_______ __ __ _______ __ | _ | |__.-----.-----.| _ | |_.-----.----.--------. |. 1 | | | -__| || 1___| _| _ | _| | |. _ |__|__|_____|__|__||____ |____|_____|__| |__|__|__| |: | | |: 1 | |::.|:. | |::.. . | `--- ---' `-------' Alien Storm Mode and Enemy Guide by Mysterious Bob . VERSION HISTORY ______________________________ Version 0.1 11/09/04 Very basic template is made. The modes have been completed and work has started on the aliens. Version 0.2 14/09/04 Complete. Only left needed is a spell check. ____ ____ _ _ ___ ____ _ _ ___ ____ | | | |\ | | |___ |\ | | [__ |___ |__| | \| | |___ | \| | ___] ______________________________ Use the find feature in your browser (shortcut is usually ctrl+f) and search for the index number to skip to it. 0.1 Introduction 0.2 Normal Mode 0.3 Running Mode 0.4 Shooting mode 0.5 The Aliens 0.6 Credits 0.1 _ _ _ ___ ____ ____ ___ _ _ ____ ___ _ ____ _ _ | |\ | | |__/ | | | \ | | | | | | | |\ | | | \| | | \ |__| |__/ |__| |___ | | |__| | \| ______________________________ NOTE: I am British so I will be refering to the Genesis as the Megadrive. Just wanted to point this out before I begin. I love the Megadrive. I love scrolling beat em ups. I remember owning one of those '3 games on a single cart'. Or two. My memory of what MD games I owned and which ones I had borrowed is a bit vauge now. What I do remember however is one of the games on these cartridges was Alien Storm, a very underrated side scrolling fighter. It was overshadowed by games such as Streets Of Rage and Alien Storm's very own father; Golden Axe. The game was lost in time. This feeling of underattedness came across me again when I discovered that Alien Storm has no FAQs to it's name on GameFAQs.com. That's why I decided my first FAQ should be of this great game. 0.2 _ _ ____ ____ _ _ ____ _ _ _ ____ ___ ____ |\ | | | |__/ |\/| |__| | |\/| | | | \ |___ | \| |__| | \ | | | | |___ | | |__| |__/ |___ ______________________________ I will be referring to the normal fighting mode as simply 'normal mode'. NORMAL MODE CONTROLS > D-Pad: Move (duh) > A: Special attack > B: Attack > c: Roll > B, B, B: Combo attack > C, B: Dive > Forward, forward+hold: Run > Forward, forward+hold, B: Running attack > Forward, forward+hold, C: Jump > Forward, forward+hold, C, B: Jump attack NORMAL MODE TIPS > The combo is the most simple attack in the game. Just go up to the alien that must die and keep hitting B. Simple eh? It will sometimes be extended with a pistol/uzi/machinegun but not every often. > The running attack does far more damage than you think. > Use the roll when trapped in the corner of the screen by aliens to escape. > The dive is very weak but knocks the enemy over. Useful when you have aliens coming at you from both the left and right. > Only use your special attack in desperate situations. It uses a LOT of your energy. I reccomend you save your energy for the bosses and the final stage. > The jump attack is the most powerful single move in the apart from the special attack. However even when you've mastered performing the move, it is very hard to hit any of the aliens with it as will move up or down when you jump over them. > As far as I know, all three characters play exactly the same which is why I didn't include a character chapter. Just choose the character you think looks the best! > On the last level only enter the door to the far right. 0.3 ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ ____ ___ ____ |__/ | | |\ | |\ | | |\ | | __ |\/| | | | \ |___ | \ |__| | \| | \| | | \| |__] | | |__| |__/ |___ ______________________________ Running mode, speed mode, call it what you want it's the bit when you run at superhuman speed. SPEED MODE CONTROLS > D-Pad: Move > A: Special attack > B: Fire > C: Jump SPEED MODE TIPS > Running mode is incredbly easy and you should have no problem with it whatsoever. > There are only two appearences of running mode. > You have the ablity to jump. Use it. > Shoot all the aliens as quickly as you can before they begin to stockpile on the screen. > If you turned rapid fire on at the options screen you can simply just hold down B to fire constantly. > Never use your special during running mode even when faced with the UFO. 0.4 ____ _ _ ____ ____ ___ _ _ _ ____ _ _ ____ ___ ____ [__ |__| | | | | | | |\ | | __ |\/| | | | \ |___ ___] | | |__| |__| | | | \| |__] | | |__| |__/ |___ ______________________________ Shooting mode is... the mode... where you... shoot... SHOOTING MODE CONTROLS > D-Pad: Move crosshair > B: Fire SHOOTING MODE TIPS > Whatever is behind the the crosshair when you press fire will take damage. Obviously. > Completly wreck the place to discover lots of energy cans. > Don't shoot humans. This will take life away from you (like in The House Of The Dead). > If you turned rapid fire on at the options screen you can hold down B to fire constantly. > The way to play shooting mode is to never stop pressing B. > Never stop your crosshair. Keep moving and 'sweep' the crosshair though aliens without slowing. Sounds strange but it works very well for taking out loads of Aliens and destroying the stream of projectiles fired at you by Fattos. > You cannot use your special attack in shooting mode. 0.5 ___ _ _ ____ ____ _ _ ____ _ _ ____ | |__| |___ |__| | | |___ |\ | [__ | | | |___ | | |___ | |___ | \| ___] ______________________________ Ah the aliens. Invading us from space... can't we all get along? Nah, blowing them away is too much fun! I have given the aliens very poor names. I want the names to be memorable rather than clever so you know which aliens I'm taking about. _____ NORMAL MODE ALIENS _____ NAME: Fatto APPREARENCE: Big and fat. Fleshy. Has a huge mouth. MOST COMMON COLOUR: Pink. ATTACKS: Whip, cough, swallow, jumping swallow. NOTES: > The standard power over speed enemy. > Be careful not to be swallowed because it can take off A WHOLE LIFEBAR unless you react quickly and hit B as fast as you can. > Use the roll to avoid their whip attack and counter. DIFFICULTY: 7/10 _____ NAME: Creeper APPEARENCE: Your everyday household alien. Some may say it looks like a Gremlin. MOST COMMON COLOUR: Green. ATTACKS: Scratch, fire breath, nibble. NOTES: > Only difficult in numbers which is why they're always in high numbers. > The common green creeper requires only a single combo attack to destroy. > Don't let your guard down, they are very fast. > Their arms are longer than you might first think so keep relative distance. > Highly aggresive. > Can jump on your face and nibble away at your flesh. Hit B quickly to throw them off before it's too late. DIFFICULTY: 5/10 _____ NAME: Snail APPEARENCE: It's pretty much a slug like thing with varying 'shells'. SHELLS: A barrel, a postbox, a trashcan, an alien plant. ATTACKS: Slap, can toss, throw. NOTES: > Hardly any threat. > Just get them out the way quickly then concentrate on the real threats. DIFFICULTY: 3/5 _____ . NAME: Flyguy APPEARENCE: Wings. Very insect-like apart from the face and the giant hands. MOST COMMON COLOUR: Pink. ATTACKS: Spit, drop. NOTES: > Usually hang-out in groups of 4. > Can often take a large amount of damage which hardly helps. > Their movement pattens are pretty unpredictable too. > Thier attacks have a very short range so just try and hit them from a distance. > Not particually aggresive. DIFFICULTY: 6/10 _____ NAME: Kangeeoo APPEARENCE: Looks like a mutated kangaroo. Attacks: Baby fire, kick. NOTES: > Always in huge numbers. > The baby fire is very hard to avoid. Move up/down or roll to dodge it. > Cannot fall over. > Very difficult to follow paths. > Jump rather than walk/run/crawl etc. > Only appears in the final level. Difficulty: 7/10 _____ NAME: Neuro . APPEARANCE: Huge. Has a face that looks like an old man with a wart on their nose. ATTACKS: Double shock (front), tail shock (back), eye shot. NOTES: > One of two boss characters. > VERY difficult. Take extreme caution. > Attack only from the front as the tail shock has a much larger range than the front. > Use long range attacks only. > If you can, use the jump fire. > Use a single special attack but no more. > The eye shot can be destroyed by attacking it. Act quickly before it hits you. > Makes only two appearences in the whole game. DIFFICULTY: 9/10 _____ NAME: Eyecone APPEARENCE: It's a giant cone shaped alien with many eyes and tubes to fire bombs. ATTACKS: Bomb. . NOTES: > By far the most difficult alien in the game. > Always keep a distance from it. > Use long range attacks only. > Remember ARR: Attack, Retreat, Repeat. The fight will take longer but could save you a whole lot of health. > Do not attempt the jump attack. > Thankfully, it makes only a single appearence in the entire game. DIFFICULTY: 10/10 _____ NAME: Divitnar plant APPEARENCE: A strange alien plant with a large stalk and a round flower that sways from left to right. Attacks: Cough. NOTES: > Cannot be killed, only stunned. > Static. > Will use a cough attack if you go to close. > Use the plant to your advantage, when an alien is over it, attack. DIFFICULTY: 2/10 _____ NAME: Craynott plant. APPEARENCE: Large purple plant. NOTES: > Completely harmless. > Will leave a health pickup when killed. > You will only encounter these if you don't take the shortest route in the final level (take only the door futhest to the right). > More of a benefit than a threat. DIFFICULTY: N/A _____ SHOOTING MODE ALIENS _____ NAME: Creeper. APPEARENCE: A creeper... in your face! Attacks: Slash, coughball. NOTES: > If you see them walking around in the background shoot them before they jump at you. > Shoot them in mid-air ASAP. > You can shoot the coughball before it actually hurts you. DIFFICULTY: 6/10 _____ NAME: (Flying) Fatto APPERANCE: A fatto with unchanged sprites. Often in their flight form. ATTACKS: Chomper, chomper stream. NOTES: > More of a threat than Creepers. > You can shoot the chompers before they hurt you. > Make your gun travel with the chomper stream to shoot every single one down without being hurt. > Shoot the flying fattos down ASAP before they begin their chomper stream. DIFFICULTY: 8/10 _____ NAME: Deathset APPEARENCE: Two forms. A worm like creature and a spiked ball. ATTACKS: Suicide bomb. NOTES: > The spiked balls will fly at you. Shoot them down. > If you see a worm, shoot it as it will quickly turn into a short range spiked ball. . DIFFICULTY: 3/10 _____ NAME: Kangeeoo APPEARENCE: The same, only facing you. ATTACKS: Baby fire. NOTES: > Only moves along the bottom of the screen. > Shoot the baby before it hurts you. DIFFICULTY: 4/10 NAME: Giant Creeper APPEARENCE: A giant version of a Creeper. NOTES: > Has no attacks and is ultimately harmless. > Walks from left to right at the top of the screen. > The only thing you will gain from killing it is a higher score. DIFFICULTY: N/A _____ . NAME: Master Brain APPEARENCE: A giant brain with an eye. NOTES: > The final boss. > Has no attacks whatsoever. > Shoot the other aliens. Once they're all dead, shoot Master Brain until it explodes. DIFFICULTY: N/A _____ . RUNNING MODE ALIENS _____ NAME: Spider creeper APPEARENCE: A Creeper that has spouted spider legs for fast running. NOTES: > Can only hurt you if you touch them. > Stay out of their lane and shoot them if they cross into yours. DIFFICULTY: 3/10 _____ NAME: Flying Fatto . APPEARENCE: A Fatto that has grown wings for low altitude flight. ATTACKS: Cough NOTES: > Jump over the cough attacks. > Have higher HP than Spider Creepers so gun these down first. DIFFICULTY: 5/10 _____ NAME: Flyguy APPEARENCE: A completely unchanged Flyguy. NOTES: >Like Spider Creepers, they can only hurt you if you bump into them. > Fly in groups of 3 in single file. > Have relatively high HP. > Slow, predictable paths compared to Spider Creepers. DIFFICULTY: 4/10 _____ NAME: UFO APPEARENCE: Not an alien, but a creation of the aliens. ATTACKS: Spike log. NOTES: > The only boss alien in running mode. > Jump over the spike logs being careful so you won't land on another one. > When a certain amount of damage has been taken, a large chunk of the ship will break off. Move down to avoid it. Do not attempt to jump over. DIFFICULTY: 8/10 _____ . 0.6 ____ ____ ____ ___ _ ___ ____ | |__/ |___ | \ | | [__ |___ | \ |___ |__/ | | ___] ______________________________ This entire FAQ was written by Mysterious Bob. You may host it but only if you give me full credit. ASCII headers: www.flamingtext.com And you! Seriously! No, don't throw up! :P