Al Snow movelist for WWF Wrestlemania 2000 by Gruel Version 1.0 Latest Update: December 2, 1999 FAQ Contents: I. Intro II. Mini-Al Snow Bio and Tidbits III. Other US wrestling games that Al Snow appeared in IV. The Moves V. Credits/Copywright Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I. Intro Hey, It's me Gruel. I'm here this time to deliver the movelist for Al Snow this time. Hope you enjoy the list and find it very useful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ II. Mini-Al Snow Bio & Tidbits Real Name: Former identities, names, nicknames: Avatar(WWF, 1995), Shinobi(WWF, 1996), Leif Cassidy(WWF, 1996-1997), Al Snow(ECW, 1997-1998, WWF, 1998-Current) Former Ring Escorts: Head(ECW, 1997-1998, WWF, 1998-Current), Pepper(WWF, 1999), Pierre(WWF, 1999) Major Titles Held: WWF Hardcore Title(3), WWF Tag Team Title with Mankind Brought into the WWF in 1995, where he made a few televised appearences as the masked, Avatar, who was portrayed of a person who came to save the WWF. Came back later on in early 1996 where he wrestled as a ninja dubbed, Shinobi, where he lost to Shawn Michaels on an episode of WWF Superstars, then lost to Ahmed Johnson the next day on RAW, and we never saw him again. Ironically, the same night Shinobi debuted, we also saw the debut of Leif Cassidy. The tag titles we're stripped of the Smoking Gunns(Billy Gunn & Bart Gunn), in February 1996 due to Billy Gunn getting a neck injury. A tag team tournament was then taking place on Superstars to crown new champs. Marty Jannetty was going around saying he found a new partner, and out came, Leif Cassidy, who portrayed a dorky 70's goofball. They lost that night in the tournament to the Godwinns. They teamed on for the rest of the year, and Marty dissappeared from the WWF around December 1996. Snow still hanged around as Leif Cassidy until Summer '97 where after he lost a match he yelled at JR, and the WWF loaned Cassidy over to ECW. There he developed the character of Al Snow, where he claimed he solved the problems of his life after finding a manequin "Head" and Snow started to write "Help Me" on his forehead. Snow's tenure in ECW went pretty good and went back to the WWF after finishing his last match on an ECW PPV in April 1998. Snow debuted the night after that ECW PPV, where Michael Cole was giving a backstage update, and you heard a banging on the behind garage door, it opened up and out appeared Al Snow with Head. Over the next few weeks in April and May, Snow went into a feud with Jerry "The King" Lawler, because Lawler didn't give Snow his meeting with Vince McMahon to see if he can get back in the WWF, and argued with WWF officials, and kept on getting kicked out of WWF events, until he got a tag team match where his partner was Head faced the duo known as Too Much(now known as Too Cool) which had Jerry Lawler's son, "Too Sexy" Brian Christopher and "Too Hot" Scott Taylor(now they are known as Scotty Too Hotty and Grandmaster Sexy). Anyways to make matter worse, Jerry Lawler was the guest referee. In the match while Snow was buisy with Taylor, Lawler a put a bottle of Head and Shoulders shampoo attached Head, and Christopher covered Head "shoulders down" and Lawler counted the three for the win. According to the stipulation, if Snow lost, he would have to leave the WWF. But Snow kept on interfering in matches, and got another retirement match on a September episode of RAW against then Commissioner, Sgt. Slaughter. He beat him and got a contract into the WWF. Snow started to team with Scorpio in the WWF and they defeated Too Much at the September 1998 PPV, In Your House: Breakdown. Around October he formed the Job Squad with Scorpio, and Bob Holly with the Blue Meanie and Duane Gill joining later on. In November at the Survivor Series, Snow was part of the one-night 14 man tournament for the World Belt. In the first round Snow defeated Goldust, but ended up losing to Mankind in the quarter-finals. Snow was starting to compete in the new, WWF Hardcore division, where he dubbed himself, the "Crowned Prince of Hardcore." He lost to the Road Dogg in a Hardcore Title match in December, later on Road Dogg was suppose to face Al Snow in a rematch for the Hardcore title at the February 1999 PPV, In Your House: St. Valentine's Day Massacre, but Road Dogg got injured just day earlier, and was stripped of the title. A couple days later on RAW, Snow went on a rampage and was beating himself up in the ring, fellow Job Squad member, Bob Holly came up to help Snow, but they instead started beating each other up. They faced each other at Massacre where the winner gets the vacant Hardcore Title, the fought all the way into the Mississippi River, and Holly ended up pinning Snow on the Riverbank after Holly trapped Snow in fencing. Bob Holly was then dubbed Hardcore Holly. Snow got another hardcore title shot in his first ever Wrestlemania, in a triple threat Hardcore Title match against Hardcore Holly and new champ, Billy Gunn. Snow got his signature Snowplow finisher on Gunn and went for the pin, but Holly whacked Snow with a chair and pinned Gunn to regain his championship. Snow finally won the Hardcore title from Holly in the April PPV, In You House: Backlash and held it for the longest Hardcore title reign so far today, which was 3 months. He lost the title to the Big Boss Man at the Fully Loaded PPV in July, but regained it at a month later at Summerslam. He lost it 2 days later back to Big Boss Man. He won the belt back a month later for his 3rd reign and lost it back to the Boss Man in October, a month later. He won the tag titles from from Hardcore Holly & Crash Holly in early November, but lost them 6 days later on RAW to the New Age Outlaws. Hopefully the future holds more title reigns for Snow, and he may one day win the WWF world belt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ III. Other US wrestling games that Al Snow appeared in WWF Games WWF Attitude(N64, PSX, Dreamcast, GB Color) WWF Wrestlemania 2000(N64) Now we can finally get on to the moves! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV. The Moves • Standing slap - B (Tap) chop - D-Pad + B (Tap) front kick (Short) - B (Tap) front kick (Long) - D-Pad + B (Tap) dropkick to knee - B (Hold) Bossman uppercut - D-Pad + B (Hold) shuffle sidekick - A + B • Front Grapple (Weak) Double axe Handle - A Knee Lift - A + Left/Right Overhand Punch - A + Up Scoop Slam - A + Down Headlock Takedown - B Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash - B + Left/Right Suplex - B + Up Piledriver - B + Down (Strong) Headlock with punch - A Shoulder thrusts - A + Left/Right Back Body flip - A + Up Backslide pin - A + Down Manhattan Drop - B Snow Trapping headbutts - B + Left/Right Stall Suplex - B + Up Snap Powerbomb - B + Down (Special) Snowplow - Analogue Stick (Tap) • Rear Grapple (Weak) Back drop - A Atomic drop - B (Strong) School Boy Rollup - A Release German Suplex - B (Special) German Suplex Pin - Analogue Stick (Tap) • Opponent On Mat (Face Up) Mounted position punching - A (Near Head) Knee Smash - A (Near Feet) Stomp - B (Face Down)Mahistrol Cradle - A (Near Head) Single Crab - A (Near Feet) Elbow Drop - B (Sitting) Sleeper Hold - A Hammer Blow - B (Kneeling) Camel Clutch - A Hammer Blow - B • Opponent In Turnbuckle Chop - B Front Kick - D-Pad + B Running Clothesline - D-Pad + C Down + B Jumping Back Elbow Attack - D-Pad + C Down + A + B (Front, Weak) Shoulder Thrusts - A Eye Rakes on Ropes - B (Front, Strong) Superplex - A Frankensteiner - B (Back, Weak) Forearm Smash - A/B (Back, Strong) Super Back Drop - A/B • After Irish Whip On Opponent Back Elbow - B (Weak) Shoulder Back Toss - A Monkey Toss - D-Pad + A (Strong) Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker - A Powerslam - D-Pad + A (Special) Special Irish Grapple - Analogue Stick (Tap) • Running At Opponent Running Shoulderblock - C Down + B Body Attack - C Down + A + B Running Clothesline - C Down + D-Pad + B Running Elbow Attack - C Down + A + B + D-Pad • On Turnbuckle (High Risk Manoeuvres) (Standing) Flying Body Press - A/B Flying Body Press - A/B (Special) (On Mat) Guillotine Leg Drop - A/B • Defensive Pose Strike (hold R as you rise from the mat) Mini Spinning Heel Kick - R (hold), B Evasive Roll - R (hold), L ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V. Credits/Copywright Info THQ/Jakks/AKI/Asmik - For making another helluva game! This movelist copywright by "Gruel" Dale Kulas, 1999 Not one soul shall use this movelist unless with written permission sent to