------------- Fatal Fury 2: ------------- ------------------------------------------- A Word Before We Get Down To The Real Talk: ------------------------------------------- This faq is only for the endings and so. So if anybody have anything to add, please do so. Otherwise... do not bother. ======================================================= -The Mystery of the Teutonic Challenger- Fatal Fury 2: Prologue ---------------------- Geese Howard, master of Southtown. From the punks lurking in dark alleys to the back rooms of City Hall, his name and influence holds sway with all. However, Geese's quest for control and power has come to a complete halt. Since his battle with Jeff Bogard his empire has begun to crumble. And now... -While Geese is relaxing himself- Bodygaurd: Mr. Geese, sir. A telegram... -Geese then opened the telegram- To Geese Howard, my little cream puff, Your sliminess and greed has been a source of great enjoyment for me these past years, but, alas, your end has come. We are all surfing on a wave of new evil. Unfortunately for you, my friend, the wave is here, and you have no board. Auf Wiederehen, Meine Kleine Sucker, Wolfgang Krauser Krauser! The Dark Kaiser. The man of mystery who hangs over Geese like the cloud over the city's waste treatment plant on a hot summer day. Geese: Can't you get rid of this... wiener?! Bodyguard: Yes, you Black-Heartedness... To build up the strength and training of his lethal bodyguards, Billy Kane and Raiden, in the effort to crush Krauser, Geese opens "The King of Fighters Battle Royal". Yet Geese's plans go awry, and the Southtown tyrant becomes raw meat for the Lone Wolves, Terry, Andy and Joe. The battle between Geese and Krauser was never meant to be. Geese meets his end on the cold pavement of a Southtown Avenue. Time Flows On... Southtown. One Year Later ------------------------- Terry Bogard, beloved son of the streets of Southtown. Andy Bogard, tempering mind and spirit in far off lands. Joe Higashi, the Kick-Boxing Pro. Invitations have been delivered to all of these three. This year, "The Sultan of Slugs Battle Royal" awaits our heroes. Are they up to the challenge? In Pau-Pau Cafe, Southtown -------------------------- Terry: Richard! It's Bogus-Ville, Arizona!! Richard: You mean this? I got one, too. Terry: Whatta ya gonna do? Jumpin' Mexican Jelly Beans, Richard! Richard: Jumpin' what...? Anyway, I'm keeping my buns here. What are prepared to do? Terry: I bet Andy and Joe are thinking the same thing. Wherever they may be... -While Terry and Richard speak, invitations are being by Andy, Joe, and a handful of the world's strongest fighters.- Where, when, and against who? These questions still remain to be answered until moments before the match of the millenium... Put Up Your Dukes and Let's Fight! ====================================================== ----- Name: Terry Bogard (The "Oh Yeah" Kid) ----- ------ Stage: America (The Wild West) ------ ---------------- Pre-Fight Quote: ---------------- The moment we meet, it's game over for you, pal. ------------------- Little Information: ------------------- With his trademark Cap and windbreaker, Terry enters the battle to determine the mysterious identity of the Sultan's promoter, Wolfgang Krauser. Will his dizzying speed and lighting moves be enough to aacomplish his task? ------- Ending: ------- May 15th, 1993... Terry Bogard becomes the strongest in the world. Terry: Richard, I'm starving! Get me more! ====================================================== ----- Name: Andy Bogard (The Compact Koppo Specialist) ----- ------ Stage: Italy (Venezia) ------ ---------------- Pre-Fight Quote: ---------------- Terry's my brother, and I love him... but this time I'm gonna make him eat his cap. ------------------- Little Information: ------------------- Terry's kid brother. Smaller than Terry but large in ability. This master of Koppo, the ancient Oriental art of bone breaking os a force to be reckoned with. Fresh from a year of rigorous training of both mind and body. Andy is prepared for his lineal grudge match and the chance kick Krauser's posterior. ------- Ending: ------- May 15th, 1993... Andy Bogard becomes the strongest in the world. -Live manly my sons- ======================================================= ----- Name: Joe Higashi (The Kick Boxing King) ----- ------ Stage: Thailand (Chiang Mai) ------ ---------------- Pre-Fight Quote: ---------------- What, you don't know me? Well, after I bop your bean maybe you'll apply for one of those credit cards. ------------------- Little Information: ------------------- After pleaging his allegiance to the brothers Bogard. Joe returned to the jungles to train. After months of obcurity, Joe rose like a comet to the heights of world kick-boxing champ. A title he still holds with his mongoose like legs and Hurricane Upper. Joe is ready for all comers. ------- Ending: ------- May 15th, 1993... Joe Higash becomes the strongest in the world. Joe: It's the beginning of Joe's legend. ======================================================= ----- Name: Big Bear (The Grizzly-Crushing Wrestling Maniac) ----- ------ Stage: Australia (Alice Springs) ------ ---------------- Pre-Fight Quote: ---------------- Fighting humans is new to me. If I don't take it easy, I'll end up ripping off their jaws. Yeah, I know it's grisly to think about it. Heh, heh. ------------------- Little Information: ------------------- Known before as the bear-wrestling roustabout and bodyguard, Raiden. He has taken off the mask and returned as an independent wrestler. Known for his obscene power and deadly Lariat Drop. All contestants should keep their distance from him. ------- Ending: ------- May 15th, 1993... Big Bear becomes the strongest in the world. Big Bear: No one can challenge me? Terry, let's have a rematch. -Terry gives him the "not interested look"- ====================================================== ----- Name: Jubei Yamada (The Geriatric Judo Demon) ----- ------ Stage: Japan (Kumamoto) ------ ---------------- Pre-Fight Quote: ---------------- I'm not a dirty old man. I bathe every day. Ohh, take a look at... bye, sonny. ------------------- Little Information: ------------------- Unquestionably the world's strongest 70 year old. Jubei has joined the contest to rekindle the flame of his youth and find some groupies to help him. Still spry and lithe, between rounds he passes the time eating rice crackers and hitting on young female spectators. A lonely man in a rapidly changing world. ------- Ending: ------- May 15th, 1993... Jubei Yamada becomes the strongest in the world. Jubie: it's not always good to be popular. ===================================================== ----- Name: Cheng Sinzan (The Muscular Merchant of Lump Giving) ----- ------ Stage: Hong Kong (Abardeen) ------ ---------------- Pre-Fight Quote: ---------------- Money isn't everything. It's the only thing. No, seriously, money... I would say is the third most important thing in life. Trouble is I keep forgetting the first two. ------------------- Little Information: ------------------- For someone who hates exercise. This middle-age junk food addict certainly knows how to move! his gravity-defying feats and unique body help him to win matches and especially prize money. His ultimate dream: To bathe naked in a sea of gold coins. The thought sends chills down the spine. ------- Ending: ------- May 15th, 1993... Cheng Sinzan becomes the strongest in the world. Cheng: With the legend of the world's dest, my school will be popular. ===================================================== ----- Name: Kim Kaphwan (The Tai Kwando Champion) ----- ------ Stage: Korea (Seoul) ------ ---------------- Pre-Fight Quote: ---------------- Will there be free food after the fight? ------------------- Little Information: ------------------- With ridiclous speed and a punch of steel, Kim is out to show that Tai Kwando and Korean nation are not to be taken tightly. His precise and steady ways of inflicting pain are sure to take him a long way. ------- Ending: ------- May 15th, 1993... Kim Kaphwan becomes the strongest in the world. Kim: How's it, Krauser? It's not so bad living right. P.S. Kim, you silly buffoon. SO predictable. ^_^ ====================================================== ----- Name: Mai Shiranui (The Kock-Out Ninja) ----- ------ Stage: Japan (Aokigahara) ------ ---------------- Pre-Fight Quote: ---------------- I swear if that cracker eating old geezer makes one more comment about my costume, he's going to need a walker after I get through with him. ------------------- Little Information: ------------------- The daughter of Andy Bogard's martial arts teacher. Mai has been trained in the Ninja teaching for 17 years. With her flexible body and arms of iron, she is set to show which sex is the strongest. ------- Ending: ------- May 15th, 1993... Mai Shiranui becomes the strongest in the world. -Andy holding Mai on his back and feeling very tired- Mai: Oh, Andy, I'll make you my disciple. ====================================================== ================== The Fatal Fury 2 Trivia Corner ================== Mai Was A Man?! --------------- Originally the Ninja Master in the game's early planning stages, concept of the buxom Mai slowly developed into reality, sending the Ninja Master off to that big dogo in the sky. Mai went through a series of evolutious to finally reach the form she now takes in Fatal Fury 2. Mai remarks, "I think this belief that physical competition is stictly males is so Cold War Era, you know? Face it, most of the guys I meet these days are, well, to put it frankly, wimps. By the way, who designed my costume? Why don't YOU try fighting in this thing? Geez!" Is Jubei Crackers! ------------------ Jubei Yamada is far from the image of the aged, martial arts master. "Hey, I'm not like those jerks in dumb karate movies where little kid meets this wise, old guy. Not me, life is too short." Incidentally, Jubei seems to prefer two kinds of sembei, or Japanese rice crackers. One type is used for eating, the other for hurling at his enemies. The crackers used for throwing are glazed with a special sauce of hot mustard so hot it makes indians shriek. Jubei adds, "To my young female fans I send my thanks and my address. Feel free to write to me anytime, or if you're the nei..." Hey, wait a minute, there, Jubester, this isn't the personals column. ======================== From The Vaults of SNK ======================== ======================================================= ---------------- Unknown By Many: ---------------- ============ Fatal Fury 2 ============ Staff Producer -------- BIG BOSS E. Kawasaki Planner ------- Deru-Deri Tsukamichi-2 Chinta Character Design Object ------ Higashipon Mark3 Tony Oki Tsuzakingyo 2 Lionheart U.G Ryouji-Sei Super Soe Soe Heitarou Terarin Horigen.Pu-Ta Back Scroll ----------- Moriyan Somatreeno Oba Obata Shibatarian Uri Maidopom A-Chang Character Back Up ----------------- Manuke Teizo Muta 92 Kama Kama Takeshi Kimura Man Take.P Albinone Pinkey.Tbc440 Programmer ---------- Yamatan-2' Turbo Speaker. R Sound ----- Shimi2m Yoko Jojouha Kitapy Ylf.Communicate Paciorek Papaya Special Thanks -------------- Kazuya Hirata Prince Degucha! Kura Shinchan Data Tada Oh! Buch! Carry Kenchan Miyagam! Satochang !Watakun Finish Hiroshi Akiko Tsuruta Mie Kurita Megumi Moriyama ------------------- 1st.Operation Staff All SNK Staff ------------- SNK Produced By SNK ================ ======================================================= ---------------- Last Words: ---------------- There you have it. If anything is wrong, just send me an E-Mail. Hope there will be some respect for the hard work. This is one of the old games that you always want to play to remember the very very very good times. Damn right... the very good old times. Sniff sniff! --------------- Special Thanks: --------------- 1)To SNK. 2)To Gamefaqs. 3)To all my friends for the encouragement. 4)To Rey for telling me about the 1 credit endings. Check out his site at: www.vgmuseum.com ======================================================= Fatal Fury 2 is Copyright SNK Crop. This document Copyright 2003 Basel Al-Shehab If you need to contact me to add or ask me about anything, E-Mail me at Mr_Basel@yahoo.com or Mr_Geese@hotmail.com Credits for GameFAQs and SNK Crop.