_____ \ \ / \ \ /\ /___ \ \//\\/ \// / __ __ _ _ _ \ \ / / __ ___ ___| |_| | ___ _ __ ___ __ _ _ __ (_) __ _ \ \ /\ / / '__/ _ \/ __| __| |/ _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \| |/ _` | \ V V /| | | __/\__ \ |_| | __/ | | | | | (_| | | | | | (_| | \_/\_/ |_| \___||___/\__|_|\___|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|_|\__,_| ____ ___ ___ ___ |___ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ __) | | | | | | | | | | For Gameboy and Gameboy Color / __/| |_| | |_| | |_| | Version 1.4 |_____|\___/ \___/ \___/ FAQ Written by Aaron Jennings Disclaimer: This FAQ is Copyright c1999, Aaron Jennings. You may not distribute this FAQ for profit. If it is to be distributed on a compilation CD-ROM, my permission is needed and I need to receive a copy of the CD. Please do not post this FAQ on your site without giving me credit. Do not take my FAQ and put your name on it, and do not take my FAQ and wine it and dine it. It is not that easy... ________________ Version History ---------------- (or: "My bazooka is locked, cocked, and ready to unload.") Version 1.4: 12/06/99: Sorry about the recent lack of updates. I got caught up in Wrestlemania 2000 for N64. This update: Many more questions answered, fixed spelling on ScoopsWrestling.com... =) and (thanks to FalconsRa) added *THE BACK GRAPPLE!* (yay!) =) Added Special for Vince. Added sorely needed Table of Contents. Version 1.3: 11/30/99: Corrected a couple of small errors. Added a hints section. Added more Q&A's. Plugged SccopsWrestling.com. (They rock!) Version 1.2: 11/25/99: Added Q&A section. Bought N64 version of WM2K. Version 1.1: 11/22/99: Fixed some little errors, fixed apostrophes and other symbols to look decent. Corrected numorous spelling errors. Added some moves and info. Changed format, started new section, "Game Quotes". Added descriptions of TitanTron videos. Version 1.0: 11/21/99: FAQ created. (Note: The (or: ...)'s are little text snippets from the game that I found humorous. Some for the wording, or the censorship, or just the fact they included it on a game made for all audiences) __________________Table of Contents ------------------ (or: "There's plenty more wood where that came from.") I: Version History II: Table of Contents III: Intro IV: Section 1: Getting Started V: Section 2: Championship Mode VI: Section 3: Playing the Game VII: Section 4: Game Tips VIII:Section 5: Other Modes IX: Section 6: Game Quotes X: Section 7: Q&A XI: Section 8: TitanTron Videos XII: Section 9: Final Thoughts ________ Intro -------- (or: "Make some noize!"): Hi, my name is Aaron, and this is my first FAQ. I bought this game yesterday and I immediately played through it. I was disappointed that the censors got ahold of it at the last minute (an incomplete version had swearing intact, now replaced by symbols such as squares, triangles, and circles). However, the game is VERY enjoyable, it has a great two-player mode, and other features not found in most Gameboy games. Well, lets get started... ______________________________ Section 1: Getting Started ------------------------------ (or: "All night long!"): When you turn on the system, a few copyright screens come up, followed by a picture of Mankind, Austin, Undertaker, and the Rock. Press start and you will be at the main menu with the options of: ______________________ -1 Player | | One player game | > 1 Player | | | -2 Players | 2 Players | Two player game | | |--------------------| Select one. I haven't checked out the 2-player game much because you need two of Ôem to do it, but the 1 player options yields the following options: ________________________ | | | > Start Game | | Training Mode | | Options | | Biographies | |______________________| -Start Game Options for gameplay -Training Mode Fight a defenseless wrestler in the training room -Options Difficulty, music, SFX, play mode (sets or time), time (if time is on) -Biographies Provides basic info on all of the games wrestlers except for Mr. McMahon ________________________________ Section 2: Championship Mode -------------------------------- (or: "Welcome to the doghouse, where we always kick it doggy style!") First, Shane McMahon will ask you for the difficulty level (easy, medium, or hard). Then you can choose your character. (All characters except for Vinnie Mac are selectable) The list of characters for Championship mode is: -Steve Austin -The Rock -Ken Shamrock -Val Venis -Jeff Jarrett -Billy Gunn -X-Pac -The Big Show -Triple H -Shawn Michaels (In regular game play modes, Vincent K. McMahon would fill this space between HBK and Undertaker) -Undertaker -Kane -Big Boss Man -Road Dogg -Mankind Choose your character, then let Vinnie Mac start off your career with an insult. OK, this is really awesome, especially the first time. After the WWF logo goes off the TitanTron, it starts off a fake video for Vince. Vince comes out, mic in hand, Cut to close-up of his face, then he says, "McMahon 3:16 says I've got the brass to fire your ---, if you smell what the boss is cooking." Then your first opponent comes out. You get to see his TitanTron video, and his fake entrance (for example, Billy Gunn shakes around a water bottle, then throws it offscreen, and X-Pac does his Happy X Chops), followed by a text taunt (each person has about 3, and after the match, if you win, your guy will say one of 2 or 3). Then you fight. You fight a lot, Vinnie Mac makes your life hell, censorship abounds, and if you win (on easy, I haven't tried medium or hard yet) both the Intercontinental and the Heavyweight Championship belts, Vince McMahon will come out and have you defend against the former IC and World title holders. If you win, Vince says (and I quote...), "You son of a -----!" and challenges you to a match. Your health starts off lower than usual (either half off or how it was at the end of your previous match, I'm not sure) and you fight him. Oddly enough, Vinnie's pretty strong for an old guy. Win, and you see a digitized pic from Raw is War. In the background, I saw a sign saying "God Bless You, Owen" or something to that effect. The main part of the picture is Brisco and Patterson leading a beaten Vince away from the ring. The text box says "You son of a -----!" again. Then the credits roll. _______________________________ Section 3: Playing the Game ------------------------------- (or: "When I'm done with you, you're gonna know what it's like to serve hard time!") (NOTE: It is possible to put the other guy into a Back Grapple, but it is extremely hard and not worth it. I did it only once and was never able to duplicate it. You have to catch them from behind while they are getting up.) More info on *THE BACK GRAPPLE!*. "K, just get their meter down to nothing and be The Rock and do a Rock Bottom on them. Then go to the side of them and pick them up (Push A at their side) and get to the back of them. You just gotta be fast. You can also do a running drop-kick and try it that way. It all depends on how fast you are, and luck. I've done it like 10 times before. Any person or move can do it really, but The Rock with the Rock Bottom works for me. If you need anymore let me know." --Credited to FalconsRa. >The controls are: Control pad: move around Select: Special move (when Boxed meter is full) Start: Pause B Button: Reach for a grapple (hardly ever successful) A Button: Punch >Moves vary for each competitor, but the basics are: Walk into the other wrestler: Mutual Grapple (either one can win it) toward-toward (double tap): run >In a grapple... B-moves (same for every wrestler, I think) Up+B: Vertical Suplex Down+B: Piledriver Away+B: DDT Toward+B: Body Slam A-Moves (Varies, but this is most common) Up+A: Eye Rake Down+A: Headbutt Left+A: Irish Whip Left (always) Right+A: Irish Whip Right (always) >Downed opponent Over opponent's head A: Head Stomp B: Varies, usually Leg Drop or Mounted Punches Over opponent's feet A: Kneedrop (occasionally something else, I forget) B: Half-Crab At opponent's middle A: Pick-up B: Pin (press B while in pin to let him go) >Misc. While running A: Running Clothesline B: Dropkick Top rope (opponent needs to be down, can't hit them while up) A: Kneedrop B: Legdrop Running opponent A: Various things (Big Boot, Back elbow, Spinning heel kick) Away+B: Press Away and B at the same time when the opponent is right upon you to perform either a powerslam or a back body drop, depending on your character. This move requires a little practice. >Special Moves Select While in Grapple, with Box meter full Austin: Stone Cold Stunner Rock: Rock Bottom Billy Gunn: Fame-Ass-er X-Pac: X-Factor Big Show: Showstopper Triple H: Pedigree S. Michaels: Sweet Chine Music Undertaker: Tombstone Piledriver Kane: Chokeslam Boss Man: Bossman Slam Road Dogg: Dancing Punches then a Crazylegs Kneedrop Select over legs, while Box meter (from now on called Special Meter) is full Shamrock: Ankle Lock J. Jarrett: Figure-Four Leglock Select over head while Special Meter is full Mankind: Mandible Claw Select on Top Rope, with Special Meter full Val Venis: Money Shot Select from *THE BACK GRAPPLE!*, with special meter full Vince McMahon: Low Blow ________________________ Section 4: Game tips ------------------------ (or: Ya know ladies, no one sizes up to the Big Valbowski!) Here are some tips to help you win matches. 1) When going for a grapple move, hold the direction you wish to use and rapidly press the appropriate button as you get into the grapple. This increases you chances greatly. 2) If you are a beginner, pick someone with a special from the grapple. That way you don't have to knock them down first. 3) On the other hand, if you are good, pick someone like Mankind or Shamrock. To get to the head easily, just charge into them with . For the feet (Ankle lock), give them a dropkick. If done correctly, you will be near the area for the finisher to be applied. With the right timing, you can repeat the knockdown rather easily and suck their life away. 4) If they have their Special Meter up, avoid getting knocked down the best that you can and try to pull off a move, any move, if they get you in a mutual grapple. If they force-grapple you, you may be in for it. 5) When fighting Vincent Kennedy McMahon, remember, he's pretty tough. Try to win your grapples most of the time. __________________________ Section 5: Other modes -------------------------- (or: It's me, it's me, the D-O double G) |----------------------| | Championship | | >Vs. | | Tag Team | | Survivor Series | | Gauntlet | |----------------------| -Vs. Pick yourself and your opponent for a quick match. (Normal Ring or Cage) -Tag Team Tag team match, pretty fun. -Survivor Series Not a survivor series match, but a 3-on-3 tournament of singles matches -Gauntlet Pick your character, then face each opponent once. I prefer Championship mode because of the TitanTron movies and the interviews. __________________________ Section 6: Game Quotes -------------------------- (or: Val ALWAYS rises to the occasion!) I created this section because this game is filled with hilarious quotes. The purpose is to put all of the quotes I find, because they are just really fun. This list is by no means complete, I am just putting them up as I find them, send some I missed that are in the game to me. Anyway, here we go! >Stone Cold Steve Austin "If you wanna see Stone Cold Steve Austin kick someone's ---, gimme a yeah!" >The Rock "I just made your monkey --- famous you piece of trash!" >Ken Shamrock "You'll see why I am the world's most dangerous man!" "I'm in the zone!" >Val Venis "Hello, Ladies!" "Hello, Chicas!" "What Val wants, Val gets!" "Ya know ladies, no one sizes up to the Big Valbowski!" "All night long!" >Jeff Jarrett "There are no puppies in your future." "Don't ---- me off!" "That was for ------ me off!" >Billy Gunn >X-Pac "Make some noize!" >The Big Show "It's Show time." "Prepare for the Show stopper!" "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" >Triple H "I got two words for ya, SUCK IT!" "There's plenty more wood where that came from." >Shawn Michaels "I am the showstopper." "Hit the music!" >Undertaker "You don't know what pain is until you've been beaten by the Undertaker." "Rest in peace." "You will burn." >Kane "From the very depths of..." >Big Boss Man "When I'm done with you, you're gonna know what it's like to serve hard time!" >Road Dogg "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages..." "Welcome to the doghouse, where we always kick it doggy style." "It's me, It's me, the D-O-double-G." >Mankind "I want admission to your house of pain." "Have a nice day!" "If ya smellalalalala what the sock is cookin!" "Smell the sock!" "Screwed pretty bad!" __________________ Section 7: Q&A ------------------ (or: "I want admission to your house of pain.") I'd love to answer any questions. Send 'em to . --> Do you only get your character's entrance when you play championship mode Entrances are only in championship mode, but there is a versus screen before every matchup. --> In your faq you list 4 modes of play, what about cage, 2 on 1 and handicap modes I heard about I'll add this to my FAQ. You can select Normal Ring or Cage Ring after you select versus. The 2 on 1 match and the Handicap match are the same thing, and appear once during Championship. It's actually one on two, as Vinnie pits you against X-Pac and Ken Shamrock (usually). The cage match also happens in championship, but you can select it during versus. --> In championship do you just fight one wrestler after another or are there special matches See above, you have a cage match, a 1 on 2 match, and a fight with Vinnie Mac. --> The picture at http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arena/6217/018.jpg shows Bigshow holding a baseball bat, are their weapons in the game I haven't seen any weapons, nor have I been able to find any outside of the ring like in the N64 version of WM2K. As for that picture, the "bat" is actually part of the WWF logo. The Big Show is doing a kneedrop. To reiterate, there are no weapons in WWF Wrestlemania 2000 for Game Boy Color. --> Is out of the ring play like in WWF Warzone for the gameboy? All there is to do is fight and climb back into the ring. You don't even get to fight on the apron. You just hop up and climb in with Up+B. --> Is the People's Elbow in the game? Afraid not. But the Rock Bottom looks pretty cool. --> How about the Kane's Tombstone? His finisher was changed to the Choke Slam, because in all previous wrestling games, Kane and the Undertaker were identical. So on here, they gave them different trademark moves. So Kane does his Choke Slam and Undertaker does his Tombstone Piledriver. Kane does his Chokeslam as his finisher on Raw nowadays anyway. --> Is pat Patterson on this Game? --hyatte Hey, Hyatte! I read you Mop-ups on ScoopsWrestling.com all the time! Well, the most likely candidate to enjoy a nice Test drive at Mr. Martin's bachelor party is sort-of in the game. When you defeat Vincent K. (Assault my daughter, but don't diss the rug!) McMahon, there is a picture of Brisco and Patterson leading him away from the ring. However, Patterson is mostly cut off from the picture, his arm on Vince's shoulder (the only part he cares about...) is the only part shown. Note to the readers: the best Recap for Raw and Nitro is Chris Hyatte's Mop-up on Scoops. --> Where are the women of wrestling on this game? Appearing on a system where they can show up to some nice degree of detail. There is a nice women's division of WWF Wrestlemania 2000 for Nintendo 64. --> Does the game feature entrance music? No, it's like on Revenge where they have 2 themes that switch. --> Are there any hidden characters? If you try really hard, you can count Vince, because you can't select him in Championship mode, or Pat Patterson because he was cropped from the ending picture. (Hidden character... get it? Yeah, I know it wasn't funny.) --> Does Val Venis come out wearing a towel? Yep! _______________________________ Section 8: TitanTron Videos ------------------------------- (or: "Hello, chicas") Here I'm gonna describe the TitanTron videos on the game... Steve Austin: It says "Austin 3:16" in big red letters, then flashes to the the Stone Cold skull logo, then Austin's face. It flickers between the skull and face for a while, then it shows a different picture of Austin with the words "Steve Austin". The Rock: Shows the Brahma Bull logo as the words "Do you smell what the Rock is cookin?" flash by. When it gets to "cookin?" it shows a close-up of the Brahma Bull's eye, with raised eyebrow. Then you see a pic of the Rock with the words, "The Rock". Ken Shamrock: Flashes "DANGER" in red letters twice, then Shamrock's screaming face moves from right to left twice. New pic of Shamrock, then another pic with "Ken Shamrock" written. Val Venis: Says "Hello" then "Ladies", followed by a split picture of Val gyrating. It goes from top to bottom, then the top and bottom sections are shown with the words "Val Venis" sliding into the middle. Jeff Jarrett: Billy Gunn: Flashing lips, then picture of Billy Gunn informing people of his favorite two words... =) New pic of him, saying Billy Gunn. X-Pac: X with line of green electricity flashing through it, occasionally flashing "X-Pac". Next is a cool picture of X-Pac saying "X-Pac". The Big Show: Red pic of Big Show with big "Big Show" letters, blue pic of Big Show with the letters, then Big Show's eyes. along with words saying "The Big Show" Triple H: HHH Logo, Hunter, HHH Logo, Hearst, HHH Logo, Helmsley, HHH's face with "Triple H" Shawn Michaels: Broken Heart Logo with "Commissioner", then "Shawn", then "Michaels" pics of the HBK with "Commissioner Shawn Michaels" on the last one. Undertaker: Undertaker logo fades twice, then UT's face fades, repeat, UT picture with "Undertaker" written on it. Kane: Burning cross, words "Big Red Machine" appear, picture of Kane, new pic with "Kane" on it. Big Boss Man: Collage of Bossman pics, followed by eye shot with "Big Boss Man" below it. Road Dogg: Similar to Bossman's, but with face shot instead of eye shot. Mankind: "Have" "A" "Nice" "Day" flashes, with the really cool happy face with Mankind mask, saying "Have a nice day", then a cool shot of Mick Foley that says "Mankind". _____________________________ Section 9: Final Thoughts ----------------------------- (or: "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages...") Wow, this game just blows my mind. It's just the best wrestling game for any 8-bit system. It's compatible with the older Gameboys, to boot. They have little TitanTron videos, text quotes, even the finishers show attitude. Yes, the Rock does stare at the crowd for a second before nailing the Rock Bottom. This game will be in my collection for a long time, and I cannot wait until I get the N64 version. UPDATE! I now own the N64 version of Wrestlemania 2000, and I must say that the Road to Wrestlemania is pretty damned hard! Well worth the money, though. Most extensive Create-a-Wrestler in the U. S. of A. This was my first FAQ. If you have any questions, suggestions, or additions, please email me at .