Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf Guide by Shawn Seeley AKA The Head Gamester Version 1.3 - Last Revised: November 25, 2001 This document is Copyright 2001 Shawn Seeley Latest revisions of this guide can always be found at the following URLs: -or- [-===========================================================================-] Legal Disclaimer This document is Copyright 2001 Shawn Seeley. It may not be reproduced nor retransmitted in any form without prior consent from the authors. It may not be altered, published, sold, given as an incentive to buy, etc. without advance permission from the authors. All outside sources which have contributed to the making of this guide in some form have been cited in the last section of the guide. Violation of the above terms can and will result in a lawsuit. [-===========================================================================-] Table of Contents i. Introduction and Revision History I. Getting Started II. Story III. Game Overview IV. FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions V. Walkthrough 5.1 - Mission One 5.2 - Mission Two VI. Items VII. Enemy Buildings 8.1 - Radar 8.2 - Power Station 8.3 - Airfield 8.4 - Command Center VII. Secrets/ Hints/ Codes VIII. Other Sources IX. Credits X. Contact Information [-===========================================================================-] i. Introduction and Revision History [-===========================================================================-] Introduction ------------ This is my second attempt at finishing a guide, so forgive me ahead of time for any parts that don't quite make since. I am doing this guide in my free time too by the way, so if I don't update for a while, don't freak out on me! This guide was intended to give me something to do the day after Thanksgiving and whenever I got bored. Helping out gamers is a bonus j/k ^_^. Revision History ---------------- NPU = Non-Public Update PRU = Public Release Update Version 1.3 PRU - November 25, 2001 - Completed Mission Two, added a code link, and posted guide on the Internet. Version 1.2 NPU - November 24, 2001 - Added the Game Overview section, entered new FAQ questions and started work on Mission Two. Version 1.1 PRU - November 24, 2001 - Completed first mission, added some anticipated FAQs, and started the Enemy Buildings section along with other various things. Version 1.0 NPU - November 23, 2001 - Started first version of this guide. [-===========================================================================-] I. Getting Started [-===========================================================================-] Controls -------- The basic controls of the game go as followed: Y: Guns - Take out troops, light jeeps, and anything un-armed with this. B: Hydras - Take out light armor with this. C: Missiles - Take out heavy installations and vehicles with this. D-Pad - Move using the momentum of your helicopter using the D-Pad. Start: Menu - Use the menu to find targets, ammo crates, fuel pods, etc.. [-===========================================================================-] II. Story [-===========================================================================-] This game takes place in the Gulf War era, and was pretty much founded on the patriotism flowing through every American's body at the time. You are a pilot for an American helicopter, and it is your job to save the day from an evil mad man, General Mubaba, or World War III could start! (Wonder who that could be...) [-===========================================================================-] III. Game Overview [-===========================================================================-] Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf lets you get in the cockpit of an Apache attack helicopter. You go on missions ranging from taking out small opposition forces, to rescuing POWs and preventing SCUDs from being fired. All in all, you have a pretty hectic schedule what with the dealing with some crazy mad man from the Middle East that happens to own a large terrorist regime, and having to dodge that SAM that just scraped your right flank. [-===========================================================================-] IV. FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions [-===========================================================================-] Q: Which guys are the bad guys? A: The bad guys shoot at you of course, but if they don't they are the dark green ones. Q: What is the easiest way to kill the AAA's? A: The easiest way to kill them is to come in behind the position of the guns and to start firing. When the gun turret turns your direction, circle around and fire at it at the same time (this may take a while to perfect). Q: What is the easiest way to kill the Rapiers? A: The easiest way that I killed these lethal AA installations is to circle them like the AAA's, but to use my Hydras. You only have so many of them, but there are only a few Rapiers so try to save them for the Rapiers. Keep in mind that you only need to use about 2-3 to destroy them. Q: What is the easiest way to kill the VDA's? A: The easiest way to kill these punks is to evade their rapid fire, and avoid them the best you can. These will eat through your armor like nobody's business! Make sure to circle them and use Hydras, or come behind them if you are good enough, and make a quick strike with the Hydras to take care of them. Q: How do I get more armor? A: To get more armor, you need to bring MIA's back to the Landing Area. Each MIA gives you 150 points of armor, so don't bother picking up more than four MIA's at a time even though you can carry up to six. Yes, it may sound a little disturbing not bringing all of the MIA's back as you could, but believe me, it is an extremely tactical move on your part. Q: ZSU's are wasting me, how should I attack them? A: To kill the ZSU's you should approach from the rear, and to blast them fast and hard with the strongest weapon you have on you. I suggest saving your Missiles for these, as they prove the most useful (2 Missiles are needed to decimate a ZSU). Q: M48's are quite powerful, how might I go about dealing with them? A: M84's are powerful indeed, but the best way to kill them is to avoid fire and gun them down during their re-load time with a barrage of weapon fire. [-===========================================================================-] V. Walkthrough [-===========================================================================-] This is the part you have been waiting for, the actual guide! [-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] 5.1 - Mission One [-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] Your objectives for this mission are as follows: 1. Destroy Radar Sites 2. Destroy Power Station 3. Destroy Airfields 4. Destroy Command Centers 5. Recover the Secret Agent 1. Destroy Radar Sites ---------------------- To destroy the radar sites, you need to find them first. Go to the map and find them by going to your start screen menu. Look at the bottom of the screen, and it should say 1. RADAR SITES. If it does, then you need to fly over to the flashing objects (there should be two of them). Come from behind them and it will be easier to destroy them. Make sure to prepare yourself for light anti-aircraft resistance from the AAA's (light anti-aircraft installations). NOTE: check out the FAQ section for the easiest known way to decimate these pests. 2. Destroy Power Station ------------------------- The power station is what, yes you guessed it, powers the enemy's defensive installations. This and the radar sites are the most important buildings to destroy before you continue on your mission, hence them being your first and second objectives. To destroy this power station, I advise that you come from the rear, and take out any hostiles along the way. When you get to the power station take out the first AAA in your way (there is one on each side of the power station) then take out the Rapier and the other AAA following it. 3. Destroy Airfields -------------------- There are two airfields in this mission, with a good distance between them. Since you should be close to the one on the left thanks to the power station, head that way. Be extremely cautious of the air resistance in this area, following the guidelines given to you for airfields in section 8.3. After demolishing the first airfield, you should cautiously make you way over to the second one, checking your map often so you do not go too far or run unexpectedly into enemy forces. 4. Destroy Command Centers -------------------------- To destroy the command centers, take out the guard towers first with one Missile each, and then come from behind the one closest to the top of the map. Obliterate the Rapier behind the command center, and then come on either side to take out the AAA's. Do the same to the next command center and then take out the command centers, picking up the guys that run out of the rubble. 5. Recover the Secret Agent --------------------------- In order to recover the secret agent, head to his position on the map and pick him up, avoiding any hostiles on the way if you have low armor. The secret agent is hiding inside the big, flat building where his green dot is on the map. Destroy the building and wait for the co-pilot to get down in the bunker. Make sure you are well armed and have plenty of armor because 3-4 VDA's come out from nowhere and start blasting you. When you are done with the VDA's, go back to the greed dot that signifies the secret agent and pick him and the co-pilot up, head back to the Landing Area and drop everything off. To finish the mission, head back to the ship and land on it. Mission Complete! [-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] 5.2 - Mission Two [-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] Your objectives for this mission are as follows: 1. Destroy Radar Sites 2. Recover Political Prisoners from 3 Jails 3. Destroy Power Station 4. Destroy Chemical Weapons Plant 5. Capture SCUD Commanders and Destroy Mobile SCUDs 6. Rescue POWs 1. Destroy Radar Sites ---------------------- Now that you have some experience in dealing with the enemy, you need to deal with an even harder enemy, the ZSU. Look in the FAQ section to get a detailed description on how to defeat these demons of destruction. As for the radar sites themselves, kill any hostiles you see within sight of the radar installations, then take out the radar sites one by one. 2. Recover Political Prisoners from 3 Jails ------------------------------------------- In order to successfully recover and deliver these prisoners, you need to survay the land around the camps. There are at least a Rapier and/ or AAA for every jail, with scattered troops. Occasionally a ZSU will come join in on the fun. To get the political prisoners out of the building, kill any hostiles first, then blow a hole in the side of the prison. You can only take a maximum of 6 people with you at a time, so it is best to only take one jail full of people at a time, then drop them off. After you drop one jails worth off, come back for anyone else. 3. Destroy Power Station ------------------------ The power station has to be the easiest objective you will have in this mission, as you only need to kill a handful of enemy troops which surround the building. Don't worry about getting wasted on either because there is an armor crate inside of the power station, and a fuel drum next to the station. 4. Destroy Chemical Weapons Plant --------------------------------- It is quite a ways from the power station to the chemical weapons plant, so be sure to conserve you fuel by taking the shortest route possible, straight through the enemy! If you fly fast enough, you should make it through no problem, and arrive at the chemical weapons plant safely. There are only two AAA's here, along with one to two VDA's. Take them out easily, and then take care of the plant. 5. Capture SCUD Commanders and Destroy Mobile SCUDs -------------------------------------------------- Finding the SCUD commanders would be a pain in the rear, but thanks to your map, you can find out where these rodents are hiding. Drop off any people you are currently carrying as there are six commanders; your maximum capacity load. Just go around following your map and pick up all six commanders then drop them off at the nearest Landing Area. DO NOT KILL MORE THAN ONE SCUD COMMANDER OR YOU WILL FAIL THE MISSION (not that I would ever do a thing like that..). When you have captured all of the SCUD commanders, red dots will show up on your map as SCUDs. To destroy the SCUDS, you need to be quick or they will launch their missiles. 6. Rescue POWs -------------- Getting these POWs out of the camp is the easy part; getting into the camp to get them is another story of its own. There are guard towers on every corner of the camp, and when you get into the camp to save the troops, ZSU's decide to come and surprise you from behind. Fill up to the maximum load every time, then go to the nearest Landing Area to drop them off. Mission Complete! The rest of the guide will come to you as soon as I can complete the objectives myself :). [-===========================================================================-] VI. Items [-===========================================================================-] * Fuel Drums - Replenish your fuel supply. Remember not to use these unless you are below 50 on your fuel meter, or it will be a waste of fuel. * Ammo Crates - Fully reloads your ammo. You cannot carry more than 1178 rounds of machine gun ammo, 38 Hydras, and 8 Missiles. Do not pick these up unless you are out of Hydras or Missiles. You should never run out of machine gun ammo; if you do you have a serious problem! * Armor Crates - Extremely rare, these crates replenish your armor to the top. I suggest remembering where they are, and coming to get them later when you need armor and MIA's are too far away or are being guarded. * Quick Ladder - Makes the time needed to recover people and items drop a little. I have seen one in every level, you just need to look for them (i.e. in buildings). [-===========================================================================-] VII. Enemy Buildings [-===========================================================================-] [-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] 8.1 - Radar [-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] Take out the radar sites to decrease the range of enemy anti-aircraft weapons. You will want to take this out first if they are on the outskirts of the map to make the rest of the mission easier. [-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] 8.2 - Power Station [-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] Power stations allow the enemy force to turn their anti-aircraft gun turrets at you faster, and allow them to follow you easier. Take them out to decrease enemy speed, making them easier to decimate. [-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] 8.3 - Airfields [-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] The airfields are usually heavily guarded and take up quite a bit of space. Approach them with extreme caution, taking out any Rapiers first, VDA's second, AAA's third, and then any enemy troops last. Use your machine gun to destroy the installations here, as Missiles and Hydras would be a waste here. [-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] 8.4 - Command Center [-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-] Command centers are also heavily guarded because they too are extremely valuable to the opposing force. Inside of these buildings, there are usually people you need to capture and extract information from to make further progress in the game. [-===========================================================================-] VIII. Secrets/ Hints/ Codes [-===========================================================================-] * Game Genie Codes - Go here for several useful Game Genie codes. * General Codes - has a few codes in its library for this game. * Hidden MIA's - If a building has a little flashing diamond-looking thing in the corner of it, blow it up and inside will be an MIA. * Take Prisoners - You can take enemy prisoners some times, and they count as MIA's! Level Access Codes ----------------- * Mission Two - LZJMQHM * Mission Three - 83JW23N * Mission Four - Coming Soon [-===========================================================================-] IX. Other Sources [-===========================================================================-] Links etc. of places for people to get more info on the game. [-===========================================================================-] X. Credits [-===========================================================================-] Credits and Sources ------------------- Dallas Scot & AstroBlue - For giving me a great layout, and for making the guide on guides which re-motivated me to write guides. Dingo Jellybean - For helping me decide what to do with my guide, and helping critique it. [-===========================================================================-] XI. Contacts [-===========================================================================-] Webmasters ---------- If you really want to use this guide on your FAQ, e-mail me first, and await permissions to do so. E-mail ------ - Contact me there, and I will answer any questions you have if I can. Copyright 2001 Shawn Seeley AKA The Head Gamester Semper Fidelis! - Always Faithful - United States Marine Corps' motto