Faarooq movelist for WWF Wrestlemania 2000 by Gruel dkulas@hotmail.com Version 1.0 Latest Update: December 15, 1999 FAQ Contents: I. Intro II. Mini-Faarooq Hardy Bio and Tidbits III. Other US wrestling games that Faarooq appeared in IV. The Moves V. Credits/Copywright Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I. Intro Hey, It's me Gruel. I'm here this time to deliver the movelist for Faarooq this time. Hope you enjoy the list and find it very useful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ II. Mini-Faarooq Bio & Tidbits Real Name: Ron Simmons Former identities, names, nicknames: Ron Simmons(WCW, 1990-1995), Faarooq Essad(WWF, 1996), Faarooq(WWF, 1996-Current) Major Titles Held: WWF Tag Team Title (2)with Bradshaw(2), WCW World Title, WCW Tag Title with Butch Reed Former Ring Escorts: Sunny(WWF, 1996), Clarence Mason(WWF, 1996- 1997), The Jackyl(WWF, 1998) Faarooq wrestled in WCW from about 1990(not sure) to around late 1995. He wrestled by his real name, Ron Simmons. Simmons turned out to be a great singles competitor, and became the first African American to win a major orginization's belt when he Big Van Vader in a house show in 1992, Simmons lost the strap back to Vader later that year. Simmons later won the WCW Tag Belts in early 1993 with Buth Reed, known as the team of Doom from the Steiners, but when they won the belts, they had already lost them, due to some weird television taping schedule. Simmons finished up his WCW career in 1995, and signed with the WWF. On a July episode of RAW in 1996, the WWF World Champ, Shawn Michaels, and the WWF Intercontanental Champ, Ahmed Johnson faced the Smoking Gunns(Billy Gunn & Bart Gunn) for the Tag Team Titles, during the match, Simmons ran out dressed in some weird midevil like outfit(sorta Glacier like costum and weird helmet) and started to beat the crap out of Ahmed Johnson with Sunny cheering him on. After the match in a backstage interview with Simmons and Sunny, Ross started calling this new mystery man by his real name, Ron Simmons, but Simmons responed by saying he no longer wants to be recognized by that name and will now be known as Farroq Essaad. Later in July, Farrooq pummeled Ahmed again, injuring him of his kidney, and so Ahmed was stripped of the WWF IC belt. An 8-man tournament started for the vacant belt and in the finals on an October edition of RAW, Faarooq faced "Wildman" Marc Mero. The loss came when Sunny accidentally nailed Faarooq Essaad with a brick, causing him the loss. After the match Faarooq Essaad and Sunny parted ways and Faarooq wasn't seen until an November episode of Live Wire. You might recognize Live Wire as a WWF TV show that recaps highlights from episodes of RAW and Smackdown, but back then it was a live show, that had a weekly guest and you can call in and ask your own questions. Anyways this was the day before the Survivor Series and Faarooq was scheduled in one of those 8-man elimination matches. He came out on Live Wire with Clarence Mason, and started to talk about a new era in the WWF called the Nation of Domination, we didn't know what he was talking about, but the next day at the Survivor Series, he came out with Clarence Mason, and a couple of bodyuards(one of 'em know goes by the name of D-Lo Brown). By January 1997, Crush and Savio Vega joined the NoD. They seemed to be a dominating group with nothing to lose, but Ahmed Johnson came back with a vengeance in Januaruy and finally fought Faarooq in a match at the Royal Rumble, Ahmed won by DQ after other Nation members interfered, and Ahmed challenged Faarooq, Vega, and Crush to a triple tag team no holds barred match against him and his mystery partners at Wrestlemania 13. The partners turned out to be a returning Legion of Doom, and of course, they won the match. Faarooq then started to get tired of Nation members costing him matches. Especially a world title match against the Undertaker at the June 1996 King of the Ring. The next day on RAW Crush and Vega left the group, and Faarooq fired all NoD members, except D-Lo. A couple of weeks later, Farrooq formed the new NoD with D-Lo, Kama Mustafa(now known as The Godfather), and Ahmed Johnson. About a month later the new NoD kicked Ahmed out of the group and replaced him with Rocky Maivia a day later. Things seemed to flow around smoothly with the NoD until Rocky won the IC belt in December, and started to get cocky, and started to call himself "The Rock." Things finally boiled up and the day after Wrestlemania 14, The Rock and Faarooq went at it and the whole NoD kicked Faarooq out of the group. Faarooq then temporarily joined forces with Steve Blackman and Ken Shamrock in a little stable and beat the Nation in a triple tag match at the April 1998 PPV: In Your House: Unforgiven, where Faarooq pinned Rocky after his finisher, the Dominator. Faarooq lost to the Rock in a IC Title match the next month at the Over the Edge PPV, and after that loss, things started to go downhill for Faarooq. He started to lose most of his matches, and seemed to go on a constant losing streak until after a loss against The Godfather on the Heat PPV Preshow of the October PPV: In Your House: Judgement Day, where after the match, The Jackyl came out and started to console Faarooq telling him about more high hopes. The Jackyl did the same after Bradshaw suffered a loss. Later in November, Faarooq and Bradshaw came out and did random beatings on episodes of RAW, with the Jackyl by there side. Both guys were completely gimmick changed and both started to sport black trunks and body tattoos of werid symbols. The team were dubbed the Acolytes. In December, The Jackyl's contract expired and he went to sign with ECW. The Acolytes resurfaced in January 1999 and were members of the Ministry of Darkness, with the Undertaker as there leader. The Acolytes started to dominate the tag team ranks, and won the tag team belts from Kane & X-Pac on an May 1999 episode of RAW, with help from Shane McMahon. They lost the belts a month later to the Hardy Boyz in June, but regained them a month later at the July PPV: Fully Loaded, and lost them in early August to Kane & X-Pac. The Ministry disappeared, and the Acolytes went on there own still dominating the tag team ranks, they won a 7-tag team elimination match at Summerslam, and beat the Dudley Boyz at the September PPV: Unforgiven, and still are on a roll. More tag team gold shots are definately in the future for the Acolytes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ III. Other US wrestling games that Faarooq appeared in WCW Games WCW: The Main Event(Game Boy) WCW Superbrawl Wrestling(Super Nintendo) WWF Games WWF Warzone(N64, PSX, Game Boy) WWF Attitude(N64, PSX, Dreamcast) WWF Wrestlemania 2000(N64) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now we can finally get on to the moves! • Standing Slap - B (Tap) Chop - D-Pad + B (Tap) Front Kick (Short) - B (Tap) Front Kick (Long) - D-Pad + B (Tap) Standing Clothesline - B (Hold) Overhand Punch - D-Pad + B (Hold) Big Dropkick - A + B • Front Grapple (Weak) Elbow to back head - A Snapmare - A + Left/Right Double Axe Handle - A + Up Scoop Slam - A + Down Headlock Takedown - B Rib Breaker - B + Left/Right Drop Suplex - B + Up Jawbreaker - B + Down (Strong) Headlock with Punch - A Back Body Flip - A + Left/Right Body Press Slam - A + Up Small Package - A + Down DDT - B Thrusting Shoulderbreaker - B + Left/Right Reverse Suplex - B + Up Snap Powerbomb - B + Down (Special) Dominator - Analogue Stick (Tap) • Rear Grapple (Weak) Back Drop - A Shinbreaker - B (Strong) Adominal Stretch - A Atomic Drop - B (Special) Release German Suplex - Analogue Stick (Tap) • Opponent On Mat (Face Up) Mounted Position Punching - A (Near Head) Boston Crab - A (Near Feet) Falling Headbutt - B (Face Down) Sitting Reverse Armbar - A (Near Head) Knee Stomp - A (Near Feet) Jumping Leg Drop - B (Sitting) Sleeperhold - A Hammerblow - B (Kneeling) Camel Clutch - A Hammerblow - B • Opponent In Turnbuckle Chop - B Front Kick - D-Pad + B Running Clothesline - D-Pad + C Down + B Running Heavy Dropkick - D-Pad + C Down + A + B (Front, Weak) Eye Rake on Ropes - A Shoulder Thrusts - B (Front, Strong) Foot Choke - A Knee Strikes - B (Back, Weak) Forearm Smash - A/B (Back, Strong) Super Back Drop - A/B • After Irish Whip On Opponent Back Kick Middle - B (Weak) Scissor Sweep - A Samoan Drop - D-Pad + A (Strong) Powerslam - A Spinebuster - D-Pad + A (Special) Special Irish Grapple - Analogue Stick (Tap) • Running At Opponent Running Shoulder Block - C Down + B Running Back Elbow Smash - C Down + A + B Running Clothesline - C Down + D-Pad + B Running Heavy Dropkick - C Down + A + B + D-Pad • On Turnbuckle (High Risk Manoeuvres) (Standing) Flying Clothesline - A/B Flying Clothesline - A/B (Special) (On Mat) Back Elbow Drop - A/B • Defensive Pose Strike (hold R as you rise from the mat) Low Blow - R (hold), B Evasive Roll - R (hold), L ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V. Credits/Copywright Info THQ/Jakks/AKI/Asmik - For making another helluva game! This movelist copywright by "Gruel" Dale Kulas, 1999 Not one soul shall use this movelist unless with written permission sent to dkulas@hotmail.com