WCW Mayhem Sting's/Wolfpac Sting's Move List Version 1.0 10/23/99 Created by Jay jckwong@earthlink.net Contents: I. Introduction & Copyright II. Version History III. Who is Sting? IV. Key V. Moves VI. Miscellany VII. Credits I. Introduction After reading may other game FAQs, I too will issue the same warnings. Do not steal this FAQ, please give me credit if you wish to use it. You may use it freely, but DO NOT use this in any sort of game publication. (That means you EGM!) I do hope my move list will help you enhance your enjoyment of WCW Mayhem. If you are looking for general information about WCW Mayhem, you ought to check out cookinwiththerock's FAQ. You can find it at: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/game/24583.html His is the General FAQ, which is excellent. I have the PlayStation Version, but these moves should work on the N64. ________________________________________________________________________________ II. Version History 1.0 - Initial Release October 25, 1999 ________________________________________________________________________________ III. Who is Sting? It is often a dispute between who is the franchise wrestler of WCW, but Sting can put up an argument for himself. Even at 6'2", 260 lbs, Sting has the quickness of a cat. Sting is a six-time WCW Heavyweight Champion. Donning black and white facepaint, many feared the one-time nWo Black & White destroyer. Armed with a bat, he was tossing people out of the ring. He has three signature moves, but unfortunately two only appear in the game. The Stinger Splash is NOT in the game (big mistake, Tiburon), but the Stinger Death Drop and the Scorpion Deathlock are brutal on his opponents. With all of his accomplishments, it is clear that Sting is a legend in the making... ________________________________________________________________________________ IV. Key U - Up L - Left R - Right D - Down D-Pad - Any direction on the Directional pad of your controller + - Press both buttons at the same time , - Press the first button, then wait to press the second button P - punch button K - kick button S - Special move button G - Grapple button R - Run button PIN - Pin the opponent (S) - Submission move (P) - Pin move ________________________________________________________________________________ V. Moves _________________ Standing Position _________________ P Punch Your basic punch, all characters do this D-Pad+P "Power" Punch Socks the opponent, will always knock the opponent down K Kick Your basic kick, all characters do this D-Pad+Kick Standing Drop Kick He will jump and kick the opponent with both feet, allowing him to be vertical for a moment. Will knock your opponent down if connected. S Double Axe Handle He will take both fists and strike his opponent. D-Pad+S Gut Punch Very slow punch that will always connect. Easy to counter. G Grapple Lock the opponent up, often a setup for a move D-Pad+R Run Run in any direction D-Pad+G press towards the ropes to climb out of the ring (near ropes) D-Pad+G press towards the turnbuckle to climb up (near turnbuckle) ___________________________________ Grapple Position (Hit G to lock up) ___________________________________ P Hip Toss G Sting will toss the opponent with one arm D or R+P Front Suplex D or R+G Sting will lift his opponent in the vertical suplex position, but Sting will drop him on his face U or L+P Back Body Slide (P) U or L+G He will lock arms, turn around, and flip the opponent over, pinning him on his shoulders. K Short Clothesline Sting will set up his opponent and run him over with his arm extended D+K Vertical Suplex R+K He will lift his opponent, making him upside down. Then he will fall backwards, dropping him on his back. U+K Power Bomb L+K Sting cannot possibly do this move in real life. However, he will lift the opponent up and slam him on his back, rocking the ring. S Chop He will hit the opponent with a devastating chop D+S Snap Suplex R+S He will put his opponent in the vertical suplex position but will slam him on his back quickly, causing a snapping effect U+S Back Breaker L+S Sting will drop the opponent's back onto his knee D-Pad+R Irish Whip Standard with all characters, throw the opponent into the ropes. You can also whip opponents into the turnbuckle or toss them over the ropes and onto the floor Finisher (when your momentum bar is flashing) G Meltdown P So complicated I won't explain it. Truly a sight to see... ________________ Irish Whip Moves ________________ G Knee to the Gut P After completing the move, the opponent flips over and lands hard K Back Body Drop Using the momentum of his opponent, he will bend over, flip him over his back and watch his opponent land hard. S Belly to Belly Suplex He will place his opponent in front of him, then lift him from the waist and toss him to the side. ____________________________ Opponent on the mat, face up ____________________________ P Turn Over D-Pad+P Flips the opponent over, placing him face down G Pick up D-Pad+G Pick up the opponent to issue some more damage K Leg Drop He will drop his leg across his opponent's chest D-Pad+K Knee Drop He will drop his knee into the opponent S Elbow He will drop his elbow onto his opponent D-Pad+S Scorpion Death Lock (S) Sting's true finisher, use it to make ANYONE submit PIN Pin The character will cover the opponent for a three count ______________________________ Opponent on the mat, face down ______________________________ P Turn Over D-Pad+P Flips the opponent over, placing face up G Pick up D-Pad+G Pick up the opponent to issue some more damage K Stomp Kick him in the kidneys! D-Pad+K Boston Crab (S) He pulls the opponent's legs up until submission S Elbow Drop Same as above D-Pad+S Reverse Surfboard Stretch (S) Unique submission move, he will lock his legs in and pull his neck. Then he will stretch upward, causing his back to bend in a slight arc __________________________ Opponent in the turnbuckle __________________________ P Pick up and Kick He will flip the opponent upside down and put him on the turnbuckle. Then your wrestler will kick the crap out of him K Repeated Kicks S Your wrestler will repeatedly kick your opponent G,S Suplex G,K Vertical Suplex off the top rope G,P Punches He will pull several punches, with the opponent falling off the ropes at the end _____________________ Opponent at the apron _____________________ G,G Suplex G,K He will do a vertical suplex and bring your opponent back G,P into the ring, the hard way G,S Jawbreaker Sting will hit with a jawbreaker, causing the opponent to hit the ropes and fall onto the floor _____________________________ Grabbing opponent from behind _____________________________ G,P German Suplex (P) G,G Truly one of the finest moves in professional wrestling today. He will lift his opponent over his head and slam his opponent's head into the mat, holding him and forming a bridge. G,K Belly to Back Suplex Sting will lift his opponent and drop him on his neck, falling backwards G,S Stinger Death Drop One of the coolest moves I've seen, Sting will hook his arm around his opponent's neck. Then he will bend him backwards and drop him onto the mat. _______ Various _______ Sting at the apron G,P Jawbreaker G,K Same as above, except your opponent will stay in the ring G,S G,G Sting running R,S Flying Body Press Note that this is not the STINGER SPLASH. Sting will jump in mid-air and land onto his opponent. R,K Running tackle He will hit the opponent in the legs, knocking him down R,P Head Scissors R,G No way can Sting do this move in real-life. Sting will jump onto his opponent's shoulders, then fall forward and toss his opponent with his legs. Opponent on the floor, Sting in the Ring R,P Suicide Dive R,K Sting jumps through the ropes to land on his opponent R,S R,G Opponent on the floor, Sting on the apron P Splash K Sting leaps forward and attemps to land S G Opponent laying on the mat, Sting on the top rope P Splash K Same as above S ________________________________________________________________________________ VI. Miscellany I'm too lazy to work on ASCII art, so if anyone knows of a program or who has spare time to do it, lemme know... When fighting on the hard level, it's harder to hit the grapple moves early in the match. Stun them first, then hit them hard. Lots of moves Sting cannot do in real life. Again, it makes me wonder if Tiburon actually watches WCW. Stinger Splash is a necessity, the closest thing you can do is to run at the opponent in the turnbuckle and hit the Flying Body Press (R,S). The opponent does stagger when hit though... I'm assuming that WolfPac Sting is exactly the same, but I prefer the black and white Sting. He doesn't look like he has sunburn with that look... When fighting on the hard difficuly level, submissions are much quicker to end the match than to try to wear down the opponent. This is helpful in the Quest for the Best mode. WHO'S NEXT? I'll put up move lists for Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Billy Kidman, Ric Flair, DDP, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Buff Bagwell and Scott Steiner soon. I doubt I'll make any others unless people request them. I hope to have the remaining characters up soon. I'm working on these as fast as I can, but I'm in school trying to finish my senior year in college, so be patient. So if there is a time where there are no updates, you'll know why. Feel free to e-mail me though... Thanks for all the e-mails BTW. I try to make this FAQ as easy to understand, especially for those playing that don't really watch wrestling. Thank Outsider for proofing these FAQs and correcting the move names. _________________________________________________________________________________ VII. Credits EA/Tiburon for making an above-average game. Cut them some slack folks, this is their first wrestling game WCW.com for the stats on Sting Outsider, my technical wrestling term advsior, for correcting me on some of the moves cookinwithetherock's FAQ which somewhat inspired to make the movelists GameFAQs.com because they have a copy of this. You can find more WCW Mayhem FAQs at http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/game/24583.html