******************************************************************************* Barbie Super Model FAQ Copyright 2004, Apathetic Aardvark Email: sinenomine@gmail.com All rights reserved Version 1.0 12/23/2004 ******************************************************************************* Index/Table of Contents ******************************************************************************* Disclaimer.........................................................i How to play/FAQ....................................................ii Credits............................................................iii ******************************************************************************* i) Disclaimer (Legal stuff) ******************************************************************************* Copyright 2004, Apathetic Aardvark All rights reserved. The following sites have my permission to post this; www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com Any site, magazine, or other form of media, that is not included on this list caught hosting this guide without my written consent is in violation of copyright laws and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the laws. In addition, a terrible curse will be placed upon you and any subsequent generations of your family. ******************************************************************************* ii) How to Play / FAQ ******************************************************************************* 1) Setting up the Game 2) The Outdoor Levels 3) Model Shows 4) Bonus/Special Levels --- 1) Setting up the Game --- Barbie: Super Model is for one or two players. If two players play, the higher score will win... joy. Barbie: Super Model has three modes of play. The first is Free Play, a mode in which you can dress Barbie up in one of several outfits and then do her makeup in various ways. After she is ready, you get to do a quick model routine in which you can not possibly mess any thing up. This mode seems rather pointless, unless you are into the whole design your own Barbie fad. This mode is the only mode limited to one player. The second mode of play is Junior Super Model. This mode offers every aspect of the game as the third mode, but at a greatly reduced difficulty level. Essentially, everything moves much slower and some hazards do not exist in this mode. Again, I see no point in doing this mode as the game is not particularly challenging if you are over the age of seven. The final mode is Super Model. This is the only difficulty I recommend anyone play the game on. Hazards move fast enough where you may actually have to move out of instinct, rather than a deliberated evasion plan. --- 2) The Outdoor Levels --- There are four levels, each one has two halves. One half of the level Barbie moves right, the other half she moves left. Between each half is a practice session, where Barbie will learn her dance routine, which she must perform after the level. For more information on these routines, please see sub- section 3, Model Shows. During the course of a level, Barbie can collect numerous items to improve her score. The most common items are normal stars. They are worth 25 points each, there are eight of them in the course of a level. A star with a B [for Barbie!] is worth 50 points. There are four of these in the level. These points are added after Barbie's dance routine at the end of a level. A heart with a B inside of it gives Barbie more chances... think of them as a life bar. When Barbie hits something she should not, she loses a chance. Lose all your chances and you will never be a super model! Each level also has a shopping bag and a camera. If collected, these will stop the game immediately for a Bonus Game, please see sub-section 4 for the information on them. If not collected, the level will end shortly after it not allowing Barbie the chance to get 2 normal stars and 1 Barbie star. This can cut your points in half! Barbie will also get 10 points every so often during the course of a level. The controls for the outdoor level are the same in each level. The Up and Down arrows move Barbie higher or lower on the screen. The A button makes Barbie or her vehicle of choice move faster. The B button slows her or her vehicle down. The start button pauses the game and the C button has no apparent use here. Level 1 --- This level takes place on the streets of Hollywood. Barbie is in her pink Barbie cruiser... racing... up the streets. The only obstacles are other cars. There are more cars, and they move faster in Super Model mode. It is probably best to just speed your way through this level, though, with the mass of other cars, you may not be able to see/get some stars for Barbie! Oh noes! With the exception of one car, they all go straight ahead at a very slow pace. They also stop at most intersections, so you may need to squeeze between them! Level 2 --- Barbie's sitting around on the beach in her swimwear thinking that roller skating up and down the beach will somehow help her become a model. The beach offers a much greater challenge than cruising in her car. The sidewalk line for example, is not a straight edge. Do not skate too close to it, or you might trip on an area which jags out! Also, crazy pedestrians like to walk all over the place, especially on Super Model mode. A run in with them could permanently damage Barbie's great looks. Slow moving birds and frisbees also try to knock Barbie down. Perhaps the most embarrassing enemy of the level... bouncing beach balls! I do not know about you, but I would think even Barbie could shrug off the fearsome fury of the slow moving beach ball. To be honest, the frisbees may well be the hardest "enemy" in the game as sometimes it is difficult to figure out what trajectory they are on due to the perspective of the game. Level 3 --- While at a pleasant ski resort, Barbie remembers that her figure requires exercise to maintain. Thus, she walks around the icy paths of the resort. It is not going to be an easy walk though, crazy kids on sleds will attempt to mow Barbie down. The afore mentioned sheets of ice will provide many grounds for Barbie to slip and break her neck. Other people walking may also collide with Barbie. Worst of all, snowballs, on Super Model mode, will be thrown at Barbie from either the top of the bottom of the screen. Like frisbees, they are hard to get a clear trajectory on. Unlike frisbees, they actually move somewhat fast. Can Barbie avoid this gauntlet of death and make it to her third model show?! Level 4 --- Ah, the relaxing atmosphere of riding a bicycle through a park. This level is easier than the last, but it is no walk in the park.... it is a bicycle ride! Ha, ha. Anyway, this level has the typical people walking and running along. There are also birds which may attempt to kamikaze Barbie. The evil frisbees have returned, but they tend to fly in straight lines coming from ahead of Barbie in this level, making them much easier to avoid than the ones in level two. Also, once the frisbee is on the ground and no longer moving, running them over will not harm Barbie. The bike, much like the car from the first level, is a very large and bulky target. Unlike the first level, things may hit you in this one, as opposed to you running into them. Just be aware of that, I doubt anything will hit you though. --- 3) Model Shows --- At the end of the first half of any level, Barbie will be in a practice room. There are four stars, each with one of the A, B, or C buttons on them. Hit the corresponding button when you walk onto that star. Memorize the pattern of four buttons. Once you have it down, hit start. This will take you to the second half of the level. Once the second half is complete, Barbie will be in the real show! There are no letters on the stars this time, but the actions you must accomplish were the letters on the stars in the practice room. For each move you get correct, 50 more points to Barbie's score! There is no penalty for being wrong. If you sit and do nothing long enough, the next level will automatically begin. Barbie's model attire is related to the level which she is in. For example, bathing suits for the beach level, coats for the ski resort level. Also, when the Model Show is done, Barbie's score for the entire level will be added up. --- 4) Bonus/Special Levels --- There are two types of bonus levels in Barbie: Super Model. They are available in every single level and may be repeated in every level. The first half of every level is the Shopping Bag Bonus, the second half is the Camera bonus. Shopping Bag Bonus - This bonus can be picked up at the first half of any level. After passing by two stars and one Barbie star, the shopping bag will be the next object you can pick up [excluding chance hearts]. If you fail to get it, the half of the level will end. If you get it, you will play a mini- game! Barbie will appear on the cover of a magazine. Remember what her outfit looks like [though the color is not important]. Barbie will go to a dressing room. She can try on five outfits, pick the one which was most like the one on the cover. Remember, the colors do not matter, just the design. You will get 50 points for selecting the correct one. More importantly, you will extend the length of the first half of the level in hopes of getting two more stars and one more Barbie star. Camera Bonus - This is the second half of a level's bonus. It will appear after two stars and a Barbie star have gone by. If missed, the level will end and Barbie will be at the model show. If gotten, a picture of Barbie on a magazine will appear. This picture will be of her face. Pay close attention to her headwear and earrings. Those are the easy two things. The next three you need to keep track of are the colors of her eye shadow/liner [whichever it is which you put on your eyelids], Lipstick and nail polish. This may sound easy, but it truly is the most difficult part of the game. Here is why, for the nails and lips in particular, the color choices are several shades or red and pink. Considering the graphics of the time, the pinks look virtually identical and it is more or less guess work to determine which one it is. Also, the earrings can be a pain at times because there are so many choices of earrings to choose from. You will get 40 bonus points for each of the five components to her image you get correct, for a total of up to 200 more. About as important, you can now finish the level with the hopes of getting two more stars and Barbie star for even more points! ******************************************************************************* iii) Credits ******************************************************************************* GameFAQs - For hosting I would also like to thank Barbie and the entities responsible for creating her allowing me to have some toys which were roughly the same height as my Power Rangers Megazord when I was younger. This allowed them to have brutal fights with each other. Oh, and I'd also like to thank them for making this game, which I actually enjoyed the first time I played it. ___________________________ Apathetic Aardvark - 2004 | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯