================================== Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster 4 Complete Guide v0.3 For the Gameboy Color Handheld ================================== -------------------------------- DISCLAIMER & LEGAL MUMBO JUMBO -------------------------------- This Guide Was Created By The GameFAQs member TheMegamanX. This guide is Copyright 2001-10 by A. Capone-Langan. For questions, please send an e-mail to ParallaxFallout at gmail dot com. This guide should always be found at the following gaming websites: http://www.gamefaqs.com and their associates. This guide has been distributed to GameFAQS.com by the author and is under no circumstances allowed to be redistributed onto another non-affiliated website without permission from the author. Those who wish to redistribute this may contact me beforehand. Once given permission, you may distribute it with all credits to the original author. You may not alter the guide in any way. Take note that this guide may be subject to change and will be changed if needed. Those who have redistributed this guide must contact the author again if they wish to update the guide on their site. Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 4 is copyright Konami 1999. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ============================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------- 1. Introduction.......................................................[*INTRO] 2. Gameplay Basics....................................................[*GBAS0] - Starting a Game....................................................[*GBAS1] - Main Menu..........................................................[*GBAS2] - In-Game Controls...................................................[*GBAS3] 3. Campaign Walkthrough...............................................[*CAMP0] - Area 1.............................................................[*CAMP1] 4. Card List and Card Codes...........................................[*CRDCD] 5. FAQ................................................................[*FAQST] 6. Extra Codes........................................................[*EXTCD] 7. Version History....................................................[*VERSH] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ============================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Introduction and Backround Information -------------------------------------------------------------------- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 4 is the fifth Duel MonsterS game by Konami. This is the fourth Yu-Gi-Oh! title for the Gameboy Color system and the eighth title out of roughly forty-four for all systems. Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters is based on one of the many games featured in the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga. The basic game plays a little like Magic: the Gathering with attacking the opponent to drain down their life points and how the basic attacking with monsters works. Each player has a deck limited to 40 cards. No more and no less. Each card has a number of points which it uses. One might take 15 points while another 200. You have a maximum number of points as well to limit which cards you can play with. Each player takes his/her turn by setting out one monster card out of five cards in the players hand. There are also Magic and Trap cards which can be played as well. You attack each other until one player loses the 8000LP (Life points) given to them at the start of the battle. I'd like to point out that Yu-Gi-Oh! Dungeon stole my original introduction that I posted on GameFAQs. The damn intro was word for word. I mean, they had the typo I even had and the incorrect info I had as I originally played the game. It's pretty sad. If anyone has their contact information, please pass it along so I may finally have them remove my stolen work. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ============================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -------------------- 2. Gameplay Basics -------------------- [*GBAS0] --------------------- | Starting the Game | --------------------- [*GBAS1] At the title screen you have two options to choose from: New Game * Continue Start: ------ Starts a new game. If you have a game already started, it will ask if you would like to start a new one. Continue: --------- This option will continue the game that you have saved. There is only one save slot for the game. When loading up your game, it should take you directly to the main menu. (See 3b for main menu.) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ============================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------- | Main Menu | ------------- [*GBAS2] Once you've started a game you'll be taken to the main menus with five menus. The order I have them listed are if you were to press down on the Directional Pad to access the menus. This is what you will see displayed on your screen. This is the translated version. Obviously. Campaign * * Trade Competition * * Results Password * ============================================================================== Campaign: ---------- This menu takes you to your opponents for battle. This is where playing the game takes place as does earning more cards. Select a person and they'll talk about something. Once they have finished talking, you will be given another menu. The submenu has three choices: 1) Bag 2) Deck 3) Battle =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bag: ---- The bag contains all the cards you have won after each duel with an opponent. Cards obtained from trades will also go into your bag as will cards obtained by using the card codes. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Deck: ----- The deck option shows which cards are in your deck. Upon selecting this option you'll be taken to a screen which looks like this: Deck 300/500 1/8 ------------------------ >475 Killer Snake 475 Killer Snake 504 Hell Plant 9 Skull 549 Frog Slime ________________________ | Details | | Remove | |_______________________| * The 300/500 is the number of current / maximum points you may have in your deck. Each card costs a certain number of points depending on how strong that card is or their rarity. The game will not allow you to go beyond that limit given to you at any time. You may increase your maximum total by beating opponents in duels. * The 1/8 is just the number "page" you're on. There are 8 "pages" of cards with 5 cards on each page at one time. * Each page will show 5 cards at one time. Each card will be displayed with their card number and their name. * Details will show the cards details. The details will show the cards name, rarity, card number, cost of points (see above), attack points, defense points, main type, secondary type, card picture, and a short description of the card. * Remove will remove the card from your deck. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Battle: ------- Battle will start the duel between the opponent you had selected previously. ============================================================================== Competition: ------------ Lets you battle a friend if you have a game link cable. The submenu for Competition has three choices: A) Bag B) Deck C) How much life you start with (Not sure) ============================================================================== Password: --------- Enter your card codes here. Card codes let you unlock the card which you own in the game. That way you can play with your deck at home to a certain extent. ============================================================================== Results: -------- Lets you view your progress in the game. This menu allows you to view a number of things such as how many times you've won or lost to a certain opponent in the game. ============================================================================== Trade: ------ Allows you to trade your cards from all four of the Gameboy Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters games. Yes that means Duel Monsters for GB and all three versions of Duel Monsters 4. This will not work for any of the Gameboy Advanced games. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ============================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -------------------- | In-Game Controls | -------------------- [*GBAS3] Once you select a person to battle against and have taken care of any modifications to your deck, select the bottom menu of the three given. As you start the battle, who takes the first turn is randomly decided. The basic layout for the game board is like this: ______________________________________________________ | Enemy Life Points | Trap Card Area | Opponents Hand | |___________________|________________|_________________| | Opponent's "Field" | |______________________________________________________| | Battle Arena | | |______________| | | (Cards Name) | | |--------------| | | Attack Value | | | Defense Val. | Selected Card Picture | |--------------| | | (Card Type) | | |--------------| | | Card Rarity | | |______________|_______________________________________| | Your Life Points | Trap Card Area | Your Hand | |___________________|________________|_________________| ============================================================================== The basic controls are as follows: A: - Selects a card to be played. - Brings up the menu for a monster card in play. The menus for this has four choices: Attack Sacrafice Defense Effect or Ability Attack: ------- Lets you attack your opponent to try and defeat him. If your opponent has monster cards out you must select a monster card to attack. Also keeps your monster straight so that it will be using it's attack value to fend off attacking monsters. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sacrafice: ---------- Sacrafices a monster for stronger creatures. Example: You have card 35 - Black Magician. You select him with A, but you get a message with a number. That number which you see is the number of creatures you must sacrafice in order to bring out that creature card. Select a card from your hand and choose the sacrafice option to sacrafice it for the displayed number. Once enough monster cards have been sacraficed, then the card can be summoned to the field. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Defense: -------- Turns your card on its side which uses your cards defensive value to fend off attacking monsters. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Effect or Ability: -------- This is used to activate a creatures special ability if it has one. You can only do this on the turn which the card is put into play. So, you must summon a monster to the field and then select this option to use a cards effect all in the same turn. ============================================================================== B: - Cancels selected card (Before being played) - Brings up a menu of three options and displays how many cards are left in each deck. The menus for this has four choices: Details (Of selected card) Discard (Selected card) End Turn Details: ---------- Brings up a window displaying card name, card number, number of points it uses when in your deck, offense and defense stats, description of the card, and ability. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Discard: ------------------- Puts selected creature card into your graveyard (discard pile). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= End Turn: --------- Ends your turn so your opponent may take their turn. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ============================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------- 3. Campaign Walkthrough ------------------------- [*CAMP0] Campaign mode allows you to duel with characters like Jounouchi, Kaiba, and Espa Roba. You are rewarded with one card and one card part when you win a duel. However, you will not lose a card if you are defeated in a duel. There are a number of locations where duels are fought. You gain access to other areas by defeating each duelist five times or more in a given area. ============================================================================== ---------- | Area 1 | ---------- [*CAMP1] Ryota Kajiki * Shimon Muran Roba Esper * Ryuzaki * Haga Insecter =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ============================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ----------------------------- 4. Card List and Card Codes ----------------------------- [*CRDCD] -------------------------------------------------- | Number | Card Name | Card Code | |--------|---------------------------|-----------| | 1 | Blue Eyes White Dragon | 89631139 | | 2 | Holy Elf | 15025844 | | 3 | | 76184692 | | 4 | Baby Dragon | 88819587 | | 5 | | 15303296 | | 6 | | 41392891 | | 7 | Fort Protect Pterodactyl | 87796900 | | 8 | | 14181608 | | 9 | Shadow Skull | 40575313 | | 10 | Dragon of Darkness | 87564352 | | 11 | | 13069066 | | 12 | | 40453765 | | 13 | Sea Bream Horse | 72842870 | | 14 | | 18246479 | | 15 | Knight of Flame | 45231177 | | 16 | Time Magician | 71625222 | | 17 | Sealed Exodia's Right Leg | 08124921 | | 18 | Sealed Exodia's Left Leg | 44519536 | | 19 | Sealed Exodia's Right Arm | 70903634 | | 20 | Sealed Exodia's Left Arm | 07902349 | | 21 | Sealed Exodia | 33396948 | | 22 | Summon Demon | 70781052 | | 23 | | 06285791 | | 24 | White Skeleton | 32274490 | | 25 | Harlot | 69669405 | | 26 | | 05053103 | | 27 | | 32452818 | | 28 | | 68846917 | | 29 | Mountain Warrior | 04931562 | | 30 | Undead Warrior | 31339260 | | 31 | | 67724379 | | 32 | | 94119974 | | 33 | Judge | 30113682 | | 34 | | 66602787 | | 35 | Black Magician | 46986414 | | 36 | | 29491031 | | 37 | Dragon Knight Gaia | 66889139 | | 38 | Dark Knight Gaia | 06368038 | | 39 | Curse of Dragon | 28279543 | | 40 | | 55763552 | | 41 | Knight of Elf | 91152256 | | 42 | | 28546905 | | 43 | | 54541900 | | 44 | Holy Doll | 91939608 | | 45 | | 27324313 | | 46 | | 53829412 | | 47 | | 80813021 | | 48 | | 26202165 | | 49 | | 53606874 | | 50 | | 89091579 | | 51 | Armored Lizard | 15480588 | | 52 | | 52584282 | | 53 | | 88979991 | | 54 | | 15367030 | | 55 | | 41762634 | | 56 | | 87756343 | | 57 | | 14141448 | | 58 | | 40640057 | | 59 | Mammoth's Graveyard | 40374923 | | 60 | | 13429800 | | 61 | | 49417509 | | 62 | Harpy Lady | 76812113 | | 63 | Harpy Lady Triplet | 12206212 | | 64 | Tiger Axe | 49791927 | | 65 | Silver Wolf | 90357090 | | 66 | | 01184620 | | 67 | | 48579379 | | 68 | | 14977074 | | 69 | | 41462083 | | 70 | | 77456781 | | 71 | | 14851496 | | 72 | | 40240595 | | 73 | | 76634149 | | 74 | Giant Rock Soldier | 13039848 | | 75 | | 49127943 | | 76 | | 76512652 | | 77 | | 02906250 | | 78 | | 48305365 | | 79 | | 75390004 | | 80 | Tyrannosaur Rex | 01784619 | | 81 | | 38289717 | | 82 | Red Eyes Black Dragon | 74677422 | | 83 | | 00062121 | | 84 | | 33066139 | | 85 | | 69455834 | | 86 | | 06840573 | | 87 | | 32344688 | | 88 | | 68339286 | | 89 | | 95727991 | | 90 | Goddess of Reverse | 31122090 | | 91 | | 68516705 | | 92 | | 94905343 | | 93 | | 30090452 | | 94 | Land Crawl Dragon | 67494157 | | 95 | | 93889755 | | 96 | | 20277860 | | 97 | | 66672569 | | 98 | | 92667214 | | 99 | Pumpkin King | 29155212 | | 100 | | 55550921 | | 101 | | 92944626 | | 102 | Dark Mask | 28933734 | | 103 | | 55337339 | | 104 | Black Magic's Curtain | 22026707 | | 105 | | 46457856 | | 106 | | 54615781 | | 107 | Shadow Fighter | 80600490 | | 108 | | 27094595 | | 109 | | 53493204 | | 110 | | 89987208 | | 111 | | 16972957 | | 112 | | 52367652 | | 113 | Dark Grey | 09159938 | | 114 | | 15150365 | | 115 | Chaos Wizard | 41544074 | | 116 | | 88643173 | | 117 | | 14037717 | | 118 | | 41422426 | | 119 | | 77827521 | | 120 | | 13215230 | | 121 | Sleeping Lion | 40200834 | | 122 | Yamatan Dragon | 76704943 | | 123 | | 13193642 | | 124 | | 49587396 | | 125 | | 75582395 | | 126 | | 02971090 | | 127 | Assassin | 48365709 | | 128 | | 75850803 | | 129 | Sleeping Child | 90963488 | | 130 | | 37243151 | | 131 | | 74637266 | | 132 | | 00032864 | | 133 | Flame Knight | 37421579 | | 134 | | 63515678 | | 135 | Wrist of the Dead | 52800428 | | 136 | | 36304921 | | 137 | | 62793020 | | 138 | | 09197735 | | 139 | Blue Eyes Silver Zombie | 35282433 | | 140 | | 62671448 | | 141 | | 98075147 | | 142 | Flame Controller | 34460851 | | 143 | | 61454890 | | 144 | | 97843505 | | 145 | | 24348204 | | 146 | | 00732302 | | 147 | Monster Egg | 36121917 | | 148 | Sinister Shadow | 63125616 | | 149 | Lord of the Lamp | 99510761 | | 150 | Akihiron | 36904469 | | 151 | | 62403074 | | 152 | | 98898173 | | 153 | Dokuroizo the Grim Reaper | 25882881 | | 154 | Fire Reaper | 53581214 | | 155 | Larvas | 94675535 | | 156 | Hard Armor | 20060230 | | 157 | Firegrass | 53293545 | | 158 | | 93553943 | | 159 | Dig Beak | 29948642 | | 160 | | 56342351 | | 161 | | 92731455 | | 162 | Tainted Wisdom | 28725004 | | 163 | Lisark | 55210709 | | 164 | Lord of Zemia | 81618817 | | 165 | The Judgement Hand | 28003512 | | 166 | Mysterious Puppeter | 54098121 | | 167 | Ancient Jar | 81492226 | | 168 | | 17881964 | | 169 | Dark King of the Abyss | 53375573 | | 170 | Spirit of the Harp | 80770678 | | 171 | Big Eye | 16768387 | | 172 | | 53153481 | | 173 | Dark Prisoner | 89558090 | | 174 | | 15042735 | | 175 | Ancient Brain | 42431843 | | 176 | Fire Eye | 88435542 | | 177 | | 15820147 | | 178 | | 41218256 | | 179 | | 77603950 | | 180 | | 14708569 | | 181 | Dark Shade | 40196604 | | 182 | Masked Clown | 77581312 | | 183 | | 03985011 | | 184 | | 49370026 | | 185 | | 64511793 | | 186 | | 02863439 | | 187 | | 49258578 | | 188 | | 75646173 | | 189 | | 01641882 | | 190 | Akakieisu | 38035986 | | 191 | | 09430387 | | 192 | | 01929294 | | 193 | | 37313348 | | 194 | | 63308047 | | 195 | Doron | 00756652 | | 196 | | 36151751 | | 197 | Mech Mole Zombie | 63545455 | | 198 | | 99030164 | | 199 | Penguin Knight | 36039163 | | 200 | Petit Dragon | 75356564 | -------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ============================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------- 5. FAQs --------- [*FAQST] Q) What are the card codes for the God cards? A) There aren't any. The God cards are obtained by defeating 3 opponents. One from each version of the game: Yami Yuugi - God of Osirus Yami Bakura - God of Oberis Marik - God of Raa ============================================================================== Q) What are the God cards abilities? A) From Waninoko: Oberis - Destroy all enemy cards on the field and deal 4000LP damage to opponent. Osirus - Increase power 500 for 1 card in your hand, but it can only add 2 cards. Raa - Revive a card from opponent and your graveyard and control 1 enemy card. ============================================================================== Q) I have 40 cards in my deck, but it still won't let me play! A) When selecting your cards you'll see a number in the top right corner such as: 1600 / 1700 Now if that first number (Current point total) is higher than the second number (Maximum allowed points), that's the reason. Each card costs a certain number of points. How many points it costs is shown below it's card number in the details menu. (The card number is shown below the cards rarity which are those little stars.) ============================================================================== Q) When I'm playing I can't bring out a card and it says something with a number. A) This happens when trying to bring out stronger cards. (Just try adding some of the cards from 1 to 100 and try bringing them out if you want to see.) When you try to bring them into play you'll recieve a message saying how many cards you need to sacrafice in order to bring it out. (See section 3c - Sacrafice for more information.) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ============================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ---------------- 6. Extra Codes ---------------- [*EXTCD] These are extra codes that are not from cards. They serve function for story and unlocking two extra duelists. Some time in the future I hope to provide a translation for these. ============================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Person | Code | Result | |-------------------|----------|-----------------------------------| | Yami Bakura | 82659417 | Lets you talk with Yami Bakura | | Bandit Kit | 45442120 | Lets you talk with Bandit Kit | | Mai Kujaku | 71837829 | Lets you talk with Mai Kujaku | | Marik | 45565702 | Lets you talk with Marik | | Sugoroku Mutou | 17232574 | Lets you talk with Sugoroku Mutou | | Yami Yuugi | 18054115 | Lets you talk with Yami Yuugi | | | | | |-------------------|----------|-----------------------------------| | Special Battle | Code | | |-------------------|----------|-----------------------------------| | Kondoburi | 19170603 | Lets you fight Kondoburi | | Kaizor no Umi Uma | 83771069 | Lets you fight Kaizor no Umi Uma | | | | | |-------------------|----------|-----------------------------------| | Special | Code | | |-------------------|----------|-----------------------------------| | Credits | 44220672 | Allows you to view the creators | | | | of the game | -------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ============================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -------------------- 7. Version History -------------------- [*VERSH] Version 0.1 - 2/19/01 - Started the walkthrough...what? What do you expect in v1? The whole thing!? Version 0.2 - 11/24/04 v0.2 - Added 100 more card codes - Added new FAQ questions - Fixed mistakes I had before - Rearranged stuff Version 0.3 - 09/30/2010 - 09/30/2010 - Began a complete reworking of this guide. - Disclaimer and legal section rewritten. Don't steal it this time Yu-Gi-Oh! Dungeon. Pricks. - Table of Contents rewritten. - Added in keywords for easier guide searching. - Removed acknowledgements section. - Rewrote portions of the In-Game Controls section. - Rewrote portions of the Main Menu section. - Fixed a few typos.