Welcome to the Top Gear Pocket FAQ. Version 1.075 updated on 6/11/99 by Daniel Velovic DVelovic@hotmail.com -------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents 1.1 Introduction to the FAQ 1.2 Updates !UPDATED! 1.3 Game Controls 1.4 Q & A 1.5 What to expect in future FAQs? 2.1 Introduction to the Cars 2.2 Type-CO 2.3 Type-IP 2.4 Q & A About the Cars 3.1 Introduction to the Courses !UPDATED! 3.2 Grassland !UPDATED! 3.3 Desert !UPDATED! 3.4 Jungle 3.5 Q & A About the Tracks !UPDATED! Bonus Passwords !UPDATED! Backseat Next Update !UPDATED! -------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Introduction to the FAQ This is the FAQ for Top Gear Pocket. Top Gear Pocket is for the Game Boy Color and is the first game to have the Rumble Pack. It will only work for the Game Boy Color. So you need to buy a Game Boy Color to play this game. 1.2 Updates 1.075 Version The track guide for Desert is up. The track guide is simpler now. 1.025 Version Type-CO and Type-IP are updated plus the Q & A are updated. Game Controls and this Update section added. And a track guide for Grassland. 1.0 Version This FAQ was created. 1.3 Game Controls The Instruction manual has some mistakes. Here are the real controls: A button is Acceleration, not the B button. B button is the breaks, not the A button. Select button does nothing, the correct button is the Start button. Using manual tranmission, down button is to shift up and up button is to shift up. Turning buttons are left and right. 1.4 Q & A Can I copy this FAQ? I changed this now. E-mail me before you copy my FAQ. Some people may forget to do that. If I see any changes when you copy this FAQ, you will be forced to play the Game.com. This document Copyright 1999 Daniel Velovic. Can I help you? In future FAQs, I may have problems in a few sections. These sections will be noted as !HELP! and that means that you can give me some help. My e-mail address will be at the bottom of the FAQ. 1.5 What to expect in future FAQs? You thought that Top Gear Pocket has only 2 cars and 3 tracks. Think again! When you beat all of the open tracks, new tracks and cars will open up. The password section will be covered in a seprate FAQ next update. 2.1 Introduction to Cars Top Gear Pocket has only 2 cars when you turn on the game. These 2 cars will get you started. Rated from 1 to 10 I's. They may not be exact and changed preety often when possible. This i means half a point. 2.2 Type-CO - 4WD Top Speed 136 MPH IIIIIi Acceleration IIIIIIIII Handling IIIIIIIII 2.3 Type-IP - 4WD Top Speed 141 MPH IIIIIIIi Acceleration IIIIIIIi Handling IIIIIIIi 2.4 Q & A About the Cars Why only 2 cars? That's what you start out with. Duh! How can I get more cars? Beating the tracks in the game will give you more cars. Do I have to? Yes. Are there other types of cars? Use that code on the bottom of the FAQ to find out. The password will be removed in the next update. Why does the Type-CO car slide in the tarmac turns and not the Type-IP? Any car that has higher acceleration then top speed can slide in the tarmac turns. When using the Type-CO car, tap the left or right button in the turns carefully. 3.1 Introduction to the Tracks Top Gear Pocket has 3 tracks when you start the game. The next update will feature expanded coverage of the tracks. Turns will now be like this: Easy Right Medium Right Hard Right Easy Left Medium Left Hard Left Upward jump. The reason why I did this is that it will be far less confusing. 3.2 Grassland This is a simple track for the first time TGP player. All cars do well on the tarmac. Distance: 4296 m Laps: 3 Total Distance: 12888 m Best car on this track: Type-IP Best time: 3:23:25 Track guide: Start Easy left. Easy left. Easy left. Medium right. Upward jump. Back to Start for 2 more laps. 3.3 Desert The gravel road is a pretty tough track. I suggest you use the 4WD cars. If you are careful, you might win this race. Distance: 4829 m Laps: 3 Total Distance: 14487 m Best car on this track: Type-IP Best Time: Track guide: Start Easy right. Medium Right. Medium Right. Medium Left. Easy Right. Easy Right. Upward jump. Easy Left. Back to Start for 2 more laps. 3.4 Jungle The toughests of the first 3 courses, the gravel track has some tight turns with jumps in the middle of 2 of those turns. It is the longest of the first 3 tracks as well. Distance: 7608 Laps: 2 Total Distance: 15216 3.5 Q & A About the Tracks Are the tracks hard? Grassland is a tarmac track. It's very easy. The others are a little harder, but you could do it. I need a little help on the Jungle. It can be a really tough track. The track will be mapped out soon. Bunus Passwords The password section will be gone at the next update and will be in a seprate FAQ called Passwords. Backseat Next Update The Desert has been mapped out. The best time for Desert is coming, plus the track guide to Jungle. The Q & A will be updated. And more. Send me any questions on Top Gear Pocket at DVelovic@hotmail.com!