Earthworm Jim 2 Quiz Questions version Caveman prepared by Greg Lescoe ( Hey, this is Greg Lescoe, and this is just a totally complete list of EJ2 quiz-show questions (from the level "Villi People"). The major difference between my list and those of several others is that I, unlike the others, can (use a british accent) give you a list of all the choices as well as the questions. Whoopie-doo. These questions are actually ripped from the Saturn version of EJ2 (look in Villi.bin if you don't believe me), with slight changes to spelling occasionally to make it more readable (and fix the foreign-language spelling errors). The little < and > things are there to show which answers are right, and which are hideous lies (gasp!). Anyway, the > means it's the right answer, and the < means it's the wrong answer. I don't take credit for typing the questions -- only for formatting them to be readable from MS-DOS edit (where this was all done, incidentally). However, please don't rip me off. It would make you angry at me after I remove your hands quite... painfully... THE QUESTIONS. w00t. And stuff. : P KEY: Blah blah blah. <- the question B No. >-the answers (<=wrong, >=right) B Green B MIJ C Mexican food is good; Dan is evil When is Jim's birthday? B June 9, 1994 A What's Her Name A Huh? B Non C Bitte, wo ist die toilette? Can Jim speak Spanish? >A Si B Iie A No C Both A and B Does Jim's mother approve of the girls he dates? >A No, she does not C Over my dead body How can you easily complete this level? >A Press reset C The Worm of the Opera Jim is to worm as Jam is to: B Dog C Because Scott is coming at 10 AM Why is this question here? >A Don is hell-bent on getting his name into this game C Wet Coal If cigarettes cause cancer, what causes Capricorn? C One and one half pounds of butter Who is the king of the animals in Africa? C Earthworm Jimba What is the meaning of life? B 42 A None of your beeswax B The Harrier A Shortening A Who, who, who, who? C The right answer is often wrong, and the rest don't make sense, so you haven't much of a chance anyway. Seven times seven equals: C C'mon, I really need this power-up! W.W.W. stands for: >A Weewy Wascawy Wabbit A Shoes A 8, by the time you get home A A bazillion rounds a second B A tiny Elvis C One size fits all What is Earthworm Jim's favorite disco dance step? C The Funky Cow During his short-lived rap career, Jim was known as: >A M.C. Sweet N Low B Jim has no arms C Filled with healthy and delicious oat bran What is Jim's favorite magazine? >A Annelid Monthly B A cow A The ladies love it A No. A Jousting A Hit reset and get a spare if no one sees A Steve's Shop Vacuum A Yes B A B Samurai Slowdown B Texas A Class 'C' A Mickey Mao B Psy Sterling A Texas A Sey C A totally rad power-up What flavor is a cow? >A Milk A A nice shot! B On account of I'm cool C A secret move for Jim Is there a correct answer for this question? >A Yes B Real beef hotdogs B The correct answer A O.K. B B Acts like he's been 'belted by gamma rays' A Tons of loose change B I'm not really sure A Pulling a rabbit out of a hat C Not winning anything If all the particles in the universe were to collapse to a single point, it would create a >A Mess B Hood Ornament C Hold it against me Don't worry, C Be happy When will The Hammer tie the knot? >A Feb 7th, 1997 A Andy probably told you already