4) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (3), Telewarp (1), Brick Switch (2), Crate Creator (3) Eggs: 07 Time: 5:00 Relative Difficulty: Go right and build a bridge. When you reach the next gap, make sure both snails are on the left and then drop a crate in (If you are able, try to make both snails be together as much as possible). Follow after the crate and then continue to your right. Go over the bricks and then switch them so that they drop into the chasm below. Climb down the first ladder and go left. Drop once and then twice. Below, you can see three eggs (use Eyes if you can’t see the third one). Drop a crate into the hole on the right and follow after it. Here, you can take two eggs first, so take them and go right. Climb the ladder and take the egg on the extreme right. Climb up the next series of ladders to where the bricks originally were. Jump on to the small box and build a bridge then create a crate in succession so that a staircase is formed. Climb up the ladder and take the egg above and then fall on to the first crate you had made earlier. Go onto the platform on the left and build a bridge and then change your tool to the brick switch. When both snails are on the right, drop below, take the egg, switch the bricks and continue to the left onto the safe area. Change your item to the telewarp. Once the worms are heading away from you, follow them and once you are under the bridge made earlier, telewarp up. You should make it just in time before the snails crawl back. Go left, climb down the first ladder, move right till you reach the hole at the extreme left, drop in and take the last egg. Slime Cave, Hard 5 (SCH5) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (3), Crate Creator (9) Eggs: 11 Time: 8:00 Relative Difficulty: Ignore the eggs, go right and fall into the loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong shaft and amazingly, without a single scratch! Take the two eggs on the left and climb up a ladder. Build a bridge over the hole on the right and continue to climb the ladders, but don’t last two ladders. When the snail is on the left, jump down, stand where the ladder is and step right. Create one crate on the left to trap the snail and take the egg on the right. Continue to the right and drop a crate into the loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong shaft, without it breaking! Jump down that shaft and land on the crate. Take the egg on the right, climb up the ladder and go left to the shaft. Build a bridge and walk over to the other side. Climb the ladders to the egg at the top. Climb down one ladder, stand halfway off the edge on the right and create a crate. It will land on the bridge and provide easy access to the egg below. Take that egg and climb the first ladder again. Go right to the bridge create earlier and climb all the way to the top, but don’t climb the last two ladders, again. Go right to the crate and go the edge of the platform and create a crate so that half of it is dangling in mid-air. Climb the ladder to where you started and drop another crate on top of the first one and go left. Finally, you can now climb the two topmost ladders. When at the top, drop a crate on top of the second highest ladder to proceed to the right. Drop yet another crate and follow suit. Continue right and jump off the platform. Take the egg at the end of the corridor and then climb the ladders to another crate on top. Drop into the not-so-long shaft and go right again. This time, instead of climbing all the way, drop off to the right when possible. Drop into another hole and land in a depression. Climb the ladder and build a bridge across the gap to reach the egg. Climb down the ladder to take the last two eggs in plain sight with two crates to spare too. 4) BUBBLE BARRAGE Total Eggs: 173 eggs in 17 Levels/10.18 eggs per level New Item: Bubble Suit Items Used: Eyes, Bridge Builder, Telewarp, Freeze-O-Matic, Brick Switch, Crate Creator, Bubble Suit. _______________________________________________________________________________ The sliminess of the Slime Cave washes away, bringing the new watery world of Bubble Barrage. The fish swim around as Toki Tori can now float around in the gentle currents. However, he still has a mission to complete. Not all his siblings are recovered yet. Trust me, this place may seem fun with all the floating around and Toki Tori now adorns a pair of goggles, but the designers have their reason for putting Bubble Barrage at the end, and this place does earn its reputation for being the final area. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Before I continue, I will be using terms like float, for the use of the bubble suit and descriptions like ‘[5] bubble source’, which means a bubble source which can only provide a maximum of 5 bubbles and so on. Bubble Barrage levels also have the tendency to make Toki Tori travel back to a particular area in the level, so I will not explain such things so thoroughly anymore, as the solutions are getting longer. Avoiding monsters – fish in this case - is also quite common sense by now so I won’t emphasise on that either. Bubble Barrage, New Item [1] (BBN1) Items: Bubble Suit (5) Eggs: 01 Time: 5:00 Relative Difficulty: This is extremely straightforward, and there is no chance of being trapped or being injured...okay...maybe there is some thorns in that corner, but you have come so far, surely you are experienced enough?! I’m sure you are. Anyway, all you would have to do is to make your way to the top right corner, and refilling the suit with the various bubble sources along the way. The thorns are easily avoidable so that needs no explanation either. (Thank goodness) Bubble Barrage, Level 1 (BB01) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (1), Bubble Suit (5) Eggs: 10 Time: 5:00 Relative Difficulty: For a first stage, this requires much thinking already. Drop down the shaft on the left, fill up the bubble suit and get the first egg below. Go to the middle of the bottom and get the four eggs ready for the picking. If you run out of bubbles for the bubble suit, then you can just refill it again. Once done, refill again, get the egg at the bottom right and float up the long shaft to the next egg and bubble source. Float up the inner shaft and be careful of the thorns below. When you land go left to the hole. Float up and then left on the same level as the eggs and fish. Build a bridge over the gap, take the first egg and float up enough such that the fish can pass through. When the fish passes, take the other egg and continue right and down the shaft to the bubble source. Refill then go to the hole above the last egg. Float down till you are above the egg and then deactivate the suit, where you will land safely onto it. Bubble Barrage, New Item [2] (BBN2) Items: Freeze-O-Matic Eggs: 01 Time: 5:00 Relative Difficulty:’s back! Our trusty freezer... It may be a simple place but don’t be trigger-happy. When freezing, do not let the frozen fish block your path. At best, try to freeze it as far as possible, not only is it safer, your movement will also not be restricted in the sense that the nearer the ice cube is, the harder it is to manoeuvre around it. Freeze the first fish when it is away from the step or you’ll be trapped, then climb down the ladder. Notice that on the right half of the bottom area, there is a platform which only gives enough space for Toki Tori or a fish to be in. Make sure you don not freeze the fish in that tight area or you’ll be trapped also. When the fish leaves that part, freeze it and then take the final egg. Bubble Barrage, Level 2 (BB02) Items: Eyes, Crate Creator (4), Bubble Suit (10), Freeze-O-Matic Eggs: 09 Time: 4:00 Relative Difficulty: I can’t believe I almost forgot how to solve this one. Follow the fish till you reach the first ladder and climb down. Step halfway to the right and float to the egg and float back to the ladder. Climb back up, refill on the right. Continue up the ladders, drop to the egg on the left and then float up to the egg near the thorns. Refill the suit once again and return to where you started. Create a crate to the left and then float onto it. Take the egg next to you and the one nearest to the other end of the pipes. Create another crate such that half of it is under the pipes, return to refill and then return to the second crate. Float to the other egg on the left and return to refill the suit. Climb down the ladder and step halfway to the left. Create a crate on the left to cover the thorns and continue left. Float up to the next egg and create a crate to fill up the hole. Use the crate to travel as far as possible, and then float to the next egg and take the final egg in the corner. Bubble Barrage, Level 3 (BB03) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (1), Telewarp (1), Crate Creator (4), Freeze-O- Matic Eggs: 05 Time: 3:00 Relative Difficulty: An easier solution by Jon Patterson First take the egg on the right and then drop a crate into the hole. Climb the ladder and go left. Before falling into enemy territory, take out the Freeze-o-Matic. When the two fish pass the point where you fall, drop below, freeze the fish on the right and quickly climb down the ladder before the other fish comes along. Take the egg on the left and then climb the first ladder. Now go to the ladder that has an egg on it. Climb it one step and build a bridge to the right. This is to prevent the fish from following after you. Once the fish turns away from that egg, take it, run to the right side of the bridge and telewarp over the thorns and you will fall to the bottom. Note that the egg on the right will be the final egg. Go left, up the ladder and then right to the egg next to the thorns. Now return to the aforementioned final egg. This was my first solution posted here (kept here for ‘archival’ purposes). Try it if you like, it is somewhat similar but definitely more challenging than the correct solution. First take the egg on the right and then drop a crate into the hole. Climb the ladder and go left. Before falling into enemy territory, take out the Freeze-o- Matic. When the two fish pass the point where you fall, drop below, freeze the fish on the right and quickly climb down the ladder before the other fish comes along. Take the egg on the left and then build a bridge off the cliff on the right. Now is the hard part. First set your item to Telewarp and go under the egg that is on the ladder. When the fish turns away from the ladder, take the egg, run to the bridge, telewarp right over the thorns, drop right, and note that the egg on the right will be the final egg. Quickly run left, up the ladder and then right to the egg next to the thorns. Now quickly run to the aforementioned final egg BEFORE the fish drops down and blocks your way. You would make it just before the fish drops if you’re fast enough. Good luck, you’ll need it. Bubble Barrage, Level 4 (BB04) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (3), Telewarp (1), Brick Switch, Bubble Suit (5) Eggs: 14 Time: 5:00 Relative Difficulty: This is getting tough already. Go left and build a bridge, step halfway off the bridge and use only _two_ bubbles to get across. Climb the ladder, take the egg and then float _over_ the bricks. Once on the other side, use the unlimited supply of brick switches on it. Take the other two eggs and refill the bubble suit. Go back to the left, down the ladders and float over the gap. Brick switch the bricks that you earlier felled and see them fall to the bottom. Float back across, climb the ladders, refill the suit and take the next egg. Float across the thorns and take the next egg. Climb down and brick switch the bricks. Build a bridge over the gap, walk across and go on a brick switch craze. Only brick switch the first set of bricks. If you happen to brick switch the second set, then re- brick switch them back. The end result would be a rather large space between both sections. Telewarp below into the little compartment, float to the next egg and refill the suit. Float to the next platform on the right and take the egg there. Go down to refill the suit and float up to the right where the two eggs are. You can take whichever you want first – refilling when necessary – and then return to the left to take the next three eggs. Go onto the bricks dropped earlier and float to the next egg. Refill your suit and build a bridge, then go and take the last egg. Bubble Barrage, Level 5 (BB05) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (3), Brick Switch, Bubble Suit (5) Eggs: 13 Time: 5:00 Relative Difficulty: This is a great example of pre-preparation and IMHO, this is one of the best created levels. Kudos to the level creators! First go left and take the two eggs down the steps. Continue downwards and follow the path and float up to the bricks. When the fish turns away, switch the bricks and climb down the ladder to the next egg. When the fish moves to the bricks, climb up, take the egg, go up the steps to the right and switch the bricks. Continue right, take the four free eggs in plain sight and refill. Note that this fills 10 so this is a better alternative than the [5] bubble source at the beginning. Go back to where you started – collecting yet another egg at the same time. Go to where the steps were and build a bridge over it. Take the egg and go back to the [10] bubble source. Float to the seaweed platform and build a bridge to extend it. Continue to float up to the bricks and refill if needed. Switch the bricks as much as possible until it lands on the platform extended earlier. Go down to refill the suit, go left and float up to the beginning of the steps that leads to the egg. Take the egg, float over the gap and onto where the brick is presently at. Build your last bridge over to the next egg and take the last two eggs. There could be another solution to this level, but this seems to be the only one I can find. Anybody with an alternate solution is welcome to send them. Bubble Barrage, Level 6 (BB06) Items: Eyes, Crate Creator (3), Bubble Suit (5), Freeze-O-Matic Eggs: 11 Time: 5:00 Relative Difficulty: Firstly, float up all the way over the wall. If you had activated the suit too early, you can always refill the bubble suit next to where you first started. Take the egg on the right, thus uncovering a depression. This will be extremely useful later on. Refill and go up to the first platform (not the one with the fish, the one below). Take the egg on the left, refill and take the egg on the right in the narrow alcove. Go back to the left, refill (again...) and then proceed up the ladder. If you run out of bubbles before you reach the other side, you can always refill it at the bottom. Nothing is wasted, just time, so it is (somewhat) okay. Anyway, as I was saying, proceed up the ladder and float over the egg and fish and land on the platform with another refilling station. Ignore the two eggs below to let the fish remain trapped and continue onto the ground on the right. (If you just float straight right and then deactivate the bubble suit in mid-air and aim just right, you’ll land half a step off the hole. This will save you on lots of bubbles.) Continue to the right and float across the hole. Take the egg all the way to the right that’s up the steps, and then climb down the ladder and take the egg, releasing the fish. The fish will go left until it reaches the depression uncovered earlier and will be stuck there. Once the fish leaves, take the egg at the end of the corridor and then drop of the edge on the left. When you are on the long thin part of the ground, face left and then drop a crate into the hole. This will be important later on. For now, just go to the left to the trapped fish. Freeze it with the Freeze-o-Matic and the fish will float up and get stuck below a hole. Float up to the first platform, up the ladder, get the egg on the right, float up to the refilling station platform, refill, float above the egg and the hole, drop next to the hole and fill the hole with a crate. Take the second egg blocking the fish and run off to the right, down the first hole to the long, thin part of ground, down into the lower chamber, land on the crate made earlier and climb up the ladder slightly to allow the fish to swim under underneath. Once the fish passes and gets stuck at the bottom right corner, get the Freeze-o-Matic out and freeze it. The ice block will create a bridge (somewhat) to the egg above. Climb the ladders and get the egg. Float up to the refilling station and refill if you need to and float up back to the ladders and climb down. Go left and take the egg and the next one. Use the last crate to make some steps and climb up the rest of the stairs to get the last two eggs. Now that was really long. Thank you very, very much to collo on the official Toki Tori forums for helping me out in the most indirect way possible I have ever seen. I really should curse myself for freezing the wrong fish all the time. Bubble Barrage, Level 7 (BB07) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (3), Crate Creator (1), Bubble Suit (5), Freeze-O- Matic Eggs: 11 Time: 5:00 Relative Difficulty: First build a bridge to your left, then make sure the bottom is clear to jump into before jumping down (Without injury, again. It’s amazing what this chicken can do). Take both eggs and wait in the recess on the left for the fish to occupy the depression on the right. When the fish gets stuck, freeze it. This creates a bridge to the egg above (use Eyes to see). Float up to the [10] bubble source on the seaweed to refill the suit. Take the egg on the right in the depression and then replace it with a crate. Float to the egg further on the right, return to refill and go back to the crate. Float up all the way to the [5] bubble source, refill, take the egg in the pit on the left and go back to refill. Now go left to the [10] bubble source. Take the two eggs and then re-refill. Now float to the platform above the pit. By now you should have 3 to 5 bubbles left. If you have used more, then return to the [5] bubble source, refill, float back to the [10] bubble source, refill, (lather, rinse, repeat), otherwise you’ll not have enough for the return trip. Anyway, continue left to under where you originally started and build another bridge to the other egg. If you have 4 to 5 bubbles remaining then go back to the [10] bubble source via the [5] bubble source via the pit. If you have 3 bubbles left, then jump down, float to the [10] bubble source on the seaweed and return to the aforementioned [10] bubble source via the crate. With all that muck out of the way, build a bridge to the right to cover the hole. Now float up to the left egg that’s blocking the fish, jump back down, make sure to refill and float to the [5] bubble source. The fish will now make its way to the depression where the first fish was stuck. Follow it and commit the same fate, freeze it. It will now form another bridge to another egg. Refill at the [10] bubble source on the seaweed, float up to the [10] bubble source and take the other egg that was trapping the fish. Return to the [10] bubble source below. Float up to the platform above the pit, then float to the where you started. Take the originally inaccessible egg via the fish bridge and take the final egg below with a bubble to spare. Bubble Barrage, Level 8 (BB08) Items: Eyes, Brick Switch, Crate Creator (1), Bubble Suit (5) Eggs: 15 Time: 6:00 Relative Difficulty: Run to the right as much as possible (and taking three eggs) before the fish drops and blocks your way. The fish will be swimming to where you will be. Notice that there is a space large enough for Toki Tori to float into while the fish can pass under. So do so. When the fish travels right underneath, deactivate the suit, take the egg on the left and continue downwards where yet another free egg waits. Float across the gap to another egg, refill and return to the gap. Drop in and refill. Below is a fish trapped by an egg so once the fish turns away form the egg, quickly take it and go into the hole, where you’ll take another egg. Continue proceeding downwards to the next egg and use the bricks switch on the bricks. This will serve to divert the fish away from you and let it continue downwards. When the fish passes, switch the bricks back and make your own way down to the next egg. Climb down the ladder and take the next egg. Float to the right to the [10] bubble source and float up to the ladder. Climb it to the [15] bubble source (Whoa! When was the last time they were so generous?). Continue to float upwards to the [10] bubble source, take the egg, then step halfway off the edge to the right and create a crate to the right. This also happens to block your downward exit. Float to the bricks above and switch them till they fall into the tiny hole. Refill again and continue upwards to the [5] bubble source. Now make your way back to the top of the ladder on the right. Refill and drop to the left. You’ll land on the top of the bricks which were dropped earlier. Take the egg on your left then the one on the right of the bricks. When the fish turns away from the bricks, switch them and follow it down. Switch it again and it’ll land in the little hole. Step onto it and switch the next set of bricks. Take the final egg. Bubble Barrage, Level 9 (BB09) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (1), Brick Switch (3), Crate Creator (1), Bubble Suit (5), Freeze-O-Matic Eggs: 07 Time: 5:00 Relative Difficulty: Float over to the small steps and build a bridge off the last step on the left. Go back to the [5] bubble source, drop to the right to the [10] bubble source and continue downwards to the next egg. When the fish reached the far left, freeze it. Float back up to the [10] bubble source and then to the next egg. Use the bubble sources to make your way back to the bridge made out of your bridge and a fish cube. Walk over to the next [5] bubble source and continue left. Float across the long gap. You will have enough bubbles to make it across. If otherwise, then you’ll have to redo the level. Take the next egg and climb the ladders to the next [5] bubble source. Climb the next ladder and float to the bricks, the float over them and switch them. Refill and continue right to where the steps are to the next egg. Go left to where you started, and then go to where the bricks were dropped. Make sure to refill your suit. When the fish below is on the left, switch the bricks again, then float over the gap again. Go to the [5] bubble source at the top of the ladder and create a crate such that only half of it is on solid ground. Climb the ladder so that you can land on top of the crate, take the lonely egg and continue right. Jump onto the bricks below and land on the right. When the fish turns away from the bricks, switch them, float onto them and take the last two eggs. Bubble Barrage, Level 10 (BB10) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (1), Telewarp (6), Brick Switch, Crate Creator (10), Bubble Suit (5) Eggs: 19 Time: 9:00 Relative Difficulty: This is truthfully the hardest stage by far and it’s so big that it takes up 6 GameBoy screens. The solution is the longest than any other level. It only seems short because I condensed most of the areas. Collecting 19 eggs will be a long task. Thank goodness for 9 minutes. And look at all the tools at your disposal. *Ooohs of amazement* First go left till you reach a deep hole. Now you’ll have to drop crates into the hole. Start off by having both feet on solid ground, then drop a crate in, then step off halfway and drop in another crate. Then step back and repeat the procedure up to a total of using six crates. From now, this long hole is now the ‘Crate Lift’. Float back up, refill and float over the spikes. Below, the ground will be thin enough to telewarp through. There is also a fish swimming underneath between two eggs. When the fish goes left, telewarp down, take the egg on the right and climb down the ladder. When the fish proceeds left again, go back to where you landed and float up enough so that the fish can pass underneath. When the fish does so, deactivate the suit and run to the left. Take the egg on the right, quickly climb the ladders and take the egg. At the same time, switch the item to the Crate Creator. Run back to the bottom, where the fish will now be swimming towards a hole. Once the fish drops below, drop a crate to trap the fish. Jump down and proceed left and jump down again. Go right and take the egg at the end of the long corridor. Go left to the egg that’s inaccessible. Drop into the hole and telewarp in and then telewarp up. Fill the hole with a crate so that you can get out and continue right to the ladder. Drop into the pit and seal it up with a bridge. Create a crate exactly on the bridge and step on it. Create another crate on the left to create some steps and proceed upwards to the next egg. You’ll now be at the bottom of the ‘Crate Lift’. You’ll see why I call it that. The crates have created holes large enough for Toki Tori to fit into and the spaces between them is sufficient to telewarp through. So telewarp up into the holes created by the crates all the way to the top and continue left to the next egg. Go to the [15] bubble source and then float up to the next egg. Above are two pairs of bricks. That place will now be ‘The Top Platform’. You’ll have to brick switch them each from opposite sides. The end result is a sort of caged area that monsters can enter but can’t get out (Monsters check in, they don’t check out...). And conveniently, there is a fish on the top left that needs trapping, so take the egg to release it and float to safety on ‘The Top Platform’. Go left and take the other egg and go back to the [15] bubble source. Now go to the ladder which has a pair of bricks on each side. This will be the ‘Access Ladder’. Float over the bricks and switch them so that they fill the hole. Refill and climb the ‘Access Ladder’. Go to the left and switch the bricks to get the egg – which in turn blocks the ‘Access Ladder’, but that’s no matter now. Drop into the hole to another [15] bubble source and float out of the shaft to the top. Go back to the other [15] bubble source via ‘The Top Platform’ and switch the bricks there. Float over the thorns and land on the bricks in the hole. Refill on the left and then float up to reach the next two eggs along the straightforward path. Float up to the thorns and then float over them. You’ll just enough bubbles to make it across. Take the last two eggs and be done with the easy levels. So much for ‘Easy’...THAT WAS SO FREAKING DIFFICULT!!! And it took me at least 2 weeks to find the solution. >:( --Cutscene-- Bubble Barrage, Hard 1 (BBH1) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (2), Telewarp (6), Bubble Suit (5), Freeze-O-Matic (1) Eggs: 09 Time: 5:00 Relative Difficulty: Alright, I found a much better solution after going through this over again. Telewarp left and take the egg. When the bottom is clear, jump down and float up next to the thorns, then float over them and refill at the [5] bubble source next to the ladder. Continue left to another [5] bubble source down a step and build a bridge off the edge then float back up. Refill again and then telewarp over the thorns. When the fish is moving right, follow it a few steps, then float up a bit to allow the fish to swim underneath. When the fish has done so, go right, take the egg, take a few more steps right, take out the Freeze-o- Matic and when the fish is next to Toki Tori, freeze it. Go down to the right, take the left egg and float back up. Build a bridge over the hole and telewarp across the wall and telewarp over the thorns. Go left while taking yet another two more eggs. Refill, float across the thorns, refill and float up to the bridge above. Float up to the ladder, refill again, climb the ladder and take the egg. Climb down a bit to let the fish escape. Once the fish has done so, take the egg at the other end, go right and float across the gap. Telewarp into where you first started, take the egg at the other end then telewarp down and take the last egg. My former solution: This is quite a hard puzzle despite being the first one. Trust me, even Bubble Barrage Hard 3 is easier than this. Telewarp left and take the egg. When the bottom is clear, jump down and float up next to the thorns, then float over them and refill at the [5] bubble source next to the ladder. Continue left to another [5] bubble source down a step and build a bridge off the edge then float back up. Refill again and climb the ladder and take the egg. Climb down a bit to let the fish escape. Once the fish has done so, take the egg at the other end, go right and telewarp across the gap. When it is clear below, telewarp down, take the egg on the right and walk a right a few more steps. When the fish swims to the part where the ceiling lowers, freeze it. (*see below for comment) This traps the other fish so you need not worry about it anymore. Go down to the right, take the left egg and float back up. Build a bridge over the hole and telewarp across the wall. Float over the thorns and go left while taking yet another two more eggs. Refill, float across the thorns, refill and float up to the bridge above. Refill, climb the ladder, float across the gap and telewarp into where you first started. Take the egg at the other end then telewarp down and take the last egg. Bubble Barrage, Hard 2 (BBH2) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (3), Bubble Suit (5), Freeze-O-Matic Eggs: 19 Time: 8:00 Relative Difficulty: This is one hard one and is a great example of monster route control. The aim is to get the fish on the right into the depression on the bottom right and get the fish on the left into the depression on the bottom left. First, float to the [5] bubble source on the right. This will now be the ‘Small RS’. There is also another [5] bubble source on the right where a fish is. That will now be the ‘Fish RS’. Now to configure the left fish’s route: refill then go left and land on the steps (and taking the egg at the same time). Drop left (and taking yet another free egg) and build a bridge to the left. Don’t take any other eggs here – although it’s tempting - or the route will be ruined. Go into the hole below and take another two eggs while going left. Refill at the bubble source there and go back the way you came. Once you reach that hole, continue right to another bubble source. This will now be the ‘Middle RS’. Refill again, then float up and then right. Make sure you do not take any other eggs as you float up or the route will be ruined. Continue right and take the egg, refill and build a bridge on the right. Go back to the left and go to the ‘Fish RS’. Take the egg that’s trapping the fish and float to the ‘Small RS’. Now watch the fish travel according to plan. The fish will first fall on an egg and continue left. Take that egg after it swims over it. Float back up and continue following the fish down. The fish will now hit some eggs and make its way down the hole at the bottom. Take the rest of the eggs when it’s safe to do so. Follow it till it gets stuck in the depression. Then freeze it. One fish down (err...I mean up, since it floated up), one to go. Refill and go to the ‘Middle RS’. Climb up the ladder, float across to the gap and take the next egg. Float to where the other egg is and build a bridge on the left to extend the platform to the left. Go to the right and fall down the shaft and take the egg in the depression and refill. Go back up to the ‘Small RS’ via the ‘Middle RS’. Float to the left egg that is trapping the fish and hide under that platform to let the fish pass. When the fish passes the area you are hiding in, follow the fish till it gets stuck in the depression. Then freeze it. Use the bubble sources to go to where the fish cube floated to and take the egg which it gives access to. Go left and use the bubble sources to take the last three eggs. Bubble Barrage, Hard 3 (BBH3) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (3), Brick Switch, Crate Creator (2), Bubble Suit (2) Eggs: 06 Time: 5:00 Relative Difficulty: Brick switch the bricks, follow it down and switch it in to the thorns. Go to the bump on the ground on the left and build a bridge each n both sides, and then create a crate _on_ the bump. This is important for later. Go back to the bricks and float over the remaining distance. Climb the ladder and switch the bricks. Continue up and go left to the long hole that reaches to the bottom. Stand at the edge (don’t step halfway off) and drop a crate. Now the crates are on top of each other (sort of). Go right to the ladder, climb up to the next egg and float across the gap. When the fish turns away from the egg, take it. Jump down to the bubble source. Take the egg next to it, take the egg below and step onto the seemingly useless bridge built earlier. Telewarp up and float up to the bricks above. Build a bridge on the right to prevent the bricks from falling, and then switch the bricks – and refilling as you go along – until they drop in to fill a hole. Remember to refill _before_ following it down. Take the egg and go up to the last egg via the bubble source. Bubble Barrage, Hard 4 (BBH4) Items: Eyes, Brick Switch (7), Bubble Suit (5) Eggs: 10 Time: 6:00 Relative Difficulty: Float up to the egg on the right, refill, and climb up the ladder and drop into the hole at the end of the steps. Step over the bricks on the left and switch them. When it falls, follow them down and stay on it. Float to the left to the [10] bubble source, float to the egg on the right and float back left. Refill and float up to the [5] bubble source above and switch the bricks. Float to the egg on the left and float back. Jump down to the felled bricks and switch them. Refill at the [10] bubble source and float on top of the bricks on the left. Switch these bricks from the right and jump down to the platform on the right. Float across the gap to the next egg. Then float to the left to a [10] bubble source. Switch the bricks, float to the egg on the left and float back to refill. Now jump down to the egg below, take it and float back up. Switch the bricks – refilling when necessary – till they fall into the hole. Take the next two eggs. Fall to the bricks below to take the next egg and go all the way to the bottom for the final egg. Bubble Barrage, Hard 5 (BBH5) Items: Eyes, Bridge Builder (8), Brick Switch (12), Crate Creator (6) Eggs: 13 Time: 9:00 Relative Difficulty: This is definitely the hardest level. But coincidentally I solved this one earlier than Bubble Barrage Hard 2, so I think that one’s harder. That’s my opinion though. This stage is really weird, mainly because this is done (seemingly) backwards. Instead of constructing a downwards-facing staircase to climb down, you would have to do the opposite, and so on. You’ll see what I mean. This first part is supposed test your basic Toki Tori navigational and utility skills – without the help of this walkthrough of course, you were supposed to do it on your own. That is why it tests you. First travel right and ignore all the gaps waiting to be connected by bridges, instead, drop all the way down below. Continue right and switch the bricks. Continue right to take your first egg. Stand on the seaweed and fill in the gap on the right with a crate. Nice fit. Climb the ladders to the top – remember to take the two eggs along the way. Now you have to switch the bricks into the deep hole on the right. Switch them and then make your way around the large chunk of land to appear on the right side of it again to switch them again. Climb up the ladder and go left through the long corridor. When the fish turns away from the egg, take it and hide under the surface using the ladder. The fish will then go left and drop below. Climb back up and go right to another ladder. Climb down two ladders and you’ll be opposite from an egg, separated by a gap. Build a bridge across to reach it. This entire central area will now be the, you guessed it, the ‘Central Area’. Now this area is supposed test your ability to conserve as many bridges and crates to reach higher levels. This part is the hardest, because one wrong move will cause you to restart the level over again. Climb up the ladders to where the egg was trapping the fish. Build a bridge to the left and then drop down to the long vertical platform. Build three bridges to the left. This will be used as a foundation for crates later. After the bridges, create a crate at the end, such that half of it is in mid-air. Go down and go back up to the top via the ‘Central Area’. From where you built a bridge halfway, continue building bridges to a floating platform. Drop a crate in and cover the gap with a bridge. Continue building a bridge leftwards to another floating platform. Drop another crate in, jump down and take the two eggs on the right. Go back up via the ‘Central Area’. Go back to the floating platforms and drop another crate in to give access to the highest egg. Jump down to get it, and then build a bridge left to go to the next part of the level. Now this part tests your brick switching skills. This is the easiest part. Climb down the ladder and walk over the bricks to the egg. Switch the top set of bricks twice so that it creates a bridge for you to access the other set. Walk over the first set to the second and switch them. Make your way around to switch them from the left. Climb down the ladder to switch them one more time. The bricks now create some steps for you to climb. Continue right to a set of bricks felled at the beginning of the game. Jump over them and switch them only when the fish below is on the right of the hole. Now go back to the ‘Central Area’ by going back up by the ladders on the right. When at the ‘Central Area’, don’t climb the last ladder but instead, jump off to the right all the way to the bottom. Continue right where there is a set of bricks waiting to be switched into the thorns. After doing that, take the egg below, and step onto the bricks. Create a crate on the left so that is lands in the middle of the thorns. Walk over to the next egg at the top of the steps and continue left. When the fish swims into the alcove on the right, climb down the ladder and switch the bricks and take the last two eggs at the end of the corridor. Congratulations! You should have finished all the stages by now. When you finish, you’ll see some other stuff. I’ll let you see that by yourself, I won’t tell you. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- X. TIPS, TRICKS AND OTHER USELESS STUFF (TTAOUS) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ==Half Gaps== As Toki Tori is kinda big, he would not be able to fall through one unit of space. The size of a unit of space (a gap – which is able to let a crate through, or build a bridge on - is two units wide) would be the same size as the length of one brick. It should look something like this: TT T = Toki Tori TT G = Ground/Platform/Frozen Monster GG GG GG GG GGGGGGGGG ==Step on the Edge But Don’t Fall Off== This makes use of the ‘half gap’ reasoning. Get Toki Tori to the edge but leave half of him on solid ground and the other half on air. He’ll start to look like he is going to fall off balance but he’ll still stay on the ground. Use this advantage to save on crates and bridges by putting a small space between them. TT T = Toki Tori TT G = Ground/Platform/Frozen Monster GG CC CC C = Crate GG CC CC GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ==Save on Bubbles== This also takes advantage of the ‘half gaps’ reasoning. Instead of starting with both feet on the ground when you want to use the bubble suit, why not start at the edge and save on one bubble. Not having one extra bubble can mean the difference reaching the other side and NOT being able to reach the other side at all. ==Early Preparation and Monster Route Control== Toki Tori is not a game where you can do things on impulse. One important aspect of the game is to plan ahead. As you plan, ask yourself questions like: “Do I build a bridge here, or do I simply telewarp over”? Trace the route that you are going to take so that you can plan which tool should be used for which obstacle. The second thing is you can decide how the monsters are going to travel by putting blockages and clearing obstacles so that the monsters adapt to you. Not you adapt to the monsters. ==Specially Designed== If you see any holes, or sudden thinning of a wall/floor/ceiling, or extra platforms sticking out or holes in the middle of ground, that would be a sign that those sections would have to be a part of your route. Remember, everything is there for a reason. And yes, if you want to e-mail me to tell me that some ladders or items weren’t used, then the reason for their existence is to trick you. That’s a reason, isn’t it? Where’s the challenge if everything is laid out for you? ==I Need Some Attention== If you just leave Toki Tori standing there doing nothing, he’ll start waving at you to continue playing. Time IS passing by after all and he needs to rescue his siblings. ==Around and Around I Go== Press Left and Right alternately and continuously (that means press left, right, left, right without stopping). After a while, Toki Tori will be really giddy. Doesn’t help you in the progress of the game in any way though :P ==Disappearing Crates== This happens to be a glitch that I’ve found. When you drop a crate down a deep hole – and I mean, really, really deep - and switch to the Eyes quickly to see if it has landed, the crate will disappear, and never return again. Neither will it return to your inventory as it has counted as being used, but it can’t be seen or stood on. The only way to resolve this: restart the level to get your stuff back. To avoid this, just wait for the crate to fall. ==Wasting Ghost Traps== Unlike other items which can’t be used if the conditions are not right, the Ghost Trap can be used even if you are on a wooden floor. The Ghost Trap would activate, but the wooden floor won’t be affected and the Trap would be wasted. ==You Took My Time!== Every time you start a stage, you’ll ALWAYS start 1 second late, because that second is used to telewarp you in to the level. What a waste!! =-=-=-=-=- XI. THANKS -=-=-=-=-= I’d like to thank: - Capcom ®, TwoTribes ® and Nintendo ® for (in one way or another) helping in the production/licensing/release of this wonderful game. You can visit their websites at, and Also visit the official Toki Tori website at You can see the gallery, download stuff and also check the forums where there are Toki Tori experts there to help you get right on track or if you want to help others if they don’t have the opportunity to see this walkthrough. - CJayC at for creating and managing the place by himself so that people like me can contribute walkthroughs like this for people like you to read. - collo (Collin van Ginkel) on the Toki Tori Official Forums for helping me out with Bubble Barrage Level 6, otherwise I would have never finished the game. - Tom Tung and mjpooh for offering to help me for Bubble Barrage Level 6 via e-mail although I had already solved it beforehand (see above). I’m so touched, at least I know people actually read my hard work =`) (It’s a crying and touched emoticon, in case you were wondering.) - Jon Patterson for giving a much easier and less stressful solution for Bubble Barrage Level 3 via e-mail. - Microsoft® for presenting this piece of software called Microsoft® Word©, so that the document definitely has a width of 79 characters and has almost zero spelling mistakes. Then again, no-thank you to Microsoft® for making our lives so difficult by making Windows© XP© so hardware-consuming and forcing me to upgrade my computer to handle it :P - God for all He has done for us, including giving the game creators the ideas for Toki Tori. - YOU! Just for reading my hard work and appreciating it (if any). - And last of all but not least, me, because I wrote this FAQ. Okay, maybe I could thank koholint takeout and MonkeyforaHead for inspiring me to create a Toki Tori FAQ myself – mainly because they had only done them halfway, and seemed to have abandoned them. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- XII. WALKTHROUGH STATISTICS (WLKSTT) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This section provides a collection of statistics concerning this document (and a way to increase the size of this FAQ). Total days taken: 498 days (as of 09 Feb 2005) Total revisions: 14 Total permission e-mails received: 3 Total help-giving e-mails received: 3 Total help-asking e-mails received: 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= XIII. GOOD BYE (GOODBY) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Yes, it’s’s the end of the FAQ. Why does it have to end so quickly??? (Author’s note to self: End quickly??? You mean like after 2562 lines of text) Anyway, thanks (again) for reading my FAQ and check back later when I continue to update the FAQ with some other useless information. Which I will. Soon. Some time in the near future. ________ ___ ________ ||¯¯¯¯¯¯¯/ \¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|| || / \ || || / \ || || / \ || || / \ || || / \ || ||_/¯¯¯\_ _/¯¯¯\_|| |/ \ / \ / \ / \| |\ /___\ /| | \_____/ \_____/ | |_____________________| (ASCII Toki Tori Egg © Benjamin Lee/sandstorm6299. Do not plagiarise or re- distribute) Bye! --END OF DOCUMENT--