This Is A Bio And Movelist For.... ----------- |--------- |---------- ----------- | | | | | | | | | |------ |---------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--------- ----------| | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- For Wrestlemania 2000 For Nintendo 64 Version 1.0 By The Game ( Last Updated 1/15/00 Contents ------------------------ I. Intro II. Bio On Test III. Other US Games Test Has Appeared In VI. Move List V. FAQ VI. Thanks And Praise ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Intro Well hey, it's The Game and this is my first time ever to write facts so if theres any promblems or mistakes e-mail me at My friends at school were the first to get me into wrestling and iv'e only been watching it for about a year. ever since I got into wrestling I always liked HHH and DX. The raeson that I like HHH and DX was that they were never scared to take on anybody, but then again DX can be idiots sometimes with booking matches. My friend as you might know by reading his FAQ, his name is Undrtakr, was one of my friends that got me in wrestling the most. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Bio On Test Height: 6'6 Weight: 262 pounds Test Came To wrestling when a performing band came and performed for the World Wrestling Federation and since then Test has become one of the best young superstars to ever step into a ring. First Test came to the WWF and teamed up with Mr. Mcmahon and all of the corperation. But when Shane Mcmahon had control of the corperation Test went on his own for a while. While Test is one of the youngest superstars in the WWF, he almosts acts like a veteren. Test will have a great future in the WWF and has a chance to become a World Chamion. Unfortunately Test never won any Federation Titles, but as I told you he will one day become a champion. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Other US Games Test Has Appeared In Other games Test been in Wrestlemania 2000 (N64, Gameboy Color) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Finally The Movelist Turnbuckle attacks: ------------------- chop (B) fornt kick (B+D-Pad) Running Turnbuckle Attack ------------------------- running back elbow smash (C-Down+B) running clothesline (C-Down+A+B) Tree Of Woe Attack ------------------------ front kick (B) Weak Running Attacks ------------------------ running shoulder block (C-Down+B) running back elbow smash (C-Down+A+B) Strong Running Attacks ------------------------- running clothesline (C-Down+D-Pad+B) running jumping yakuza kick (C-Down+D-Pad+A+B) Weak Arm Striking ---------------------------- elbow strike (B) chop (B+D-Pad) Weak Leg Striking ---------------------------- front kick (B) front kick (B+D-Pad) Strong Attacks ---------------------------- overhead punch (B) bigboot (B+D-pad) big dropkick (A+B) Front Weak Turnbuckle Grapple ------------------------------ shoulder trusts (A) 10 punch (B) Front Strong Turnbuckle Grapple --------------------------------- foot choke (A) knee strikes (B) Front Special Turnbuckle Grapple --------------------------------- None Irish Whip Weak Grapple ------------------------- back toss (A) powerslam (A+D-Pad) Irish Whip Strong Grapple ------------------------- sleeper hold (A) double handed choke lift (A+D-Pad) Irish Whip Special Grapple --------------------------- special irish grapple (tap analog stick) Back Weak Grapple ------------------ back drop (A) back drop (A+D-Pad) forearm smash (B) forearm smash (B+D-Pad) Back Strong Grapple --------------------- school boy (A) school boy (A+D-Pad) side slam (B) side slam (B+D-Pad) Back Special Move ------------------ pump handle slam (tap analog stick) Front Weak Grapple ------------------- elbow to back of head (A) elbow strike (A+D-Right or D-Left) club to neck (A+D-Up) scoop slam (A+D-Down) arm wrench and elbow smash (B) spinning neckbreaker (B+D-Right or D-Left) suplex (B+D-Up) piledriver (B+D-Down) Front Strong Grapple --------------------- headlock with punch (A) russian leg sweep (A+D-Right or D-Left) snake eyes (A+D-Up) small package (A+D-Down) manhattan drop (B) ddt (B+D-Right or D-Left) test neckbreaker (B+D-Up) kneeling powerbomb pin (B+D-Down) Front Special Grapple ---------------------- diving powerbomb (tap analog stick) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Faqs I Will Update This Page When I Get Questions To Answer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Thanks And Praise --------------------- THQ/Jakks/Aki/Asmik-For Making Wrestlemania 2000 The Best Game Ever For Nintendo 64 World Wresling Federation Is The Best Federation Ever. Thats All From The Game But I'll Be Writing More. If Any Questions Or Corrections E-mail Me At This Text Copyright 2000, And Not To Be Used In Any Websites except for Gamefaqs, Or Mags Without permission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----