WWF Wrestlemania 2000 Character Guide for: _________ _ _ (___ ___) | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___ ___ _____ ____ | |___ ____ ___ | | | _ | | \ | _ | | ___| | _ | | ___| | \ | | | | | | | |\/ | _ | |___ | | | | | | _|_ | |\/ |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |____| |_| |_| |____| |_| Version 1.0 Date: 09/25/2001 Written By: Nomad Z 2000 System: Nintendo 64 E-Mail: joshuamccammon@hotmail.com ----------------- I. Thrasher's Bio ----------------- As one half of the Headbangers, Thrasher is the high-flyer of the heavy-metal tandem. Following the start of a singles career in the early 90s, the superstar helped train his tag team partner Mosh! Realizing they eventually clicked on all cylinders as a duo, the Headbangers eventually broke into the World Wrestling Federation in 1997, and pulled off a major victory at Wrestlemania 13 by winning a four-team elimination bout. Later that year, Mosh and Thrasher would realize their dream of claiming the WWF Tag Team Championship! In the months that followed, Thrasher joined his partner in capturing the NWA Tag Team gold as well as becoming the self-proclaimed "Tag Team Champions of the Universe." -------------------- II. Thrasher's Moves -------------------- ********** *STRIKING* ********** -Weak Attacks- B (Arm): Chop B+D-pad (Arm): Elbow Strike B (Leg): Front Kick 01 B+D-pad (Leg): Front Kick 05 -Strong Striking- B: Flipping Dropkick B+D-pad: Overhand Punch 01 A+B: Jumping Roundhouse Dropkick -Running Attacks- Down-C+[B]: Running Shoulder Block Down-C+[A+B]: Diving Shoulder Block D-Pad + Down-C + [B]: Thump D-pad + Down-C + [A+B]: High Flipping Dropkick -Turnbuckle Attacks- B: Chop D-Pad + B: Front Kick -Running Turnbuckle Attacks- Down-C + B: Thump Down-C + A + B: Running Back Elbow Smash -Corner Counter- Irish whip to Corner Counter: Sling Over Opponent -Tree of Woe Attacks- B: Front Kick D-Pad + B: Front Kick Down-C + B: Running Shoulder Block -Apron Attacks- To Inside: Knee Strike To Outside: Weak Kick -Irish Whip Attack- B: High Flipping Dropkick -Recovery Attack- Ducking Attack: High Flipping Dropkick -Double Team Attack- Double Team Attack: Doomsday Device Attack to outside: Doomsday Device Attack to ring: None *********** *GRAPPLING* *********** -Weak Front Grapple- A: Overhand Punch A+L/R: Club to Neck A+Up: Strong Headbutt A+Down: Snapmare B: Arm Wrench w/ Elbow Smash B+L/R: Tiger Scissors B+Up: Suplex B+Down: Jawbreaker -Strong Front Grapple- A: Headlock w/ Punch A+L/R: Russian Leg Sweep A+Up: Hopping Rolling Clutch Pin A+Down: Small Package B: Manhattan Drop B+L/R: Thrusting Shoulder Breaker B+Up: Hurracanrana Pin B+Down: Powerbomb Pin Special: Jump Swinging DDT Front Stolen Move (A+B): Jump Swinging DDT -Weak Rear Grapple- A: Back Drop A+D-pad: Back Drop B: Forearm Smash B+D-pad: Forearm Smash -Strong Rear Grapple- A: School Boy A+D-pad: School Boy B: Jumping Heel Kick B+D-pad: Jumping Heel Kick Special: Rolling Clutch Pin Back Stolen Move (A+B): Rolling Crutch Pin -Counter Grapple- Back Weak Grapple Counter: Grapple Back Strong Grapple Counter: Backflip -Irish Whip Grapple- Tap A (Weak): Back Toss Hold A (Weak): Body Press Drop Tap A (Strong): Headscissors Takedown Hold A (Strong): Hurracanrana Control Stick (Weak or Strong): Front Special Grapple -Front Turnbuckle Grapple- A (Weak): Shoulder Thrusts B (Weak): 10-Punch A (Strong): Frankensteiner B (Strong): High Kick Control Stick: None Stolen Turnbuckle Grapple: High Kick -Back Turnbuckle Grapple- A (Weak): Forearm Smash B (Weak): Forearm Smash A (Strong): Super Backdrop B (Strong): Super Backdrop Control Stick: None Stolen Back Turnbuckle Grapple: Super Backdrop -Counter Grapple- Front Counter: Throw Back Counter: Super Backdrop -Grapple to Apron- Weak Grapple: Club to Chest Strong Grapple: Suplex to Inside Special Grapple: None Counter Grapple: Suplex Reversal to Inside -Grapple from Apron- Grapple (Weak): Guillotine Grapple (Strong): Sunset Flip Over Ropes Grapple (Special): None Counter Grapple: Suplex Reverse -Double Team Grapple- Front Grapple: Double Suplex Back Grapple: Double Face Crusher Sandwich Grapple: Double Piledriver Counter Attack: Rollup Pinning Reversal ******** *GROUND* ******** -Submission- Upper Body Facing Up: Mounted Punches Upper Body Facing Down: Mahistrol Cradle Lower Body Facing Up: Knee Smash Lower Body Facing Down: Knee Stomp Sitting Up: Sleeper Hold Sitting Down: Camel Clutch -Ground Attacks- Facing Up: Jumping Leg Drop Facing Down: Stomp Running Facing Up: Running Elbow Drop Running Facing Down: Running Stomp Sitting Up: Hammer Blow Sitting Down: Hammer Blow ************* *HIGH FLYING* ************* -Turnbuckle 1- Standing Opponent: Flying Clothesline Standing Opponent (Special): Thump Standing Opponent to Outside: Double Axe Handle -Turnbuckle 2- Laying Opponent: Guillotine Leg Drop Laying Opponent (Special): Frog Splash Laying Opponent to Outside: Body Splash -To Outside of the Ring- Running Diving Attack to Outside Down-C + [A]: Baseball Slide Running Diving Attack to Outside Down-C + D-Pad + [A]: Suicide Dive Running Diving Taunt Control Stick: None Flying Attack to Outside A: Vaulting Body Press Flying Attack to Inside at Rope: None Flying Attack to Inside at Turnbuckle: Jumping Leg Drop Flying Attack from apron to Outside [A]: Dropping Elbow Running Flying Attack from Apron to Outside Down-C + [A]: Thump -Flying Body Attacks- Flying Attack to Ring Standing Opponent: None Flying Attack to Ring Laying Opponent: None Flying Attack to Ring Standing Opponent (Special): None -Rebound Flying Attacks- Rebound Flying Attack [A]: None ******** *TAUNTS* ******** Entry Way Taunt: None Walking Taunt: Generic Taunt Up: Taunt 076 Taunt Left: Taunt 076 Taunt Right: Taunt 076 Special Taunt: Taunt 030 Ducking Taunt: Taunt 011 Corner Taunt: Taunt 010 Turnbuckle Taunt: Taunt 008 Apron Taunt: Taunt 010 Celebration Taunt: Taunt 076 Evasion: Roll ---------------------------------------- III. Appearance/Fighting Style/Parameter ---------------------------------------- ************ *APPEARANCE* ************ Name: Thrasher Short Name: Thrasher Height: 6'2" Weight: 244 lbs. Music: Headbangers Video: Headbangers -Attire- Body Size: 3 Ring Attire: 80 Tattoo: 21 Upperbody: 0 Entrance Attire: 0 Weapons/Props: 0 -Head- Head: 4 Face: 32 Hair 1: 0 Hair 2: 0 Facial Hair: 23 Masks/Etc.: 15 -Equipment- Gloves: 0 Wristbands: 0 Elbow Pad L: 0 Elbow Pad R: 0 Knee Pad L: 2 Knee Pad R: 2 Feet: 0 **************** *FIGHTING STYLE* **************** Stance: Wrestling Speed: Fast Submission Skills: Expert Recovery Rate: Slow Reaction to Blood: Panic Turnbuckle Climbing: Climbing Weapon Use: Normal Weight Class: Light-Heavy Counters/Reversals: Light-Heavy Ring Entry: Normal Bleeding: Endurance: Weak Jumping Distance: Longest Specific Weapon: None *********** *PARAMETER* *********** -Offense- Head: 3 Body: 2 Arms: 3 Legs: 1 Flying: 5 -Defense- Head: 3 Body: 2 Arms: 2 Legs: 1 Flying: 4 ************** *ALLYS/ENEMYS* ************** 50%: None 30%: None 20%: None Ally: None ------------------------------------ IV. Credit and Copyright Information ------------------------------------ This was an original work by Nomad Z 2000. Please do not use this on your website unless you ask me. If you ask me, and give full credit, and don't alter this document in any way, I will let you use it. If you want to use the format for your own Character Guides, please give proper credit. Thanks. End of FAQ