______ ____ | __ | | | | [ / / _ __ __ _ _ _ _ |[ ] |_ _ _ _ | \ | \/ | | \| | | | / | | | \| | | [_\ | | | | | | | \ |_| | | |______|_|_|\/|_|_|_|\_|_| |_|\_\_____/_|\_| ------------ FAQ/WALKTHROUGH --------- ------ (c) Shotgunnova (P. Summers) ------ ----- shotgunnova (at) gmail (dot) com ----- LEGAL: This guide cannot be hosted, sold, distributed, edited, or given away as an add-in or insert to a purchase. The above are violative of federal copyright law, and will not be tolerated. If you want to host this, drop me a line. 1) Controls 2) Display 3) Tips 4) Walkthrough -Chapter One - Hot Pursuit -Chapter Two - The Stealth -Chapter Three - High Seas Encounter -Chapter Four - The Rescue -Chapter Five - Into the Bimini Zone -Chapter Six - Dr. Orca's Demise -Epilogue 5) FAQ -------------------------------------------- 1) Controls -------------------------------------------- A --> Fire long-range weapon skyward A (tap) --> Fire long-range weapon forward B --> Fire short-range weapon B (hold/release) --> Fire short-range weapon farther C --> N/A X --> N/A Y --> N/A Z --> N/A Start --> Bring up menu / Close Menu Mode --> N/A D-Pad Up --> Accelerate boat D-Pad Down --> Decelerate boat D-Pad L/R --> Steer boat -------------------------------------------- 2) Display -------------------------------------------- There are two displays you have to pay attention to. The first is the screen shown when you're in the boat: ACTION DISPLAY _________________________________________________________________ | | | [1] | | | |_(\_(\_(\_(\_(\_(\_(\_(\_(\_(\_(\_(\_(\_(\_(\_(\_(\_(\_(\_(\_(\__| <--[2] | | \ | \ | \ | \ | \ | \ | | |__\ <--[3] |__\ |__\ |__\ |__\ |__\| | | |____ _____| | |___ _____| | | [4] [5]| [8] | [6] | [7] | |________|____________________________________________|_____|_____| [1] - Enemies in the sky [2] - Horizon / Water Line [3] - Boats / sandbars / enemy boats / land [4] - MPH gauge [5] - Your score [6] - # of times you can wreck before starting level over [7] - Compass; the direction you're travelling / Fuel gauge status [8] - Your boat, always at the bottom-middle of screen _________________________________________________________________ | _______________________________________ | | | | | | | | [1] | [2] | | | |____________________________|__________| | | | [3] | | | |_______________| | | ________________ ______________________| || [4] | | [7] | [8] | ||________________| |____________|_________| || [5] | | [9] | ||________________| |_________| || [6] | | ||________________|_______________________________________________| [1] - Message display [2] - Picture of enemy [3] - Compass; shows direction you're travelling [4] - Current score [5] - Current time [6] - Current water depth [7] - MPH gauge [8] - Fuel tank gauge (E----F) [9] - # of wrecks left before you restart level You also have an option to view your map close-up and with the direction you're traveling; the option to zoom out and see the map in its entirety; and a music on/off toggle ------------------------ 3. Tips ------------------------ + Enemies can all be taken out in one hit, so don't be shy with your trigger-finger. Spray bullets, shoot all at once, and just use as much as you can so you're never caught off-guard by the enemies that enter from the sides of your view. + Learn how to 'sweep' with your machine gun. The ideal use of it is to spray bullets at your enemy, while moving out of range of his fire. Using this effectively is a key to success, and since you don't get infinite continues, not learning it is just dooming yourself to resetting. + Enemies that come from the front are the easiest to avoid; you can shoot at them and get out of the way. However, enemies that fire at you from the sides are a lot more dangerous since you can ease yourself into the live fire. Sometimes moving out of your set path isn't needed. + Wasting fuel will damn you in this game, especially on missions that call for you to check meticulously in the islands. I'm trying to give the best methods for getting from here to there, but you also have to learn the ropes or those precious drops of wasted gas will bring your mission to a halt. ------------------------ 4. Walkthrough -------------------------------------------- CHAPTER ONE - HOT PURSUIT -------------------------------------------- "Kenji Ohara! The evil Dr. Orca's henchmen have kidnapped your sister, Kim. You and your loyal friend, Luka, must pursue and capture the kidnappers before they can return to Dr. Orca's impenetrable island hideout." As you start, the enemy boat will be fleeing to the right and will direct itself towards the masses of sailboats. You'll get a call on your radio, so pick it up to learn that you'll need to use stun gas to fire at them at short range. The boat will make a path of chaos as it rams into other boats, but since it clears them out of the way, you only need to follow behind it and use it when you accelerate enough to close in. Helicopters will appear on the horizon, but you have an unlimited supply of ammo, so just hold down the button as you cruise. When you finally close in enough to use the stun gas on the kidnappers you'll finish the mission. -------------------------------------------- CHAPTER TWO - THE STEALTH -------------------------------------------- "You were tricked! That boat was a decoy. Kim has been taken by helicopter to a nearby island hideaway. Search these waters, but watch out! Dr. Orca's men will try to cremate you!" The radio message when you start will tell you to find and destroy a radio tower to the northeast with your bazooka. Head to the tower, and decelerate in front of it a ways so you don't run aground. Tap the A button to shoot the long-range weapon forward and you'll destroy the tower. Check the radio again and you'll have to destroy the others of that kind in the area (check your map!). After the first tower is hit, the enemies will be polluting the water in greater numbers, but are easily killed. Remember: when you have an enemy in front of you, shoot your weapons and quickly head left or right. Unlike other games where the technology only allows for the weapons to follow the center of the screen no matter what, the bombs will destroy the target and you'll evade their live fire! Destroy the two towers closest to the NE corner of the map frame, and check the radio again -- you'll have to destroy another guard tower in the NE part of the map, but you cannot hit the hut where Kim is held. If you run out of gas on the way there, you'll have to do a more concise run ...which is hard since the viewing screen isn't that good. Head to the NE (the WAY northeast, that is) and arrive at the island in question. The guard towers will shoot at you this time around, so take them out with your bazooka (hold down C and release). Once you take out both of them, the mission ends. --------------------------------------------- CHAPTER THREE - HIGH SEAS ENCOUNTER --------------------------------------------- "You're too late! Dr. Orca has given you the slip. He has escaped with Kim and is powering across the high seas to his secret island hideout. You'll start the level on Orca's trail, and via radio contact, will learn you have to tail him and be in close range when he gets to his hideaway. Do so, and take out the easy helicopter and boat enemies as you cruise. Don't shoot at the fleeing schooner either -- Kim's aboard that thing. You'll get another radio message as you near the hideout (almost all the way across the screen) that tells you to keep on his tail -- easy-peasy, eh? When you get close to the hideout, the mission will end automatically. -------------------------------------------- CHAPTER FOUR - THE RESCUE -------------------------------------------- "Awesome! You've survived that brutal attack. But keep searching. Orca is hiding somewhere in these islands. This may be your best chance to rescue Kim." So...many...locations...to check... Start the level and look at the radio message that tells you to take out some radio towers to get a clue to Orca's location (why would that work in any way?). Oh, well - gotta do it to continue. Enemies will be out in swarms now, much more than before, so take care not to get your boat creamed -- they're better shots now, too. It's dark out, but the lightning can illuminate the island. Check the close-up map to find the island coast a tower is on, then let loose a bazooka shot to seal the deal for now. Once a tower is destroyed, you will be notified of capturing a henchman (in a boat...?) and that his stool pigeon act has narrowed the search field. Hooray!...only 11 to go... =( To conserve fuel for later, destroy one of the towers on the bottom of the zoomed-out map. Once you destroy another radar, another henchman will narrow down the field to six possible locations, all of which are on the bottom of the zoomed-out map. Ho-hum. Once you destroy the next tower, you'll have three to choose from; once you destroy the fourth tower, the mission will end. -------------------------------------------- CHAPTER FIVE - INTO THE BIMINI ZONE [?????] -------------------------------------------- "Congratulations! You saved Kim. She tells of Dr. Orca's sinister plan to control the world with his Behavior Altering Module (B.A.M.). But you must travel through the dreaded Bimini Zone to reach his B.A.M. lab and destroy it... ...Legend has it that only the siren song of a mermaid can guide you through the Bimini Zone safely." As you start the game in the Bimini Zone, you'll notice that the boats have been replaced by tentacle monsters and you'll be following a mermaid (named Marlyna). Shoot the tentacle monsters and sharks, which don't fight back, by the way, and follow Marlyna. The map coordinates and directions won't be displayed here. When you see marker buoys on the sea, you'll know you're heading in the right direction. Make sure you don't hit the poison gas clouds -- they look like wave breakers. After the second buoy, flying dragon-like monsters will rise up out of the sea, and can be disposed in the same manner as helicopters, though these seem to have a faster firing rate. What they're firing is anyone's guess though -- the person on the other end of the radio calls it "creature crud"... Flying manta rays will also make an appearance, but they don't have any special characteristics to take note of. After awhile, a dragon monster will fill in the gap left by the boats and will be another enemy you'll have to target to get through the fifth mission... Fortunately, the old tentacle monsters and sharks will appear in place of the flying monsters and dragons when you hit the final stretch. When you get in sight of the island, Marlyna will disappear beneath the waves and you'll have to search for the island with the Bimini Generator. On the island ahead, bazooka the two energy shields (the towers) by the generator, then the generator itself. The flying manta rays will be back, so make quick work of them or suffer the consequences... A pillbox-type hut will also be by the generators, so make sure you take that out, too. The mission ends when the generator's been nixed. -------------------------------------------- CHAPTER SIX - DR. ORCA'S DEMISE -------------------------------------------- "Out of the fog, Dr. Orca's hideaway is suddenly within reach. Now's the time to rid the world of this evil scourge. He's a slippery devil -- you'd better be quick. Locate and destroy his island laboratory and B.A.M. transmitter. GOOD LUCK!" Last mission of the game, comin' up. Like previous missions, destroy the nearest guard towers. The enemies will be thick this time around, and have had a little combat training it seems -- they can shoot like the dickens and the bullets come faster. I recommend taking out the tower directly south of you first, then going in order to the east. After three towers have been taken out, Dr. Orca's defenses will be down and...you get to destroy more towers to weaken them further... Once three of the radio towers are down, Orca's lab will be revealed in the bottom-middle of the screen (on a green island), which will be your last destination. On the island in question, the lab will appear as one of those pillbox-type things that fire at you. Take it and the guard tower (the transmitter) beside it out and...that's it! Mission complete! ------------------------------------------- EPILOGUE ------------------------------------------- "CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully completed this mission. You've thwarted Dr. Orca's sinister plot and destroyed his laboratory and transmitter. But alas! Dr. Orca has escaped with his life and will no doubt continue his evil ways. Beware! Or Orca will return..." ----------------------- 5) FAQ ----------------------- [Q] - Just how exactly do I take out those towers...? [A] - Use your bazooka by pressing the short-range weapon button, holding it down, and then releasing. It'll shoot farther and you won't have to fear about running aground. [Q] - What do the points and bonuses do? [A] - Like most games, nothing whatsoever. There's a high-score list in the game, but since the game's hard enough without one trying to go for a high score, why bother? That's particularly the reason I didn't list the after-chapter bonuses, because nothing comes of it. My high score was 263000-something, if you wanted to know, though. [Q] - Man, this game is booooring. And haaaard. [A] - The monotony sure does make the game fairly unbearable, and with having to keep track of gas and other enemies' trajectory it's even worse. Glad you stuck with it, though. /+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+\ | Guide copyright (c) Shotgunnova, 1997-2006 (and countin'!) | | Bimini Run (c) respective owners | \+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+/