WWF: WrestleMania 200 Character FAQ * Character FAQ - Shane McMahon v1.2 * Author - EMcClung * ************************************************* ***Table of Contents*** 1- Stats 2- Move List 3- In Closing... 4- Update History *1*Stats*************** Name - Shane McMahon Height - ??? Weight - ??? Finishers- X-Factor (Front) Bronco Buster (Turnbuckle) Rounding Splash (Opponent down off Turnbuckle) *2*Move List************* *Standing* A short - weak grapple A long - strong grapple > Weak Arm Striking B (short) - Slap B + direction - Body punch > Weak Leg Striking B (short) - Front kick B + direction - Front kick > Stong Arm Striking B (long) - Body hook punch B + direction - Overhand punch A + B - Flipping dropkick *Running* > Weak Running Attacks B or A + B (while running) - Running shoulder block > Stong Running Attacks B or A + B (while running) - Running back elbow smash *Opponent on Mat* B (face up) - elbow drop B (face down) - stomp Running (face up) - running elbow drop Running (face down) - running stomp A (face up near head) - mounted punchs A (face up near feet) - headbutt to groin A (face down near head) - rear naked choke A (face up near feet) - knee into mat *Front Grapple* > Front Weak Grapple A + anything - Overhand punch B + anything - Piledriver > Front Strong Grapple A + anything - Headlock w/ punch B + anything - Alternating knee strikes > Front Special Move Tap Control Stick - X-Factor *Back Grapple* > Back Weak Grapple A or B + anything - Forearm smash > Back Strong Grapple A or B + anything - Sleeper hold > Back Special Move Tap Control Stick - Back drop *Whip Grapple* > Weak Grapple A (long or short) - Scissor sweep > Strong Grapple A (long or short) - Shoulder back toss *Turnbuckle Grapple* > Weak Grapple A or B - Eye rake on ropes > Strong Grapple A or B - Shoulder thrusts Special - Bronco Buster *Top Rope* Opponent standing - Double Axe Handle Opponent down - Back Elbow Drop Opponent down (Special) - Rounding Splash *Special Attacks* when your Spirit Meter is flashing, tap the Control Stick. It will now be flashing "Special", then tie-up with a strong grapple: Front - X-Factor Rear - Back Drop Turnbuckle - Bronco Buster Top Rope (Opponent down) - Rounding Splash *3*In Closing************ It really doesn't matter to me if you right off my format, but just don't steal the FAQ content itself. If you want to post the content, please inform me and I'll give you an OK. Just as long as I know. This FAQ is copyrighted by Eric McClung (C) Any corrections, comments, or questions go to: darth_faygo@jedimail.net *4*Update History****** Last updated: September 3, 2000 - E-Mail address changed version 1.1