_ ___ ________ | | / / | / / ____/ | | /| / /| | /| / / /_ | |/ |/ / | |/ |/ / __/ |__/|__/ |__/|__/_/ _ __ __ __ _ | | / /_______ _____/ /_/ /__ ____ ___ ____ _____ (_)___ _ | | /| / / ___/ _ \/ ___/ __/ / _ \/ __ `__ \/ __ `/ __ \/ / __ `/ | |/ |/ / / / __(__ ) /_/ / __/ / / / / / /_/ / / / / / /_/ / |__/|__/_/ \___/____/\__/_/\___/_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/_/ /_/_/\__,_/ ___ ____ ____ ____ |__ \ / __ \/ __ \/ __ \ __/ // / / / / / / / / / / __// /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /____/\____/\____/\____/ For the N64 FAQ by Masvega (masvega@hotmail.com) http://masvega.cjb.net Version 3.5 9/17/00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contents: 1. Version History 2. What's Changed From Revenge 3. Controls 4. Modes 5. The Wrestlers 6. Edit-A-Wrestler 7. Frequently Asked Questions 8. Contact Information 9. Disclaimer 10. Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.5 (9/17/00) -Added Booker T and Lance Storm creations. -Added a Lance Storm creation by Ryan Corkum. -Added Mean Street Posse creations by Aaron2284@aol.com. -Added Tazz, Hellspawn and Ginger creations by Russell Bloom. 3.4 (3/11/00) -Added a What's Changed From Revenge section. -Added a Hayabusa creation. -Added a Kurt Angle creation by Thder43@aol.com. -Added a Telarana creation by Bobby Vega. -Added some questions to the Frequently Asked Questions section. 3.3 (3/10/00) -Added Duke Nukem and Exterminator creations by Skatehawk13@cs.com. -Added a Rey Misterio Jr. creation by Fredie. -Added Essa Rios and Lita creations by ImpishDan@aol.com. -Added some questions to the Frequently Asked Questions section. 3.2 (2/26/00) -Added Eddie Guerrero, Great Sasuke and Perry Saturn creations. 3.1 (2/15/00) -Added Billy Kidman and Dean Malenko creations. -Added The Terminator creation by BigCox77. -Added questions to the Frequently Asked Questions section. -Added something about Gangrel's Impaler to the FAQ section. 3.0 (2/5/00) -Corrected the Buh Buh Ray Dudley creation's equipment. -Added Chris Benoit and D-Von Dudley creations. 2.9 (2/1/00) -Added every wrestler's ducking attack and the moves they do facing an opponent sitting up and down. -Added a Buh Buh Ray Dudley creation to the Edit-A-Wrestler section. -Because the Stolen Move is not what I thought it was, I corrected the Johnny Ace and Mitsuharu Misawa creations. If you've already made either one of these based on my creation, just make the front stolen move the same move as the front special. 2.7 (1/31/00) -Moves for Debra, Gerald Brisco, Ivory, Jacqueline, Pat Patterson, Paul Bearer, Stephanie McMahon, Terri Runnels and Tori completed. Now all the movesets are completed. 2.5 (1/30/00) -Moves for Droz, Mark Henry, Meat and Mideon completed. -Added Johnny Ace and Mitsuharu Misawa creations to the Edit-A-Wrestler section. 2.1 (1/29/00) -Moves for Prince Albert, The Blue Meanie and The Godfather completed. -Added a Vampiro creation to the Edit-A-Wrestler section. -Added a question to the Frequently Asked Questions section. 2.0 (1/27/00) -Moves for Chaz, Chyna, Thrasher and Viscera completed. 1.9 (1/27/00) -Moves for Shane McMahon completed. -Added Bill Goldberg and Jinsei Shinzaki creations to the Edit-A-Wrestler section. 1.8 (1/26/00) -Moves for Bradshaw, Faarooq, Jerry Lawler, Jim Ross, Shawn Michaels, Steve Blackman, Test and Vince McMahon completed. 1.6 (1/25/00) -Moves for Al Snow, Big Bossman, Hardcore Holly, Jeff Jarrett, Michael Hayes, Paul Wight, Road Dogg and Val Venis completed. -Added a Raven creation to the Edit-A-Wrestler section. -Added ASCII art. 1.3 (1/20/00) -Moves for Gangrel, Kane, Ken Shamrock and Steve Austin completed. -Added a Mike Awesome creation to the Edit-A-Wrestler section. -Added two questions to the FAQ section. 1.1 (1/19/00) -Moves for Billy Gunn and Hunter Hearst Helmsley completed. -Added a Rikishi Phatu creation to the Edit-A-Wrestler section. -Added a Frequently Asked Questions section. 1.0 (1/18/00) -Moves for Cactus Jack, Christian, Dude Love, Mankind, Rocky Maivia and X-Pac completed. 0.8 (1/16/00) -The initial release. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. What's Changed From Revenge ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -The game now has a WWF license instead of a WCW one. -All the wrestlers are new, except for Chris Jericho and Paul Wight. -A far more in-depth edit-a-wrestler mode has been added and you may edit an original wrestler's moves and fighting style. -There are improved graphics. -Entrances are improved, now with each wrestler's individual music and/or Titan Tron video. -More moves have been added. -Cage and three-way matches have been added. -The Battle Royal has been replaced with the Royal Rumble. -There is no handicap match. -The career mode has been expanded from Revenge, where it was merely a pursuit of the individual belts. In WM 2000, you go through 1 year of WWF competition. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (From the manual) String Moves (Front/Behind opponent): Tap B: Near Opponent (arm) Control Pad+Tap B: Away from Opponent (leg) Hold B: Strong Attack Control Pad+Hold B: Stronger Attack Hold A+B: Strongest Attack Running Attacks: C Down+B: Weak Attack C Down+A+B: Medium Attack Control Pad+C Down+A: Stronger Attack Control Pad+C Down+A+B: Strongest Attack Facing Opponent using either Strong or Weak Grapple: A: A+Left or Right: A+Down: B: Up+B: Down+B: B+Left or Right: Behind Opponent using either Strong or Weak Grapple: A: Control Pad+A: B: Control Pad+A: Irish Whip to Ropes using either Strong or Weak Grapple: Tap A: Weaker Move Hold A: Stronger Move Tap B: Weaker Attack Hold B: Stronger Attack Opponent on Mat-Face Up/Face Down: A (near head/feet): Submission near head/feet B: Striking Attack C Down+B: Running Attack L: Pin Opponent on Mat-Sitting/Squating: A: Submission Holds B: Striking Attacks On Apron-Opponent in Ring Control Pad+C Up: Enter/Leave Ring C Down: Run on Apron Control Pad+C Down: Climb Turnbuckle B: Kick/Punch A: Attack Hold A+A: Suplex Hold A+C Down: Ram Opponent into Turnbuckle R: Avoid Attack On Apron-Opponent out of Ring C Down+A: Running Attack B: Kick Opponent Control Pad+A: Flying Attack R: Avoid Attack Climb Turnbuckle when Opponent Standing or on Mat: C Down: Flying Attack C Down+R: Hop down C Down+Control Stick: Taunt C Down+A or B: Crouch on turnbuckle Opponent in Turnbuckle with a Strong or Weak Grapple: A: Control Pad+A: B: Finishers: Control Stick: In Strong Grapple facing Opponent In Strong Grapple behind Opponent In Strong Grapple+Irish Whip Opponent in Turnbuckle Also, climb the turnbuckle while having a Special attitude. Tag Team/Handicap/Royal Rumble Z: Toggle CPU/manual control C Up: Tag C Up: Climb into Ring to Make save Double Team Moves: A (same time as partner): Double Team C Up (from Strong Grapple from behind): Lift opponent onto shoulders Outside Ring: Control Pad+C Up: Grab Weapon from Crowd Control Pad+C Down: Slide into Ring Control Pad+C Up: Climb onto Apron Weapon Attacks: Tap B: Swing Weapon Hold B: Overhead Attack C Down+B: Running Attack Flying Attacks (opponent out of ring): Control Pad+A: Over Ropes (standing at ropes) C Down+A: Under Ropes (running to ropes) C Down+A: Over Turnbuckle (running to turnbuckle) Other Moves: C Down+C Up: Slide under Rope to Stand on Apron C Down+L: Duck behind Opponent (running) C Down+R: Roll behind Opponent (running) Cage Match: (On cage): B: Striking attack A: Elbow Drop (Opponent on cage): A: Pull Opponent Down B: Striking Attack Hold A+C Right: Slam Opponent into Cage Control Pad+C Up: Climb Cage C Right Repeatedly: Shake Cage Tap B Repeatedly: Climb Over Cage to win ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Modes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exhibition: Choose the type of match and the wrestlers, then get in the ring. The match types are as follows: -Single Match: A one on one match. -Tag Match: Two teams enter the ring with two wrestlers on each team. One wrestler from each team is in the ring until they tag their partner, where the tagger leaves the ring and the tagee enters the ring. -3 Way Match: Three wrestlers face off. The first wrestler to get a decision wins the match. -Cage Match: A one on one cage match. The only way to win is to climb over the cage. Next, select an Arena, and then how many wrestlers you want to be CPU or Human controlled. Next, decide whether you want a Title match. You can create your own belts by selecting New Belt. Now select the wrestlers. -------------- King of the Ring: A tournament filled with up to 32 wrestlers. The battle goes on until one man or team is the winner. -------------- Edit: Create your own wrestler or edit a pre-existing one. -------------- Options: Configure the difficulty, the sound settings and the buttons on the controller. You may turn the attitude meter, referee animations, bloodshed, replay and the music on or off. --------------- Road to WrestleMania: The career mode. Choose one wrestler and a tag team partner and make your way up the ranks of the WWF. In the Road to WrestleMania, all of the game's secret characters can be attained. To get each of them: -Cactus Jack: Win the Hardcore Title and defend it three times. -Dude Love: Win the King of the Ring and then win the World Title at Summerslam. -Jerry Lawler: Reach Wrestlemania. -Jim Ross: Reach Wrestlemania. -Paul Bearer: Wrestle about 10 matches as the Undertaker. -Shawn Michaels: Win the Royal Rumble and then win the World Title at WrestleMania. -Stephanie McMahon: Wrestle about 10 matches as Test. You can also win the Smoking Skull Belt by winning at WrestleMania with Steve Austin. ---------------- Pay Per View: Create your own Pay-Per-View. ---------------- Royal Rumble: An over-the-top Battle Royal that can include up to 40 wrestlers. Up to 4 wrestlers can be in the ring at one time. ---------------- Data: You can track the records of every created Belt and move created wrestlers to and from the Controller Pak. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. The Wrestlers ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Note: Since I changed all the heights and weights in my copy of the game, these stats are from my sources and are not the ones given in the game.) The wrestlers are listed in alphabetical order by first name. Name: Al Snow Nickname: None Height: 6'1" Weight: 232 lbs. Hometown: Lima, Ohio Finisher: Snow Plow Offensive Attributes: Head: 5 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 4 Defensive Attributes: Head: 4 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 3 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Slap Tap B (far): Chop Tap B+Control Pad (close): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Dropkick to knee Hold B+Control Pad: Bossman uppercut Hold A+B: Shuffle sidekick Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Body attack Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running clothesline Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running elbow attack Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Headlock takedown B+Left or Right: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Overhand punch A: Double axe handle A+Left or Right: Knee lift A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Atomic drop B+Left or Right: Atomic drop A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Stall suplex B: Manhattan drop B+Left or Right: Snow trapping headbutts B+Down: Snap powerbomb A+Up: Back body flip A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Shoulder thrusts A+Down: Backslide pin Back Strong Grapple: B: Release German suplex B+Left or Right: Release German suplex A: School boy A+Left or Right: School boy Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Knee smash B: Stomp Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Mahistrol cradle A at feet: Single crab B: Elbow drop Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Shoulder back toss A+Control Pad: Monkey toss B: Back elbow Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Tilt a whirl back breaker A+Control Pad: Powerslam B: Back elbow Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Eye rake on ropes Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Frankensteiner Hold A+A: Superplex Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: Jumping back elbow attack B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Flying body press Opponent On Mat: Guillotine leg drop Dives: Standing By Ropes to Floor: Vaulting body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Diving headbutt Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Rope flip Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Apron to inside the ring, opponent standing: Shoulder block Apron to inside the ring, opponent on mat: Slingshot leg drop Special Attacks: Front: Snowplow Back: German suplex pin Ropes: Snowplow Top Rope, opponent standing: Flying body press Top Rope, opponent on mat: Low speed back flip splash Apron to inside the ring, opponent standing: Missile dropkick Stolen Moves: Front: Snowplow Back: German suplex pin Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Frankensteiner Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop -------------------------------------------------------- Name: Big Bossman Nickname: None Height: 6'6" Weight: 310 lbs. Hometown: Cobb County, Georgia Finisher: Bossman Slam Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 4 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 1 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 4 Arms: 2 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 3 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Body punch Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Overhand punch Hold B+Control Pad: Bossman uppercut Hold A+B: Big dropkick Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Jumping back elbow attack Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running clothesline Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Left or Right: Spinning neckbreaker B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Knee lift A: Eye rake A+Left or Right: Strong headbutt A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Double handed lifting chokehold B: Manhattan drop B+Left or Right: Rib breaker B+Down: Jumping piledriver A+Up: Snake eyes A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Double underhook suplex A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Bulldog B+Left or Right: Bulldog A: Sideslam A+Left or Right: Sideslam Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Face stretch A at feet: Knee smash B: Knee drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Knee stomp B: Elbow drop Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Shoulder back toss A+Control Pad: Monkey toss B: Counter kick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Spinebuster A+Control Pad: Powerslam B: Counter kick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Eye rake on ropes Hold A+B: Knee strikes Hold A+A: Shoulder thrusts Run+B: Running body avalanche Run+A+B: Running back elbow smash B: Body punch B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Double axe handle Opponent On Mat: Body splash Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Double stomp Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Bearhug Back: Reverse suplex Ropes: Bossman side walk slam Top Rope, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope, opponent on mat: Body splash Stolen Moves: Front: Bearhug Back: Reverse suplex Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Knee strikes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop -------------------------------------------------------- Name: Billy Gunn Nicknames: Mr. Ass, Bad Ass Height: 6'5" Weight: 254 lbs. Hometown: Austin, Texas Finisher: Fameasser Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 4 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 3 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 4 Arms: 2 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Chop Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Diving clothesline Hold B+Control Pad: Snap jab Hold A+B: Dropkick to knee Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Jumping back elbow attack Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running jumping elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running clothesline Ducking attack: Rising clothesline Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Spinning neckbreaker B+Left or Right: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Down: Jumping piledriver A+Up: Club to neck A: Overhand punch A+Left or Right: Snapmare A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Atomic drop B+Left or Right: Atomic drop A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Stall suplex B: DDT B+Left or Right: Powerslam B+Down: Body press drop A+Up: Body press slam A: Shoulder thrusts A+Left or Right: Russian leg sweep A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Sleeper hold B+Left or Right: Sleeper hold A: School boy A+Left or Right: School boy Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Knee smash B: Stomp Run+B: Elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Knee stomp B: Elbow drop Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Back toss B: High flipping dropkick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Powerslam A+Control Pad: Headscissor takedown B: High flipping dropkick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Knee strikes Hold A+A: Foot choke Run+B: Running jumping elbow smash Run+A+B: Jumping body splash B: Front kick B+Control Pad: Chop Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Double axe handle Opponent On Mat: Knee drop Dives: Standing By Ropes to Floor: Vaulting body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Knee drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: FameAsser Back: Abdominal stretch pin Ropes: FameAsser Top Rope, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope, opponent on mat: Body splash Stolen Moves: Front: FameAsser Back: Abdominal stretch pin Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: 10 punch Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Bradshaw Nickname: None Height: 6'7" Weight: 280 lbs. Hometown: Sweetwater, Texas Finisher: Clothesline From Hell Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 4 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 4 Arms: 3 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Elbow strike Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Chop Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Big boot Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Standing clothesline Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Diving shoulder block Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Clothesline from hell Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running high front kick Ducking attack: Rising clothesline Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Headlock takedown B+Left or Right: Swinging neckbreaker B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Club to neck A: Overhand punch A+Left or Right: Eye rake A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Pendulum back breaker B+Left or Right: Pendulum back breaker A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Manhattan drop B: DDT B+Left or Right: Standing clothesline B+Down: Snap powerbomb A+Up: Chop down A: Russian leg sweep A+Left or Right: Fallaway slam A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Full nelson slam B+Left or Right: Full nelson slam A: Pump handle suplex A+Left or Right: Pump handle suplex Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Single leg crab B: Elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Rear naked choke A at feet: Reverse achilles lock B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Knee drop Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Shoulder back toss A+Control Pad: Body press drop B: Short kick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Powerslam A+Control Pad: Spinebuster B: Short kick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Knee strikes Hold A+A: Multiple clothesline Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: Running knee lift B: Front kick B+Control Pad: Chop Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Flying clothesline Opponent On Mat: Back elbow drop Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Knee drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Strong lariat Back: Tiger suplex Top Rope, opponent standing: Flying clothesline Top Rope, opponent on mat: Back elbow drop Stolen Moves: Front: Strong lariat Back: Tiger suplex Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Multiple clothesline Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Brian Christopher Nickname: Too Sexy Height: 5'10" Weight: 214 lbs. Hometown: Memphis, Tennessee Finisher: Tennessee Jam Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 4 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Elbow strike Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Chop Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Diving clothesline Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Dropkick to knee Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: High flipping drop kick Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running clothesline Ducking attack: High flipping dropkick Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Left or Right: Falling neckbreaker B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Elbow to back of head A: Club to neck A+Left or Right: Snapmare A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Back rake B+Left or Right: Back rake A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Brainbuster B: Manhattan drop B+Left or Right: Climb up wheel kick B+Down: Snap powerbomb A+Up: Snake eyes A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Shoulder thrusts A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Jumping heel kick B+Left or Right: Jumping heel kick A: School boy A+Left or Right: School boy Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Knee smash B: Traditional elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Mahistrol cradle A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Shoulder back toss A+Control Pad: Monkey toss B: High flipping dropkick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Headscissor takedown B: High flipping dropkick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: High kick Hold A+A: Superplex Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: High flipping drop kick B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Missile dropkick Opponent On Mat: Body splash Dives: Standing By Ropes to Floor: Vaulting body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Missile dropkick Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Knee drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Running from Apron to Floor: Running flip Special Attacks: Front: Fisherman DDT Back: German suplex pin Ropes: Fisherman DDT Top Rope, opponent standing: Missile dropkick Top Rope, opponent on mat: Body splash Stolen Moves: Front: Fisherman DDT Back: German suplex pin Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: High kick Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Cactus Jack Nickname: None Height: 6'1" Weight: 275 lbs. Hometown: Truth or Consequences, New Mexico Finisher: Double Arm DDT Offensive Attributes: Head: 3 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 3 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Hook punch Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Side headbutt Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Diving clothesline Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running clothesline Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Kitchen sink Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Headlock takedown B+Left or Right: Swinging neckbreaker B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Club to neck A: Overhand punch A+Left or Right: Snapmare A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Falling front neck breaker B: DDT B+Left or Right: Double underhook DDT B+Down: Pulling piledriver A+Up: Snake eyes A: Russian leg sweep A+Left or Right: Headlock with punch A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Back rake B+Left or Right: Back rake A: Face crusher A+Left or Right: Face crusher Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Single leg crab B: Traditional elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Rear naked choke A at feet: Knee stomp B: Jumping leg drop Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Knee drop Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Shoulder back toss B: Short kick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Abdominal stretch A+Control Pad: Sleeper hold B: Short kick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Foot choke Hold A+A: Eye rake on ropes Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: Running body avalanche B: Punch B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Double axe handle Opponent On Mat: Back elbow drop Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Back elbow drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Mandible claw Back: Shin breaker Ropes: Mandible claw Top Rope, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope, opponent on mat: Back elbow drop Stolen Moves: Front: Mandible claw Back: Shin breaker Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Eye rake on ropes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Chaz Nickname: None Height: 6' Weight: 243 lbs. Hometown: Mt. Laurel, New Jersey Finisher: Reverse DVD Offensive Attributes: Head: 3 Body: 2 Arms: 3 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 5 Defensive Attributes: Head: 3 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 4 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Chop Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Flipping dropkick Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Jumping roundhouse dropkick Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Diving shoulder block Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Thump Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: High flipping drop kick Ducking attack: High flipping dropkick Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Left or Right: Tiger scissors B+Down: Jawbreaker A+Up: Strong head butt A: Overhand punch A+Left or Right: Club to neck A+Down: Snapmare Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Hurracanrana pin B: Manhattan drop B+Left or Right: Thrusting shoulderbreaker B+Down: Powerbomb pin A+Up: Hopping rolling clutch pin A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Russian leg sweep A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Jumping heel kick B+Left or Right: Jumping heel kick A: School boy A+Left or Right: School boy Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Knee smash B: Jumping leg drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Mahistrol cradle A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Back toss A+Control Pad: Body press drop B: High flipping dropkick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Headscissor takedown A+Control Pad: Hurracanrana B: High flipping dropkick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: High kick Hold A+A: Frankensteiner Run+B: Thump Run+A+B: Running back elbow smash B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Flying clothesline Opponent On Mat: Guillotine leg drop Dives: Standing By Ropes to Floor: Vaulting body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Body splash Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Suicide dive through ropes Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Running From Apron to Floor: Thump Special Attacks: Front: Jump swinging DDT Back: Reverse death valley driver Ropes: Jump swinging DDT Top Rope, opponent standing: Thump Top Rope, opponent on mat: Frog splash Stolen Moves: Front: Jump swinging DDT Back: Reverse death valley driver Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: High kick Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Chris Jericho Nickname: Y2J Height: 5'11" Weight: 225 lbs. Hometown: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Finisher: Walls Of Jericho Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 4 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 3 Legs: 3 Flying Attack: 4 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Chop Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Middle kick Hold B: Jumping back kick Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Dropkick to knee Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running spinning wheel kick Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running clothesline Ducking attack: Jumping wheel kick Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Snap suplex B: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Left or Right: Double underhook suplex B+Down: Jawbreaker A+Up: Club to neck A: Eyerake A+Left or Right: Snapmare A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Pendulum back breaker B+Left or Right: Pendulum back breaker A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Stall suplex B: DDT B+Left or Right: Double underhook flip suplex B+Down: Scoop piledriver A+Up: Back body flip A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Running knee strike A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Release German suplex B+Left or Right: Release German suplex A: German suplex pin A+Left or Right: German suplex pin Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Cocky pin A at feet: Lion tamer B: Senton splash Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Mahistrol cradle A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Body press drop B: Back kick middle Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Monkey flip A+Control Pad: Tilt a whirl back breaker B: Back kick middle Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Big chop Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Tornado DDT Hold A+A: Frankensteiner Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: Running back elbow smash B: Chop B+Control Pad: Middle kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Missile dropkick Opponent On Mat: Body splash Dives: Standing By Ropes to Floor: Vaulting body press From Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Diving moonsault From Top Rope to Floor, opponent on mat: Low speed back flip splash Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Suicide dive through ropes Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Running from Apron to Floor: Running flip Apron to inside the ring, opponent standing: Missile dropkick Apron to inside the ring, opponent on mat: Slingshot body splash Special Attacks: Front: Triple powerbomb pin Back: Reverse suplex Ropes: Triple powerbomb pin Top Rope, opponent standing: Diving moonsault Top Rope, opponent on mat: Low speed back flip splash Apron to inside the ring, opponent standing: Missile dropkick Stolen Moves: Front: Triple powerbomb pin Back: Reverse suplex Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Frankensteiner Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Christian Nickname: None Height: 6'1" Weight: 225 lbs. Hometown: Toronto, Ontario, Canada Finisher: Impaler Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 3 Flying Attack: 5 Defensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 4 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Chop Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Diving clothesline Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Flipping dropkick Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Jumping elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running spinning wheel kick Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Jumping calf kick Ducking attack: Jumping wheel kick Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Headlock takedown B+Left or Right: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Elbow to back of head A: Elbow strike A+Left or Right: Arm drag A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Pendulum back breaker B+Left or Right: Pendulum back breaker A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Hurracanrana pin B: DDT B+Left or Right: Climb up wheel kick B+Down: Northern lights suplex A+Up: Belly to belly suplex A: Shoulder thrusts A+Left or Right: Sambo suplex A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Diving reverse DDT B+Left or Right: Diving reverse DDT A: School boy A+Left or Right: School boy Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Choke hold A at feet: Side leg lock B: Jumping double knee drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Rear naked choke A at feet: Single crab B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Knee drop Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Monkey toss A+Control Pad: Hurracanrana B: Back elbow Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Powerslam A+Control Pad: Headscissor takedown B: Back elbow Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: High kick Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Frankensteiner Hold A+A: Tornado DDT Run+B: Jumping body splash Run+A+B: Running clothesline B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Missile dropkick Opponent On Mat: Frog splash Dives: Standing By Ropes to Floor: Vaulting body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on mat: Knee drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Diving body press Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Running from Apron to Floor: Dropkick Apron to inside the ring, opponent standing: Missile dropkick Apron to inside the ring, opponent on mat: Slingshot body splash Special Attacks: Front: Powerbomb pin with bridge Back: Impaler Ropes: Powerbomb pin with bridge Top Rope, opponent standing: Flying body press Top Rope, opponent on mat: Elbow drop Apron to inside the ring, opponent standing: Missile dropkick Stolen Moves: Front: Powerbomb pin with bridge Back: Impaler Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Frankensteiner Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Chyna Nickname: The Ninth Wonder of the World Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown Hometown: Unknown Finisher: Pedigree Offensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 2 Arms: 3 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 1 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Woman's slap Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Spinning elbow Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Chyna low blow Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running shoulder block Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running clothesline Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running clothesline Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Headlock with punch B: Headlock with punch B+Left or Right: Headlock with punch B+Down: Headlock with punch A+Up: Elbow strike A: Elbow strike A+Left or Right: Elbow strike A+Down: Elbow strike Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Forearm smash A+Left or Right: Forearm smash Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: DDT B: DDT B+Left or Right: DDT B+Down: DDT A+Up: Powerslam A: Powerslam A+Left or Right: Powerslam A+Down: Powerslam Back Strong Grapple: B: Sleeper hold B+Left or Right: Sleeper hold A: Sleeper hold A+Left or Right: Sleeper hold Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Headbutt to groin B: Elbow drop Run+B: Running Road Dogg shaky knee drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running Road Dogg shaky knee drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Knee drop Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Scissor sweep B: Short kick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Shoulder back toss A+Control Pad: Shoulder back toss B: Short kick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Eye rake on ropes Tap A+A: Eye rake on ropes Hold A+B: Superplex Hold A+A: Superplex Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: Tumbling body press B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Double axe handle Opponent On Mat: Back elbow drop Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Double stomp Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Pedigree Back: Reverse DDT Ropes: Pedigree Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Frankensteiner Top Rope, opponent standing: Missile dropkick Top Rope, opponent on mat: Back elbow drop Stolen Moves: Front: Pedigree Back: Reverse DDT Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Frankensteiner Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: D-Lo Brown Nickname: None Height: 6'3" Weight: 245 lbs. Hometown: Bronx, New York Finisher: Low Down Offensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 4 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 4 Defensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 4 Arms: 2 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Slap Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Standing clothesline Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Flipping dropkick Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Body attack Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Jumping calf kick Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Jumping back elbow attack Ducking attack: Jumping wheel kick Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Headlock takedown B+Left or Right: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Elbow to back of head A: Overhand punch A+Left or Right: Snapmare A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Sideslam B+Left or Right: Sideslam A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Sambo suplex B: Manhattan drop B+Left or Right: DDT B+Down: Running powerbomb pin A+Up: Snake eyes A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Fallaway slam A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Pendulum back breaker B+Left or Right: Pendulum back breaker A: School boy A+Left or Right: School boy Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Texas cloverleaf B: D Lo leg drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Knee stomp B: Knee drop Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Back toss A+Control Pad: Monkey toss B: Back kick middle Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Powerslam A+Control Pad: Tilt a whirl sideslam B: Back kick middle Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Frankensteiner Hold A+A: Superplex Run+B: Running body avalanche Run+A+B: Running clothesline B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Missile dropkick Opponent On Mat: Low speed back flip splash Dives: Standing By Ropes to Floor: Vaulting body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on mat: Low down Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Suicide dive through ropes Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Running from Apron to Floor: Diving elbow Special Attacks: Front: Sky high Back: German suplex pin Ropes: Sky high Top Rope, opponent standing: Flying body press Top Rope, opponent on mat: Low down Stolen Moves: Front: Sky high Back: German suplex pin Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Frankensteiner Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Debra Nickname: None Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown Hometown: Unknown Finisher: Unknown Offensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 1 Arms: 1 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 1 Defensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 1 Arms: 1 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 1 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Woman's slap Tap B (far): Low kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Woman's slap Tap B+Control Pad (far): Low kick Hold B: P.M.S. left slap Hold B+Control Pad: P.M.S. right slap Hold A+B: Overhand punch Run, then press B: Woman's running push attack Run, then press A+B: Woman's running push attack Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Woman's running push attack Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Woman's running push attack Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Piledriver B: Piledriver B+Left or Right: Piledriver B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Club to neck A: Club to neck A+Left or Right: Club to neck A+Down: Club to neck Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Forearm smash A+Left or Right: Forearm smash Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Suplex B+Left or Right: Suplex B+Down: Suplex A+Up: Headlock with punch A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Headlock with punch A+Down: Headlock with punch Back Strong Grapple: B: Sleeper hold B+Left or Right: Sleeper hold A: Sleeper hold A+Left or Right: Sleeper hold Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Figure 4 leg lock B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Rear naked choke A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Scissor sweep B: Short kick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Shoulder back toss A+Control Pad: Shoulder back toss B: Short kick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Eye rake on ropes Tap A+A: Eye rake on ropes Hold A+B: Superplex Hold A+A: Superplex Run+B: Woman's running push attack Run+A+B: Woman's running push attack B: Front kick B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Dives: Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Jarrett face buster Back: Back rake Stolen Moves: Front: Jarrett face buster Back: Back rake Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Eye rake on ropes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Droz Nickname: None Height: 6'4" Weight: 270 lbs. Hometown: Unknown Finisher: Powerbomb Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 3 Defensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Chop Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Diving clothesline Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Spinning punch Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Diving shoulder block Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Jumping back elbow attack Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Diving spinning lariat Ducking attack: Rising clothesline Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Headlock takedown B+Left or Right: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Club to neck A: Overhand punch A+Left or Right: Eye rake A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Bulldog B+Left or Right: Bulldog A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Stall suplex B: DDT B+Left or Right: Giant headbutt B+Down: Powerbomb pin A+Up: Back body flip A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Hip toss A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Abdominal stretch B+Left or Right: Abdominal stretch A: School boy A+Left or Right: School boy Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Headbutt to groin B: High jumping elbow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Shoulder back toss A+Control Pad: Monkey toss B: Short kick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Powerslam A+Control Pad: Sleeper hold B: Short kick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Eye rake on ropes Hold A+B: Knee strikes Hold A+A: Superplex Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: Running back elbow smash B: Front kick B+Control Pad: Chop Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Shoulder block Opponent On Mat: Back elbow drop Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Knee drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Falling powerbomb pin Back: Reverse suplex Ropes: Falling powerbomb pin Top Rope, opponent standing: Shoulder block Top Rope, opponent on mat: Body splash Stolen Moves: Front: Falling powerbomb pin Back: Reverse suplex Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Eye rake on ropes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Dude Love Nickname: None Height: 6'1" Weight: 275 lbs. Hometown: Unknown Finisher: Double Underhook DDT Offensive Attributes: Head: 3 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 3 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Hook punch Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Side headbutt Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Diving clothesline Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running clothesline Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Kitchen sink Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Headlock takedown B+Left or Right: Swinging neckbreaker B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Club to neck A: Overhand punch A+Left or Right: Snapmare A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Falling front neck breaker B: DDT B+Left or Right: Double underhook DDT B+Down: Pulling piledriver A+Up: Snake eyes A: Russian leg sweep A+Left or Right: Headlock with punch A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Back rake B+Left or Right: Back rake A: Face crusher A+Left or Right: Face crusher Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Single leg crab B: Traditional elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Rear naked choke A at feet: Knee stomp B: Jumping leg drop Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Knee drop Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Shoulder back toss B: Short kick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Abdominal stretch A+Control Pad: Sleeper hold B: Short kick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Foot choke Hold A+A: Eye rake on ropes Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: Running body avalanche B: Punch B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Double axe handle Opponent On Mat: Back elbow drop Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Back elbow drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Mandible claw Back: Shin breaker Ropes: Mandible claw Top Rope, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope, opponent on mat: Back elbow drop Stolen Moves: Front: Mandible claw Back: Shin breaker Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Eye rake on ropes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Edge Nickname: None Height: 6'4" Weight: 240 lbs. Hometown: Toronto, Ontario, Canada Finisher: Downward Spiral Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 3 Flying Attack: 5 Defensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 4 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Chop Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Diving clothesline Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Flipping dropkick Run, then press B: Body attack Run, then press A+B: Running spinning wheel kick Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Jumping calf kick Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Spear Ducking attack: Jumping wheel kick Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Headlock takedown B+Left or Right: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Elbow to back of head A: Elbow strike A+Left or Right: Knee lift A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Face crusher B+Left or Right: Face crusher A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Hurracanrana pin B: Swinging DDT B+Left or Right: Climb up wheel kick B+Down: Northern lights suplex A+Up: Belly to belly suplex A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Sambo suplex A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Full nelson slam B+Left or Right: Full nelson slam A: School boy A+Left or Right: School boy Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Choke hold A at feet: Side leg lock B: Elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Rear naked choke A at feet: Single crab B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Monkey toss A+Control Pad: Hurracanrana B: Back elbow Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Powerslam A+Control Pad: Headscissor takedown B: Back elbow Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: High kick Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Frankensteiner Hold A+A: Tornado DDT Run+B: Jumping body splash Run+A+B: Spear B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Missile dropkick Opponent On Mat: Diving headbutt Dives: Standing By Ropes to Floor: Vaulting body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Flying body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent on mat: Knee drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Diving body press Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Running from Apron to Floor: Diving elbow Apron to inside the ring, opponent standing: Missile dropkick Apron to inside the ring, opponent on mat: Slingshot body splash Special Attacks: Front: Downward spiral Back: Electric chair drop Ropes: Downward spiral Top Rope, opponent standing: Flying body press Top Rope, opponent on mat: Frog splash Apron to inside the ring, opponent standing: Missile dropkick Stolen Moves: Front: Downward spiral Back: Electric chair drop Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Frankensteiner Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Faarooq Nickname: None Height: 6'2" Weight: 260 lbs. Hometown: Perry, Georgia Finisher: Dominator Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 4 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 1 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 4 Arms: 3 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 3 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Slap Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Chop Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Standing clothesline Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Big dropkick Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running clothesline Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running heavy dropkick Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Drop suplex B: Headlock takedown B+Left or Right: Rib breaker B+Down: Jawbreaker A+Up: Double axe handle A: Elbow to back of head A+Left or Right: Snapmare A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Shin breaker B+Left or Right: Shin breaker A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Reverse suplex B: DDT B+Left or Right: Thrusting shoulderbreaker B+Down: Snap powerbomb A+Up: Body press slam A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Back body flip A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Atomic drop B+Left or Right: Atomic drop A: Abdominal stretch A+Left or Right: Abdominal stretch Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Boston crab B: Falling headbutt Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Knee stomp B: Jumping leg drop Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Samoan drop B: Back kick middle Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Powerslam A+Control Pad: Spinebuster B: Back kick middle Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Shoulder thrusts Tap A+A: Eye rake on ropes Hold A+B: Knee strikes Hold A+A: Foot choke Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: Running heavy dropkick B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Flying clothesline Opponent On Mat: Back elbow drop Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Flying clothesline Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Knee drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Dominator Back: Release German suplex Ropes: Dominator Top Rope, opponent standing: Flying clothesline Top Rope, opponent on mat: Back elbow drop Stolen Moves: Front: Dominator Back: Release German suplex Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Eye rake on ropes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Gangrel Nickname: None Height: 6'3" Weight: 256 lbs. Hometown: Parts Unknown Finisher: Impaler Offensive Attributes: Head: 3 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 3 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Chop Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Standing clothesline Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Shuffle sidekick Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running clothesline Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running spinning wheel kick Ducking attack: Rising clothesline Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Stall suplex B: Headlock takedown B+Left or Right: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Overhand punch A: Eye rake A+Left or Right: Snapmare A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Thrusting shoulderbreaker B: DDT B+Left or Right: Giant headbutt B+Down: Double underhook flip suplex with pin A+Up: Snake eyes A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Double underhook belly to belly suplex A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Bulldog B+Left or Right: Bulldog A: School boy A+Left or Right: School boy Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Knee smash B: Elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Rear naked choke A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Back toss A+Control Pad: Scissor sweep B: Back elbow Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Body press drop A+Control Pad: Powerslam B: Back elbow Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Tornado DDT Hold A+A: Superplex Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: Running back elbow smash B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Flying body press Opponent On Mat: Diving headbutt Dives: Standing By Ropes to Floor: Vaulting body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Double stomp Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Suicide dive through ropes Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Inverted DDT Back: Tiger suplex Ropes: Inverted DDT Top Rope, opponent standing: Flying body press Top Rope, opponent on mat: Frog splash Stolen Moves: Front: Inverted DDT Back: Tiger suplex Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Tornado DDT Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Gerald Brisco Nickname: None Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown Hometown: Unknown Finisher: Guillotine Choke Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Slap Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Chop Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Overhand punch Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Overhand punch Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running shoulder block Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Piledriver B: Piledriver B+Left or Right: Piledriver B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Scoop slam A: Scoop slam A+Left or Right: Scoop slam A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Stall suplex B: Stall suplex B+Left or Right: Stall suplex B+Down: Stall suplex A+Up: Headlock with punch A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Headlock with punch A+Down: Headlock with punch Back Strong Grapple: B: Shin breaker B+Left or Right: Shin breaker A: Atomic drop A+Left or Right: Atomic drop Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Figure 4 leg lock B: Elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Scissor sweep B: Short kick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Shoulder back toss A+Control Pad: Shoulder back toss B: Short kick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Eye rake on ropes Tap A+A: Eye rake on ropes Hold A+B: Superplex Hold A+A: Superplex Run+B: Running back elbow smash Run+A+B: Running clothesline B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Dives: Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Pulling piledriver Back: Back rake Stolen Moves: Front: Pulling piledriver Back: Back rake Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Eye rake on ropes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Hardcore Holly Nickname: The Big Shot Height: 6'1" Weight: 231 lbs. Hometown: Mobile, Alabama Finisher: Hollycaust Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 2 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 4 Arms: 3 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 3 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Slap Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Chop Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Flipping dropkick Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Dropkick to knee Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running clothesline Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: High flipping drop kick Ducking attack: Rising clothesline Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Headlock takedown B+Left or Right: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Club to neck A: Overhand punch A+Left or Right: Snapmare A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Thrusting shoulderbreaker B: Manhattan drop B+Left or Right: Powerslam B+Down: Double underhook flip suplex A+Up: Snake eyes A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Shoulder thrusts A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: German suplex pin B+Left or Right: German suplex pin A: School boy A+Left or Right: School boy Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Knee smash B: Stomp Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Knee stomp B: Knee drop Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Shoulder back toss A+Control Pad: Monkey toss B: High flipping dropkick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Manhattan drop A+Control Pad: Spinebuster B: High flipping dropkick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Eye rake on ropes Hold A+B: Superplex Hold A+A: Foot choke Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: High flipping drop kick B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Double axe handle Opponent On Mat: Back elbow drop Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Back elbow drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Falcon arrow Back: Pump handle slam Ropes: Falcon arrow Top Rope, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope, opponent on floor: Back elbow drop Stolen Moves: Front: Falcon arrow Back: Pump handle slam Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Eye rake on ropes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Hunter Hearst Helmsley Nickname: Triple H Height: 6'5" Weight: 279 lbs. Hometown: Greenwich, Connecticut Finisher: Pedigree Offensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 3 Arms: 4 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 3 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 3 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Chop Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Overhand punch Hold B+Control Pad: Snap jab Hold A+B: Diving clothesline Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: HHH jumping knee attack Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running clothesline Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Left or Right: Swinging neckbreaker B+Down: Alternating knee strikes A+Up: Elbow to back of head A: Overhand punch A+Left or Right: Snapmare A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Shin breaker B+Left or Right: Shin breaker A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Stall suplex B: Manhattan drop B+Left or Right: Reverse suplex B+Down: Powerbomb pin A+Up: Snake eyes A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Double underhook suplex with knee strike A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Spinning back drop B+Left or Right: Spinning back drop A: School boy A+Left or Right: School boy Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Knee smash B: Jumping elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Knee stomp B: Jumping double knee drop Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Knee drop Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Powerslam B: Back elbow Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Tilt a whirl back breaker A+Control Pad: Manhattan drop B: Back elbow Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Knee strikes Hold A+A: Foot choke Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: HHH jumping knee attack B: Back elbow strike B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Knee strike Opponent On Mat: Knee drop Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Knee strike Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Knee drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Pedigree Back: Reverse suplex Ropes: Pedigree Top Rope, opponent standing: Knee strike Top Rope, opponent on mat: Knee drop Stolen Moves: Front: Pedigree Back: Reverse suplex Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: DX punching and taunt Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Ivory Nickname: None Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown Hometown: Unknown Finisher: Unknown Offensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 1 Defensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 2 Arms: 1 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 1 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Woman's slap Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Woman's slap Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: P.M.S. left slap Hold B+Control Pad: P.M.S. right slap Hold A+B: Overhand punch Run, then press B: Woman's running push attack Run, then press A+B: Woman's running push attack Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Body attack Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Body attack Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Piledriver B: Piledriver B+Left or Right: Piledriver B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Snapmare A: Snapmare A+Left or Right: Snapmare A+Down: Snapmare Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Forearm smash A+Left or Right: Forearm smash Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Stall suplex B: Stall suplex B+Left or Right: Stall suplex B+Down: Stall suplex A+Up: Headlock with punch A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Headlock with punch A+Down: Headlock with punch Back Strong Grapple: B: Sleeper hold B+Left or Right: Sleeper hold A: Sleeper hold A+Left or Right: Sleeper hold Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Figure 4 leg lock B: Jumping leg drop Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Rear naked choke A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Scissor sweep B: Back elbow Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Shoulder back toss A+Control Pad: Shoulder back toss B: Back elbow Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Eye rake on ropes Tap A+A: Eye rake on ropes Hold A+B: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+A: Shoulder thrusts Run+B: Woman's running push attack Run+A+B: Running back elbow smash B: Front kick B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Flying body press Opponent On Mat: Double stomp Dives: Standing By Ropes to Floor: Vaulting body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Flying body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Double stomp Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Running from Apron to Floor: Dropkick Special Attacks: Front: Big swing Back: Back rake Top Rope, opponent standing: Flying body press Top Rope, opponent on mat: Double stomp Stolen Moves: Front: Big swing Back: Back rake Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Eye rake on ropes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Jacqueline Nickname: None Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown Hometown: Unknown Finisher: Unknown Offensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 1 Arms: 1 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 3 Defensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 1 Arms: 1 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 1 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Woman's slap Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: P.M.S. left slap Hold B+Control Pad: P.M.S. right slap Hold A+B: Flipping dropkick Run, then press B: Woman's running push attack Run, then press A+B: Woman's running push attack Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Body attack Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Body attack Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Piledriver B: Piledriver B+Left or Right: Piledriver B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Elbow strike A: Elbow strike A+Left or Right: Elbow strike A+Down: Elbow strike Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Forearm smash A+Left or Right: Forearm smash Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Suplex B+Left or Right: Suplex B+Down: Suplex A+Up: Headlock with punch A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Headlock with punch A+Down: Headlock with punch Back Strong Grapple: B: Sleeper hold B+Left or Right: Sleeper hold A: Sleeper hold A+Left or Right: Sleeper hold Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Figure 4 leg lock B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Rear naked choke A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Scissor sweep B: Short kick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Shoulder back toss A+Control Pad: Shoulder back toss B: Short kick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Eye rake on ropes Tap A+A: Eye rake on ropes Hold A+B: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+A: Shoulder thrusts Run+B: Woman's running push attack Run+A+B: Running back elbow smash B: Front kick B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Flying body press Opponent On Mat: Double stomp Dives: Standing By Ropes to Floor: Vaulting body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Missile dropkick Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Double stomp Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Running from Apron to Floor: Dropkick Special Attacks: Front: Samoan neckbreaker Back: Back rake Top Rope, opponent standing: Missile dropkick Top Rope, opponent on mat: Body splash Stolen Moves: Front: Samoan neckbreaker Back: Back rake Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Eye rake on ropes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Jeff Hardy Nickname: None Height: 5'11" Weight: 208 lbs. Hometown: Cameron, North Carolina Finisher: Senton Bomb Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 5 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 4 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Elbow strike Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Chop Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Diving clothesline Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: High spinning wheel kick Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running spinning wheel kick Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: High flipping drop kick Ducking attack: Jumping wheel kick Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Snap suplex B: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Left or Right: Swinging neckbreaker B+Down: Jawbreaker A+Up: Club to neck A: Elbow strike A+Left or Right: Snapmare A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Hurracanrana pin B: Tiger leg sweep B+Left or Right: Climb up wheel kick B+Down: Northern lights suplex A+Up: Hopping sunset flip pin A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Northern lights release suplex A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Face crusher B+Left or Right: Face crusher A: Jumping HH pin A+Left or Right: Jumping HH pin Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Knee smash B: Backflip splash Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Mahistrol cradle A at feet: Knee stomp B: Flip splash Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Back toss B: Back elbow Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Hurracanrana A+Control Pad: Tilt a whirl sideslam B: Back elbow Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Tornado DDT Hold A+A: Frankensteiner Run+B: Running spinning wheel kick Run+A+B: High flipping drop kick B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Long flipping attack Opponent On Mat: Body splash Dives: Standing By Ropes to Floor: Vaulting body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Missile dropkick Top Rope to Floor, opponent on mat: Guillotine leg drop Running to Floor (A): Suicide dive through ropes Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Rope flip Apron to Floor: Asai moonsault Running from Apron to Floor: Dropkick Apron to inside the ring, opponent standing: Dropkick Apron to inside the ring, opponent on mat: Slingshot body splash Special Attacks: Front: 3/4 turn neckbreaker Back: Spinning huracanrana pin Ropes: 3/4 turn neckbreaker Top Rope, opponent standing: Long flippiing attack Top Rope, opponent on mat: 450 splash Apron to inside the ring, opponent standing: Dropkick Stolen Moves: Front: 3/4 turn neckbreaker Back: Spinning huracanrana pin Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Tornado DDT Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Jeff Jarrett Nickname: Double J Height: 5'10" Weight: 230 lbs. Hometown: Nashville, Tennessee Finisher: Stroke Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 1 Defensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 1 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Slap Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Chop Tap B+Control Pad (far): Low kick Hold B: Flipping dropkick Hold B+Control Pad: Bossman uppercut Hold A+B: Spinning sidekick Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Body attack Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running clothesline Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Left or Right: Spinning neckbreaker B+Down: Jawbreaker A+Up: Club to neck A: Overhand punch A+Left or Right: Snapmare A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Sleeper hold B+Left or Right: Sleeper hold A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Stall suplex B: DDT B+Left or Right: Standing clothesline B+Down: Double underhook DDT A+Up: Back body flip A: Russian leg sweep A+Left or Right: Fallaway slam A+Down: Backslide pin Back Strong Grapple: B: Abdominal stretch B+Left or Right: Abdominal stretch A: School boy A+Left or Right: School boy Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Figure 4 leg lock B: Jumping punch Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Indian deathlock B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Monkey toss A+Control Pad: Spinebuster B: High flipping dropkick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Sleeper hold A+Control Pad: Powerslam B: High flipping dropkick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Eye rake on ropes Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Knee strikes Hold A+A: Foot choke Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: Running back elbow smash B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Double axe handle Opponent On Mat: Back elbow drop Dives: Standing By Ropes to Floor: Vaulting body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Knee drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Jarrett face buster Back: German suplex pin Ropes: Jarrett face buster Top Rope, opponent standing: Flying body press Top Rope, opponent on mat: Body splash Stolen Moves: Front: Jarrett face buster Back: German suplex pin Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Eye rake on ropes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Jerry Lawler Nickname: The King Height: 6' Weight: 234 lbs. Hometown: Memphis, Tennessee Finisher: Piledriver Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Slap Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Chop Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Overhand punch Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Overhand punch Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running shoulder block Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Piledriver B: Piledriver B+Left or Right: Piledriver B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Scoop slam A: Scoop slam A+Left or Right: Scoop slam A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Stall suplex B: Stall suplex B+Left or Right: Stall suplex B+Down: Stall suplex A+Up: Headlock with punch A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Headlock with punch A+Down: Headlock with punch Back Strong Grapple: B: Shin breaker B+Left or Right: Shin breaker A: Atomic drop A+Left or Right: Atomic drop Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Figure 4 leg lock B: Elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Scissor sweep B: Short kick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Shoulder back toss A+Control Pad: Shoulder back toss B: Short kick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Eye rake on ropes Tap A+A: Eye rake on ropes Hold A+B: Superplex Hold A+A: Superplex Run+B: Running back elbow smash Run+A+B: Running clothesline B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Dives: Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Pulling piledriver Back: Back rake Stolen Moves: Front: Pulling piledriver Back: Back rake Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Eye rake on ropes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Jim Ross Nickname: JR Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown Hometown: Unknown Finisher: Unknown Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Slap Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Chop Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Overhand punch Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Overhand punch Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running shoulder block Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Piledriver B: Piledriver B+Left or Right: Piledriver B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Overhand punch A: Overhand punch A+Left or Right: Overhand punch A+Down: Overhand punch Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Forearm smash A+Left or Right: Forearm smash Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Suplex B+Left or Right: Suplex B+Down: Suplex A+Up: Headlock with punch A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Headlock with punch A+Down: Headlock with punch Back Strong Grapple: B: Sleeper hold B+Left or Right: Sleeper hold A: Sleeper hold A+Left or Right: Sleeper hold Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Figure 4 leg lock B: Elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Scissor sweep B: Short kick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Shoulder back toss A+Control Pad: Shoulder back toss B: Short kick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Eye rake on ropes Tap A+A: Eye rake on ropes Hold A+B: Superplex Hold A+A: Superplex Run+B: Running back elbow smash Run+A+B: Running clothesline B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Dives: Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Pulling piledriver Back: Back rake Stolen Moves: Front: Pulling piledriver Back: Back rake Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Eye rake on ropes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Kane Nickname: The Big Red Machine Height: 6'7" Weight: 345 lbs. Hometown: Unknown Finisher: Tombstone Offensive Attributes: Head: 3 Body: 4 Arms: 3 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 3 Defensive Attributes: Head: 3 Body: 4 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Chop Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Hook punch Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Overhand punch Hold B+Control Pad: Bossman uppercut Hold A+B: Big dropkick Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running clothesline Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Low Yakuza kick Ducking attack: Rising clothesline Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Rib breaker B+Left or Right: Headlock takedown B+Down: Shoulder breaker A+Up: Club to neck A: Head butt A+Left or Right: Knee strike A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Shin breaker B+Left or Right: Shin breaker A: Sideslam A+Left or Right: Sideslam Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Chokeslam B: Double handed lifting chokehold B+Left or Right: Standing clothesline B+Down: Snap powerbomb A+Up: Body press slam A: Falling powerslam A+Left or Right: Choke takedown A+Down: Powerslam Back Strong Grapple: B: Big clothesline B+Left or Right: Big clothesline A: Sleeper hold A+Left or Right: Sleeper hold Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Darkness pin A at feet: Knee smash B: Jumping leg drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Camel clutch A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Knee drop Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Back toss A+Control Pad: Powerslam B: Counter kick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Double handed choke lift A+Control Pad: Tilt a whirl back breaker B: Counter kick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Knee strikes Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Superplex Hold A+A: Foot choke Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: Running back elbow smash B: Punch B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Kane diving lariat Opponent On Mat: Back elbow drop Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Kane diving lariat Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Back elbow drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Tombstone piledriver Back: Reverse suplex Ropes: Chokeslam Top Rope, opponent standing: Kane diving lariat Top Rope, opponent on mat: Back elbow drop Stolen Moves: Front: Tombstone piledriver Back: Reverse suplex Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Foot choke Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Ken Shamrock Nickname: World's Most Dangerous Man Height: 6' Weight: 220 lbs. Hometown: San Bernadino, California Finisher: Ankle Lock Submission Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 4 Flying Attack: 2 Defensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 3 Arms: 3 Legs: 3 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Body punch Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Middle kick Hold B: Standing clothesline Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Muay Thai roundhouse Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Jumping back elbow attack Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running spinning wheel kick Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running toe kick Ducking attack: Jumping wheel kick Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Snap suplex B: Alternating knee strikes B+Left or Right: Arm wrench with hook kick B+Down: Russian leg sweep A+Up: Fireman carry A: Knee lift A+Left or Right: Snapmare A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Pendulum back breaker B+Left or Right: Pendulum back breaker A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Hurracanrana pin B: Guillotine choke with scissors B+Left or Right: Belly to back suplex B+Down: Rolling leg lock A+Up: Snake eyes A: DDT A+Left or Right: Northern lights suplex A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: German suplex pin B+Left or Right: German suplex pin A: Jumping HH pin A+Left or Right: Jumping HH pin Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Armbar A at feet: Side leg lock B: Soccer kick Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Rear naked choke A at feet: Shamrock ankle lock B: Knee drop Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Knee drop Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Powerslam A+Control Pad: Scissor sweep B: High flipping dropkick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Hurracanrana A+Control Pad: Reverse armbar B: High flipping dropkick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: High kick Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Knee strikes Hold A+A: Superplex Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: High flipping drop kick B: Front kick B+Control Pad: Middle kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Double axe handle Opponent On Mat: Back elbow drop Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Back elbow drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Fisherman suplex Back: Jumping armbar Ropes: Fisherman suplex Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Super belly to belly suplex Top Rope, opponent standing: Missile dropkick Top Rope, opponent on mat: Knee drop Stolen Moves: Front: Fisherman suplex Back: Jumping armbar Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Super belly to belly suplex Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Mankind Nickname: None Height: 6'1" Weight: 275 lbs. Hometown: The Boiler Room Finisher: Mandible Claw Offensive Attributes: Head: 3 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 3 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Hook punch Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Side headbutt Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Diving clothesline Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Body attack Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Kitchen sink Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Headlock takedown B+Left or Right: Swinging neckbreaker B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Club to neck A: Overhand punch A+Left or Right: Snapmare A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Falling front neck breaker B: DDT B+Left or Right: Double underhook DDT B+Down: Pulling piledriver A+Up: Snake eyes A: Russian leg sweep A+Left or Right: Headlock with punch A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Back rake B+Left or Right: Back rake A: Face crusher A+Left or Right: Face crusher Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Single leg crab B: Traditional elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Rear naked choke A at feet: Knee stomp B: Jumping leg drop Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Knee drop Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Shoulder back toss B: Short kick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Abdominal stretch A+Control Pad: Sleeper hold B: Short kick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Foot choke Hold A+A: Eye rake on ropes Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: Running body avalanche B: Punch B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Double axe handle Opponent On Mat: Back elbow drop Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Back elbow drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Running from Apron to Floor: Running flip Special Attacks: Front: Mandible claw Back: Shin breaker Ropes: Mandible claw Top Rope, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope, opponent on mat: Back elbow drop Stolen Moves: Front: Mandible claw Back: Shin breaker Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Eye rake on ropes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Mark Henry Nickname: Sexual Chocolate Height: 6'2" Weight: 413 lbs. Hometown: Austin, Texas Finisher: Big Splash Offensive Attributes: Head: 3 Body: 5 Arms: 2 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 3 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 1 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Slap Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Chop Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: 3 point stance charge Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Standing clothesline Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running clothesline Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Diving shoulder block Ducking attack: Rising clothesline Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Headlock takedown B+Left or Right: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Down: Falling powerslam A+Up: Double axe handle A: Club to neck A+Left or Right: Knee lift A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Stall suplex B: DDT B+Left or Right: Standing clothesline B+Down: Front powerslam A+Up: Body press slam A: Russian leg sweep A+Left or Right: Gourdbuster A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Atomic drop B+Left or Right: Atomic drop A: Sideslam A+Left or Right: Sideslam Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Knee smash B: Big splash Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Rear naked choke A at feet: Single crab B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Back toss A+Control Pad: Body press drop B: Short kick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Powerslam A+Control Pad: Tilt a whirl sideslam B: Short kick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Big thump Hold A+A: Foot choke Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: Running body avalanche B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Dives: Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Bearhug Back: Full nelson slam Ropes: Bearhug Top Rope, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope, opponent on mat: Body splash Stolen Moves: Front: Bearhug Back: Full nelson slam Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Big thump Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Matt Hardy Nickname: None Height: 6' Weight: 219 lbs. Hometown: Cameron, North Carolina Finisher: Twist of Fate Offensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 5 Defensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 4 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Elbow strike Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Chop Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Diving clothesline Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Flipping dropkick Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running spinning wheel kick Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: High flipping drop kick Ducking attack: Jumping wheel kick Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Left or Right: Swinging neckbreaker B+Down: Falling powerslam A+Up: Club to neck A: Elbow strike A+Left or Right: Snapmare A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Cross powerbomb pin B: Tiger leg sweep B+Left or Right: Climb up wheel kick B+Down: Northern lights suplex A+Up: Hopping sunset flip pin A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Northern lights release suplex A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Face crusher B+Left or Right: Face crusher A: Jumping HH pin A+Left or Right: Jumping HH pin Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Knee smash B: Jumping punch Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Mahistrol cradle A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Knee stomp Run+B: Running elbow drop Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Back toss B: High flipping dropkick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Hurracanrana A+Control Pad: Tilt a whirl sideslam B: High flipping dropkick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Tornado DDT Hold A+A: Frankensteiner Run+B: Running spinning wheel kick Run+A+B: High flipping drop kick B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Missile dropkick Opponent On Mat: Guillotine leg drop Dives: Standing By Ropes to Floor: Vaulting body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Missile dropkick Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Guillotine leg drop Running to Floor (A): Suicide dive through ropes Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Rope flip Apron to Floor: Asai moonsault Running from Apron to Floor: Dropkick Apron to inside the ring, opponent standing: Dropkick Apron to inside the ring, opponent on mat: Slingshot body splash Special Attacks: Front: 3/4 turn neckbreaker Back: Spinning huracanrana pin Ropes: 3/4 turn neckbreaker Top Rope, opponent standing: Diving spinning wheel kick Top Rope, opponent on mat: 450 splash Apron to inside the ring, opponent standing: Dropkick Stolen Moves: Front: 3/4 turn neckbreaker Back: Spinning huracanrana pin Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Tornado DDT Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Meat Nickname: None Height: 6'5" Weight: 270 lbs. Hometown: Unknown Finisher: Meat Grinder Offensive Attributes: Head: 3 Body: 2 Arms: 3 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 4 Defensive Attributes: Head: 3 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 4 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Chop Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Dropkick to knee Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Diving clothesline Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Diving shoulder block Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Yakuza kick Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Jumping back elbow smash Ducking attack: High flipping dropkick Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Left or Right: Tiger scissors B+Down: Jawbreaker A+Up: Strong head butt A: Overhand punch A+Left or Right: Club to neck A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Hurracanrana pin B: Manhattan drop B+Left or Right: Thrusting shoulderbreaker B+Down: Powerbomb pin A+Up: Hopping rolling clutch pin A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Russian leg sweep A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Sleeper hold B+Left or Right: Sleeper hold A: School boy A+Left or Right: School boy Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Knee smash B: Jumping leg drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Mahistrol cradle A at feet: Knee stomp B: Elbow drop Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Back toss A+Control Pad: Body press drop B: High flipping dropkick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Powerslam A+Control Pad: Hurracanrana B: High flipping dropkick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: High kick Hold A+A: Frankensteiner Run+B: Thump Run+A+B: Running back elbow smash B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Flying body press Opponent On Mat: Guillotine leg drop Dives: Standing By Ropes to Floor: Vaulting body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Flying body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Body splash Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Suicide dive through ropes Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Jump swinging DDT Back: Reverse DDT Ropes: Jump swinging DDT Top Rope, opponent standing: Flying body press Top Rope, opponent on mat: Frog splash Stolen Moves: Front: Jump swinging DDT Back: Reverse DDT Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: High kick Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Michael Hayes Nickname: P.S. Height: 6'1" Weight: 255 lbs. Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia Finisher: DDT Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Slap Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Chop Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Overhand punch Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Overhand punch Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running shoulder block Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Piledriver B: Piledriver B+Left or Right: Piledriver B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Scoop slam A: Scoop slam A+Left or Right: Scoop slam A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Stall suplex B: Stall suplex B+Left or Right: Stall suplex B+Down: Stall suplex A+Up: Headlock with punch A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Headlock with punch A+Down: Headlock with punch Back Strong Grapple: B: Shin breaker B+Left or Right: Shin breaker A: Atomic drop A+Left or Right: Atomic drop Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Figure 4 leg lock B: Elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Scissor sweep B: Short kick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Shoulder back toss A+Control Pad: Shoulder back toss B: Short kick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Eye rake on ropes Tap A+A: Eye rake on ropes Hold A+B: Superplex Hold A+A: Superplex Run+B: Running back elbow smash Run+A+B: Running clothesline B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Dives: Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Pulling piledriver Back: Back rake Stolen Moves: Front: Pulling piledriver Back: Back rake Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Eye rake on ropes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Mideon Nickname: None Height: 6'1" Weight: 288 lbs. Hometown: Unknown Finisher: Eye Opener Offensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 2 Defensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Slap Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Chop Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Standing clothesline Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Spinning punch Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Diving shoulder block Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running spinning wheel kick Ducking attack: Body tackle Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Left or Right: Spinning neckbreaker B+Down: Jawbreaker A+Up: Elbow to back of head A: Eye rake A+Left or Right: Strong head butt A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Bulldog B+Left or Right: Bulldog A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Stall suplex B: Manhattan drop B+Left or Right: Thrusting shoulderbreaker B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Snake eyes A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Back body flip A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Abdominal stretch B+Left or Right: Abdominal stretch A: School boy A+Left or Right: School boy Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Choke hold A at feet: Headbutt to groin B: Traditional elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Single crab B: Knee drop Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Back toss A+Control Pad: Monkey toss B: Back kick middle Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Sleeper hold A+Control Pad: Abdominal stretch B: Back kick middle Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Knee strikes Hold A+A: Foot choke Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: Running back elbow smash B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Double axe handle Opponent On Mat: Back elbow drop Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Back elbow drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Canadian backbreaker Back: Reverse suplex Ropes: Canadian backbreaker Top Rope, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope, opponent on mat: Back elbow drop Stolen Moves: Front: Canadian backbreaker Back: Reverse suplex Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Foot choke Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Pat Patterson Nickname: None Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown Hometown: Unknown Finisher: Unknown Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Slap Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Chop Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Overhand punch Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Overhand punch Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running shoulder block Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Piledriver B: Piledriver B+Left or Right: Piledriver B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Scoop slam A: Scoop slam A+Left or Right: Scoop slam A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Stall suplex B: Stall suplex B+Left or Right: Stall suplex B+Down: Stall suplex A+Up: Headlock with punch A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Headlock with punch A+Down: Headlock with punch Back Strong Grapple: B: Shin breaker B+Left or Right: Shin breaker A: Atomic drop A+Left or Right: Atomic drop Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Figure 4 leg lock B: Elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Scissor sweep B: Short kick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Shoulder back toss A+Control Pad: Shoulder back toss B: Short kick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Eye rake on ropes Tap A+A: Eye rake on ropes Hold A+B: Superplex Hold A+A: Superplex Run+B: Running back elbow smash Run+A+B: Running clothesline B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Dives: Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Pulling piledriver Back: Back rake Stolen Moves: Front: Pulling piledriver Back: Back rake Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Eye rake on ropes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Paul Bearer Nickname: None Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown Hometown: Unknown Finisher: Unknown Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Defensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 1 Arms: 1 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 1 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Slap Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Chop Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Overhand punch Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Overhand punch Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running shoulder block Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Piledriver B: Piledriver B+Left or Right: Piledriver B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Overhand punch A: Overhand punch A+Left or Right: Overhand punch A+Down: Overhand punch Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Forearm smash A+Left or Right: Forearm smash Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Suplex B+Left or Right: Suplex B+Down: Suplex A+Up: Headlock with punch A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Headlock with punch A+Down: Headlock with punch Back Strong Grapple: B: Sleeper hold B+Left or Right: Sleeper hold A: Sleeper hold A+Left or Right: Sleeper hold Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Figure 4 leg lock B: Elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Scissor sweep B: Short kick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Shoulder back toss A+Control Pad: Shoulder back toss B: Short kick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Eye rake on ropes Tap A+A: Eye rake on ropes Hold A+B: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+A: Shoulder thrusts Run+B: Running back elbow smash Run+A+B: Running clothesline B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Dives: Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Pulling piledriver Back: Back rake Stolen Moves: Front: Pulling piledriver Back: Back rake Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Eye rake on ropes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Paul Wight Nickname: The Big Show Height: 7'4" Weight: 541 lbs. Hometown: Tampa, Florida Finisher: Showstopper Chokeslam Offensive Attributes: Head: 3 Body: 4 Arms: 2 Legs: 4 Flying Attack: 2 Defensive Attributes: Head: 3 Body: 4 Arms: 1 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 4 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Slap Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Chop Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Spinning sidekick Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Lunging headbutt Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Low Yakuza kick Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running clothesline Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Diving shoulder block Ducking attack: Rising clothesline Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Drop suplex B: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Left or Right: Fallaway slam B+Down: Rib breaker A+Up: Giant head butt A: Club to neck A+Left or Right: Overhand punch A+Down: Knee lift Back Weak Grapple: B: Multiple headbutts B+Left or Right: Multiple headbutts A: Shin breaker A+Left or Right: Shin breaker Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Double handed lifting chokehold B: Knee smash B+Left or Right: Standing clothesline B+Down: Pulling piledriver A+Up: Body press slam A: Russian leg sweep A+Left or Right: Snake eyes A+Down: Shoulder breaker Back Strong Grapple: B: Atomic drop B+Left or Right: Atomic drop A: Surfboard stretch A+Left or Right: Surfboard stretch Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Choke hold A at feet: Headbutt to groin B: High jumping elbow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Knee stomp B: Jumping leg drop Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Knee drop Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Back toss A+Control Pad: Monkey toss B: Back elbow Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Powerslam A+Control Pad: Sleeper hold B: Back elbow Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Big chop Tap A+A: Foot choke Hold A+B: Knee strikes Hold A+A: Big thump Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: Running body avalanche B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Double axe handle Opponent On Mat: Back elbow drop Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Double stomp Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Show Stopper Back: Super release German suplex Ropes: Show Stopper Top Rope, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope, opponent on mat: Back elbow drop Stolen Moves: Front: Show Stopper Back: Super release German suplex Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Big thump Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Prince Albert Nickname: None Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown Hometown: Unknown Finisher: Scissor Kick Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 3 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 4 Defensive Attributes: Head: 3 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 4 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Chop Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Samoan throat chop Hold B+Control Pad: Standing clothesline Hold A+B: Jumping front kick Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running clothesline Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Kitchen sink Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Headlock takedown B+Left or Right: Double underhook suplex B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Strong head butt A: Overhand punch A+Left or Right: Club to neck A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Back rake B+Left or Right: Back rake A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Double handed lifting chokehold B: Manhattan drop B+Left or Right: Thrusting shoulderbreaker B+Down: Powerslam A+Up: Fireman carry to pancake A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Russian leg sweep A+Down: Jawbreaker Back Strong Grapple: B: Sideslam B+Left or Right: Sideslam A: Abdominal stretch A+Left or Right: Abdominal stretch Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Knee smash B: Elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Back toss A+Control Pad: Powerslam B: Back elbow Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Mountain bomb A+Control Pad: Double handed choke lift B: Back elbow Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Multiple clothesline Hold A+A: Foot choke Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: Running back elbow smash B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Double axe handle Opponent On Mat: Back elbow drop Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Back elbow drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Body press to front slam Back: Release German suplex Ropes: Body press to front slam Top Rope, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope, opponent on mat: Back elbow drop Stolen Moves: Front: Body press to front slam Back: Release German suplex Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Multiple clothesline Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Road Dogg Nickname: None Height: 6'4" Weight: 240 lbs. Hometown: Marietta, Georgia Finisher: Crazylegs Kneedrop Offensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 2 Arms: 4 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Slap Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Overhand punch Hold B+Control Pad: Shake jab Hold A+B: Flipping dropkick Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running diving elbow Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running jumping elbow smash Ducking attack: High flipping dropkick Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Snap suplex B: Headlock takedown B+Left or Right: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Headlock and punch A: Overhand punch A+Left or Right: Elbow strike A+Down: Arm drag Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Manhattan drop B: DDT B+Left or Right: Giant headbutt B+Down: Front face pancake A+Up: Reverse suplex A: Russian leg sweep A+Left or Right: Shoulder thrusts A+Down: Backslide pin Back Strong Grapple: B: Sleeper hold B+Left or Right: Sleeper hold A: School boy A+Left or Right: School boy Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Headbutt to groin B: Road Dogg shaky knee drop Run+B: Running Road Dogg shaky knee drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running Road Dogg shaky knee drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Back toss A+Control Pad: Scissor sweep B: High flipping dropkick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Monkey toss A+Control Pad: Sleeper hold B: High flipping dropkick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: DX punching and taunt Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Knee strikes Hold A+A: Superplex Run+B: Running jumping elbow smash Run+A+B: Running back elbow smash B: Front kick B+Control Pad: Jab Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Double axe handle Opponent On Mat: Knee drop Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Knee drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Shake rattle and roll Back: Pump handle drop Ropes: Shake rattle and roll Top Rope, opponent standing: Missile dropkick Top Rope, opponent on mat: Double knee drop Stolen Moves: Front: Shake rattle and roll Back: Pump handle drop Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: DX punching and taunt Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Rocky Maivia Nickname: The Rock Height: 6'4" Weight: 272 lbs. Hometown: Miami, Florida Finisher: Rock Bottom/People's Elbow Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 4 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Elbow strike Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Hook punch Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Diving clothesline Hold B+Control Pad: Rock punch Hold A+B: Standing clothesline Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running clothesline Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running diving forearm smash Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Left or Right: Headlock takedown B+Down: Shoulder breaker A+Up: Eye rake A: Headlock and punch A+Left or Right: Snapmare A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Shin breaker B+Left or Right: Shin breaker A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Stalling brainbuster B: DDT B+Left or Right: Falling powerslam B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Swinging neckbreaker A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Russian leg sweep A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Atomic drop B+Left or Right: Atomic drop A: Surfboard stretch A+Left or Right: Surfboard stretch Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Peoples Elbow A at feet: Headbutt to groin B: Rock stomp Run+B: Rock elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Single crab B: Rock stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Back toss A+Control Pad: Powerslam B: Back elbow Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Sleeper hold A+Control Pad: Samoan drop B: Back elbow Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Shoulder thrusts Tap A+A: Eye rake on ropes Hold A+B: Superplex Hold A+A: Foot choke Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: Running back elbow smash B: Front kick B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Double axe handle Opponent On Mat: Knee drop Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Knee drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Rock Bottom Back: Reverse DDT Ropes: Rock Bottom Top Rope, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope, opponent on mat: Knee drop Stolen Moves: Front: Rock Bottom Back: Reverse DDT Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Eye rake on ropes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Scott Taylor Nickname: Too Hot Height: 6' Weight: 203 lbs. Hometown: Westbrook, Maine Finisher: Too Hot Drop Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 4 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 4 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Elbow strike Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Chop Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Diving clothesline Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Spinning sidekick Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: High flipping drop kick Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running clothesline Ducking attack: High flipping dropkick Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Left or Right: Falling neckbreaker B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Elbow to back of head A: Slap A+Left or Right: Snapmare A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Back rake B+Left or Right: Back rake A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Manhattan drop B: DDT B+Left or Right: Climb up wheel kick B+Down: Japanese powerbomb pin A+Up: Snake eyes A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Double underhook belly to belly suplex A+Down: Backslide pin Back Strong Grapple: B: Pump handle suplex B+Left or Right: Pump handle suplex A: School boy A+Left or Right: School boy Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Headbutt to groin B: Traditional elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Mahistrol cradle A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Shoulder back toss A+Control Pad: Monkey toss B: High flipping dropkick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Headscissor takedown B: High flipping dropkick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: High kick Hold A+A: Superplex Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: High flipping drop kick B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Double axe handle Opponent On Mat: Guillotine leg drop Dives: Standing By Ropes to Floor: Vaulting body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on mat: Guillotine leg drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Running from Apron to Floor: Running flip Special Attacks: Front: Double underhook flip suplex with pin Back: Reverse suplex Ropes: Double underhook flip suplex with pin Top Rope, opponent standing: Missile dropkick Top Rope, opponent on mat: Guillotine leg drop Stolen Moves: Front: Double underhook flip suplex with pin Back: Reverse suplex Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: High kick Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Shane McMahon Nickname: Shane-o-Mac Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown Hometown: Greenwich, Connecticut Finisher: Mac Stunner Offensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 3 Defensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 1 Arms: 1 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 1 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Slap Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Body punch Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Body hook punch Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Flipping dropkick Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running shoulder block Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Piledriver B: Piledriver B+Left or Right: Piledriver B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Overhand punch A: Overhand punch A+Left or Right: Overhand punch A+Down: Overhand punch Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Forearm smash A+Left or Right: Forearm smash Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Alternating knee strikes B: Alternating knee strikes B+Left or Right: Alternating knee strikes B+Down: Alternating knee strikes A+Up: Headlock with punch A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Headlock with punch A+Down: Headlock with punch Back Strong Grapple: B: Sleeper hold B+Left or Right: Sleeper hold A: Sleeper hold A+Left or Right: Sleeper hold Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Headbutt to groin B: Elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Rear naked choke A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Scissor sweep B: Back kick middle Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Shoulder back toss A+Control Pad: Shoulder back toss B: Back kick middle Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Eye rake on ropes Tap A+A: Eye rake on ropes Hold A+B: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+A: Shoulder thrusts Run+B: Running back elbow smash Run+A+B: Running clothesline B: Front kick B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Double axe handle Opponent On Mat: Back elbow drop Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Back elbow drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: X factor Back: Back drop Ropes: X factor Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Bronco buster Top Rope, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope, opponent on mat: Rounding splash Stolen Moves: Front: X factor Back: Back drop Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Bronco buster Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Shawn Michaels Nickname: The Heartbreak Kid, The Showstopper, The Main Eventer, HBK, The Icon Height: 6' Weight: 234 lbs. Hometown: San Antonio, Texas Finisher: Sweet Chin Music Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 4 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 4 Defensive Attributes: Head: 3 Body: 4 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Chop Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Spinning Crescent kick Hold B: Snap jab Hold B+Control Pad: Quick jab Hold A+B: Cheap shot to throat Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running jumping elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Jumping back elbow attack Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Snap suplex B: Headlock takedown B+Left or Right: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Down: Jawbreaker A+Up: Double axe handle A: Overhand punch A+Left or Right: Snapmare A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Stall suplex B: DDT B+Left or Right: Manhattan drop B+Down: Jumping piledriver A+Up: Snake eyes A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Swinging neckbreaker A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Sleeper hold B+Left or Right: Sleeper hold A: School boy A+Left or Right: School boy Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Figure 4 leg lock B: Traditional elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Single crab B: Angry stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Knee drop Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Back toss A+Control Pad: Monkey toss B: Back elbow Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Hurracanrana pin A+Control Pad: Sleeper hold B: Back elbow Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: High kick Hold A+A: Superplex Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: High flipping dropkick B: Chop B+Control Pad: Middle kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Missile dropkick Opponent On Mat: Body splash Dives: Standing By Ropes to Floor: Vaulting body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Elbow strike Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Elbow drop Running to Floor (A): Suicide dive through ropes Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Diving body press Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Running from Apron to Floor: Diving elbow Special Attacks: Front: Sweet chin music Back: Rolling clutch pin Top Rope, opponent standing: Diving moon sault Top Rope, opponent on mat: Elbow drop Stolen Moves: Front: Sweet chin music Back: Rolling clutch pin Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: High kick Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Stephanie McMahon Nickname: None Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown Hometown: Greenwich, Connecticut Finisher: Mac Stunner Offensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 1 Arms: 1 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 1 Defensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 1 Arms: 1 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 1 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Woman's slap Tap B (far): Low kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Woman's slap Tap B+Control Pad (far): Low kick Hold B: P.M.S. left slap Hold B+Control Pad: P.M.S. right slap Hold A+B: Spinning elbow Run, then press B: Woman's running push attack Run, then press A+B: Woman's running push attack Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running elbow smash Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Piledriver B: Piledriver B+Left or Right: Piledriver B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Club to neck A: Club to neck A+Left or Right: Club to neck A+Down: Club to neck Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Forearm smash A+Left or Right: Forearm smash Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Suplex B+Left or Right: Suplex B+Down: Suplex A+Up: Headlock with punch A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Headlock with punch A+Down: Headlock with punch Back Strong Grapple: B: Sleeper hold B+Left or Right: Sleeper hold A: Sleeper hold A+Left or Right: Sleeper hold Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Figure 4 leg lock B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Rear naked choke A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Scissor sweep B: Short kick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Shoulder back toss A+Control Pad: Shoulder back toss B: Short kick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Eye rake on ropes Tap A+A: Eye rake on ropes Hold A+B: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+A: Shoulder thrusts Run+B: Woman's running push attack Run+A+B: Running elbow smash B: Front kick B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Dives: Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Mac Stunner Back: Pump handle slam Stolen Moves: Front: Mac Stunner Back: Pump handle slam Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Eye rake on ropes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Steve Austin Nickname: Stone Cold Height: 6'2" Weight: 241 lbs. Hometown: Victoria, Texas Finisher: Stone Cold Stunner Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 4 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 4 Defensive Attributes: Head: 3 Body: 4 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Body punch Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Diving clothesline Hold B+Control Pad: Austin punches Hold A+B: Standing clothesline Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running clothesline Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Kitchen sink Ducking attack: Rising clothesline Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Headlock takedown B+Left or Right: Shoulder thrusts B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Eye rake A: Slap A+Left or Right: Snapmare A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Thrusting shoulderbreaker B: Alternating knee strikes B+Left or Right: Standing clothesline B+Down: Manhattan drop A+Up: Back body flip A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Hip throw A+Down: Jawbreaker Back Strong Grapple: B: Sleeper hold B+Left or Right: Sleeper hold A: School boy A+Left or Right: School boy Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Headbutt to groin B: Austin elbow drop Run+B: Running Austin elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Knee stomp B: Angry stomp Run+B: Running Austin elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Kick Run+B: Running Austin elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running Austin elbow drop Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Monkey toss A+Control Pad: Shoulder back toss B: Back elbow Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Sleeper hold A+Control Pad: Lou Thesz press knuckle B: Back elbow Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Mudhole stomping Hold A+A: Knee strikes Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: Running body avalanche B: Front kick B+Control Pad: Punch Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Double axe handle Opponent On Mat: Back elbow drop Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Back elbow drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Running from Apron to Floor: Diving elbow Special Attacks: Front: Stone Cold Stunner Back: Rear naked choke with scissors Ropes: Stone Cold Stunner Top Rope, opponent standing: Flying clothesline Top Rope, opponent on mat: Back elbow drop Stolen Moves: Front: Stone Cold Stunner Back: Rear naked choke with scissors Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Mudhole stomping Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Steve Blackman Nickname: The Lethal Weapon Height: 6' Weight: 246 lbs. Hometown: Annville, Pennsylvania Finisher: Pump Kick Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 3 Legs: 4 Flying Attack: 3 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 3 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 1 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Elbow strike Tap B (far): Middle kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Chop Tap B+Control Pad (far): Spinning Crescent kick Hold B: Dropkick Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Axe kick Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Jumping back elbow attack Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Diving shoulder block Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Jumping karate kick Ducking attack: Sweep Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Snap suplex B: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Left or Right: Double underhook suplex B+Down: Alternating knee strikes A+Up: Elbow to back of head A: Club to neck A+Left or Right: Chop A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Pendulum back breaker B+Left or Right: Pendulum back breaker A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Stall suplex B: Manhattan drop B+Left or Right: Arm wrench with hook kick B+Down: Arm dragon screw A+Up: Back body flip A: Rib breaker A+Left or Right: Belly to back suplex A+Down: Northern lights suplex Back Strong Grapple: B: German suplex pin B+Left or Right: German suplex pin A: Sideslam A+Left or Right: Sideslam Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Side leg lock B: Quick elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Side leg lock B: Falling headbutt Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Knee drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Monkey toss B: Back kick middle Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Powerslam A+Control Pad: Belly to belly suplex B: Back kick middle Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: High kick Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Multiple clothesline Hold A+A: Foot choke Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: Jumping karate kick B: Middle kick B+Control Pad: Chop Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Double axe handle Opponent On Mat: Knee drop Dives: Standing By Ropes to Floor: Vaulting body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Knee drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Guillotine choke with scissors Back: Abdominal stretch pin Ropes: Guillotine choke with scissors Top Rope, opponent standing: Missile dropkick Top Rope, opponent on mat: Knee drop Stolen Moves: Front: Guillotine choke with scissors Back: Abdominal stretch pin Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Multiple clothesline Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Terri Runnels Nickname: None Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown Hometown: Unknown Finisher: Unknown Offensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 1 Arms: 1 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 1 Defensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 1 Arms: 1 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 1 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Woman's slap Tap B (far): Low kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Woman's slap Tap B+Control Pad (far): Low kick Hold B: P.M.S. left slap Hold B+Control Pad: P.M.S. right slap Hold A+B: Overhand punch Run, then press B: Woman's running push attack Run, then press A+B: Woman's running push attack Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Woman's running push attack Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Woman's running push attack Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Piledriver B: Piledriver B+Left or Right: Piledriver B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Club to neck A: Club to neck A+Left or Right: Club to neck A+Down: Club to neck Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Forearm smash A+Left or Right: Forearm smash Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Suplex B+Left or Right: Suplex B+Down: Suplex A+Up: Headlock with punch A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Headlock with punch A+Down: Headlock with punch Back Strong Grapple: B: Sleeper hold B+Left or Right: Sleeper hold A: Sleeper hold A+Left or Right: Sleeper hold Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Figure 4 leg lock B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Rear naked choke A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Scissor sweep B: Short kick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Shoulder back toss A+Control Pad: Shoulder back toss B: Short kick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Eye rake on ropes Tap A+A: Eye rake on ropes Hold A+B: Superplex Hold A+A: Superplex Run+B: Woman's running push attack Run+A+B: Woman's running push attack B: Front kick B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Dives: Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Pulling piledriver Back: Back rake Top Rope, opponent standing: Flying body press Top Rope, opponent on mat: Double stomp Stolen Moves: Front: Pulling piledriver Back: Back rake Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Eye rake on ropes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Test Nickname: None Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown Hometown: Unknown Finisher: Pumphandle Powerslam Offensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 3 Arms: 3 Legs: 4 Flying Attack: 2 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 4 Arms: 2 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Elbow strike Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Chop Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Overhand punch Hold B+Control Pad: Big boot Hold A+B: Big dropkick Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running clothesline Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running jumping Yakuza kick Ducking attack: Rising clothesline Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Left or Right: Spinning neckbreaker B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Club to neck A: Elbow to back of head A+Left or Right: Elbow strike A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Test neck breaker B: Manhattan drop B+Left or Right: DDT B+Down: Kneeling powerbomb pin A+Up: Snake eyes A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Russian leg sweep A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Sideslam B+Left or Right: Sideslam A: School boy A+Left or Right: School boy Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Knee smash B: Elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Back toss A+Control Pad: Powerslam B: Counter kick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Sleeper hold A+Control Pad: Double handed choke lift B: Counter kick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Knee strikes Hold A+A: Foot choke Run+B: Running back elbow smash Run+A+B: Running clothesline B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Double axe handle Opponent On Mat: Elbow drop Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Elbow drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Diving powerbomb Back: Pump handle slam Ropes: Diving powerbomb Top Rope, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope, opponent on mat: Elbow drop Stolen Moves: Front: Diving powerbomb Back: Pump handle slam Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Knee strikes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: The Blue Meanie Nickname: None Height: 6'1" Weight: 350 lbs. Hometown: Pepperville Finisher: Meaniesault Offensive Attributes: Head: 3 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 4 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 1 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Slap Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Jumping front dropkick Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Spinning punch Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running clothesline Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Kitchen sink Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Headlock takedown B+Left or Right: Falling neckbreaker B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Head butt A: Overhand punch A+Left or Right: Snapmare A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Multiple headbutts B+Left or Right: Multiple headbutts A: Forearm smash A+Left or Right: Forearm smash Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Thrusting shoulderbreaker B: Manhattan drop B+Left or Right: Giant headbutt B+Down: Falling powerslam A+Up: Snake eyes A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Shoulder thrusts A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Atomic drop B+Left or Right: Atomic drop A: School boy A+Left or Right: School boy Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Face stretch A at feet: Knee smash B: Elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Mahistrol cradle A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Back toss A+Control Pad: Monkey toss B: Short kick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Back body flip A+Control Pad: Spinebuster B: Short kick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Tornado DDT Hold A+A: Foot choke Run+B: Running body avalanche Run+A+B: Running clothesline B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Double axe handle Opponent On Mat: Back elbow drop Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Double stomp Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Flowing DDT Back: Rolling clutch pin Ropes: Flowing DDT Top Rope, opponent standing: Front dropkick Top Rope, opponent on mat: Low speed back flip splash Stolen Moves: Front: Flowing DDT Back: Rolling clutch pin Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Tornado DDT Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: The Godfather Nickname: None Height: 6'6" Weight: 340 lbs. Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada Finisher: Pimp Drop Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 4 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 3 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 4 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Chop Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Low kick Hold B: Standing clothesline Hold B+Control Pad: Hook punch Hold A+B: Spinning sidekick Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Diving shoulder block Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running clothesline Ducking attack: Rising clothesline Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Headlock takedown B+Left or Right: Arm wrench and hook kick B+Down: Falling powerslam A+Up: Elbow to back of head A: Overhand punch A+Left or Right: Club to neck A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Abdominal stretch B+Left or Right: Abdominal stretch A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Stall suplex B: Manhattan drop B+Left or Right: Standing clothesline B+Down: Front powerslam A+Up: Snake eyes A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Spinning neckbreaker A+Down: Backslide pin Back Strong Grapple: B: Atomic drop B+Left or Right: Atomic drop A: School boy A+Left or Right: School boy Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Wishbone B: Jumping leg drop Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Shoulder back toss A+Control Pad: Monkey toss B: High flipping dropkick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Manhattan drop A+Control Pad: Powerslam B: High flipping dropkick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Knee strikes Hold A+A: Superplex Run+B: Running body avalanche Run+A+B: Running clothesline B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Double axe handle Opponent On Mat: Back elbow drop Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Knee drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Pimp drop Back: Reverse suplex Ropes: Pimp drop Top Rope, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope, opponent on mat: Back elbow drop Stolen Moves: Front: Pimp drop Back: Reverse suplex Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Superplex Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: The Undertaker Nicknames: The Phenom, The Lord of Darkness Height: 6'9" Weight: 328 lbs. Hometown: Death Valley Finisher: Tombstone Offensive Attributes: Head: 3 Body: 4 Arms: 3 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 3 Defensive Attributes: Head: 3 Body: 4 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Elbow strike Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Body punch Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Cheap shot to throat Hold B+Control Pad: Undertaker punch Hold A+B: Big boot Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Yakuza kick Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: X Pac flying lariat Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Left or Right: Arm wrench with hook kick B+Down: Russian leg sweep A+Up: Strong head butt A: Head butt A+Left or Right: Club to neck A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Chokeslam B: DDT B+Left or Right: Standing clothesline B+Down: Snap powerbomb A+Up: Snake eyes A: Shoulder thrusts A+Left or Right: Body press drop A+Down: Choke takedown Back Strong Grapple: B: Shin breaker B+Left or Right: Shin breaker A: Abdominal stretch A+Left or Right: Abdominal stretch Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Darkness pin A at feet: Side leg lock B: Hard elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Single crab B: Jumping leg drop Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Knee drop Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Monkey toss A+Control Pad: Back toss B: Back elbow Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Double handed choke lift A+Control Pad: Powerslam B: Back elbow Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Knee strikes Tap A+A: Eye rake on ropes Hold A+B: Undertaker walk on the rope Hold A+A: Foot choke Run+B: Jumping body splash Run+A+B: Running clothesline B: Front kick B+Control Pad: Back elbow strike Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Flying clothesline Opponent On Mat: Knee drop Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Knee drop Running to Floor (A): Diving body press Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Diving body press Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Tombstone piledriver Back: Reverse DDT Ropes: Chokeslam Top Rope, opponent standing: Flying clothesline Top Rope, opponent on mat: Knee drop Stolen Moves: Front: Tombstone piledriver Back: Reverse DDT Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Undertaker walk on the rope Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Thrasher Nickname: None Height: 6'2" Weight: 243 lbs. Hometown: Mt. Laurel, New Jersey Finisher: Stage Dive Offensive Attributes: Head: 3 Body: 2 Arms: 3 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 5 Defensive Attributes: Head: 3 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 4 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Chop Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Flipping dropkick Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Jumping roundhouse dropkick Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Diving shoulder block Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Thump Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: High flipping drop kick Ducking attack: High flipping dropkick Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Arm wrench and elbow smash B+Left or Right: Tiger scissors B+Down: Jawbreaker A+Up: Strong head butt A: Overhand punch A+Left or Right: Club to neck A+Down: Snapmare Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Hurracanrana pin B: Manhattan drop B+Left or Right: Thrusting shoulderbreaker B+Down: Powerbomb pin A+Up: Hopping rolling clutch pin A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Russian leg sweep A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Jumping heel kick B+Left or Right: Jumping heel kick A: School boy A+Left or Right: School boy Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Knee smash B: Jumping leg drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Mahistrol cradle A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Back toss A+Control Pad: Body press drop B: High flipping dropkick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Headscissor takedown A+Control Pad: Hurracanrana B: High flipping dropkick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: High kick Hold A+A: Frankensteiner Run+B: Thump Run+A+B: Running back elbow smash B: Chop B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Flying clothesline Opponent On Mat: Guillotine leg drop Dives: Standing By Ropes to Floor: Vaulting body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Body splash Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Suicide dive through ropes Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Running From Apron to Floor: Thump Special Attacks: Front: Jump swinging DDT Back: Rolling clutch pin Ropes: Jump swinging DDT Top Rope, opponent standing: Thump Top Rope, opponent on mat: Frog splash Stolen Moves: Front: Jump swinging DDT Back: Rolling clutch pin Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: High kick Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Tori Nickname: None Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown Hometown: Unknown Finisher: Unknown Offensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 2 Arms: 1 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 2 Defensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 1 Arms: 1 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 1 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Woman's slap Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Chop Tap B+Control Pad (far): Middle kick Hold B: P.M.S. left slap Hold B+Control Pad: P.M.S. right slap Hold A+B: Overhand punch Run, then press B: Woman's running push attack Run, then press A+B: Woman's running push attack Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Body attack Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Body attack Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Snap suplex B: Snap suplex B+Left or Right: Snap suplex B+Down: Snap suplex A+Up: Elbow strike A: Elbow strike A+Left or Right: Elbow strike A+Down: Elbow strike Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Forearm smash A+Left or Right: Forearm smash Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: DDT B: DDT B+Left or Right: DDT B+Down: DDT A+Up: Backslide pin A: Backslide pin A+Left or Right: Backslide pin A+Down: Backslide pin Back Strong Grapple: B: Sleeper hold B+Left or Right: Sleeper hold A: Sleeper hold A+Left or Right: Sleeper hold Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Figure 4 leg lock B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Rear naked choke A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Shoulder back toss A+Control Pad: Shoulder back toss B: Short kick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Powerslam A+Control Pad: Powerslam B: Short kick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Eye rake on ropes Tap A+A: Eye rake on ropes Hold A+B: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+A: Shoulder thrusts Run+B: Woman's running push attack Run+A+B: Body attack B: Front kick B+Control Pad: Middle kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Flying body press Opponent On Mat: Double stomp Dives: Standing By Ropes to Floor: Vaulting body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Flying body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Double stomp Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Running from Apron to Floor: Dropkick Special Attacks: Front: Pulling piledriver Back: Back rake Top Rope, opponent standing: Flying body press Top Rope, opponent on mat: Double stomp Stolen Moves: Front: Pulling piledriver Back: Back rake Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Eye rake on ropes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Val Venis Nickname: The Big Valbowski Height: 6'2" Weight: 244 lbs. Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada Finisher: Money Shot Offensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 3 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 4 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 4 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 3 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Chop Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Elbow strike Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Big dropkick Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Diving clothesline Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running high front kick Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running clothesline Ducking attack: Body tackle Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Suplex B: Rib breaker B+Left or Right: Double underhook suplex with knee strike B+Down: Russian leg sweep A+Up: Elbow to back of head A: Overhand punch A+Left or Right: Snapmare A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Pendulum back breaker B+Left or Right: Pendulum back breaker A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Stall suplex B: Manhattan drop B+Left or Right: DDT B+Down: Powerbomb pin A+Up: T-bone suplex A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Running knee strike A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: German suplex pin B+Left or Right: German suplex pin A: School boy A+Left or Right: School boy Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Venis grind and punch A at feet: Single leg crab B: Falling headbutt Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Knee stomp B: Hard elbow drop Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Back toss A+Control Pad: Scissor sweep B: Back kick middle Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Spinebuster A+Control Pad: Powerslam B: Back kick middle Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: 10 punch Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Knee strikes Hold A+A: Superplex Run+B: Running clothesline Run+A+B: Running body avalanche B: Front kick B+Control Pad: Chop Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Double axe handle Opponent On Mat: Body splash Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Knee drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Fisherman suplex Back: Blue thunder pin Ropes: Fisherman suplex Top Rope, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope, opponent on mat: Body splash Stolen Moves: Front: Fisherman suplex Back: Blue thunder pin Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Knee strikes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Vince McMahon Nickname: Vinnie Mac Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown Hometown: Greenwich, Connecticut Finisher: Mac Stunner Offensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 1 Arms: 1 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 1 Defensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 1 Arms: 1 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 1 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Elbow strike Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Slap Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Overhand punch Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Overhand punch Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running shoulder block Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Ducking attack: Low blow Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Piledriver B: Piledriver B+Left or Right: Piledriver B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Overhand punch A: Overhand punch A+Left or Right: Overhand punch A+Down: Overhand punch Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Forearm smash A+Left or Right: Forearm smash Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Small package B: Small package B+Left or Right: Small package B+Down: Small package A+Up: Headlock with punch A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Headlock with punch A+Down: Headlock with punch Back Strong Grapple: B: Sleeper hold B+Left or Right: Sleeper hold A: Sleeper hold A+Left or Right: Sleeper hold Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Headbutt to groin B: Elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Rear naked choke A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Scissor sweep A+Control Pad: Scissor sweep B: Back kick middle Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Shoulder back toss A+Control Pad: Shoulder back toss B: Back kick middle Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Eye rake on ropes Tap A+A: Eye rake on ropes Hold A+B: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+A: Shoulder thrusts Run+B: Running back elbow smash Run+A+B: Running clothesline B: Front kick B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Dives: Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Back elbow drop Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Mac Stunner Back: Back rake Ropes: Mac Stunner Top Rope, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope, opponent on mat: Back elbow drop Stolen Moves: Front: Mac Stunner Back: Back rake Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Eye rake on ropes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Viscera Nickname: None Height: 6'10" Weight: 568 lbs. Hometown: Unknown Finisher: Big Splash Offensive Attributes: Head: 3 Body: 5 Arms: 2 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 3 Defensive Attributes: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 4 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Hook punch Tap B (far): Front kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Slap Tap B+Control Pad (far): Front kick Hold B: Standing clothesline Hold B+Control Pad: Overhand punch Hold A+B: Mongolian chop Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Running back elbow smash Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: Running body avalanche Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Rolling wheel kick Ducking attack: Body tackle Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Drop suplex B: Headlock takedown B+Left or Right: Shoulder thrusts B+Down: Falling powerslam A+Up: Club to neck A: Strong head butt A+Left or Right: Headlock and punch A+Down: Scoop slam Back Weak Grapple: B: Forearm smash B+Left or Right: Forearm smash A: Sideslam A+Left or Right: Sideslam Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Double handed lifting chokehold B: Giant headbutt B+Left or Right: Strong sambo suplex B+Down: Choke takedown A+Up: Snake eyes A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Belly to back flip suplxe A+Down: Powerslam Back Strong Grapple: B: Atomic drop B+Left or Right: Atomic drop A: Surfboard stretch A+Left or Right: Surfboard stretch Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Choke hold A at feet: Knee smash B: Big splash Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Knee stomp B: Big splash Run+B: Running stomp Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running stomp Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Back toss A+Control Pad: Body press drop B: Short kick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Samoan drop A+Control Pad: Double handed choke lift B: Short kick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Eye rake on ropes Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Big thump Hold A+A: Foot choke Run+B: Running body avalanche Run+A+B: Running clothesline B: Front kick B+Control Pad: Front kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Dives: Running to Floor (A): Baseball slide Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Baseball slide Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Special Attacks: Front: Bearhug Back: Back side slam Ropes: Bearhug Top Rope, opponent standing: Double axe handle Top Rope, opponent on mat: Body splash Stolen Moves: Front: Bearhug Back: Back side slam Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Eye rake on ropes Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop --------------------------------------------------------- Name: X-Pac Nickname: None Height: 6'2" Weight: 212 lbs. Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota Finisher: X-Factor Offensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 4 Flying Attack: 5 Defensive Attributes: Head: 1 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 3 Flying Attack: 4 Striking Moves: Tap B (close): Elbow strike Tap B (far): Low kick Tap B+Control Pad (close): Hard chop Tap B+Control Pad (far): Spinning Crescent kick Hold B: Overhand punch Hold B+Control Pad: Xpac turn kick Hold A+B: Jump spinning back kick Run, then press B: Running shoulder block Run, then press A+B: Body attack Run, bounce off the ropes, then press B: X Pac flying lariat Run, bounce off the ropes, then press A+B: Running spinning wheel kick Ducking attack: X Pac chop Front Weak Grapple: B+Up: Snap suplex B: Headlock takedown B+Left or Right: Arm wrench with hook kick B+Down: Piledriver A+Up: Elbow strike A: Overhand punch A+Left or Right: Chop A+Down: Snapmare Back Weak Grapple: B: Jumping heel kick B+Left or Right: Jumping heel kick A: Back drop A+Left or Right: Back drop Front Strong Grapple: B+Up: Hurracanrana pin B: Jawbreaker B+Left or Right: Hopping rolling clutch pin B+Down: Alternating knee strikes A+Up: Head scissor takedown A: Headlock with punch A+Left or Right: Falling neckbreaker A+Down: Small package Back Strong Grapple: B: Rear naked choke with scissors B+Left or Right: Rear naked choke with scissors A: School boy A+Left or Right: School boy Opponent on Mat Face Up: A at head: Mounted position punching A at feet: Headbutt to groin B: Elbow drop Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Face Down: A at head: Sitting reverse armbar A at feet: Knee stomp B: Stomp Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Up: A: Sleeper hold B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Opponent on Mat Sitting Down: A: Camel clutch B: Hammer blow Run+B: Running elbow drop Whip Into Ropes From Weak Grapple: A: Monkey toss A+Control Pad: Shoulder back toss B: High flipping dropkick Whip Into Ropes From Strong Grapple: A: Headscissor takedown A+Control Pad: Tilt a whirl back breaker B: High flipping dropkick Opponent's Back In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: DX punching and taunt Tap A+A: Shoulder thrusts Hold A+B: Tornado DDT Hold A+A: Frankensteiner Run+B: High flipping drop kick Run+A+B: Running back elbow smash B: Extended jumping back kick B+Control Pad: Middle kick Opponent's Chest In Turnbuckle: Tap A+B: Forearm smash Tap A+A: Forearm smash Hold A+B: Super back drop Hold A+A: Super back drop Top Rope Attacks: Opponent Standing: Missile dropkick Opponent On Mat: Guillotine leg drop Dives: Standing By Ropes to Floor: Vaulting body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent standing: Flying body press Top Rope to Floor, opponent on floor: Knee drop Running to Floor (A): Suicide dive through ropes Running to Floor (A+Control Pad): Rope flip Apron to Floor: Dropping elbow Running from Apron to Floor: Dropkick Apron to inside the ring, opponent standing: Missile dropkick Apron to inside the ring, opponent on mat: Slingshot legdrop Special Attacks: Front: X factor Back: Spinning huracanrana pin Ropes: X factor Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Bronco buster Top Rope, opponent standing: Diving spinning wheel kick Top Rope, opponent on mat: Body splash Apron to inside the ring, opponent standing: Missile dropkick Stolen Moves: Front: X factor Back: Spinning huracanrana pin Opponent's Back in Turnbuckle: Bronco buster Opponent's Chest in Turnbuckle: Super back drop ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Edit-A-Wrestler ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bill Goldberg (by Masvega) Profile/Music: Name: Bill Goldberg Short Name: Goldberg Height: 6'3" Weight: 285 lbs. Music: Your choice Video: Your choice Appearance Edit: Attire: Body Size: 2 (0) Ring Attire: 0 (0) Tattoo: 2 Upper Body: 0 Entrance Attire: 0 Weapons/Props: 0 Head: Head: 1 (0) Face: 50 Hair 1: 0 Hair 2: 0 Facial Hair: 26 Masks/etc: 0 Equipment: Gloves: 1 (0) Wrist Band: 0 Elbow Pad L: 1 (0) Elbow Pad R: 1 (0) Knee Pad L: 1 (0) Knee Pad R: 1 (0) Feet: 1 (0,0) Moves: 1 13 2 2 3 5 4 1 5 19 (Favorite) 6 27 7 57 8 43 (Favorite) 9 43 (Favorite) 10 43 (Favorite) 11 43 (Favorite) 12 8 13 3 14 43 15 43 16 1 17 4 18 4 19 43 20 1 21 1 22 1 23 7 24 9 25 3 26 2 27 13 28 1 29 9 30 5 31 19 32 24 33 13 (Favorite) 34 62 35 108 36 83 37 78 38 14 (Favorite) 39 6 40 12 41 47 42 86 43 37 44 89 45 52 46 52 47 9 48 16 49 12 50 4 51 4 52 19 53 23 54 36 55 44 56 44 57 1 58 4 59 3 60 22 61 6 62 20 63 0 64 1 65 9 66 6 (Favorite) 67 15 68 0 69 16 70 1 71 1 72 1 73 1 74 0 75 3 76 2 77 2 78 2 79 2 80 2 81 4 82 4 83 8 84 1 85 1 86 1 87 2 88 1 89 13 90 7 91 11 92 4 93 4 94 1 95 10 96 25 97 5 98 5 99 31 100 44 101 5 102 5 103 0 104 0 105 0 106 0 107 0 108 0 109 1 110 1 111 0 112 0 113 0 114 0 115 2 116 0 117 0 118 0 119 0 120 0 121 31 122 1 123 18 124 50 125 50 126 70 127 76 128 16 129 6 130 8 131 11 132 70 133 1 Fighting Style: Stance: Wrestling Weight Class: Heavy Speed: Fast Counter/Reversals: Heavy Submission Skills: Normal Ring Entry: Normal Recovery Rate: Fast Bleeding: Normal Reaction to Blood: Agression Endurance: Strong Turnbuckle Climbing: Climbing Jumping Distance: Short Weapons Use: Never Specific Weapon: None Offensive Strength: Head: 3 Body: 4 Arms: 5 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 1 Defensive Strength: Head: 3 Body: 5 Arms: 3 Legs: 3 Flying Attack: 1 Ally/Enemy: Rival Superstar 1: Chris Jericho Rival Superstar 2: Jeff Jarrett Rival Superstar 3: Paul Wight ------------------------------------------- Billy Kidman (by Masvega) Profile/Music: Name: Billy Kidman Short Name: Kidman Height: 5'10" Weight: 195 lbs. Music: Whatever Video: Whatever Appearance Edit: Attire: Body Size: 0 (0) Ring Attire: 3 Tattoo: 0 Upper Body: 22 (2) Entrance Attire: 0 Weapons/Props: 0 Head: Head: 1 (0) Face: 42 Hair 1: 4 (0) Hair 2: 6 (0) Facial Hair: 0 Masks/etc: 0 Equipment: Gloves: 0 Wrist Band: 0 Elbow Pad L: 1 (0) Elbow Pad R: 1 (0) Knee Pad L: 1 (0) Knee Pad R: 1 (0) Feet: 1 (0,0) Moves: 1 2 2 5 3 1 4 5 5 44 6 21 (Favorite) 7 15 8 37 9 10 (Favorite) 10 38 11 22 12 3 13 6 14 22 15 10 16 3 17 4 18 3 19 10 20 2 21 1 22 9 23 9 24 10 25 2 26 11 27 12 28 18 29 1 30 3 31 16 32 24 33 5 34 60 35 114 (Favorite) 36 23 37 58 38 21 39 61 40 99 (Favorite) 41 88 42 115 43 66 44 77 45 51 (Favorite) 46 51 47 6 (Favorite) 48 1 49 2 50 3 51 46 52 46 53 12 (Favorite) 54 25 55 12 56 12 57 8 58 2 59 24 60 16 61 13 62 27 63 3 64 9 65 1 66 3 (Favorite) 67 8 68 0 69 13 70 1 71 1 72 2 73 2 74 0 75 4 76 1 77 1 78 2 79 0 80 1 81 2 82 3 83 8 84 1 85 1 86 2 87 2 88 3 89 16 90 4 91 2 92 1 93 3 94 1 95 16 96 25 97 2 98 2 99 7 100 44 101 2 102 2 103 8 104 8 105 15 106 13 107 18 (Favorite) 108 13 109 1 110 2 111 0 112 2 113 0 114 2 115 1 116 2 117 2 118 2 119 2 120 1 121 1 122 1 123 1 124 84 125 84 126 84 127 32 128 21 129 15 130 8 131 3 132 160 133 1 Fighting Style: Stance: Wrestling Weight Class: Light-Heavy Speed: Fast Counter/Reversals: Light-Heavy Submission Skills: Normal Ring Entry: Jump Recovery Rate: Fast Bleeding: Normal Reaction to Blood: Normal Endurance: Strong Turnbuckle Climbing: Climbing Jumping Distance: Longest Weapons Use: Rare Specific weapon: None Offensive Strength: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 5 Defensive Strength: Head: 2 Body: 4 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 4 Ally/Enemy: Whomever you wish ------------------------------------------- Booker T (by Masvega) Profile/Music: Name: Booker T Short Name: Booker T Height: 5'11" Weight: 250 lbs. Music: Doesn't matter Video: Doesn't matter Appearance Edit: Attire: Body Size: 0 (3) Ring Attire: 0 (0) Tattoo: 0 Upper Body: 0 Entrance Attire: 0 Weapons/Props: 0 Head: Head: 1 (3) Face: 20 Hair 1: 11 (0) Hair 2: 6 (0) Facial Hair: 8 Masks/etc: 0 Equipment: Gloves: 3 (0) Wristband: 0 Elbow Pad L: 0 Elbow Pad R: 0 Knee Pad L: 1 (0) Knee Pad R: 1 (0) Feet: 1 (0,0) Moves: 1 1 2 3 3 1 4 4 5 6 6 44 7 33 (Favorite) 8 37 9 22 10 34 (Favorite) 11 1 12 6 13 4 14 22 15 1 16 1 17 4 18 2 19 37 20 2 21 1 22 1 23 3 24 10 25 12 26 11 27 13 28 10 29 2 30 19 31 15 32 24 33 5 34 117 35 114 (Favorite) 36 83 (Favorite) 37 27 38 6 39 73 40 100 41 99 (Favorite) 42 88 43 110 44 94 (Favorite) 45 43 (Favorite) 46 43 47 16 48 16 49 9 50 9 51 51 52 51 53 46 54 46 55 16 56 16 57 3 58 4 59 16 60 3 61 20 62 27 (Favorite) 63 3 64 9 (Favorite) 65 1 66 15 67 8 68 0 69 18 70 1 71 1 72 2 73 2 74 0 75 4 76 2 77 1 78 2 79 2 80 2 81 1 82 2 83 8 84 1 85 1 86 1 87 1 88 1 89 16 (Favorite) 90 1 91 2 92 4 93 3 94 1 95 7 (Favorite) 96 25 97 2 98 5 99 41 100 44 101 5 102 5 103 8 104 13 (Favorite) 105 4 106 1 107 16 (Favorite) 108 1 109 1 110 1 111 0 112 0 113 0 114 0 115 2 116 0 117 0 118 0 119 0 120 0 121 1 122 1 123 1 124 51 125 51 126 51 127 51 128 6 129 8 130 2 131 7 132 51 133 1 Fighting Style: Stance: Wrestling Weight Class: Heavy Speed: Fast Counter/Reversals: Heavy Submission Skills: Normal Ring Entry: Normal Recovery Rate: Fast Bleeding: Normal Reaction to blood: Normal Endurance: Strong Turnbuckle Climbing: Climbing Jumping Distance: L:ong Weapons Use: Never Specific Weapon: None Offensive Strength: Head: 1 Body: 4 Arms: 2 Legs: 5 Flying Attack: 3 Defensive Strength: Head: 4 Body: 4 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Ally/Enemy: Rival Superstar 1: Chris Jericho ------------------------------------------- Buh Buh Ray Dudley (by Masvega) Profile/Music: Name: Buh Buh Ray Dudley Short Name: Buh Buh Height: 6'4" Weight: 325 lbs. Music: Doesn't matter Video: Doesn't matter Appearance Edit: Attire: Body Size: 4 (0) Ring Attire: 86 (0,0) Tattoo: 0 Upper Body: 57 (0) Entrance Attire: 0 Weapons/Props: 0 Head: Head: 0 (0) Face: 9 Hair 1: 8 (0) Hair 2: 0 (0) Facial Hair: 5 Masks/etc: 22 Equipment: Gloves: 0 Wrist Band: 1 (1) Elbow Pad L: 1 (1) Elbow Pad R: 1 (1) Knee Pad L: 0 Knee Pad R: 0 Feet: 0 (0,0) Moves: 1 5 2 3 3 1 4 5 5 24 6 26 (Favorite) 7 68 8 37 9 22 (Favorite) 10 20 11 15 12 6 13 3 14 37 15 22 16 1 17 4 18 2 19 37 20 2 21 1 22 1 23 5 24 4 25 12 26 15 27 5 28 21 29 10 30 15 31 9 32 24 33 5 34 90 35 114 36 88 (Favorite) 37 13 38 21 39 83 40 100 41 110 42 101 43 99 44 102 (Favorite) 45 69 46 69 47 4 48 4 49 9 50 9 51 46 52 46 53 45 54 45 55 11 56 11 57 5 58 5 59 3 60 6 61 27 62 20 63 15 64 9 65 1 66 18 67 19 68 8 69 29 70 1 71 1 72 2 73 2 74 0 75 4 76 2 77 1 78 2 79 0 80 2 81 1 82 4 83 2 84 1 85 3 86 1 87 2 88 1 89 3 90 1 91 5 92 4 93 3 94 1 95 4 96 16 97 2 98 5 99 14 100 13 101 2 102 5 103 4 104 4 105 4 106 3 107 3 108 3 109 1 110 1 111 0 112 0 113 0 114 3 115 2 116 0 117 0 118 0 119 0 120 0 121 27 122 1 123 1 124 162 125 162 126 162 127 74 128 8 129 15 130 2 131 11 132 162 133 1 Fighting Style: Stance: Wrestling Weight Class: Heavy Speed: Normal Counter/Reversals: Heavy Submission Skills: Normal Ring Entry: Normal Recovery Rate: Fast Bleeding: Often Reaction to Blood: Agression Endurance: Strong Turnbuckle Climbing: Climbing Jumping Distance: Normal Weapon Use: Often Specific weapon: None Offensive Strength: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 4 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 4 Defensive Strength: Head: 4 Body: 5 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Ally/Enemy: Rival Superstar 1: Jeff Hardy Rival Superstar 2: Matt Hardy Rival Superstar 3: Edge Accompanied by...: D-Von Dudley ---------------------------------------- Chris Benoit (by Masvega) Profile/Music: Name: Chris Benoit Short Name: Benoit Height: 5'10" Weight: 218 lbs. Music: Your choice Video: Your choice Appearance Edit: Attire: Body Size: 0 (0) Ring Attire: 77 (21,21) Tattoo: 0 Upper Body: 0 Entrance Attire: 0 Weapons/Props: 0 Head: Head: 1 (0) Face: 38 Hair 1: 3 (1) Hair 2: 6 (1) Facial Hair: 0 Masks/etc: 0 Equipment: Gloves: 0 Wrist Band: 1 (2) Elbow Pad L: 0 Elbow Pad R: 0 Knee Pad L: 0 Knee Pad R: 0 Feet: 1 (0,0) Moves: 1 2 2 8 3 1 4 5 5 44 (Favorite) 6 14 7 68 8 5 9 24 (Favorite) 10 2 11 15 12 1 13 6 14 23 15 37 16 1 17 4 18 4 19 37 20 2 21 1 22 6 23 7 24 6 25 12 26 15 27 2 28 13 29 1 30 3 31 15 32 24 33 5 34 110 35 114 (Favorite) 36 27 37 11 38 101 39 77 40 100 41 103 (Favorite) 42 8 43 102 44 34 45 193 46 193 47 4 48 2 49 9 50 14 51 46 52 1 53 12 54 7 (Favorite) 55 7 56 7 57 1 58 1 59 24 60 16 61 1 62 4 63 2 64 9 65 1 66 8 (Favorite) 67 15 68 8 69 8 70 1 71 1 72 2 73 2 74 0 75 4 76 1 77 1 78 2 79 0 80 2 81 1 82 4 83 7 84 1 85 1 86 1 87 2 88 2 89 13 90 2 (Favorite) 91 2 92 9 93 3 94 1 95 20 96 16 97 2 98 5 99 22 100 37 101 2 102 5 103 15 104 7 105 7 106 12 107 4 108 4 109 1 110 1 111 0 112 2 113 0 114 0 115 2 116 0 117 0 118 0 119 0 120 0 121 27 122 1 123 1 124 69 125 83 126 83 127 69 128 11 129 15 130 5 131 6 132 69 133 1 Fighting Style: Stance: Wrestling Weight Class: Light-Heavy Speed: Normal Counter/Reversals: Heavy Submission Skills: Expert Ring Entry: Normal Recovery Rate: Fast Bleeding: Rarely Reaction to Blood: Agression Endurance: Strong Turnbuckle Climbing: Climbing Jumping Distance: Long Weapons Use: Never Specific Weapon: None Offensive Strength: Head: 1 Body: 4 Arms: 4 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 4 Defensive Strength: Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 4 Legs: 3 Flying Attack: 4 Ally/Enemy: Rival Superstar 1: Hunter Hearst Helmsley ---------------------------------------- D-Von Dudley (by Masvega) Profile/Music: Name: D-Von Dudley Short Name: D-Von Height: 6'2" Weight: 260 lbs. Music: Your choice Video: Your choice Appearance Edit: Attire: Body Size: 2 (3) Ring Attire: 86 (0,0) Tattoo: 0 Upper Body: 16 (0) Entrance Attire: 0 Weapons/Props: 0 Head: Head: 0 (3) Face: 38 Hair 1: 11 (0) Hair 2: 0 (0) Facial Hair: 8 Masks/etc: 22 Equipment: Gloves: 0 Wrist Band: 1 (2) Elbow Pad L: 0 Elbow Pad R: 0 Knee Pad L: 0 Knee Pad R: 0 Feet: 0 (0,0) Moves: 1 1 2 3 3 1 4 5 5 58 6 44 (Favorite) 7 26 8 37 9 15 10 22 (Favorite) 11 1 12 6 13 1 14 22 15 37 16 1 17 4 18 4 19 37 20 2 21 1 22 1 23 5 24 11 25 12 26 6 27 14 28 13 29 28 30 10 31 5 32 24 33 5 34 97 (Favorite) 35 114 36 78 37 79 (Favorite) 38 110 39 21 40 55 41 27 42 83 43 59 44 47 45 69 46 69 47 4 48 4 49 9 50 9 51 46 52 46 53 41 54 41 55 11 56 11 57 3 58 5 59 3 60 23 61 20 62 5 63 3 64 9 65 1 66 19 67 18 (Favorite) 68 0 69 29 70 1 71 1 72 2 73 2 74 0 75 4 76 2 77 1 78 2 79 0 80 2 81 1 82 4 83 0 84 1 85 3 86 2 87 1 88 1 89 3 90 7 91 5 92 4 93 3 94 1 95 4 96 16 97 2 98 5 99 14 100 17 101 2 102 5 103 8 104 8 105 8 106 3 107 4 108 3 109 1 110 1 111 0 112 0 113 0 114 2 115 2 116 0 117 0 118 0 119 0 120 0 121 1 122 1 123 1 124 162 125 162 126 162 127 97 128 16 129 14 130 6 131 11 132 97 133 1 Fighting Style: Stance: Wrestling Weight Class: Heavy Speed: Normal Counter/Reversals: Heavy Submission Skills: Normal Ring Entry: Normal Recovery Rate: Fast Bleeding: Often Reaction to Blood: Agression Endurance: Strong Turnbuckle Climbing: Climbing Jumping Distance: Normal Weapons Use: Often Specific Weapon: None Offensive Strength: Head: 3 Body: 4 Arms: 4 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Defensive Strength: Head: 5 Body: 5 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 1 Ally/Enemy: Rival Superstar 1: Jeff Hardy Rival Superstar 2: Matt Hardy Rival Superstar 3: Christian Accompanied by...: Buh Buh Ray Dudley ---------------------------------------- Dean Malenko (by Masvega) Profile/Music: Name: Dean Malenko Short Name: Malenko Height: 5'9" Weight: 216 lbs. Music: Your choice Video: Your choice Appearance Edit: Attire: Body Size: 0 (0) Ring Attire: 0 (0) Tattoo: 0 Upper Body: 0 Entrance Attire: 0 Weapons/Props: 0 Head: Head: 1 (0) Face: 31 Hair 1: 2 (0) Hair 2: 3 (0) Facial Hair: 0 Masks/etc: 0 Equipment: Gloves: 0 Wrist Band: 1 (2) Elbow Pad L: 0 Elbow Pad R: 0 Knee Pad L: 2 (0) Knee Pad R: 2 (0) Feet: 1 (0,0) Moves: 1 2 2 5 3 1 4 7 5 15 6 44 (Favorite) 7 21 8 37 9 13 (Favorite) 10 22 11 1 12 1 13 6 14 1 15 13 16 3 17 4 18 3 19 1 20 2 21 1 22 9 23 6 24 8 25 12 26 2 27 13 28 8 29 5 30 15 31 12 32 24 33 5 34 60 35 114 36 64 37 73 38 110 39 7 40 102 41 27 42 8 43 103 44 33 (Favorite) 45 50 (Favorite) 46 50 47 4 (Favorite) 48 14 49 2 50 9 51 46 (Favorite) 52 27 53 12 54 4 55 46 56 46 57 8 58 1 59 24 60 16 61 30 62 2 63 3 64 9 65 1 66 8 67 15 68 0 69 18 70 1 71 1 72 2 73 2 74 0 75 4 76 1 77 1 78 2 79 0 80 1 81 2 82 4 83 7 84 1 85 1 86 1 87 2 88 3 89 12 90 1 91 16 (Favorite) 92 9 93 3 94 1 95 26 96 25 97 5 98 5 99 10 100 13 101 5 102 5 103 7 104 7 105 7 106 13 107 13 108 13 109 1 110 1 111 0 112 2 113 0 114 0 115 2 116 0 117 0 118 0 119 0 120 0 121 27 122 1 123 1 124 83 125 83 126 83 127 86 128 16 129 15 130 6 131 11 132 83 133 1 Fighting Style: Stance: Wrestling Weight Class: Light-Heavy Speed: Fast Counter/Reversals: Light-Heavy Submission Skills: Expert Ring Entry: Normal Recovery Rate: Normal Bleeding: Rarely Reaction to blood: Normal Endurance: Strong Turnbuckle climbing: Climbing Jumping Distance: Short Weapons use: Never Specific weapon: None Offensive Strength: Head: 1 Body: 4 Arms: 4 Legs: 4 Flying Attack: 2 Defensive Strength: Head: 4 Body: 1 Arms: 4 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 4 Ally/Enemy: Whomever you want ---------------------------------------- Duke Nukem (by Skatehawk13@cs.com) Name: Duke Nukem Short: Duke Nukem height: 6'2 weight: 200 lbs original bgm 2 no video body size 3 ring attire 23 color 24 no tattoo upper body 22 color 23 head 1 face 43 hair 1: 2 hair 2: 46 no facial hair masks 7 gloves 1 color 0 You can give him any moves u want but he MUST have strong lariat and ultimate punching. ---------------------------------------- Eddy Guerrero (by Masvega) Profile/Music: Name: Eddy Guerrero Short Name: Guerrero Height: 5'8" Weight: 221 lbs. Music: Your choice Video: Your choice Appearance Edit: Attire: Body Size: 0 (0) Ring Attire: 33 (21,6) Tattoo: 0 Upper Body: 0 Entrance Attire: 0 Weapons/Props: 0 Head: Head: 1 (0) Face: 38 Hair 1: 5 (0) Hair 2: 30 (0) Facial Hair: 15 Masks/etc: 0 Equipment: Gloves: 0 Wrist Band: 1 (2) Elbow Pad L: 0 Elbow Pad R: 0 Knee Pad L: 0 Knee Pad R: 0 Feet: 3 (0,2) Moves: 1 3 2 2 3 1 4 5 5 14 (Favorite) 6 44 7 66 8 37 9 2 10 22 (Favorite) 11 10 12 4 13 1 14 2 15 22 16 3 17 4 18 3 19 37 20 2 21 1 22 9 23 5 24 10 25 2 26 4 27 15 28 20 29 1 30 12 31 14 32 24 33 5 34 60 35 103 (Favorite) 36 61 37 115 38 88 39 100 40 77 41 10 42 65 43 107 (Favorite) 44 81 45 164 46 164 47 4 48 4 49 3 50 3 51 46 52 46 53 51 54 51 55 27 56 27 57 4 58 4 59 24 60 10 61 13 62 29 63 3 64 9 65 1 66 8 (Favorite) 67 18 68 20 (Favorite) 69 20 70 1 71 1 72 2 73 2 74 0 75 4 76 1 77 1 78 2 79 0 80 1 81 2 82 3 83 8 84 1 85 1 86 1 87 2 88 2 89 16 90 4 91 2 92 4 93 3 94 1 95 7 96 25 97 2 98 5 99 14 100 17 101 2 102 5 103 7 104 7 105 7 106 3 107 11 (Favorite) 108 3 109 1 110 2 111 0 112 2 113 0 114 0 115 2 116 0 117 0 118 1 119 0 120 0 121 1 122 1 123 1 124 68 125 68 126 68 127 74 128 6 129 16 130 6 131 11 132 68 133 1 Fighting Style: Stance: Wrestling Weight Class: Light-Heavy Speed: Fast Counter/Reversals: Light-Heavy Submission Skills: Expert Ring Entry: Jump Recovery Rate: Fast Bleeding: Normal Reaction to blood: Normal Endurance: Strong Turnbuckle Climbing: Climbing Jumping Distance: Long Weapons Use: Normal Specific Weapon: None Offensive Strength: Head: 2 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 3 Flying Attack: 5 Defensive Strength: Head: 3 Body: 3 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 4 Ally/Enemy: Whomever you want ---------------------------------------- Essa Rios/Lita (by ImpishDan@aol.com) Esse Rios: Short Name: Esse Rios Height 5'10" Weight: 195 Body Size: 0 (1) Ring Attire 52 (3, 16) Tattoo: 11 Head: 0 Face: 49 Hair1: 1(6) Hair2: 4 (6) Mask: 8 Elbow Pad Left: 1 (3) Elbow Pad Right: 1(3) Feet: 7 (0,3) Moves: 2 3 1 17 21 31 24 10 38 13 23 6 6 10 44 3 4 4 38 2 1 9 4 10 22 10 14 17 26 1 18 24 23 Fav 79 89 fav 117 66 fav 65 77 4 122 121 92 102 fav 26 fav 26 4 12 10 8 40 7 31 12 42 42 4 2 23 15 12 10 4 7 1 3 10 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 2 1 2 13 41 5 3 1 3 23 4 4 39 4 4 44 17 11 2 18 15 17 10 8 0 4 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 11 110 119 106 164 13 18 8 11 164 2 wrestling light fast light norm leap frog norm norm panic norm climb longest norm none Offensive: 2 3 2 3 5 Defensive: 2 3 2 3 5 Lita: Clone Ivory change deisgn to 6 (tori) make whole outfit red. Keep same moves as Esse Rios. Taunts 1-1 2-9 3-28 4-126 5-126 6-126 7-166 8-13 9-14 10-9 11-11 12-126 13-2 Wrestling Fast Normal Normal Panic Climb Normal Light Light Women Rare Normal Long None Offensive: 3 2 2 3 5 Defensive: 2 2 3 3 5 ---------------------------------------- Exterminator (by Skatehawk13@cs.com) Name:Exterminator Short:Gas Mask ( corny i know ) height: 7'11 weight: 221 lbs music: Original BGM 2 no video Body size:3 ring attire: 86 color 1:0 color 2:0 no tattoo upper body: 39 color 1: 0 color 2: 0 entrance attire:12 color 1: 0 color 2: 31 props:1 head:1 face 43 hair 1: 8 no hair 2 no facial hair masks: 31 gloves:1 color 1 and 2: 0 feet:13 color 1 and 2: 0 all other equipment: 0 You can make all moves what u want but u MUST give him Gigantic Powerbomb. ---------------------------------------- Great Sasuke (by Masvega) Profile/Music: Name: Great Sasuke Short Name: Sasuke Height: 5'8" Weight: 185 lbs. Music: Your choice Video: Your choice Appearance Edit: Attire: Body Size: 0 Ring Attire: 76 (0,0) Tattoo: 0 Upper Body: 0 Entrance Attire: 0 Weapons/Props: 0 Head: Head: 1 (0) Face: 50 Hair 1: 0 Hair 2: 0 Facial Hair: 0 Masks/etc: 31 Equipment: Gloves: 4 (0,0) Wrist Band: 0 Elbow Pad L: 0 Elbow Pad R: 0 Knee Pad L: 0 Knee Pad R: 0 Feet: 21 (0) Moves: 1 10 2 3 3 13 4 17 5 21 6 3 (Favorite) 7 25 8 10 9 38 10 46 (Favorite) 11 47 12 5 13 1 14 10 15 8 (Favorite) 16 3 17 6 18 3 19 8 20 3 21 2 22 9 23 4 24 10 25 2 26 2 27 1 28 13 29 1 30 3 31 12 32 18 33 5 34 37 35 103 36 79 (Favorite) 37 23 38 115 39 52 40 92 41 88 42 121 43 66 (Favorite) 44 81 45 96 (Favorite) 46 96 47 10 48 4 49 8 (Favorite) 50 20 51 7 (Favorite) 52 36 53 12 54 27 55 12 56 12 57 2 58 2 59 16 60 15 61 10 62 29 63 3 64 7 65 9 66 3 (Favorite) 67 8 68 2 (Favorite) 69 2 70 1 71 1 72 2 73 2 74 1 (Favorite) 75 1 76 1 77 1 78 1 79 2 80 1 81 2 82 3 83 8 84 1 85 4 86 2 87 1 88 2 89 10 90 4 (Favorite) 91 10 92 5 93 2 94 1 95 9 (Favorite) 96 16 97 4 98 4 99 16 100 40 101 5 102 4 103 13 (Favorite) 104 11 (Favorite) 105 7 (Favorite) 106 12 (Favorite) 107 2 (Favorite) 108 12 109 4 110 9 (Favorite) 111 1 112 4 (Favorite) 113 1 (Favorite) 114 3 115 1 116 3 117 2 118 2 119 2 120 2 (Favorite) 121 1 122 1 123 1 124 111 125 111 126 111 127 113 128 13 129 15 130 6 131 3 132 111 133 2 Fighting Style: Stance: Wrestling Weight Class: Light-Heavy Speed: Fast Counter/Reversals: Light-Heavy Submission Skills: Expert Ring Entry: Flip Over Recovery Rate: Fast Bleeding: Rarely Reaction to blood: Normal Endurance: Strong Turnbuckle Climbing: Jump Jumping Distance: Longest Weapons Use: Never Specific Weapon: None Offensive Strength: Head: 3 Body: 2 Arms: 1 Legs: 4 Flying Attack: 5 Defensive Strength: Head: 2 Body: 4 Arms: 2 Legs: 1 Flying Attack: 5 Ally/Enemy: Whomever you want ---------------------------------------- Hayabusa (by Masvega) Profile/Music: Name: Hayabusa Short Name: Hayabusa Height: 5'9" Weight: 195 lbs. Music: Your choice Video: Your choice Appearance Edit: Attire: Body Size: 0 (0) Ring Attire: 58 (0,0) Tattoo: 0 Upper Body: 0 Entrance Attire: 0 Weapons/Props: 0 Head: Head: 1 (0) Face: 17 Hair 1: 1 (0) Hair 2: 34 (0) Facial Hair: 0 Masks/etc: 31 Equipment: Gloves: 0 Wrist Band: 6 (3) Elbow Pad L: 0 Elbow Pad R: 0 Knee Pad L: 0 Knee Pad R: 0 Feet: 12 (0,0) Moves: 1 3 2 2 3 16 4 17 5 21 6 29 7 20 (Favorite) 8 34 9 10 10 38 (Favorite) 11 42 12 6 13 10 14 10 (Favorite) 15 38 16 3 17 3 18 4 19 38 20 3 21 1 22 9 23 2 24 10 25 2 26 2 27 12 28 10 29 1 30 26 31 18 32 24 33 37 34 23 35 103 (Favorite) 36 121 37 115 38 77 39 51 (Favorite) 40 100 41 102 42 87 43 66 44 41 (Favorite) 45 47 (Favorite) 46 47 47 1 48 1 49 10 50 10 51 46 52 46 53 12 54 12 55 12 56 12 57 8 58 2 59 23 60 10 (Favorite) 61 12 (Favorite) 62 1 63 3 64 7 65 2 66 3 (Favorite) 67 1 68 5 69 5 70 1 71 1 72 2 73 2 74 1 75 1 76 1 77 1 78 2 79 0 80 1 81 1 82 3 83 8 84 1 85 4 86 2 87 2 88 2 89 19 (Favorite) 90 4 91 16 92 2 93 3 94 1 95 3 96 9 97 4 98 4 99 24 100 44 101 5 102 2 103 8 104 3 (Favorite) 105 7 106 18 107 10 (Favorite) 108 2 109 2 (Favorite) 110 4 (Favorite) 111 1 112 3 (Favorite) 113 1 (Favorite) 114 0 115 1 (Favorite) 116 2 117 2 118 2 119 2 120 2 (Favorite) 121 1 122 1 123 1 124 78 125 78 126 78 127 113 128 13 129 15 130 6 131 11 132 131 133 2 Fighting Style: Stance: Martial Arts Weight Class: Light-Heavy Speed: Fast Counter/Reversals: Light-Heavy Submission Skills: Expert Ring Entry: Jump Recovery Rate: Fast Bleeding: Often Reaction to Blood: Aggression Endurance: Strong Turnbuckle Climbing: Jump Jumping Distance: Longest Weapons use: Often Specific Weapon: None Offensive Strength: Head: 1 Body: 3 Arms: 1 Legs: 5 Flying Attack: 5 Defensive Strength: Head: 2 Body: 4 Arms: 2 Legs: 3 Flying Attack: 4 Ally/Enemy: Whomever you want ---------------------------------------- Hellspawn and Ginger (by Russell Bloom) HELLSPAWN --------- long and short name:HELLSPAWN height:6'2 weight:267 lbs. music:brood video:kane body size:2 ring attire:23 color 23 upper body:18 color 23 entrance attire:1 head:1 face:43 hair 1:3 hair 2:6 facial hair:2 mask:8 elbow pad L:5 color 23 elbow pad R:5 color 23 feet:0 color 23,2 i don't feel like listing all his moves so her are his specials: front:dominator back:pump handle drop irish whip:body press 3/4 turn neck breaker apron:powerbomb to outside taunts (in order) ------ 33 1 20 17 36 18 35 3 4 8 2 11 2 rival superstar 1:HBK rival superstar 2:UNDERTAKER rival superstar 3:KANE accompanied by:ginger (below) GINGER ------ clone chyna and change her colors to 23 to match HELLSPAWN moves should be hellspawns as well taunts (in order) ------ 5 9 28 39 40 41 179 23 15 10 11 160 2 ---------------------------------------- Jinsei Shizaki/Hakushi (by Masvega) Profile/Music: Name: Jinsei Shinzaki Short Name: Shinzaki Height: 5'11" Weight: 231 lbs. Music: Your choice Video: Your choice Appearance Edit: Attire: Body Size: 0 (4) Ring Attire: 58 (2,2) Tattoo: 0 (Note: Use Tattoo: 24 if making Hakushi.) Upper Body: 0 Entrance Attire: 12 (2,2) Weapons/Props: 0 Head: Head: 1 (4) Face: 30 Hair 1: 0 Hair 2: 0 Facial Hair: 28 Masks/etc: 0 Equipment: Gloves: 5 (0) Wrist Band: 0 Elbow Pad L: 0 Elbow Pad R: 0 Knee Pad L: 0 Knee Pad R: 0 Feet: 21 (2) Moves: 1 2 2 4 3 13 4 14 5 14 6 57 7 53 (Favorite) 8 22 9 2 10 44 (Favorite) 11 5 12 10 13 5 14 22 15 2 16 3 17 6 18 1 19 44 20 3 21 1 22 2 23 8 24 3 25 1 26 2 27 15 28 15 29 1 30 3 31 15 32 24 33 22 34 1 35 116 (Favorite) 36 117 37 15 (Favorite) 38 55 39 66 40 115 41 27 42 20 43 94 44 102 45 154 46 154 47 4 48 16 49 1 (Favorite) 50 13 51 12 (Favorite) 52 28 53 26 54 45 55 11 56 11 57 4 58 4 60 16 61 13 62 28 63 0 64 9 65 7 66 9 67 8 68 22 69 22 70 1 71 1 72 2 73 2 74 0 75 4 76 1 77 2 78 2 79 2 80 1 81 3 82 4 83 0 84 1 85 1 86 2 87 2 88 2 89 16 90 1 91 3 92 9 93 3 94 1 95 15 96 8 97 4 98 4 99 36 100 9 101 4 102 4 103 13 104 2 105 13 106 4 107 4 108 4 109 2 110 9 111 0 112 2 113 1 114 0 115 3 116 1 117 3 118 0 119 3 120 2 121 1 122 8 123 1 124 118 125 118 126 118 127 69 128 11 129 16 130 4 131 11 132 118 133 2 Fighting Style: Stance: Martial Arts Weight Class: Heavy Speed: Fast Counter/Reversals: Martial Arts Submission Skills: Normal Ring Entry: Normal Recovery Rate: Fast Bleeding: Rarely Reaction to blood: Normal Endurance: Strong Turnbuckle Climbing: Climbing Jumping Distance: Longest Weapons use: Never Specific weapon: None Offensive Strength: Head: 1 Body: 2 Arms: 4 Legs: 4 Flying Attack: 4 Defensive Strength: Head: 1 Body: 2 Arms: 3 Legs: 4 Flying Attack: 3 Ally/Enemy: Rival Superstar 1: Bradshaw ------------------------------------- Johnny Ace (by Masvega) Profile/Music: Name: Johnny Ace Short Name: Ace Height: 6'3" Weight: 250 lbs. Music: Your choice Video: Your choice Appearance Edit: Attire: Body Size: 1 (0) Ring Attire: 0 (0) Tattoo: 0 Upper Body: 0 Entrance Attire: 0 Weapons/Props: 0 Head: Head: 1 (0) Face: 7 Hair 1: 1 (3) Hair 2: 7 (3) Facial Hair: 0 Masks/etc: 0 Equipment: Gloves: 0 Wrist Band: 0 Elbow Pad L: 0 Elbow Pad R: 0 Knee Pad L: 13 (1) Knee Pad R: 13 (1) Feet: 1 (2,1) Moves: 1 2 2 8 3 1 4 4 5 7 (Favorite) 6 14 7 29 8 37 9 32 (Favorite) 10 22 11 33 12 6 13 1 14 22 15 32 16 1 17 4 18 2 19 37 20 2 21 1 22 6 23 7 24 1 25 3 26 4 27 12 28 19 29 10 30 25 31 26 32 24 33 5 34 97 35 114 36 56 (Favorite) 37 27 38 86 39 77 40 100 41 15 (Favorite) 42 101 43 52 44 81 45 114 46 114 47 4 48 1 49 8 50 9 51 1 52 46 53 12 (Favorite) 54 24 55 4 56 4 57 4 58 4 59 24 60 16 61 1 62 14 63 15 64 9 65 1 66 8 67 6 (Favorite) 68 9 69 9 70 1 71 1 72 2 73 2 74 0 75 4 76 2 77 1 78 2 79 0 80 2 81 1 82 4 83 0 84 1 85 3 86 2 87 2 88 1 89 16 90 7 91 10 (Favorite) 92 4 93 3 94 1 95 26 96 16 97 2 98 5 99 42 100 44 101 2 102 5 103 8 104 13 105 8 106 15 107 15 108 13 109 1 110 1 111 0 112 2 113 0 114 0 115 2 116 0 117 0 118 0 119 0 120 0 121 1 122 1 123 1 124 164 125 156 126 156 127 75 128 17 129 14 130 6 131 12 132 164 133 1 Fighting Style: Stance: Wrestling Weight Class: Heavy Speed: Normal Counter/Reversals: Heavy Submission Skills: Expert Ring Entry: Normal Recovery Rate: Normal Bleeding: Rarely Reaction to Blood: Normal Endurance: Normal Turnbuckle Climbing: Climbing Jumping Distance: Normal Weapons Use: Never Specific Weapon: None Offensive Strength: Head: 2 Body: 4 Arms: 4 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Defensive Strength: Head: 3 Body: 2 Arms: 4 Legs: 3 Flying Attack: 2 Ally/Enemy: Whoever you want ------------------------------------- Kurt Angle (by Thder43@aol.com) Name:Kurt Angle Short Name: Kurt Height: 6' 2" Weight: 220 lbs. Music: anything Video: anything Body Size: 2 (0) Ring Attire: 44 (3) (4) Tattoo:0 Upper Body: 0 Weapons/Props: 1 Entrance Attire: 0 Head: 1 Face: 37 Hair 1: 2 Hair 2: 6 Feet:26 (2) (2) Elbow pad L&R: 2 (3) Kneepad L&R:2 Back Special Move: Rackpancake ------------------------------------- Lance Storm (by Masvega) Profile/Music: Name: Lance Storm Short Name: Storm Height: 5'11" Weight: 229 lbs. Music: Doesn't matter Video: Doesn't matter Appearance Edit: Attire: Body Size: 0 (0) Ring Attire: 77 (2,3) Tattoo: 0 Upper Body: 0 Entrance Attire: 0 Weapons/Props: 0 Head: Head: 1 (0) Face: 5 Hair 1: 2 (0) Hair 2: 5 (0) Facial Hair: 0 Masks/etc: 0 Equipment: Gloves: 0 Wrist Band: 1 (2) Elbow Pad L: 0 Elbow Pad R: 0 Knee Pad L: 13 (2) Knee Pad R: 13 (2) Feet: 12 (0,0) Moves: 1 2 2 3 3 1 4 6 5 21 6 57 (Favorite) 7 29 8 37 9 38 10 22 11 10 (Favorite) 12 1 13 6 14 37 15 22 16 3 17 4 18 2 19 10 20 1 21 1 22 9 (Favorite) 23 5 (Favorite) 24 9 25 12 26 4 27 5 28 13 29 16 30 1 31 2 32 24 33 60 34 6 (Favorite) 35 48 (Favorite) 36 61 37 27 38 35 39 100 40 8 41 102 42 77 43 81 44 124 (Favorite) 45 150 (Favorite) 46 150 47 2 48 2 49 8 50 8 51 46 52 46 53 51 54 51 55 27 56 27 57 4 58 4 59 16 60 24 61 10 (Favorite) 62 13 (Favorite) 63 3 64 9 65 1 66 8 67 20 68 20 (Favorite) 69 20 70 1 71 1 72 2 73 2 74 0 75 4 76 2 77 1 78 2 79 2 80 2 81 2 82 3 83 8 84 1 85 4 86 2 87 2 88 2 89 16 90 1 91 12 (Favorite) 92 9 (Favorite) 93 3 94 1 95 7 96 16 97 2 98 5 99 10 100 44 101 5 102 2 103 13 104 3 105 7 106 1 107 3 108 1 109 5 110 4 111 0 112 3 113 0 114 0 115 2 116 2 117 2 (Favorite) 118 0 119 2 (Favorite) 120 0 121 27 122 1 123 1 124 7 125 7 126 7 127 44 128 6 129 14 130 6 131 11 132 7 133 2 Fighting Style: Stance: Wrestling Weight Class: Light-Heavy Speed: Fast Counter/Reversals: Light-Heavy Submission Skills: Expert Ring Entry: Normal Recovery Rate: Normal Bleeding: Normal Reaction to Blood: Normal Endurance: Strong Turnbuckle Climbing: Climbing Jumping Distance: Long Weapons Use: Rare Specific Weapon: None Offensive Strength: Head: 2 Body: 4 Arms: 2 Legs: 4 Flying Attack: 3 Defensive Strength: Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 5 Flying Attack: 4 Ally/Enemy Whomever you want ------------------------------------- Lance Storm (by Adam Corkum) name: Lance Storm short name: Lance height: 6'0 weight:200lbs music/video doesn't matter appearance attire Body size 2 Ring attire 82(2,3) tatoo:0 upper Body 0 entrance attire 0 weapons/props 0 Head 1 face 38 hair1 2 or 3 doesn't matter (0) hair2 6(0) facial hair 0 masks/etc 0 all equipment 0 and feet 1 ------------------------------------- Mean Street Posse (by Aaron2284@aol.com) Joey Abs -------- Name: Joey Abs Short Name: Joey Abs Height: 6"5 Weight: 230-250 Music: Bossman Video: None Body Size: 2 Ring Attire: 27(Colors 2) Tatoo: 0 Upper Body: 39(Colors 4, 2) Ent. Attire: 0 Weapons: 0 Head: 1 Face: 43 Hair 1: 13 Hair 2: 6 Facial Hair: 13 Mask: 0 Gloves: 0 Wrist Band: 0 Elbow Pads: 0 Knee Pads: 0 Feet: 0 Pete Gas -------- Name: Pete Gas Short Name: Pete Gas Height: 5"8 Weight: 240-260 Music: Bossman Video: None Body Size: 3 Ring Attire: 27(Colors 2) Tatoo: 0 Upper Body: 39(Colors 24, 2) Ent. Attire: 0 Weapons: 0 Head: 2 Face: 9 Hair 1: 8 Hair 2: 0 Facial Hair: 0 Mask: 0 Gloves: 0 Wrist Band: 0 Elbow Pads: 0 Knee Pads: 0 Feet: 0 Rodney -------- Name: Rodney Short Name: Rodney Height: 5"10 Weight: 200-220 Music: Bossman Video: None Body Size: 0 Ring Attire: 27(Colors 2) Tatoo: 0 Upper Body: 39(Colors 16, 2) Ent. Attire: 0 Weapons: 0 Head: 1 Face: 37 Hair 1: 12(Colors 2) Hair 2: 6 Facial Hair: 0 Mask: 0 Gloves: 0 Wrist Band: 0 Elbow Pads: 0 Knee Pads: 0 Feet: 0 ------------------------------------- Mike Awesome/The Gladiator (by Masvega) Profile/Music: Name: Mike Awesome Short Name: Awesome Height: 6'6" Weight: 310 lbs. Music: Doesn't matter Video: Doesn't matter Appearance Edit: Attire: Body Size: 3 (1) Ring Attire: 0 (0) Tattoo: 0 Upper Body: 0 Entrance Attire: 0 Weapons/Props: 0 Head: Head: 1 (1) Face: 38 Hair 1: 5 (0) Hair 2: 6 (0) Facial Hair: 0 Masks/etc: 0 (Note: Use Masks/etc: 21 if making The Gladiator.) Equipment: Gloves: 0 Wrist Band: 1 (0) Elbow Pad L: 1 (0) Elbow Pad R: 0 Knee Pad L: 1 (0) Knee Pad R: 1 (0) Feet: 1 (0,0) Moves: 1 2 2 7 3 1 4 5 5 5 (Favorite) 6 13 7 68 8 22 9 37 10 5 (Favorite) 11 4 12 6 (Favorite) 13 2 14 4 (Favorite) 15 48 16 1 17 4 18 6 19 36 20 1 21 1 22 1 23 5 24 2 25 12 26 8 27 15 28 27 29 12 30 13 31 5 32 22 33 88 34 110 (Favorite) 35 87 36 12 37 13 38 103 39 46 40 81 41 47 42 91 43 102 (Favorite) 44 25 45 56 46 56 47 12 (Favorite) 48 4 49 5 50 16 51 4 (Favorite) 52 23 53 19 54 28 55 14 56 14 57 5 58 3 59 24 60 14 61 6 62 20 (Favorite) 63 3 64 9 65 6 66 8 67 11 (Favorite) 68 8 69 8 70 1 71 1 72 2 73 2 74 0 75 4 76 2 77 2 78 2 79 2 80 2 81 4 82 4 83 2 84 1 85 1 86 1 87 2 88 1 89 3 90 7 91 12 (Favorite) 92 9 93 3 94 1 95 7 96 16 97 5 98 5 99 14 100 17 101 5 102 5 103 15 104 8 105 8 106 4 107 11 108 4 109 2 110 5 111 0 112 2 113 0 114 0 115 2 116 0 117 3 118 0 119 3 120 0 121 15 122 8 123 15 124 54 125 7 126 160 127 74 128 18 129 14 130 10 131 9 132 74 133 1 Fighting Style: Stance: Normal Weight Class: Heavy Speed: Normal Counter/Reversals: Heavy Submission Skills: Normal Ring Entry: Jump Recovery Rate: Fast Bleeding: Normal Reaction to Blood: Normal Endurance: Strong Turnbuckle Climbing: Climbing Jumping Distance: Long Weapons Use: Often Specific Weapon: None Offensive Strength: Head: 2 Body: 4 Arms: 4 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 3 Defensive Strength: Head: 5 Body: 4 Arms: 2 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Ally/Enemy: Whoever you want ------------------------------------- Mitsuharu Misawa (by Masvega) Profile/Music: Name: Mitsuharu Misawa Short Name: Misawa Height: 5'11" Weight: 228 lbs. Music: Your choice Video: Your choice Appearance Edit: Attire: Body Size: 0 (4) Ring Attire: 9 (5,2) Tattoo: 0 Upper Body: 0 Entrance Attire: 0 Weapons/Props: 0 Head: Head: 0 (4) Face: 30 Hair 1: 4 (0) Hair 2: 0 (0) Facial Hair: 0 Masks/etc: 0 Equipment: Gloves: 0 Wrist Band: 0 Elbow Pad L: 0 Elbow Pad R: 0 Knee Pad L: 0 Knee Pad R: 0 Feet: 1 (2,2) Moves: 1 8 2 2 3 5 4 1 5 44 (Favorite) 6 14 7 64 8 37 9 2 10 25 11 31 (Favorite) 12 6 13 2 14 25 15 31 16 1 17 4 18 1 19 31 20 2 21 1 22 1 23 7 24 11 25 1 26 2 27 12 28 11 29 5 30 10 31 1 32 24 33 115 34 5 35 90 (Favorite) 36 8 37 37 38 22 39 78 40 100 41 66 42 65 43 121 44 34 (Favorite) 45 14 or 12 46 14 or 12 47 4 48 19 49 9 50 13 51 12 52 23 53 4 54 30 (Favorite) 55 46 56 46 57 3 58 4 59 16 60 24 61 29 62 12 63 3 64 1 65 9 66 8 67 15 68 0 69 18 70 1 71 1 72 2 73 2 74 0 75 4 76 1 77 2 78 2 79 0 80 2 81 2 82 3 83 3 84 1 85 2 86 2 87 1 88 2 89 16 90 5 91 15 92 5 93 3 94 1 95 23 96 7 97 4 98 4 99 13 100 40 101 4 102 5 103 8 104 8 105 8 106 1 107 11 108 1 109 3 110 1 111 0 112 2 113 0 114 0 115 2 116 0 117 0 118 0 119 0 120 1 121 27 122 1 123 15 124 160 125 61 126 167 127 167 128 7 129 15 130 9 131 11 132 160 133 1 Fighting Style: Stance: Wrestling Weight Class: Heavy Speed: Normal Counter/Reversals: Light-Heavy Submission Skills: Normal Ring Entry: Normal Recovery Rate: Fast Bleeding: Rarely Reaction to blood: Normal Endurance: Strong Turnbuckle Climbing: Climbing Jumping Distance: Long Weapons use: Never Specific weapon: None Offensive Strength: Head: 2 Body: 4 Arms: 4 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 3 Defensive Strength: Head: 1 Body: 4 Arms: 4 Legs: 4 Flying Attack: 2 Ally/Enemy: Whoever you want ------------------------------------- Perry Saturn (by Masvega) Profile/Music: Name: Perry Saturn Short Name: Saturn Height: 5'11" Weight: 235 lbs. Music: Your choice Video: Your choice Appearance Edit: Attire: Body Size: 0 (0) Ring Attire: 11 (9,0) Tattoo: 13 Upper Body: 0 Entrance Attire: 0 Weapons/Props: 0 Head: Head: 1 (0) Face: 20 Hair 1: 0 (0) Hair 2: 6 (0) Facial Hair: 23 Masks/etc: 0 Equipment: Gloves: 5 (0) Wrist Band: 0 Elbow Pad L: 0 Elbow Pad R: 0 Knee Pad L: 2 (0) Knee Pad R: 2 (0) Feet: 1 (2,1) Moves: 1 3 2 2 3 1 4 5 5 44 6 14 7 57 (Favorite) 8 37 9 20 10 25 (Favorite) 11 2 12 1 13 6 14 20 15 25 16 1 17 4 18 2 19 20 20 2 21 1 22 10 23 5 24 9 25 12 26 4 27 12 28 13 29 28 30 13 31 16 32 24 33 5 34 60 35 48 (Favorite) 36 117 37 15 38 13 39 123 40 100 41 11 42 27 43 110 44 118 (Favorite) 45 33 (Favorite) 46 33 47 4 48 4 49 9 50 9 51 46 52 46 53 44 54 44 55 46 56 46 57 8 58 4 59 24 60 16 61 4 62 6 (Favorite) 63 3 64 9 65 1 66 7 67 3 (Favorite) 68 0 69 13 70 1 71 1 72 2 73 2 74 0 75 4 76 2 77 1 78 2 79 0 80 2 81 2 82 4 83 0 84 1 85 4 86 1 87 1 88 1 89 16 90 3 (Favorite) 91 3 92 1 93 1 94 1 95 23 96 7 97 2 98 5 99 14 100 17 101 2 102 5 103 4 104 2 105 4 106 9 (Favorite) 107 12 (Favorite) 108 9 109 1 110 1 111 0 112 2 113 1 114 0 115 2 116 0 117 0 118 0 119 0 120 2 121 27 122 1 123 1 124 162 125 162 126 162 127 174 128 21 129 16 130 6 131 8 132 155 133 1 Fighting Style: Stance: Wrestling Weight Class: Heavy Speed: Normal Counter/Reversals: Heavy Submission Skills: Expert Ring Entry: Normal Recovery Rate: Fast Bleeding: Normal Reaction to Blood: Normal Endurance: Strong Turnbuckle Climbing: Climbing Jumping Distance: Normal Weapons Use: Often Specific Weapon: None Offensive Strength: Head: 2 Body: 4 Arms: 2 Legs: 4 Flying Attack: 3 Defensive Strength: Head: 4 Body: 4 Arms: 3 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Ally/Enemy: Whomever you want ------------------------------------- Raven (by Masvega) Profile/Music: Name: Raven Short Name: Raven Height: 6'1" Weight: 235 lbs. Music: Whatever Video: Whatever Appearance Edit: Attire: Body: 2 (0) Ring Attire: 3 Tattoo: 0 Upper Body: 54 Entrance Attire: 1 Weapons/Props: 0 Head: Head: 1 (0) Face: 24 Hair 1: 4 (0) Hair 2: 21 (0) Facial Hair: 28 Masks/etc: 0 Equipment: Gloves: 5 (0) Wrist Band: 0 Elbow Pad L: 0 Elbow Pad R: 0 Knee Pad L: 12 (0) Knee Pad R: 12 (0) Feet: 1 (0,0) Moves: 1 2 2 13 3 1 4 5 5 26 (Favorite) 6 14 7 68 8 37 9 22 (Favorite) 10 9 11 6 12 6 13 3 14 15 15 22 16 1 17 4 18 2 19 15 20 1 21 1 22 1 23 5 24 4 25 12 26 8 27 16 28 25 29 19 30 3 31 12 32 24 33 5 34 60 35 114 (Favorite) 36 117 37 56 38 100 39 90 (Favorite) 40 35 41 59 42 88 43 73 44 81 45 17 46 17 47 4 48 4 49 6 (Favorite) 50 6 (Favorite) 51 46 52 46 53 23 54 23 55 44 56 44 57 3 58 5 59 24 60 23 (Favorite) 61 22 62 20 63 3 64 9 65 1 66 8 67 5 (Favorite) 68 0 69 15 70 1 71 1 72 2 73 2 74 0 75 4 76 1 77 1 78 2 79 2 80 2 81 1 82 4 83 8 84 1 85 4 86 1 87 2 88 1 89 13 90 1 91 5 92 4 93 3 94 1 95 25 96 7 97 5 98 5 99 10 100 44 101 5 102 5 103 0 104 0 105 0 106 0 107 0 108 0 109 1 110 1 111 0 112 2 113 0 114 2 115 2 116 0 117 0 118 0 119 0 120 0 121 4 122 1 123 1 124 107 125 150 126 107 127 107 128 16 129 12 130 6 131 11 132 107 133 1 Fighting Style: Stance: Wrestling Weight Class: Heavy Speed: Normal Counter/Reversals: Heavy Submission Skills: Normal Ring Entry: Normal Recovery Rate: Fast Bleeding: Often Reaction to blood: Normal Endurance: Strong Turnbuckle Climbing: Climbing Jumping Distance: Normal Weapons Use: Often Specific weapon: None Offensive Strength: Head: 4 Body: 4 Arms: 4 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 1 Defensive Strength: Head: 5 Body: 3 Arms: 3 Legs: 2 Flying Attack: 2 Ally/Enemy: Rival Superstar 1: Cactus Jack ---------------------------------------- Rey Misterio Jr. (by Fredie) Name: Rey Mysterio Jr. Short name: Rey Jr. Height: 5'6" Weight: 165 lbs. Music: Dl'o (closest to his music) Video: none Body size: 0, color 2 Ring attire: 85, color 0 over 3 Tattoo: 2 Head: 0, color (I wonder) Face: 7 Hair 1: 2, color 3 Hair 2: 31, color 3 (duh!) Masks/etc: 12 ( it's chains, you Probably knew that already) Basic Moves: Cruiserweight moves, like hurracanrunas and moonsaults. That's Rey ---------------------------------------- Rikishi Phatu (by Erik) Height- 6'1'' Weight- 401 pounds Music- Too Cool Video- Too Cool Body size- 6 or 7(7 is better i think) and body color 2 Ring attire- either 1 or 2 no tatoo no upper body entrance attire- you could use 17 color 21 but it doesnt look that great. no weapons Head- 2 Face- 26 Hair 1- 13 color 3 or 2 doesnt matter Hair 2- 40 color 2 Facial hair-? Mask- 22 Gloves-0 Wrist bands- none Elbow pads L+R- 1 Knee pads L+R- 1 Boots-1 Finisher- Fire Thunder Driver Taunts- I dunno be creative ------------------------------------ Tazz (by Russell Bloom) short and long name:TAZZ height:??? weight:??? Music:Original BGM 2 video:Holly body size:2 color 2 ring attire:0 color 1 tattoo:11 upper body:22 color 1 weapons:1 head:0 face:50 hair 1:9 hair 2:6 facial hair:22 gloves:5 feet:1 (black and orange) moves ----- 1 7 2 6 3 7 4 4 5 1 6 11 7 42 8 11 9 5 10 2 11 16 12 9 13 9 14 48 15 43 16 3 17 4 18 6 19 39 20 2 21 1 22 8 23 9 24 10 25 12 26 11 27 16 28 1 29 26 30 9 31 11 32 30 33 10 34 11 35 35 36 39 37 87 38 118 39 14 40 76 41 112 42 103 43 94 44 52 45 18 46 18 47 6 48 4 49 7 50 3 51 6 52 9 53 13 54 22 55 4 56 1 57 12 58 3 59 4 60 27 61 7 62 14 63 3 64 1 65 6 66 8 67 7 68 6 69 6 70 2 71 2 72 2 73 2 74 4 75 4 76 1 77 2 78 2 79 2 80 2 81 4 82 4 83 1 84 1 85 3 86 2 87 2 88 3 89 14 90 5 91 2 92 6 93 2 94 1 95 12 96 10 97 5 98 2 99 14 100 19 101 5 102 2 103 4 104 4 105 4 106 5 107 4 108 6 109 1 110 1 111 0 112 2 113 0 114 3 115 2 116 2 117 3 118 2 119 3 120 1 121 1 122 8 123 1 124 59 125 147 126 155 127 120 128 5 129 12 130 10 131 11 132 86 133 1 fighting style -------------- stance:normal speed:fast submission skills:expert recovery rate:fast reaction to blood:agression turnbuckle climbing:climbing weapons use:often weight class:heavy counter:heavy ring entry:normal bleeding:rarely endurance:strong jumping distance:longest specific weapon:none offense ------- well i don't know since mine are maxed out to 5 each without using a gameshark but i suggest head:2 body:5 arms:5 legs:2 high flying:1 defense ------- same as offense but i sugest head:5 body:5 arms:2 legs:2 high flying:1 rival superstar 1:HOLLY rival superstar 2:none rival superstar 3:none accompanied by:none ------------------------------------ Telarana (by Bobby Vega) Profile/Music: Name: Telarana Short Name: Telarana Height: 5'10" Weight: 210 lbs. Music: D'Lo Video: none Appearance Edit: Attire: Body Size: 2 (1) Ring Attire: 86 (0,0) Tattoo: 17 Upper Body: 0 Entrance Attire: 0 Weapons/Props: 0 Head: Head: 0 (0) Face: 43 Hair 1: 2 (0) Hair 2: 34 (0) Facial Hair: 2 Masks/etc: 0 Equipment: Gloves: 0 Wrist Band: 1 (0) Elbow Pad L: 0 Elbow Pad R: 0 Knee Pad L: 0 Knee Pad R: 0 Feet: 8 (0,0) Moves: 1 13 2 3 3 6 4 17 5 17(favorite) 6 59 7 21 8 34 9 24(favorite) 10 2 11 43 12 1 13 2 14 8 15 12 16 3 17 4 18 5 19 3 20 3 21 1 22 3 23 8 24 8 25 12 26 10 27 13 28 12 29 26 30 18 31 24 32 30 33 122 34 27 35 103(Favorite) 36 123(Favorite) 37 66 38 49 39 92 40 65 41 33 42 94 43 108(favorite) 44 9 45 67 46 188 47 8 48 6(Favorite) 49 7 50 10 51 15 52 7 53 23 54 1 55 35 56 9 57 2 58 7 59 10 60 15(Favorite) 61 29 62 26 63 21 64 8 65 2 66 3 67 9 68 1 69 2 70 1 71 1 72 2 73 2 74 1 75 3 76 1 77 1 78 2 79 2 80 1 81 1 82 3 83 1 84 1 85 2 86 2 87 2 88 2 89 19 90 4 91 9 92 5 93 1 94 1 95 9 96 23 97 5 98 5 99 24 100 1 101 5 102 5 103 12 104 17 105 6 106 15 107 10 108 8 109 5 110 4 111 1 112 3 113 1 114 1 115 1 116 3 117 2 118 1 119 2 120 2 121 1 122 1 123 31 124 147 125 131 126 134 127 32 128 13 129 5 130 2 131 5 132 172 133 1 Fighting Style: Stance: Normal Weight Class: Light-Heavy Speed: Fast Counter/Reversals: Light-Heavy Submission Skills: Normal Ring Entry: Normal Recovery Rate: Fast Bleeding: Rarely Reaction to Blood: Normal Endurance: Strong Turnbuckle Climbing: Jump Jumping Distance: Longest Weapons Use: Normal Specific Weapon: None Offensive Strength: Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 4 Legs: 3 Flying Attack: 4 Defensive Strength: Head: 2 Body: 5 Arms: 3 Legs: 4 Flying Attack: 1 Ally/Enemy: Enemy 1- Jeff Hardy Enemy 2- Matt Hardy Enemy 3- The Godfather Accompanied by- Rey Mysterio Jr.(if created) ------------------------------------ The Terminator (by BigCox77) short: TRMNATOR h: 6'6" w: 245 music: Holly Body Size: 2 Attire: 39 (24, 6) Tatoo: 14 Upper Body: 0 Entrance attire: 18 (21) Head: 1 Face: 43 Hair 1: 2 Hair 2: 2 Facial Hair: 9 masks, etc: 25 Gloves: 6 wrist band: 3 Feet: 8 1-7 2-13 3-5 4-6 5-32 6-10 7-52 8-1 9-7 10-14 11-21 12-3 13-8 14-9 15-3 16-1 17-2 18-5 19-11 20-2 21-1 23-3 24-7 25-12 26-10 27-8 28-1 29-16 30-19 31-22 32-29 33-4 34-9 35-15 36-14 37-19 38-27 39-28 40-48 41-51 42-76 43-102 44-50 45-44 46-14 47-6 48-7 49-17 50-18 51-9 52-13 53-29 54-25 55-9 56-11 57-4 58-4 59-11 60-7 61-17 62-31 63-1 64-7 65-5 66-12 67-7 68-4 69-1 70-1 71-2 72-2 73-2 74-1 75-1 76-1 77-1 78-2 79-2 80-1 81-2 82-4 83-3 84-1 85-3 86-1 87-2 88-1 89-17 90-3 91-10 92-8 93-1 94-1 95-8 96-12 97-5 98-1 99-22 100-6 101-2 102-1 103-10 104-11 105-4 106-16 107-18 108-9 109-1 110-6 111-1 112-3 113-1 114-2 115-2 116-2 117-3 118-2 119-2 120-1 121-29 122-8 123-31 124-28 125-34 126-54 127-29 128-11 129-02 130-04 131-6 132-59 133-1 Stance: Shoot wres speed; fast submission: expert recovery: fast blood reaction: aggress weapons: often weight class: heavy couters;reversals: martial arts ring entry: jump bleeding: normal endur: strong jump: long weapon: none O-fense: D-Fense: Head: 3 3 body: 4 4 arms: 2 2 legs: 4 4 fly: 2 2 Rivals: U-taker, HHH, X-pac Accompanied by... IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO I'M ACCOMPANIED BY!!!!! THE ROCK --------------------------------- Vampiro (by Masvega) Profile/Music: Name: Vampiro Short Name: Vampiro Height: 6'2" Weight: 225 lbs. Music: Your choice Video: Your choice Appearance Edit: Attire: Body Size: 1 (0) Ring Attire: 77 (0,0) Tattoo: 25 Upper Body: 0 Entrance Attire: 0 Weapons/Props: 0 Head: Head: 1 (0) Face: 17 Hair 1: 2 (0) Hair 2: 43 (0) Facial Hair: 0 Masks/etc: 0 Equipment: Gloves: 0 Wrist Band: 1 (2) Elbow Pad L: 0 Elbow Pad R: 0 Knee Pad L: 0 Knee Pad R: 0 Feet: 1 (0,0) Moves: 1 2 2 1 3 1 4 6 5 54 6 57 7 36 (Favorite) 8 37 9 22 10 38 (Favorite) 11 35 12 6 13 1 14 22 15 35 16 1 17 3 18 4 19 37 20 3 21 1 22 2 23 4 24 9 25 12 26 13 27 2 (Favorite) 28 10 29 3 30 10 31 19 32 24 33 5 34 60 35 114 (Favorite) 36 79 37 83 38 6 39 21 40 102 41 94 42 110 43 8 44 81 (Favorite) 45 144 46 144 47 16 48 16 49 2 50 2 51 46 52 46 53 12 (Favorite) 54 12 (Favorite) 55 41 56 41 57 6 58 4 59 24 60 5 61 27 (Favorite) 62 20 63 3 64 9 65 1 66 8 (Favorite) 67 20 68 0 69 18 70 1 71 1 72 2 73 2 74 0 75 4 76 2 77 1 78 2 79 0 80 2 81 2 82 4 83 0 84 1 85 1 86 1 87 2 88 1 89 3 (Favorite) 90 7 91 6 92 4 93 3 94 1 95 16 96 25 97 2 98 5 99 24 100 9 101 2 102 5 103 3 104 3 105 15 106 1 107 1 108 1 109 1 110 1 111 0 112 2 113 0 114 0 115 2 116 0 117 0 118 0 119 0 120 0 121 1 122 1 123 1 124 69 125 100 126 125 127 69 128 27 129 15 130 5 131 11 132 100 133 1 Fighting Style: Stance: Wrestling Weight Class: Light-Heavy Speed: Fast Counter/Reversals: Heavy Submission Skills: Normal Ring Entry: Normal Recovery Rate: Normal Bleeding: Rarely Reaction to Blood: Normal Endurance: Normal Turnbuckle Climbing: Climbing Jumping Distance: Normal Weapons Use: Rare Specific Weapon: None Offensive Strength: Head: 1 Body: 4 Arms: 1 Legs: 5 Flying Attack: 3 Defensive Strength: Head: 2 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 5 Flying Attack: 4 Ally/Enemy: Anyone you want ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. Frequently Asked Questions ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q: How do you do moves from the second turnbuckle? A: With the opponent down, press the D-Pad toward the corner and press A. Q: Isn't Gangrel's finisher called the Implant DDT? A: No, although that's the name WWF Attitude gave it, the move is called the Impaler on WWF programming. Addition (2/15): Well, after all the mail I received informing me that Gangrel's DDT was infact called the Implant DDT, I was going to change it _but_ during last week's Raw and Smackdown, it was called the Impaler not once, not twice, but three times. So, it stays as it is. And yes, I am aware that Christian's finisher is called the Impaler as well. Q: How do you tie people up into the Tree of Woe? A: (doing best Dusty Rhodes impersonation) To tie people up to the Tree of Woe, use a strong grapple when your opponent's back is in the turnbuckle and press L. Q: In a cage match, how do you ram your opponent's head into the cage? A: Press C Right after a grapple. Q: How do you steal your opponent's move? A: Once your attitude is on "Special", do a strong grapple and then press A and B at the same time. Q: How do I make it so my opponent's chest is in the turnbuckle? A: An easy way to do this is to first whip your opponent into the corner. When is he is in the corner, go up to him and press L. You'll turn your opponent around and now his chest is in the turnbuckle. Q: How do I steal my opponent's taunt? A: Roll your Control Stick in a circle counterclockwise. Q: Is there an Inferno Match in the game? A: No. Q: Is there a Hell in the Cell Match in the game? A: No. Q: How do I make my wrestler come out to pyros? A: Make his/her music Original BGM1, Original BGM2 or Kane. Q: I've created a wrestler. When I use him, all he does is knee lifts. What's wrong? A: You haven't assigned him any moves. Go to the Moves portion of the edit-a- wrestler section and assign him some. Q: What do all the numbers you have under moves stand for? A: When you go to edit a wrestler, press A on Moves, and then A on Technique. The numbers on the left of the list are the numbers of the categories, and the numbers on the right are the numbers of the actual moves. For instance, for Billy Kidman, at category 107, move 18 should be used. Category 107 is the special from the top rope with your opponent on the mat, and move 18 is the shooting star press. Q: I heard if you beat RTW with the Undertaker, you'll unlock Owen Hart. Is that true? A: No. Q: What exactly is the Stolen Move? A: The stolen move is the move your opponent will steal if they press A+B while their attitude is at Special. Q: How do you do the diving taunt? A: Press the Control Stick just before you hit the ropes. Q: Is there a way to get any other match modes? A: Short of using a Gameshark, no. Q: Is there any way to stop Vince McMahon from stripping me of the World Title right before Wrestlemania? A: No. Win the Royal Rumble and you'll get a shot at the belt at Wrestlemania. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Contact Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Feel free to e-mail me at masvega@hotmail.com if you have any questions, comments or wrestler creations. But DO NOT ask me when I am going to update. I've answered when I'll update below. I WILL UPDATE WHEN I UPDATE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Disclaimer ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This guide is copyright 2000 Masvega. This is an unofficial guide. If you wish to distribute this, feel free to do so as long as it remains unaltered, you give me full credit and you notify me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'd like to thank: -THQ for publishing this game. -AKI for making this game. -Chris Jericho for being my paragon of virtue. -MxPx703@aol.com for some finishers. -XXXXpac1064@aol.com for some finishers. -Erik (erik55@kornfreak.com) for the Rikishi Phatu creation. -BigCox77 (BigCoX77@cs.com) for The Terminator creation. -Skatehawk13@cs.com for the Exterminator and Duke Nukem creations. -Fredie (fredie1@netzero.net) for the Rey Misterio Jr. creation. -ImpishDan@aol.com for the Essa Rios and Lita creations. -Thder43@aol.com for the Kurt Angle creation. -Bobby Vega (bobbyvega@hotmail.com) for the Telarana creation. -Ryan Corkum (phantom_896@hotmail.com) for the Lance Storm creation. -Russell Bloom (eminem_is_da_bomb_2000@yahoo.com) for some creations. -Aaron2284@aol.com for the Mean Street Posse creations.