Ka Ge Ki: Fists of Steel (Genesis) FAQ/Walkthrough Version 1.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version/Update History Saturday, January 14, 2006: Started and finished Version 1.0, and added all known information. Submitted to GameFAQs. Tuesday, March 21, 2006: Just some fixes to my spelling. Nothing interesting to see here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR'S NOTE: Since no one wrote a guide for this stinker, I decided to do it myself. I used to own this, and remember enough information from the manual to lay out the story. But some of the character names will be made up as I go along. Onward! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Information Written by: Goatboy Damient (thecatillaccat) Email: goatboydamient@yahoo.com Feel free to email me. I'll accept email about gameplay strategies, any corrections you have to my character names or the story are welcome, and offers of money or comely damsels are welcome, as well. What are NOT welcome are emails with bad grammar, spelling, TYPING JUS LIKE DIS DOOD!, or flames. As a matter of fact, all flames shall be killed deader than Fat Elvis on the toilet. Okie? As of right now, the only two sites allowed to host my guides are www.gamefaqs.com and www.neoseeker.com, so make all our lives easier and don't swipe my guide! Email me if you want to use it on your site, and be sure to use the newest version, and change absolutely nothing in it. I do not own this game or it's characters, and make no money off of this. But really, who would want to, anyhow? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction Ka Ge Ki: Fists of Steel was released on the Sega Genesis by Sage's Creation in 1991. It is also one of the most craptacular cheesefests on this console, but I like it all the same. This was the first Genesis game I played, having come with the console bought for me from a friend, along with Sonic 2. This is a one on one fighting game, where you can do 2 different kinds of punches, jump, and move in 8 directions. It's also got lousy hit detection, grainy voiceovers, bad controls, and ridiculously large heads. Sound fun yet? It is, and it isn't. I love it, but it IS a pretty crappy game, I'll admit. But come on, it's nowhere near as tough as the reviews here make it out to be once you get the hang of it... This guide will tell you the story, the characters, the items, the controls...everything you need to know! And more than you probably thought existed. You'll also get to put up with my unhumorous humor and weird commas. My guide will feature a basic find feature. If you are looking for a specific section, place the code in the find function of your favorite browser, hit enter, and go to it. So, without further ado... "Hey, let's fight!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents A0. The Almighty Options Screen A0-0. Notes A1. Story A1-0. Notes A2. Characters A2-0. Notes A2-1. The Good Guys A2-2. The Bad Guys A2-3. The Fodder A3. Items A3-0. Notes A4. Controls A5. Tips and Tactics A5-0. Notes A6. Level Information A6-0. Notes A6-1. Round 1 A6-2. Round 2 A6-3. Round 3 A6-4. Round 4 A6-5. Round 5 A6-6. Round 7 A6-8. Round 8 A6-9. Round 9 A7. The Ending A8. The Voiceovers A9. Final Words AA. Thanks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A0. The Almighty Options Screen A0-0. Notes This game is positively unbalancing with it's options, perhaps to offset the bad controls. I suggest pumping your health up to 40, and getting as many continue as you can. Difficulty really doesn't matter so much, but I'll note big differences as I go along. LEVEL: change the difficulty between Easy, Normal, and Hard. Higher Levels make you fight more and tougher fodder enemies before each Boss, and Bosses move around just a bit more, making it harder to line them up for Right Crosses. That's about it. LIFE: Select between 32 life, and 40 life. Really, why would we want to select 32? Except maybe to place the game on Hard, with 3 continues, for the heck of it... ROUND: Lets you select which level you want to start at. You can start from Level 1, 2, or 3. Useful if you just want to fire this thing up and get to the top. Or play through it 3 or 4 times to get all the information you need. Oh, the things I do for you people... CONTINUE: Change how many continues you have. Put it at 9, and theres no way you're not gonna beat this game, I promise you. CONTROL: Change the control layout. If you don't like it how it is, go ahead. Me, I never have. SOUND TEST: Let's you listen to the boppy music, the sound effects, and the grainy voices. And one sound at number 29 that I've NEVER heard in the game. Also, 30 to 99 play no sound whatsoever. The hell? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A1. Story A1-0. Notes Back in 1992 or so, I got this game, complete in it's box, with the manual. I lost that and the game many years ago, but I still remember enough of the story to make a go at it. But if you have corrections, tell me! Like anyone is gonna read this thing... STORY Ken was a famous boxer, a powerful fighter who had never lost a match. His special move, the ability to jump out of danger, had kept him on top, and kept those who bet on him rolling in money. But one day he came home to find his brother dying in the gutter. With his last breath, he told Ken that he had been attacked by the vicious Kageki Gang, who wanted Ken to stop winning his fights, so they could clean up in the betting. Swearing revenge, Ken headed to the gang's nine floor tower to avenge his brother's death! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A2. Characters A2-0. Notes I took liberties with many of the names here, but I believe Ken's name is accurate. Also, I chose to call the gang Kegeki, because in the little in-game mugshot sequence it says "Kegeki's Gang". I'll also note about how many Right Crosses it will take to beat each enemy,plus some basic tips and strategy. The Fodder are the enemies you fight before each boss. A2-1. The Good Guys Ken: Our Elvis-looking main character, and possessor of the world's largest cranium. A famous boxer who used his ability to do two kinds of punches and jump to take the boxing world by storm. He is out to avenge his brother's death, and make the Kageki feel his bobbleheaded wrath! Daisy: The Kageki Leader's woman. Though she is the Leader's lady, she is not happy with her lot in life, and seems to have her eyes on Ken. Throws useful health powerups to you, and waits for you to rescue her on the top floor. Mr. Referee: When a fighter is down for good, Mr. Referee runs out, with his giddy buck-toothed grin, to count a quick "Eight, nine, ten!". Though really, what is a referee doing in the Kageki Gang's hideout? A2-2. The Bad Guys Freddy: The boss of Floor One, Freddy is the lowest ranking member of the Kageki Gang. He looks like a normal fodder enemy, but with red hair and kanji on the back of his jacket. Before fighting, he does a fruity little shadowboxing routine. Waste this fool and move on. Right Crosses: 5 Mohawk: The boss of Floor Two, Mohawk is your typical stupid thug. He wears a purple suit, a mohawk on his head, and the world's dumbest grin. His horizontal-facing sprite also kind of looks like a fish, and his eyeball twitches. Freaky! Before fighting, he throws an exploding barrel to try and scare you. Smack him! Right Crosses: 6 Pounder: The boss of Floor Three, Pounder is yet another thug, but slightly more skilled than those before him. He wields a club behind his back, swinging it to catch his enemies off guard. Before fighting, he swings the club two or three times, perhaps to try and intimidate you. Don't be intimidated. Be angry, and smash this loser! Right Crosses: 8 Blob: Blob is the boss of Floor Four, and the first somewhat hard fight you will have. Wearing a headband and a purple jacket and short pants, he will do his sumo dance and charge! But this boss carries with him a new trick. When his health gets too low, he'll change color and get a huge energy boost! Don't be scared...he's not any stronger. Just keep hitting him, and he'll be taking the long fall in no time. Right Crosses: 15 Masket: Masket is the boss of Floor 5. A tricky fighter and a germophobe, he wears a surgeon's mask at all times, only pulling it aside to eat. It also flies up to his eyes when you knock him down, revealing his comical freckles. When the fight starts he will run away from you, perhaps seeking to give you a false sense of security. Don't buy it. Wax this creep fast, and get ready for a REAL challenge. Right Crosses: 12 Slick: The hitman of the Kageki gang, he is said to have killed all the members of a rival gang, and is on the run from other gangs and the law. Wearing red pants and a mesh shirt, and a mouth full of missing teeth, he waits on the 6th floor to give you a real challenge. Slick is fast and tough, but the real difficulty in this fight is how long it will take. Once Slick's health gets low enough, he turns green and gets most of it back. He's not any more powerful, so don't get nervous. As soon as this fight starts, JUMP AWAY because he will appear right next to you and start the pounding. Slick takes more Right Crosses to beat than any other enemy in the game. Right Crosses: 24 Spike: The Gang Leader's Right-Hand man, Spike is the second most powerful fighter in the Kageki. He wears a headband and karate suit, and throws lightning fast karate chops. Do NOT get into a jab fight with Spike. You will lose. You can make a go at it if you have the glove, but it's not worth it to stand toe to toe with this man. Keep moving, and only throw Right Crosses when you've got him lined up and moving towards you, and he'll be flying down the manhole in no time. Speaking of which, want to meet the most pathetic boss in the history of video games? Right Crosses: 18 Curly: Curly is the one who appears after matches to throw defeated fighters down the manhole. He has a stupid afro, and even stupider clothes, but his strength is colossal. He can even pick up Blob and not break a sweat. But when you fight him, the gang is desperate. Curly is the last man left. And he SUCKS. He comes out swinging a ball and chain, and looks very dangerous. But he cannot hurt you, and is down for the count with one punch. Not even a Right Cross. A simple jab will do. Even Glass Joe could beat this loser. No manhole cover for you! You're unconscious! Haha! Right Crosses: 1. Heck, even a jab will do. Gang Leader: The leader of the Kageki gang, he is a mysterious character, and nothing is known about him or his past. Cliche much? At the start of the fight, he tosses aside his jacket, and him and his wrapped belly come in for the kill. The Leader is NOT to be trifled with. He can often sneak in a super powered, lightning fast jab when you try to land a Right Cross. The best time to throw a Right Cross is when he is very slightly below you, and you need to time it perfectly so he'll walk right into it. The Retreating Jab technique also works well. Look in the Tips and Tactics section to learn how to do this. Stay vigilant. Especially on harder difficulties, his punches can rip you to pieces in seconds. Right Crosses: 20 A2-3. The Fodder Tony: Yellowish-green hair. The basic fodder enemy, you will encounter him a lot on the lower floors, and all the bloody time on the Easy difficulty level. One Right Cross will beat this wimp. Vinny: Dark Red/Maroon hair. A little tougher than Tony, Vinny will be encountered on Normal a lot, and towards the middle of the tower. It will take 2 Right Crosses to beat this weakling, so do so. Bill: Bright Green hair. The next fodder enemy is slightly smarter than Vinny, but not by much, and still takes 2 Right Crosses. Tony, Vinny, and Bill all act pretty much the same, but their superior is much different. Mack: Blonde hair. Mack is dangerous. More dangerous than the first boss, as a matter of fact. He takes less Right Crosses to beat, but he is faster, and moves around a lot more, so it's harder to get a shot lined up. He also weakens you for the encounters with the big bosses, since they are the only ones who command Macks. 3 Right Crosses. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A3. Items A3-0. Notes I remember the names of these from the manual, so you can rest assured that they are accurate. Anyhow, here we go. Items are sometimes tossed to you by Daisy, and Gloves appear randomly. Health items appear more often the lower your Life meter gets. Burger: A nice, meaty hamburger that will restore a little health. Tuna Fish: A can of Tuna Fish, that will restore a large amount of health. But come on, raw tuna? And how does Ken open it in the middle of the fight anyhow? I don't want to think about it. It's too disgusting! Glove: Makes your Left Jabs superfast. I love this thing. Get it and use it, especially in tandem with the Retreating Jab technique and you'll cut your enemies down to size in no time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A4. Controls D-Pad: Move in the eight cardinal directions, and control the direction of your jumps. A Button: Jump. The Jump is the most useful move you have. Abuse it. If you get backed into a corner, miss a Right Cross, or just want to get away from the enemy quickly, hold down the A button and jump. B Button: Left Jab. A fast, weak punch. Only useful when you have the Glove powerup. If you don't, stick with Right Crosses. Use of the jab will get you hit far more than you need to be. C Button: Right Cross. Ahh, here's the big one. A huge, slow punch. Two of these in a row will knock down most enemies. It takes a second to come out, so learn the timing and let it out when your enemy will walk right into it. Should be the staple of your arsenal. And with two moves, what choice do you have? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A5. Tips and Tactics A5-0. Notes As simple as this game is, and as bad as the controls are, there are a few tricks you can use to get yourself out of a jam. It's not foolproof, as this game's hit detection is sometimes dodgy, but it will give you an edge. Especially all you reviewers. Come on, it's not that bad, you know? Boss Health: As you fight bosses, they randomly recover small amounts of health. Keep this in mind. Jumping: Make use of your jump at all times, as has been said. Nothing will help you take less damage, and it will put you in position to do more. Positioning: NEVER fight when facing up or down. The hit detection is so bad that it is more or less impossible to hit the enemy from this direction. But it is very, very possible for the enemy to hit you. Fight facing sideways, and try to stay very, VERY slightly above your opponents. Let them come to you, always. Cross and Jab Technique: Very useful on Vinny's, and moderately useful on bosses. Hit the enemy with a Right Cross, and immediately move up and throw rapid Left Jabs. They will be stunned from the Right Cross, and with Vinny's especially, the jabs will keep them stunned and defeat them. Backwards and Forwards Right Cross: The technique I use most, it works on every boss on all difficulty levels, though on higher difficulties it is a bit harder to get it to work on the last 3 bosses. Line the enemy up, and let them walk into a Right Cross. Now immediately walk backwards. About 90% of the time, your enemy will do the same. When they do, move slightly forward and they will be at the right level, walking straight into your fist again. Retreating Jab: A technique I just discovered while doing this guide, to be perfectly honest. Let your enemy approach, and start moving backwards, throwing Left Jabs all the while. The enemy will still be hit by them, and the moving backwards will keep you out of his reach. Even more useful with the Glove. This works especially well on the final boss. He doesn't seem to see it coming! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A6. Level Information A6-0. Notes Here I will describe the level, cutscenes, and list what Fodder you will fight on each difficulty level. Because then you will know. And knowing is half the battle! Level 1: A parking garage of sorts with cones, barrels, and crates strewn about. Here you take on Freddy. Easy: 1 Tony Normal: 1 Tonys Hard: 2 Tonys Level 2: A gym with weights, sports equipment, heavy bags, and a locker sprayed with Ka Ge Ki graffiti. You fight Mohawk here. Easy: 1 Tony Normal: 2 Tonys Hard: 3 Tonys Level 3: A boiler room type of area, with gauges, machinery, and metal pipe fences. You fight Pounder here. Before the level, there is a scene of Pounder beating the floor with a stick and yelling "Get serious!" Easy: 2 Tonys Normal: 1 Tony, 1 Vinny Hard: 1 Tony, 2 Vinnys Level 4: This is just like Level 1, but palette swapped. You fight Blob here. Before the fight, Daisy tosses you a burger! Easy: 1 Tony, 1 Vinny Normal: 3 Vinnys Hard: 4 Vinnys Level 5: A Japanese decorated room, with ornamental screens, Tanooki statues, ornate columns, and...tires. Tires? What's up with that? Anyhow, you fight Masket here. Easy: 1 Tony, 2 Vinny Normal: 2 Tony, 3 Vinny Hard: 3 Vinny, 1 Bill Level 6: This is like Level 2, but palette swapped again. You fight Slick here. There is a scene before the fight of Masket and Blob eating. Masket pulls the mask aside to eat...but weren't they unconscious after being thrown down the manhole? or dead? Anyhoo, you hear them yell "Hey, let's fight!" Easy: 3 Vinnys Normal: 3 Vinnys, 1 Bill Hard: 1 Tony, 2 Vinnys, 3 Bills Level 7: A palette swap of Level 3. You fight Spike here. Easy: 2 Vinny, 1 Bill Normal: 4 Bills Hard: 2 Vinnys, 2 Bills, 1 Mack Level 8: Another palette swap of Level 1. You fight Curly here. Scratch that. You destroy Curly here. The Fodder are the only defense. Easy: 2 Vinnys, 3 Bills Normal: 1 Vinnys, 3 Bills, 1 Mack Hard: 2 Bills, 3 Macks Level 9: A palette swap of Level 6. You fight the Gang Leader here. Daisy throws you a an of tuna, even. Before the fight is a shot of the Leader standing with Daisy and you hear Daisy go "Hmm...he's not bad!" and Ken says "Is that all?" Easy: 6 Bills Normal: 3 Bills, 4 Macks Hard: 7 Macks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A7. The Ending SPOILER ALERT! (Even though no one is going to care!) - - - - - - - ...still here? okay! After you beat the Leader, the scene switches to Ken (who has the most disproportionate head in the history of videogames) standing on the roof, holding Daisy and rubbing her butt while they stare at the city skyline at night. Next to them is a twitching pile of bosses, looking either pained, or aroused. The lights on the buildings slowly fade to spell out the words THE END, while Ken continues to rub the butt with a look on his face like he had an accident in his pants. Then we roll the credits. A few problems here. All of them were thrown down the manhole. How did Ken get all of them up there in a nice, twitchy pile? And if you noticed, Curly didn't put the manhole covers back after he threw someone down. Presumably, the bosses on higher floors fell through the manholes over and over, until they had a horrible, bone shattering impact with the basement floor. Why are they still alive? But I'm just being nitpicky. I'm just here to analyze for you, my loyal fans. Aren't you lucky? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A8. The Voiceovers Here is a listing of the voice samples used in the game, since a couple of them are hard to understand. I've spent a long time working on deciphering "Get serious!" especially. 1. "Is that all?" Spoken by Ken during one cutscene, and sometimes after knocking an enemy down. It COULD be the Gang Leader saying this, but I don't think so. 2. "Hmm, he's not bad!" Spoken by Daisy in one cutscene, when she delivers goodies for you, and after knocking an enemy down. She totally wants you, Ken! Go for it! 3. "Hey, let's fight!" Spoken in one cutscene, when fighting enemies, when an enemy knocks you down, and before matches. They're kind of cocky, aren't they? 4. "Get serious!" Spoken by enemies when they knock you down, and during a cutscene. It took me years to figure this one out. "Serious" is all one big long slur word. 5. A crowd cheers when an enemy gets up after you've knocked them down, at random, and when you dodge an attack by jumping. Where IS this crowd of adoring fans, anyhow? Inside Ken's fantastically large melon, perhaps? 6. A dumb grunting sound followed by catcalls. You hear this when an enemy beats the snot out of you. But again, where's the home team bad guy crowd at? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A9. Final Words Well, we're done. You've mastered this silly, wonderful, horrible game. I've bored you to death. But, we're all a little better for it, don't you think? I think everyone should play this just once. It's cheesier than Howard the Duck on VHS, you know? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA. Thanks CjayC- For GameFAQs, and thanks to GameFAQs for accepting my work, too. This is the best site on the web, no doubt. www.neoseeker.com- For also accepting my FAQs. Sage's Creation- For this game Sega- For the second-best game console ever made, and years of good times. Peter Jackson- For Lord of the Rings, which was in the background as I wrote this. Def Leppard- For wonderful music to write a guide by, and schmooze up to a girl to. The Inflatible Pink Gorilla Maker- For a big plastic monkey advertising a used car sale. SpellCheck- For making FAQ repair quick and easy! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shine on, you crazy diamonds.