Barbie Super Model For the SNES console FAQ/walkthrough Written by The Immortal Wombat ======================================================= Table of Contents: 1-1 Introduction 1-2 Story 1-3 Characters 1-4 Gameplay A. Junior Model mode B. Super Model mode 1-5 Levels 1-6 Acknowledgments 1-7 Legal mumbo-jumbo ======================================================= 1-1 Introduction You are about to read a walkthrough for one of the, if not the, stupidest games of all time, Barbie Super Model. I suppose it runs neck-to-neck with Barney’s Hide and Seek but at least that’s an educational game, for God’s sakes! This is total garbage! Yet it stands in the Super Nintendo library among real games like Final Fantasy III and Street Fighter II. Oh well. I wrote this because I actually have the game. Stop laughing! My sister bought it years ago for $30. I bought The Legend of Zelda: A link to the past for $20 pre-used. Anyway, I’ve played this game before just for the hell of it and I just felt like doing something stupid like writing a walkthrough for it. Why would you need a walkthrough? I do not know. It is a very easy game. It’ll take you longer to read this walkthrough than to actually finish the game. I suggest you read on thought, just for a good laugh. ======================================================= 1-2 Story Ya want a story? Here’s the story: A greedy corporation named Mattel has already made billions of dollars off of a super-skinny doll named Barbie. Soon they realized that much more could be done with this Barbie phenomenon then just a mere toy. They created hordes of evil posters, pajamas, and school supplies each bearing ridiculous prices because they had the name “Barbie” on them. But the most sickening by far was the video games. Mattel knew kids loved video games and would be willing to slap down $30 for a video game the minute it came out and play it nonstop. But what they didn’t know is that it had to be a GOOD game. They hired Hi-Tech expressions, the only company willing to support a stupid project like this. They made the game with as little care for the quality of the game as they did for all the small toy companies they had eaten up. But that did not stop little girls from buying the game simply because it was a Barbie game. Okay, maybe that’s not the REAL story, but then what the hell is? There is no story in this god-forsaken game! If there is, I can’t see it! All I see is Barbie running or driving or skating around across a town or beach or park and occasionally some actual gameplay pops in. ======================================================= 1-3 Characters Barbie: She is a doll that has somehow been converted into a video game character which is supposedly a Super Model. And, well, that’s about it. The only other things you come across in this game are seagulls, frisbees, and people. ======================================================= 1-4 Gameplay Now it is time to read something worth reading. There are two parts to this, the Junior model mode (for people who either can’t figure out the astonishingly simple concept of the game) and Super Model mode (actual video game action. You’ll see what I mean. Either way, the gameplay is very, very, simple. A. Junior Model Mode In Junior Model mode, you basically perform the three types of activities-Matching Barbie’s dress to the one on the magazine cover, Matching Barbie’s hair and makeup to the ones on the magazine cover, and the model performance routine that you do at the end of each level (see Super Model mode). That’s it. It’s really boring and there’s almost no point. I guess the only purpose of this is if you actually would like to PRACTICE these routines so you can perform them flawlessly during the real game (if you’re reading this and actually nodding your head and taking advice from it, prepare to be sacked my friend). B. Super Model Mode This is the “real mode”. It’s very, very easy to get. If you can throw a grape into the ocean from a boat, you can understand this without me explaining it to you. Basically, you either drive, skate, walk or bike ride down your level while watching out for things that people either throw at you or birds and people in cars that in real life you would kill if you hit them at that velocity but instead they hurt you (one hit kills, just like in Metal Gear Solid!). If you press B, you will go slower, press Y and you will speed up. Along the way you must pick up hearts with a B on them (they give you extra lives or “chances” as the game calls it) and stars (blue and yellow) that give you extra points. Of course, why would you want to get these extra points? In a game like this, it really isn’t that significant. You aren’t going to call your friend up excitedly and shout “Hey John! Guess what? I got a high score in Barbie Super Model!” are you? Anyway, there are also two special things you may come across in the game: a) Photo camera: Basically, when you pick up this item, you get to play a special extra challenge. You see the cover of a magazine. Memorize how Barbie looks in this cover; her hairstyle, eyeliner color, lipstick color, ear rings, etc. Then you must match how Barbie looked in the magazine by changing her one feature at a time. The closer you get to how she actually looked in the photo, the more points you’ll get! B) Purse: At least, I think it’s a purse. With bad graphics like this, you really can’t tell. Anyway, now you see Barbie on a magazine cover wearing a certain outfit. Match this outfit right down to the nearest detail blah blah blah blah and then you’ll get a bunch of meaningless points. Yeah, these are the same things you would see if you just chose Junior model. Of course, that takes away the limited linear fun of the regular mode, so why would you? If I were you, I’d avoid these items. They just add more to the 10 minutes it takes to beat this game. Oh yeah, when you get to the end of a level, you will find Barbie inside a Gym. You will see a mat with 4 letters of the buttons on your SNES controller on this mat. You must practice and practice this button combination and move on. You then go all the way back to the spot you came from in the opposite direction and when you finish that you will find yourself at a fashion show and you must perform this button combination. Don’t worry. Even if you get the entire thing wrong you still get to advance to the next level. Doing it right will only get you extra points. That’s about it. Let’s move on. ======================================================= 1-5 Levels This is the part where the actual walkthrough begins. There are a whopping 4 levels in this game. Instead of the difficulty increasing as you progress through the levels, Hi-Tech Expressions made it in a unique and creative style in which the first three levels are a breeze but the fourth is somewhat hard, and not because you need skill to beat it, but because those god-forsaken seagulls fly everywhere and it’s impossible to get a good depth perception in this poorly produced platformer. Level 1-Hollywood Streets Barbie is driving in her convertible through Hollywood. You must avoid the other drivers, collect the hearts, go to the gym, memorize the combo which is going to be something like AABB, drive back, and perform this at the fashion show. Let’s just forget about any thing else. Oh yeah, on the way back, you should see this drunken driver that swerves around on the road like a moron (possibly the game’s only interesting element). There’s also a guy who cuts you off and may harm you if you are stupid enough. I can’t imagine losing all your chances on this level. You would have to be completely impaired of all hand-eye coordination. Well, that sums that up level one. Level 2-Beach Now Barbie is in a swimsuit roller skating across a beach. The only real hazards are really stupid seagulls that fly across the screen and hurt you, beach balls (who gets injured by a bouncing ball?), other people walking, and the funniest of them all, frisbees. This level, too is really easy. The combo you need at the fashion show is something like ABAB. When you finish go back to the fashion show and show off your amazing skill of not getting killed by a bouncing beach ball. Level 3-Ski resort Barbie has sold her car and roller skates to pay her debt to the IRS. She now walks across a cold ski resort, this time not only dodging things that fly and move, but ice patches too. It’s more difficult than the first two, but it really shouldn’t cause any trouble for you. But the other challenges are kids who drive their sleds into you performing kamikaze missions and kids who throw snowballs at you because the clothing company you work for produces it’s material in Asian sweatshops. Go to the end and this time the button combo will have three buttons you must press. Get out of there and run back to the fashion show before some kid nails you with a snowball. Level 4-Park This one actually has a some noticeable difficulty. It’s not that it’s hard and requires practice skill, but the seagulls and frisbees are cheap, and with Barbie’s huge bike in the way, you cannot avoid being hit. This may take you more than one try. Anyway, the seagulls are seeking revenge, and so are the evil frisbee-throwing assassins. Make sure they don’t hit you, because even if one hits the tire on your precious $50 bike you will get killed. The seagulls are impossible to avoid and they will hurt you, unlike the aspects of the real world in which a speeding woman on a bike would probably kill the seagull first. Get extra hearts when and where possible. This time the combo will feature all 4 buttons on your controller. Struggle your way back to the fashion show and give a 4-move grand finale performance as you say goodbye to the adventure you had playing this game. I don’t remember what happens in the end because I immediately threw down the controller and went to get something to eat. It couldn’t be anything special though. ======================================================= 1-6 Acknowledgments: I would like to thank the following people and things for making this walkthrough possible: Darkrealm70-who first introduced me to GameFAQs All the funny kids on the Barney’s Hide and Seek board-You guys are geniuses. I don’t really have a reason that you helped me with this, but I just thought I’d mention them. CjayC-for creating this wonderful website GameFAQs-for posting this walkthrough Hi-Tech expressions and Mattel-for creating Barbie and this piece of junk and opening the doors for me to make a joke out of it. ======================================================= 1-7 Legal mumbo-jumbo This review is not to be used anywhere outside of and according to GameFAQs, they don’t want people linking directly to the FAQs. I can’t imagine why anybody would want to, though. The Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo, Barbie, Mattel, Barbie Super Model, Hi-Tech expressions and anything else I did not create or own I DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP THEREOF. This page is for GameFAQ’s only. Copyright 2002 by The Immortal Wombat and/or