Mario Andretti Racing This is, in my opinion, one of the most realistic Racing games for the Genesis ever. This game has it all; too many to list! But I will list 'em anyway: *Real racing physics and strategy *Sprint, Stock, and Indy cars and tracks *2 Player simultaneous racing *27 computer drivers, each with distinct AI profiles *Signal Race, Circuit, and Career modes *Andretti Tips - interactive racing advice *Multiple views: Nose Cam or Chase cam, plus overhead, rear, full screen, or competitor car views *15 different tracks featuring hills, varied scenery, barriers, signs, and pit crews *Digitized video clips *Digitized racing sound effects and speech #*#* That's, pretty much all of it! _________ |History| --------- Version 0.4 June 24, 2003 Started on the guide Version 1.0 June 28, 2003 Finished and Submitted to Gamefaqs Version 1.01 July 2, 2003 Minor updates Version 1.20 July 4, 2003 More updates, Started switch to Canadian Spelling. Spell Checked, (Wow, Am I a bad speellr!) Version 1.3 Just a small update, see if you can spot it. ________________________ |Table of Contents | ------------------------ |1. Get Started | |2. Options | | 2.a Controls | |3. The Cars | | 3.a Indy | | 3.b Stock | | 3.c Sprint | |4. Race Setup | |5. The Race | | 5.a Manual Shifting | | 5.b The Pit | | 5.c In Race Options | | 5.d View | | 5.e Drafting | |6. Tips | |7. Circuit Racing | | 7.a Sprint | | 7.b Stock | | 7.c Indy | |8. Career Racing | |9. Tracks | |10. Credits | |11. Copyright | ------------------------ ____________________ |1. Getting Started| -------------------- When you turn on your SEGA, you will see the usual, but it will go black for a few seconds, and that can seem like forever. When I 1st played Mario Andretti Racing, I thought it was broken! But not to worry! As long as its clean the game will start up fine. You will see a picture of Mario Andretti with the Game Title next to it. From here you can leave it alone and see some clips of the game. Press Start or C to advance to the main menu. At the main Menu is 3 options. Number of players, you can choose 1 or 2. Play Mode You choose what you want to do. Choose from Single Race, New Circuit, New Career, Resume Circuit or Career. Options In the options screen you can make changes to the game. Lets start out with configuring some options. Choose Options, and press C, if you press Start, you will go to the Car Choice Screen. If you have pressed Start, you can press A, to go back. _________ |Options| --------- First of all, you can choose weather if your a rookie or a pro. Best to start out like a rookie. Next is the Drives View. Choose from Nose Cam, so you see from the nose of the car, or chase cam, that way you can see more, your whole car, and a bit of what's behind you. I choose Chase. Now is the most important change for me, the speedometer. I cant stand using MPH, (Miles Per Hour) so I change it to KPH, (Kilometers Per Hour). Hey, I'm Canadian! Next is if you want the Sound FX on or off, I leave them on! At the bottom is the controller options. I will list all the options there are for your convince. _______________ |2.a Controls | --------------- There are 7 different kinds of controls. The default goes like so: A Steering.............................D-pad left/right *Note, this Never Changes* Shift gears (Manual Drive only)......D-pad up/up, down/down Brake................................A Gas..................................B Change View (1-player only)..........C *never changes* Pause................................Start *This also doesn't change* B Shift gears (Manual Drive only)......D-pad up/up, down/down Brake................................B Gas..................................A C Shift gears (Manual Drive only)......D-pad up/Down, down/up Brake................................B Gas..................................A D Shift gears (Manual Drive only)......D-pad up/Down, down/up Brake................................A Gas..................................B E Shift gears (Manual Drive only)......A/Up, B/Down Brake................................D-pad Down Gas..................................D-pad Up F Shift gears (Manual Drive only)......A/Down, B/up Brake................................D-pad Up Gas..................................D-pad Down G Shift gears (Manual Drive only)......A/Down, B/up Brake................................D-pad Up Gas..................................D-pad Down H Shift gears (Manual Drive only)......A/Up, B/Down Brake................................D-pad Up Gas..................................D-pad Down If, on the Main Menu, you choose two players, when you finish choosing you controller options, the second player now gets to choose his or her preference. Back to the main menu now. Choose what kind of race you want. I will explain all... _______________ |3. The Cars | --------------- I like how you can pick, different kinds of cars, and how they all work, differently. Here I will explain all about them. After or pick Signal Race or New Circuit the Main Menu, hit Start. Now your on the Car Select Screen. You can Choose to play as a Indy, Stock, or Sprint Cars. Next you can paint your car of many colors. Press Left/Right to choose. Now you can pick if you want an Auto car, or a Manual. I only know 1 person, who prefers Manual in this game. You can also enter your name, if you wish. On Single Race, you can choose your car's number. It wont show up on the car, but it still makes a difference. *Std stands for Standard* Car Engine Tires Brakes Pit #12 Std Std Std Std #19 1 1 Std Std #28 1 2 1 2 #3 2 1 2 2 #32 3 2 1 4 #39 3 5 3 3 #54 4 3 2 3 #67 5 3 4 2 #7 5 5 5 5 Its a good idea for handicap races. #*#* But on Circuit Races you cant choose the car's number. So how do you upgrade? That will be explained later. Here are some tips using the cars. You must be ready for you race. ___________ |3.a Indy | ----------- The Indy Car is the Fastest, and has longer and more "curved" tracks to race on. When you are going top speed, you can easily wipe out, when you hit a block at the side of the road. ___________ |3.b Stock| ----------- My favorite to race on, it's speed is in the middle of the 3. But since there not going so fast, they wont wipe out so easily on the walls, but the other cars it the problem. These cars, in most races, need to pit at least once, so watch out. ____________ |3.c Sprint| ------------ Sprints don't pit in the middle of races. These cars are not built to be modified quickly. The Sprint cars don't have gears to switch so, only focus on the gas. The Sprint races are not like endurance, its very short, and always oval. These Cars turn very loosely, and since your driving on dirt, instead of regular road, you will slide, there's no getting out of it! So, when you turn, tap your brakes, witch will cause the back of the car to slide. When your sliding, if you don't counter-steer, you will spin around, and stop. So if your sliding, steer to the outside of the turn. You will get the hang of it adventually. Remember, master the turns, master the Sprint. Now you know more about the cars you are driving, we will move on. ________________ | 4. Race Setup| ---------------- After you choose your car, it time to choose a track. Now your on the Race Setup Screen Select Track If your on Single Race, you can choose what track you want, and how many laps. But on Circuit and career, you must go in order, in a pre-detumend amount of laps. There are 5 tracks for each car. When choosing a track, you will see an outline of the track, and the length of the lap somewhere on the screen. the grayest part that comes off the track, is the pit lane. Laps Here you chose how many laps you want to race on. Most tracks can go up to 99, but some cant. Andretti Tips Here you start out racing, (Finally) and a big picture of Mario Andretti is at the top. here you can go on the track as long as you want, here you can learn all the things you need to know about the track, and racing. When you go to certain places on the track, Mario will give you tips on what to do to improve your racing skills. The only thing different about this it that there are no cars but you. Qualify Drive 3 laps, and try to make them your best, because your best lap will determine you starting position, in the start of the race. Again the only car around is you. When your on 2 player, the top is taken by player 2. Yes it can get confusing if you have played other racing games before, but get used to being on the bottom. Even though both player are on the same track, you can never meet each other. You will see you position, in the start of the race, if you don't like where you are, press A and try again, but if you want to race press, C. Race You can now start racing! Its best to qualify first. Unless you want to start out last. Look in section "5. The Race" on how to race. Options You can go to the options screen, just like on the Main Menu. Main Menu I don't know what this does, but I think the name gives it away! _____________ |5. The Race| ------------- When your racing, you start out moving, and as soon as the car in 1st passes the starting line, it seems everyone but you gets this speed boost. So you may drop a place or 2. *Note* I have found out, that if you press your accelerator just as the other cars start speeding up, you get the boost as well. At the top of the screen, or the middle, you see your status. Its shows the gear your in and your RPM. Don't worry about these, unless you have a manual car. ______________ |5.a Shifting| -------------- You have a challenge when you pick Manual car on the Car Select Screen. You have to watch the race, and the RPM bar at the same time. When the RPM bar is green, keep on the gas, but if it don't rise very fast, downshift, and wait for it to rise. When the bar is yellow, your ok, but you may not go as fast as the car can go. So if the bar is climbing fast, shift up. When the bar is Red, your "overrevving" so shift up or slow down! _____________ |5.b The Pit| ------------- It all tracks, besides sprint, there is a Pit lane. On your status bar, beside your speed, there it 2 bars. One for Tires, and one for Fuel. You start the race with full gas, and fresh tires. As your tiers go, you loose traction. If the bar is green, your ok, but, when its yellow, you will test you driving, but once its in the red, its time to pit! If your tires wear out all the way, you'll slow down, and you may have trouble turning. Remember that Driving on the beams or grass on the side, spinning out, and sliding will put more friction on the tiers, and will cause them to wear faster. Pay attention to how fast your fuel is burned up, because when you run out, your will slow down, and you will be left in the dust. Make sure you pit when your in the yellow or red. You know when the pit is coming, then you see cones, and tires, just go to the side of the track and make your way to the pit crew. The better your Crew, the faster they will go. You can see the time you crew takes at the bottom. Once your in there you will see your crew give a refill of gas, and change your tires. Since your fuel goes faster than your tires, you may want to make a "Splash-n-Go." A "Splash-n-Go" is when you get a Splash of fuel, without getting tires. To do this, just press and hold C, as your entering the pit. This cuts the time of a normal pit. There is another way of shorting your pit stop. As your crew is filling your tank, the replace tires, at the same time. But if you press B, as soon as your tires are done, they will push you out, even if you don't have a full gas tank. You can do this in a "Splash-n-go" to shorten it. Or you can go in, and do nothing until the pit crew is done. When your leaving, just hit the accelerator, and watch out for traffic as you leave. And also note, you can not hit there cars, that are in the pit. _____________________ |5.C In Race Options| --------------------- If you press Start during a race, it will pause, just like many other games. In this game you will get an, "In Race Menu." Here you can resume the Race. Or have an instant Replay. You can Change your view of Nose or Chase Cam. You can even quit the race, if your a chicken! Now you may be asking, "You! What's with this instant replay thing?" If you pick Instant Replay from the In Race Menu, you will go to the Instant replay mode! The instant replay lets you view the last few seconds of the race, and it starts out at the start of the stored action. To rewind, hold A. To play at normal speed, hold B. To play frame by frame, tap B. To fast forward, hold C. To go back to the Menu, press Start. __________ |5.D View| ---------- To change the View, press C. Your main view, is at the bottom, but the top half is changeable. Competitor View A noes cam View from the race leader, but if your in 1st, it goes to the second place car. Rear View A view to look behind you, like a rear view mirror. I like this, because you can stop cars from passing you. Overhead View You see an overhead view of the track, with colored dots, as the cars. You also see readouts of the current lap, best lap time, total time for the race, time between you and the car ahead, and the time for you and the car behind. This is the best strategic help view. Full Screen A full screen view, If you like the sky, choose this one. _____________ |5.E Drafing| ------------- The most important thing in the race, is to draft. You get a speed boost by drafting the car in front of you. To draft, you just go behind the car in front of you, you will speed up because there is less wind resistance holding you back. The closer you are to the car the faster you will go, and if your going fast enough, you can slingshot around him. __________ |6. Tips | ---------- Here I will give you some tips. When Turing, use the brake, the more you brake, the more you will turn in. But going on the grass will slow you own too much, so stay on the road. Don't draft when a turn is coming up, you may crash. When Drafting, do hit the cars, because that will slow you down, and give the other car a speed boost. Put on the Rear View, so you can see the car behind you. Then let the car draft you, and when you go around the next turn, chances are, that car may crash! If a car is drafting you, let him hit you! It might wear your tires faster, but, you get a speed boost. ___________________ |7. Circuit Racing| ------------------- Instead of racing one race on single race, you can race 5 in circuit mode. In circuit you must earn points, by winning races, you also get money from winning, and you can use it to improve you car and pit crew. To win the Circuit, you must make more points than anyone else. On the Main Menu, choose New Circuit. Then hit start. Choose a car, Sprint is the easiest, and Indy is the hardest. Pick your color, then choose if you want Auto or Manual type car. After your done, you will go to the Custom Performance Center. This is where you can upgrade your car, and pit crew, with the money you have earned. If your in Pro mode, you will get a cash advance, so you stand a chance when racing with the pros. You get $30.000 in Sprint mode, $40.000 for Stock, and $75.000 for Indy. You start out, with standard...everything! So you need to upgrade when you can. You can upgrade you engine, Tires, Brakes, and Pit Crew. The better your engine the faster you go, and the more fuel efficient you are. The better your tires the better traction you have, but the tires are only good for one race. The better your brakes the longer you can hold the brakes, with out them locking up. The better you pit crew, the faster you can get past the pit. Everything has a rating of 1-5, and the higher the better. Press C to buy them. After your done there, press start. Now, everything is the same as a single race, but, you cant change the track, or number of laps. After the race, you will get a congrats screen, if you finished in the top 3. Then you will see a results screen, with a password at the bottom. If you want to quit, and start off where you left, use that password. Just go to the main Menu, and choose resume circuit. Otherwise just press Start. Now you will be on the next track. In the future I will put down how many points, and how much money you get, when you finish, in certain places. __________________ |8. Career Racing| ------------------ Career is the same as circuit, but you must do Sprint, then move onto the Stock, then Indy. Since everything you need to know is already put down in the Circuit, so I will move on. ___________ |9. Tracks| ----------- Please note, this is not yet complete, I will soon give a "Map" of the Tracks. Lets start out in Sprint shall we? I mean that is the place you Start! Fallen Rock Motorway - 1/4 Miles, 10 laps Doboque City Speedway - 3/8 mile, 10 laps Manton Hills Speedway -1/2 miles, 9 laps Industrail Raceway - 3/4 mile, 9 laps Grady Gulch Raceway - 1 mile, 8 laps Now for the Stock Tracks. Limesville Motor Speedway - 1.36 miles, 9 laps Mokey Valley Raceway - 2.3 mles, 6 laps Oceanport Racing Park - 2.5 miles, 9 laps Silver Springs Speedway - 2.52 miles, 6 laps Redfern Farms Raceway - 5/8 mile, 9 laps Now for the Indy tracks. Bayshore International Raceway - 1.67 miles, 8 laps Ashton Motorsports Park Raceway - 2.21 miles, 5 laps Playland International Raceway - 2.4 miles, 5 laps USA Raceway - 4.1 miles, 6 laps Twin Peaks International Raceway - 2.65 miles, 6 laps That's, them! This list will get better over time. _____________ |10. Credits| ------------- Well I would like to thank the creators of the game. And of course the Manual, for help on the car number status. I would like to give credit to Mario Andretti, for being a racer, because if he wasn't, this game might not be made! And well, me for making this guide up! And Gamefaqs, for posting it! _______________ |11. Copyright| --------------- This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. This document is currently only allowed on the following web sites: I do not take any responsibility with what content these sites Contain. This Guide may not be Sold under any circumstances, or put on a web site that other people must pay to join/see. As long as there is a free way to join/browse the site, I will consider giving a copy to it. There is no way I will let anyone take my guide if they must pay for it. Remember, if you use this guide on your web site without my permission it is plagiarism! And if I do find it on any web site other than the ones listed above, I will contact the webmaster, and he/she/it/they will have 3 weeks (21 days) to remove it, if the deadline passes and my guide is not removed, I will be forced to use legal action, and don't want to do that, so please make both of our lives easier and don't plagiarize! All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. #*#* Thanks to the Manual for this!