Big Boss Man movelist for WWF Wrestlemania 2000 by Gruel Version 1.0 Latest Update: January 21, 2000 FAQ Contents: I. Intro II. Mini-Big Boss Man Bio and Tidbits III. Other US wrestling games that Big Boss Man appeared in IV. The Moves V. Credits/Copywright Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I. Intro Hey, It's me Gruel. I'm here this time to deliver the movelist for Big Boss Man. Hope you enjoy the list and find it very useful. It seems that other WM 2000 Movelists by different authors(Undrtkr & The Game) seem to be using the exact format for the "other US wrestling games that (Wrestle name here) appeared in." I don't mind other authors using it, just give me credit for using that layout because I originated it, just like the layout I used for wrestlers bio's that I started in my WEF Attitude Game Boy Color FAQ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ II. Mini-Big Boss Man Bio & Tidbits Real Name: Ray Traylor Former identities, names, nicknames: Big Boss Man(WWF, 1988-1993, 1998-Current), The Boss(WCW, 1993-1994), Guardian Angel(WCW, 1994-1995), Big Bubba Rogers(WCW, 1995-1997), Ray Traylor(WCW, 1999) Major Titles Held: WWF Tag Title with Ken Shamrock, WWF Hardcore Title(4) Former Ring Escorts: Slick(WWF, 1988-1989), Vincent(WCW, 1996- 1997), Prince Alber(WWF, 1999) Ray Traylor started in the WWF in about 1988 with Slick as his manager, in 1989 Slick turned on him and the Boss Man turned into a good guy. His most memorable match in his first stint in the WWF was at Summerslam where he beat Mr. Perfect where the loser spends the night in jail. He also faced Hulk Hogan for the World Title in a Cage match, but lost. He finished up his first stint in the WWF in 1993, and went on over to WCW, billed as "The Boss," but that character resembled the Big Boss Man name to much and a lawsuit was filed and he change his name to "The Guardian Angel." Later on Guardian Angel changed his name to Big Bubba Rogers, and later it dropped to just Big Bubba, he joined the faction, the Dungeon of Doom, and was the first person to do the job to a new WCW wrestler named Glacier. If you remember back in 1996, WCW had a whole bunch of vignettes for a group called, Blood Runs Colled, and Bubba challenged Glacier to unveal himself and wrestle him, Glacier wrestled bubba a while later, and loss in under a minute. Later on Bubba left the Dungeon of Doom and joined the NWO later on in 1996. He always came out with Vincent. His career went nowhere in the NWO, and Hulk Hogan ended up kicking him out of the group in September 1997. He came back a week later and appeared as his real name, Ray Traylor. He teamed with the Steiners for some matches, but once the Steiners broke up in Feburary 1998, Traylor slowly disappeared off the WCW scene, and got fired from WCW in about April or May 1998. He came back with the WWF in September 1998, when he jumped Steve Austin during a match, as a masked man, after the beating he unmasked himself and it the Boss Man was back. He was no longer the police-uniformed good guy Boss Man, but now Black jump suited, bad guy. He was the first wrestler to join the Corporation with Vince McMahon the leader of the faction. He made his return match to the WWF at the Survivor Series in 1998 when he lost to Steve Austin by DQ after using his nightstick. He won his first WWF gold by beating Manking in a ladder match for the new Hardcore title on November 30, 1998, but lost it shortly thereafter on December 15, 1998 to Road Dogg. He also won the tag title in December with Ken Shamrock, and held onto it for a month and a half until losing it to Owen Hart & Jeff Jarrett in Janauary 1999. Boss Man was in the sub main event at Wrestlemania 15, where he lost to the Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell match, and afterwords, the Brood just about hanged him to death! The Boss Man won the Hardcore Title a second time at Fully Loaded in July from Al Snow, but lost it back to him a month later at Summerslam, but regained it 2 days later at a Smackdown taping to win the belt for a 3rd time, but lost in September to the returning British Bulldog. He became the first 4-time Hardcore Champ, when he won the belt from Al Snow in a triple threat match between him, Snow, and the Big Show on October 12, 1999 taping of Smackdown. At this time he teamed with Prince Albert to help him terrorize the Big Show, by making fun of the Big Show's dad. Boss Man was in the sub-main event at the Armageddon PPV, losing to the Big Show in a World Title match. A few weeks later, things boiled down between Boss Man and Albert, and the team broke up, and Albert caused Boss Man to lose his Hardcore Title to Test recently in January 2000, that was the longest the Bossman held onto the Hardcore Title, which was for 3 months. Things look more promising for the Boss Man's future for the WWF and maybe he'll win more greater WWF gold in the future. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ III. Other US wrestling games that Big Boss Man appeared in WWF Games WWF Superstars(Arcade) WWF Wrestlefest(Arcade) WWF Wrestlemania Challenge(NES) WWF Attitude(N64, PSX, Dreamcast, GBC) WWF Wrestlemania 2000(N64, GBC) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV. The Moves • Standing Body Punch - B (Tap) Elbow Strike - D-Pad + B (Tap) Front Kick (Short) - B (Tap) Front Kick (Long) - D-Pad + B (Tap) Overhand Punch - B (Hold) Bossman Uppercut - D-Pad + B (Hold) Big Dropkick - A + B • Front Grapple (Weak) Eye Rake - A Strong Headbutt - A + Left/Right Knee Lift - A + Up Scoop Slam - A + Down Arm Wrench/Elbow Smash - B Spinning Neck Breaker - B + Left/Right Suplex - B + Up Piledriver - B + Down (Strong) Headlock With Punch - A Double Underhook Suplex - A + Left/Right Snake Eyes - A + Up Small Package - A + Down Manhattan Drop - B Rib Breaker - B + Left/Right Double Handed Lifting Chokehold - B + Up Jumping Piledriver - B + Down (Special) Bearhug - Analogue Stick (Tap) • Rear Grapple (Weak) Back Drop - A Forearm Smash - B (Strong) Sideslam - A Bulldog - B (Special) Reverse Suplex - Analogue Stick (Tap) • Opponent On Mat (Face Up) Face Stretch - A (Near Head) Knee Smash - A (Near Feet) Knee Drop - B (Face Down) Sitting Reverse Armbar - A (Near Head) Knee Stomp - A (Near Feet) Elbow Drop - B (Sitting) Sleeper Hold - A Hammer Blow - B (Kneeling) Camel Clutch - A Hammer Blow - B • Opponent In Turnbuckle Body Punch - B Front Kick - D-Pad + B Running Body Avalanche - D-Pad + C Down + B Running Back Elbow Smash - D-Pad + C Down + A + B (Front, Weak) Top Rope Eye Rake - A 10 Punch - B (Front, Strong) Shoulder Thrusts - A Knee Strikes - B (Back, Weak) Forearm Smash - A/B (Back, Strong) Super Back Drop - A/B • After Irish Whip On Opponent Counter Kick - B (Weak) Shoulder Back Toss - A (Tap) Monkey Toss - A (Hold) (Strong) Spine Buster - A (Tap) Powerslam - A (Hold) (Special) Bossman Slam - Analogue Stick (Tap) • Running At Opponent Running Shoulder Block - C Down + B Running Back Elbow Smash - C Down + A + B Jumping Back Elbow Attack - C Down + D-Pad + B Running Clothesline - C Down + A + B + D-Pad • On Turnbuckle (High Risk Manoeuvres) (Standing) Double Axe Handle - A/B (On Mat) Body Splash - A/B • Defensive Pose Strike (hold R as you rise from the mat) Low Blow - R (hold), B Evasive Roll - R (hold), L ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V. Credits/Copywright Info THQ/Jakks/AKI/Asmik - For making another helluva game! This movelist copywright by "Gruel" Dale Kulas, 1999 Not one soul shall use this movelist unless with written permission sent to