WWF Wrestle Mania 2000 – Dude Love Version: 0.2 Author: Greg P. E-Mail: Syxx669@aol.com Date: May 14, 2000 Number Of FAQs: 4 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ======================================================================= (1) Table of Contents (1) ======================================================================= (1) Table Of Contents (2) Revision History / Legal Information (3) Biography of Dude Love (4) Dude Love Moves (5) :New Section: Coming Soon From This Author (6) End Of FAQ ======================================================================= (2) Revision History / Legal Information (2) ======================================================================= (May 14, 2000) – (0.2) – Going for an All-In-1-Day FAQ. Can I make it? ======================================================================= (3) Biography of Dude Love (3) ======================================================================= Name: Dude Love Real Name: Mick Foley Height: 6'2 Weight: 287 pounds Finishing Move: Love Handles Favourite Quote: "Oooowww... Have Mercy!" Career Highlights: WWF Tag Team Champion: Steve Austin (1) [July 14, 1997 – September 7, 1997] ======================================================================= (4) Dude Love's Moves (4) ======================================================================= <> Front Grapple – Weak <> Overhead Punch A Snapmare A <- or -> Club To Neck A UP Scoop Slam A Down Headlock Takedown B Swinging Neckbreaker B <- or -> Suplex B UP Piledriver B Down <> Front Grapple – Strong <> Russian Leg Sweep A Headlock w/ Punch A <- or -> Snake Eyes A UP Small Package A Down DDT B Double Underhook DDT B <- or -> Falling Front Neck Breaker B UP Pulling Piledriver B Down <> Back Grapple – Weak <> Back Drop A Forearm Smash B <> Back Grapple – Strong <> Face Crusher A Back Rake B <> Irish Whip Grapple – Weak <> Scissor Sweep A Shoulder Back Toss A + Control Pad <> Irish Whip Grapple – Strong <> Abdominal Stretch A Sleeper Hold A + Control Pad <> Front Turnbuckle Grapple – Weak <> Shoulder Thrusts A 10 Punches B <> Front Turnbuckle Grapple – Strong <> Eye Rake On Ropes A Foot Choke B <> Back Turnbuckle Grapple – Weak <> Forearm Smash A <> Back Turnbuckle Grapple – Strong <> Super Back Drop A <> Opponent On Mat – Face Up <> Mounted Position Punching A Near Head Single Leg Crab A Near Feet Traditional Elbow Drop B <> Opponent On Mat – Face Down <> Rear Naked Choke A Near Head Knee Stomp A Near Feet Jumping Leg Drop B <> Running Attacks – Weak <> Running Shoulder Block Cv + B Running Back Elbow Smash Cv + A + B <> Running Attacks – Strong <> Body Attack Cv + Control Pad + B Kitchen Sink Cv+Control Pad+ A + B <> Running Attacks – Turnbuckle <> Running Clothesline Cv + B Running Body Avalanche Cv + Control Pad+ A+B <> SPECIAL MOVES <> Love Handles Strong Front Grapple Shin Breaker Strong Back Grapple Love Handles Irish Whip Grapple ======================================================================= (5) :New Section: Coming Soon From This Author (5) ======================================================================= Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins Pokémon Red/Blue & Yellow Walkthrough Pokémon Stadium Index FAQ WrestleMania 2000 – Thrasher WrestleMania 2000 – Meat WrestleMania 2000 – Mideon WrestleMania 2000 – Michael Hayes All in the works from yours truly, Greg P. ======================================================================= (6) Special Thanks To... (6) ======================================================================= GameFAQs.com – For posting this. Nintendo – For making this game. World Wrestling Federation – For creating these beautiful gimmicks and angles and incorporating them into an amazing storyline. - From The Keyboard Of Greg P. -