GAME SCRIPT ON ETERNAL CHAMPIONS FOR THE SEGA GENESIS Written by: Muchitsujo v 1.00 ========================================= = 00: TABLE OF CONTENTS / LEGAL SPEAK = ========================================= :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : # | CONTENTS | UPDATED : : 00 | TABLE OF CONTENTS / LEGAL SPEAK | 05/05/05 : : 01 | VERSION INFO | 05/05/05 : : 02 | INTRODUCTION | 05/10/05 : : 03 | PROFILES | 05/09/05 : : 04 | ENDINGS | 05/07/05 : : 05 | UNANSWERED QUESTIONS / PARTING SHOTS | 05/10/05 : : 06 | FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS | 05/10/05 : : 07 | CONTACT INFO | 05/05/05 : : 08 | FINAL NOTES | 05/10/05 : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: At this point in time,,, and are permitted to host this FAQ. All others must first seek, then be granted, permission to use this FAQ in any way, be it hosting or merely taking out excerpts. Any other usage is oh so illegal and proper steps will be taken. All direct references and characters in the game are property of Capcom, but this FAQ and the effort put into either writing or transcribing is mine and mine alone. (In other words, copyright, by me, Muchitsujo). or, as GameFaqs puts it... This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ====================== = 01: VERSION INFO = ====================== v 1.0 What you see, is what you get, and likely to not be updated. If someone contacts me concerning a mistake or a serious question, then there will be a corresponding update. ====================== = 02: INTRODUCTION = ====================== "Welcome to my chamber. I am the Eternal Champion, keeper of this vast fighting complex. It exists in a place and time corrupted by centuries of misuse and destruction. My purpose in this grand scheme is to maintain the balance between good and evil, light and darkness, hope and despair. Now this balance has been lost and the very fabric that holds the world together will be torn apart. Your future, my persent, has been destoryed by a cruel and unjust twist of fate. Nine individuals from various periods in time were killed before their lives could affect this dark existence. I have observed each of their short lives and have been powerless to stop the chaos. I have spent the centuries harnessing my power for this very moment. I am the pure and untouched energy of all the great martial arts masters that have lived before me. Their skill, wisdom, knowledge and inner-strength are at my command. Even with the force of their collective powers, I can only reward one of the nine individuals with the gift of life. Any of them can have an equally profound effect on the future. For this reason, the contest must take place. At the end of this contest, only one will remain. The victor will be returned to life a few seconds before his death, allowing him to avoid the past with the knowledge to change the future. Only one may live so that balance may again be achieved. ............................................................................... In 1993, the latest trend in the video game world was the fighting game, bolstered by the recent successes of Street Fighter II (1991), Fatal Fury (1991,) and Mortal Kombat (1992), all series that continue strong in arcades to this day. Hoping to ride this wave of success, Sega developed the Eternal Champions series for their Genesis and Sega-CD systems. While the series never caught on, due to its limited availablity, among other things, it did employ various features that were well ahead of their time, including stage fatalities or "overkills", reflected projectiles, forcefields, training rooms filled with elaborate traps, and a new method of executing moves which, to this day, still remains fairly unique in the fighting game universe. ............................................................................... Let the contest begin... ================== = 03: PROFILES = ================== All entries are direct transcripts. Grammatical errors, like "rightous" and "brouht" in Jetta's bio, are transcribed as such. ============ = SHADOW = ============ SHADOW YAMOTO Occupation- Ninja Assassin Time Zone- 1993 A.D. Fighting Style- Taijutsu (Ninjitsu) Taijutsu is a system of unarmed combat similar to jujursu, and is a fore- runner of modern judo. This technique is mixed with ninjitsu, the art of invisibility. The Ninja fighting art combines all areas of offense and defense. This includes the use of dirks, darts, daggers, shuriken, caltrops, brass knuckles, smoke bombs, and various poisons. Biography- Shadow was the best assassin in the Black Orchid Corporation. She performed many tasks ranging from individual eliminations to end large, corporate takeovers. A true star at the Black Orchid headquarters, Shadow never thought much about the morality of her career. Ultimately, she learned that if a job was not satisfactorily completed, another assassin would, in turn, eliminate her. When Shadow realized that her own mortality was in jeopardy, she found that she couldn't bring herself to kill others. Since the corporation did not allow resignation, they arranged a fall from the 101st floor of the Black Orchid building. This stopped her from telling the world about Black Orchid, and similar corporations, and their dark secrets of hired killers. This knowledge would have had a huge impact on international business going into the 21st century. ============ = R.A.X. = ============ R.A.X. COSWELL Occupation- Cyber-fighter Time Zone- 2345 A.D. Fighting Style- Muay Thai Kickboxing This fighting style is indigenous to Thailand, and is often called the 'Sport of Kings' due to its national pastime status. The style is a mixture of powerful kicks and devastating punches, with both fists and elbows. The fighter can use his hands, feet, knees, and elbows in order to injure his opponent. Kicks are used to deliver massive blows to the opponent's legs, knees, and thighs, which makes this one of the bloodiest fighting styles currently in use. Biography- R.A.X. (Robotic Arti- ficial eXoskeleton) is a cuborg. In the year 2345, Coswell was one of the best human kickboxers. The only problem was that the sport was nol onger a human competition, but a battle between cyborgs, robotically enhanced hu- man beings. Since these cuborgs could take and deliver more damage, the crowds stopped attending the human fights for the excitement provided by these new robotic combatants. Given these changes, he had no choice but to get cubernetic implants and join the crooked fight game which was run by a deceitful fight promoter. R.A.X. didn't trust this promoter, but needed his financial support so he could afford the operation. Soon after the operation, R.A.X. rose through the ranks and won the right to take on the champion. He was killed because the corrupt fight promoter traded R.A.X.'s life for a sure bet on the championship fight. The promoter used an advanced electronic virus planted in R.A.X.'s cubernetic brain to shut down all of his vital systems. This shut down occurred seconds before he was about to deliver the fatal blow to the reigning champion. =========== = BLADE = =========== JONATHAN BLADE Occupation- Bounty Hunter Time Zone- 2030 A.D. Fighting Style- Kenpo In modern terms, Kenpo is known as the "fist" method. It employs linear as well as circular moves utilizing intermittent power when and where it is needed. It is interspersed with minor and major moves that flow with continuity. Kenpo is flexible in both thought and action, blending with encounters as they occur. Biography- Blade was one of the best cops that ever worked a beat. Born in Syria and raised in Africa, Blade was dedicated to the extreme, working some of the meanest parts of New Chicago. Blade had, however, one small problem: his temper. After nearly being killed several times by an elusive suspect, Blade finally caught him. The suspect once again tried to kill him, but Blade was able to sidestep the laser and grab the suspect. Being only human, Blade ran out of patience and proceeded to beat the suspect until he was near death. He survived, and sued the police, who in turn, fired Blade to hush the scandal. He ended up moving back to Syria to become a Bounty Hunter, making better use of his quick temper. His final case dealt with a rogue scientist who had escaped a government bio-weapons lab with a vial containing a top secret virus that would kill 95% of all human life. He was threatening to smash the vial open if the government didn't stop all bio-research. The Syrian government hired Blade to safely retrieve the vial. Blade agreed to do it if they didn't interfere. They agreed. He cornered the scientist in an alley and forced the scientist to agree to peacefully give up the vial. The government, however, had followed him and seized the moment to make their move. Shots from laser rifles filled the alley. The last image that Blade saw before he died was the smashed vial containing the virus. =========== = JETTA = =========== JETTA MAXX Occupation- Circus Acrobat Time Zone- 1899 A.D. Fighting Style- Savate / Pencak Silat Savate is a form of hand and foot fighting practiced by the French. This method of fighting to the knockout was once popular with the aristocracy. Savate is noted for its flamboyant kicking techniques. It is practiced by relatively few people today. Pencak Silat is the national fighting art of Indonesia. Known as a dancing martial art, it mainly encompasses the study of empty-hand fighting. Many of the moves are based upon evation and warding off attack. When attacks occur, they are met with lightening strikes that drive opponents off bal- ance so they can then be dropped to the ground. Biography- Jetta was always a rebel; asa youth, she changed her given Russian name to Jetta Maxx to sound more like a performer. Born in Russia, cousin to Czar Nicholas II, Jetta traveled the world as a performer in a famous international circus. During her many travels, which included visits to France and Indonesia, she learned gynmastics and martial arts. In 1899, her circus troop visited China. At the time, China was being ripped apart by the Boxer rebellion, the Chinese attempt to rid their homeland of foreigners. Unfortunately, many innocent Chinese were also dying. Spurred by her compassion, Jetta decided to help infiltrate the Yihe Quang, or "Rightous Harmony Fists" and get them to turn their ways to pacifism before the major foreign powers brouht all their milit- ary forces to bear. In addition, she realized that Russia's involvement in the fighting of the East would further weaken its stability. Before Jetta was able to bring a peaceful end to the fighting and change the history of Russia and China, she fell victim to an act of sabotage by a radical from the Yihe Quang. During a command performance for the crown emperor of China, Jetta's safety net and tension wire were cut during the grand finale. She plummeted to her death. =========== = SLASH = =========== SLASH Occupation- Prehistoric Hunter Time Zone- 50,000 B.C. Fighting Style- Pain This style includes any moves or attack that will cause pain or damage. This includes eye poking, ear-drum popping, neck throttlling, nostril pulling and hair yanking. The most deadly moves come from build-up attacks. These attacks occur when Slash begins to build strength for a given move, but holds it in. When a move is held, its strength will begin to grow. Slash also carries a large wooden club that he uses to dispense pain. Biography- Slash, extremely advanced for a prehistoric crea- ture, was the greatest hunter and the best fighter of his genera- tion. These skills didn't just come from his great strength, but also from the emergence of an early intelligence. With this intelligence, he was able to outsmart most of his opponents. The clan elders resented him for his intelligence, and rejected all of his ideas including an agriculture plan which would free the clan from its enslavenment to a life of drudgery as hunter/gatherers. The elders turned down the idea because they saw no value in having free time. THey enjoyed the violence of the hunt. One day, Slash publicly spoke out against the elders in a clan meeting. Proclaimed to be an evil force, he was stoned to death by the clan. ============= = TRIDENT = ============= TRIDENT Occupation- Gladiator Time Zone- 110 B.C. Fighting Style- Capoeria Fighting A Brazilian form of combat adopted by African slaves to fight against oppression. In it, the foot is considered the strongest weapon, while the head represents the most vulnerable target area. Thus, bringing the foot to the oppoenent's head, the strongest force to the most vulnerable point, is at the heart of its strategy. This in- volves not only kicking, but also somersaults and handsprings. Biography- Tirdent is so-named because of the trident that replaced the hand he lost in a duel with a shark. The people of Atlantis during this time lived above the water. They were competing with the Romans to see who would control the Earth's surface. The loser would be plunged into the watery depths. The Atlanteans spent their time in puruit of science. They realized early on that a major part of the land was going to sink into the ocean. To handle this, they built great enviroments that were enclosed in bubbles so that they could survive the ocean's depths. They offered a fair settlement to the Romans; half of each culture would stay on land, and the other half would go to sea. The Tomans would not agree, and would only settle the issue through battle. The Atlanteans had no choice but to create a warrior that could stand up against the warlike Romans. Trident was their champion. The Romans rigged the fight and crushed Trident under a large stone pil- lar. With this loss, the Atlanteans were forced to go undersea, and their culture was lost forever. ============ = XAVIER = ============ XAVIER PENDRAGON Occupation- Warlock / Alchemist Time Zone- 1692 A.D. Fighting Style- Hapkido Cane Fighting Hapkido emphasizes a nonviolent code of counterdefense. If the force of an attacker's blow is strong, it must be met with a soft reception and countermoves. If the force is soft, it must be countered with a powerful defense. This approach leads to the fluid circular motion and constant mobility of the art. The cane is used in place of the limbs. Almost all hits and defenses are performed by the cane. Biography- Xavier always made poor career choices, so it was no surprise that his last job should end in failure. After nailing still smoking horseshoes onto the mayor's prized workhorse, Xavier found himself with a shack full of smithy tools and no job. Stirred by a love for science, Xavier decided to try his hand at alchemy, the age-old quest for the formula which would turn lead into gold. Instead, he found a way to create an unlimited source of cheap, clean-burning energy that would put Salem on the map forever. Also, he found that his alchemy had changed him, giving him strange, new powers. Before Xavier could use this power and document it for the good of future generations, he found himself bound and gagged as the people of Salem carted him off to the town square. They burned him at the stake on the false charge of being a warlock. While some of Xavier's powers could be mistaken for witchcraft, they are all based on real science. =============== = MIDKNIGHT = =============== MITCHELL MIDLETON KNIGHT Occupation- Bio-Chemical Scientist Time Zone- 1967 A.D. Fighting Style- Jeet Kune Do Known as the "way of the intercepting fist", this style is a collection of the basic mental and physical concepts, observations of combat maneuvers, and philosophies of attitude gathered and developed by the late Bruce Lee. Biography- Knight worked for the CIA on loan from Interpol. Born in London, he was one of the best biochem scientists working in the intelligence community. The CIA needed Mitchell to work on a biochemical weapon to end the Vietnam War. He created a virus that would weaken its victims until they hovered near death, waiting for the antidote. The virus was to be intorduced into the water supply of Vietnam, but Mitchell wouldn't stand for that much human destruction. He stole back his formula and fled back to London to hide. Unfortunately, Mitchell was cornered at the airport by both CIA and Interpol agents. During the escape, he fell from a nine-story building into a chemical vat used by the airport. The force of the impact broke the seal on the virus container and released the strain into the chemical vat. This mixture created an unexpected result - he was transformed into a living vampie. Using his newfound cunning and strength, Mitchell fled to London where he spent the next 133 years vainly searching for a cure to his disease. No longer indentifying with his own past, Mitchell came to be known as Midknight. The cure had become more important since the government used the virus during the Vietnam War by using the contents of the airport chemical vat. Many third-world coun- tries became overrun with living vampires. Midknight was also running out of time because his body (with the exception of his neck and face) was rotting away due to the fact that he would not kill another person to renew his life energy. Midknight was about to solve the last hitch in the antidote when a gov- ernment agent killed him by firing a magnesium stake through his heart. ============ = LARCEN = ============ LARCEN TYLER Occupation- Ex-Cat Burglar Time Zone- 1920 A.D. Fighting Style- Praying Mantis Kung-Fu A style of kung-fu characterized by fierce grasping movements, clawing attacks, and punches, this fighting style originated in a Shao-Lin temple. The priests needed a technique that would allow them to attack larger and stronger opponents. The priests observed two fighting mantises and used the style to make this a brutal and specialized art. Biography- Born in an era of crime bosses and racketeering, Larcen grew up respecting and idolizing the many powerful crime bosses who ruled the streets. As a youth, he went to work for Mr. Taglalini, one of the most powerful bosses. Under his wing, Larcen grew up to be one of the world's best cat burglars. He did many 'jobs' for Mr. Taglalini, including the planting of illegal evidence in the hideouts of the other crime bosses. There was one thing Larcen wouldn't do, and that was kill. Instead, he used martial arts to stop and drop hi attackers. One day, Mr. Taglalini asked Larcen to plant a package on a crime boss who was recovering in the hospital. When he entered the room that supposedly contained the boss, he instead found the recovering chief of police who had been hurt in a prior assassination attempt. It seemed that the mob wanted the chief dead because he was in- corruptible, and was about to declare war on the mob. Larcen suddenly realized that he had been set up. The package he carried probably contained a bomb. At this moment, he decided that he had chosen the wrong side. He wouldn't kill. He tried to throw the bomb out the window, but it was too late. The resulting explosion not only killed Larcen and the chief, but also most of the people in the hospital, including several youngsters in the children's wing. ================= = 04: ENDINGS = ================= All entries are direct transcripts. Grammatical errors, like "mankinds'" in Midknight's ending, are transcribed as such. You have completed the test. You have proven yourself strong enough to return to the life that was stolen from you. You will return a few seconds before your death. Use the knowledge of your fate to change the prior outcome of your life. Prepare yourself! You are about to receive the ultimate reward... life! The balance must be reestablished and it begins now! ============ = SHADOW = ============ When Shadow returned, she quickly avoided being thrown off the roof. She was surprised to learn that her boss had tricked her into coming to the roof. As she rolled to her left, her boss overshot his mark and fell off the building. Shadow immediately went to the police and was placed under protective custody. After several attempts on her life, Shadow testified about her role in the Black Orchid Corporation. This information saved a great many lives and changed business for the better. ============ = R.A.X. = ============ When R.A.X. returned, he quickly began to overload the systems in his body. As the ruthless promoter pulled the transmitter from his jacket, R.A.X. fired an energy bolt from his power generator. The energy bolt flew straight and true to its target, knocking out the promoter and shorting out the transmitter. As his opponent closed in on him for a final blow, R.A.X. hit his air jets, avoiding the devastating punch. R.A.X. quickly countered and knocked his opponent flat to the mat. After the fight, R.A.X. had the electronic virus safely removed. The fight promoter was jailed for attempted murder. The public, outraged by all the corruption, shut down the cyborg fights and returned to more human and humane competition. =========== = BLADE = =========== When Blade returned, he was able to pull the scientist aside before any serious damage was done. Enraged, Blade knocked out over twenty government agents before confronting the one that had betrayed him. At this point, Blade realized that he had accomplished nothing. This anger was the force that led them to the brink of death. This world incident led to a number of government reforms. A world peace council was established with Blade as president. This council went on to bring peace and stability to the whole world. =========== = JETTA = =========== When Jetta returned, she quickly flipped back off the high wire onto the safety of the platform. The saboteur left the grandstand and tried to escape. He was later captured by the imperial guards. Embarrassed by the incident, the Chinese government pressured the extremist groups to turn to more peaceful negotiations. China was then able to settle on a peace plan that would give them full democratic control of their country. After these changes were in place, Jetta returned to Russia. Without the threat of war, the Czar was able to focus his attention on the homeland. Instead of fighting the Socialists, the Czar negotiated a government similar to the one in England. =========== = SLASH = =========== When Slash returned, he quickly pulled himself free from the ropes that held him in place for the stoning. Once he was free, the clan members attacked him. With his newfound knowledge, he used their own force to throw them off balance. Slash finally used a trick from Xavier. He raised his club into the air and the tip became alive with fire. The angry crowd backed away in fear. Once he had their attention, Slash was able to communicate his ideas. Eventually, he was appointed to head the clan. This small change in pre-man history led to a life of peace rather than violence. This in turn saved the earth itself from the ravages of war. ============= = TRIDENT = ============= When Trident returned, he quickly avoided the falling pillar. He was then able to face his opponent in a fair fight. Ultimately, Trident's skill proved too great for the Roman. At the exact moment of delivering the final death blow, Trident realized the futility of it all. Not only did he refuse to finish the Roman, but felt compelled to tell his people the error of their ways. Trident succeeded in convincing the Atlanteans and the Romans to work together. Together they formed a central government using the best ideas from each culture. Their ideas of government, science, and society spread around the world. The great wars never occurred because the Atlanteans were not only the masters of the sea, but also of space. ============ = XAVIER = ============ When Xavier returned, he realized that there was only one way out of his situation. He asked his accusers if his equipment could be burned at the stake with him. Since they felt the equipment was just as evil as Xavier, they had no objection. When the unlimited power source was placed nearby, Xavier held his cane to it and drew the precious power it held. As Xavier drew power from the container, a strange wind quickly surrounded him, protecting him from the flames. The wind moved faster and faster until Salem itself began to change. Xavier had moved through the portals of time. He now had the power to travel through time. Xavier used his ability to move through the ages, becoming an expert on world history. He was able to fix key events in time, allowing the world to become filled with science and tolerance for the unusual. =============== = MIDKNIGHT = =============== When Midknight returned, he quickly sidestepped his attacker to avoid the stake through the heart. He then used his superhuman speed to flash behind his attacker and drain his life force. Realizing that death was not the answer, Midknight collected what was left of his lab and departed for Italy. Midknight restarted his work on a cure for the plague. After a few months of work, a cure was found. The discov- ery was bittersweet however, since the cure was based on his own blood chemistry. So while the cure worked for others, it did little to cure his affliction. It stopped his decay, but left him in his current state forever. Midknight became famous for his efforts and became head of the World Science Organization. His immortality gave him the experience and wisdom to deal with most of mankinds' major diseases. ============ = LARCEN = ============ When Larcen returned, he quickly threw the bomb out the window. Larcen was captured by a couple of policemen standing guard around the hospitalized police chief. Larcen was brought to the chief's room. The chief was so impressed with Larcen's bravery that he made him a member of a special government task force against organized crime. After months of prep work, the task force took down Mr. Taglalini and his organization. Larcen went on to head the task force which eventually widened its scope to include international cartels. This task force was responsible for eliminating organized crime forever. ============================================== = 05: UNANSWERED QUESTIONS / PARTING SHOTS = ============================================== * SHADOW How can you "arrange" to have someone pushed off a roof? I'd throw out a snappy comment but I don't even think it's worth it. * SLASH What? I guess in a lot of other games Slash would be a gag character and that's why his ending turned out that way. I suppose though, that it would be hard to reason with neanderthals even if you were one yourself, so you'd have to do something absurd... Still, there's no way that... ugh... * TRIDENT Notice that the further back a character is in history, the better their ending seems to be. I'm really not getting how the Atlanteans prevented war via space travel though. Space must be the answer to everything. * XAVIER All right, I could deal with the unlimited clean burning power, I mean, in a sense, Xavier is like Nikola Tesla except Tesla had his ideas stolen by GE instead of being burned at the stake, but there are very few instances in games where time travel doesn't feel like a serious cop-out. * MIDKNIGHT Ah, Jeet Kune Do. The martial art that one character in every fighting game and anime seems to practice, but no one teaches. I'm in a sad state when I find the vampire aspect more believable than the Jeet Kune Do. ==================================== = 06: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS = ==================================== Q: Muchitsujo? A: ... It means chaos and disorder in Japanese. I'm not Japanese myself, but I can never think of screen names for anything. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Why did you write this? A: Short answer: No one else was or appeared to be going to. Long answer: I grew up in arcades playing Street Fighter II and whatnot, but at home it was mostly Sega Genesis. I played Eternal Champions quite a bit, and enjoyed it because it seemed to have a lot more backstory than the other fighting games out there, and that tended to be important to me. This is for anyone out there who was similarly intrigued, but never managed to finish the game either. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Who did you play as most often in the game? A: I started out with RAX, but as time passed I moved on to Trident, who I would maintain is still one of the cheapest fighters in video game history. Plasma bolt (dizzy), spinning trident (re-dizzy), spinning trident (re-dizzy), slash (dead). Sometimes, they could not get up off the floor, and others, they were not allowed to. Stylistically, I'd have to say that I liked Larcen the best though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Why do you think the series only lasted two games? A: Well, first off, Sega had a bad tendency to make poor developmental decisions, and was already going under to some degree even before Saturn came out. Sega CD was before its time, Master System didn't sell in the U.S. (for the most part, Sega was much more popular in Europe, but gaming in general wasn't), and all sorts of other things. This wasn't as pronounced in 1993 when EC was originally released, but it was probably a factor as SNES had the mad hook-ups from developers. Second, Sega already had a serious franchise fighting game in Virtua Fighter, which was also ahead of its time in terms of rendering, though a victim of the same problem that afflicts a lot of fighting games, namely, if you button mash a bit, you can kill anything and anyone with almost no skill. Third, structurally, it did not allow for sequels. Even when Challenge came out, I was a bit surprised, but saw it more as playing the same role as Super Street Fighter II did to that series. Just look at the plot: you have a group of nine characters, all from completely different time periods, fighting for the same thing: to save their own lives and help change the future in which the Eternal Champion lived. One person from this group was sufficient enough to save everything. From this standpoint, it would be difficult, if not impossible to author a sequel, unless you take into account some kind of butterfly effect which further damages some aspect of the distant future, which seems highly unlikely given the circumstances of the tournament. Even then, could you bring back the characters from the previous tournament? It's possible, but even then, since all the chatacters would again be fighting for their own lives, and still entering from separate time periods, there could be no character interaction and little further individual character development without losing the integrity of the series. This was basically a one shot deal, and they had to put all their efforts into the game at least suspecting that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Will you ever do something like this for Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Darkside? A: (sigh) Probably not. Even though Sega had a couple of quality games in their lineups over the years, tracking that kind of thing down for working systems and whatnot is becoming increasingly painful. I couldn't even use my old Genesis to write this because the video plug kept on overheating (don't ask, I don't know why). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Who did you have the easiest time beating the Eternal Champion with? A: Midknight. I had it pretty easy with Larcen too, and thought he'd be the one, but with Midknight the EC barely touched me. Too much flying across the screen and throwing for him to handle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Will you be writing a strategy guide for this game? A: Nope. Ask someone else for help. Writing strategies for fighting games is against my religion and I'm really treading on thin ice with this one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How did X fighter learn Y martial art? That does not make sense! A: Fighting games aren't designed to make sense. If you ask me, I just assumed that the whole "training complex" thing was utilized to hone the skills of the various characters before the actual tournament. The EC probably taught a few of them some skills here and there (he IS the culmination of all previous masters after all) and let them figure it out from there. This is one of those odd games where it seems like the fun training minigame stuff is actually plot-relevant. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Did the virus spilled in Blade's time period affect Midknight and RAX in the later timelines? A: This is the biggest plot hole in the game by a considerable margin. If 99% of the world's population had been wiped out, there wouldn't have been enough government left to want to hunt Midknight down, and I doubt that the last remnants of humanity would be so fixated with having their physically strongest specimens bitch it out in a dark room during RAX's period. There are two possible explanations for this: 1) each timeline is a singularity operating outside the influence of the others (utter BS) or 2) lots of people were killed, but they contained it... somehow... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Are all the Atlanteans frogmen like Trident or were they kind of human? A: Short answer: no clue. Long answer: the text indicates that Trident was "created", but beyond that we don't really know anything. Since the Atlanteans were pretty forward thinking so far as underwater domes go, seemingly before the Romans issued the challenge, it seems possible that they were. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: You know, the Blade in this game seems kind of similar to the one in the comic series... A: Aaand that's all the time we have for questions! ====================== = 07: CONTACT INFO = ====================== First, I'm going to have to ask you to search through this to make absolutely certain your answer isn't here. I've tried to be detailed without being concise, so hopefully there is an answer here. Second, this is an in-depth FAQ, only on the plot of this game. If you e-mail with questions about how to beat the Eternal Champion or do the overkills, it's more likely than not that the e-mail gets sent to the trash. Third, no wacky theories. Since (I think) the development of this storyline was limited to the games, I'm just going with what's in them. I really have no interest whatsoever in fanfic or anything of the sort, so just move right along and create your own site if you have to, just leave me out of it. Fourth, harassers will be blocked. Flames, despite mob opinion, are not-so-surprisingly counterproductive. That said, my e-mail is fearfaq(at) (replace the at with an @, I do this to mess with the spambots. Try to be good and give me some idea of what you're talking about in the e-mail title. ===================== = 08: FINAL NOTES = ===================== As all good FAQ / Walkthroughs come to an end, so must come the shout outs. Props to: -- Sega, because even though hardly anyone else noticed it, they did make some pretty fun games. -- CJayC, for being an all around good chap and putting up the gamefaqs site you are likely using. Along with the disclaimer in the beginning. Posting this as well, cheers. -- People who write FAQs, thanks for keeping me from being the designated tech support for my friends. And vice versa. No props to: -- Those who would infringe on the copy rights. I don't make money off of any of this, but seriously, that shit ain't cool yo, and it doens't take that much to get permission. ---- Copyright 2005 Muchitsujo