WWF Betrayal Game Script Copyright 2013 John Coates, Jr. Feb. 18, 2013, Version 1.00, by John Coates, Jr. Email:jcenterprises@mail.com This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. --------------------------------- Stone Cold Steve Austin --------------------------------- *The ring Announcer:It looks like Austin really has Triple H on the ropes! Announcer:We may have ourselves a new Heavyweight Champion! *The Rock throws a foreign object at Stone Cold allowing Triple H to Pedigree him for the win Rock:The Rock says that Steve Austin should know his role! *The Rock exits Triple H:That's what happens when you play The Game! *Backstage Mr. McMahon:Austin! I need your help! Austin:Move your pencil-neck if you don't want it broken! Mr. McMahon:Wait! I need you to rescue Stephanie! She's been kidnapped! Austin:Why should I trust you? What do I get? Mr. McMahon:If you rescue my daughter, I'll give you a new title shot... *Parking Garage *The Rock is seen tossing Stephanie into the trunk of a limo Rock:Quick! Get her out of here! Undertaker:What about Stone Cold? Rock:The Rock can handle Stone Cold Steve Austin! *Undertaker enters the limo and drives away *The Subway Undertaker:Try me Austin, and I'll make you famous... *after the battle Austin:If you know what's good for ya, you'll tell me where they took Stephanie... Undertaker:Titan Towers... Austin:You'd better not be lying to the Rattlesnake... *Titan Towers (Headquarters) Austin:I knew I couldn't trust you! Stephanie was never kidnapped! Austin:You let Triple H steal my title and then you sent me on a wild-goose-chase! Mr. McMahon:"Don't Trust Anyone." Isn't that your motto, Austin? Triple H, you and Stephanie get to the roof. *Triple H goes to the roof with Stephanie Mr. McMahon:I'll handle this. Austin:I'm gonna run you down! *Titan Towers (Rooftop) Triple H:So Austin, you made it through The Undertaker. I'll bet you the Heavyweight Title that you can't make it through me! Austin:I'll just read you a bit of Austin 3:16... *after the battle Austin:Now I'm the Heavyweight Champion... and that's the bottom line, 'cause Stone Cold says so! --------------------------------- The Rock --------------------------------- *The ring Announcer:It looks like The Rock really has Triple H on the ropes! Announcer:We may have ourselves a new Heavyweight Champion! *Austin throws a foreign object at The Rock allowing Triple H to Pedigree him for the win Austin:There's nothin' like whoopin' on the Rock! *Austin exits Triple H:That's what happens when you play The Game! *Backstage Mr. McMahon:Wait! Rock! I need your help! Rock:Why should The Rock help you? Mr. McMahon:Stephanie has been kidnapped! Rock:Why should The Rock care about your Roody-Poo daughter? Mr. McMahon:If you rescue her, I'll make sure you get a new title shot... *Parking Garage *Austin is seen tossing Stephanie into the trunk of a limo Austin:Quick! Get her out of here! Undertaker:What about The Rock? Austin:I'll take care of him! *Undertaker enters the limo and drives away *The Subway Undertaker:Try me Rock, and I'll make you famous... *after the battle Rock:If you don't want The Rock to Layeth the Smacketh Down on you again, you'll say where they took Stephanie! Undertaker:Titan Towers... Rock:Know your role and shut your mouth! *Titan Towers (Headquarters) Rock:What's this?! The Rock smells a rat! Why would you, Vince McMahon, kidnap your own daughter? Mr. McMahon:Listen, People's Chump, and listen good! We've all had about enough of you AND your eyebrow! Mr. McMahon:Stephanie was never kidnapped! We just wanted to distract you long enough to get away! Triple H, you and Stephanie get to the roof. *Triple H goes to the roof with Stephanie Mr. McMahon:I'll take care of The Rock. Rock:You'll take care of The Rock? How are you going to do that? *Titan Towers (Rooftop) Triple H:So Rock, you made it through The Undertaker. I'll bet you the Heavyweight Title that you can't make it through me! Rock:The Rock says, JUST BRING IT! *after the battle Rock:Once again, The Rock is the People's Champ AND the Heavyweight Champ! -------------------------------- The Undertaker -------------------------------- *The ring Announcer:It looks like The Undertaker really has Triple H on the ropes! Announcer:We may have ourselves a new Heavyweight Champion! *Austin throws a foreign object at The Undertaker allowing Triple H to Pedigree him for the win Austin:There's nothin' like whoopin' on the Undertaker! *Austin exits Triple H:That's what happens when you play The Game! *Backstage Mr. McMahon:Wait! Taker! I need your help! Undertaker:You need my help? What's the catch? Mr. McMahon:No catch! They've kidnapped my daughter! Undertaker:What will you give me if I help to get Stephanie back? Mr. McMahon:I'll give you a new title shot... *Parking Garage *Austin is seen tossing Stephanie into the trunk of a limo Austin:Quick! Get her out of here! Rock:What about The Undertaker? Austin:Go! I'll take care of the Deadman! *Rock enters the limo and drives away *Subway Rock:You might be the Phenom, but I'm the People's Champion! Do you smell what The Rock is cooking? *after the battle Undertaker:Where'd they drag Stephanie to? Rock:Titan Towers... Undertaker:We'll see about that! *Titan Towers (Headquarters) Undertaker:Hmm... a setup! I should've known! Stephanie was never kidnapped! Undertaker:You kept me running around while you and Triple H ran off with the Title! Mr. McMahon:So Deadman Inc. has figured things out. Triple H, you and Stephanie get to the roof. *Triple H goes to the roof with Stephanie Mr. McMahon:I'll handle this. Undertaker:You and what army? *Titan Towers (Rooftop) Triple H:So Deadman, you made it through The Rock. I'll bet you the Heavyweight Title that you can't make it through me! Undertaker:I've played this game before! *after the battle Undertaker:When you step in The Undertaker's yard, you better be ready to lose! ------------------------------ Triple H ------------------------------ *The ring Announcer:It looks like Triple H really has Austin on the ropes! Announcer:We may have ourselves a new Heavyweight Champion! *Rock throws a foreign object at Triple H allowing Austin to finish him off with a Stunner Rock:The Rock says that Triple H should know his role! *Rock exits Austin:I know how to play The Game... *Backstage Mr. McMahon:Hold it Triple H! Stephanie has been kidnapped! Triple H:What?! Who took her? Mr. McMahon:Rocky and The Undertaker! Triple H:First he takes the belt, then my wife! The Rock is mine... Mr. McMahon:Hurry, rescue Stephanie! I'll make sure you get a new title shot... *Parking Garage *The Rock is seen tossing Stephanie into the trunk of a limo Rock:Quick! Get her out of here! Undertaker:What about Triple H? Rock:It doesn't matter! The Rock can handle Triple H! *Undertaker enters the limo and drives away *Subway Undertaker:Try me Hunter, and I'll make you famous... *after the battle Triple H:Now... where'd they take my wife? Undertaker:Titan Towers... Triple H:If you're lying, you really will be a Deadman! *Titan Towers (Headquarters) Triple H:Vince? What's going on? What are you doing here? Mr. McMahon:What does it look like Triple H? You and Stephanie have been walking around here... acting like you own the place. Mr. McMahon:Well, I own the place! And I think Austin makes a much better champ than you! Stone Cold, get Stephanie up to the roof. *Austin goes to the roof with Stephanie Mr. McMahon:Come on Triple H! Let's see how you handle Dear ol' Dad! Triple H:I'm gonna break you in two! *Titan Towers (Rooftop) Austin: So Hunter wants his little wifey back? If you can beat me for the Heavyweight Title, I'll let her go. Triple H:I'll beat you anytime, anywhere... I'm that good! *after the battle Triple H:If you play The Game... you'll lose! Come on Stephanie, let's get out of here.