Battle Strategies for Herzog Zwei: ---------------------------------* This is meant as a semi-walk-through type file in order to help you get a basis of playing the game. Starting out: The starting strategy for any game should be to put at least an armored car and a SAM at your main base. After this, (in which time most likely the computer will have secured another minor base) you should start doing what he is and getting bases. Bases: The strategies for bases, or, for the better part -- strategies *I* have used successfully for bases, is to take over as many as quickly as you can without supplying defense for any one base. Keep an eye on the long range radar screen, and if you see the enemy plane try to capture one of your bases, go there and secure it. Most of the time, if you can put out a quick supply of missile-launching units and resupply trucks, you can usually catch the computer in a loop and he will stay there while you let your missiles kill him and go about your business in taking over his bases. Taking Bases: In order to take bases from the computer, this is a little more difficult. Especially in the later levels, its easy to say you will lose at least one plane trying most of the time. My general strategy is to make two gatling cannons (GRMN, the expensive thing that looks like a magnet) and then when both of them are through producing just taking them by the base and turning into the mech in order to assist their attack on any defense. Once the defense is gone, two gatling cannons is usually enough to suffice killing the enemy plane, and always enough if you're there. After that you just keep dropping infantry and laugh as the enemy tries to polish off the two gatling guns while at the same time trying to turn around and kill the infantry before they get in the base. Killing the enemy's main base: This requires a little bit of skill early on, and a lot of skill on the more difficult levels. Basically, my strategy involves: * 5 gatling cannons (yes, 5 of the 15k cost magnet looking things). * 3 tanks set to attack the base. * You in your mech form standing there helping defend the tanks. * Resupply trucks for the gatling cannons. How this strategy works: The 5 cannons keep the enemy plane from aiding the defense, as when the 5th missile hits (sometimes the 6th, and very rarely the 7th), it kills the plane. Since it reforms there, the gatling cannons launch another wave of missiles at him killing him again. However, if you are there in your plane mode, he will move instead of idling to restore his energy in order to attack you. Don't be underestimated by the fact that you've got 5 cannons there, he can do a lot of damage to you quick if you don't pay attention. This is why you stay in mech mode. Another reason you stay is because it makes it easier to kill off things attacking your tanks, and it lets you watch the enemy die. (G) The supply trucks keep the cannons in missile stock so you don't have to go pay 15,100 more for each time you run out of missiles.