/\ /cccc\ / cc cc \ __________ | c c | ___________ ' '_______ | c c | _____' ' ' www '____ ___| cc c | ____' www ' ' wwwwww '/ ccccc |____' wwwwww ' ' wwwwwwwww www ww ww www wwwwwwww ' ' wwwwwww wwww www www wwww wwwwww ' ' wwwwwww wwww ww ww wwww wwwwww ' ' wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ' ' W O R L D C H A M P I O N S H I P W R E S T L I NG ' /_______________________ ccccccc __________________________\ \___ cc c | | c c | | c c | | cc cc | \ cccc / \ cc / \/ WCW Mayhem Guide/Movelist System: Sony Playstation Date: August 11, 2003 Version 1.0 Written by: D. Richards (rr a ven) My E-mail Address: douglassshane69@yahoo.com - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - =============================================================================== Introduction =============================================================================== IMO, wCw Mayhem was the least fun WCW game on the PSX and N64 game consoles for its time. I realize this was EA's first game and there were a lot of good things about it: The graphics made the game look realistic, they had commentary in there which is something that THQ didn't do with THEIR games, and wCw Mayhem also allowed Playstation gamers to do moves from the same variety of positions that N64 gamers were allowed in the THQ N64 games. However, that all doesn't add up to a good wrestling game. The game skimped on the most important aspect of all games: Gameplay! The control was terrible and the lack of moves made matches incredible redundant. It was like wrestling as the same wrestler no matter who I chose. The game may have an impressive roster much like how wCw did but it wasn't a solid game much like how wCw was not a solid company. - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - =============================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS =============================================================================== I. A FEW THINGS... II. REVERSALS III. REVERSALS MOVE LIST IV. MOVELISTS AND BRIEF BIOS 1. Alex Wright 2. Arn Anderson (Hidden Character) 3. Bam Bam Bigelow (Hidden Character) 4. Barry Windham (Hidden Character) 5. Billy Kidman 6. Bobby Blaze (Hidden Character) 7. Bobby Duncum Jr. 8. Bobby Eaton (Hidden Character) 9. Booker T 10. Bret "Hitman" Hart 11. Buff Bagwell 12. Chavo Guerrero Jr. 13. Chris Benoit 14. Chris Jericho (Hidden Character) 15. Chris Kanyon 16. Curt Hennig 17. Dean Malenko 18. Diamond Dallas Page 19. Disco Inferno 20. Doug Dillenger (Hidden Character) 21. Eddie Guerrero 22. Eric Bischoff (Hidden Character) 23. Ernest "The Cat" Miller 24. Goldberg 25. Hollywood Hulk Hogan 26. Horace Hogan 27. Jimmy Hart (Hidden Character) 28. Juventud Guerrera 29. Kaz Hayashi 30. Kenny Kaos 31. Kevin Nash 32. Konnan 33. La Parka 34. Lash LeRoux (Hidden Character) 35. Lex Luger 36. Lizmark Jr. 37. Macho Man 38. Mean Gene Okerlund (Hidden Character) 39. Norman Smiley 40. Perry Saturn 41. Prince Iaukea 42. Psychosis 43. Raven 44. Rey Mysterio Jr. 45. Ric Flair (Hidden Character) 46. Rick Steiner (Hidden Character) 47. Scott Hall (Hidden Character) 48. Scott Norton 49. Scott Steiner 50. Sergeant Buddy Lee Parker (Hidden Character) 51. Sonny Onoo (Hidden Character) 52. Steve "Mongo" McMichael 53. Stevie Ray 54. Sting 55. Wolfpac Sting (Hidden Character) 56. Wrath V. ***THE MOVES DESCRIBED IN DETAIL*** VI. CREDITS VII. LEGAL STUFF - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - =============================================================================== A FEW THINGS... =============================================================================== There are a few things I wanna say that don't fall under any particular subject: The entry ways for the pay-per-view arenas are NOT the same ones that wCw used at their pay-per-views. They are custom stages that EA made themselves using their own creativity. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BEAT THE WHOLE QUEST FOR THE BEST TO UNLOCK THE HIDDEN WRESTLERS!!! You just have to beat the hidden wrestler in the Quest for the Best. For example, if you wanted to unlock Bobby Blaze and you beat him in a #3 contender match for the Television Title, then you've already unlocked him and would have no need to continue on with the Quest For The Best unless there was another wrestler you could unlock in the Quest For The Best under the same criteria (e.g. Non-cruiserweight on Easy) TO UNLOCK ALL THE WRESTLERS: Enter the code, PLYHDNGYS To unlock the OLD MONDAY NITRO SET: Enter the code, PLYNTRCLSC To get a HEALTH METER in the game, enter the code, PRNTSTMN To get a DAMAGE METER in the game, enter the code, PRNTMMNTM -------------- Crowd Pleasers -------------- The moves that really increases your momentum are the following: Running Attacks Gorilla Press Drop Top Rope Moves Weapons Stomps Moves off the apron to the floor. Running Leg Drop Trick: A trick to making the Leg Drop look like it was done running is to actually run into your opponent and then once your wrestler has reached your opponent, he will stop moving but continue striding his legs as if he was still running. When your wrestler does that, press the required button(s) for the Leg Drop. Pulling off Seated Turnbuckle Moves early in the match: Whip your opponent into the corner and run in right behind him. once you two come to a stop, hold the Square. Your wrestler will most likely be able to lift his opponent onto the turnbuckle and a Top Rope Frankensteiner or something like that. Smooth Movement: I, for one, am bothered by the way the wrestlers will have to hop over every once and a while when you're trying to slap on a submission hold. The reason why is because it doesn't looks smooth and it takes away from the way the match flows nice and smooth. The following table is to let you know what side you need to be on when your opponent is on the ground in order for your wrestler to slap on a certain submisson hold without having to do that little annoying hop. _________________________________________________ | Face Up | |_________________________________________________| | | Your Opponent's Right | | Name of Move | or Left Side of Body | |________________________|________________________| | | | | Figure Four Leg Lock | Right | | Walls of Jericho | Feet/Right | |________________________|________________________| | Face Down | |_________________________________________________| | | | | Bow and Arrow | Left | | Camel Clutch | Right | | The Crossface | Left | | Walls of Jericho | Right | | STF | Right | |________________________|________________________| - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - =============================================================================== REVERSALS =============================================================================== NOTE: The following section entitled "REVERSALS" is word for word taken from the prima.com website. I give them all credit for this section because it is their work and I am not claiming it as my own. It is simply excellent research that I would like you people to read. It’s possible to reverse your opponent’s moves by countering and using them to your advantage. This is achieved by tapping the action buttons when your opponent is setting you up in a Grapple. Correct timing is essential if you are to have any degree of success. If you get everything right, you should see the word "Reversal" flash on the screen as your opponent attempts to set you up. Instead of falling victim to a heavy blow, you turn his own move against him into a Powerbomb or submission hold. Remember, you are not the only one who can reverse Grapple moves and holds. If you use the same move over and over again, your opponent will know what to expect and plan his counter accordingly. That’s why you need to use a wide range of attacking moves to pick up a victory. Reversals also play a huge role when weapons are being used. If you fail to hit an opponent, either by being too slow or missing him completely, he will counter your attack by Dropkicking the weapon at your head. This head-splitting action results in you taking the full impact. You can reverse this move by pressing the Power Kick combo while in a standing position. Then watch as your wrestler kicks the weapon back into you opponent with ferocious impact. Another reversible move can be performed when your opponent is running straight toward you. Press the attack buttons to throw the opponent over your shoulders and onto a painful landing position behind you. - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - =============================================================================== REVERSALS MOVE LIST =============================================================================== NOTE: These are assuming that you are the "Opponent" ---------- READY ----------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING Leg Sweep (Reversal to Regular Kick): Catch your opponent's leg and sweep their legs out from under them. ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING Back Body Drop: (Self-explanatory) ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE Club to Back (vs. a grapple attempt): You simply club the attacker in the back. Fujiwara Armbar: You grab the attackers arm, drag them down to the ground in a Chris Benoit Crossface fashion, and lock him/her in a Fujiwara Arm Bar Piledriver Reversal: The Attacker places your head between his legs but you flip him over in a Back Body Drop motion. ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING Jawbreaker: You place your head under the attacker's chin, grab the top of his head, and drop down in a jawbreaker. ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE Top Rope Powerbomb: The attacker attempts a Hurricanrana but you hold onto his/her legs and throw him/her down with a powerbomb - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - =============================================================================== GAME TIPS =============================================================================== NOTE: The following section entitled "GAME TIPS" is word for word taken from the prima.com website. I give them all credit for this section because it is their work and I am not claiming it as my own. It is simply excellent research that I would like you people to read. When pinned by an opponent, kick him off by pressing the Kick button while directly facing him. Taunt your opponent when he is stunned and you’ll regain energy. Keep your opponent guessing by executing a number of different moves. During Tag Team bouts, make tags regularly to ensure that your team is fresh. Use submission holds to wear down your opponent. When an opponent is standing outside the ring, run toward the rope nearest to him and dive through the ropes, pressing the Grapple button before making contact—you’ll squash him. If your energy is running low during a match, get out of the ring to pick up some valuable recovery time. Score a cheap victory by stunning your opponent out of the ring, stepping back inside and watching him be counted out. - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - =============================================================================== Moveslists and Brief Bios =============================================================================== NOTE: 1) The following section covers only the moves of wrestlers that varies from wrestler to wrestler. I will not add a section to tell you what universal buttons do (e.g. L2 is to change focus no matter what position the attacker or opponent is in). 2) I stated the wrestlers' move that's listed in the game and the wrestlers' real finishing move because the listed moves are often inaccurate. The line called "Finisher" is the wrestler's finishing move in real life and the line called "Listed Move" is what the makers of wCw Mayhem listed as the wrestler's trademark or finishing move. 3) The names are listed in alphabetical order. 4) The line called "Titles Held" only states the titles that the wrestlers have attained respectively up to the date of the release of this game which is 8/31/99. 5) *** (Three asterisks) mean that the move is exclusive to that wrestler and that wrestler alone. This applies to all moves in this game except Entrances. -------------------- ALEX WRIGHT -------------------- Height: 6'3" Weight: 223 lbs. Hometown: Berlin, Germany Finisher: German Suplex (with Bridge) Titles Held: WCW TV Title WCW Cruiserweight Title ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Faction Theme Entrance 1: 'Alex Wright' Dance Entrance 2: Adjust Wrist Tape Rope Entry: Normal Pre-match Taunt: Jumping Jacks ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Back Elbow /\ + U Uppercut X + U 'Sean O'haire' Spinning Back Kick R2 Jumping Jacks (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Running Dropkick X Running Dropkick O Running Dropkick ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Headlock And Punch /\ + U Back Slide /\ + D Back Breaker O Shoulder Thrust O + U Small Package O + D Snap Suplex X Drop Toe Hold X + U Snap Mare Takeover X + D Belly-to-Belly Suplex [] Hennig-plex (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Abdominal Stretch /\ German Suplex X Cobra Clutch ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Turnbuckle Smash O Shoulder Thrusts to Midsection ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Hurricanrana O Punches ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Knee to Gut /\ Belly-to-Belly Suplex X X-Factor ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Walls of Jericho X Stomp X + U Reverse Surfboard R2 Cocky Point (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Leg Drop /\ + U Headbutt to Groin X Elbow Drop X + U Senton Splash R2 "Whoa" (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Big Elbow O Big Elbow ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Suicide Dive O Suicide Dive ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick ------------- ARN ANDERSON ------------- Height: 6'0" Weight: 249 lbs. Hometown: Minneapolis, Mn. Finishers: Spinebuster, DDT Titles Held: WCW TV Title (4) WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Larry Zbyszko) WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Bobby Eaton) WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Paul Roma) WWE Tag Team Title (w/ Tully Blanchard) ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Four Horsemen Theme Entrance 1: Arms Out "Praise Me" Entrance 2: Cocky Point Pre-match Taunt: "Hey Dude" ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Back Elbow /\ + U Back Elbow X + U Dropkick R2 Arms Out "Hey Dude" (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Chop Block X Chop Block O Shoulder Tackle ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Headlock And Punch /\ + U Back Breaker /\ + D Side Russian Legsweep O Backhand Chop O + U Gutwrench Gutbuster O + D Belly-to-Belly Suplex X Snap Mare Takeover X + U 110th Street Slam X + D Neckbreaker [] Gourdbuster (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Atomic Drop /\ 'Kevin Nash' Side Slam X Knee Breaker ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Tree of Woe with Kicks O Boot Choke ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Superplex O Punches ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Spinebuster /\ Belly-to-Belly Suplex X Back Body Drop ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Knee Drop /\ + U The Crossface X Driving Elbow X + U Camel Clutch R2 'Ric Flair' Slick Hair (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Figure Four Leglock X Headbutt to Groin X + U Rear Chinlock R2 Arms Out 'Hey Dude' (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop O 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Baseball Slide O Baseball Slide ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- BAM BAM BIGELOW ---------------- Height: 6'3" Weight: 368 lbs. Hometown: Asbury Park, NJ Finisher: Greetings from Asbury Park Titles Held: WCW Tag Team Title (w/ DDP) ECW World Heavyweight Title Even though he is a big man, he is suprisingly very fast in this game. ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: (None) Entrance 1: n/a Entrance 2: n/a Pre-match Taunt: "Hey" ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Double Axe Handle /\ + U Headbutt X + U Dropkick R2 Arm Up "Hey, everyone." (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Clothesline X Clothesline O Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Headlock And Punch /\ + U Back Breaker /\ + D Powerbomb O Elbow Smash O + U Scoop Slam O + D Gorilla Press Body Drop X Hip Toss X + U Vertical Suplex X + D Powerslam [] Falcon Arrow (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O 'Kevin Nash' Side Slam /\ Nerve Hold X Atomic Drop ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Boot Choke O Tree of Woe with Kicks ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Superplex O Superplex ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Gorilla Press Body Drop /\ Knee to Gut X Back Body Drop ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Stomp /\ + U Walls of Jericho X Knee Drop X + U Senton Splash R2 "Come On" (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Stomp /\ + U Headbutt to Groin X Knee Drop X + U Elbow Drop R2 "Come On" (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Moonsault O Moonsault ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Twisting Body Attack O Twisting Body Attack ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle ------------- BARRY WINDHAM ------------- Height: 6'5" Weight: 263 Hometown: Sweetwater, Tx. Finisher: Superplex Titles Held: WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Kendall Windham) WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Curt Hennig) WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Dustin Rhodes) WCW United States Title WCW TV Title WWE Tag Team Title (2) (w/ Mike Rotunda) ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Nitro Theme Entrance 1: n/a Entrance 2: n/a Pre-match Taunt: "Come On" ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Uppercut /\ + U Double Axe Handle X + U Regular Kick R2 "Come On" (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Chop Block X Running High Knee O Diving Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Backhand Chop /\ + U Scoop Slam /\ + D Gutwrench Gutbuster O Discus Lariat O + U Shoulder Breaker O + D Pump Handle Suplex X Backhand Chop X + U DDT X + D Powerslam [] Double Underhook Powerbomb (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Abdominal Stretch /\ 'Kevin Nash' Side Slam X Full Nelson Slam ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Shoulder Thrusts to Midsection O Kicks To Midsection ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Superplex O Punches ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Knee to Gut /\ Choke Lift X Belly-to-Belly Suplex ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Stomp X Leg Drop X + U Camel Clutch R2 "Come On" (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Driving Elbow /\ + U Headbutt To Groin X Knee Drop X + U Leg Drop R2 Cocky Point(TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop O 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Baseball Slide O Baseball Slide ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle ------------ BILLY KIDMAN ------------ Height: 5' 11" Weight: 195 pounds Hometown: Allentown, Pa. Finishing move: Shooting Star Press Titles Held: WCW Cruiserweight Title (2) WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Rey Mysterio) Current Status: WWE (SmackDown! brand) ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Billy Kidman Theme Entrance 1: Adjust Wrist Tape Entrance 2: n/a Pre-match Taunt: Arms Out "Praise Me" ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Back Elbow /\ + U Back Elbow X + U Dropkick R2 Arms Out "Praise Me" (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Flying Body Press X Flying Body Press O Flying Body Press ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Backslide /\ + U Shoulder Breaker /\ + D Pump Handle Suplex O Hip Toss O + U Side Russian Leg Sweep O + D Inverted Atomic Drop X Drop Toe Hold X + U Front Suplex X + D Snap Suplex [] Hurricanrana(FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Abdominal Stretch /\ Spin into Hurricanrana X German Suplex ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Turnbuckle Smash O Tree of Woe with Kicks ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Hurricanrana O Top Rope Gutbuster ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Back Body Drop /\ Knee to Gut X X-Factor ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Knee Drop /\ + U Reverse Surfboard X Stomp X + U Boston Crab R2 "Come On" (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ 'Eddie Guerrero' Foot Scrape /\ + U Rear Chinlock X Senton Splash X + U Knee Drop R2 "Come On"(TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Shooting Star Press O Shooting Star Press ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle/Super Hurricanrana --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Asai Moonsault O Pescado ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Shooting Star Press O Shooting Star Press ------------ BOBBY BLAZE ------------ Height: 6'1" Weight: 222 lbs. Hometown: Charlotte, NC Real Finisher: n/a This southern indies star wrestled primarily on wCw weekend programs as a jobber. ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Nitro Entrance 1: n/a Entrance 2: n/a Pre-match Taunt: Stomping "Hoot Hoot Hoot" ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Spinning Backfist /\ + U Back Elbow X + U 'Sean O'haire' Spinning Back Kick R2 Stomping "Hoot Hoot Hoot" (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Running Dropkick X Running Dropkick O Running Dropkick/Flying Headscissors ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Shoulder Thrust /\ + U Side Russian Leg Sweep /\ + D Powerslam O Backhand Chop O + U Drop Toe Hold O + D Piledriver X Hip Toss X + U Shoulder Breaker X + D Vertical Suplex [] Belly-to-Belly Suplex (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Belly-to-Back Suplex Throw /\ Victory Roll X Full Nelson Slam ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Shoulder Thrusts to Midsection O Monkey Flip ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Superplex O Superplex ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Back Body Drop /\ Sleeper Hold X Belly-to-Belly Suplex ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Camel Clutch X Stomp X + U Knee Drop R2 Stomping "Hoot Hoot Hoot" (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Leg Drop /\ + U Figure Four Leglock X Knee Drop X + U Texas Cloverleaf R2 Stomping "Hoot Hoot Hoot" (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Top Rope Splash O Top Rope Splash ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Flying Lariat O Flying Lariat --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Pescado O Pescado ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick ---------------- BOBBY DUNCUM JR. ---------------- Height: 6'4" Weight: 265 Hometown: Austin, TX Real Finisher: n/a Listed Move: Widowmaker The late Bobby Duncum Jr. is obviously son of Bobby Duncum Sr. This second generation wrestler would later become a member of the West Texas Rednecks. ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Nitro Entrance 1: 'Norman Smiley' Search Skies Entrance 2: n/a Pre-match Taunt: Jumping Jacks ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Headbutt /\ + U Double Axe Handle X + U Regular Kick R2 Jumping Jacks (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Chop Block X Chop Block O Diving Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Elbow Smash /\ + U Powerslam /\ + D Double Underhook Powerbomb O Discus Lariat O + U Side Russian Leg Sweep O + D Gutwrench Gutbuster X Side Headlock X + U DDT X + D Powerslam [] The Meltodwn (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Belly-to-Back Suplex Throw /\ 'Kevin Nash' Side Slam X German Suplex ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE X Belly-to-Belly Suplex /\ X-Factor O Choke Lift ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Gutbuster O Punches ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Knee to Gut /\ Choke Lift X Belly-to-Belly Suplex ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U The Crossface X Leg Drop X + U Senton Splash R2 Jumping Jacks (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Leg Drop /\ + U Texas Cloverleaf X Knee Drop X + U Running Leg Drop R2 Cocky Point(TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop O 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Pescado O Pescado ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick ----------- BOBBY EATON ----------- Height: 6'0 Weight: 233 lbs. Hometown: Huntsville, Al. Real Finisher: Alabama Jam (Top Rope Leg Drop) Listed Move: Wolfman Slam Titles Held: WCW TV Title WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Arn Anderson) Bobby Eaton is formerly half of the legendary Midnight Express where he was called "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton. During the years surrounding the release of this game, Eaton wrestled as a jobber on wCw Saturday Night. ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Nitro Theme Entrance 1: Arms Out "Praise Me" Entrance 2: Adjust Wrist Tape Pre-match Taunt: "Come On" ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Double Axe Handle /\ + U Uppercut X + U Dropkick R2 "Come On" (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Running Dropkick X Running Dropkick O Running Dropkick ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Side Headlock /\ + U Backslide Pin /\ + D Neckbreaker O Hip Toss O + U Back Breaker O + D Belly-to-Belly Suplex X Drop Toe Hold X + U Scoop Slam X + D 110th Street Slam [] Death Valley Driver (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Nerve Hold /\ Clothesline X Full Nelson Slam ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Turnbuckle Smash O Kicks to Midsection ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Superplex O Punches ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Spinebuster /\ Knee to Gut X Back Body Drop ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Walls of Jericho X Stomp X + U Camel Clutch R2 "Come On" (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Rear Chinlock /\ + U Spinning Toe Hold X Knee Drop X + U Headbutt to Groin R2 "Come On" (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Alabama Jam O Alabama Jam ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Suicide Dive O Suicide Dive ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Flying Lariat O Flying Lariat ---------- BOOKER T ---------- Height: 6'3" Weight: 258 Hometown: Harlem, NY Finishers: Harlem Hangover, 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick Listed Move: 110th St. Slam Titles Held: WCW TV Title (6) WCW Tag Team Title (8)(w/ Stevie Ray) Booker T still, to this day, sports the flames on his tights that are reminiscent of his Harlem Heat days. Today, Booker T has gone down as the most decorated wrestler in wCw history having attained the TV Title a total of six times, the United States Title, Tag Team Title a totla of 10 times with brother, Stevie Ray, AND the World Heavyweight Championship Title four times before WCW's buyout to WWFE. ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: wCw Mayhem Music Entrance 1: 'Booker T' Raise The Roof Entrance 2: 'Booker T' Raise The Roof Pre-match Taunt: 'Big Poppa Pump' Muscle Flex ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Double Axe Handle /\ + U Spinning Backfist X + U Chrionic Kick R2 'Big Poppa Pump' Muscle Flex (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Running Dropkick X Running Dropkick O Running Dropkick ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Shoulder Thrust /\ + U Shoulder Breaker /\ + D Gourdbuster O Hip Toss O + U Scoop Slam O + D Piledriver X Neckbreaker X + U Small Package X + D Back Breaker [] 110th Street Slam (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Bulldog /\ Clothesline X School Boy Roll-up ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Turnbuckle Smash O Kicks to Midsection ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Belly-to-Belly Overhead Suplex O Superplex ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Back Body Drop /\ Tilt-O-Whirl Gutbuster X Chrionic Kick ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Stomp /\ + U Reverse Surfboard X Knee Drop X + U Camel Clutch R2 "Come On" (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ 'Eddie Guerrero' Foot Scrape /\ + U Headbutt to Groin X Stomp X + U Senton Splash R2 "Come On" (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop O 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Twisting Body Attack O Twisting Body Attack ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick ---------------------- BRET "THE HITMAN" HART ---------------------- Height: 6'0 Weight: 255 lbs. Hometown: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Finisher: Sharpshooter Titles Held: WCW United States Title (3) WWE Championship Title (5) WWE Intercontinental Title (2) WWE Tag Team Title (w/ Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart) ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: wCw Mayhem Theme Entrance 1: Cocky Point Entrance 2: n/a Pre-match Taunt: Cocky Point ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Uppercut /\ + U Headbutt X + U Dropkick R2 Cocky Point (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Chop Block/Knee Clip X Chop Block/Knee Clip O Running Dropkick ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Small Package /\ + U Piledriver /\ + D Vertical Suplex O Side Headlock O + U Backslide Pin O + D Side Russian Leg Sweep X Hip Toss X + U Belly-to-Belly Suplex X + D Back Breaker [] Neckbreaker (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Belly-to-Back Suplex /\ Headbutt X 'Kevin Nash' Side Slam ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Kicks To Midsection O Tree of Woe With Kicks ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Belly-to-Belly Overhead Release Suplex O Punches ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Spinebuster /\ Back Body Drop X Knee to Gut ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Reverse Surfboard X Knee Drop X + U Stomp R2 Cocky Point(TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Sharpshooter X Headbutt to Groin X + U Spinning Toe Hold R2 Hand Clasp Bodybuilder Pose (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Top Rope Splash O Top Rope Splash ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Pescado O Pescado ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle ------------ BUFF BAGWELL ------------ Height: 6'1" Weight: 247 Hometown: Marietta, Ga. Finisher: Buff Blockbuster (Somersault Neckbreaker off the second turnbuckle) Titles Held: WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Scotty Riggs) WCW Tag Team Title (2)(w/ The Patriot) WCW Tag Team Title (w/ 2 Cold Scorpio) ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: "Buff Daddy" Entrance 1: 'Buff Bagwell' Kiss Biceps Entrance 2: Buff Strut Pre-match Taunt: 'Buff Bagwell' Kiss Biceps ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Double Axe Handle /\ + U Back Elbow X + U 'Sean O'haire' Spinning Back Kick R2 'Buff Bagwell' Arms Kiss (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Shoulder Tackle X Shoulder Tackle O Shoulder Tackle ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Side Headlock /\ + U DDT /\ + D Powerslam O Shoulder Thrust O + U Shoulder Breaker O + D Pump Handle Suplex X Drop Toe Hold X + U Snap Suplex X + D Inverted Atomic Drop [] Neckbreaker (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Atomic Drop /\ Meat Grinder X Double Axe Handle ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Kicks to Midsection O Turnbuckle Smash ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Belly-to-Belly Suplex O Punches ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Tilt-O-Whirl Gutbuster /\ Back Body Drop X Flapjack Gutbuster ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Stomp /\ + U Elbow Drop X Knee Drop X + U Camel Clutch R2 'Buff Bagwell' Arms Kiss (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ 'Eddie Guerrero' Foot Scrape /\ + U Rear Chinlock X Stomp X + U Elbow Drop R2 'Buff Bagwell' Arms Kiss (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Top Rope Splash O Top Rope Splash ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Suicide Dive O Suicide Dive ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle ------------------ CHAVO GUERRERO JR. ------------------ Height: 5' 9" Weight: 185 pounds Hometown: El Paso, Tx. Finisher: Tornado DDT Current Status: WWE (SmackDown! brand) This second generation star is nephew of Eddie Guerrero. ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Nitro Theme Entrance 1: 'Norman Smiley' Search Skies Entrance 2: Jumping Jacks Pre-match Taunt: Shake Out Wrists*** ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Spinning Backfist /\ + U Back Elbow X + U 'Sean O'haire' Spinning Back Kick R2 Warming Up (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Running High Knee/Flying Headscissors X Running High Knee O Running High Knee ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Hip Toss /\ + U Scoop Slam /\ + D Inverted Atomic Drop O Discus Lariat O + U Small Package O + D Side Russian Leg Sweep X Drop Toe Hold X + U Snap Suplex X + D 110th Street Slam [] Hurricanrana(FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Knee Breaker /\ Clothesline X German Suplex ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Monkey Flip O Tornado DDT ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Hurricanrana O Punches ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Knee to Gut /\ Back Body Drop X Tilt-O-Whirl Gutbuster ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Knee Drop /\ + U Boston Crab X Driving Elbow X + U Senton Splash R2 'Norman Smiley' Search Skies(TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ 'Eddie Guerrero' Foot Scrape /\ + U Headbutt to Groin X Stomp X + U Spinning Toe Hold R2 'Norman Smiley' Search Skies (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Big Elbow O Big Elbow ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Butt Thesz Press/ Super Hurricanrana O Butt Thesz Press*** --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Pescado O Pescado ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X 'Hector Garza' Corkscrew Plancha O 'Hector Garza' Corkscrew Plancha --------------------- CHRIS BENOIT --------------------- Height: 5' 10" Weight: 220 lbs. Hometown: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Nicknames: The Canadian Crippler, The Wolverine Finisher: The Crossface Titles Held: WCW United States Title WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Dean Malenko) WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Perry Saturn) WCW TV Title (2) ECW Tag Team Title (w/ Dean Malenko) ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: 4 Horsemen Entrance 1: "Hey" Entrance 2: 'Arn Anderson' Slit Throat Pre-match Taunt: 'Arn Anderson' Slit Throat ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Headbutt /\ + U Back Elbow X + U Dropkick R2 'Chris Benoit' Slit Throat(TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Clothesline X Clothesline O Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Snap Mare Takeover /\ + U DDT /\ + D Snap Suplex O Elbow Smash O + U Back Breaker O + D Ankle Lock Submission X Hip Toss X + U Shoulder Breaker X + D Front Suplex [] Double Underhook Powerbomb (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O German Suplex /\ Full Nelson Slam X School Boy Roll-up ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Kicks to Midsection O Tree of Woe With Kicks ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Superplex O Superplex ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O X-Factor /\ Spinebuster X Back Body Drop ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Stomp /\ + U The Crossface X Knee Drop X + U Indian Deathlock with Facelock R2 'Chris Benoit' Slit Throat(TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Leg Drop /\ + U Figure Four Leg Lock X Stomp X + U Elbow Drop R2 'Chris Benoit' Slit Throat(TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Diving Headbutt O Diving Headbutt ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Suicide Dive O Pescado ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick ---------------- CHRIS JERICHO ---------------- Height: 6'2 Weight: 225 pounds Hometown: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Finisher: Liontamer Titles Held: WCW TV Title WCW Cruiserweight Title (5) ECW TV Title When this game was released in late August, Chris Jericho, had already moved on to the WWE which explains why Jericho's video game counterpart was cast as a hidden character rather than a featured character. After being held down in WCW for so long for his size, Jericho was waiting out his contract which explains his disappearance from WCW TV for half a year only to debut in the WWE where he would become a major star. ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Faction Theme Entrance 1: Arms Out "Praise Me" Entrance 2: 'Norman Smiley' Search Skies Pre-match Taunt: Arms Out "Praise Me" ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Spinning Backfist /\ + U Uppercut X + U 'Sean O'haire' Spinning Back Kick R2 Arms Out "Praise Me" (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Clothesline X Clothesline O Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Headlock And Punch /\ + U Hurricanrana /\ + D Powerbomb O Hip Toss O + U Shoulder Breaker O + D Back Breaker X Drop Toe Hold X + U Scoop Slam X + D 110th Street Slam [] Death Valley Driver (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O German Suplex /\ Clothesline X Full Nelson Slam ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Turnbuckle Smash O Kicks to Midsection ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Punches O Top Rope Hurricanrana ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Choke Lift /\ Knee to Gut X Back Body Drop ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Walls of Jericho X Stomp X + U Camel Clutch R2 Hand Clasp Bodybuilder Pose(TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ 'Eddie Guerrero' Foot Scrape /\ + U Liontamer X Knee Drop X + U Headbutt to Groin R2 "Come On"(TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Top Rope Splash O Top Rope Splash ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Suicide Dive O Pescado ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle -------------- CHRIS KANYON -------------- Height: 6'3" Weight: 244 Hometown: The Jersey Shore Finisher: Flatliner Current Status: WWE (SmackDown! brand) Titles Held: WCW Tag Team Title (w/ DDP) ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: "Who Betta Than Kanyon?" Entrance 1: "Whoa!" Backs Away Entrance 2: Cocky Point Pre-match Taunt: 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Muscle Flex ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Spinning Backfist /\ + U Uppercut X + U Chrionic Kick R2 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Muscle Pose (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Chop Block X Chop Block O Chop Block ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Headlock And Punch /\ + U Side Russian Leg Sweep /\ + D Inverted Atomic Drop O Short-arm Clothesline O + U Back Breaker O + D Piledriver X Drop Toe Hold X + U Ankle Lock Submisssion X + D Snap Suplex [] Flatliner (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Back Rake /\ Forearm Smash X Full Nelson Slam ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Boot Choke O Tree of Woe With Kicks ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Gutbuster O Top Rope Gutbuster ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O X-Factor /\ Tilt-O-Whirl Gutbuster X Knee to Gut ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Stomp /\ + U Elbow Drop X Knee Drop X + U The Crossface R2 'Macho Man' Muscle Pose (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Stomp /\ + U Knee Drop X Headbutt to Groin X + U Senton Splash R2 Cocky Point (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Guillotine Leg Drop O Guillotine Leg Drop ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X 'Hector Garza' Corkscrew Plancha O 'Hector Garza' Corkscrew Plancha --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Twisting Body Attack O Twisting Body Attack ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X 'Hector Garza' Corkscrew Plancha O 'Hector Garza' Corkscrew Plancha ----------- CURT HENNIG ----------- Height: 6'2" Weight: 255 Hometown: Mound, Mn. Aliases: Mr. Perfect Finish: Hennig-plex Titles Held: WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Barry Windham) WCW United States Title WWE Intercontinental Title (2) ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Nitro Entrance 1: "Whoa" Entrance 2: Cocky Point Pre-match Taunt: Points Up ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Headbutt /\ + U Uppercut X + U Regular Kick R2 Arm Up (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Clothesline X Clothesline O Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Neckbreaker /\ + U Short-arm Clothesline /\ + D Snap Suplex O Hip Toss O + U Snap Mare Takeover O + D Shoulder Breaker X Drop Toe Hold X + U Small Package X + D Powerslam [] Hennig-plex (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Full Nelson Slam /\ Headbutt X Atomic Drop ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Foot Choke O Kicks to Midsection ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Hurricanrana O Punches ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Shoulder Block /\ Back Body Drop X Knee to Gut ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Stomp /\ + U Elbow Drop X Knee Drop X + U Boston Crab R2 Arms Out "Hey Dude" (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Headbutt to Groin /\ + U Rear Chinlock X Stomp X + U Elbow Drop R2 "Whoa"(TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop O 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Baseball Slide O Baseball Slide ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle ------------- DEAN MALENKO ------------ Height: 5'9 Weight: 216 Hometown: Tampa, Fl. Nicknames: Man of 1,000 Holds, The Iceman Finisher: Texas Cloverleaf Titles Held: WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Chris Benoit) WCW Cruiserweight Title (4) WCW United States Title ECW TV Title (2) ECW Tag Team Title (w/ Chris Benoit) ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: 4 Horsemen Theme Entrance 1: "Hey" Entrance 2: Adjust Wrist Tape Pre-match Taunt: Jumping Jacks ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Back Elbow /\ + U Uppercut X + U 'Sean O'haire' Spinning Back Kick R2 Jumping Jacks (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Running High Knee X Running High Knee O Running High Knee ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Side Headlock /\ + U DDT /\ + D Short-arm Clothesline O Shoulder Thrust O + U Hurricanrana O + D Shoulder Breaker X Drop Toe Hold X + U Snap Mare Takeover X + D Powerbomb [] Pump Handle Suplex (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Abdominal Stretch /\ Meat Grinder X Full Nelson Slam ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE X Turnbuckle Smash /\ Turnbuckle Smash O Tree of Woe with Kicks ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE O Top Rope Gutbuster /\ or X Top Rope Hurricanrana ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Knee to Gut /\ Chrionic Kick X Tilt-O-Whirl Gutbuster ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Indian Deathlock with Facelock X Stomp X + U Bow and Arrow R2 Cocky Point (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Leg Drop /\ + U Texas Cloverleaf X Senton Splash X + U Elbow Drop R2 Roll Arms Warm Up (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Big Elbow O Big Elbow ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle/Super Hurricanrana --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Suicide Dive O Pescado ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Flying Lariat O Flying Lariat ------------------- DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE ------------------- Height: 6'5" Weight: 253 lbs. Hometown: The Jersey Shore Nicknames: DDP, the People's Champ (wCw) Finish: Diamond Cutter Titles Held: WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Chris Kanyon) WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Bam Bam Bigelow) WCW World Heavyweight Title (2) WCW United States Title (2) WCW TV Title ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Generic DDP Theme Entrance 1: "Come On" Entrance 2: 'DDP' Diamond Sign Pre-match Taunt: 'DDP' Diamond Sign "Bang!" ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Spinning Backfist /\ + U Back Elbow X + U Dropkick R2 'DDP' Diamond Sign (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Diving Clothesline X Diving Clothesline O Diving Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Drop Toe Hold /\ + U Inverted Atomic Drop /\ + D DDT O Shoulder Thrust O + U Neckbreaker O + D Back Breaker X Discus Lariat X + U Scoop Slam X + D Side Russian Leg Sweep [] Diamond Cutter (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Bulldog /\ Atomic Drop X Forearm Smash ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Tree of Woe With Kicks O Kicks To Midsection ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Belly-to-Belly Overhead Release Suplex O Top Rope Belly-to-Belly Overhead Release Suplex ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Shoulder Tackle /\ Spinebuster X Knee to Gut ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Reverse Surfboard X Stomp X + U Camel Clutch R2 'DDP' Diamond Sign (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Leg Drop /\ + U Rear Chinlock X Elbow Drop X + U Headbutt to Groin R2 'DDP' Diamond Sign (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Guillotine Leg Drop O Guillotine Leg Drop ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Pescado O Baseball Slide ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle ------------------------------------ DISCO INFERNO ------------------------------------ Real Name: Glen Gilberti Height: 6'1" Weight: 240 lbs. Hometown: Atlanta, Ga. Finisher: Chart Buster (a.k.a. the Last Dance) Current Status: TNA (Total Nonstop Action) Titles Held: WCW Cruiserweight Title WCW TV Title (2) ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: "Disco Fever" Disco Inferno Theme Entrance 1: 'Disco' Hip Shake Entrance 2: 'Disco' Dance Pre-match Taunt: Stomping "Hoot Hoot Hoot" ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Back Elbow /\ + U Uppercut X + U 'Sean O'haire' Spinning Back Kick R2 Stomping 'Hoot Hoot Hoot' (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Clothesline X Clothesline O Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Headlock and Punch /\ + U Discus Lariat /\ + D Vertical Suplex O Shoulder Thrust O + U Back Breaker O + D Inverted Atomic Drop X Snap Mare Takeover X + U Snap Suplex X + D 110th Street Slam [] Chartbuster (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Abdominal Stretch /\ Back Rake X 'Kevin Nash' Side Slam ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Turnbuckle Smash O Kicks to Midsection ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Belly-to-Belly Overhead Release Suplex O Top Rope Belly-to-Belly Overhead Release Suplex ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Knee to Gut /\ X-Factor X Back Body Drop ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Driving Elbow /\ + U Camel Clutch X Stomp X + U Leg Drop R2 (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Leg Drop /\ + U Rear Chinlock X 'Eddie Guerrero' Foot Scrape X + U Headbutt to Groin R2 Stomping 'Hoot Hoot Hoot' (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop O 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Pescado O Pescado ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle ---------------------- DOUG DILLENGER ---------------------- Role in wCw: Head of Security Height: 6'2" Weight: 260 lbs. Hometown: Raliegh, NC Finisher: n/a Listed Move: Security Slam ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Faction Theme Entrance 1: n/a Entrance 2: n/a Pre-match Taunt: Adjust Wrist Tape ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Headbutt /\ + U Double Axe Handle X + U Regular Kick R2 "Come On" (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Clothesline X Clothesline O Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Scoop Slam /\ + U Hurricanrana /\ + D Inverted Atomic Drop O Discus Lariat O + U Choke Slam O + D Powerslam X Gourdbuster X + U Gorilla Press Body Drop X + D Belly-to-Belly Suplex [] Powerbomb (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O German Suplex /\ Torture Rack X Cobra Clutch ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Kicks To Midsection O Shoulder Thrusts to Midsection ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Hurricanrana O Top Rope Hurricanrana ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Spinebuster /\ Gorilla Press Body Drop X Shoulder Tackle ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Leg Drop X Knee Drop X + U Walls of Jericho R2 "Come On" (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Headbutt to Groin X Stomp X + U Walls of Jericho R2 "Come On" (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Shooting Star Press O Shooting Star Press ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Asai Moonsault O Suicide Dive ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle -------------- EDDIE GUERRERO -------------- Real Name: Eddy Guerrero Height: 5' 8" Weight: 220 pounds Hometown: El Paso, Texas Finisher: Frog Splash Current Status: WWE (SmackDown! brand) Titles Held: WCW Cruiserweight Title (2) WCW United States Title ECW TV Title (2) ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: LWO Theme Entrance 1: Arms Out "Praise Me" Entrance 2: "Come On" Pre-match Taunt: Cocky Point ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Spinning Backfist /\ + U Uppercut X + U 'Sean O'haire' Spinning Back Kick R2 Cocky Point (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Running Dropkick X Running Dropkick O Running Dropkick ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Headlock And Punch /\ + U Short-Arm Clothesline /\ + D DDT O Drop Toe Hold O + U Back Breaker O + D Gutbuster X Inverted Atomic Drop X + U Neckbreaker X + D Flatliner [] Hurricanrana(FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O German Suplex /\ Headbutt*** X Spin into Hurricanrana ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE X Monkey Flip /\ Monkey Flip O Tree of Woe With Kicks ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Hurricanrana O Top Rope Hurricanrana ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Tilt-O-Whirl Gutbuster /\ Shoulder Tackle X Knee to Gut ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Senton Splash /\ + U Reverse Surfboard X Knee Drop X + U The Crossface R2 Arms Out "Praise Me" (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ 'Eddie Guerrero' Foot Scrape /\ + U Rear Chinlock X Senton Splash X + U Driving Elbow R2 Arms Out "Praise Me" (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Top Rope Splash O Top Rope Splash ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Asai Moonsault O Asai Moonsault ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O 'Hector Garza' Corkscrew Plancha ------------- ERIC BISCHOFF -------------- Height: 5'9" Weight: 185 lbs. Hometown: Minneapolis, Mn. Real Finisher: n/a Listed Move: Hail To The Chief ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Generic nWo Hollywood Theme Entrance 1: "Come On" Entrance 2: n/a Pre-match Taunt: 'Norman Smiley' Search Skies ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Headbutt /\ + U Spinning Backfist X + U 'Sean O'haire' Spinning Back Kick R2 'Norman Smiley' Search Skies (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Chop Block/Knee Clip X Chop Block/Knee Clip O Flying Body Press ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Side Headlock /\ + U Gourdbuster /\ + D Inverted Atomic Drop O Elbow Smash O + U Snap Suplex O + D 110th Street Slam X Shoulder Thrust X + U DDT X + D Hurricanrana [] Chartbuster (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Knee Breaker /\ Nerve Hold X Cobra Clutch ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Turnbuckle Smash O Tornado DDT ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Superplex O Punches ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING /\ X-Factor X Back Body Drop O Chrionic Kick ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Senton Splash /\ + U Bow and Arrow X Leg Drop X + U STF R2 Arms Out "Praise Me"(TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Headbutt to Groin /\ + U Leg Drop X Senton Splash X + U Spinning Toe Hold R2 Arms Out "Praise Me"(TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Top Rope Splash O Top Rope Splash ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O Flying Lariat --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Twisting Body Attack O Twisting Body Attack ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick ------------------- ERNEST MILLER ------------------- Height: 6'2" Weight: 225 lbs. Hometown: Detroit, Mi. Finishers: Feliner (Jumping 360 degree Kick), kick to head with loaded slipper Listed Move: Cat's Cradle Ernest "The Cat" Miller is a 3-time world's karate champ. ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: "I'm The Greatest" Cat Theme Entrance 1: Shadow Boxing Entrance 2: Boxing Champ Pre-match Taunt: Boxing Champ ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Headbutt /\ + U Spinning Backfist X + U 'Sean O'haire' Spinning Back Kick R2 Boxing Champ (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Running Dropkick/Flying Headscissors X Running Dropkick O Running Dropkick ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Side Headlock /\ + U Backslide Pin /\ + D Inverted Atomic Drop O Elbow Smash O + U Snap Suplex O + D Neckbreaker X Ankle Lock Submission X + U Gourdbuster X + D Hurricanrana [] Flatliner (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Spin into Hurricanrana /\ German Suplex X Nerve Hold ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Kicks to Midsection O Tree of Woe with Kicks ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Superplex O Top Rope Belly-to-Belly Overhead Release Suplex ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Chrionic Kick /\ X-Factor X Spinebuster ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Leg Drop /\ + U Bow and Arrow X Stomp X + U Walls of Jericho R2 Shadow Boxing (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Rear Chinlock /\ + U Running Leg Drop X Stomp X + U Walls of Jericho R2 Shadow Boxing (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Top Rope Splash O Top Rope Splash ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O Flying Lariat --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Twisting Body Attack O Twisting Body Attack ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick ------------ GOLDBERG ------------ Height: 6'4" Weight: 285 lbs. Hometown: Tulsa, Ok. Finisher: Jackhammer Full Name: Bill Goldberg Titles Held: WCW World Heavyweight Title WCW United States Title ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: "Invasion" Goldberg Theme Entrance 1: 'Goldberg' Elbow Thrusts Entrance 2: 'Goldberg' Power Surge Pre-match Taunt: 'Goldberg' Power Surge ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Double Axe Handle /\ + U Back Elbow X + U 'Sean O'haire' Spinning Back Kick R2 'Bill Goldberg' Power Surge (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Shoulder Tackle X Shoulder Tackle O Shoulder Tackle ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Shoulder Thrust /\ + U Back Breaker /\ + D Snap Suplex O Hip Toss O + U Scoop Slam O + D Gorilla Press Body Drop X Elbow Smash X + U Choke Slam X + D Double Underhook Powerbomb [] The Jackhammer (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O 'Kevin Nash' Side Slam /\ Clothesline X Full Nelson Slam ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Kicks To Midsection O Tree of Woe with Kicks ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Superplex O Punches ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Shoulder Tackle /\ Gorilla Press Drop X Knee to Gut ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Walls of Jericho X Stomp X + U Camel Clutch R2 Rolls Head Around (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Stomp /\ + U Spinning Toe Hold X Elbow Drop X + U Driving Elbow R2 'Bill Goldberg' Power Surge (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop O 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Suicide Dive O Suicide Dive ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Hande -------------------- HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN -------------------- Height: 6'7" Weight: 275 lbs. Hometown: Venice Beach, Ca. Finisher: Running Leg Drop Titles Held: WCW World Heavyweight Title (6) WWE Champion (5) ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: "Don't Turn Your Back" Wolfpac Theme Entrance 1: 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Air Guitar Entrance 2: 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Muscle Poses Pre-match Taunt: Hand Clasp Muscle Pose ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Uppercut /\ + U Headbutt X + U Dropkick R2 Hand Clasp Bodybuilder Pose (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Clothesline X Clothesline O Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Elbow Smash /\ + U Piledriver /\ + D Vertical Suplex O Side Headlock O + U Shoulderbreaker O + D Gorilla Press Body Drop X Scoop Slam X + U Back Breaker X + D Inverted Atomic Drop [] Powerslam (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Back Rake /\ Cobra Clutch X Full Nelson Slam ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Turnbuckle Smash O Boot Choke ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Superplex O Superplex ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Choke Slam /\ Gorilla Press Body Drop X Back Body Drop ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Stomp /\ + U Leg Drop X Elbow Drop X + U Walls of Jericho R2 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Ear Cup (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Stomp /\ + U Running Leg Drop X Elbow Drop X + U Rear Chinlock R2 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Muscle Flex (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop O 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Baseball Slide O Baseball Slide ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle ------------ HORACE HOGAN ------------ Height: 6'4" Weight: 253 lbs. Hometown: Malibu, Ca. Aliases: Horace Boulder Finisher: H-Bomb (Samoan Drop) Listed Move: Underhook Powerbomb Horace Hogan as many know, is the nephew of Hollywood Hulk Hogan. He was introduced to wCw as Horace Boulder, the "Stop" sign wielding member of Raven's Flock. ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Generic nWo Hollywood Theme Entrance 1: n/a Entrance 2: n/a Pre-match Taunt: 'Ric Flair' Slick Hair ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Uppercut /\ + U Headbutt X + U Dropkick R2 Big Double Bicep Flex (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Clothesline X Clothesline O Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Elbow Smash /\ + U Gorilla Press Body Drop /\ + D 110th Street Slam O Side Headlock O + U Neckbreaker O + D Gourdbuster X Back Hand Chop X + U Back Breaker X + D Inverted Atomic Drop [] Double Underhook Powerbomb (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Back Rake /\ Nerve Hold X 'Kevin Nash' Side Slam ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Turnbuckle Smash O Foot Choke ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Superplex O Punches ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Knee to Gut /\ Spinebuster X Back Body Drop ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Stomp /\ + U Camel Clutch X Elbow Drop X + U Running Leg Drop R2 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Ear Cup (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Stomp /\ + U Rear Chinlock X Leg Drop X + U Headbutt to Groin R2 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Muscle Flex (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Diving Headbutt O Diving Headbutt ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Double Axe Handle X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Twisting Body Attack O Twisting Body Attack ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle ---------- JIMMY HART ---------- Role in wCw: Manager Height: 5'5" Weight: 155 lbs. Hometown: Memphis, Tn. Nicknames: "The Mouth of the South" Finisher: n/a Listed Move: Jacket Buster The Mouth of the South has managed them all, from Hulk Hogan to the Barbarian. Though Jimmy Hart wears his "Faces of Fear" jacket in this game, the team had long disbanded. ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Faction Theme Entrance 1: Stomping "Hoot Hoot Hoot" Entrance 2: Boxing Champ Pre-match Taunt: Boxing Champ ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Headbutt /\ + U Uppercut X + U Chrionic Kick R2 "Yes!" Celebration (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Headscissors Takedown X Headscissors Takedown O Headscissors Takedown ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Shoulder Thrust /\ + U Back Breaker /\ + D Ankle Lock Submission O Elbow Smash O + U Small Package O + D Gorilla Press Drop X Discus Lariat X + U Side Russian Leg Sweep X + D 110th Street Slam [] The Edge (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O German Suplex /\ Victory Roll X Knee Breaker ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Kicks to Midsection O Kicks to Midsection ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Superplex O Superplex ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Choke Slam /\ Spine Buster X Bearhug ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Leg Drop /\ + U Bow and Arrow X Stomp X + U Driving Elbow R2 Boxing Champ Celebration (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Stomp /\ + U Figure Four Leglock X Leg Drop X + U Spinning Toe Hold R2 Boxing Champ Celebration (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X 450 Splash O 450 Splash ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X 'Hector Garza' Corkscrew Plancha O 'Hector Garza' Corkscrew Plancha --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Twisting Body Attack O Twisting Body Attack ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X 'Hector Garza' Corkscrew Plancha O 'Hector Garza' Corkscrew Plancha ----------------- JUVENTUD GUERRERA ----------------- Height: 5'5" Weight: 165 lbs. Hometown: Mexico City, Mexico Finisher: Juvi Driver Titles Held: WCW Cruiserweight Title (3) ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: "LWO" Entrance 1: Adjust Wrist Tape Entrance 2: 'Juvi' Head Bob Ring Entry: Normal Pre-match Taunt: 'Juvi' Head Bob ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Headbutt /\ + U Back Elbow X + U Dropkick R2 'Juventud Guerrera' Head Bob (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Flying Body Press X Flying Body Press/Flying Headscissors O Flying Body Press ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Shoulder Thrust /\ + U Discus Lariat /\ + D Flatliner O Headlock and Punch O + U Small Package O + D Powerbomb X Hip Toss X + U Side Russian Leg Sweep X + D Hurricanrana [] Falcon Arrow (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Spin into Hurricanrana /\ Victory Roll X Meat Grinder ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Turnbuckle Smash O Tornado DDT ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Hurricanrana O Top Rope Gutbuster ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Back Body Drop /\ X-Factor X Flapjack Gutbuster ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Senton Splash X Stomp X + U Reverse Surfboard R2 'Juvi' Head Bob(TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Senton Splash /\ + U Headbutt to Groin X Stomp X + U Figure Four Leglock R2 Arms Out "Praise Me" (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X 450 Splash O 450 Splash ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick/ Super Hurricanrana O 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Pescado O Suicide Dive ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X 'Hector Garza' Corkscrew Plancha O 'Hector Garza' Corkscrew Plancha ------------ KAZ HAYASHI ------------- Height: 5'6" Weight: 160 lbs. Hometown: Tokyo, Japan Finishers: Senton Bomb (Basic Senton Back Splash off the Top Rope), Slingshot from the apron catching his opponent in a DDT Listed Move: Kazsault Kaz Hayashi is a student of the Ultimo Dragon. ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Nitro Theme Entrance 1: n/a Entrance 2: n/a Pre-match Taunt: 'Norman Smiley' Search Skies ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Back Elbow /\ + U Spinning Backfist X + U 'Sean O'haire' Spinning Back Kick R2 'Norman Smiley' Search Skies (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Flying Body Press X Flying Body Press O Headscissors ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Backhand Chop /\ + U DDT /\ + D Inverted Atomic Drop O Hip Toss O + U Snap Suplex O + D Neckbreaker X Drop Toe Hold X + U Small Package X + D Side Russian Leg Sweep [] Hurricanrana(FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Abdominal Stretch /\ German Suplex X School Boy Roll-Up ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Monkey Flip O Kicks to Midsection ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Hurricanrana O Top Rope Hurricanrana ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Flapjack Gutbuster /\ Tilt-O-Whirl Gutbuster X Back Body Drop ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Boston Crab X Stomp X + U Reverse Surfboard R2 Arms Out "Praise Me" (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Leg Drop /\ + U Headbutt to Groin X Elbow Drop X + U Senton Splash R2 'Norman Smiley' Sky Search (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Moonsault O Moonsault ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Asai Moonsault O Asai Moonsault ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Flying Lariat O 'Hector Garza' Corkscrew Plancha ----------- KENNY KAOS ----------- Height: 5'11" Weight: 244 Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pa. Finisher: Springboard Clothesline Listed Move: Kaos Krusher Titles Held: WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Rick Steiner) Kenny Kaos is formerly one half of High Voltage. Kaos debuted with Rage (his former tag team partner) but due to an injury on Rage, Kaos was left to wrestle as a singles wrestler. Rick Steiner later took him under his wing and they had a brief run as wCw Tag Team Champions together. ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Nitro Entrance 1: Warming Up Entrance 2: Horace Muscle Pre-match Taunt: 'Macho Man' Muscle Flex ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Back Elbow /\ + U Double Axe Handle X + U Dropkick R2 'Macho Man' Muscle Flex (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Clothesline X Clothesline O Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ 'David Taylor' Butterfly Suplex /\ + U Belly-to-Belly Suplex /\ + D Discus Lariat O Backhand Chop O + U Scoop Slam O + D Vertical Suplex X Drop Toe Hold X + U Powerbomb X + D Pump Handle Suplex [] Choke Slam (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Torture Rack /\ Cobra Clutch X Belly-to-Back Suplex Throw ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Tornado DDT O Tree of Woe with Kicks ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Superplex O Superplex ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Spinebuster /\ Belly-to-Belly Suplex X Sleeper Hold ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Senton Splash X Stomp X + U Bow and Arrow R2 'Macho Man' Muscle Flex (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Senton Splash /\ + U Headbutt to Groin X Stomp X + U Leg Drop R2 'Macho Man' Muscle Flex (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Guillotine Leg Drop O Top Rope Splash ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Twisting Body Attack O Twisting Body Attack ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick ---------- KEVIN NASH ---------- Height: 7'1" Weight: 367 pounds From: Phoenix, Az. Finisher: Jackknife Powerbomb Nickname: Big Sexy Current Status: WWE (RAW brand) Titles Held: WCW World Heavyweight Title (2) WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Sting) WCW Tag Team Title (5)(w/ Scott Hall) WWE Championship Title WWE Intercontinental Title WWE Tag Team Title (w/ Shawn Michaels) Kevin Nash is incredibly strong in this game. ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: "Don't Turn Your Back" Wolfpac Theme Entrance 1: 'Norman Smiley' Search Skies Entrance 2: Cocky Point Pre-match Taunt: 'Lex Luger' Torture Rack Sign ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Headbutt /\ + U Double Axe Handle X + U Regular Kick R2 'Lex Luger' Torture Rack Sign (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Clothesline X Clothesline O Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Headlock And Punch /\ + U Gutwrench Gutbuster /\ + D Inverted Atomic Drop O Backhand Chop O + U Back Breaker O + D Powerslam X Scoop Slam X + U Choke Slam X + D Piledriver [] Powerbomb (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O 'Kevin Nash' Side Slam /\ Full Nelson Slam X Clothesline ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Kicks To Midsection O Boot Choke ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Belly-to-Belly Overhead Release Suplex O Top Rope Belly-to-Belly Overhead Release Suplex ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Flapjack Gutbuster /\ Spinebuster X Shoulder Tackle ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Leg Drop X Knee Drop X + U Walls of Jericho R2 'Scott Hall' Double Point (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Leg Drop X Stomp X + U Knee Drop R2 'Macho Man' Muscle Flex (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Guillotine Leg Drop O Guillotine Leg Drop ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Pescado O Pescado ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle -------- KONNAN -------- Height: 6'2" Weight: 251 lbs. Hometown: Miami, Fl. Nicknames: K-Dawg Finisher: Tequila Sunrise Titles Held: WCW TV Title WCW United States Title ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Generic Konnan Song Entrance 1: Gangsta Walk Entrance 2: Overhead Clap Pre-match Taunt: Ear Cup ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Double Axe Handle /\ + U Spinning Backfist X + U Chrionic Kick R2 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Ear Cup (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Clothesline X Clothesline O Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Side Headlock /\ + U Discus Lariat /\ + D Gourdbuster O Snap Mare Takeover O + U DDT O + D Back Breaker X Hip Toss X + U Snap Suplex X + D Powerslam [] Death Valley Driver (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O German Suplex /\ Victory Roll X School Boy Roll-up ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Turnbuckle Smash O Tree of Woe With Kicks ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Belly-to-Belly Overhead Release Suplex O Punches ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Flapjack Gutbuster /\ X-Factor X Knee to Gut ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Knee Drop /\ + U Senton Splash X Stomp X + U Camel Clutch R2 "Come On" (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ 'Eddie Guerrero' Foot Scrape /\ + U Tequila Sunrise X Elbow Drop X + U Leg Drop R2 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Ear Cup (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Big Elbow O Big Elbow ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Flying Lariat, Super Hurricanrana X Flying Lariat, Super Hurricanrana O Flying Lariat --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Suicide Dive O Pescado ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Flying Lariat O Flying Lariat ----------- LA PARKA ----------- Height: 5'8" Weight: 221 lbs. Hometown: Mexico City, Mexico --- Nickname: The "Chair"-man of WCW Finisher: Corkscrew Body Attack from Top Rope (a.k.a. Whisper in the Wind) Listed Move: La Parkinator La Parka is the biggest of the luchadores in wCw. He has earned the reputation of being the Chairman of wCw for bringing a steel chair with him to every match. Despite his appearance as a skeleton come-to-life, he is one of the wackiest characters in wCw. The costume that La Parka has in this game is inaccurate except for the mask. He always wears a body suit which is mostly black and the design of a menacing snake's face on the front of his torso. ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: "La Raza" LWO Theme Entrance 1: Arms Out "Praise Me" Entrance 2: 'Ric Flair' Strut Pre-match Taunt: 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Ear Cup ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Headbutt /\ + U Uppercut X + U 'Sean O'haire' Spinning Back Kick R2 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Ear Cup (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Running Dropkick X Running Dropkick O Running Dropkick ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Side Headlock /\ + U Piledriver /\ + D DDT O Drop Toe Hold O + U Back Breaker O + D Gutwrench Gutbuster X Backhand Chop X + U Chartbuster X + D Flatliner [] Hurricanrana(FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Full Nelson /\ Knee Breaker X Meat Grinder ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Tree of Woe with Kicks O Monkey Flip ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Gutbuster O Top Rope Hurricanrana ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Spinebuster /\ X-Factor X Back Body Drop ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Driving Elbow /\ + U Reverse Surfboard X Senton Splash X + U STF R2 Cocky Point (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ 'Eddie Guerrero' Foot Scrape /\ + U Rear Chinlock X Senton Splash X + U Headbutt to Groin R2 Cocky Point(TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Moonsault O Moonsault ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Twisting Body Attack O Twisting Body Attack ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick ------------ LASH LeROUX ------------ Height: 5'11" Weight: 195 lbs. Hometown: Baton Rouge, La. Finisher: Whip-Lash (Fireman Carry into Falcon Arrow Slam) Lash LeRoux is a very talented wrestler. He sports a very unique look; you will know it's him when you see those "L" shaped side burns. This man has a lot of Louisiana pride as he named his signature Punch Combo the Bourbon Street Blues. ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Faction Theme Entrance 1: Jumping Jacks Entrance 2: 'Ric Flair' Slick Hair Pre-match Taunt: Adjust Wrist Tape ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Double Axe Handle /\ + U Back Elbow X + U Dropkick R2 Adjust Wrist Tape (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Clothesline X Clothesline/Headscissors O Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Headlock And Punch /\ + U Snap Suplex /\ + D Pump Handle Suplex O 'David Taylor' Butterfly Suplex O + U 110th Street Slam O + D Gutbuster X Shoulder Thrust X + U Front Back Breaker X + D Hennig-plex [] The Meltdown (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O German Suplex /\ Spin into Hurricanrana X Meat Grinder ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Turnbuckle Face Smash O Tornado DDT ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Gutbuster O Top Rope Gutbuster ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O X-Factor /\ Spinebuster X Shoulder Tackle ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Knee Drop /\ + U Box and Arrow X Stomp X + U Running Leg Drop*** R2 Arms Out "Praise Me" (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Knee Drop /\ + U Liontamer X Stomp X + U Spinning Toe Hold R2 "Come On"(TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Moonsault O Moonsault ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Asai Moonsault O Twisting Body Attack ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Flying Lariat O Flying Lariat --------- LEX LUGER --------- Height: 6'4" Weight: 270 lbs. Hometown: Atlanta, Ga. Finisher: Torture Rack Titles Held: WCW United States Title (5) WCW World Heavyweight Title (2) WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Paul Wight) WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Sting) WCW TV Title (2) ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: "Don't Turn Your Back" Wolfpac Theme Entrance 1: Hand Clasp Bodybuilder Pose Entrance 2: 'Lex Luger' Torture Rack Sign Pre-match Taunt: Hand Clasp Bodybuilder Pose ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Uppercut /\ + U Double Axe Handle X + U Regular Kick R2 Hand Clasp Bodybuilder Pose (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Clothesline X Clothesline O Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Short-arm Clothesline /\ + U Back Breaker /\ + D Vertical Suplex O Side Headlock O + U Shoulder Breaker O + D Powerslam X Snap Mare Takeover X + U Neckbreaker X + D Inverted Atomic Drop [] Gorilla Press Body Drop (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Torture Rack /\ 'Kevin Nash' Side Slam X Belly-to-Back Suplex ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Tree of Woe With Kicks O Boot Choke ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Belly-to-Belly Overhead Release Suplex O Punches ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Back Body Drop /\ Gorilla Press Body Drop X Knee to Gut ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Leg Drop X Stomp X + U Camel Clutch R2 'Lex Luger' Torture Rack (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Elbow /\ + U Liontamer X Stomp X + U Rear Chinlock R2 'Lex Luger' Torture Rack (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Guillotine Leg Drop O Guillotine Leg Drop ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Baseball Slide O Baseball Slide ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle ----------- LIZMARK JR. ----------- Height: 6'2" Weight: 220 From: Acapulco, Mexico Finisher: n/a Listed Move: Hurricanrana Unfortunately, Lizmark Jr. was one of the less successful cruiserweights in WCW. ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Faction Theme Entrance 1: n/a Entrance 2: n/a Pre-match Taunt: Jumping Jacks ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Spinning Backfist /\ + U Back Elbow X 'Sean O'haire' Spinning Back Kick X + U Chrionic Kick R2 Jumping Jack (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Chop Block X Chop Block/Flying Headscissors O Chop Block ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Side Headlock /\ + U Butterfly Suplex /\ + D Gourdbuster O Shoulder Thrust O + U Back Breaker O + D Neckbreaker X Backhand Chop X + U Small Package X + D Pump Handle Suplex [] Hurricanrana(FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Spin into Hurricanrana /\ Victory Roll X German Suplex ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Kicks to Midsection O Tornado DDT ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Hurricanrana O Top Rope Hurricanrana ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Spinebuster /\ Choke Slam X Back Body Drop ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Stomp /\ + U Senton Splash X Elbow Drop X + U The Crossface R2 Shadow Boxing (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Stomp /\ + U Texas Cloverleaf X Senton Splash X + U Spinning Toe Hold R2 Shadow Boxing (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Shooting Star Press O Shooting Star Press ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Flying Lariat O Flying Lariat --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Asai Moonsault O Asai Moonsault ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Flying Lariat O Flying Lariat --------- MACHO MAN --------- Height: 6'1" Weight: 260 lbs. Hometown: Sarasota, Fl. Finisher: Big Elbow off the top Titles Held: WCW World Heavyweight Title (4) WWE Champion (2) WWE Intercontinental Title The Macho Man made his return to wCw with a new look and new entourage. With Gorgeous George and Miss Madness (a.k.a. Mona a.k.a. Molly Holly (WWE)) at ringside, the Macho Man continued to be successful in the ring. ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: "What Up Mach?" Entrance 1: 'Macho Man' Muscle Flex Entrance 2: 'Macho Man' "Ohhhh Yeeeaahhh" Air Point Pre-match Taunt: 'Macho Man' Muscle Flex ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Double Axe Handle /\ + U Uppercut X + U Dropkick R2 'Macho Man' Muscle Flex (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Clothesline X Clothesline O Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Snap Mare Takeover /\ + U Neckbreaker /\ + D Inverted Atomic Drop O Side Headlock O + U Belly-to-Belly Suplex O + D Side Russian Leg Sweep X Hip Toss X + U Back Breaker X + D Vertical Suplex [] Powerslam (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Back Rake /\ Rear Choke X Belly-to-Back Suplex ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Boot Choke O Kicks to Midsection ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Superplex O Superplex ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Belly-to-Belly Suplex /\ Back Body Drop X Gorilla Press Body Drop ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Driving Elbow /\ + U STF X Stomp X + U Knee Drop R2 'Macho Man' Muscle Flex (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Running Leg Drop /\ + U Driving Elbow X Driving Elbow X + U Elbow Drop R2 'Macho Man' Point In The Air (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Big Elbow O Big Elbow ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Suicide Dive O Suicide Dive ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle ------------------ MEAN GENE OKERLUND ------------------ Role: Backstage Inverviewer Height: 5'9" Weight: 212 Hometown: Robbinsdale, Mn. Finisher: n/a Listed Move: Gene Hammer Status: WWE Confidential ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Faction Entrance 1: n/a Entrance 2: n/a Pre-match Taunt: 'Juvi' Head Bob ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Headbutt /\ + U Double Axe Handle X + U Chrionic Kick R2 'Juventud Guerrera' Head Bob (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Clothesline X Clothesline O Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Backhand Chop /\ + U Hip Toss /\ + D Backslide Pin O Elbow Smash O + U Scoop Slam O + D The Meltdown X Back Hand Chop X + U Snap Mare Takeover X + D Hurricanrana [] Jackhammer (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Spin into Hurricanrana /\ Back Rake X German Suplex ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Tree of Woe With Kicks O Tree of Woe With Kicks ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Superplex O Superplex ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Choke Slam /\ X-Factor X Shoulder Tackle ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Stomp /\ + U Walls of Jericho X Leg Drop X + U Knee Drop R2 'Big Poppa Pump' Muscle Flex(TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Leg Drop /\ + U Walls of Jericho X Knee Drop X + U Stomp R2 'Big Poppa Pump' Muscle Flex (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Shooting Star Press O Shooting Star Press ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Flying Lariat O Flying Lariat --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Twisting Body Attack O Twisting Body Attack ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X 'Hector Garza' Corkscrew Plancha O 'Hector Garza' Corkscrew Plancha ------------- NORMAN SMILEY ------------- Height: 6'2" Weight: 226 lbs. Hometown: Liverpool, England Finisher: Norman Conquest (Cross-face Chicken Wing) This submission specialist was fairly fresh to wCw during the time of the game's release which explains why he did not have any exclusive moves...except for his famous BIG WIGGLE! ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Nitro Entrance 1: "Hey" Entrance 2: 'Norman Smiley' Big Wiggle Pre-match Taunt: Arms Out "Praise Me" ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Back Elbow /\ + U Uppercut X + U 'Sean O'haire' Spinning Back Kick R2 Arms Out "Praise Me" (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Running Dropkick X Running Dropkick O Running Dropkick ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Backhand Chop /\ + U Hip Toss /\ + D Gourdbuster O Elbow Smash O + U Back Breaker O + D Belly-to-Belly Suplex X Drop Toe Hold X + U Snap Mare Takeover X + D Vertical Suplex [] Hennig-plex (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Cobra Clutch /\ Back Rake X German Suplex ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Monkey Flip O Monkey Flip ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Superplex O Superplex ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Knee to Gut /\ Back Body Drop X X-Factor ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Stomp /\ + U Indian Deathlock with Facelock X Running Leg Drop X + U Bow and Arrow R2 "Come On" (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Running Leg Drop /\ + U Texas Cloverleaf X Stomp X + U Headbutt to Groin R2 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Ear Cup (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Big Elbow O Big Elbow ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Flying Lariat O Flying Lariat --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Suicide Dive O Suicide Dive ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Flying Lariat O Flying Lariat ------------ PERRY SATURN ------------ Height: 5'10" Weight: 250 lbs. From: Boston, Mass. Finisher: Rings of Saturn, Death Valley Driver Titles Held: WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Chris Benoit) WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Raven) WCW TV Title ECW Tag Team Title (3)(w/ John Kronus) Perry recently came out of his cross-dressing look at the time of this game's release. This explains why his entrance music in this game is the one he used while posing as a drag-queen. Ain't life a drag? ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: "What Are You Looking At?!" Cross Dresser Theme Entrance 1: Adjust Wrist Tape Entrance 2: 'Norman Smiley' Search Skies Pre-match Taunt: Arms Out "Praise Me" ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Back Elbow /\ + U Headbutt X + U Chrionic Kick R2 Arms Out "Praise Me" (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Clothesline X Clothesline O Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Headlock And Punch /\ + U Belly-to-Belly Suplex /\ + D Flatliner O Snap Suplex O + U Vertical Suplex O + D DDT X Drop Toe Hold X + U Powerbomb X + D Pump Handle Suplex [] Death Valley Driver (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O German Suplex With Bridge /\ Full Nelson Slam X Belly-to-Back Suplex ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Tree of Woe With Kicks O Kicks To Midsection ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Gutbuster O Top Rope Gutbuster ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Spine Buster /\ Belly-to-Belly Suplex X Choke Lift ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Rings of Saturn X Senton Splash X + U STF R2 'Big Poppa Pump' Muscle Flex(TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Walls of Jericho X Senton Splash X + U Headbutt To Groin R2 'Macho Man' Muscle Flex (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Diving Headbutt O Diving Headbutt ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Suicide Dive O Pescado ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O Pescado ------------- PRINCE IAUKEA ------------- Height: 5'10 Weight: 212 lbs. From: Honolulu, Hi. Finisher: Northern Lights Suplex Listed Move: Swandive Headbutt Titles Held: WCW TV Title Though Prince Iaukea never got very many wins, the highlight of his career up to the release of this game was his pulling an upset over Stephen (William) Regal to win the Television Title. ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Nitro Entrance 1: n/a Entrance 2: n/a Pre-match Taunt: Jumping Jacks ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Spinning Backfist /\ + U Back Elbow X 'Sean O'haire' Spinning Back Kick X + U Chrionic Kick R2 Jumping Jack (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Running Dropkick X Running Dropkick O Running Dropkick ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ 'David Taylor' Butterfly Suplex /\ + U Back Breaker /\ + D Gourdbuster O Hip Toss O + U Belly-to-Belly Suplex O + D 110th Street X X + U Small Package X + D Pump Handle Suplex [] Hurricanrana(FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Spin into Hurricanrana /\ Victory Roll X 'Kevin Nash' Side Slam ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Kicks to Midsection O Monkey Flip ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Gutbuster O Top Rope Hurricanrana ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Spinebuster /\ Tilt-O-Whirl Gutbuster X Back Body Drop ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Stomp /\ + U Senton Splash X Elbow Drop X + U STF R2 Overhead Clap "Come On Folks" (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Leg Drop /\ + U Spinning Toe Hold X Senton Splash X + U Knee Drop R2 "Come On" (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Top Rope Splash O Guillotine Leg Drop ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Flying Lariat O Flying Lariat --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Asai Moonsault O Asai Moonsault ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Flying Lariat O Flying Lariat --------- PSYCHOSIS --------- Height: 5'10" Weight: 200 lbs. Hometown: Tijuana, Mexico Finisher: Guillotine Leg Drop Titles Held: WCW Cruiserweight Title This cruiserweight is member of the Eddie Guerrero's LWO (Latino World Order). ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: "LWO" Entrance 1: n/a Entrance 2: n/a Pre-match Taunt: Jumping Jacks ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Spinning Backfist /\ + U Back Elbow X 'Sean O'haire' Spinning Back Kick X + U Chrionic Kick R2 Jumping Jacks (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Running Dropkick X Running Dropkick O Running Dropkick ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Headlock and Punch /\ + U Gutwrench Gutbuster /\ + D Gourdbuster O Shoulder Thrust O + U Back Breaker O + D Neckbreaker X Drop Toe Hold X + U Small Package X + D Piledriver [] Hurricanrana(FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Belly-to-Back Suplex /\ Victory Roll X German Suplex ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Kicks to Midsection O Tornado DDT ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Hurricanrana O Punches ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Spinebuster /\ Chrionic Kick X Back Body Drop ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Stomp /\ + U Camel Clutch X Elbow Drop X + U Bow and Arrow R2 Tries to get crowd to clap(TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Leg Drop /\ + U 'Eddie Guerrero' Foot Scrape X Headbutt to Groin X + U Senton Splash R2 Arms Out "Praise Me" (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Top Rope Splash O Guillotine Leg Drop ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Flying Lariat O 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Asai Moonsault O Asai Moonsault ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Flying Lariat O Flying Lariat ------- RAVEN ------- Height: 6'2" Weight: 259 lbs. Hometown: Short Hills, NJ Finisher: Evenflow DDT Titles Held: WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Perry Saturn) WCW United States Title ECW World Heavyweight Title (2) ECW Tag (2)(w/ Stevie Richards) ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: "What About Me?" Raven Theme Entrance 1: n/a Entrance 2: n/a Pre-match Taunt: Cocky Point ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Spinning Backfist /\ + U Back Elbow X + U Chrionic Kick R2 Cocky Point (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Chop Block X Chop Block O Shoulder Tackle ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Headlock and Punch /\ + U Snap Suplex /\ + D Discus Lariat O Short-arm Clothesline O + U Scoop Slam O + D Pump Handle Suplex X Drop Toe Hold X + U Ankle Lock Submission X + D Belly-to-Belly Suplex [] DDT (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Back Rake /\ Forearm Smash X Full Nelson Slam ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Boot Choke O Kicks to Midsection ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Belly-to-Belly Overhead Release Suplex O Punches ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Back Body Drop /\ X-Factor X Knee to Gut ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Stomp /\ + U Camel Clutch X Knee Drop X + U STF R2 Cocky Point (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ 'Eddie Guerrero' Foot Scrape /\ + U Headbutt to Groin X Stomp X + U Knee Drop R2 "Come On" (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Top Rope Splash O Top Rope Splash ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Twisting Body Attack O Baseball Slide ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle ---------------- REY MYSTERIO (JR.) ---------------- Height: 5'6" Weight: 165 lbs. Hometown: San Diego, CA Finisher: Top-Rope Hurricanrana For a MASKED REY MYSTERIO: Enter the code, MSKDLTLRY in the Pay-per-view Passcode screen. Current Status: WWE (SmackDown! brand) Titles Held: WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Billy Kidman) WCW Cruiserweight Title (6) Constantly referred to by wCw announcers as the man who innovated professional wrestling. Having held the WCW Cruiserweight title on numerous occasions, Rey is truly one of the best around there pound for pound. ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: "Ashes to Ashes" (Instrumental) Entrance 1: "Hey" Entrance 2: Gangsta Walk Pre-match Taunt: 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Ear Cup ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Back Elbow /\ + U Spinning Backfist X + U Dropkick R2 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Ear Cup (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Flying Body Press/ Flying Headscissors X Chop Block O Chop Block ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Backhand Chop /\ + U DDT /\ + D Snap Suplex O Hip Toss O + U Side Russian Leg Sweep O + D 110th Street Slam X Drop Toe Hold X + U Small Package X + D Hennig-plex [] Hurricanrana(FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Spin into Hurricanrana /\ Victory Roll X School Boy Roll-up ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Monkey Flip O Tornado DDT ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Hurricanrana O Top Rope Hurricanrana ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Tilt-O-Whirl Gutbuster /\ X-Factor X Back Body Drop ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Leg Drop /\ + U Senton Splash X Stomp X + U Walls of Jericho R2 Arms Out "Praise Me" (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Leg Drop X Senton Splash X + U Driving Elbow R2 "Come On"(TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Top Rope Splash O Top Rope Splash ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Asai Moonsault O Pescado ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X 'Hector Garza' Corkscrew Plancha O 'Hector Garza' Corkscrew Plancha --------- RIC FLAIR --------- Height: 6'1" Weight: 245 lbs. Hometown: Charlotte, NC Finisher: Figure-four Leglock Current Status: WWE (RAW brand) Titles Held: WCW World Heavyweight Title (14) WWE Championship Title (2) United States Title (6) ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: 4 Horsemen Theme Entrance 1: 'Ric Flair' Strut Entrance 2: 'Ric Flair' Slick Hair Pre-match Taunt: 'Ric Flair' Slick Hair ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Back Elbow /\ + U Spinning Backfist X + U Dropkick R2 'Ric Flair' Slick Hair (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Chop Block X Chop Block O Shoulder Tackle ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Headlock And Punch /\ + U Back Breaker /\ + D Shoulder Breaker O Backhand Chop O + U Hip Toss O + D Vertical Suplex X Snap Mare Takeover X + U Small Package X + D Neckbreaker [] Flatliner (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Atomic Drop /\ Abdominal Stretch X Knee Breaker ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Tree of Woe with Kicks O Boot Choke ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Superplex O Punches ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Knee to Gut /\ Spinebuster X Back Body Drop ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Knee Drop /\ + U Rings of Saturn X Driving Elbow X + U Camel Clutch R2 'Ric Flair' Slick Hair (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Figure Four Leglock X Headbutt to Groin X + U Driving Elbow R2 'Ric Flair' Slick Hair (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop O 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Baseball Slide O Baseball Slide ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle ------------- RICK STEINER ------------- Height: 5'11" Weight: 280 lbs. Hometown: Bay City, Mi. Nicknames: The Dog Face Gremlin Finisher: Steiner Bulldog (Leaps off top turnbuckle and catches opponent in a bulldog) Listed Move: Powerslam Titles Held: WCW TV Title (2) WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Kenny Kaos) WCW Tag Team Title (6)(w/ Scott Steiner) WWE Tag Team Title (w/ Scott Steiner) ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: "Welcome to the Dogpound" Entrance 1: 'Rick Steiner' Barks Entrance 2: Gets on all fours and barks Pre-match Taunt: 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Muscle Pose ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Uppercut /\ + U Spinning Backfist X + U Dropkick R2 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Muscle Flex (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Clothesline X Clothesline O Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Shoulder Thrust /\ + U DDT /\ + D Double Underhook Powerbomb O Backhand Chop O + U Discus Lariat O + D Piledriver X Hip Toss X + U Shoulder Breaker X + D Powerbomb [] Powerslam (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Atomic Drop /\ Rear Choke X Full Nelson Slam ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Kicks To Midsection O Tree of Woe With Kicks ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Belly-to-Belly Overhead Release Suplex O Top Rope Belly-to-Belly Overhead Release Suplex ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Flapjack Gutbuster /\ Choke Lift X Back Body Drop ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Camel Clutch X Stomp X + U Knee Drop R2 'Big Poppa Pump' Muscle Flex (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Stomp /\ + U Figure Four Leg Lock X Knee Drop X + U Headbutt to Groin R2 'Big Poppa Pump' Muscle Flex (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Guillotine Leg Drop O Guillotine Leg Drop ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Flying Lariat O Flying Lariat --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Baseball Slide O Baseball Slide ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle ---------------- SCOTT STEINER --------------- Height: 6' 2" Weight: 290 lbs. From: Bay City, Mi. Finisher: Steiner Recliner Nicknames: The Superstar, White Thunder, Big Poppa Pump, The Big Bad Booty Daddy, The Genetic Freak Current Status: WWE (RAW brand) Titles Held: WCW United States Title WCW TV Title (2) WCW Tag Team Title (6)(w/ Rick Steiner) WWE Tag Team Title (w/ Rick Steiner) Scott Steiner is incredibly tough to wear down in this game. ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: "Don't Turn Your Back" Wolfpac Theme Entrance 1: Hand Clasp Bodybuilder Pose Entrance 2: 'Big Poppa Pump' Muscle Pose Pre-match Taunt: 'Big Poppa Pump' Muscle Pose ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Uppercut /\ + U Double Axe Handle X + U Dropkick R2 'Big Poppa Pump' Muscle Flex (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Diving Clothesline X Diving Clothesline O Diving Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Headlock And Punch /\ + U Piledriver /\ + D Powerbomb O Inverted Atomic Drop O + U Shoulder Breaker O + D Belly-to-Belly Suplex X Scoop Slam X + U Gorilla Press Drop X + D Vertical Suplex [] Double Underhook Powerbomb (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O German Suplex /\ Nerve Hold X 'Kevin Nash' Side Slam ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Tree of Woe With Kicks O Kicks To Midsection ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Frankensteiner O Top Rope Frankensteiner ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Shoulder Tackle /\ Gorilla Press Drop X Bear Hug ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Camel Clutch X Stomp X + U STF R2 'Big Poppa Pump' Muscle Flex (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Senton Splash /\ + U Headbutt To Groin X Elbow Drop X + U Boston Crab R2 Hand Clasp Bodybuilder Pose (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Big Elbow O Big Elbow ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Baseball Slide O Baseball Slide ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle ----------- SCOTT HALL ----------- Height: 6'7" Weight: 282 lbs. Hometown: Orlando, Fl. Finisher: The (Outsider's) Edge Titles Held: WCW United States Title WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Paul Wight) WCW Tag Team Title (5)(w/ Kevin Nash) WWE Intercontinental Title (4) ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: "Don't Turn Your Back" Wolfpac Theme Entrance 1: 'Scott Hall' Double Point Entrance 2: 'Scott Hall' Bad Guy Hand Pumps Pre-match Taunt: 'Scott Hall' Double Point ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Spinning Backfist /\ + U Back Elbow X + U Dropkick R2 'Scott Hall' Double Point (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Clothesline X Clothesline O Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Snap Mare Takeover /\ + U Side Russian Leg Sweep /\ + D Belly-to-Belly Suplex O Shoulder Thrust O + U Vertical Suplex O + D Powerslam X Hip Toss X + U Back Breaker X + D Short-arm Clothesline [] The Edge (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Abdominal Stretch /\ Belly-to-Back Suplex X Clothesline ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Kicks To Midsection O Boot Choke ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Superplex O Punches ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Choke Lift /\ Knee to Gut X Back Body Drop ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Stomp /\ + U Leg Drop X Knee Drop X + U Walls of Jericho R2 'Scott Hall' Double Point (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Stomp /\ + U Headbutt to Groin X Elbow Drop X + U Rear Chinlock R2 'Sting' Howl (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Guillotine Leg Drop O Guillotine Leg Drop ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Pescado O Pescado ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle ------------- SCOTT "FLASH" NORTON ------------- Height: 6'3" Weight: 360 lbs. Hometown: Minneapolis, Mn. He's called "Flash" because he can beat you in a flash. ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Generic nWo Hollywood Theme Entrance 1: n/a Entrance 2: n/a Pre-match Taunt: 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Muscle Flex ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Headbutt /\ + U Spinning Backfist X + U Dropkick R2 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Muscle Flex (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Clothesline X Clothesline O Diving Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Shoulder Thrust /\ + U Discus Lariat /\ + D Gorilla Press Body Drop O Backhand Chop O + U Bear Hug*** O + D Choke Slam X Hip Toss X + U Back Breaker X + D Double Underhook Powerbomb [] Powerbomb (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Belly-to-Back Suplex Throw /\ Nerve Hold X Full Nelson Slam ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE X Kicks To Midsection /\ Boot Choke O Tree of Woe with Kicks ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Gutbuster O Top Rope Gutbuster ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Choke Slam /\ Choke Lift X Back Body Drop ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Camel Clutch X Stomp X + U Knee Drop R2 "Come On" (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Headbutt to Groin /\ + U Liontamer X Knee Drop X + U Rear Chinlock R2 'Macho Man' Muscle Flex (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Top Rope Splash O Top Rope Splash ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Flying Lariat O Flying Lariat --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Baseball Slide O Baseball Slide ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------------- SERGEANT BUDDY PARKER --------------------- Height: 5'9" Weight: 242 lbs. Hometown: Atlanta, Ga. Finisher: n/a Listed Move: The Outsider's Edge Though Sergeant Buddy Parker wrestles on WCW weekend programming as a jobber, he serves a bigger purpose in WCW as the head trainer at the WCW Power Plant (WCW's Wrestling School) where he is better known as "Sarge." When you unlock him, he is called "Goldberg's Trainer," which he was! ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Nitro Theme Entrance 1: Adjust Wrist Tape Entrance 2: Cocky Point Pre-match Taunt: "Come On" ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Double Axe Handle /\ + U Spinning Backfist X + U 'Sean O'haire' Spinning Back Kick R2 "Come On" (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Chop Block/Knee Clip X Chop Block/Knee Clip O Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ 'David Taylor' Butterfly Suplex /\ + U Gutwrench Gutbuster /\ + D Double Underhook Powerbomb O Side Headlock O + U Side Russian Leg Sweep O + D Death Valley Driver X Drop Toe Hold X + U Inverted Atomic Drop X + D Powerslam [] The Edge (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Belly-to-Back Suplex Throw /\ Cobra Clutch X Victory Roll ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Shoulder Thrusts to Midsection O Tree of Woe With Kicks ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Gutbuster O Top Rope Gutbuster ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Spinebuster /\ Shoulder Tackle X Belly-to-Belly Suplex ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Knee Drop X Leg Drop X + U Indian Deathlock with Facelock R2 Cocky Point(TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Leg Drop /\ + U Texas Cloverleaf X Knee Drop X + U Elbow Drop R2 Cocky Point(TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop O 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Twisting Body Attack O Twisting Body Attack ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick -------------- SONNY ONOO -------------- Role: The Cat's Manager Height: 5'5" Weight: 155 lbs. Hometown: Osaka, Japan Finisher: n/a Listed Move: Running Nose Powerslam Sonny Onoo is former long-time manager of the cruiserweight division great, Ultimo Dragon. Sonny Onoo has led Ernest "The Cat" Miller down a road of success with tainted victories. Sonny is always there to hand the Cat one of the his loaded red slippers. ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Faction Theme Entrance 1: Shadow Boxing Entrance 2: Boxing Champ Pre-match Taunt: "Come On" ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Headbutt /\ + U Spinning Backfist X + U 'Sean O'haire' Spinning Back Kick R2 "Come On" (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Headscissors Takedown X Headscissors Takedown O Headscissors Takedown ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Shoulder Thrust /\ + U Chartbuster /\ + D Inverted Atomic Drop O Elbow Smash O + U Vertical Suplex O + D Pump Handle Suplex X Back Hand Chop X + U Side Russian Leg Sweep X + D Diamond Cutter [] Powerslam (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Spin into Hurricanrana /\ Victory Roll X German Suplex ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Kicks to Midsection O Tornado DDT ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Hurricanrana O Top Rope Hurricanrana ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Chrionic Kick /\ X-Factor X Back Body Drop ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Leg Drop /\ + U Bow and Arrow X Stomp X + U Walls of Jericho R2 Shadow Boxing (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Stomp /\ + U Leg Drop X Elbow Drop X + U Walls of Jericho R2 "Come On Folks" Overhead Clapping (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Shooting Star Press O Shooting Star Press ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O Flying Lariat --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Twisting Body Attack O Twisting Body Attack ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick O 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick ----------------------- STEVE "MONGO" McMICHAEL ----------------------- Height: 6'2" Weight: 261 lbs. Hometown: Austin, Tx. Finisher: Mongo Spike (Tombstone Piledriver) Listed Move: Chop Block [This is an actual signature move of Steve McMichael] Stable: 4 Horsemen Titles Held: WCW United States Champion ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: 4 Horsemen Entrance 1: n/a Entrance 2: n/a Pre-match Taunt: Arms Out "Praise Me" ---------- READY ----------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Double Axe Handle /\ + U Spinning Backfist X + U Dropkick R2 Arms Out "Praise Me" ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Chop Block X Chop Block O Shoulder Tackle ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Shoulder Thrust /\ + U DDT /\ + D Gourdbuster O Backhand Chop O + U Gorilla Press Body Drop O + D Piledriver X Headlock and Punch X + U Shoulder Breaker X + D Powerbomb [] Powerslam (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Atomic Drop /\ Double Axe Handle*** X Belly-to-Back Suplex ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Boot Choke O Tree of Woe With Kicks ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Top Rope Belly-to-Belly Overhead Release Suplex O Top Rope Belly-to-Belly Overhead Release Suplex ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Gorilla Press Body Drop /\ Knee to Gut X Back Body Drop ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Walls of Jericho X Stomp X + U Camel Clutch R2 Arms Out "Praise Me" (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Leg Drop /\ + U Liontamer X Knee Drop X + U Headbutt to Groin R2 Arms Out "Praise Me" (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop O 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Baseball Slide O Baseball Slide ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle ---------- STEVIE RAY ---------- Height: 6'5" Weight: 292 lbs. Hometown: Harlem, NY Finisher: Slap Jack (Double Underhooks his opponent lifts them fairly high into the air and drops them face-first onto their forehead and knees. Listed Move: 110th Street Slam [actually a signature move of his brother, Booker] Titles Held: WCW Tag Team Title (8)(w/ Booker T) WCW TV Title ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Generic nWo Hollywood Theme Entrance 1: n/a Entrance 2: n/a Pre-match Taunt: 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Muscle Flex ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Double Axe Handle /\ + U Spinning Backfist X + U Chrionic Kick R2 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Muscle Pose (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Clothesline X Clothesline O Clothesline ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Shoulder Thrust /\ + U Neckbreaker /\ + D Gutwrench Gutbuster O Short-arm Clothesline O + U Scoop Slam O + D Piledriver X Back Hand Chop X + U Shoulderbreaker X + D Vertical Suplex [] 110th Street Slam (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O 'Kevin Nash' Side Slam /\ Full Nelson Slam X Belly-to-Back Suplex Throw ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Shoulder Thrusts to Midsection O Kicks to Midsection ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Superplex O Punches ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Belly-to-Belly Suplex /\ X-Factor X Chrionic Kick ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Stomp /\ + U Bow and Arrow X Knee Drop X + U Camel Clutch R2 'Macho Man' Muscle Flex (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Headbutt to Groin X Stomp X + U Spinning Toe Hold R2 'Macho Man' Point In The Air (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop O 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Flying Lariat O Flying Lariat --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Baseball Slide O Baseball Slide ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Flying Lariat O Flying Lariat ------ STING ------ Height: 6'3" Weight: 252 lbs. Hometown: Venice Beach, Ca. Nicknames: The Stinger Quote: "It's Showtime Folks!" Finisher: Scorpion Death Lock, Scorpion Death Drop Titles Held: WCW World Heavyweight Title (6) WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Kevin Nash) WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Paul Wight) WCW Tag Team Title (w/ Lex Luger) WCW United States Title (2) WCW TV Title ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: Sting Theme Entrance 1: n/a Entrance 2: n/a Pre-match Taunt: "Oww!" ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Double Axe Handle /\ + U Uppercut X + U Dropkick R2 'Sting' Howl (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Flying Body Press X Shoulder Tackle O Shoulder Tackle/Flying Headscissors ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Backhand Chop /\ + U Back Breaker /\ + D Snap Suplex O Hip Toss O + U Back Slide O + D Gourdbuster X Short-arm Clothesline X + U Powerbomb X + D Vertical Suplex [] The Meltdown (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O German Suplex /\ Scorpion Death Drop X Belly-to-Back Suplex ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Kicks To Midsection O Tree of Woe With Kicks ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Superplex O Punches ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Knee to Gut /\ Belly-to-Belly Suplex X Back Body Drop ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Indian Deathlock with Facelock X Stomp X + U Walls of Jericho R2 'Sting' Howl (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Elbow Drop /\ + U Scorpion Deathlock X Leg Drop X + U Knee Drop R2 'Sting' Howl (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X Top Rope Splash O Top Rope Splash ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle/ Super Hurricanrana O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Suicide Dive O Suicide Dive ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle -------------- WOLFPAC STING -------------- Height: 6'3" Weight: 252 lbs. Hometown: Venice Beach, Ca. Finisher: Scorpion Death Lock, Scorpion Death Drop This is Sting in a special red suit. Though Sting never wore his costume with red a main color, he is still wearing the red facepaint he used to hail back in his Wolfpac days. ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: "Don't Turn Your Back" Wolfpac Theme Entrance 1: n/a Entrance 2: n/a Pre-match Taunt: "Oww!" HMMMM...WHAT EVER COULD HIS MOVES BE? ---------- THE WRATH ---------- Height: 6'6" Weight: 272 lbs. Hometown: Harrisburg, Pa. Finisher: The Meltdown After a run of doing the bidding of James Vandenberg alongside Mortis (a.k.a. Chris Kanyon), Wrath made his return to WCW with a new look and new attitude. Wrath dropped the monster act and made his return to the ring with a notable winning streak via his new finishing move, the Meltdown (a three-step version of the Powerslam). ----------- ENTRANCE ----------- Music: "Meltdown" Wrath Theme Entrance 1: n/a Entrance 2: n/a Pre-match Taunt: 'Big Poppa Pump' Muscle Flex ---------- READY ---------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Spinning Backfist /\ + U Double Axe Handle X + U Dropkick R2 'Big Poppa Pump' Muscle Flex (TAUNT) ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING /\ Shoulder Tackle X Shoulder Tackle O Shoulder Tackle ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE /\ Side Headlock /\ + U Pump Handle Suplex /\ + D Gorilla Press Body Drop O Shoulder Thrust O + U Gourdbuster O + D Powerslam X Discus Lariat X + U Back Breaker X + D Powerbomb [] The Meltdown (FINISHER) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING O Clothesline /\ Rear Choke X 'Kevin Nash' Side Slam ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Tree of Woe with Kicks O Boot Choke ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE /\ or X Superplex O Punches ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING O Choke Slam /\ Spinebuster X Knee to Gut ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN /\ Leg Drop /\ + U Elbow Drop X Stomp X + U Camel Clutch R2 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Muscle Pose (TAUNT) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP /\ Leg Drop /\ + U Knee Drop X Stomp X + U Elbow Drop R2 'Macho Man' Muscle Flex (TAUNT) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP /\ or X 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop O 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING /\ or X Pescado O Pescado ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING /\ or X Double Axe Handle O Double Axe Handle - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - =============================================================================== THE MOVES DESCRIBED IN DETAIL =============================================================================== These definitions and/or explanations of what the motion capture for the moves look in this game compared to standard execution of these moves in real-life. ---------- READY ----------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT STANDING Back Elbow: A standing elbow attack to the side of the head. This move is meant for the corner but is used as a standing attack in this game. Usually 7 footers like Kevin Nash use this move. Double Axe Handle: A standing Double Axe Handle smash Headbutt: An odd, no hands headbutt. Attacker straight-up uses his head to hit his opponent. Spinning Backfist: A martial arts move. Attacker spins around and hits his opponent in the head with the back of his fist. Uppercut: A Jeff Jarrett punch/Scotty Riggs punch. The attacker uppercut punches his opponent under the chin. Chrionic Kick: A standing version of the Glacier's finishing move, the Superkick. There is no sliding of the feet involved. Dropkick: Basic Standing Dropkick Regular Kick: Kick to the gut. 'Sean O'haire' Spinning Back Kick: A jumping and 'Sean O'haire' Spinning Back Kick done the way Sean O'haire does it. ATTACKER RUNNING-OPPONENT STANDING Chop Block/ Knee Clip: The difference between a Chop Block and a Knee Clip is in where the attacker hits his opponent's leg. When done from the front, it is a Chop Block. The opponent has his shin taken out and is in turn, flipped onto his back. When done from behind, the opponent's knee is clipped out from behind him and falls to his knees. Clothesline: Standard Clothesline. Diving Clothesline: Attacker dives to the side of his opponent with his arm extended. Flying Headscissors: If you want to pull this one off you must be done running head-on towards your opponent. It is more of an alternative to the standard running attacks. Hard to pull off. Done best when your opponent is standing still. Running Dropkick: Attacker runs and does a dropkick that pushes past the opponents head Running High Knee: Shades of Harley Race as Jim Ross would say. A Triple H move. The attacker runs and jumps to the side of the opponent and the attacker lifts his knee into the opponent's face. Looks best when you whip your opponent in the ropes first. Shoulder Tackle: A Diving Shoulder Tackle without much hang time. ----------- GRAPPLE ----------- ATTACKER FRONT GRAPPLE-OPPONENT FRONT GRAPPLE 110th Street Slam: Booker T's 110th Street Slam done from a standing position. Called the "Sidewalk Slam" by wCw announcers. Ankle Lock Submission: A smack to face followed by a roll-through into the Ankle Lock Submission. Back Breaker: As opposed to the Side Back Breaker, the attacker lifts his opponent up like in a Fallaway Slam and then drop his opponent square onto his knee Bear Hug: Standard Bear Hug. Only Scott Norton has the Bear Hug from the grapple position in this game. Belly-to-Belly Suplex: A Belly-to-Belly Suplex where the attacker releases his opponent to the side and does not fall with him. Rather, the attacker stays standing throughout the move. Choke Slam: A weak Choke Slam. The opponent is not lifted high as the Giant (a.k.a. Big Show) would. Rather, the attacker lifts his opponent only about two feet in the air and lands on his knees with his opponent knees to makeup for the lack of impact. 'David Taylor' Butterfly Suplex: This is a Double Underhook Suplex done just as David Taylor does it to finish off his opponents (including the Floatover). David Taylor, as you may or may not know, is the English fellow who wrestled for wCw for years. In this move, the attacker Double Underhooks his opponent, suplexes him over, and floats over locking the arms as well as legs into a tight pin. Also, wCw announcer, Tony Schiavone referred to Double Underhook Suplexes as Butterfly Suplexes. Death Valley Driver: Standard Death Valley Driver. Drop Toe Hold: Standard Drop Toe Hold done from a standing position. This sets up the attacker for Ground-Face-Down moves. DDT: DDT where the opponent is dropped onto the top of his and falls over onto his back. I still listed Raven's Special Move as the "DDT" and not the Evenflow DDT because they are the same motion capture. Elbow Smash: The attacker puts his opponent in an Arm Wringer and smashes his elbow into his opponent's arm. Flatliner: Chris Kanyon's finishing move. A Reverse Russian Leg Sweep. Chris Kanyon called this move the "D.O.A." when under the Mortis gimmick and also called this move "That's A Wrap" when under the Chris "Champagne" Kanyon moniker. Gorilla Press Body Drop: The Ultimate Warrior's signature move. The attacker presses his opponent over his head and releases him, allowing him to fall front-first onto the ground. In real life, this move is used by Scott Steiner and once in a while, by Bill Goldberg. Gourdbuster: This move is also known as the Front Suplex. Gutwrench Gutbuster: The attacker gutwrenches his opponent and the attacker hoists him into the air only to drop his opponent gut-first onto his knee. Inverted Atomic Drop: Standard move. Hurricanrana: (See section below.) Piledriver: Standard move Powerbomb: This is a basic Powerbomb. The attacker takes a couple steps before throwing his opponent down. Pump Handle Suplex: The attacker gets his opponent into half of a Pump Handle (gets the opponent's arm between the legs) and throws him back almost like a in a Fallaway Slam. Scoop Slam: Basic Body Slam. Short-arm Clothesline: When the attacker does the Clothesline for this, it looks a lot like the way Sting does his Clotheslines. Shoulder Breaker: The attacker picks his opponent up as if he was going for a Scoop Slam but drop his opponent's shoulder onto his knee. (No running involved like the way Rocky Maivia used to do it). Side Headlock And Punch: The attacker gets his opponent in a Side Headlock and Punches him. This is similar to what Ric Flair does but with only one punch. Side Russian Leg Sweep: Standard Russian Leg Sweep. Small Package: Also called the Inside Cradle. Snap Mare Takeover: Standard Move. It's a takedown so no high impact. Snap Suplex: Standard Snap Suplex. Vertical Suplex: The motion capture for this move almost looks like a Hanging Vertical Suplex but it doesn't quite have the hang time. (FINISHER) Belly-to-Belly Suplex: (See in section above.) Choke Slam: (See in section above.) Double Underhook Powerbomb: This is actually a Double Underhook Saulto. The attacker Double Underhooks his opponent and flips his opponent onto his back in Scott Steiner style. Diamond Cutter: The motion for this Diamond Cutter has a bit of running prior to Bulldoging the opponent. Falcon Arrow: Both Juventud Guerrera and Bam Bam Bigelow have this move. Though it is called the "Juvi Driver" and "Greetings from Asbury Park" in the commentary, the motion capture is that of a Falcon Arrow. While the Juvi Driver and Greetings manuvers are similar to the Falcon Arrow, it didn't feel right for me to list it as either. Hurricanrana: This Hurricanrana does not include a pin. The attacker jumps and quickly snaps his opponent onto his head. Jackhammer: This a sloppy Jackhammer. Although, Bill Goldberg DID start to get sloppy with his Jackhammers somewhere in the middle of his undefeated streak. The attacker picks his opponent up in the Suplex and then is late in following through with the Powerslam Meltdown: Wrath's impressive, three-step finishing move. 1) The attacker gets his opponent in the Pump Handle. 2) The attacker then rolls his opponent onto his shoulder. 3) The attacker finally Powerslams his opponent onto the mat with force. Neckbreaker: This is actually called a Hangman's Noose Neckbreaker. When the attacker drops down, he lands on his ass rather than on his back. Powerslam: Commentary in this game calls it either the "Running Powerslam" or just the "Powerslam" but they have the same motion capture. I listed this move as simply the Powerslam and never the Running Powerslam because in my book, only the late, great "British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith knew what a real Running Powerslam is. Running Powerslam: (See "Powerslam" above.) ATTACKER REAR GRAPPLE-OPPONENT STANDING Abdominal Stretch: This Abdominal Stretch looks odd because the attacker pulls both his opponent's loose arm and opponent's chin back rather than wrapping his own arm around his opponent's neck. Back Rake: One of Hollywood Hulk Hogan's favorite moves. The attacker simply rakes the back of his opponent with his finger nails. Belly-to-Back Suplex: Standard Move. Bulldog: The motion capture for this Bulldog looks almost exactly like their motion capture for the Diamond Cutter. The only difference is that the attacker's arms have his opponent in a Bulldog Headlock. Clothesline: Simple Clothesline to the back of the opponent's neck. Cobra Clutch: Also known as the Million Dollar Dream. Double Axe Handle: Same motion capture as the Double Axe Handle from the Ready Position. Forearm Smash: The attacker strikes his forearm into his opponent's lower back. Full Nelson Slam: Standard Move. German Suplex: The attacker does a German Suplex but does not land immediately into a Bridge. He lands flat on his back then scoots back into a Bridge. Headbutt: The attacker simply headbutts his opponent on the back of his opponent's head. 'Kevin Nash' Side Slam: The attacker picks his opponent right up off his feet and slams him down with authority. The attacker then leans back with a pin. (The whole motion capture looks like the way Kevin Nash does it). Nerve Hold: The attacker clamps his hand onto what appears to be the trapezius of his opponent. Rear Choke: The attacker chokes his opponent from behind using his two hands. Meat Grinder: Mike Tenay's technical name for this is the "Re-inverted DDT." The attacker does a Reverse DDT but is done in the fashion that Shawn Stasiak did it in the WWE (then called the WWE) as Meat. The attacker gets his opponent in a type of headlock but drops down in a Reverse DDT so his opponent lands with his body flat on the mat rather than falling right on the back of his head. School Boy Roll-up: Standard Move. Scorpion Death Drop: (See "Meat Grinder") Spin into Hurricanrana: The attacker mounts his opponent's shoulders from behind and then spins around so he is in prime position to Hurricanrana his opponent. Torture Rack: Lex Luger's Finishing Move. Looks just as painful as how the real Lex Luger would do it. Victory Roll: The attacker mounts his opponent's shoulders from behind and then leans forward, forcing his opponent to roll with him and thus landing the attacker into a tight little pin. ----------- WHIPPED ------------ ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT LAY IN TURNBUCKLE Boot Choke: The standard "big man" move. The attacker lifts his boot up high enough to place under his opponent's chin and use his weight to apply pressure. Kicks To Midsection: (Self-explanatory) Monkey Flip: The attacker climbs up onto the thighs of his opponent and flips him onto his back. Shoulder Thrusts to Midsection: (Self-explanatory) Tornado DDT: Standard move. Tree of Woe With Kicks: The attacker puts his opponent into a Tree Of Woe and kicks him in the ribs. ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT SITTING ON TURNBUCKLE Punches: The attacker climbs up onto the second turnbuckle and punches away at his opponent. Superplex: Standard move. Top Rope Belly-to-Belly Overhead Release Suplex: Standard move. Top Rope Frankensteiner: Also known as the "Top Rope Hurricanrana." 'Dean Malenko' Top Rope Gutbuster: The attacker lifts his opponent onto his shoulders in a Fireman Carry then leaps into the air, releasing his opponent in mid-air so they meet in a Gutbuster. Top Rope Hurricanrana: Standard move. ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT RUNNING Back Body Drop: Standard move. Bear Hug: Same motion capture as the Bear Hug from the Grapple position. Choke Lift: The attacker lifts his opponent up by the throat. This is not a submission hold. Choke Slam: Same motion capture as Choke Slam from the Grapple position. Chrionic Kick: Same motion capture as the Chrionic Kick from the Ready position. Flapjack Gutbuster: The attacker lifts his opponent up like doing a Flapjack but he drops to his knee so the opponent lands on it gut-first. Gorilla Press Body Drop: Same motion capture as the Gorilla Press Body Drop from the Grapple Position. Knee to Gut: The attacker rams his knee hard into the gut of his opponent. Shoulder Tackle: Though commentary may call it the "Spear" at times, it is nothing but a simple Shoulder Tackle. Sleeper Hold: The attacker catches his opponent in a Sleeper Hold and lets him down onto his back. Spinebuster: An Arn Anderson style Spinebuster. Tilt-O-Whirl Gutbuster: The attacker uses his opponent's running momentum to flip him over into a Gutbuster. X-Factor: The attacker straight-up kicks his opponent in the stomach and follows up with what announcer, Scott Hudson, calls the "Face Jam." The motion capture is similar to what Sean Waltman (a.k.a. Syxx, a.k.a. X-Pac, a.k.a. Syxx-pac) calls the X-Factor. ------------- OPPONENT DOWN ------------- ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE DOWN Bow and Arrow: Standard move. Camel Clutch: Standard move. Scott Steiner has this move but it is neither elevated nor powerful enough for me to call the Steiner Recliner. The Crossface: Chris Benoit's submission hold. Once known as the Crippler Crossface. It's modern (2003) name is simply "The Crossface." Driving Elbow: Bret-Hart-style Elbow Drop. Elbow Drop: The attacker gets a vertical leap and does an Elbow Drop. Indian Deathlock with Facelock: The attacker applies an Indian Deathlock and then leans back to apply a Facelock as well. Knee Drop: Standard Move. Doesn't roll after like the way Ric Flair does. Leg Drop: Leg Drop to torso. Reverse Surfboard: Also known as the Romero Special. The difference between this and a regular Surfboard is that the regular Surfboard has the opponent on his stomach and the attacker plants his foot onto the opponent's upperback to use for leverage in pulling the arms back. It resembles riding a surfboard. Rings of Saturn: This Double Arm Bar is Perry Saturn's old finishing hold. Running Leg Drop: Same motion capture as the "Leg Drop" but looks as someone pushed the fast-forward button a VCR. Senton Splash: A somersaulting Senton Back Splash. Stomp: (Self-explanatory) STF: The attacker gets his opponent in a "'S'tep-over 'T'oehold" and then locks in a "'F'acelock." Walls of Jericho: Alhough the commentary for this game calls this move the Boston Crab, the attacker does not sit in all the way he would if it were a Boston Crab. Instead, it is slightly elevated the way Chris Jericho does his Walls of Jericho. Call me a WWE mark if you will, but there is a bit of a difference which makes this move unique to Chris Jericho. One may also call this move the Liontamer because this is the alternate way Chris Jericho would apply the Liontamer (when he was in wCw). However, he only applied it this way to allow his opponent to reach the ropes. (Speaking from a wrestling being fake sense.) ATTACKER STANDING-OPPONENT FACE UP Driving Elbow: Bret-Hart-style Elbow Drop. Elbow Drop: The attacker gets a vertical leap and does an Elbow Drop. Figure Four Leglock: Standard move. 'Eddie Guerrero' Foot Scrape: The attacker places his foot upon his opponent's forehead and spins around so he scrapes his opponent's forehead leaving a burning feeling on his opponent. Headbutt To Groin: (Self-explanatory) Knee Drop: Standard Move. Doesn't roll after like the way Ric Flair does. Leg Drop: Leg Drop to torso. Liontamer: This is the old-school way Chris Jericho used to apply his version of the Boston Crab. Rear Chinlock: Standard move. Running Leg Drop: Same motion capture as the "Leg Drop" but looks as someone pushed the fast-forward button a VCR. Scorpion Deathlock: Sting's finishing hold. Same motion capture as the Sharpshooter. Senton Splash: A somersaulting Senton Back Splash. Sharpshooter: Bret Hart's finishing hold. Same motion capture as the Scorpion Death Lock. Stomp: (Self-explanatory) Tequila Sunrise: Konnan's finishing hold. Walls of Jericho: (See "Walls of Jericho" above.) ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT FACE DOWN OR UP Alabama Jam: Same motion capture as the Guillotine Leg Drop. Called the Alabama Jam when Bobby Eaton does it. 'Alex Wright' Top Rope Knee Drop: This is a Top Rope Knee Drop done the way only Alex Wright does it. The attacker leaps off the top rope and lands with one knee on his opponent and the other foot useed to land. The attacker then rolls over to his feet. Big Elbow: This is Top Rope Elbow Drop done more in the fashion Shawn Michaels would do it whereas the Macho Man would put his whole body into the Elbow Drop and land almost back-first. Diving Headbutt: This is not a Chris Benoit style Swandive Headbutt. Rather it is a sloppy Diving Headbutt with a lot of hang time. Guillotine Leg Drop: Standard Move. 450 Splash: 450 Splash is short for 450 DEGREE Splash. The attacker somersaults a full 450 degrees in mid-air to land on his opponent. The motion capture is done just like how Juventud Guerrera used to do it before he stopped using it. It is lacking in form Moonsault: The attacker starts facing center of the ring but he jumps and turns to face the ring post and then uses that little jump to springboard into a Moonsault Top Rope Splash: The attacker spreads his arms and legs out to the side to hit with a big time Splash. Shooting Star Press: Billy Kidman's awe-inspiring finishing move. Motion Capture is done just the way Kidman does it. ATTACKER ON TURNBUCKLE-OPPONENT STANDING 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick: This move is a Dropkick where the attacker kicks past his opponent just as Booker T did when he used the Missile Dropkick as his finishing move. Butt Thesz Press: The motion capture is actually the same as the Guillotine Leg Drop. The difference is that this move can only done onto a standing opponent and the effect it has is that of a posterior-first Thesz Press. Double Axe Handle: Standard move. The way the attacker swings his arms at the end of the move reminds me of Lash LeRoux. Flying Lariat: Looks a lot like the motion capture for the Top Rope Splash except the attacker extends his right arm all the way out. 'Hector Garza' Corkscrew Plancha: The first question someone may have is, "Who the (four letter word) is Hector Garza?!" Hector Garza is a luchadore who had brief stints with both the WWE and the wCw. He was famous for his Corkscrew Plancha that he would do from the Top Turnbuckle to the outside. Technically, Chris Kanyon is the only person who you can use to do this move just as Hector Garza did it (from the the top turnbuckle to the outisde). Super Hurricanrana: This is an amazing move in which the attacker leaps off the top turnbuckle and lands onto his opponent's shoulders and flips back into a Hurricanrana. Juventud Guerrera has done this a few times but Lita (WWE) is most famous for doing this move. --------------- OUTSIDE OF RING --------------- ATTACKER RUNNING IN RING-OPPONENT OUTSIDE OF RING Asai Moonsault: The attacker leaps from inside the ring onto the apron and then leaps from the apron onto the second rope and then Moonsaults from the second rope to the ground. This move, as you may or may not know, is named after the Ultimo Dragon. Baseball Slide: Standard Move. If you miss with this move, it's okay, the attacker plays it off and stands up on the apron. Suicide Dive: Standard Lucha Libre move. Pescado: The attacker uses the Top Rope to Slingshot himself over and land on his opponent. Twisting Body Splash: The attacker leaps over the top rope and twists in mid-air. ATTACKER ON APRON-OPPONENT STANDING OUT OF RING Double Axe Handle: Same motion capture as the Double Axe Handle from the Top Rope. Flying Lariat: Same motion capture as the Flying Lariat from the Top Rope. 'Hector Garza' Corkscrew Plancha: Same motion capture as the Corkscrew Plancha from the Top Rope. 'Booker T' Missile Dropkick: Same motion capture as the Missile Dropkick from the Top Rope. Shooting Star Press: Same motion capture as the Shooting Star Press from the Top Rope. ---------------- TAUNTS/ENTRANCES ---------------- 'Alex Wright' Dance: This is the dance that Alex Wright used to do that we all hated. 'Big Poppa Pump' Muscle Flex: Scott Steiner turns his back and flexes his right bicep so he can kiss it. 'Booker T' Raise The Roof: Booker does that Raise The Roof hand motion that the crowd likes to mimic. 'Buff Bagwell' Kiss Biceps: Buff flexes both his biceps and kisses them both. 'Buff' Strut: This is the weird strut that Buff does as if he's slipping only so he can get on his knee and flex his muscles. 'Chris Benoit' Slit Throat: The high sign for Chris Benoit's Diving Headbutt. The motion is done just like the way Chris Benoit does this but it is slowed down considerably. 'DDP' Diamond Sign: DDP puts his hands into the air in the shape of a diamond. Could it be Diamond Cutter time? 'DDP' "Bang" Diamond Sign: Same as the "'DDP' Diamond Sign" but DDP throws his hands down and kicks as if saying "Bang." He only does this one in his entrance. 'Disco' Hip Shake: Disco points out and shakes his hips in a dancing fashion. 'Disco' Dance: This is that Disco Inferno dance that the audience always likes to imitate when you watch any sort of wCw programming that Disco Inferno is on. 'Goldberg' Elbow Thrusts: This is the stretching that Goldberg usually does as walks down the isle to the ring. 'Goldberg' Power Surge: Goldberg lifts his hands from low to high in the air as if a load of power was flowing throughout him. 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Air Guitar: Just like how Hollywood Hogan would pretend to strum the World Heavyweight Title. 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Ear Cup: Ear Cup as if calling to the crowd for applause. 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' Muscle Poses: These muscle poses are done in the reverse way 'Hollywood Hulk Hogan' would do them. He does the side muscle flex and then does the Zeus flex. 'Juvi' Head Bob: Juventud bends over, places his hands on his lap, and bobs his head up and down so his hair flails up and down. 'Lex Luger' Torture Rack Sign: The motion Lex Luger does to signal for the Torture Rack. 'Macho Man' Muscle Flex: Muscle Flex done with Macho Man manerisms. 'Macho Man' "Ohhhh Yeeeaahhh" Air Point: Macho grabs his belt buckle with one hand and stirs the air with the index finger in his other hand. 'Norman Smiley' Big Wiggle: Norman Smiley's famous Big Wiggle! Norman smacks the air as if he was smacking a woman's ass on both sides. 'Norman Smiley' Search Skies: Only one wrestler would shade his eyes with one hand and peer out into the crowd. That was Norman Smiley. 'Ric Flair' Slick Hair: Ric slicks his hair back and jerks his head out as if yelling "Wooooooo!" 'Ric Flair' Strut: Strutting the strut like how Ric Flair does it. 'Rick Steiner' Barks: Rick Steiner pulls his head back and barks into the air like he always does. 'Scott Hall' Double Point: Scott Hall's famous point. 'Scott Hall' Bad Guy Hand Pumps: This is the pumping motion that Scott Hall when he's in the ring during his intro. 'Sting' Howl: Sting's yell into the crowd. Adjust Wrist Tape: (Self-explanatory) Arms Out "Hey Dude": Extends arms out in a lazy fashion. Arms Out "Praise Me": Puts arms out and looks out to the crowd as if seeking more applause. The wrestler then puts his hands on his hips. Boxing Champ Celebration: The wrestler jumps up and down with his hands high in the air. Cocky Point: The wrestler points to his opponent and looks out the crowd as if saying, "You call this guy a wrestler?!" "Come On": The wrestler gestures for his opponent to bring it on. Gangsta Walk: Rey Mysterio and Konnan walk out as if gangsters. Hand Clasp Bodybuilder Pose: The wrestler clasps his hands to together with his arms forming a circle just as a bodybuilder would pose. "Hey": The wrestler raises one arm into the air as if saying, "Hey folks." Jumping Jacks: (Self-explanatory) Overhead Clap: The wrestler claps overhead as if encouraging the audience to clap along with him. Shadow Boxing: The wrestler does some comical shadow boxing. Shake Out Wrists: (Self-explanatory) Stomping "Hoot Hoot Hoot" The wrestler does three exaggerated stomps and three arm pumps. Warming Up: The wrestler does some warming up exercises. "Whoa": The wrestler backs away as if blocking pyro or steam coming from the ground. - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - =============================================================================== CREDITS =============================================================================== - Prima for the information I put in the "REVERSALS" section as well as the "GAME TIPS" section - Jim Chamberlin for the movelists of Barry Windham, Bill Goldberg, Bobby Blaze, Bobby Duncum Jr., Bobby Eaton, Booker T, Bret Hart, Buff Bagwell, Curt Hennig, Diamond Dallas Page, Eric Bischoff, Ernest "The Cat" Miller, Hollywood Hulk Hogan, Horace Hogan, Kenny Kaos, Konnan, Macho Man, Norman Smiley, Rick Steiner, Sergeant Buddy Lee Parker, Scott Norton, Stevie Ray, Sting, and the Wrath NOTE: I modified some of the names of the moves and/or added some of the moves that were missing from his lists. - Myself for the rest of this Guide/Movelist - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - wCw - =============================================================================== LEGAL STUFF =============================================================================== ******************************************************************************* This document Copyright 2003 D. Richards. This Guide/Movelist was written by me. No one person or group has permission to publish this Guide/Movelist as his/her/their own. If you wish to put this Guide/Movelist on a site, message board, etc., you must credit to their respective creditees. *******************************************************************************