Golden Axe III Translation and Stuff by Bombman 12/30/2007 - submitted to Death Adder's Castle 1/4/2007 - submitted to GameFAQs Death Adder's Castle is where I got the manual scans for this translation. As of this writing manual scans are hosted at This file was cleaned up a bit for, basically it's the original file but with line breaks >_> and the Page 3 translation was altered a bit. Go to for the Wii Virtual Console demo movie, which makes the game look cooler than it actually is. Purpose of this guide is to reveal backstory information. Pointless stuff is untranslated (i.e. "press the start button to start the game" or whatever.) FRONT OF BOX For Mega Drive FRONT OF BOX BOTTOM Golden Axe III BACK OF BOX What the gods have bequeathed upon the earth... could it be the destiny of an unending battle!? PAGE 2 We sincerely thank you for buying the megadrive cartridge (Golden Axe III) on this occasion. You can play it better if you read this instruction manual before proceeding. [stock phrase] PAGE 3 [This page is written in an annoying pseudo classical style.] In olden times, the majestic gods which governed the earth did use the battle axe called "Golden Axe" to banish evil giants. At length, a new generation was come. Humans appeared above the earth and were inherited that battle axe. The departed gods left a final message "Thilk axe brings justice and peace under the [figurative] sunlight and not bringeth dark-rooted evil, destruction..." Because of this, even before the battles for the axe ended, people were to call it the Axe Wars. [literally Senpu Taisen or Battle-Axe Great Battle[s]. Senpu is written on the title screen of Golden Axe 1 and means battle axe.] PAGE 3 BOTTOM Axe Wars Chronicle - Prologue PAGE 4 PROLOGUE When the elder Gilius came to, it was in distant and unknown lands. He ached throughout his body, and couldn't even stand. "What the hell just happened?..." Memories began coming back to his dizzy head. A very long time ago, he was a hero who, together with his companions, recovered the divine Golden Axe from the hands of the enemies that had stolen it. His former friends had long since passed away, and he, as a member of the long living Dwarf race, was now the only living witness left of that battle. With the experience of twice fighting in the Axe Wars, he resolved to travel to the ends of the earth, where the gods had departed, to return the axe to them so that it would not be used for evil again. And so, Gilius made this his mission, however... ~Memories vaguely returned to him. Several weeks prior, with the Golden Axe in hand, he had bidden farewell to everyone and then sailed away from the mainland. At some point, a fierce storm had suddenly come out of nowhere and brought wave after wave upon the ship, causing massive damage. Shipmates were being tossed off... including him, who had guarded the Golden Axe to the end... After that, he did not remember. But he may have heard some sort of loud and evil laughter as he was losing consciousness. PAGE 5 However, he knew one thing. That the weapon that outlived even him, the Golden Axe he was supposed to protect, had been lost somewhere. Half a year later, as Gilius was finally beginning to recover from his injuries to where he could walk again, he set out to search for the Golden Axe. But what he then saw was a dark world caught in a battle of hatred, tainted with blood and flames. He had washed up at the kingdom of Splash Hill, in mid-Eastland. Though it was once a peaceful kingdom, one day the mysterious demon king "Damned=Hellstrike" suddenly appeared, and with his entire demon army overran the kingdom, imprisoned and enslaved the people. The king's whereabouts were unknown, and the queen was apparently confined in the castle as well. It was soon quite clear to Gilius. "[It's] the Golden Axe!" Since he couldn't go because of his age, he sought brave warriors to save the people from this crisis. Before long, there were 4 heroes standing before him. "Go! And bring me back the Golden Axe!!" Upon receiving the elder Gilius's words, the heroes headed towards the castle occupied by the demon army. Here at this moment, the Axe Wars "gun barrel cover has been cut off"... [not sure what this expression means exactly.] PAGE 6 PLAYER INTRO [The character's names, because of the way they are written, can be somewhat ambiguous in English. Here I just use standard romanization.] Kain Gurindaa A soldier that excels using the battle sword. His close friends were killed and his tribe was torn apart by the demon army, so now, responding to Gilius's call, he will face the demon army to satisfy his revenge. Sara Baan She once belonged to a troupe of traveling entertainers, but since the soldiers of the demon army suddenly appeared and killed her friends, she has been waiting for her moment of revenge. Wielding the Blue Dragon Sword passed down from her father, she dances nimbly around her opponents, and tears them up. PAGE 7 Puraudo Kuragga He boasts strength as a descendant of the giants. He has lent his strength to overthrow Damned after Gilius rescued him from underground confinement by the demon army. His attack power is notable even amongst the four. Kuronosu "Ibiru" Reito [Ibiru=evil. cause he, um, looks evil?] He was once a human, but he turned into a half beast thanks to Damned, who carrying the Golden Axe which amplifies his evil powers, placed a curse on him. He has joined the fight to regain his human shape. PAGE 8 AND 9 [obvious and uninteresting stuff] PAGE 10 BOTTOM [The 5th item on the page is new to this game] 5. Number of rescued slaves If you rescue 5 of the villagers/soldiers who are imprisoned your remaining Players will go up by one (up to nine total) PAGE 11 BOTTOM To dismount the monster press b+c simulataneously. [new to this game] PAGE 12 [1st box] Recovery Items - Recover your lost life. (apple) (meat) [2nd box] Life Up - Get this to refiill your life and extend the life gauge by a little bit. [3rd box] Magic Pot - Get this to be able to use magic (Magic->p. 14) [4th box] Thief - The blue thief has magic pots, the green thief has recovery items. PAGE 13 [middle bullet] You can only continue with 4 credits, and if playing 2 players, you share the credits. PAGE 14 When you have Magic Pots and push the A button, you can then cast a certain level of magic based on your number of pots. (Any pots going "over" will still remain in your stock.) PAGE 15 Kain = Water Magic Sara = Fire Magic Puraudo = Rock Magic Kuronosu = Fog Magic [The following pages describe controller actions. The text around the actions is merely spelling it out i.e. "Push forward, then push forward a second time quickly to dash" etc.] PAGE 16 Dash -> + -> High Jump -> + -> + C Triangle Jump (off wall etc) C, <- or -> + C 2nd Stage Jump C, (mid-air)C (Kuronosu and Sara only) PAGE 17 - C, B Jump Attacks - Kain, Sara: Jump Kill [Kill = "kill with blade", but I can't think of an English word to approximate this] Puraudo: Drop Kick Kuronosu: Jump Kick - C, then down + B Jump Attack - Kain: Down Thrust Sara: 2nd stage Kick Puraudo: Mongolian Chop Kuronosu: Diving Thrust PAGE 18 - High Jump + B Attacks - Kain: High Jump Kill Sara: Mid Air Revolve Kill Puraudo: Two Legged Knee Drop Kuronosu: Two Hand Kill - Dash + B Attacks - Kain: Body Check Sara: Sliding Kick Puraudo: Lariat Kuronosu: Pounce PAGE 19 Down + B Trip - Throws - 1. Hit B to create a combo hit, then B again while pushing towards opponent. 2. Grab your opponent by pressing B near him, then push B in the opposite direction to throw: Kain: Shoulder Throw Sara: Overhead Toss Puraudo: Throw Off Kuronosu will Drop Kick instead. PAGE 20 - Special Moves - 1. Triangle Jump + B (Sara and Kuronosu) Sara: Smash Kick Kuronosu: High Spin Kick 2. As Puraudo, grab your opponent and push C button for Body Press. - B + C Unique [lit. Sure Kill] Moves - Kain: Moonlight Fell Sara: Moon Dance Puraudo: Stand Hammer Kuronosu: Mirage Sault PAGE 21 - <- or -> + B + C Strong Moves - Kain: Cyclone Slash Sara: Skill Kick Puraudo: Rock Buster Kuronosu: Sonic Claw - Attack enemies from afar - Kain and Puraudo: Forward, Up, Back, Down + B + C Kain: Earth Bolt Puraudo: Strong Breeze Sara and Kuronosu: Forward, Back, Forward + B + C Sara: Flying Blade Kuronosu: Rolling Shadow Defense Push Back + B PAGE 22 PLAYER CO-OP Select 2P play on the Select Screen and you can use co-op abilites and even more powerful magic. When 1P and 2P are next to each other [as in the picture] and no buttons are pressed, both players will nod to each other and that means a co-op move is ready. Co-op Moves When the players nod, either 1P or 2P push B on the control pad Kain + Sara: Bird Kick Kain + Puraudo: Whip Kick Sara + Puraudo: Heavy Bomb Kain + Kuronosu: Rotor Blade Sara + Kuronosu: Twin Sault Puraudo + Kuronosu: Bird Dive PAGE 23 Co-op Magic When both players have at least 10 Magic Pots between them. Get the players to nod, and either 1P or 2P press A. The one who pushed A will cast a specific magic which is more powerful than Level 3. The players will then lose 10 pots in total starting with the spell caster. Kain: Tidal Wave A big tidal wave arises. Sara: Falling Sun She creates a falling miniature sun. Puraudo: Summoned Golem A rock golem monster is summoned Kuronosu: Death Arrow Death is summoned and it emanates thunder PAGE 24-25 [nothing noteworthy on this page] PAGE 26-27 STAGES [The two middle ones are forest and mountain. From the top going clockwise are desert, sky, castle, castle gate, city, ship, town, cave, village. plains, grave mound] PAGE 28 ENEMIES The evil demon king and his loyal demon army. Here, some are introduced. Dead Frame: Damned's evil power has given life to the bones of these ancient evil monsters. Vanity: The core of the demon army is comprised of these female soldiers. Corvette: Commander of the demon army's human forces. Ego Iru Shiipu: Four armed demon summoned from the demon world. [The name sounds like some obscure reference... which I don't know.] PAGE 29 Mustang: Clan of giants which were sealed deep into the earth. Eve: The demon king Damned's loyal follower. But his true form... Damned=Hellstrike: He stole the Golden Axe from Gilius, and intends to rule the world with its power. He holds great evil powers, quickly destroying and ravaging this world, but his background is veiled in mystery, and his identity is unknown. [The = sign is how the names were written in the first game.] PAGE 30 AND 31 [cartridge maintenance and now defunct hints hotline] Bombman's Weapons Of Mass Translation Daijisen published by Shogakukan New Nelson Japanese-English Character Dictionary WWWJDIC ( Each one has stuff that you can't find in the other one. All three, godsends. The end - B.O.M. (