Langrisser II (c)1994 NCS Walkthrough v1.1 by: TheStarbird e-mail: website: Copyright 2009 Eric Starbird This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. =============================================================================== To easily use this walkthrough, use the find option on your internet explorer and type in the exact title of the place you want to go to from the index. =============================================================================== Original Submission: 10/8/2006 Update: 4/21/2009 -included some information on the Saint class in the Commander Classes section =============================================================================== Index: I. Story II. Gameplay III. Characters IV. Enemy Characters V. Troops & Summons VI. Walkthrough VII. Commander Classes VIII. Enemy Commander Classes IX. Enemy Troops X. Items a. Weapons b. Armor c. Accessories XI. Spells XII. Tips XIII. Thanks =============================================================================== I. Story =============================================================================== Hundreds of years after the adventures of Prince Garret and his force, the world was beginning war again. The Rayguard Empire, lead by Emperor Bernhardt, teamed up with a mysterious man named Bosel who was known as the Prince of Darkness. Bernhardt had come across the ultimate sword of darkness, Alhazard. In order to release the seal's true power, Bernhardt needed two girls, maidens of light and darkness. He had already found Larna, but now needed her twin sister Riana, who was living peacefully in the temple of light. Bernhardt sent his Blue Dragon Knights, lead by Leon, to capture Riana. Unknowest to the emperor however was that a traveling swordsman named Elwin had stopped to rest in town and was there the day of the attack. Elwin decided to draw his sword and protect the town from the attack. This starts the great adventure. =============================================================================== II. Gameplay =============================================================================== Langrisser 2 is the sequel to the not-so-popular Warsong. Because of Warsong's failure in the US Market, Langrisser 2 (also called Warsong 2) was never released in the US. As far as gameplay, Langrisser 2 is very much similar to Warsong except the graphics are nicer and the story is a lot fuller. You are given commanders who have their own special abilities to lead their troops into battle. If the commander dies, all the troops will die as well. To those who have played Warsong, here is some good news. Unlike the last game, where if your commander died, they'd be DEAD forever, in Langrisser 2, if your commander dies you can get them back in the next battle. Characters start at a certain class and end at a certain class. Each class has a specific AT (attack power), DF (defense power) MV (movement range), MP (Magic Points), A (attack bonus for troops) and D (defense bonus for troops). These stats (especially A and D) should be taken into consideration when choosing what troops to take and how to fight. Before you start a battle, you can hire troops if you have enough points (which are made by defeating monsters) and equip items if you have them. You can hire up to 8 troops of the same type, you can't mix two types of troops per commander. Once you start the battle, you will have the first go. Select what you want to move then move it. If you are adjacent to the enemy, you can attack it, though it is not always wise to attack. Keep an eye at the bar on the bottom. At the left side of the bar, it shows your terrain. The % beside it is how much of a defensive bonus you have. The higher the %, the better you'll be able to defend from attacks (but your movement will be less on these parts, depending on the class and troop). If your commander can use magic, select the Magic option from the menu. You cannot move and use magic, you have to stay where you are. If your commander is running low on HP, have them use the Treat command, which will use their turn to restore 3 HP. Also note that if your troops are weak, you can place them adjacent to your commander and when your turn comes up, they will regain 2-3 HP. Keep that in mind instead of wasting your troops on the enemy. The Command option can save your life. This will determine what you want your troops to do. Move means they will just move with the Commander and attack anything near. Attack means they will move to strike and attack as long as they are within the Commander's range (usually 3-4 squares away). Defense means that they will get close to the commander, and Manual means that they will not move unless you move them yourself. Use Defense when your troops start running low on HP. When you engage in battle with the enemy, you will be shown on one side and the enemy on the other. The big numbers show how much HP you have. The green bar at the top shows your experience points, and when it fills, you gain a level. Get to level 10 and you get a class change. For every point of damage you give, it will show with one sword under the experience bar, and the same for the enemy. When HP reaches 0, the troops or commander will die off the map. Once your turn is over, press Start and select "End of Phase". Any available troops or NPCs will make their move. After everyone is done, the enemy will have their Phase and make their moves. After they are done, you get your turn again. That is basically how you play this game. =============================================================================== III. Characters =============================================================================== A list of each character in order of appearance with a little description and a recommendation of what to make them. The tree below each character is their growth tree as far as what class they can become. This system works a bit differently from its prequel. After you Class Up, you get to choose 3 classes. To find what class you can become, find the class your character is in now. After that character classes up, you can choose the one directly to the right, the one up and to the right, or the one down and to the right. Also note that if you want the 5th class, you have to be in the 4th class directly in front of the final class. For instance, if you want Elwin to become a Hero, you have to first have him as a Sword Master and then have him class up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elwin: Elwin is a character with a past as mysterious as his tiara that he wears. He travels the world for adventure and also looking for the man who killed his father. Little does Elwin know that there is more to him than he even thought possible. Initial Stats: LV AT DF MP A D 1 23 18 0 +1 +3 Class Tree: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th -Saint -Bishop <-King -Lord <-High Lord <-Sword Master -Hero Fighter <-Knight <-Highlander <-Knight Master -Royal Knight -Shaman <-Magic Knight <-Grand Knight -Mage <-Silver Knight -Arch Mage Class Overview: Elwin's main priority is straight forward fighting, nothing flashy about it. He should stick with a Lord's path all the way to a Hero, but you may want to use one Knight class to boost his attack. Fighter -> Lord -> Highlander -> Sword Master -> Hero With Rune Stone: Even if you are going to use a Rune Stone, Elwin's path should not change all that much, though since Lords level up quicker than Knights, it would be wise to make him a High Lord and continue to Hero. Fighter -> Lord -> Highlander -> Sword Master -> [Rune Stone] -> Lord -> High Lord -> Sword Master -> Hero ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hain: Hain grew up in a peaceful village with his friend Riana. Hain studied the Dark Arts of magic, but for what reason is unknown. Initial Stats: LV AT DF MP A D 1 23 13 12 +4 +2 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th -High Priest -Priest <-Saint -Shaman <-Bishop <-Wizard -Summoner Warlock <-Sorcerer <-Mage <-Arch Mage -Zarvera -Lord <-Magic Knight <-Sage -High Lord <-Paladin -Sword Master Class Overview: A straight shot from Warlock all the way to Zarvera. This will give him a lot of MP and a lot of spells at his disposal. Warlock -> Sorcerer -> Mage -> Arch Mage -> Zarvera With Rune Stone: Stay straight with him up to Arch Mage just as if you were going to without the Rune Stone, but upon returning, turn him into a Lord. This will give him extra power and some healing spells, as well as stronger troops. Warlock -> Sorcerer -> Mage -> Arch Mage -> [Rune Stone] -> Lord -> Mage -> Arch Mage -> Zarvera ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Riana: Riana grew up with Hain as one of her few friends. She was abandoned as a child at the Temple of Light and has become a Cleric since then. However, it seems like the Rayguard Empire is after Riana, but for what nobody quite knows. Initial Stats: LV AT DF MP A D 3 21 17 6 +0 +6 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th -Arch Mage -Mage <-Silver Knight -Shaman <-Magic Knight <-Paladin -Summoner Cleric <-Healer <-Priest <-High Priest -Agent -Lord <-Bishop <-Wizard -Zarvera -High Lord <-Sage -Saint Class Overview: Riana is a healer, no questions asked. Put her straight through to an Agent. Cleric -> Healer -> Priest -> High Priest -> Agent With Rune Stone: Chances are you won't have enough time to use a Rune Stone on her and still make it back to an Agent without level skipping. However, in case you do wish to go that route, give the benefit of some attack magic by making her a Shaman. Cleric -> Healer -> Priest -> High Priest -> [Rune Stone] -> Shaman -> Magic Knight -> High Priest -> Agent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scott: Scott is the son of the nobleman Rolan. He is very knowledgeable about battle tactics and thus will give a lot of hints throughout the quest. He wishes to help out as much as he can with whatever information he can give. Initial Stats: LV AT DF MP A D 1 22 18 0 +2 +2 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th -Dragon Lord -Dragon Knight <-Silver Knight -Hawk Knight <-Magic Knight <-Grand Knight Fighter <-Knight <-Highlander <-Knight Master -Royal Guard -Lord <-Priest <-Paladin -High Lord <-Sage -Saint Class Overview: Scott's only 5th class is a Royal Knight, so it would seem logical to put him on the Knight's Path. Scott won't cast a lot of spells but will be there to put a hurt on everyone. Fighter -> Knight -> Highlander -> Knight Master -> Royal Guard With Rune Stone: Scott's path with a Rune Stone is similar to that of Elwin's, except with a more knightly outcome. Scott will be able to cast healing spells by going this route. Fighter -> Knight -> Highlander -> Knight Master -> [Rune Stone] -> Lord -> Priest -> Knight Master -> Royal Guard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sherry: Sherry will show up from time to time with reinforcements and a disguise. After a while she will reveal herself. Sherry is a Princess, which makes her well known to people. She learned the way of the sword from Aaron and Keith has been there to guard her. Initial Stats: LV AT DF MP A D 9 22 20 1 2 2 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th -Saint -High Lord <-Ranger -High Master -Lord <-Unicorn Knight <-Paladin Fighter <-Hawk Knight <-Dragon Knight <-Dragon Lord -Dragon Master -Shaman <-Bishop <-Silver Knight -Princess -Mage <-Wizard -Arch Mage Class Overview: Sherry's path is a bit tricky, as it's best to get her totally away from swordplay if you want her special class. In the long run it will work a lot better. Fighter -> Shaman -> Mage -> Silver Knight -> Princess With Rune Stone: This involves more of a difference in paths, but it will give Sherry a lot of different kinds of troops and a wide range of abilities. Upon return, go Lord and then towards Princess. Fighter -> Shaman -> Mage -> Silver Knight -> [Rune Stone] -> Lord -> Dragon Knight -> Silver Knight -> Princess ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aaron: Not much is known about this old man other than he teaches swordplay to Sherry. He can seem like an old fool at times, but there is no better fighter out there. Initial Stats: LV AT DF MP A D 8 23 20 1 +1 +2 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th -High Priest -Bishop <-Saint -Lord <-High Lord <-Sword Master -High Master Fighter <-Knight <-Highlander <-Paladin -Shaman <-Magic Knight <-Knight Master -Mage <-Grand Knight -Arch Mage Class Overview: The only way to Aaron's special class is to go the exact same route as Elwin. However, a Highlander will, like Elwin, give Aaron an extra boost in power. Also, High Masters can NOT control troops (since their Range is 0). While this may seem like a downfall, given a Long Bow or an Arbalist, he can attack from a long range. Fighter -> Lord -> Highlander -> Sword Master -> High Master With Rune Stone: The same thing as Elwin, go the Lord Route again. Fighter -> Lord -> Highlander -> Sword Master -> [Rune Stone] -> Lord -> High Lord -> Sword Master -> High Master Alternate Route: Since some people want to have Aaron use troops, I thought it would be good to point out another path. Chances are that you'll have more than enough fighters in the game, so what's the big deal of making an old man a magic user, especially if that spell is Meteor? Just take the bottom path, use a Rune Stone if you want to get more MP, and just go towards Arch Mage. Fighter -> Shaman -> Mage -> Arch Mage Note that my walkthrough will have him going towards the High Master path. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keith: Keith is the guard of Princess Sherry and an excellent Knight. He gives some advice later and sometimes teases Sherry, however, his power is immense compared to the others Initial Stats: LV AT DF MP A D 1 22 20 1 +2 +6 2nd 3rd 4th 5th -Saint -High Lord <-Sword Master -Lord <-Magic Knight <-Paladin <-Hawk Knight <-Dragon Knight <-Dragon Lord -Dragon Master -Healer <-Bishop <-Silver Knight -Priest <-Wizard -High Priest Class Overview: Most likely, Keith will come to you already as a Hawk Knight, so you're basically stuck with him as the straight path to the Dragon Master. Hawk Knight -> Dragon Knight -> Dragon Lord -> Dragon Master With Rune Stone: When you come back with a Rune Stone, you can get a little more leeway and freedom from the Dark Elves. Go the Lord path and then sneak back into a Dragon Lord then a Dragon Master. Hawk Knight -> Dragon Knight -> Dragon Lord -> [Rune Stone] Lord -> Magic Knight -> Dragon Lord -> Dragon Master ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lester: Lester is the guardian of the Raul River and protector of Lady Jessica. He is very efficient in the water and knows the ways of the current. Initial Stats: LV AT DF MP A D 7 26 22 2 +5 +5 2nd 3rd 4th 5th -Knight Master -Highlander <-Grand Knight -Knight <-Magic Knight <-Silver Knight <-Croc Knight <-Serpent Knight <-Serpent Lord -Serpent Master -Shaman <-Bishop <-Paladin -Mage <-Wizard -Arch Mage -Zarvera Class Overview: I really don't like the Serpent class, but it is better than the one from Warsong. Just stick to the path already given and you can get to the 5th class. Croc Knight -> Serpent Knight -> Serpent Lord -> Serpent Master With Rune Stone: This is indeed a tricky route. Going to a Knight doesn't offer much of anything different from a Croc Knight again. Stick Lester as a Shaman and a Bishop before returning to a Serpent Lord. This will give him more spells and MP to work with. Croc Knight -> Serpent Knight -> Serpent Lord -> [Rune Stone] Shaman -> Bishop -> Serpent Lord -> Serpent Master ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jessica: Jessica is a lot older than she looks. Formally known as Calais, she has served the Royal Family of Baltia for generations. She knows exactly who Elwin is and who his parents are, thus agrees to help out. Initial Stats: LV AT DF MP A D 5 29 17 17 +5 +4 2nd 3rd 4th 5th -High Priest -Priest <-Saint -Healer <-Bishop <-Wizard <-Sorcerer <-Mage <-Arch Mage -Zarvera -Lord <-Magic Knight <-Sage -Summoner -High Lord <-Paladin -Sword Master Class overview: If Hain is your Zarvera, then she should be your Summoner. Stick her on a similar route as Hain until she reaches 4th class, then go Summoner. Sorcerer -> Mage -> Sage -> Summoner With Rune Stone: If you are going to use a Rune Stone, then you can have a little more fun with her. Go the same route as Hain, but after the return, go a completely different route and go Lord. This will give her both attack power and Meteor. Have fun with this one. Sorcerer -> Mage -> Arch Mage -> [Rune Stone] Lord -> Magic Knight -> Sage -> Summoner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Larna: Larna is the "evil" twin sister of Riana. When you meet her, she works for the Rayguard Empire and controls a mass amount of Monsters as the Dark Princess. After Alhazard is revived, she will awaken as her true self. Initial Stats: LV AT DF MP A D 1 20 20 5 +2 +4 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th -Arch Mage -Mage <-Silver Knight -Shaman <-Magic Knight <-Paladin -Summoner Cleric <-Healer <-Priest <-High Priest -Agent -Lord <-Bishop <-Wizard -Zarvera -High Lord <-Sage -Saint Class Overview: Much like her sister, Larna is meant to be a healer. So stick her along the same path. Cleric -> Healer -> Priest -> High Priest -> Agent With Rune Stone: Odds are, just like Riana, you won't be able to use a Rune Stone on Larna and have it amount to much. However, if you do manage to get her back around once, you can have a little fun making her a power-healer. The first trip through, instead of making her a High Priest at her 4th class, make her a Paladin, then on the way back around, go Lord up until High Priest and then finish off as an Agent. Cleric -> Healer -> Priest -> Paladin -> [Rune Stone] -> Lord -> Bishop -> High Priest -> Agent =============================================================================== IV. Enemy Characters =============================================================================== Here is a list of enemy characters in order of appearance. Baldo: Fighter Baldo is a lowly fighter under Leon's Blue Dragon Knights. Baldo is very cruel and careless and loves nothing but bloodshed. Laird: Silver Knight Laird is Leon's faithful apprentice. Noble just like Leon, Laird is loyal to Leon 'til the end. Leon: Knight Master/Royal Guard Leon is the leader of the Blue Dragon Knights. Leon is truly a warm-hearted person with a caring side for civilians. He cares for the safety and well-being of his troops and uses strategy to fight. However, he does have a bitter rivalry with Elwin. Zolm: Lord/High Lord Zolm is number 2 in charge behind General Vargas. Zolm is a vicious fighter who follows Vargas' orders no matter what the cost. Vargas: General Vargas is the leader of the Fire Dragon Corps. and a father to be. As a child, he grew up with a coward for a father. Now married and about to have a child of his own, Vargas does everything for his wife and child. He wants to die with honor so that his child does not end up with the memory of a father who cared for nothing but himself. Morgan: Sorcerer Morgan is a very selfish and yellow-bellied Sorcerer. He lives on the blood of the people he kills as nothing could make him happier. Ginam: Necromancer Ginam has the ability to reanimate the dead to do his bidding. He targets civilians for his evil plot so that he can reanimate them for even more monsters. Kramer: High Lord This panicky High Lord is the man in charge of dropping the bridge on Elwin. Eggbert: Zarvera Once the student of Jessica until she was reborn, Eggbert is the most powerful sorcerer in the world. He grew fearful of Bosel and wanted to do anything to destroy Bosel before he could do the same thing he did against Garret. To do so, Eggbert trusted Emperor Bernhardt and tricked Bosel to reawaken the powers of Alhazard so that Bernhardt could take the sword and use it for himself. Adon, Samson, Varan: Aniki These are the 3 builder brothers found in the Temple of Muscle. They seem very weird at first glance but are able to make Elwin's party see the light of the muscle technique, though the women of the party can tell that it's just bogus. Imelda: General Imelda is the other General in the empire, but unlike Vargas, Imelda cares nothing about the moral of her troops, and will use strict force to make them obey. Even though she can be cruel to her men, she does have a very loyal force behind her. Larna: Dark Princess The twin sister of Riana, Larna, was captured and became the Dark Princess under Bosel's control. She controls many monsters and will use them to backup Imelda and Leon. Bernhardt: Emperor The lord of the Rayguard Empire. Bernhardt believes in a world without war but believes that only force can achieve that. He receives Alhazard in order to achieve this dream. Bosel: Dark Master Bosel is the powerful wizard from the past that awakened the God of Chaos to cover the world in darkness. He, like Jessica, has become reborn and hopes to use Alhazard to do his evil deeds again. However, little does he know that this time he is the one being played. Seigal & Folger: Dragon Lord These are two of General Imelda's loyal underlings. Once they hear of her death, they hunt Elwin down to avenge her death. Fayas: Demon Lord Fayas was ordered by Bosel to end the bloodline of the Baltian Kingdom. He was sent to kill Elwin, but Elwin's father was there to die in his place. Left with serious wound from the battle, Fayas is sent again to attack Elwin when Elwin makes his way towards Bernhardt. "Witch": Sage/Saint This witch can be found in the Magical Dragon's Lair. She controls all the Great Dragons in that lair. Though her name is Witch, she is not a witch in terms of class. =============================================================================== V. Troops & Summons =============================================================================== Here is a list of troops who you can control and which classes can control them. Troop Cost AT DF MV Strength Weakness -Soldier Class Pike Horseman Soldier 40 20 14 5 Gladiator 70 23 19 6 Armed Soldier 140 25 22 5 -Horseman Class Soldier Pike Horseman 60 24 15 10 Heavy Horseman 110 26 19 9 Dragoon 180 27 21 8 -Pike Class Horseman Soldier Pikeman 50 18 18 5 Phalanx 100 22 22 5 -Artillery Class Ranged Combat Melee Combat Elf 100 19 8 6 Ballista 250 22 10 3 -Holy Class Undead/Slimes Anything else Guardsman 20 18 12 5 Monk 100 21 19 6 -Air/Sea Class Melee Combat Ranged Combat Griffin 70 26 13 10 Merman 70 25 13 8 Angel* 200 24 19 12 *Unaffected by spells Below is the list of Summons that a Summoner can use. Summon Item MP Cost AT DF MP Aniki Iron Array 15 35 30 16 Elemental n/a 5 22 20 10 Fenrir Carbunkle 10 31 25 10 Freyia Angel Wing 10 23 25 40 Sleipnir Odin's Brace 8 31 18 0 Valkyrie Aurora 10 29 21 25 White Dragon Gleipnir 12 33 22 8 Worm Guard Gyaral Horn 10 29 28 32 The summoned monsters can use spells, but the spells it can use varies from place to place. =============================================================================== VI. Walkthrough =============================================================================== To easily access this walkthrough, just use Ctrl+F and type in "Scenario #" where # is the number which you need help on. There are a few notes here as to how to read the walkthrough. 1. If you see a * by an enemy, that is the target enemy. Once he is destroyed, the scenario will end. 2. If you see a ! by an enemy, that means that the enemy will show up as reinforcements later in the level. 3. Scenarios that have secret tiles are marked with an x, y coordinate system. The very top-left corner of the screen is 1, 1. So for instance, the tile 5, 12 would be the 5th tile from the left and the 12th tile from the top. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 01: Knights of the Rayguard Empire "Tired of travel, Elwin rested for a while at a small village in Sulras. Elwin go on well with the local people, especially a young magician called Hain - they soon became great friends. One quiet day, Hain burst into the inn where Elwin was staying and in a fearful tone, told him that the Knights of the Rayguard Empire was attacking the village. Hain's childhood friend Riana lived close to where the enemy troops were. Grasping his sword, Elwin went to try and help her." Win: Death of Baldo Lose: Death of Elwin Baldo escapes to bottom-right of map Control: Elwin, Hain Friends: Riana, Cleric, Lord, Bishop Enemies: Fighter/Soldier x6 Laird/Heavy Horseman x2 Leon/Royal Horseman *Baldo/Soldier x6 Shop: Item Cost Knife 60 P Secret Tile: None Drops: War Hammer (Laird), Chain Mail (Laird), Great Sword (Leon), Plate Armor (Leon) Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Knife Soldier x6 Hain Guardsman x2 Set: (Auto) Elwin Hain Battle: Don't try to go after Laird or Leon, as they will mow you over in a heartbeat. The two fighters should be your target, but save Baldo for the end. For now, just move towards the first fighter you see. Focus on it for now. After you end the first turn, Laird will ask Leon what to do about the Civilians. Leon just says not to harm them. Leon does say that Emperor Bernhardt waits for Riana and thus they must take her. Before the enemy's first turn ends, reinforcements arrive to help you out. A Lord and a Priest. Do not worry about either of them, as it is just there for a diversion for Leon and Laird. Focus on the first Fighter's group first with your men. Elwin will most likely get to them before Hain does. After you end your 2nd turn, Baldo will start to attack the Civilians, much to the disappointment of Leon. Leon and Laird will attack the reinforcements, and will unwillingly give you some tips on how to play the game (gotta love it :p). Finish off the first Fighter (shouldn't be too hard, though it may take a round or two.) Try to keep Hain away from the battle as he will get hurt before he does damage. Have Hain continually use Magic Arrow on anything weak enough to die. Keep in mind that you have to keep Baldo from escaping to the down or to the right. If there is a hole he will find it, so make sure that you're attacking him by at least turn 4. If Leon and Laird finish off the reinforcements, then Leon will make his way back to help Baldo. In other words, make quick work of Baldo. Once you defeat Baldo, Rolan, Scott, and their backup will arrive. Leon and Laird will retreat at this time. Rolan will recommend that everyone take refuge in his mansion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 02: Besieged Manor "Elwin safely led Riana to Lord Rolan's manor in Sulras. There, it was decided they would seek refuge for Riana in the Temple of Light in Estol. But forces of the Imperial Empire were about to lead an assault against Rolan's manor. Commander Zolm, General Vargas' right hand man, was to abduct Riana." Win: Riana escapes to top of map Enemies defeated Lose: Death of Riana Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Scott Friends: Riana, Rolan, Fighter x2 Enemies: Knight/Soldier x3 Fighter/Soldier x4 Fighter/Soldier x4 Zolm/Soldier x4 !Fighter/Soldier x3 & Barbarian x3 !Fighter/Soldier x3 & Barbarian x3 Shop: Item Cost Knife 60 P War Hammer 230 P Great Sword 410 P Small Shield 70 P Robe 90 P Cross 410 P Secret Tile: (12, 21) Speed Boots Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Great Sword Soldier x6 Hain Robe Scott Knife Soldier x6 Set: (Auto) Hain Scott Elwin Battle: Just as dusk turns into dawn, Zolm appears at the manor and attempts to take Riana again. Rolan says that they will guard the front gate. Send Scott down to help out Rolan and his men and send Hain along with him to fire magic at anything weak enough to take a shot. If there is one point left on the enemy, have Hain use Magic Arrow. Send Elwin upwards with Riana, making sure to stay in front of her. There are two reasons for this. The first is that Riana will need protection because once she goes up towards the exit, more enemy troops will show up. The other is because the others can gain quite a few levels. Also, one of them can move under the Crest where everyone is fighting to find the secret tile (which contains Speed Boots). Once you have the Speed Boots send Hain behind Rolan so that he has some protection, else he is a sitting duck. Once the enemy reinforcements show up, Riana will retreat. Set Elwin up guarding the gate, and since he has a Great Sword, he should easily plow over anything that comes his way. Just focus on the attacks on the south end for now and keep Elwin alive (shouldn't be too hard). When Zolm's forces are weakened, Rolan will go in for the kill. If Zolm is weak enough, have Scott or Hain take him out. Overall you shouldn't have much trouble with this. If all your NPC are alive by the end of the battle, Rolan will give Elwin a Great Sword. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 03: Mountain Ambush "Elwin and his party escaped from Zolm's besiege and tried to reach the light shrine in Estol. But the leader of the army Zolm was from, General Vargas, had caught them and sent Zolm to kill them. Elwin and his party had to face a huge number of enemies and fight with a big handicap." Win: Death of all enemies. Lose: Death of Elwin Death of Riana Control: Elwin, Hain, Scott Friends: Riana Enemies: Fighter/Pikeman x5 & Barbarian Fighter/Pikeman x5 & Barbarian Fighter/Pikeman x5 & Barbarian Zolm/Soldier x3, Pikeman x3, !Fighter/Pikeman x5 & Barbarian !Fighter/Pikeman x5 & Barbarian !Fighter/Pikeman x5 & Barbarian !Vargas/Heavy Horseman x6 Shop: Item Cost Knife 60 P Small Shield 70 P Robe 90 P Secret Tile: None Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Great Sword Speed Boots Soldier x6 Hain Robe Scott Great Sword* Soldier x6 *Equip Knife if 2nd Great Sword wasn't earned. Set: Elwin Scott Hain Battle: After Zolm and his men show up, you will be asked which one of your 3 men should Riana stay close to. Pick Elwin as he will most likely handle anything that comes her way. For the first turn, just make create a shield around Riana and her troops with your troops. Let the enemy come to you for the first turn. During the 2nd turn, have Hain use Attack on Scott's troop (if he has it, else fire away with Magic Arrow) and have Scott lay waste to the first group that comes by. After the 3rd turn, Scott will give you some useful advice for Pikemen. Just keep up the attacks while protecting Riana. When the group to the south of your group is defeated, Elwin will tell Riana to make a run for the bridge. For now, leave Zolm alone and focus on the other 3 groups. When they are defeated, another 3 groups of enemies will show up to the north of you. Set up your defenses, hanging around mountains and using the Attack spell when you can. Let them come to you. After Riana crosses the bridge, you shouldn't have a hard time from here on out. Let Hain weaken Zolm with his Magic Arrows until Zolm is weak enough to fight Elwin and Scott alone. Keep up the attacks and once they are gone, General Vargas will show up. Just hold still a turn and a Mysterious Knight will show up with some Phalanxes, which will prepare to take out Vargas until he runs away. The Mysterious Knight will also disappear. Note by this time, Elwin and Hain should now be at their 2nd class. I'd turn Elwin into a Lord and Hain into a Sorcerer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 04: The Light Shrine "With the mysterious knight's help, Elwin and the people defeated General Vargas and tried to reach the light shrine in Estol. If they could reach the shrine, the Priests in the shrine could help protect Riana. The Shrine was famous for having lots of strong Priests, because it was the main light shrine out of all of them. However, the thing that Elwin and his party saw when they reached the shrine was the Black Dragon Sorcerers from the Rayguard Empire trying to fight their way into the Shrine." Win: Death of Mage Morgan. Lose: Death of Shinto Priests Death of Riana Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Scott Friends: Riana, Cleric, Cleric, Priest Enemies: Thief/Pikeman x4 & Soldier x2 Thief/Pikeman x4 & Soldier x2 Shaman/Dark Elf x2 & Barbarian x4 Warlock/Barbarian x6 Warlock/Barbarian x6 *Morgan/Dark Elf x2 & Horseman x2 & Soldier x2 Shop: Item Cost Knife 60 P Small Shield 70 P Robe 90 P Secret Tile: (12, 5) Angel Wings Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Great Sword Robe Soldier x4, Pikeman x2 Hain Robe Elf x6 Scott Great Sword* Robe Speed Boots Soldier x6 *Equip Knife if 2nd Great Sword wasn't earned. Set: Scott Elwin Hain Battle: It looks like the Shrine is under attack. Elwin tells Riana to stay put. From the start, have Scott sprint up to the shrine as fast as he can, staying clear of the Dark Elves if possible. Hain and Elwin should follow and sweep up any enemies. After Scott reaches the top, Morgan will use a Charm spell against Riana. A turn after Riana gets charmed, the Mysterious Knight will show up again. After killing off everything except Morgan, make sure Scott steps on the secret tile in between the pillars on the right side of the shrine (to the right of the Priest) to get the Angel Wings. Keep in mind that if Elwin had already classed up that the Mysterious Knight should not be too hard behind. If he classes up, make him a Shaman. This fight shouldn't be too hard. Hain's Elves should easily be able to take out Morgan. After he is defeated, he will retreat. The Mysterious Knight will reveal herself as Sherry (it was a her all along). Scott recognizes her just as Riana comes out of her charm spell. Riana will ask to join you in the fight. If both Clerics managed to survive the attacks (which I doubt but it could happen), then the High Priest will give you a Cross. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 05: A Werewolf Howls "The damage to the Light Shrine was far worse than people thought and if the Imperial Forces were to attack one more time, Elwin would not be able to protect Riana from them. Also, Mage Morgan was about to escape to the village near the shrine and would probably kill all the villages for revenge. Elwin and his party pursued Morgan with Sherry and Riana, who'd also decided to join their fight as a healer." Win: Death of all enemies within 22 turns. Elwin reaches above map in 22 turns. Lose: Run out of time Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Scott, Riana, Sherry Enemies: Werewolf/Wolfman x6 Werewolf/Wolfman x6 Warlock/Soldier x6 Thief/Pikeman x4 & Soldier x2 Morgan/Dark Elf x4 & Horseman x2 !Werewolf/Wolfman x5 !Werewolf/Wolfman x5 !Werewolf/Wolfman x4, !Werewolf/Wolfman x4 Shop: Item Cost Knife 60 P Robe 90 P Secret Tile: None Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Great Sword* Robe Speed Boots Pikeman x4, Soldier x2 Hain Robe Elf x4 Scott Great Sword Robe Soldier x6 Riana Robe Guardsman x2 Sherry Robe Cross** Pikeman x6 *Equip Knife if 2nd Great Sword wasn't earned. **Equip Cross only if you earned it in Scenario 4 Set: Scott Riana Hain Elwin Sherry Battle: Remember to work quickly in this battle, as you only have 22 turns to work with. Attack and Protection are your best friends here when dealing with the Werewolves. Have Scott hang around the Werewolves with Hain and Riana staying by him for Attack and Protection. Elwin should make his way quickly towards Morgan. After you're about half way up the screen, Morgan will call for another two sets of Werewolves to attack. Pikemen here will be your best choice, but once the Werewolves are defeated, put Scott and Hain in the lead to take out any Soldiers. By now, Scott should be at his next class, which by my recommendation should be a Knight. At this point, he should charge up the field with Elwin towards Morgan. After the 2nd set of Werewolves is gone, a 3rd set will appear. Just make your way upward quickly. If Morgan reaches the top, he will retreat and tell the others to stop retreating and to fight. If you take too long, the Warlock will also retreat, leaving you with less experience. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 06: The Lone Warrior "Elwin and his party had managed to defeat the werewolves, and Morgan was left with but a handful of soldiers. But the village was already in front of them and Morgan had already gone in. It seemed that there was something very important to him in the village. People were coming running and screaming from the village, except for one old brave Soldier with sharp eyes." Win: Death of enemies Lose: Death of all citizens Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Scott, Riana, Sherry Friends: Aaron, Cleric, Cleric, Cleric Enemies: Fighter/Pikeman x6 Knight/Horseman x6 Knight/Horseman x6 Shaman/Barbarian x6 Shaman/Barbarian x6 Sorcerer/Barbarian x2 & Pikeman x4 Sorcerer/Barbarian x2 & Pikeman x4 Morgan/Dark Elf x2 & Horseman x4 !Hawk Knight/Griffin x6 Shop: Item Cost Knife 60 P Small Shield 70 P Robe 90 P Secret Tile: (5, 4) Rune Stone Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Great Sword* Robe Speed Boots Pikeman x6 Hain Robe Elf x4 Scott Great Sword Robe Soldier x4 Riana Robe Guardsman x2 Sherry Robe Cross** Pikeman x6 *Equip Knife if 2nd Great Sword wasn't earned. **Equip Cross only if you earned it in Scenario 4 Set: Elwin Scott Hain Sherry Riana Battle: If you set up everything right, Elwin and Sherry should have Pikemen very close to the Horsemen. Mow them over quickly and have your Elves and Soldiers take out the Pikemen in the middle. Your Pikemen should also be able to handle the Barbarians with little effort, else use Elves or Magic to weaken them for the commanders. Aaron should easily be able to handle the Pikemen, Soldiers, and Barbarians that come his way and should also class up by now (he should go Lord). After a few turns when everyone is almost dead, a Hawk Knight will show up towards the east side and start coming in. Send everyone behind Hain and have him move his Elves up towards the Griffons. Elves will shoot down Griffons in a heartbeat. Also by this time, send Elwin or Scott to the well near the upper-left side of the screen to get a Rune Stone. After you get the Rune Stone, finish off the Hawk Knight and Morgan to end the scenario. Sherry will say that Aaron is her teacher. Aaron decides to give his ability and join the team. If all the Clerics and Aaron survived the battle (which should have been an easy task), you will be given an Amulet. By now, everyone in the current party should be at their 2nd class. Though you can choose any way you want to end up, here is what I have for the classes: Elwin - Lord Hain - Sorcerer Scott - Knight Sherry - Shaman Riana - Healer Aaron - Lord ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 07: Revival of the old Spirits "With the joining of Sherry's sword teacher Aaron, night fell around the party. In this peaceful dimly-lit environment, an intense battle seemed unlikely to occur any time soon. However, in the graveyard outside the village, several men were participating in what appeared to be some kind of ceremony. There, the souls of the dead were being summoned from their slumber in to an evil existence." Win: Death of Necromancer Ginam Lose: Death of all citizens Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Scott, Riana, Sherry, Aaron Friends: Cleric, Cleric, Cleric, Keith Enemies: Hawk Knight/Griffon x6 Serpent Knight/Lizardman x6, Great Slime/Slime x6 Great Slime/Slime x6, Necromancer/Skeleton x6 Necromancer/Skeleton x6 *Ginam/Zombie x6 !Assassin/Soldier x6 Shop: Item Cost War Hammer 230 P Great Sword 410 P Wand 260 P Chain Mail 510 P Robe 90 P Cross 410 P Secret Tile: (23, 22) Mirage Robe Drops: Large Shield (Serpent Knight), Mirage Robe (Ginam), Devil's Axe (Assassin) Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Great Sword Robe Hain Wand Robe Speed Boots Elf x6 Scott Great Sword Robe Horseman x4 Riana Robe Cross Monk x6 Sherry Wand Robe Amulet Guardsman x6 Aaron Great Sword Chain Mail Set: Sherry Aaron Elwin Riana Hain Scott Battle: You'd better pray that you've been following along and have Riana leveled to her 2nd class, else this will be a LOT tougher than it should be. Monks can take out the Skeletons and Zombies easily while the Guardsmen can take out the slimes. First things first though, send Hain to the right and right in front of the Griffons so that the Elves can pick them apart. Also have Sherry run up and handle the Slimes. Have Riana move upwards but away from the slimes for now, as Aaron should do as well. Move Scott out of the house until the Lizardmen come to shore, then he should send his Horsemen out towards the shore. Make sure NOT to go into the water. If you move one of your characters onto the Water Barrel (23, 22) you will find a Mirage Robe (which will come in handy, so make sure you get it). Keep up your attacks on the Hawk Knight and the Serpent Knight (the Serpent Knight will drop his Large Shield when he is defeated). Also, if you've been using Monks to gain experience for Riana, she should have the Turn Undead spell by now. The key to using this one is to be surrounded by Skeletons and Zombies, then using it. It will kill ALL Undead enemies in her range. You may also wonder why I didn't put troops on Elwin and Aaron. I have them aid Sherry and Riana without troops here because any troop they have will just die easily to the undead, so I just leave them without. After 6 turns, a Hawk Knight named Keith will show up to help you (not that you really need it if you're leveled up right) along with 6 Griffons. Make sure you do NOT kill Ginam just yet. Wait for the end of the turn for an Assassin to show up near Hain. Kill the Assassin and his Soldiers (shouldn't be too hard, though Hain's Attack spell may come in handy). Make sure you kill the Assassin first to get the Devil's Axe. After that, have Riana finish off Ginam with her Monks (who will drop his Mirage Robe). Keith will explain to Princess Sherry that the Blue Dragon Knights are headed straight for Karzas and asks for her help. If you managed to defeat the enemies without having any of the NPCs die, you will get a Rune Stone. If Hain handled the Griffons and Lizardmen well, then he should be ready to class up again. He should stay right on course and become a Mage. In conclusion, you should have gotten 2 Mirage Robes, a Rune Stone, a Large Shield, and a Devil's Axe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 08: The Great Bridge "After receiving word from Keith that the entirety of the Blue Dragon Knight's army were advancing towards Karzas Castle, Sherry tried to hurry back to the castle. Keith also joined them to guide Sherry and the party back to Karzas Castle. In the vicinity of Karzas Castle, there was a wide crevice. Elwin's party decided to cross a certain bridge that would cut many days off of their journey, but they found a branch of the Blue Dragon Knights, led by Kramer, attempting to lower the bridge. If Kramer was successful in lowering the bridge, it would add a few days to their journey and Karzas Castle would almost certainly fall." Win: Death of Kramer within 23 turns Lose: Run out of Time Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Scott, Riana, Sherry, Aaron, Keith Enemies: Hawk Knight/Griffin x4 Hawk Knight/Griffin x4 Hawk Knight/Griffin x4 Hawk Knight/Griffin x4 Magic Knight/Horseman x4 Magic Knight/Horseman x4 Mage/Dark Elf x4 Mage/Dark Elf x4 Kramer/Pikeman x4 & Soldier x2, !Zolm/Soldier x4 !Vargas/Pikeman x4 Shop: Item Cost Knife 60 P Robe 90 P Secret Tile: None Drops: Wand (Mage), Great Sword (Kramer) Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Devil's Axe Chain Mail Speed Boots Pikeman x4 Hain Wand Mirage Robe Elf x6 Scott Great Sword Large Shield Horseman x6 Riana Mirage Robe Cross Guardsman x2 Sherry Wand Robe Amulet Aaron Great Sword Robe Pikeman x4 Keith Great Sword Robe Griffin x6 Set: Riana Hain Elwin Aaron Sherry Scott Keith Battle: You can make this battle as easy as you want or as hard as you want. Have Elwin charge fast towards the Horsemen with Hain following. Have the rest follow, except for Keith who should fly east and meet up with the other Hawk Knight, but not to fight them. Instead, have him lure the Hawk Knight to Hain's Elves so that he can smash them. Riana, Sherry, Scott, and Aaron will provide backup support for Hain and Elwin here, since the Bridge is very thin. Once the Hawk Knights and Magic Knights are defeated (should only take a few turns), have Elwin hold back (he should have classed up by now to a Highlander) and send Aaron and Sherry through along with Hain. Hain should be able to cast Sleep by now, which will be VERY helpful to you, especially if you want your Horsemen to take out the Pikemen. Once you attack Kramer's group, Zolm and Vargas will show up on the opposite side. If you have time, you can send Sherry, Keith, and Elwin to handle them (you can take out the commanders if you'd like just so they won't kill you, since Vargas can kill most of your troops). One of the Mages drops a Wand, so make sure to pick it up. If Kramer seems too tough, cast Sleep and he'll be a lot easier. Kramer will drop a Great Sword. Once Kramer is gone, Vargas will retreat (if he isn't already defeated) and the party will move onto the next stage. Make sure that Elwin is now a Highlander. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 09: The siege of Karzas Castle "Thanks to a brilliant charge by Elwin and his party, they were able to defeat Kramer and cross the bridge to Karzas Castle. The moment they step out of the forest, Elwin sees the castle defending against the fierce attack by the Blue Dragon Knights. The defenders of the castle were putting up a brace struggle, but due to the superiority of the soldiers led by Leon and Laird, the castle's fall was inevitable if Elwin and his party did not do something soon. The intense battle for Karzas Castle unfolded." Win: Death of Laird Lose: Death of all NPC members Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Scott, Riana, Sherry, Aaron, Keith Friends: Lord, Fighter, Fighter Enemies: Knight/Horseman x6 Magic Knight/Soldier x4 & Horseman x2 Magic Knight/Soldier x4 & Horseman x2 Lord/Berserker x6 Lord/Berserker x6 Mage/Dark Elf x4 Mage/Dark Elf x4 Dragon Knight/Griffin x4 Leon/Royal Horseman x4 Laird/Heavy Horseman x4 Shop: Item Cost Knife 60 P Robe 90 P Secret Tile: (24, 7) Rune Stone Drops: War Hammer (Laird) Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Great Sword Robe Heavy Horseman x6 Hain Wand Mirage Robe Speed Boots Elf x4 Scott Great Sword Large Shield Horseman x6 Riana Wand Mirage Robe Cross Sherry Wand Robe Amulet Pikeman x4 Aaron Devil's Axe Chain Mail Pikeman x4 Keith Great Sword Robe Griffin x4 Set: Sherry Aaron Elwin Riana Scott Keith Hain Battle: Upon entering battle, a messenger will tell Leon that monsters are being spotted and are attacking the castle. Leon will then disappear to save the civilians. Once you start, have Elwin and Sherry flank far to the left and Keith and Scott flank to the right. Hain should stay in the middle with Riana. Aaron should go right with Keith and Scott. The task here is for Elwin to ignore the opposition until he reaches the castle to protect it. There isn't anything the enemies have right now that can stand up to the Heavy Horsemen. Once Keith has broken through, head towards the rock to the right side of the castle. Land on it to get a Rune Stone. Once Laird is left, you'll have a couple of strategies to defeat him. First you can have Aaron and Sherry use Pikemen on his Heavy Horsemen (you will lose a few pikemen but it is worth it), or you can have Elwin or Hain use Sleep on them and then wipe them out. Sleep is probably the safest way to go. Once you defeat Laird, he will retreat and you will have the castle back. If you manage to save everyone of the NPCs, Sherry will award you with the Dragon Scale. Also, make note that Scott will leave the party at this time. Just the same, Riana will be forced to stay behind at this point as well. Sherry most likely will class up as well, so make her a Mage like Hain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 10: The defender of the Raul River "After learning the true horrors of the sword Alhazard from the Priest of Estol, and being told that for the Empire to restore Alhazard completely, the magical Dark Rod would be required, Elwin decided to seek out the Dark Rod in hopes that if he obtained it first, the Empire would not be able to revive Alhazard without it. Elwin and his party rushed to the Raul River to meet a Wizard who was said to know the location of the Dark Rod. But when they got there, they were stopped by Lester, the defender of the Raul River." Win: Death of Lester/All Enemies Lose: Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Sherry, Aaron, Keith Enemies/Friends: Pirate/Merman x4 Pirate/Merman x4 Lester/Merman x6 Real Enemies: Great Slime/Slime x6 Great Slime/Slime x6 Great Slime/Slime x6 Werewolf/Wolfman x6 Werewolf/Wolfman x6 Scylla/Lizardman x6 Scylla/Lizardman x6 Scylla/Lizardman x6 Scylla/Lizardman x6 Scylla/Lizardman x6 Shop: Item Cost War Hammer 230 P Great Sword 410 P Wand 260 P Chain Mail 510 P Robe 90 P Cross 410 P Necklace 900 P Secret Tile: None Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Great Sword Dragon Scale Gladiator x6 Hain Wand Mirage Robe Speed Boots Guardsman x3, Elf x3 Sherry Wand Mirage Robe Amulet Guardsman x6 Aaron Devil's Axe Chain Mail Pikeman x4 Keith Great Sword Chain Mail Griffin x6 Set: Sherry Aaron Elwin Keith Hain Battle: First things first... wait! Let Lester come to you. After 3 turns, monsters will show up and start to attack. Lester will ask Elwin to help him and then turns over to your side. This battle isn't too hard if you know what to do, and it shouldn't be too hard to save all the Pirates if you can heal them every now and then. Have Hain and Sherry take out the Slimes while Keith works on the Werewolves with Elwin. Aaron should wait away from the shore for the Scylla to come by. After everything is taken out, Sherry and Hain should focus on Magic and Hain can aid with Elves. After a while though, you will have to go out into the water to face the Scylla. This can be a death trap, so if you do this, by all means have Hain or Elwin cast Sleep. This will save you a lot of trouble and death. After the fight, Lester will be impressed with Elwin and his team and will offer to take Elwin to see Lady Jessica. If you managed to save all of the NPCs from death, you will get a Necklace. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 11: Inside the Flame "Lester guided Elwin's party to meet the Wizard who was rumored to know the location of the Dark Rod, the Great Wizard Jessica who was said to have lived hundreds of years. However, the Rayguard Empire had plans of their own, and the Black Dragon Dark Priest Eggbert was secretly devising on of his own." Win: Death of all enemies Lose: Death of Elwin Death of Jessica Control: Elwin, Hain, Sherry, Aaron, Keith, Lester Friends: Jessica Enemies: Eggbert/Armed Solder x4 Hawk Knight/Griffin x6 Assassin/Berserker x2 & Pikeman x4 Swordsman/Berserker x6 Mage/Dark Elf x4 & Pikeman x2 Mage/Dark Elf x4 & Pikeman x2 Magic Knight/Horseman x6 Magic Knight/Horseman x6 Serpent Knight/Lizardman x6 !Hawk Knight/Griffin x4 Shop: Item Cost Knife 60 P Robe 90 P Secret Tile: (14, 6) Rune Stone Drops: Necklace (Hawk Knight), Wand (Eggbert), Mirage Robe (Eggbert), Necklace (Eggbert) Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Great Sword Dragon Scale Gladiator x6 Hain Wand Mirage Robe Speed Boots Elf x6 Sherry Wand Mirage Robe Amulet Gladiator x6 Aaron Devil's Axe Chain Mail Keith Great Sword Chain Mail Necklace Griffin x6 Lester Great Sword Large Shield Set: Aaron Elwin Hain Sherry Lester Keith Battle: As you start, Jessica will tell you where to find the Dark Rod. Just as she tells you, Eggbert shows up, spying on them. Hain and Keith admit to his superior powers. Eggbert sends in reinforcements. Aaron says that something smells like Oil, then your attack begins. Right off, have Aaron move onto the Pentagram in the house to get a Rune Stone. Have Hain move left to pick apart the Griffins with his Elves, and have everyone else move down and to the right, fighting anything they come across. As the enemy starts their turn, Eggbert will shoot fire into the middle of nowhere. The field will start to go up in flames! Anything caught in the flames will die. For each turn that passes, the flames will grow by one. For the 2nd turn, have one of Hain's Elves finish off the Hawk Knight, then retreat downward with the rest of the team. Dark Elves should be the first thing you take out, since they will greatly hurt Keith. After they are cleared, have Keith take out the Gladiators and Horsemen. After the 2nd turn, Eggbert will retreat. You shouldn't have too hard a time so long as you avoid the flames. After a few turns, another Hawk Knight will show up. Take it out and finish the job. After the battle is over, Jessica offers to come with you, telling Elwin that he is the descendant from the Royal Family of Baltia (of Garret from Warsong). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 12: The Holy Land Reital "The Holy Land Reital. Surrounded by rocky mountains and so skillfully hidden beyond the eyes of men, no man had ever set a food inside, and there was no trace of Eggbert. And inside the cave, the ancient guardians and the protectors of the Dark Rode awaited the intruders." Win: Death of all enemies Get the Dark Rod Lose: Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Sherry, Aaron, Keith, Lester, Jessica Enemies: Witch/Wraith x4 Living Armor/Gargoyle x6 Living Armor/Gargoyle x6 Cerberus/Hell Hound x6 Great Slime/Slime x6 Great Slime/Slime x6 Great Slime/Slime x6 Great Slime/Slime x6, Ghost/Wraith x4 Master Dino/Bone Dino x4 !Eggbert Shop: Item Cost Wand 260 P Robe 90 P Orb 1000 P Secret Tile: (15, 6) Gleipnir Secret Zone: (4, 6) Drops: Wand (Eggbert), Mirage Robe (Eggbert), Necklace (Eggbert) Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Great Sword Dragon Scale Necklace Heavy Horseman x6 Hain Wand Mirage Robe Speed Boots Elf x6 Sherry Wand Mirage Robe Orb Guardsman x6 Aaron Devil's Axe Chain Mail Keith Great Sword Chain Mail Necklace Griffin x6 Lester Great Sword Large Shield Jessica Wand Robe Amulet Guardsman x6 Set: Elwin Aaron Hain Lester Sherry Keith Jessica Battle: Oh if only you had Riana here to help with her Monks. Oh well, you'll just have to make due with your big guns. Sleep works the best here against these monsters. Take your time here and don't rush things. Wait for the first turn and the Ghost and Slimes will make their way down. Jessica and Sherry can crush the Slimes while Hain casts Sleep on the Ghost for Elwin to nail. Aaron and Lester should provide support for Sherry and Jessica. Have Keith stay where he is for the moment until the Master Dino comes down, then you can have him attack. When the Cerberus comes down to attack, have Elwin go left to handle that. A good way to gain experience here is to wait for the enemies to get close and then to lay waste with Fireball, which mixed with a Wand tends to do a good deal of damage. There should be no reason why you can't get Lester, Keith, and Aaron to their next classes in this level (Lester should go Serpent Knight, Keith should go Dragon Knight, and Aaron should go Highlander). When all that remains is the Living Armor and the Witch, split up into two groups. Elwin, Aaron, Sherry, and Hain should go left while Keith, Jessica, and Lester should go right. Make sure that Elwin goes to the far left stairway and to the spot to the right of the upper statue (should be a lone corner at 4, 6). This will be a secret entrance to a secret level, which I will explain next. After you reach a set of steps that leads to the Dark Rod, Eggbert will show up. At this time, dump your Guardsmen, as they will only take up space. During the enemy's turn, the Witch and Living Armor will start their attack while Eggbert sneaks in and steals the Dark Rod. Just focus on using Magic and Elves to weaken the monsters (Hain, Jessica, and Lester should be able to use Fireball while Sherry can use Thunder). Eggbert will soon disappear, saying that he's going after Riana next. Be very careful, as the Witch can use Meteor. Just make your way towards the center, having Hain or Elwin cast Sleep when needed for that extra boost. Spells do help out a lot. Before killing off all the enemies, make sure that Keith stands on the platform where the Dark Rod was to get a Gleipnir. Finish off the enemies and Elwin (if you stepped on the secret entrance) will ask about the temple. If you want to enter the secret zone for some big experience boost, say yes to enter the Muscle Shrine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario ?1: The temple of Muscle "Eggbert took the rod for himself and Elwin's party discovered a secret tunnel and decided to investigate it." Win: Death of all enemies Lose: Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Sherry, Aaron, Keith, Lester, Jessica Enemies: Aniki/Barbarian x6 Aniki/Barbarian x6 Aniki/Wraith x4 & Berserker x2 Aniki/Ballista x4 & Berserker x2 Aniki/Ballista x4 & Berserker x2 Aniki/Wraith x4 & Berserker x2 Adon/Golem x4 & Wraith x2 Samson/Golem x4 & Wraith x2 Varan/Golem x4 & Wraith x2 Shop: Item Cost Devil's Axe 2500 P Iron Array 10 P Plate Armor 710 P Secret Tile: (15, 6) Iron Array Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Great Sword Dragon Scale Gladiator x6 Hain Wand Mirage Robe Speed Boots Gladiator x6 Sherry Wand Mirage Robe Orb Gladiator x6 Aaron Great Sword Plate Armor Gladiator x6 Keith Great Sword Chain Mail Necklace Griffin x6 Lester Great Sword Chain Mail Necklace Jessica Wand Robe Amulet Gladiator x6 Set: Elwin Hain Jessica Lester Aaron Keith Sherry Battle: This battle is very weird (even the enemy turn music is not what you'd expect). However, don't let these flaming bodybuilders fool you, this battle can be extremely tough if not done right. Your main focus here is to get Elwin and Hain to their 4th class and everyone else to their 3rd class. Wait a turn and let the Aniki come after you. When they come after you, let Hain hit them with Sleep. Whatever you do, do NOT attack the Aniki unless they are asleep. They have the fastest attack in the game and not one of your troops or commanders can touch them without a lot of pain. After the first groups with the Barbarians comes down, the groups with the Wraiths will come. It may take a bit of luck, but Wraiths should go down easily with Archers. After they are gone, the groups with the Ballistae will come down. However, Ballistae move extremely slow, so take this opportunity to move up there and get them while they are out of the Aniki's Range. After taking out the Aniki with the Ballistae, all that is left is the 3 main ones. Have Elwin weaken the Golems (or kill them if you are running out of men) with his Gladiators while Keith flies to the pedestal to get the Iron Array (in case you didn't buy it). Cast Sleep on the 3 remaining Aniki and then finish them off. If you didn't kill them by the 10th turn, Varan will start to count down from 3. You have 3 turns left to kill him before it reaches 0. If it reaches 0, all of your opponents will be destroyed and you'll be left without the killer experience points. If you've paid attention to the conversation in this level, you can go ahead and laugh a bit at the end of this one. After the end of this battle, everyone should be at their 3rd class except for Elwin and Hain, who should be at their 4th class. Here is what I suggest so far. Elwin - Sword Master Hain - Arch Mage Sherry - Mage Aaron - Highlander Keith - Dragon Knight Lester - Serpent Knight Jessica - Mage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 13: Battle with the Fire Dragon Corps "Elwin and his party managed to defeat the ancient Guardians, but before they could obtain the Dark Rod, Eggbert suddenly appeared and with his magic, managed to get the Dark Rod and get away. Moreover, Eggbert then teleported to Karzas Castle to kidnap Riana. The party, worried about Riana, tried to hurry back to Karzas Castle to see what they could do, but General Vargas the Valiant was waiting for them to hinder their progress." Win: Death of General Vargas Lose: Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Sherry, Aaron, Keith, Lester, Jessica Enemies: Magic Knight/Horseman x4 & Soldier x2 Magic Knight/Horseman x4 & Soldier x2 Bishop/Pikeman x6 Bishop/Ballista x4 & Soldier x2 Bishop/Ballista x4 & Soldier x2 Swordsman/Berserker x4 & Dark Elf x2 Swordsman/Berserker x4 & Dark Elf x2 Dragon Knight/Griffin x6 Dragon Knight/Griffin x6 Zolm/Berserker x4 & Horseman x2, !*Vargas/Armed Soldier x4 & Heavy Horseman x2 Shop: Item Cost Knife 60 P Robe 90 P Secret Tile: None Drops: Wand (Bishop) x3, War Hammer (Zolm), Devil's Axe (Vargas) Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Devil's Axe Dragon Scale Speed Boots Armed Soldier x4 Hain Wand Mirage Robe Elf x6 Sherry Wand Mirage Robe Orb Pikeman x6 Aaron Great Sword Plate Armor Heavy Horseman x6 Keith Great Sword Chain Mail Necklace Griffin x6 Lester Great Sword Chain Mail Necklace Elf x6 Jessica Wand Robe Amulet Gladiator x6 Set: Hain Keith Sherry Aaron Elwin Lester Jessica Battle: Make sure Keith stays clear out of the way of the Ballistae, as they, like Dark Elves, can take him out in a heartbeat. Ballistae should be Elwin's priority, since they will not be able to even dent his Armed Soldiers. Don't try to move anything else until they come to you. After that is taken care of, have Elwin move towards the other set of Ballistae and finish them. If you get close enough, General Vargas will show up. Zolm insists that he has it covered and that Vargas should return to his wife. Vargas talks about how he doesn't want his child to think that he is a coward. Either way, the only reason that this scenario should be long is because the field is quite big. Finish off Vargas and Zolm. After Vargas is destroyed, Leon and Laird will show up. Vargas asks that Leon goes to his wife and tells her that he fought bravely. Leon tells Laird to lead the attack on the castle, then tells Elwin that he will defeat him. Just as Elwin and his group begin to press on, a messenger comes to tell them that the empire has kidnapped Riana. Jessica suggests that you find the Langrisser. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 14: The race for Langrisser "Hundreds of years ago, it is said that the Descendants of Light once ruled the Kingdom of Baltia. The legendary ancient castle now rested quietly at the bottom of a lake. With Jessica's help, Elwin and his party were able to find Baltia castle, and with in, the holy sword, Langrisser. Elwin and his party weren't the only people seeking Langrisser, however, as the Blue Dragon Knights were also at Baltia castle with the same purpose in mind. Now, after hundreds of years, the stage was set once again for the struggle of the holy sword Langrisser." Win: Elwin, Jessica, or Sherry gets to Langrisser Death of the Blue Dragon Knight Leon Lose: Leon reaches Langrisser Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Sherry, Aaron, Keith, Lester, Jessica Enemies: Dragon Knight/Griffin x4 Dragon Knight/Griffin x4 Dragon Knight/Griffin x4 Dragon Knight/Griffin x4 Serpent Knight/Lizardman x4 Serpent Knight/Lizardman x4 Mage/Ballista x6 Mage/Ballista x6 Swordsman/Berserker x6 Lord/Soldier x6 Laird/Dark Elf x4 & Berserker x2 !*Leon/Royal Horseman x4 & Armed Soldier x2 Shop: Item Cost Knife 60 P Robe 90 P Secret Tile: (5, 24) Rune Stone Drops: War Hammer (Laird), Great Sword (Leon), Plate Armor (Leon) Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Devil's Axe Dragon Scale Speed Boots Armed Soldier x4 Phalanx x2 Hain Wand Mirage Robe Ballista x4 Sherry Wand Mirage Robe Orb Gladiator x6 Aaron Great Sword Plate Armor Heavy Horseman x6 Keith Great Sword Chain Mail Necklace Griffin x6 Lester Great Sword Chain Mail Necklace Merman x6 Jessica Wand Robe Amulet Elf x6 Set: Lester Keith Jessica Elwin Sherry Aaron Hain Battle: This battle can be very tricky, but the key is to keep Leon away from the Langrisser as long as possible. You have about 7-8 turns max to get the sword before Leon does. Have Elwin, Sherry, Aaron, and Hain charge left. Sherry's Thunder can take out Ballistae very easily. Lester and Keith should guide and protect Jessica on her way to the Langrisser. Stop for nothing as after 3 turns, Leon will show up and start to charge towards the Langrisser, but you'll have already gotten a head start on him. After Elwin plowed over the rest of the enemies (just make a straight line for the left side, letting your backup clean up the mess), have him follow Leon. Jessica should be close to the Langrisser by now, but don't have her get it until either Leon is very close or until all the enemies but Leon are defeated. When that happens, grab the Langrisser. Also, if you really wanted to, send Keith to the Gray Rock on the left side of the castle for a Rune Stone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 15: The battle at Roleck River "Elwin's party had at last retrieved Langrisser and decided to go to Rayguard to rescue Riana. With little time left, however, the quickest route to Rayguard was to trudge across the Roleck River. However, on the opposite shore, the Amazon Imelda has been awaiting them. While at a disadvantage, Elwin and his party decided there wasn't enough time to find another route. Though worried about Riana, Elwin drew his sword and prepared to fight Imelda." Win: Beat General Imelda Elwin reaches the bottom of the map Lose: Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Sherry, Aaron, Keith, Lester, Jessica Enemies: Serpent Knight/Lizardman x4 Mage/Ballista x6 Serpent Knight/Lizardman x4 & Dark Elf x2 Serpent Knight/Lizardman x4 & Dark Elf x2 Swordsman/Berserker x6 Bishop/Ballista x6 *Imelda/Armed soldier x2 & Heavy Horseman x2 & Ballista x2 !Larna/Vampire Bat x4 !Scylla/Leviathan x6 !Scylla/Leviathan x6 !Wyvern/Gargoyle x6 Shop: Item Cost Knife 60 P Robe 90 P Secret Tile: none Drops: Speed Boots (Imelda) Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Devil's Axe Dragon Scale Speed Boots Armed Soldier x4 Hain Wand Mirage Robe Ballista x4 Sherry Langrisser Mirage Robe Amulet Dragoon x4 Aaron Great Sword Plate Armor Gladiator x6 Keith Great Sword Chain Mail Necklace Griffin x6 Lester Great Sword Chain Mail Necklace Merman x6 Jessica Wand Robe Orb Gladiator x3, Elf x3 Set: Sherry Aaron Hain Lester Keith Elwin Jessica Battle: The key here to start out is to be patient. Whatever enemies Imelda sends after you, just handle when they reach the shoreline. After about 3 turns, send everybody to the upper-center part of the screen to meet up. Put Lester in the Water and send Keith off to the Water as well. Wait until the end of turn 6 when Riana will show up! Well, it's really not Riana, as she says her name is Larna. She is there to help Imelda and summons some monsters to help in the attack. Defend to the best of your ability, then lay waste on Larna very quickly. Keith's Griffins can take out the Vampire Bats easily while Sherry and her Dragoons can make quick work of Larna. After another turn, Scott will show up (and yes, he is on your side unlike Larna). Scott shows up with 4 Angels and will automatically level up a few times (enough for a class change to Highlander). Once Larna and the monsters are defeated, slowly start to move across the water on either side (preferably the right side). Whatever you do though, do NOT let Elwin step on the lower two rows, else the scenario will end with a win (and you will lose whatever experience was left over). Keep Imelda weakened until the rest of the enemies are defeated. Then have somebody cast sleep on her to finish her off. She'll retreat and Scott will rejoin the group permanently. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 16: The Blue Dragon Knights again "Riana was apparently being controlled by someone, and Elwin and his party were in shock over her complete and total change. At last, Emperor Bernhardt would reveal himself. His castle was designed to be hard to attack and easy to defend. Bernhardt had, in just one generation, formed a nation and had taken over half a continent. But now he was planning to use Alhazard, the legendary sword of evil, to unify the entire continent. To prevent this, Elwin's party had to penetrate into Bernhardt's castle and stop him before Alhazard's seal was broken. But as Elwin and his party approached the castle gates, they saw Elwin's old rival, Leon, waiting for them. The final battle with the Blue Dragon Knights had begun." Win: Death of Blue Dragon Knight Leon One character reaches the gate of the castle Lose: Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Sherry, Aaron, Keith, Lester, Jessica, Scott Enemies: Dragon Lord/Griffin x6 Arch Mage/Ballista x4 & Phalanx x2 Arch Mage/Ballista x4 & Phalanx x2 Knight Master/Heavy Horseman x4 & Berserker x2 Saint/Phalanx x4 & Berserker x2 Laird/Heavy Horseman x4 & Armed Soldier x2 *Leon/Royal Horseman x4 & Ballista x2 !Ghost/Wraith x4 !Ghost/Wraith x4 !Larna/Dark Elf x2 & Elemental x4 Shop: Item Cost War Hammer 230 P Great Sword 410 P Wand 260 P Long Bow 250 P Chain Mail 510 P Plate Armor 710 P Cross 410 P Necklace 900 P Orb 1000 P Secret Tile: none Drops: War Hammer (Laird), Chain Mail (Laird), Great Sword (Leon) Plate Armor (Leon) Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Devil's Axe Dragon Scale Speed Boots* Phalanx x2 Armed Soldier x4 Hain Wand Mirage Robe Orb* Ballista x4 Phalanx x2 Sherry Langrisser Plate Armor Amulet* Gladiator x4 Dragoon x2 Aaron Great Sword Plate Armor Gladiator x4 Heavy Horseman x2 Keith Great Sword Chain Mail Necklace Griffin x6 Lester Great Sword Chain Mail Necklace Merman x6 Jessica Wand Mirage Robe Orb Gladiator x6 Scott Great Sword Plate Armor Heavy Horseman x4 Gladiator x2 *Equip Rune Stone only if your character is close to level 10 and you want to power them up, and hasn't already used a Rune Stone. Set: Elwin Lester Hain Sherry Keith Jessica Aaron Scott Battle: Be patient again in this one, as this can be tricky. To start off, have Hain cast Meteor on the wall just outside where the Ballistae are. You will damage some of the ballistae as well as open up the wall. Once the wall is open, Laird will charge out. That is where you will be waiting for him with Lester and Keith. Hit another wall with Meteor and that entire side of the castle will easily fall to Keith and Lester. When one side is destroyed, Meteor the other side and let Sherry take care of the work in there. After 8 turns, Larna will show up with some help for Leon. Just continue to wait for the enemies to make their move (the Ghosts will come down quickly as well). Make short work of them with Sleep and you should have a clear path to Leon and Larna. Finish off Larna first and then take on Leon. Cast sleep if need be as always. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 17: Emperor Bernhardt "Elwin's party defeated the Blue Dragon Knights and broke into the castle to find a hard bodied man with piercing eyes sitting on a throne. He looked more like a soldier than an Emperor, but he seemed to carry an air of dignity that separated him from normal soldiers. Near him was a man with an evil smile standing back, looking extremely interested in the party that had fought their way through so many of the Empire's best soldiers. Elwin and his party had very little time to prepare their soldiers, while Bernhardt calmly awaited the decisive battle." Win: Death of Emperor Bernhardt Lose: Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Sherry, Aaron, Keith, Lester, Jessica, Scott Enemies: Wizard/Ballista x4 & Phalanx x2 Wizard/Ballista x4 & Phalanx x2 Saint/Phalanx x4 & Heavy Horseman x2, Saint/Ballista x4 & Berserker x2 Saint/Ballista x4 & Berserker x2 Arch Mage/Berserker x4 & Ballista x2 Arch Mage/Berserker x4 & Ballista x2 Magic Knight/Heavy Horseman x6 Magic Knight/Heavy Horseman x6 Bosel/Dark Guard x6 *Bernhardt/Ballista x4 & Royal Horseman x2, Shop: Item Cost War Hammer 230 P Great Sword 410 P Wand 260 P Long Bow 250 P Chain Mail 510 P Plate Armor 710 P Cross 410 P Necklace 900 P Orb 1000 P Speed Boots 710 P Secret Tile: Rune Stone (6, 4) & Mayasa Sword (24, 4) Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Devil's Axe Dragon Scale Speed Boots* Armed Soldier x6 Hain Wand Mirage Robe Orb* Ballista x4 Phalanx x2 Sherry Langrisser Plate Armor Amulet* Dragoon x6 Aaron Great Sword Plate Armor Heavy Horseman x6 Keith Great Sword Chain Mail Necklace Griffin x6 Lester Great Sword Chain Mail Necklace Elf x6 Jessica Wand Mirage Robe Orb Scott Great Sword Plate Armor Heavy Horseman x6 *Equip Rune Stone only if your character is on their 4th class, close to level 10, and if you want to power them up, and if they already haven't used a Rune Stone. Set: Jessica Elwin Lester Sherry Aaron Scott Hain Keith Battle: First things first, do a little sacrificing. Have Hain use his Ballistae against the ballistae to the right of Hain. After the two of them are gone, have Hain cast Meteor to create a hole in the wall on the left side. Send Keith through to take out the Arch Mage on the left side. Elwin should go left and take out that group while Scott goes right with support from Jessica and Lester. Have Aaron and Sherry stay put with support for now until the Phalanxes above are taken care of (Elwin can handle that). By the 5th turn, reinforcements will come from the lower end. Have Sherry pick them off with some support from Hain's meteor. At the same time, send Elwin forward to finish off anything in his path. Make sure that you have Keith enter the fireplace to the right to get the Masayan Sword! This is very important if you are going to use Rune Stones. If you need another Rune Stone, just have Keith enter the fireplace to the left side. Just pace yourself getting there. Magic works best on the ballistae but Phalanx or just have Elwin handle the rest. Kill Bosel and then Bernhardt, who both retreat after being defeated. If you used a Rune Stone, then Elwin should be back to High Lord by now. Also, one of your other men should be at their 4th class by now, depending on which one you've favored in battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 18: The Dark Princess Larna "Hot on Bosel's heels to Velzeria, Elwin and his party came across a village being attacked by demons. Laughing amidst the carnage was a young girl. Elwin couldn't believe it when he saw that the young girl was Riana. Despite being at a total loss as to what had happened to Riana to make her evil and allow her to be able to control monsters, Elwin and his party rushed to stop Riana." Win: Death of Great Dragon Death of Dark Princess Lose: Death of Elwin Death of all the people in the village Control: Elwin, Hain, Sherry, Aaron, Keith, Lester, Jessica, Scott Friends: Cleric, Cleric Enemies: Minotaur/Bone Dino x4 Minotaur/Bone Dino x4 Witch/Wraith x4 Witch/Wraith x4 Scylla/Leviathan x6 Scylla/Leviathan x6 Wyvern/Gargoyle x6 *Great Dragon/Gargoyle x4 *Larna/Elemental x6 Shop: Item Cost War Hammer 230 P Great Sword 410 P Wand 260 P Long Bow 250 P Chain Mail 510 P Plate Armor 710 P Cross 410 P Necklace 900 P Orb 1000 P Speed Boots 710 P Secret Tile: None Drops: Speed Boots (Larna) Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Masayan Sword Dragon Scale Speed Boots* Armed Soldier x6 Hain Wand Mirage Robe Orb* Gladiator x4 Sherry Langrisser Plate Armor Amulet* Dragoon x4 Aaron Great Sword Plate Armor Heavy Horseman x6 Keith Great Sword Chain Mail Necklace Griffin x6 Lester Great Sword Chain Mail Necklace Ballista x4 Jessica Wand Mirage Robe Orb Elf x4 Scott Great Sword Plate Armor Heavy Horseman x6 *Equip Rune Stone only if your character is on their 4th class, close to level 10, and if you want to power them up, and if they already haven't used a Rune Stone. Set: Sherry Jessica Lester Aaron Elwin Scott Hain Keith Battle: Your mission here is to protect those citizens at all cost... and to build up Elwin with the Masayan Sword. Tell the citizens to stay right where they are, then have everybody meet in the middle, save for Elwin and Hain. Have Hain hide behind the wall to lend support of Resist and Meteor. Elwin should stay on the mountains to intercept any monsters that come the way. If the Scylla should get too close, have Hain weaken it with Meteor so that it will stay in one spot for a while. As for the minotaurs, let them come to the west side. Have Sherry put them to sleep, Lester should weaken them with the Ballistae, then Scott should put them out with his horsemen. The Witch to the north can be handled by Keith and Jessica. Aaron should stay in the middle and heal when needed. When all that is left is Larna and the Great Dragon, Larna will start to charge. Don't kill the dragon and let her come to you. Elementals add extra experience and Elwin should be inching back up to his Swordsman class by now if you've used a Rune Stone and the Masayan Sword. Finish off either the Dragon or Larna and you'll win the Scenario. Since I assume that you didn't lose any Civilians, they will give you a Crown at the end of the scenario. If you let Elwin handle the majority of the battle, he should be at or close to a Sword Master again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 19: Battle at Mireil "After Elwin and his party managed to save the little village under attack from the Dark Princess and her Dragon, the grateful villagers informed Elwin of preparations going on at the Imperial Port in Mireil. Elwin and his party decided that they would capture a boat from this port and thus would be able to get to Velzeria much quicker via the Dires channel. Elwin and his party began the operation to capture the ship." Win: Death of General Imelda in 23 turns Lose: Run out of time Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Sherry, Aaron, Keith, Lester, Jessica, Scott Enemies: Saint/Armed Soldier x6 Serpent Lord/Lizardman x6 Wizard/Ballista x4 & Dark Elf x2 Dragon Knight/Griffin x6 Dragon Knight/Griffin x6 Arch Mage/Ballista x4 & Phalanx x2 *Imelda/Ballista x4 & Phalanx x2 !Dragon Knight/Griffin x6 !Lord/Phalanx x6 !Laird/Heavy Horseman x4 & Berserker x2 Shop: Item Cost Long Bow 250 P Plate Armor 710 P Cross 410 P Necklace 900 P Orb 1000 P Amulet 1000 P Secret Tile: 36, 9 (Gyaral Horn), 12, 20 (Aurora) Drops: Wand (Wizard), Wand (Imelda), Amulet (Imelda) Secret Zone: (46, 1) Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Devil's Axe Dragon Scale Speed Boots Hain Wand Mirage Robe Orb* Elf x6 Sherry Masayan Sword Plate Armor Amulet* Dragoon x6 Aaron Great Sword Plate Armor Amulet Gladiator x6 Keith Great Sword Chain Mail Necklace Griffin x6 Lester Great Sword Chain Mail Necklace Merman x6 Jessica Wand Mirage Robe Orb Gladiator x6 Scott Great Sword Plate Armor Crown Gladiator x6 *Equip Rune Stone only if your character is on their 4th class, close to level 10, and if you want to power them up, and if they already haven't used a Rune Stone. Set: Jessica Hain Aaron Sherry Elwin Lester Scott Keith Battle: Make sure that Elwin has the speed boots equipped if you want to get to the secret level. Send Elwin without troops to the upper-right corner of the screen, through the water. If you want the other items, send Keith to the box on the right side of the house on the bottom for an Aurora, and also a Gyaral Horn is in the upper-most barrel on the ship. Anyways, send Elwin towards the upper-right corner and then Sherry towards the Saint with the Armed Soldiers. Since she has the Masayan Sword, have her take all the Experience so that she can class up and build up her stats. As soon as someone boards the ship, Laird will appear with some backup for Imelda. Let Laird and the Dragon Knight come to you. Scott, Aaron, and Lester should handle them easily. Next go after the Lord and his Phalanxes and finish them (by now, another one of your Knights should class up so you should have 2 at their 4th class by now). Once they are finished and Imelda is left, put her to sleep and have Sherry finish her off. Once she is gone, if Elwin found the secret spot, he will ask if you want to attack the reinforcements. Do so to enter scenario ?2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario ?2: Fierce Battle of the Dires "With the preparations of the large ship incomplete, Elwin's party decided to leave on small boats, one for each Commander. However, in the horizon, Elwin saw an imperial boat that was perusing them. Could it perhaps be General Imelda's troops who meant to avenge her defeat? Elwin and his group got ready to face what they expected to be a quick battle. However, the Rayguard troops aboard the tiny ship were prepared to fight fiercely for their fallen general." Win: Death of all enemies Lose: Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Sherry, Aaron, Keith, Lester, Jessica, Scott Enemies: Serpent Lord/Lizardman x6 Serpent Lord/Lizardman x6 Serpent Knight/Lizardman x6 Serpent Knight/Lizardman x6 Dragon Knight/Griffin x6 Dragon Knight/Griffin x6 Dragon Knight/Griffin x6 Folger/Griffin x6 Seigal/Griffin x6 Shop: Item Cost Flame Lance 8500 P Mirage Robe 1000 P Crown 5000 P Secret Tile: None Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Devil's Axe Dragon Scale Speed Boots Heavy Horseman x2 Hain Masayan Sword Mirage Robe Orb* Ballista x6 Sherry Devil's Axe Plate Armor Amulet Dragoon x2 Aaron Great Sword Plate Armor Amulet* Heavy Horseman x2 Keith Flame Lance Chain Mail Necklace* Griffin x6 Lester Flame Lance Chain Mail Necklace* Merman x2 Jessica Wand Mirage Robe Orb* Elf x4 Scott Flame Lance Plate Armor Crown* Heavy Horseman x2 *Equip Rune Stone only if your character is on their 4th class, close to level 10, and if you want to power them up, and if they already haven't used a Rune Stone. Set: Aaron Lester Scott Sherry Elwin Jessica Keith Hain Battle: Since Hain has the Masayan Sword, focus on leveling him up with a Rune Stone if you are going that route. He should easily be able to take out the Dragon Knights with some Meteor and Ballista attacks. The battle shouldn't really be that tough. Just leave Jessica and Lester alone (since there are no monsters near them). Elwin can handle the two Dragon Lords just fine. By the end of this battle (though the experience is nowhere near as good as ?1) here is what everyone should be at, depending on which way you are going: Elwin - Sword Master (2nd) or Hero Hain - Lord (2nd) or Zavera Sherry - Dragon Knight (2nd) or Princess Aaron - Sword Master Keith - Dragon Lord Lester - Serpent Lord Jessica - Arch Mage (if you're using a Rune Stone) or Sage Scott - Knight Master From here on out, it will be pretty difficult to use a Rune Stone and still manage to get the 5th class again. Elwin, Hain, and Sherry are the 3 I usually recommend anyway to repeat classes, as they are by far the strongest. In the next few scenarios, I will list who to give the Masayan Sword to in order to get them to their final class. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 20: The Red Sea "After defeating Imelda, and successfully taking the boat, Elwin left for Velzeria to rescue Riana. Inside the calm heavens, the trip seemed to be going smoothly, but a big ship from Velzeria drew near. On that ship were monsters controlled by Bosel for an ambush, and they had come to stop and challenge Elwin's invasion. Two boats joined via gangplanks, and the fight began between the two boats." Win: Death of all enemies Lose: Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Sherry, Aaron, Keith, Lester, Jessica, Scott Enemies: Scylla/Leviathan x6 Scylla/Leviathan x6 Minotaur/Golem x2 & Bone Dino x4 Minotaur/Golem x2 & Bone Dino x4 Witch/Wraith x4 & Ballista x2 Witch/Wraith x4 & Ballista x2 Fayas/Golem x2 & Arch Demon x4 !Wyvern/Gargoyle x6 !Wyvern/Gargoyle x6 !Kraken/Leviathan x6 Shop: Item Cost Knife 60 P Robe 90 P Secret Tile: None Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Devil's Axe Dragon Scale Speed Boots Armed Soldier x4 Hain Wand Mirage Robe Orb** Ballista x4 Sherry Langrisser Plate Armor Amulet Dragoon x4 Aaron Devil's Axe Plate Armor Amulet* Armed Soldier x4 Keith Flame Lance Chain Mail Necklace* Angel x6 Lester Flame Lance Chain Mail Necklace* Merman x6 Jessica Masayan Sword Mirage Robe Orb* Ballista x6 Scott Flame Lance Plate Armor Crown* Dragoon x4 *Equip Rune Stone only if your character is on their 4th class, close to level 10, and if you want to power them up, and if they already haven't used a Rune Stone. **Equip Speed Boots if Hain used a Rune Stone and went down the Lord's path. Set: Elwin Sherry Jessica Keith Scott Hain Lester Aaron Battle: This battle isn't too hard providing you keep your Horsemen out of the way of the Golems. Beware of the Witch's Meteor as usual and be ready to heal with Aaron or Elwin. Make your way onto the ship, but don't send your Fliers until the Ballistae are gone (Fireball and Meteor can take them out easily). In this battle you will learn that Fayas, the Demon Lord, killed Elwin's father. Don't be afraid to go after him first since killing him won't end the scenario. After 9 turns, a Kraken shows up with some Wyverns. Let them come onto the ship then hit them with any Ballistae and spells you can come across. Send Elwin, Aaron, Sherry, and Scott over to the other ship to handle those enemies once the path is cleared. The rest should easily be able to handle the Kraken if he comes onboard the ship. Just keep up the attacks and you should easily win the battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 21: Marionette "The forbidden land Velzeria... It had been around for hundreds of years. The Descendants of Light had defeated Bosel here before. The mountain ranges surrounded the area. It was also said the God of Chaos was in this cursed land. When Elwin found the bay and tried to land, the Dark Princess, being controlled by Bosel once again, stood in his way." Win: Death of all enemies Lose: Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Sherry, Aaron, Keith, Lester, Jessica, Scott Enemies: Succubus/Vampire Bat x6 Succubus/Vampire Bat x6 Living Armor/Golem x4 & Bone Dino x2 Living Armor/Golem x4 & Bone Dino x2 Witch/Ballista x4 & Wraith x2 Witch/Ballista x4 & Wraith x2 Larna/Elemental x6 !Kraken/Leviathan x6 !Kraken/Leviathan x6 !Kraken/Leviathan x6 !Arch Mage/Ballista x2 & Armed Soldier x4 Shop: Item Cost Knife 60 P Robe 90 P Secret Tile: None Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Devil's Axe Dragon Scale Speed Boots Armed Soldier x4 Hain Wand Mirage Robe Orb** Elf x4 Sherry Langrisser Plate Armor Amulet Griffin/Angel x6 Aaron Devil's Axe Plate Armor Speed Boots* Armed Soldier x4 Keith Flame Lance Chain Mail Necklace* Angel x6 Lester Flame Lance Chain Mail Necklace* Elf x4 Jessica Wand Mirage Robe Orb* Phalanx x4 Scott Flame Lance Plate Armor Crown* Dragoon x4 *Equip Rune Stone only if your character is on their 4th class, close to level 10, and if you want to power them up, and if they already haven't used a Rune Stone. **Equip Speed Boots if Hain used a Rune Stone and went down the Lord's path. Give whoever you want to level up the Masayan Sword. Set: Elwin Sherry Hain Keith Scott Jessica Lester Aaron Battle: Speed Boots really help in this level since you will be on water for a lot of it. Be careful of the Vampire Bats and treat them with Elven force. Make your way to land and after about 9 turns, some Krakens will show up to help Larna. A few turns after that, she will retreat and be replaced by a messenger saying that the revival of Alhazard is near. Resist is key to winning this battle, as they will try to cast Meteor many times on Elwin. Angels are practically resistant to Ballistae, so feel free to fly over to them and knock them out quick. Make sure you keep Lester in the water to protect Jessica and anyone else from the Kraken attacks. Your characters should be able to withstand most of the abuse save for your mages. Keep in mind that by now the Zone spell also works great if you want to eliminate the commander bonus. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 22: Alhazard's Revival "To prevent the dark sword Alhazard's release, Elwin's party finally made it to the Temple of Darkness, where an astonishing sight awaited them." Win: Death of all enemies Lose: Death of Elwin Death of Jessica Control: Elwin, Hain, Sherry, Aaron, Keith, Lester, Jessica, Scott Friends: Riana Enemies: Arch Mage/Ballista x6 Arch Mage/Ballista x4 & Armed Soldier x2 Saint/Armed Soldier x3 & Phalanx x3 Iron Golem/Golem x6 Iron Golem/Golem x6 Witch/Wraith x6, Witch/Wraith x6 Eggbert/Ballista x4 & Dark Elf x2 Bosel Larna !Bernhardt/Dark Guard x6 Shop: Item Cost Knife 60 P Robe 90 P Secret Tile: Odin's Brace (15, 3) Secret Zone: 20, 6 then 1, 5 Drops: Orb (Eggbert), Necklace (Witch) x2 Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Devil's Axe Dragon Scale Speed Boots Armed Soldier x6 Hain Wand Mirage Robe Orb** Sherry Langrisser Plate Armor Amulet Griffin/Angel x6 Aaron Devil's Axe Plate Armor Amulet* Armed Soldier x6 Keith Flame Lance Chain Mail Necklace* Angel x6 Lester Flame Lance Chain Mail Necklace* Jessica Wand Mirage Robe Orb* Armed Soldier x6 Scott Flame Lance Plate Armor Crown* Armed Soldier x6 *Equip Rune Stone only if your character is on their 4th class, close to level 10, and if you want to power them up, and if they already haven't used a Rune Stone. **Equip Speed Boots if Hain used a Rune Stone and went down the Lord's path. Give whoever you want to level up the Masayan Sword. Set: Elwin Aaron Hain Jessica Scott Keith Lester Sherry Battle: Protect Jessica with your life, because if she dies it's all over. Charge your way up towards the Alter. Once you get far enough, Eggbert will reveal his true intentions and revive Emperor Bernhardt. Bernhardt will then teleport over to Bosel and kill him, thus taking control of Alhazard for himself. Jessica says that she will seal him off but she needs protection. By this time, the monsters will start fighting against each other. Bosel's monsters against Eggbert's Priests. Make sure you get there in time to get the experience. Once Elwin gets near Eggbert, have Jessica cast Resist on him and have him charge Eggbert. Finish him off then head for Bernhardt. You can weaken Bernhardt and Larna, but do not kill Bernhardt yet. This is where you want to find the secret zone. To find it, you need to stand on two spots. First, have Elwin stand on the spot in front of the column to the right of Bernhardt and flip the switch after Elwin finds it. Second, have Hain cast Meteor to the left side of the left set of steps (the column) to destroy it. Have Elwin stand on the tile to the far left to find the secret zone, which is the Dragon's Lair. Have Elwin wear down the Dark Guards before focusing on Larna (should take him one shot). Bernhardt will gain a huge bonus with the Alhazard, but he is still weak to sleep. Once he is asleep, it should take nothing to finish him off. After Bernhardt is defeated, Jessica will try to seal Bernhardt, but will disappear at the same time. Riana will then waken from her sleep, leveling up to her 4th class. But that's not all. Larna will also join your party, leveling up as much as Riana, going from Cleric to whatever you choose for her. Since Bosel is dead now, both of them are willing to help you now. Larna says that Bernhardt is heading to Valzeria Castle to awaken the God of Chaos. But before they can go after him, they must first break the seal of Langrisser. Riana says that they need the Holy Rod though. Before any of this, if you wish to enter the Dragon's Lair, you'd better be ready for it. Elwin should be a Hero by now so you should not have to worry much about it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario ?3: Magic Dragon's Lair "In the temple, Elwin's party continue to progress deeper into a dragon's lair, and passed through a dangerous passageway. They opened the passage and entered the cave to find that it was actually a Great Dragon's Lair. Inside was one person, a young female witch who lived there. Who was she? For what purpose did she live there? Everything was unusual about this strange young girl." Win: Death of all enemies Lose: Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Sherry, Aaron, Keith, Lester, Scott, Riana, Larna Enemies: Great Dragon/Bone Dino x4 & Vampire Bat x2 Great Dragon/Bone Dino x4 & Vampire Bat x2 Great Dragon/Gargoyle x4 & Golem x2 Great Dragon/Gargoyle x4 & Golem x2 Great Dragon/Wraith x4 & Slime x2 Great Dragon/Wraith x4 & Slime x2 Great Dragon/Vampire Bat x4 & Golem x2 Great Dragon/Vampire Bat x4 & Golem x2 Great Dragon/Elemental x6 Mage/Bone Dino x4 & Vampire Bat x2 -> Saint/Elemental x4 Shop: Item Cost Dragon Slayer 10,000 P Dragon Scale 2000 P Aurora 3100 P Gleipnir 2800 P Gyaral Horn 3200 P Secret Tile: 2, 10 (Rune Stone) Drops: Longbow (Saint), Mirage Robe (Saint) Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Devil's Axe Dragon Scale Speed Boots Hain Wand Mirage Robe Orb** Elf x6 Sherry Dragon Slayer Plate Armor Amulet Dragoon/Angel x6 Aaron Devil's Axe Plate Armor Amulet* Armed Soldier x6 Keith Flame Lance Dragon Scale Necklace* Angel x6 Lester Flame Lance Dragon Scale Necklace* Elf x6 Scott Flame Lance Plate Armor Crown* Dragoon x6 Riana Wand Mirage Robe Orb* Larna Wand Dragon Scale Orb* *Equip Rune Stone only if your character is on their 4th class, close to level 10, and if you want to power them up, and if they already haven't used a Rune Stone. **Equip Speed Boots if Hain used a Rune Stone and went down the Lord's path. Give whoever you want to level up the Masayan Sword. Set: Sherry Hain Lester Aaron Riana Larna Elwin Scott Keith Battle: This battle can be a royal pain in the butt, as there are so many dragons and they can each cast Meteor 3 times! Lucky for you, Riana and Larna are so great at healing that your characters will barely notice. First off you want to set up a line of Dragoons followed by Elves. After the line is set, move everyone forward and wait a turn. Heal after the blows of Meteor and take out the enemies. Angels work great here so use them if you have them. If you need to weaken the units before attacking, have Hain use Meteor (he should have a load of them with 99 MP). Sherry should be able to wipe out any Great Dragons with the Dragon Slayer. By the end of the 3rd turn, the Mage will turn into a Saint. Nothing to worry about really, though the Elementals can hurt. Quickly force your way towards the dragons. Weaken them to 7 or lower to stop them from casting Meteor. Just continue to hack away at them until they all finally die. If you want another Rune Stone (though at this point they are useless and a waste of space), have Hain cast Meteor on the Blue Rock in the upper-left side of the map and then walk on it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 23: The Light Rod "Finally Alhazard's seal was broken. But Bernhardt, who everyone thought dead had appeared, and had taken the Alhazard from Bosel. Moreover, to accomplish his ambition of continental unification, Bernhardt planned to awaken the dark power of Alhazard which would cover the world in darkness and give Bernhardt immense powers. Due to Jessica's sacrifice, they flew to Velzeria. Both Riana and Larna had had their spells broken, and Larna told Elwin that Langrisser's power was not yet complete. Now, to release Langrisser's full power, Elwin's party had gone to Elrad where the Holy Rod was said to exist, which had the ability to awaken the full power of Langrisser." Win: The person with the light rod reaches the top of the map Death of all enemies Lose: The light rod is lost Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Sherry, Aaron, Keith, Lester, Scott, Riana, Larna Enemies: Dragon Lord/Elemental x3 Dragon Lord/Elemental x3 Paladin/Phalanx x4 & Heavy Horseman x2 Paladin/Phalanx x4 & Heavy Horseman x2 Paladin/Berserker x4 & Phalanx x2 Paladin/Berserker x4 & Phalanx x2 Saint/Dark Elf x4 & Berserker x2 Saint/Dark Elf x4 & Berserker x2 Wizard/Phalanx x2 & Ballista x4 Wizard/Phalanx x2 & Ballista x4 Laird/Royal Horseman x4 Shop: Item Cost Knife 60 P Robe 90 P Secret Tile: None Drops: Orb (Wizard) x2, Great Sword (Laird), Necklace (Laird) Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Devil's Axe Dragon Scale Speed Boots Hain Wand Mirage Robe Orb** Ballista x6 Sherry Dragon Slayer Plate Armor Amulet Griffin/Angel x6 Aaron Devil's Axe Plate Armor Amulet* Phalanx x2 Armed Soldier x4 Keith Flame Lance Dragon Scale Necklace* Angel x6 Lester Flame Lance Dragon Scale Necklace* Scott Flame Lance Plate Armor Crown* Dragoon x4 Riana Wand Mirage Robe Orb* Phalanx x2 Armed Soldier x4 Larna Wand Mirage Robe Orb* Phalanx x2 Armed Soldier x4 *Equip Rune Stone only if your character is on their 4th class, close to level 10, and if you want to power them up, and if they already haven't used a Rune Stone. **Equip Speed Boots if Hain used a Rune Stone and went down the Lord's path. Give whoever you want to level up the Masayan Sword. Set: Riana Sherry Larna Hain Lester Scott Elwin Keith Aaron Battle: Though the enemies are nothing spectacular to face, you still want to be very careful in this level. You have to search for the Light Rod while the enemy is doing the exact same thing. Dragon Lords are your biggest threat to finding it, so make sure to isolate them and eliminate them quickly. The rooms that are right next to where you start off never have the Holy Rod, so that leaves you with 4 other rooms. The Rod could be in any one of them. When a room has been completely searched, the commander will say whether it is there or not. If it is there, have them stand guard in that spot. The enemy will make its move towards the Rod (hopefully Elwin is there to be the guard). If it looks like the enemy could take it, have Riana move towards the Rod and grab it. Then protect Riana for your life. When the scenario is complete, the seal on the Langrisser will be broken and its full power will soon be seen. This is a good level to use the Masayan Sword on. The commanders give a good amounts of experience when defeated so it should be easy to get a few of your commanders up to their 5th class. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 24: Light and Dark "After a long and intense battle with Laird, finally Elwin's party obtained the Holy Rod. The maiden of light, Riana, and Larna at last began the ceremony to release Langrisser's seal. Now, the Legendary Sword's power had been released. However, Bernhardt had been waiting this moment and waged an attack." Win: Death of all enemies Lose: Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Sherry, Aaron, Keith, Lester, Scott, Riana, Larna Enemies: Vampire Lord/Arch Demon x4 & Vampire Bat x2 Cerberus/Hell Hound x6 Cerberus/Hell Hound x6 Cerberus/Hell Hound x6 Witch/Ballista x4 & Golem x2 Witch/Ballista x4 & Golem x2 Witch/Ballista x4 & Golem x2 Demon Lord/Arch Demon x4 & Elemental x2 Demon Lord/Arch Demon x4 & Elemental x2 Demon Lord/Arch Demon x4 & Elemental x2 Bernhardt Shop: Item Cost Knife 60 P Robe 90 P Amulet 1000 P Secret Tile: None Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Langrisser Dragon Scale Speed Boots Armed Soldier x6 Hain Holy Rod Mirage Robe Orb** Ballista x6 Sherry Dragon Slayer Plate Armor Amulet Dragoon/Angel x6 Aaron Devil's Axe Plate Armor Amulet* Armed Soldier x6 Keith Flame Lance Dragon Scale Necklace* Angel x6 Lester Flame Lance Dragon Scale Necklace* Angel/Merman x6 Scott Flame Lance Plate Armor Crown* Dragoon x6 Riana Wand Mirage Robe Orb* Monk x6 Larna Wand Mirage Robe Orb* Monk x6 *Equip Rune Stone only if your character is on their 4th class, close to level 10, and if you want to power them up, and if they already haven't used a Rune Stone. **Equip Speed Boots if Hain used a Rune Stone and went down the Lord's path. Give whoever you want to level up the Masayan Sword. Set: Keith Hain Riana Sherry Larna Aaron Scott Lester Elwin Battle: Keep any final class characters in the back, as you want this time to level up your fourth class characters. Riana and Larna will finish breaking the seal on Langrisser. When it finishes, Bernhardt will show up with his minions, and then he will disappear. The battle isn't too hard, let the first run of Demon Lords come at you first. If Meteor is cast, have one of your healers heal with Heal 2, attack with what you want to, then if there is more healing to be done, have the other healer heal them. After the bridge is cleared, head over to the other side and wipe out any Ballistae that have fallen behind. Finish off the enemies easily and the scenario will be over. By the end of this scenario, most of your characters should be at their 5th class. Whomever is not at the 5th class should be given the Masayan Sword to put them there. Here is what you should have. Elwin - Hero Hain - Arch Mage (2nd Run) or Zarvera Sherry - Princess Aaron - Sword Master or High Master Keith - Dragon Master Lester - Serpent Master Scott - Knight Master or Royal Guard Riana - Agent Larna - Agent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 25: The continent's strongest knights "The source of all evil, the cursed castle Velzeria... Within the castle's deepest halls, Emperor Bernhardt, who wields Alhazard awaits. But first before him, the Blue Dragon Knight Leon and Eggbert stood before Elwin. Moreover, Eggbert was holding Jessica Captive. Neither side could surrender, and an intense battle begun." Win: Death of all enemies Lose: Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Sherry, Aaron, Keith, Lester, Scott, Riana, Larna Friends: Jessica Enemies: Paladin/Heavy Horseman x6 Paladin/Heavy Horseman x6 Paladin/Heavy Horseman x6 Paladin/Heavy Horseman x6 Wizard/Armed Soldier x6 Wizard/Armed Soldier x6 Knight Master/Royal Horseman x6 Laird/Royal Horseman x6 Leon/Royal Horseman x6 Eggbert !Dragon Lord/Griffin x6 Shop: Item Cost War Hammer 230 P Great Sword 410 P Wand 260 P Long Bow 250 P Arbalist 1250 P Chain Mail 510 P Plate Armor 710 P Cross 410 P Necklace 900 P Orb 1000 P Speed Boots 710 P Secret Tile: None Drops: Flame Lance (Leon), Large Shield (Leon), Amulet (Leon), Wand (Wizard) x2 Orb (Wizard) x2, Necklace (Dragon Lord), Great Sword (Laird), Plate Armor (Laird), Necklace (Paladin) x2 Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Langrisser Dragon Scale Speed Boots Phalanx x6 Hain Holy Rod Mirage Robe Orb Phalanx x6 Sherry Dragon Slayer Plate Armor Amulet Phalanx x6 Aaron Devil's Axe Plate Armor Amulet Phalanx x6 Keith Flame Lance Dragon Scale Necklace Angel x6 Lester Flame Lance Dragon Scale Necklace Angel x6 Scott Flame Lance Plate Armor Crown Dragoon x6 Riana Wand Mirage Robe Orb Phalanx x6 Larna Wand Mirage Robe Orb Phalanx x6 *Give whoever you want to level up the Masayan Sword. Set: Keith Sherry Elwin Hain Lester Scott Riana Larna Aaron Battle: At the start of the battle, Leon will demand that Eggbert release Jessica. Eggbert calls Leon soft but teleports Jessica over towards Elwin. However, Jessica will be very useless here as she will be drained of all of her MP. Other than that, this scenario is very easy. Almost every enemy are Knight Class with horseman class troops. Phalanxes work very well here, so load up with them. Let them come to you. Sleep as usual works well here so make sure you use it before letting your Phalanxes take on the Royal Horsemen. Leon will be your biggest threat here, so make sure to isolate him and weaken him. Other than that, you should really have no trouble with this level. Laird should die (for real this time) fairly easily. Leon, when defeated, will retreat. At the end of the battle, Larna says that Leon is really a warm-hearted person. Also, everyone with the exception of Jessica should be at their final class. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 26: The Black Dragon Sorcerer’s Trap "Elwin defeated his destined rival Leon, and invaded Velzeria Castle, and while rushing towards the underground temple, fell into a secret passageway. There lay the leader of the Black Dragon Sorcerers, Eggbert, who waited to encircle the party. Surrounded by enemies on all sides, Elwin's party begun taking massive magical attacks from the Black Dragon Sorcerers." Win: Death of Mage Eggbert Lose: Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Sherry, Aaron, Keith, Lester, Scott, Riana, Larna, Jessica Enemies: Arch Mage/Dark Elf x4 & Ballista x2 Arch Mage/Dark Elf x4 & Ballista x2 Arch Mage/Ballista x4 & Dark Elf x2 Arch Mage/Ballista x4 & Dark Elf x2 Wizard/Armed Soldier x4 & Ballista x2 Wizard/Armed Soldier x4 & Ballista x2 Saint/Armed Soldier x4 & Heavy Horseman x2 Saint/Armed Soldier x4 & Heavy Horseman x2 Knight Master/Heavy Horseman x4 & Dark Guard x2 *Eggbert/Elemental x6 Shop: Item Cost War Hammer 230 P Great Sword 410 P Wand 260 P Long Bow 250 P Arbalist 1250 P Chain Mail 510 P Plate Armor 710 P Cross 410 P Necklace 900 P Orb 1000 P Speed Boots 710 P Secret Tile: 15, 9 (Rune Stone) Drops: Orb (Arch Mage) x3, Orb (Wizard) x2, Wand (Arch Mage), Amulet (Knight Master), Dark Rod (Eggbert), Mirage Robe (Eggbert) Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Dragon Slayer Dragon Scale Amulet Dragoon x6 Hain Holy Rod Mirage Robe Orb Ballista x6 Sherry Langrisser Plate Armor Amulet Angel x6 Aaron Long Bow Dragon Scale Amulet Keith Flame Lance Dragon Scale Amulet Angel x6 Lester Flame Lance Dragon Scale Amulet Ballista x6 Scott Flame Lance Plate Armor Amulet Dragoon x6 Riana Wand Mirage Robe Orb Angel x6 Larna Wand Mirage Robe Orb Angel x6 Jessica Wand Odin's Brace Gleipnir Phalanx x6 *Give whoever you want to level up the Masayan Sword. Set: Hain Lester Riana Larna Jessica Sherry Elwin Keith Aaron Scott Battle: You want to focus on leveling up whomever is left to level up, which will most likely be Jessica. To do that, just weaken the enemies to 1 and have her use Fireball on it. Make sure she at least becomes a level 2 summoner, so that she can actually use the summon command as well as Meteor. Once everybody is at their 5th class, there is really no need to fight the troops, as experience is not needed. When Jessica can summon, have her summon the White Dragon. You can then control the monster as one of your troops, but a summoned monster can also cast spells. Anyways, I jumped ahead a bit there. From the beginning, slam the commanders with Meteor. Hain, Riana, and Larna should be able to use it, and later Jessica. Have your Ballistae weaken the commanders so that they cannot overrun you with Meteors. After a turn, if the commander is still below 7, cast Meteor on a wall and let your Angels in to do the work. Head for Eggbert and finish him off. He will drop the Dark Rod and Mirage Robe. After he dies, he will finally believe that the Descendants of Light can make a difference, and says that if he could have a second chance he would take it. Everybody should now be at their final class. NOTE: I'm not sure, but I have heard that Eggbert will challenge you to the Death Tower (scenario ?4) if everyone is at the 10th level of their 5th class. Though I haven't verified that yet, but if you accept his challenge, make sure you have a LOT of attack power as well as defense. Multiple Runestoning Elwin in the game helps majorly. If Elwin's stats are NOT at LEAST around 80 for AT and DF, then do NOT do this challenge. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario ?4: The Death Tower "Elwin accepted Eggbert's challenge and entered the Death Tower. There, Bernhardt began the assault of many powerful enemies. The situation was also worsened by Eggbert's powerful magic and the power of Alhazard, and it seemed that the enemies were more powerful than usual. Though many familiar faces were fighting, they had newfound strength. Moreover, Elwin's friends were captured on each floor, and even if Elwin was to use stage select, this battle appeared to be a disadvantageous battle situation. With only Hain by side, whether or not he could defeat these powerful enemies, and capture each floor of the impressive Death Tower, all fell to Elwin's strategy." Win: Death of all enemies Lose: Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Sherry, Aaron, Keith, Lester, Scott, Riana, Larna, Jessica Enemies: Demon Lord/Arch Demon x6 Demon Lord/Arch Demon x6 Demon Lord/Elemental x6 Vargas/Armed Soldier x4 & Heavy Horseman x2 Imelda/Armed Soldier x4 & Heavy Horseman x2 Leon/Royal Horseman x4 & Dark Guard x2 Laird/Royal Horseman x4 & Dark Guard x2 Eggbert/Elemental x6 Bosel/Arch Demon x4 & Elemental x2 Bernhardt/Dark Guard x4 & Ballista x2 Shop: Item Cost Flame Lance 8500 P Dragon Slayer 10000 P Odin's Brace 4600 P Angel Wings 2500 P Carbunkle 3000 P Secret Tile: None Drops: Devil's Axe (Vargas), Chain Mail (Vargas), Necklace (Vargas), Wand (Imelda), Large Shield (Imelda), Necklace (Imelda), Flame Lance (Leon), Assault Suit (Leon), Necklace (Leon), Flame Lance (Laird), Plate Armor (Laird), Necklace (Laird), Dark Rod (Eggbert), Mirage Robe (Eggbert), Orb (Eggbert), Assault Suit (Bernhardt), Gyaral Horn (Bernhardt) Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Dragon Slayer Dragon Scale Amulet Dragoon x6 Hain Holy Rod Mirage Robe Orb Ballista x6 Sherry Langrisser Plate Armor Amulet Angel x6 Aaron Long Bow Dragon Scale Amulet Keith Flame Lance Dragon Scale Necklace Angel x6 Lester Flame Lance Dragon Scale Amulet Ballista x6 Scott Flame Lance Plate Armor Amulet Dragoon x6 Riana Wand Mirage Robe Orb Angel x6 Larna Wand Mirage Robe Orb Angel x6 Jessica Dark Rod Mirage Robe Gleipnir Phalanx x6 Set: (Auto) Riana Larna Jessica Scott Lester Aaron Keith Sherry Elwin Hain Battle: Ok, let me put this to you very straight. This match is IMPOSSIBLE to win without cheating some way. Whether it be multiple Rune Stones and level skipping, or by using the enemy control cheat, this is very tough to beat. And in fact, there is really no advantage to beating this level either, and is only (as far as I know) possible to enter through the level select cheat. What you have before you though is all the major enemies and a few Demon Lords with an EXTREME power boost. The only possible way I know to be strong enough for this level is to have Elwin be an experience hog and all the Rune Stones you can find. This should Max his stats real well. Anyways, considering your characters are strong enough, go for Vargas first. Cast Meteor on him and run at them with Elwin. Shoot with the Ballistae to force Vargas to use Force Heal 2 on his party. Next cast Sleep on him and Elwin should be able to finish him off. Sherry will then be freed. Head for the next floor. Imelda is there waiting. Do somewhat the same thing here. Have Sherry cast Sleep on Imelda then have Hain use Meteor. Kill one troop that is protecting Imelda, then have Elwin go in for the kill. This will release Aaron and Keith. The next floor is a bit trickier. You have three groups to worry about, and Leon has a bigger defense than you'd care to worry about. The trick here is to use spells. It will take a few turns to weaken his Force Heal 2 out, but just keep hitting him, and perhaps you'll take out some troops as well. If he has 0 MP and 10 HP, having everyone hit him with magic within 3 turns should finish him off. After Leon is finished, Lester will be released. Now you run into the problem with the Demon Lord. He is unaffected by any spells, so that leaves raw power. This is where you need to cheat in order to get enough power to defeat him. Just hammer him then heal Elwin afterwards if you're strong enough. Laird should then go down without much of a fight. Make your way up again. Jessica and Scott should go free since there is nothing there. Bosel should be your next target. He is immune to magic like the Demon Lords, so go with caution. After you defeat Bosel, Larna and Riana go free. Eggbert and Bernhardt were probably fighting a lot while you were on your way up. While Eggbert is immune to spells, he can be defeated relatively easily. Bernhardt, however, is weak to spells. Since you have all 10 of your characters now, you should be able to surround him and hit him with a spell from each of them. If you lack magic, summon a White Dragon to aid. After you finish him, you'll move onto the real final level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 27: The end of the legend "Elwin and the party finally made it to their final battle with Bernhardt. In the deepest halls of Velzeria castle, Bernhardt had awaited them. The Temple of Darkness was eerily silent. At the alter stood Bernhardt, with Alhazard. With the destructive power within Alhazard, Bernhardt's eyes were filled with confidence and fighting spirit." Win: Death of Bernhardt Lose: Death of Elwin Control: Elwin, Hain, Sherry, Aaron, Keith, Lester, Scott, Riana, Larna, Jessica Enemies: Demon Lord/Arch Demon x4 & Elemental x2 Demon Lord/Arch Demon x4 & Elemental x2 Demon Lord/Arch Demon x4 & Elemental x2 Wizard/Dark Elf x4 & Ballista x2 Wizard/Dark Elf x4 & Ballista x2 Saint/Dark Guard x2 & Phalanx x4 Saint/Dark Guard x4 & Phalanx x2 Vampire Lord/Arch Demon x4 & Vampire Bat x2 *Bernhardt/Dark Guard x4 & Dark Elf x2 !Leon/Royal Horseman x4 & Dark Guard x2 Shop: Item Cost Knife 60 P Robe 90 P Secret Tile: None Prepare: Character Weapon Armor Accessory Troop Elwin Dragon Slayer Dragon Scale* Amulet Dragoon x6 Hain Holy Rod Mirage Robe Orb Ballista x6 Sherry Langrisser Plate Armor* Amulet Angel x6 Aaron Long Bow Dragon Scale Amulet Keith Flame Lance Dragon Scale Necklace Angel x6 Lester Flame Lance Dragon Scale Amulet Ballista x6 Scott Flame Lance Plate Armor Amulet Dragoon x6 Riana Wand Mirage Robe Orb Angel x6 Larna Wand Mirage Robe Orb Angel x6 Jessica Dark Rod Mirage Robe Gleipnir Phalanx x6 *Equip the Assault Suit if you've successfully completed Scenario ?4 Set: Elwin Hain Lester Riana Larna Keith Aaron Sherry Scott Jessica Battle: Let Elwin do most of the work here and focus on the commanders. Experience here is useless so just go for the heart. Keith should easily be able to take out the enemies to his left, and Elwin can work on the Demon Lords in front of him. Meteor all you have and use Ballistae to weaken the commanders, even if you have to use Attack. Make your way towards Bernhardt. He can be damaged by Meteor so make sure you nail him before going for him. When he is the lone commander or has been attacked, Leon will show up to help him out, saying that he keeps the oath of a knight and will fight for the emperor. Jessica's 'strategically' placed Phalanxes should easily take out the Royal Horsemen. Bust him up with Meteor and then summon a White Dragon. Use the White Dragon's Magic Arrow (yes, Magic Arrow) on Leon (it will deal around 4 HP of damage). Bernhardt will tell Leon to just sit back and watch the fight, and Leon obeys, thus retreating. Weaken Bernhardt with Meteor then have Elwin go in for the kill. Bernhardt will deal a bit of damage to Elwin, but Elwin should have enough AT to kill him in one shot. When he is defeated, Bernhardt will admire Langrisser, and will say that he believed that if there was an absolute ruler, all the wars would end. He then calls up to Alhazard to give him its final strength. Leon then shows up again, asking to join the emperor in death, telling Elwin to take care of the continent. Larna then says that she'll go with Leon, but Leon says that he cannot answer her feelings. Bernhardt and Leon then disappear into death. Watch the cool ending and pat yourself on the back for completing this game. =============================================================================== VII. Commander Classes =============================================================================== Here is a list of both enemy and ally commander classes in alphabetical order. The lower stats in a set of Commanders is the stats given to the enemy commanders. Note: The Commander Classes are run differently than from when they were in Warsong. Instead of having a base stat, each character has their initial stats and whatever bonus they get from their class (does not apply MV and RN). Also note that by Classing up, the bonuses are cumulative (also does not apply to MV and RN). So if Elwin goes from Fighter to Lord to Highlander his AT at his Highlander class would be 35. (23 (Base Stat) +3 (Lord) +9 (Highlander) = 35) A and D bonuses do add up in some way but are not totally cumulative. For instance, after using a Rune Stone after my Sword Master Elwin became level 10 and then following him to a Hero, he had a Bonus of A +18 & D +9. Given his initial stats and the stat bonuses in the chart, it doesn't add up right. If anybody knows how these bonuses are actually calculated, feel free to e-mail me. Name AT DF MV MP RN A D Spells Troops -1st Class- Cleric 5 2 Heal Guardsman Protection Fighter 5 0 2 Soldier Pirate 5 2 Merman Warlock 5 2 Magic Arrow Guardsman Attack -2nd Class- Croc Knight +6 +3 6 +2 3 +5 +3 Fireball Merman Attack Hawk Knight +7 +2 8 +3 3 +2 +4 Tornado Griffin Healer +2 +6 5 +6 2 +3 +5 Turn Undead Monk Heal 1 Force Heal 1 Knight +6 +3 8 +2 3 +6 +2 Attack Horseman Lord +3 +6 5 +3 3 +2 +4 Heal 1 Pikeman Protection Soldier Shaman +3 +5 5 +7 2 +4 +4 Illusion Guardsman Thunder Pikeman Sorcerer +4 +4 5 +8 2 +5 +4 Illusion Elf Fireball -3rd Class- Bishop +4 +5 5 +12 3 +5 +4 Fireball Gladiator Force Heal 1 Monk Mute Dragon Knight +6 +6 9 +4 4 +4 +3 Fireball Griffin Attack Horseman Highlander +9 +4 11 +4 4 +5 +3 Sleep Heavy Horseman Protection Gladiator High Lord +4 +6 5 +5 3 +3 +4 Force Heal 1 Elf Attack Phalanx Mage +5 +4 5 +14 3 +6 +4 Sleep Elf Tornado Gladiator Resist Magic Knight +7 +4 10 +8 4 +6 +3 Sleep Gladiator Fireball Heavy Horseman Priest +3 +6 5 +10 3 +4 +6 Heal 2 Monk Turn Undead Phalanx Mute Serpent Knight +4 +7 5 +4 3 +5 +4 Blizzard Elf Protection Merman Unicorn Knight +6 +5 10 +8 4 +6 +2 Heal 1 Gladiator Charm Heavy Horseman Mute -4th Class- Arch Mage +7 +4 5 +14 4 +4 +5 Meteor Ballista Blizzard Phalanx Zone Dragon Lord +10 +4 10 +4 4 +9 +6 Force Heal 1 Angel Thunder Armored Soldier Grand Knight +8 +9 8 +0 4 +8 +8 Earthquake Dragoon Protection Phalanx Zone High Priest +4 +7 5 +12 3 +6 +7 Sleep Armored Soldier Resist Phalanx Force Heal 2 King +8 +7 5 +8 4 +8 +8 Heal 2 Ballista Resist Heavy Horseman Attack Knight Master +8 +4 11 +4 4 +10 +5 Blizzard Armored Soldier Attack Dragoon Paladin +7 +5 10 +6 4 +9 +6 Tornado Angel Force Heal 1 Monk Ranger +9 +6 7 +12 0 +7 +5 Tornado Resist Blast Saint +6 +7 5 +6 3 +8 +8 Tornado Armored Soldier Sleep Ballista Heal 2 Sage +4 +7 5 +8 3 +7 +5 Earthquake Armored Soldier Heal 2 Phalanx Mute Silver Knight +7 +6 8 +2 4 +10 +6 Tornado Dragoon Zone Griffin Serpent Lord +5 +9 8 +4 4 +10 +6 Force Heal 1 Ballista Thunder Gladiator Sword Master +6 +7 5 +3 3 +8 +7 Tornado Armored Soldier Protection Phalanx Wizard +6 +5 5 +14 4 +6 +6 Resist Armored Soldier Blast Ballista Zone -5th Class- Agent +0 +3 5 +10 4 +8 +7 Meteor Angel Charm Monk Teleport Attack Dragon Master +4 +0 11 +4 4 +8 +7 Heal 2 Dragoon Attack Gladiator Blast Hero +4 +2 6 +4 4 +9 +8 Resist Dragoon Blast Phalanx Zone High Master +2 +2 8 +8 0 +8 +6 Earthquake Resist Thunder Princess +2 +2 5 +8 4 +9 +9 Charm Angel Force Heal 2 Monk Protection Royal Guard +5 +1 11 +2 4 +10 +7 Heal 2 Gladiator Blast Phalanx Protection Serpent Master +4 +2 9 +2 4 +10 +7 Earthquake Angel Resist Dragoon Zone Summoner +2 +1 8 +14 4 +8 +7 Meteor Armored Soldier Protection Phalanx Summon: Elemental Zarvera +2 +1 5 +14 4 +9 +7 Meteor Armored Soldier Earthquake Heavy Horseman Blast Protection NOTE: Saints have bonuses to undead and demon-type monsters. Special thanks to Ryukatana for reminding me of this information. =============================================================================== VIII. Enemy Commanders =============================================================================== This is the list of Enemy Commanders found in the game aside from the commanders listed above. The stats below are the stats of the commander at its lowest level seen or when first seen in the game. Name AT DF MV MP RN A D Spells Assassin 32 22 6 2 2 +5 +2 Aniki 38 26 6 0 4 +6 +1 Force Heal 1 Cerberus 32 25 8 7 4 +6 +3 Dark Master 38 29 5 52 4 +11 +8 Meteor Dark Princess 36 33 5 38 4 +9 +7 Meteor Demon Lord 46 32 7 64 4 +10 +9 Meteor Emperor 52 37 6 45 5 +13 +11 Meteor, Force Heal 2 General 40 30 5 18 4 +11 +8 Heal 1 Ghost 34 24 6 29 4 +7 +2 Great Dragon 39 34 5 24 4 +10 +8 Meteor Great Slime 19 22 4 0 3 +1 +2 Iron Golem 38 40 4 0 3 +5 +7 Kraken 39 32 5 16 4 +9 +8 Living Armor 31 30 4 16 4 +8 +7 Master Dino 29 32 8 0 4 +6 +2 Minotaur 39 33 5 0 4 +9 +5 Necromancer 30 18 5 18 3 +7 +2 Thunder Scylla 36 26 6 20 3 +2 +3 Charm Succubus 33 28 5 30 4 +10 +6 Meteor Swordsman 28 24 6 4 3 +4 +5 Thief 25 19 6 0 2 +4 +2 Vampire Lord 43 34 6 61 4 +12 +8 Meteor Werewolf 21 19 6 0 3 +4 +2 Witch 32 27 5 30 4 +8 +5 Meteor, Force Heal 2 Wyvern 29 25 8 10 4 +5 +3 If anybody has any additional information to add to this chart, feel free to e-mail me. =============================================================================== IX. Enemy Troops =============================================================================== Here is a list of all the enemy troops in the game in alphabetical order. Note: I placed Civilians here because you can't control them anyway, but they deserved a place somewhere. Name AT DF MV Strength Weakness -Soldier Class Pikes Horsemen Barbarian 19 12 6 Berserker 24 15 6 Dark Guard 30 25 6 -Horseman Class Soldiers Pikes Hell Hound 24 22 9 Bone Dino 26 24 8 Royal Horseman 34 23 13 -Pike Class Horsemen Pikes Golem 23 28 4 -Artillery Class Range Combat Melee Combat Dark Elf 20 8 7 -Undead Class Monks Skeleton 20 12 4 Zombie 22 14 4 Wraith 25 21 6 Elemental 28 22 6 Arch Demon* 33 24 7 -Air/Sea Class Melee Combat Range Combat Lizardman 24 6 7 Gargoyle 25 13 10 Leviathan 26 15 6 Vampire Bat 31 18 6 -Misc. Class Civilian 0 6 5 All Combat Wolfman 19 14 7 Weak Troops Horsemen Slime 20 20 6 Weak Troops Guardsmen *Unaffected by Turn Undead =============================================================================== X. Items =============================================================================== Here is a list of items in order of appearance that you can equip during the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a. Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arbalist AT -4, MV -2, ARange =6 Shop (Scenarios 25 & 26) Dark Rod MRange +2, MDamage +2 Scenario 26 (Eggbert), Scenario ?4 (Eggbert) Devil's Axe AT +8, DF -3 Shop (Scenario ?1), Scenario 7 (Assassin), Scenario 13 (Vargas), Scenario ?4 (Vargas) Dragon Slayer AT +7 Shop (Scenarios ?3 & ?4) Flame Lance AT +6 Shop (Scenarios ?2 & ?4), Scenario 25 (Leon), Scenario ?4 (Leon & Laird) Great Sword AT +4 Shop (Scenarios 2, 7, 10, 16, 17, 18, 25, 26) Scenario 1 (Leon), Scenario 2 (all NPCs live), Scenario 8 (Kramer), Scenario 14 (Leon), Scenario 16 (Leon), Scenario 23 (Laird), Scenario 25 (Laird) Holy Rod MRange +2, MDamage +2 Scenario 23 (In Room) Iron Array AT +1, MV -1, Summon Aniki Shop (Scenario ?1) Scenario ?1 (Secret Tile) Knife AT +1 Shop (Scenarios 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27) Langrisser AT +4, DF +1 Scenario 13 (On Pedestal) Langrisser (Full Power) AT +9, DF +2 Scenario 24 (Powered by Riana and Larna) Long Bow AT -2, MV -2, ARange =3 Shop (Scenarios 16, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26) Masayan Sword AT -4, DF -3, A -2, Experience x2 Scenario 17 (Secret Tile) Wand MRange +2, MDamage +1 Shop (Scenarios 7, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18, 25, 26) Scenario 8 (Mage), Scenario 11 (Eggbert), Scenario 12 (Eggbert), Scenario 13 (Bishop x3), Scenario 19 (Wizard & Imelda), Scenario 25 (Wizard x2), Scenario 26 (Arch Mage), Scenario ?4 (Imelda) War Hammer AT +2 Shop (Scenarios 2, 7, 10, 16, 17, 18, 25, 26) Scenario 1 (Laird), Scenario 9 (Laird), Scenario 13 (Zolm), Scenario 14 (Laird), Scenario 16 (Laird) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b. Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assault Suit AT +10, DF +10 Chain Mail DF +3 Shop (Scenarios 7, 10, 16, 17, 18, 25, 26 Scenario 1 (Laird), Scenario 16 (Laird), Scenario ?4 (Vargas) Dragon Scale DF +4 Shop (Scenario ?3) Scenario 9 (All NPCs live) Large Shield DF +2 Scenario 7 (Serpent Knight), Scenario 25 (Leon), Scenario ?4 (Imelda) Mirage Robe DF +2, MDEF +20 Shop (Scenario ?2) Scenario 7 (Secret Tile & Ginam), Scenario 11 (Eggbert), Scenario 12 (Eggbert), Scenario ?3 (Saint), Scenario 26 (Eggbert), Scenario ?4 (Eggbert) Odin's Brace DF +3, D +1, Summons Sleipnur Shop (Scenario ?4) Scenario 22 (Secret Tile) Plate Armor DF +4 Shop (Scenarios ?1, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26) Scenario 1 (Leon), Scenario 14 (Leon), Scenario 16 (Leon), Scenario 25 (Laird), Scenario ?4 (Laird) Robe DF +1, MDEF +10 Shop (Scenarios 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27) Small Shield DF +1 Shop (Scenarios 2, 3, 4, 6) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c. Accessories ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amulet MDEF +15 Shop (Scenarios 19 & 24) Scenario 6 (All NPCs live), Scenario 19 (Imelda), Scenario 25 (Leon), Scenario 26 (Knight Master) Angel Wings Summon Angel Shop (Scenario ?4) Scenario 4 (Secret Tile) Aurora AT +2, Summon Valkyrie Shop (Scenario ?3) Scenario 19 (Secret Tile) Carbunkle DF +1, Summon Fenrir Shop (Scenario ?4) Cross D +2, MDF +20 Shop (Scenarios 2, 7, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26) Scenario 4 (All NPCs live) Crown Range +2, A +3, D +2 Shop (Scenario ?2) Scenario 18 (All NPCs live) Gleipnir MDamage +2, Summon White Dragon Shop (Scenario ?3) Scenario 12 (Secret Tile) Gyaral Horn A +2, D +2, Summon Worm Guard Shop (Scenario ?3) Scenario 19 (Secret Tile), Scenario ?4 (Bernhardt) Necklace D +3, Range +2 Shop (Scenarios 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26 Scenario 11 (Hawk Knight & Eggbert), Scenario 12 (Eggbert), Scenario 22 (Witch x2), Scenario 23 (Laird), Scenario 25 (Dragon Lord & Paladin x2), Scenario ?4 (Vargas, Imelda, Leon, Laird) Orb MRange +2, MP x2 Shop (Scenario 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26 Scenario 22 (Eggbert), Scenario 23 (Wizard x2), Scenario 25 (Wizard x2), Scenario 26 (Arch Mage x3 & Wizard x2), Scenario ?4 (Eggbert) Rune Stone Use on Level 10 character to return to 2nd class Scenario 6 (Secret Tile), Scenario 7 (All NPCs live), Scenario 9 (Secret Tile), Scenario 11 (Secret Tile), Scenario 14 (Secret Tile), Scenario 17 (Secret Tile), Scenario ?3 (Secret Tile), Scenario 26 (Secret Tile) Speed Boots MV +2 for Commander and Troops Shop (Scenarios 17, 18, 25, 26) Scenario 2 (Secret Tile), Scenario 15 (Imelda), Scenario 16 (Larna), Scenario 18 (Larna) =============================================================================== XI. Spells =============================================================================== Here is a list of spells that can be used during Warsong in alphabetical order. *The Range number is how many squares away from the caster the spell can go. *The Effect number is how many squares away from the target can the spell effect. SPELL: # MP RANGE: # EFFECT: # EFFECT Attack: 2 MP Range: 5 Effect: 1 group Increase AT of commander and his team by 4. Blast: 10 MP Range: 2 Effect: 1 Does massive damage to a single enemy. Blizzard: 3 MP Range: 0 Effect: 4-6 Does heavy damage to an area around the caster. Charm: 6 MP Range: 4 Effect: 1 group Turn enemy commander and team against their group. Earthquake: 12 MP Range: 0 Effect: 5-7 Does massive damage to an area around the caster. Fireball: 2 MP Range: 4 Effect: 3-5 Does little damage to a group of enemies. Force Heal 1: 3 MP Range: 6 Effect: 1 group Heals 3 HP to a commander and his team. Force Heal 2: 6 MP Range: 6 Effect: 1 group Heals 9 HP to a commander and his team. Heal 1: 2 MP Range: 6 Effect: 1-3 Heals 3 HP to a group of allies. Heal 2: 4 MP Range: 6 Effect: 1-3 Heals 9 HP to a group of allies. Illusion: 2 MP Range: 0 Effect: Self Creates up to 6 illusions of the caster. Magic Arrow: 1 MP Range: 5 Effect: 1 Does little damage to a single enemy. Meteor: 8 MP Range: 10 Effect: 2-4 Does extreme damage to a group of enemies. Mute: 3 MP Range: 5 Effect: 1 Stops enemy from casting spells. Protection: 2 MP Range: 5 Effect: 1 group Increase DF of commander and his team by 4. Resist: 2 MP Range: 8 Effect: All Makes allies immune to spells. Sleep: 2 MP Range: 4 Effect: 1-3 Puts enemies to sleep Teleport: 5 MP Range: 16 Effect: 1 Teleports target up to 16 squares away from the caster. Thunder: 4 MP Range: 7 Effect: 1 group Does decent damage to a commander and his team. Tornado: 2 MP Range: 0 Effect: 3-5 Does decent damage to an area around the caster. Turn Undead: 5 MP Range: 0 Effect: 1-3 Kills all undead enemies within area of caster. Zone: 6 MP Range: 6 Effect: 1 Sets enemy leader's A and D to 0. =============================================================================== XII. Tips & Tricks =============================================================================== -The Rune Stones and Masayan Sword- Rune Stones are very valuable if you want to make your characters a lot stronger. The perfect time to do this is right before they are about to enter their 5th class. The reason being is that your character will keep their stats from their first run, and then add on their 2nd run again. The 2nd run can be useful to get some spells and troops that you never got before. For instance, Hain should go the straight route to Arch Mage, but when he is about to turn into a Zarvera, use the Rune Stone and make him into a Shaman, then a Bishop, then an Arch Mage again, then a Zarvera. To quickly return to the final level though, take a scenario and equip the person returning with the Masayan Sword and let them wipe out all the enemies. If done right, they should be able to class up one or two times in a single scenario. -Multiple Rune Stones- If you want to totally max the stats of one of your characters, just repeat the Rune Stone process until the stats are maxed. Personally, this will make one of your characters a God while the others are just going to get killed. If you do so, just make sure that your character has high magic resistance, else you will get hammered with Meteor later in the game. Elwin and/or Hain should be the ONLY two you should try this on. -Turn Undead- What may seem like the most useless spell in the game can be a life saver to you. Any undead enemies will die to this spell, but keep in mind the difference between undead and demon-type. Undead monsters include Zombies, Skeletons, and most importantly, Elementals. Turn Undead is the ONLY spell that will even affect Elementals. -Orders- Your commanders can set specific orders for their troops to follow, either Attack, Move, Defend, or Manual. If you use Attack or Move, you're going to set yourself up for a lot of deaths, since those two will have your troops attack whenever they are near an enemy, even if that enemy will slaughter them. I personally recommend Manual so that you can do it all yourself, but I understand that that can get tiring and make the game a bit boring, so using Defense is the best way to go since they will not attack unless you tell them to. -Sound Test- During any battle, you can access the sound test, which gives you all the music heard in the game. To do this, go to tile 2, 2 and hold the B button. You will see "Stop Music" on the screen. Use Up and Down to scroll through the music. -Level Select- To access any level in the game, start up the game and go to the load screen. Select which save you want to switch levels on and press Left, Right, Start, and C. This will let you go to any level in the game. -Control Enemies- This is another useful cheat if you want to gain experience fast. During any battle, press Up, Left, Up, Right, A, Left, Down, B, Down, Right, A, B, Down, Right, and A. This will let you control all enemies during your turn, move as many times as you'd like during the turn, and have everybody cast every spell in the game, even if they do not have the MP to cast it. -Secret Shop 1- Use this trick if you want to buy the rare items in the game that can only be bought or found in a specific scenario. During the battle preparation screen (the one with Hire Troops, Inventory Equip, Shop, and General Post), Press A, B, A, B, Up, Down, Left, Right, Start, and B. -Secret Shop 2- This cheat lets you buy every item in the entire game, even the Alhazard (though nobody can use it). In the battle preparation screen, press B, Start, Right, Left, Down, Up, B, A, B, A, Up, Down, Left, Right, Start. =============================================================================== XIII. Thanks =============================================================================== -To my fiancee Ashley for her support and love. -To NCS for creating this game. -To Gamefaqs for listing the cheats on their page. -The group Hiryuu Honyaku for translating the game. -To me for spending so much time to create a complete walkthrough such as this.