!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ || || || PHANTOM 2040 || || Sega Genesis/SNES || || Dark Fusion, Inc. || || || -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- -------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS -------------------- 1. Introduction a)Storyline b)Game Review c)About Me 2. Version Guide 3. Controlling the Phantom 4. Gameplay a)Chapters b)Objectives c)Inventory 5. Game Guide a)Guide TOC b)Skeleton Walkthrough c)Full Walkthrough 6. Items & Objects a)Weapons b)Upgrades c)Keycards & Objects 7. Metropia Regions 8. Variables & Endings a)Path Tree b)Variables c)Endings 9. Characters a)The Phantom/Kit Walker b)NPCs c)Enemies d)Bosses 10. Secrets -------------------- INTRODUCTION -------------------- ::-::-:: Storyline ::-::-:: "The year is 2040. The place is Metropia." The megalopolis of Metropia is falling under a shroud of violence, pollution and horrific environmental damage, mainly due to the massive corporation of Maximum, Inc. The only man who had any chance of stopping Maximum from dominating Metropia is dead, killed in a train wreck along with Maximum's founding chairperson, Maxwell Madison. Now, Maxwell's wife Rebecca Madison is beginning to put Maximum's dark plans into motion. Armies of combat biots are ready to be unleashed on the city. Construction of a super-powered battleship is underway. Harvested plant roots from the 'Ghost Jungle' are being sent to Sean One's orbital platform to power a bio-synthetic supercannon. And Rebecca is bent on capturing the world's last Black Panther in a ploy to use its special blood to transfer her husband's surviving brainwaves into a new body. As the world crumbles, the son of the 23rd Phantom, Kit Walker, rises up to finish what his father started: to finally stop Maximum. ::-::-:: Review ::-::-:: "The year is 2040. The place is Metropia." It's not all that often that a game with a perfect combination of depth, action and sound comes along. The vast, vast majority of games come missing at least one of these valuable elements. Phantom 2040 succeeds admirably in all three areas. STORY: 10/10 - Plotline: 10/10 - Comprehension: 9/10 Some of you may have seen the Phantom 2040 animated TV series. How much you can truly appreciate the involved storyline depends on one major thing: whether you have watched the TV series or not (even just the first episode). While the game's interpretation of the show's storyline is flawless, it doesn't spend much time explaining "The Story So Far". Even if you've just read the old Phantom comics, you'll understand a fair bit about the origins of the Phantom. The story is set in a futuristic New York City, renamed Metropia, in the year 2040. Pollution, environmental chaos and corrupted global megacorporations are among the Earth's major problems. One corporation in particular, Maximum Incorporated, is an extreme threat. Maximum's chairperson, Rebecca Madison, plans to rule Metropia and the world, driven near insanity by the death of her husband Maxwell Madison Sr. a decade ago in a horrific train crash on the east side of the city. Killed along with Maxwell was the 23rd Phantom, Kit Walker, the only hope for the downfall of Maximum, Inc. Guran, a descendant of the ancient African tribe dedicated to the protection of the Phantom's secret, seeks out the Phantom's son (also named Kit) to tell him of his true heritage. Kit becomes the 24th Phantom, teaming up with Guran, the orphaned Sparks and Professor Jack Archer to save Metropia from Rebecca Madison's tyranny. It won't be easy, though: Rebecca has legions of Combat Biots at her disposal, connections with Sean One (leader of the Free Orbital movement and first human born in outer space) of the Orbital Colonies, and plans to construct a devastating battleship in an attempt to force the government to legalise Combat Biots. Her enslaved Head of Security, the half-biot Graft, has his life utterly controlled by Rebecca and will follow her to the end. Other characters tied in with the Phantom and Maximum, Inc. include Tracker, an outlawed bounty hunter who seeks the last Black Panther; Mars, a ex-general who seeks revenge on the government for the death of his family; Mr. Cairo, a shady information dealer who rarely appears in person, instead using holograms; and Sean One, a dangerous terrorist with plans to build a biosynthetic supercannon on board his Orbital Platform. The game's storyline begins with the mysterious disappearance of Kit's friend Jack Archer. As Kit sets out to find him, he discovers that the ship-building Oines Industries is a front for Maximum's plans to construct a battleship. Kit vowes to protect the Political Summit from Rebecca Madison's wrath, but along the way there are lives to be saved and choices to be made. The cutscenes of Phantom 2040 involve small sequences with realistic text dialogue. SOUND: 10/10 - SFX: 10/10 - Music: 10/10 If there's one thing I can't get over in Phantom 2040, it's the superb quality of music and sound effects. The original soundtrack is one to be remembered. Each chapter of the game has its own distinct melody, along with the three different sets of boss music and opening melody. The sound of the Black Panther roaring with the Sega logo and Rebecca Madison laughing when you get Game Over are great (for the game's era). The realistic (once again, for the game's era) explosions heard every time a biot explodes are also fantastic. The music stays quiet when you're in an area irrelevant to your current objective, but flares up when you're in the right place (also indicated by the flashing locations on the Metropian Map). The boss music is especially action-packed (with the exception of one track which can admittedly become repetitive). All in all, the music of Phantom 2040 is a great addition to the game, and it's easy to tell that without it the game would be rather bland. I'm looking into making some modern versions of the best tracks, which include the Chapter Five music, the Final Boss music, the opening melody, and ::-::-:: About Me ::-::-:: Dark Fusion, Inc. is a corporation dedicated to the various industries of video game guides and in-depth game analysis. Our motto is "You've never really completed a game until you've written a guide on it", and our various writers have posted many guides on GameFAQs. Phantom 2040 is a game that I have grown up with, having loved the television series and the old Phantom comics. The Sega Genesis is somewhat of a legendary console in my eyes, hosting so many games for which I have an undying bond, Phantom 2040 being one of them. Read one of the four reviews at GameFAQs for the SNES version of this game to understand the common opinion that this game is one of the most serious cases of 'undiscovered-ness' ever. It should rightfully stand alongside Sonic the Hedgehog, The Legend of Zelda and Super Metroid as one of the greatest first-generation games. -------------------- VERSION GUIDE -------------------- ________________________ V.1.0 25/11/05\ - Beginning of guide - Introduction complete - Skeleton walkthrough complete - Full walkthrough done to Chapter 2 - Path Tree started _______________________ V.1.1 27/05/06\ - Guide accepted on GameFAQs - Variables and Endings mostly completed -------------------- SKELETON WALKTHROUGH -------------------- This brief guide outlines the basic objectives of each chapter without going into into heavy detail about the exact routes and strategies. It also contains no spoilers story-wise and can be used safely without fear of completely ruining the game experience. [Chapter 1: On the Road to Extinction] UNIVERSITY 1. Head left into University and locate Lab Assistant. OR 2. Head right and destroy Biot Hypercruiser. WAREHOUSE - Head left into Warehouse (Upper or Lower Levels, depending on choice at University). - Find Graft and defeat him in the Urban Combat Biot Walker. - Head right through Docks. - Board Gunship and fight Mercenaries on way to Industrial Area. INDUSTRIAL AREA - Head right into East Sector and collect Inductance Rope upgrade. - Return to West Sector and climb construction site to Convoy. CONVOY - Get to front of Convoy and defeat Tracker. [Chapter 2: Maximum Trouble] LAIR 1. Head up through Secret Sewer to Ruins. OR 2. Go to Ruins via Map. RUINS 1. - Head right a little and enter Sewers. - Lower sludge using valves and defeat Gang Leader 1. OR 2. - Head to far right of Ruins. - Defeat/Avoid Battle Jeep. - Unlock Gate and use valve to lower Sludge. - Enter Sewers and obtain Invisibility from Ship Factory. SHIP FACTORY 1. - Go through Ship Factory. - Defeat Prometheus. MAXIMUM BUILDING 2. - Use Invisibility to enter Maximum, Inc. - Go through Ground Floor and defeat Graft in Melee Biot Walker. [Chapter 3: Eco System Overload] LAIR - Head to West Ghost Jungle. - Find and defeat Blue Harvester and Green Harvester. - Head through passage to East Ghost Jungle. - Defeat Red Harvester. - Return to Lair and pass through to East Ghost Jungle. - Defeat Tracker and Blue Legion. [Chapter 4: Technowar] UNIVERSITY 1. - Enter University and enter Upper or Lower Labs (depending on choice made in Chapter 2). - Go through, collect Shipment Files and defeat Claw Mutant. SPACEPORT 1. - Go through Spaceport and defeat Graft in Blue Melee Biot Walker. MAXIMUM BUILDING 2. - Head to Upper Floors and find Retina Scan. BIOT FACTORY 2. - Go through Biot Factory and defeat all three Spider Biots. - Ride Missile and destroy all the rockets and bombs. [Chapter 5: Political Environment] RUINS - Head right to East Ruins and enter sewer, lowering sludge using valve if not already done in Chapter 2. - Use Totem to enter Lower Sewers. - Head through Lower Sewers and defeat Gang Leader 2. LAIR 1. Tell Mr. Cairo location of Summit. OR 2. Go to Guran and don't tell Cairo Summit location. WILDLIFE MUSEUM - Go through Wildlife Museum to top. - Fight Terrorist if you gave Cairo Summit location. CONVOY - Get to front of Convoy (far right) and get onboard Prometheus. PROMETHEUS - Enter the Cannon Shaft and get to the front, ducking in spaces to avoid cannon blasts. - Destroy Cannon and enter Control Room. - Defeat Mars. - Head through to Prometheus Core and defeat Graft. [Chapter 6: Tools of Destruction] MAXIMUM BUILDING 1. - Head to Upper Floors and get into Hellevator. - Ride Hellevator to Maximum Security Centre. - Defeat Triads separately then together. - Exit Security Centre. OR - Locate secret ship to Orbital Platform (scroll down to "ORBITAL PLATFORM"). SPACEPORT 2. - Head through Spaceport (using shortcut if wanted) and board ship. ORBITAL PLATFORM 2. - Locate and destroy Sean One's Computer (OPTIONAL). - Find and defeat Sean One. - Destroy Damocles Cannon (OPTIONAL). [Chapter 7: Maximum Overdrive] TRAIN STATION - Get to front of Tube Train (far right) and defeat Red Spider Biot. MAXIMUM INNER CORE - Defeat Green UCBW and Red Legion. 1. Defeat Triads. OR IF TRIADS DESTROYED IN CHAPTER 6 2. Destroy Maxwell Senior. ---------------- FULL WALKTHROUGH ---------------- ::-::-:: Contents ::-::-:: Chapter 1: On the Road to Extinction Chapter 2: Maximum Trouble a)Rescue Mission b)The Prometheus Chapter 3: Ecosystem Overload Chapter 4: Technowar a)Mutant Harvest b)Mechanical Threat Chapter 5: Political Environment Chapter 6: Tools of Destruction a)Maximum Orbit Chapter 7: Maximum Overdrive ------------------------------------------------ | | | CHAPTER 1: ON THE ROAD TO EXTINCTION | | | ------------------------------------------------ [OPENING CUTSCENE] (Kit walks into University) Kit: Professor, I found this strange leaf in the Ghost Jungle. Can you tell me what it is? Archer: Later perhaps. Kit: But Professor... Archer: I said later. As I recall you have some homework to do. (Kit leaves University) Kit: The Professor's acting strange. I wonder if... (Massive explosion from University, Kit turns into Phantom, biots leave the University in a Hypercruiser) --------------------- University > Exterior --------------------- Wow, first up and we already have a direct choice. I'll list the two paths below separately, though they only matter for a short time. Keep this format in mind for the rest of the walkthrough. Head left and use the Inductance Rope to climb the wall above the entrance into the university. Grab the Energy Aid at the top. Repeat for the wall at the right side of the clearing, making sure to blast the biots in your way. They're only Grey Biots, so three shots of the Energy Blast will destroy them. Grab the First Aid, then head back to the far left into the University. --------------------- University > Interior --------------------- This is your only chance to completely explore the University before it becomes blocked by rubble. Head along the top ledge to the left, grabbing the First Aid, before falling down to the bottom on the far left and using the Access Grate. Head through the Sewers to the grate on the other side. ---------------------------------- Ship Factory > Construction Center (VIA Sewers) ---------------------------------- Destroy the block above you (the one with yellow stripes in the middle), jump up and repeat to grab an Energy Upgrade. ******************************** CHOICE ONE: RESCUE LAB ASSISTANT Game Outcomes: Access Upper Levels of Warehouse rather than Lower Levels. Other: Obtain Upper Warehouse Keycard. ******************************** Head along the bottom of the University to the far right, then use the small elevator to get up to the Lab Assistant lying on the floor. [CUTSCENE] Assistant: Biots stole our computer chip research for Oines Industry, the destroyed the lab. Archer simply vanished? Too coincedental for him not to be involved. Phantom: Oines Industries? Assistant: Down in the warehouse district. Here, take my keycard - it'll get you in. Phantom: Good, let's get going. (In Skull Lair) Phantom: Bad news, Guran. The University exploded and Archer vanished. A lab tech gave me a keycard to a warehouse. He suspects Archer was involved. Guran: Archer? Couldn't be. Phantom: I agree. Several biots leaving at the time of the blast must've had something to do with it. The tech gave me a warehouse keycard. I'll start there. ----------------- Warehouse > Docks ----------------- Jump up to the ledge on the left and the gate into the Warehouse will open for you, so head in. ------------------------ Warehouse > Upper Levels ------------------------ As you enter the Warehouse. you'll see a large stack of crates, two of which appear different from the rest. These are Explosive Crates, and will explode shortly after they are shot, sending out five plumes of fire. They often set each other off in a chain reaction when close together, and can be used strategically to destroy biots. Shoot the one you see to destroy the biot walking near them. The crates also drop pick-ups when destroyed. Keep heading left and you'll come across two thinner destructable walls. Several shots of your Energy Blast will destroy them, allowing you to grab the First Aid kit inside. Head back out to the right to the first pile of crates you see, and use them to jump up onto the suspended platform to the right. From here you can jump onto the next platform and then up and left onto a walkway with a large monitor screen. Head left through the gap and look below you for a section of floor different from the others, with a straight grey line beneath it instead of a broken line. Destroy this block and drop down to get a Large Spirit refill and another First Aid. Jump back up and keep going left, jumping up to the right when you can to another walkway. Above you will be a small alcove with an Energy Upgrade; destroy the weak section of ceiling to reach it. Head back along to the left and drop down to Lock 1, but instead of destroying it use your Rope to climb the left wall to a platform from which you can destroy the weak ceiling, grabbing the Spirit Upgrade. Now drop down and destroy Lock 1. When Gate 1 opens, yet another First Aid will be revealed, so grab it and head through. On the other side, climb the right wall and get on the above walkway, then head left to another ceiling alcove with a Full Spirit item inside that will heal you to full health. Destroy the weak section and grab it if you need it, then continue left to an elevator on the far left side of the Warehouse. Drop down to the first landing below you and head right to a weak wall, separating you from an Energy Aid. Blast through and grab it, then destroy the floor below you for a fourth First Aid. Drop down and head right, then down to reach Gate 2. Blast it and drop down to the left side of Gate 3 (inaccesible from here), then blast the wall on your left to grab a Large Spirit and Large Energy pack. Now go back outside and head up the elevator to meet Graft. !!! SCROLL DOWN TO "END OF CHOICES" NOTICE !!! ************************************ CHOICE TWO: DEFEAT BIOT HYPERCRUISER Game Outcomes: Access Lower Levels of Warehouse rather than Upper Levels. Other: Destroyed Hypercruiser remains in Docks for rest of game. ************************************ Head back to the top right of the University and leave. -------------------- University Entrance -------------------- Run to the far right and watch as the gate closes behind you. Keep going right to trigger your first boss battle. *************************** BOSS ONE: BIOT HYPERCRUISER *************************** STATS Techniques: Small Energy Blast, Biot Drop-Off, Speed Health: 60 (60 Lvl.1 Energy Blast shots) Weak Points: Windshield, Energy Blasters BATTLE PATTERN - Initial rise from ground level, heads right out of view at ledge height *Cycle Begins* - Flies across top at slow speed, right to left - Flies back along ledge to right at same speed after small pause - Drops off Grey Biots halfway across return flight, continues at slightly higher altitude - Another sweep across top from right to left at fast speed - Sweep from left to right along ledge at fast speed, no drop off *Cycle Ends* STRATEGY Chase the Hypercruiser up the shaft of ledges, preferable on the right side of the shaft to allow you to blast the windshield. Don't worry about the cannon fire yet, assuming you're at full or almost full health. As you near the top, jump to the left over the Hypercruiser to land on the ledge, which is where you'll be staying for most of the battle. The Hypercruiser has a set pattern: it sweeps from right to left across the top, level with the small green ledge on the top right; then returns at your height from left to right, pausing to drop off two Grey Biots before heading out of sight; then repeats this at a faster speed and without dropping off biots. So remember this: every second round the vehicle will deposit biots and go at a slower speed. This is your main time to attack. Anyway, as the battle starts and you're left alone, jump up to the thin green ledge at the top left and prepare to hit the Hypercruiser with a barrage of blasts as it flies towards you, falling down through the platform at the last second to avoid ram damage (hold Down and press Jump to fall through certain thin platforms). Then head to the far right of the ledge, face left, and repeat when it flies back. As it drops off the biots, duck and destroy them by blasting their legs to take them out and avoid ram damage as the cruiser flies overhead. Repeat this pattern, but beware as the Hypercruiser will fly much faster this time around and every second following sweep. Eventually, you'll destroy the cannons and pilot, bringing the Hypercruiser down. [CUTSCENE] (Phantom and Guran in Skull Lair) Phantom: Bad news, Guran. The University exploded after I left. I'm having the computer trace a licence plate number of biots that fled the scene. Guran: And what of Archer? Phantom: He disappeared. Hope he's alright. Look! The Hypercruiser is owned by Oines Industries...that's the warehouse district. ----------------- Warehouse > Docks ----------------- Sprint left through the open gate into the Warehouse. ------------------------ Warehouse > Lower Levels ------------------------ Head left a few metres and you'll notice one of the floor sections below you looks different from the rest: the grey line beneath it isn't broken. You can destroy it by jumping up and shooting down at it. Drop through once it's gone and destroy the floor section below you again, at the foot of the monitor screen. Destroy the thin wall on your right, shoot the weapon crate, and grab the EXPLOSIVES that drop out. Jump up and grab the First Aid kit then use the Access Grate beneath you to head into the Sewers. ------------------------------- Maximum Building > Lower Levels (VIA Sewers) ------------------------------- Grab the Energy Aid and First Aid to the right, and you'll see Archer in a cage in the next room. So he's being held hostage by Maximum! We'll get to him in a while. Head back through the Sewers to the Warehouse. ------------------------ Warehouse > Lower Levels ------------------------ Head left out of this room and jump back up to the original walkway. Run left along here, and you'll reach a blue Biot Walker, one of many around the Warehouse. You can use it by jumping into it, using your weapon buttons to lunge with the claw and moving left and right with the controls. Jump to get out of the machine. The claw is good at destroy both biots and walls, though you can just step on biots to destroy them. Either way, head left and destroy the wall to grab the First Aid kit and Large Energy. If you're using the Walker then you'll need to abandon it to get over the bump in the floor. Drop down next to Lock 3 but before you head through go right. Destroy the wall when you reach it and grab the Energy Aid inside. Now you can destroy the Lock and head through. Destroy the wall on the other side to grab a Large Spirit and Large Energy, then jump up the elevator shaft to meet Graft. ************** END OF CHOICES ************** [CUTSCENE] (Graft opens link with Sean One) Graft: Stop sniveling, Sean. The Warehouse will explode before the police investigate. The countdown sequence has begun. Sean One: There is one who knows of my connection. Graft: Archer? He's scheduled for termination. (Opens link with Tracker) Graft: Bring back the Black Panther, Tracker, or die like a dog! Tracker: Power down, tin man. It was too easy to pass up. I'd chat, but I'm meeting with a wealthy collector. (Opens link with Mars) Graft: Mars. Do what you must, but Maximum, Inc. needs the Panther alive. Phantom: I've heard enough, Graft! Graft: Phantom! Those are the last words you will ever hear! ******************************************** BOSS TWO: GRAFT - URBAN COMBAT BIOT (MARK I) ******************************************** STATS Techniques: Fire Explosives, Claw Lunge, Large Energy Blast Health: A.80 (Claw), A.120 (Legs), A.50 (Head) Weak Points: Claw, Legs (after Claw is destroyed), Head (after Legs gone) Rewards: Breaker BATTLE PATTERN [With Claw] - Enters room from left *Cycle Begins* - Pauses at left and fires two volleys of Fire Explosives, first one low and second one high - Walks across room, pausing three times to lunge with claw - Walks backwards once it reaches wall, pausing twice to shoot with Large Energy Blast at mid-level *Cycle Ends* [With Legs, Without Claw] - Same as With Claw, but fires Large Energy Blast instead of using Claw [Without Legs] - Head rolls back and forth across room, firing volleys of Fire Explosives about every five seconds STRATEGY You're probably saying "How in Heck am I supposed to destroy that behemoth?" to yourself. Well, a general tip for this battle is to never leave the right half of the screen. Start off by getting as high as you can, usually by hanging from the ceiling. Graft will fire a volley of explosives across the ground, leaving flames in their wake. As soon as you can, drop down to a safe spot to dodge the next wave of bombs over your head. Once the metal monster begins to trudge across the room, hang on the corner above your head so you're at the same height as his claw, then blast away at it. If you're quick enough, you should be able to destroy it before he reaches you. If not, get above or below the claw as it lunges at you, then return to your position as he moves back, dropping when he bends over to fire a powerful blast at you. Once the claw's gone, simply stand and obliterate the legs of the walker. Once Graft reaches the left of the room, dodge the two volleys of explosives and finish the legs off. You'll probably run out of ammo midway through, so you can either use an Energy Kit or use carefully aimed flying kicks to do the job. I'm an expert at this game, so I can unleash a wave of kicks without even touching the ground. You might need the Kit, however. Watch the legs crumble, but don't celebrate yet. As the Legs finish exploding, the Head will fall to the ground and roll back and fortha cross the room. Grab the Large Energy it drops, get over to the far left to dodge the constant explosives and let loose on the head with everything you have until its final demise. Walk over to Graft to finish the battle. [CUTSCENE] Phantom: Where is Archer and why does Maximum, Inc. want him dead? Graft: I don't know. Phantom: And what about that Panther? Graft: Don't worry, it'll soon become extinct. And so will you! (Warehouse explodes, Enforcers arrive at the scene. Dr Jak reports) Doctor: The Doctor is in! Enforcers, any hints to who blew the University Labs and Warehouse to nanobits? Enforcer Cruz: The Phantom was seen fleeing both these crimes. ----------------- Warehouse > Docks ----------------- You'll start right in front of the Gate leading to the Docks, and it'll open for you. Grab the First Aid and pass through. You might want to try out the Breakers here, your reward for defeating Graft. They're powerful bombs that latch onto enemies and explode, but use more energy. If you're skilled enough with the Inductance Rope, you can climb the wall to your left and swing across the ceiling to grab a 1-Up. Continue heading right, destroying any Grey Biots who get in your way, and you'll soon end up at the edge of the Docks, where you can board Mars's Gunship. ------------------------- Metropian Skies > Gunship ------------------------- [CUTSCENE] Mercenary: Mars, Tracker’s in the Industrial Sector. The Gunship arrives there shortly. Mars: Good, ready your troops for battle. [END CUTSCENE] As soon as you gain control, jump onto the Gunship before the platform you're standing on retracts. The Gunship will take off towards the Industrial Area. Kill any Mercenaries in front of you, then either defend yourself by destroying the cannons and respawning attackers, or by jumping around like crazy dodging the Energy Blasts shot at you. As the Gunship slows down, head to the right side of the ship and get ready to disembark on the platform that extends. ----------------------------- Industrial Area > West Sector ----------------------------- Welcome to the large, expansive Industrial Area, useful only in this chapter. That's right - you have absolutely no reason to return here later in the game unless you don't collect everything now. Unfortunately, there's nothing to do here in the West Sector due to your short Inductance Rope, so head right and destroy the Lock you come across to head east into the East Sector (killing any Mercenaries in your way, of course). Grab the First Aid on your way through the opened Gate 1. ----------------------------- Industrial Area > East Sector ----------------------------- If you haven't already figured it out, you'll be assaulted by wave after wave of Grey Jetbiots during your time at the Industrial Area. Luckily, they only take two hits from your Energy Blast. Unluckily, they won't leave you alone until they've fired their one shot. You might want to ignore them, or you might want to vent your frustration on them. As you enter the East Sector, you'll see a flaming jet in front of you. Wait for it to die down, then make your best attempt at jumping out over the plasma and grabbing the wall with your Rope. Don't worry if you fall. Get out on the other side and grab the Inductance Rope Upgrade, vital to your navigation of the West Sector. Don't head back yet, though: there's plenty to grab around here first. Once you're satisfied with your treasure horde, head back left to the West Sector. ----------------------------- Industrial Area > West Sector ----------------------------- Here you'll be attacked by dangerous Blue Mounted Biots, who'll appear with the sound of a revving car and try to impale you on the spikes attached to their Hypercycles. They are even weaker than the Jetbiots, so make sure you don't get hit by their blades. In the top-right corner of the Sector is an enclosed section, seemingly impenetrable. However, there's a destructible section of wall at the top that will allow you in. Destroy the Lock and grab the 1-Up when the Gate opens, then use the elevator to reach Tracker's Convoy. ---------------------------------- Metropian Skies > Tracker's Convoy ---------------------------------- Suddenly you'll be riding one of the ships in Tracker's Convoy, surrounding by Mounted Biots and cannons. Don't bother trying to destroy the cannons; there's thousands of them. Use your Rope to swing through the gap above your head (you'll notice a lot of the "ships" look a lot like cards or Landrovers), then sprint right, jumping along the tops of the vehicles. You can actually explore this whole Convoy, but it's horribly dangerous and time-consuming. Eventually you'll land on one of the large ships only to be ambushed by Tracker, taunting you with the Black Panther above his head. ************************** BOSS THREE: BATTLE TRACKER ************************** STATS Techniques: Webgun, Summon Mercenaries, Summon Assault Ship Health: A.200 Weak Points: All BATTLE PATTERN *Cycle Begins* - Fires Webgun straight ahead at head height - Assault Ship lowers on opposite side and fires four Large Energy Blasts, each slightly higher than the previous - Tracker jumps to opposite side - Two Green Mercenaries land *Cycle Ends* STRATEGY You'll notice quite a lot is going on in this battle. Tracker uses his very dangerous Webgun to try and immobilise you, while bombarding you with an Assault Ship and dozens of Mercenaries. Strangely enough, you can stay almost completely unharmed by simply ducking. Make sure you don't duck next to Tracker on either side, or the Webgun tends to hit you, and if it does it will not only take off a fair size of health but also leave you helpless to the Assault Ship and Mercenaries (who, unlike Biots, can't fire downward). So all you have to do is duck in the middle and fire endlessly with Energy Blast or Breakers at Tracker, turning around when he jumps to the other side. Using Breakers is risky, because when the Mercenaries arrive you'll often hit them with a dozen Breakers before the first one actually explodes, meaning you waste a fair bit of energy. If you run out of energy, you can duck and kick Tracker's legs while still staying unscathed. After the ship fires and Tracker jumps over, sprint to the other side and start kicking as he lands. Or you could use an Energy Aid, since you'll still start the next chapter with no energy. [CUTSCENE] (Dr. Jak reports on the Phantom's attack on Tracker) Jak: More fun, folks! Rush hour, the Phantom attacked a citizen, stealing the only Black Panther alive. Let's hear from ex-military leader Mars. (Tracker's Convoy crashes into Metropian skyscraper, Phantom is seen parachuting down) Mars: The city's unsafe as long as that purple maniac is loose! (Report moves to Ship Factory) Jak: Decisions, decisions! Combat biots illegal? Pollution problems caused by new biot factories? More to come when the Political Summit meets at its secret location... (Report moves to Ruins) Jak: We're going live to the west side! An explosion, courtesy of the radical Humans 4 Humans group, has demolished a section of the city! Riots break out! Roving gangs terrorize survivors! What entertainment! Remember, if I didn't see it, it didn't happen! [END CUTSCENE] ------------------------------------------------ | | | CHAPTER 2: MAXIMUM TROUBLE | | | ------------------------------------------------ [CUTSCENE] (Phantom talks to Guran in the Skull Lair) Phantom: Oines Industries is a front for Maximum, Inc., Sean One's research project and Maximum has Jack Archer! Guran: Metropia and Archer are in danger. As for the Panther...bring him to me so he may roam the jungle once again. (Mr. Cairo appears) Cairo: Greetings. I am Mr. Cairo. In exchange for the Panther, I offer your friend's whereabouts. Phantom: Who should I give the Black Panther to? [END CUTSCENE] Chapter 2 is the first of three split chapters (each even-numbered chapter is a split chapter), and marks the first fork in the path you choose. The choice is simple, but makes a large impact on the progression of the game: should you give the Black Panther to Guran for protection, or trade it to Mr. Cairo for Archer's location? If you give it to Guran, he'll open a secret passage to the lair of a dangerous criminal who has taken a Humans 4 Humans member hostage. Your mission is to recover this woman, who may have valuable information about Archer's involvement in a plant research project with Maximum, Inc. If you trade the Panther to Cairo, the shady dealer will give you an ID card allowing access into a restricted part of the Ship Factory where you can find the Invisibility upgrade, which will in turn allow you to sneak into Maximum Building and rescue Archer. Make your choice, move to that character and press up to give them the Panther. =:--------------------:= =:---THE PROMETHEUS---:= =:--------------------:= [CUTSCENE] (Phantom talks to Guran in the Skull Lair) Phantom: I don't know, Guran. That was my only lead to Archer. Guran: Archer may be involved. A woman of the Humans 4 Humans group tipped me off to an unauthorized military project of plant research. Phantom: What woman? Guran: A Gang Leader's hostage. The Ruins lie beyond this secret exit. Locate the valve to lower the sewer sludge levels and find his hideout. [END CUTSCENE] ----------------- Skull Lair > Lair ----------------- So, you've given the Panther to Guran and now have your mission: find and defeat the Gang Leader. NOTE: This is a good time to fully explore the Ghost Jungle and unlock several gates scattered across Metropia, especially while the Jungle is biot-free. See the Ghost Jungle in the Exploration section for tips on the locations of all the secret sewer entrances. When you're ready to tackle the Gang Leader, jump up into the secret passage. ----------------------- Sewers > Secret Passage ----------------------- Climb the wall and head through the first shootable gate on your left. Grab the Large Spirit refill and First Aid kit below, then return to the main shaft and continue climbing. Sprint left when you get to the top and swing up into the small gap in the roof halfway along the corridor to find a Full Energy refill that will come in handy if you're still empty from the battle with Tracker. Fall back down the gap, head to the far left and climb up to the Ruins. ----------------- Ruins > West Side ----------------- Throughout the Ruins, you'll encounter a variety of Terrorists, some armed with swords and others with mortar launchers. Like the Mercenaries, these human enemies don't drop pick-ups when defeated, so you don't have any obligation to fight them. They do pack a punch when you come into contact with them, however. Anyway, smack the valve to your immediate right, destroy the crumbling wall and head through. There are quite a few goodies to be grabbed throughout the Ruins, and I'll help you to the best of my ability to recover them all. Make your way up and left to find a Large Energy refill and a First Aid kit, then head to the top-right of this area to find Lock 0. Destroy it, drop back down and head through the opened Gate 0 to the right. As you pass through, you'll notice a ladder underneath you that leads to the Sewers where you're supposed to be heading. However, there's still some goodies to be collected in this section of the Ruins. If you want to go to the Sewers now, scroll down to the heading Sewers > Gang Lair. Pass over the Ruins' normal entrance (from the Metropian Map) and swing your way up the wall to the left when you emerge into the open area. Break through the wall, fight or dodge any emeies in your way and keep heading left until you reach an enclosed section with three 1-Ups inside. Jump on top of the box they're in and drop down through the thin blocks to grab the 1-Ups. Head back right, but instead of dropping back down when you reach the edge swing up the wall on the right and break through the damaged block hiding a 1-Up underneath. Drop down on the other side, grab the Large Energy, fall off the right edge and swing in through the first opening through a broken wall on the left. Below you in the short span of ground between the jagged wall and the ramp is a damaged block that reveals a First Aid kit when destroyed. Jump back up the shaft and head off over the jabbed wall to the right. Make your way further right up a long ramp and over an enclosed section to a flat span. Look for a single thin block on the ground (it's under the brick wall in the foreground), and destroyed the damaged blocks to the left of it to reveal an Energy Aid. That's all there is to be had in this section of the Ruins for now. You can explore the East Side as well if you want, but there'll be a mini-boss to fight and a fair amount of exploring. The East Side can more easily be explored in Chapter 5 and is also covered in the Exploration section of this guide. So, head back to the left to the ladder you passed over earlier and drop down into the Sewers. ------------------ Sewers > Gang Lair ------------------ The first thing you'll notice is the menacing-looking yellow sludge hanging around below you. The sludge will rise and fall on a regular basis, and you can tell when it's about to rise by the sudden drop in the sludge level (it will drop out of the screen then rise considerably). So, when you see it drop, quickly latch onto the roof with your Rope and wait it out. For now, you should be able to sprint far enough to the right to hit the valve and lower the sludge. Keep heading to the right and drop down the ladder. Grab the Large Spirit refill down here, head back up the ladder, sprint back to the left and drop down the other ladder you find (it was revealed when the sludge dropped). Grab the First Aid you see on the left (you can also use the nearby platform to wait out a sludge rise), then sprint to the gate to the right and hit the next valve. You can take the time to destroy any annoying crab biots, then shoot the gate below you to the right and carefully drop down by hanging onto the conveyor belt. Go into the small opening on the right and destroy the weakened wall at the end (it's greener than the rest of the wall). Head through carefully and hit the valve you find along with the Energy Aid. Drop down the first shaft on the left and destroy the weakened wall allowing access to the Spirit Upgrade in the enclosed area. Then drop down into the room (making sure the sludge is at normal level, sprint through the gate to the left and hit the valve. Grab the Medium Spirit refill through to the left, then head to the very far right of this corridor and down through the gate (if you're finding a lot of Terrorists annoying you and you're at sludge level, a handy trick is to stun them with your Rope then let the sludge take them out while you hang safely from the ceiling). In this corridor, make your way to the far right through the gate, hit the valve and grab the Energy Upgrade in the top-left corner. Drop down through the floor gate, destroy the weakened wall on your left, grab the Energy and Spirit refills inside and head back through the gate to the right. Here you'll find one final sludge valve mounted on the wall: hit it, and prepare to face the Gang Leader. ************************ BOSS FOUR: GANG LEADER I ************************ STATS Techniques: Skid, Boomerang Health: A.200 Weak Points: Anywhere Rewards: Boomerang BATTLE PATTERN - Starts battle on right - Skids across to left *Cycle Begins* - Throws three boomerangs (different heights) - Skids across to right as boomerangs fly back - Throws three boomerangs (different heights) - Skids across to left as boomerangs fly back *Cycle Ends* STRATEGY This battle isn't too hard at all, but it can be difficult to dodge the Gang Leader's attacks. He'll throw three boomerangs, one high, one central and one just above crouching head height, then he'll skid rapidly across the room. The annoying thing is that the boomerangs also fly back across the room, so you have to time your dodging jumps to avoid both the returning boomerangs and the Gang Leader's skid. When he's motionless or throwing boomerangs, simply stand on the opposite side of the room, duck and hit him as much as you can (because of the ease of hitting him, Breakers can be useful here to quicken the battle). Then when he finishes throwing boomerangs and the lowest one has flown over your crouched head, stand up and prepare to dodge his skid by timing it so you also jump up between the boomerangs. It takes a bit of practice but once you've timed it right once it's easy to do it again and again as you repeatedly bombard him. [CUTSCENE] (Phantom talks to hostage woman) Phantom: What do you know of a secret military project? Woman: In a factory on the west side, a ship called the Prometheus is being built to destroy the Political Summit. Its new technology uses plant life and light to create a powerful weapon. Phantom: Is Maximum, Inc. involved? Or Jack Archer? Woman: Mars is leading the project and Archer did the research. They tested the weapon on the city, killed my people and we're being blamed for it. Phantom: Do you know anything about the plant life? Woman: Yes, it was taken from the Ghost Jungle. [END CUTSCENE] You're back to the Metropian Map, so head to the Ship Factory flashing just to the right of the Ruins you're currently highlighting. --------------------------- Ship Factory > Main Factory --------------------------- NOTE: This is the ONLY time in the game when you can fully explore the Ship Factory. It's a relatively small region and is worth the exploration effort. So, we have our new mission: find Mars and stop the construction of the Prometheus. As you enter the Ship Factory, grab the Medium Spirit over the entrance but before passing through jump up above the door through a hole in the ceiling where Large Spirit and Energy refills await after your battle with the Gang Leader. Drop back down and pass through the doorway, and watch as the door closes shut behind you. Destroy the obvious wall to your right and head in. Sprint to the right, use the ceiling conveyor belt to get over the sludge pit and climb the shaft on the right. On your left is a weak white section of wall; destroy it and any Mercenaries behind it and head across through more destroyed walls to an Energy Upgrade beyond a second weak wall at the end. Back on the right, jump over the conveyor belt and destroy the white wall on the other side. Head through to the end where you can see Gate 1 and below it Lock 1 guarded by Gate 0. A gate puzzle! We still have a fair way to go before we pass through Gate 1 to the end of the chapter. Near Gate 0 you'll see an Energy Aid in a seemingly impenetrable enclosed wall. The trick is to go above it and shoot the flawless steel floor above the Aid to grab it. Do the same for a First Aid to the left of it. Drop down below Gate 0 and pass behind the foreground fencing to another shaft. About halfway down the shaft, just before the solid floor that separates the walls, is a large weakened section of wall that can be destroyed. Head through, jump up to the platform above and follow it to destroy Lock 3. Drop back down and destroy the weakened wall to the left of the conveyor belt. On the other side, jump straight up to grab a 1-Up. On the left you'll see another conveyor belt that leads left. Just before it and at the top of the vertical conveyor belt is a small section of floor with yellow stripes on it that can be destroyed. Do so, and follow the shaft down destroyed the sections of floor in your way. At the bottom, destroy Lock 4 and head through the opened Gate 4. Drop down to the sludge level at the bottom, grab the Energy Aid halfway along the corridor of sludge and then head back up and left to the top of the shaft that led down to Lock 4. Follow the conveyor belt to the left and destroy the weakened wall opposite the edge of the platform. Grab the First Aid revealed and head through to the left to find a Spirit Upgrade and an Energy Aid near the ceiling. Drop down through the platform below the Upgrade to find an Energy Aid and a rare Power Module (this item increases the power of all your weapons). Head back up and to the right, drop down, destroy the wall and grab the Full Energy refill. Head to the far right and drop down the shaft to the sludge level at the bottom. At the left end of this sludge corridor is a 1-Up. Grab it, the head back up the shaft to the Claw Biot visible in the sludge. Use the Claw Biot to march across, destroying any walls in your way with a strike of the claw. Climb to the top of the shaft at the end, destroy Lock 0 and head through to find yourself back at the start of the Ship Factory. Proceed through the first part of the factory to where Lock 1 was guarded by Gate 0 on your previous visit. Destroy the now-vulnerable Lock 1 and head through the opened gate above... [CUTSCENE] Phantom: A keycard to the University Lab's lower levels. Was this Archer's? Mars: You meddling fool! Prepare to die! [END CUTSCENE] ********************* BOSS FIVE: PROMETHEUS ********************* STATS Techniques: Cannon Fire (3 Fixed Large, 4 Rotating Small) Health: Total of A.1000 Weak Points: Cannons, Armour Rewards: None (Devastator acquired at start of battle) BATTLE PATTERN *Cycle Begins* - Prometheus moves in looping motion in background *Cycle Ends* (ASCII Map in progress) STRATEGY Whoa. The Prometheus has to be one of the biggest, longest, and hardest battles in the game - and it's only Chapter 2! There are a total of 13 ship parts to destroy as the ship moves around in the background. You're also being assaulted by Jet Biots (which provide pickups), along with the ship's seven cannons (three of these are deadly Large Energy Blast cannons and four are rotating Small Energy Blast cannons). Then there's six other ship armouring plates to destroy to render the Prometheus incapacitated. A general rule of this battle is to stay on the platform you start on, occasionally using the platforms below to dodge or hit the lower cannons. As soon as the battle starts, pick up the Devastator (though I don't like to use it for this fast-paced battle) and start unloading your Energy Blast on one of the four rotating small cannons, since they're the most annoying threat. When the ship rises to present the three lethal cannons attached underneath, focus on dodging the shots they fire or suffer the consequences. Sometimes, other ship parts may get in the way: this is okay since you'll have to destroy those parts anyway and once they're destroyed they won't get in your way anymore. The ship moves around in approximately a figure-8 pattern, rising and faling to reveal and hide the cannons attached underneath while showing different armour plates at different times (the plate on the far right is particularly annoying to destroy since it appears only briefly). Anyway, make your first task destroying the circular cannons while dodging as many shots as you can (sometimes you won't be able to dodge shots coming from all seven cannons; in this case, focus on dodging the lower cannons or use your temporary invulnerability from getting hit to take the large shots without getting hurt). Once you've destroyed the three right-most little cannons (the left one is annoying to hit and should just be destroyed as a side objective), focus on the right-most large cannon which is the most deadly. Dodging it is annoying, so take it out as quickly as possible. Then move onto the central large cannon and finally the left (which rarely fires). By this time, most of the armour plates will probably be destroyed, so kill any leftover and finally the last small cannon. Once all the ship parts are destroyed, the ship will burst into flames and you'll receive your Chapter 2 Password. [CUTSCENE] Mars: You've delayed the ship's completion! Mercenaries, fire up Prometheus' engines so they burn up the Phantom. Phantom: Why do you want to destroy the Political Summit? Mars: The Summit ordered me into a battle that I did not want to fight. While I was away my family was killed. Phantom: You can't blame them. Mars: If I was home I would have saved my family. The Summit will pay... Phantom: Hypercycle, lock and find! (Phantom flees the Ship Factory on the Hypercycle) [END CUTSCENE] NOTE: The next section details Chapter 2 when the Black Panther is traded to Mr. Cairo. Scroll down to the Chapter 3 heading to continue. =:--------------------:= =:---RESCUE MISSION---:= =:--------------------:= ------------------------------------------------ | | | CHAPTER 3: ECO SYSTEM OVERLOAD | | | ------------------------------------------------ [CUTSCENE] (From "The Prometheus) (Dr. Jak reports on Phantom's attack on the Prometheus) Jak: Let's see things my way! Phantom tries to sabotage a military ship being built to protect the Political Summit. Gang Leader, arrested in connection with the whole scheme, confirms the Phantom's involvement with the west sides' destruction! He's at large and very dangerous. (Reports on Wildlife Memorial opening) Jak: See extinct animals on display at the new Wildlife Memorial. Or, do something fun. (Phantom talks to Guran in Skull Lair) Phantom: I delayed the completion of the ship, but no luck with Archer. Guran: More bad news, Phantom. Plant life in the Ghost Jungle is being uprooted. Soon the animals will die. Ecological doom lies near. (Lights go out) Guran: What...?! Something's cutting the computer's power cables! Phantom: Guran, find Spark. We need that power back on! [END CUTSCENE] Chapter 3 is limited completely to the Ghost Jungle and Skull Lair, since the Metropian Map cannot be accessed with the power out. It's your job to find out who's cutting the power cables and uprooting the plants and stop them. This chapter also marks two important changes to the Ghost Jungle: the appearance of several cool power-ups and weapons, and the appearance of not-so-cool Grey Biots, which have tougher armour than the Blue Biots you've been fighting so far. But first, an important point: throughout Chapter 3 you'll be fighting deadly enemies that require Explosives or Super Explosives to be defeated. If you didn't get the Explosives in the Lower Warehouse in Chapter 1, then you'll need to find the Super Explosives hidden in the East Side of the Ghost Jungle. So I'll begin this chapter's guide with an exploration of the East Side. Head out of the Skull Lair to the right. ------------------------ LAIR > EAST GHOST JUNGLE ------------------------ Note that I won't be detailing a full exploration of the Jungle, but rather some of the better power-ups. The Ghost Jungle is a very big area and can be explored at your leisure for First Aids and Energy Aids, along with basic refills. This is also a good time to explore secret sewer paths if you haven't already done so, and I'll detail them here as you reach them (all the ladders are right up the top in the ceiling). Head to the right to find a 1-Up in the thorn pit against the wall (you may need to take a hit from the thorns to get it). Climb the wall on the right, drop down through the platform at the top, grab the Medium Spirit refills, head right and up, destroy Lock 1 and head through Gate 1 above, grabbing the First Aid on the way. Climb the shaft here and swing into the little gap not far above in the ceiling for a 1-Up and a nice view of Tracker standing motionless on the left. Head back down, to the right and rapidly climb the far-right wall all the way to the top. Take the sewer path here. ----------------- WILDLIFE MEMORIAL (VIA Sewers) ----------------- Destroy Lock 4 on this brief visit and return to the Jungle. ------------------------ LAIR > WEST GHOST JUNGLE ------------------------ Head through the destructible wall on the left of the ladder back in the Jungle to grab two First Aids and an Energy Aid. From here, drop down and to the left where you'll find an impenetable Gate 3 near a damaged wall leading to a Full Energy refill. Above Gate 3 is another damaged wall: inside is the crate containing the Super Explosives. That's all there is to find here at the moment, so head back to the bottom-left of the area into the Skull Lair and across to the left into the West Ghost Jungle. ------------------------ LAIR > WEST GHOST JUNGLE ------------------------ Head across to the left and swing across the ceiling to find a 1-Up as you pass over the thorn pit. Head to the far-left wall, climb up to the stony platform and run right. Fall down into the area you come across where a destructable wall below leads to some Aids and a 1-Up. Above the Aids is a section of ceiling made from vines and grass: destroy the left part of it, jump up, destroy the wall to the right and grab the legendary Shadow Panther weapon from the crate (this weapon destroys all on-screen enemies using a great deal of energy). Run to the far right, jump up to the right ignoring Gate 4 for now, and destroy Lock 1 to encounter a dangerous enemy. [CUTSCENE] Phantom: Those machines are harvesting and storing the plants. Where will they take them? [END CUTSCENE] ******************************* BOSS SEVEN: BLUE HARVESTER BIOT ******************************* STATS Techniques: Claw Lunge, Ceiling Latch, Explosives Health: A.3 Super Explosives/A.6 Explosives Weak Points: Head Rewards: None BATTLE PATTERN *Cycle Begins* - Lunges down from ceiling towards Phantom - Walks across ground - Latches back to ceiling when edge of area reached - Moves back and forth across ceiling - Drops two Explosives *Cycle Ends* STRATEGY The Blue Harvester Biot is big, difficult to dodge, hard to hit, and has extremely powerful attacks. Luckily, it's slow enough to counteract all these bonuses. Your number one priority is to avoid contact with it and its claws at all costs: they rip off more than a third of your Spirit if they touch you. That said, his Claw Lunge from the ceiling is hard to dodge: your only chance is to be as far away from it as possible and to jump at the last moment, swinging from the ceiling with your Rope. When it's walking slowly across the ground, it's your one chance to strike: equip your Explosives or Super Explosives (twice as powerful but use twice as much Energy), get above its head and bomb it. Only bomb with two or three Explosives at a time, because it only takes a few hits and you have to be pretty accurate at hitting the very centre of its head. If you miss your chance, don't take any risks: drop down when the Harvester latches onto the ceiling, dodge the Explosives, and try and predict when it's going to use its Claw Lunge again (usually a couple of seconds after dropping the second Explosive). Repeat this until the Blue Harvester crumbles (note that when its head armouring falls off it has very little health left: two Explosives at the most). ------------------------ LAIR > WEST GHOST JUNGLE ------------------------ Head through the new opening to the right, drop down and destroy the damaged wall on your left. Head through the next destructable wall, grab the Energy Upgrade and return to the right and up the shaft. When the shaft opens out, head to the left, jumping up the platforms, then fall down onto the left side of the higher stone platform with the T-shaped platform on it. Near the bottom of the large stone "steps" on this side of the platform is a small destructable wall leading to Lock 5, Fire Retardant Pellets and a First Aid (the Fire Retardant Pellets can be used to put out fires and use up barely any Energy). Head back up the left wall and up the ladder through the sewers. ------------------------ BIOT FACTORY > WAREHOUSE (VIA Sewers) ------------------------ Grab the Large Energy refill, smash Lock 1 and return through the sewers. ------------------------ LAIR > WEST GHOST JUNGLE ------------------------ Head to the right down the gentle slope and jump up onto the grassy ledge when you see it. Smash the wall to the right, grab the Large Spirit and head up to the sewers. ----------------- RUINS > WEST SIDE ----------------- You may have seen this enclosed area before: grab the Rope Upgrade, Spirit Upgrade and destroy Lock 1 before leaving. ------------------------ LAIR > WEST GHOST JUNGLE ------------------------ Run left off the ledge and head right underneath it to Lock 2: smack it. ******************************** BOSS EIGHT: GREEN HARVESTER BIOT ******************************** STATS Techniques: Claw Lunge, Explosives Health: A.4 Super Explosives/A.8 Explosives Weak Points: Head Rewards: None BATTLE PATTERN *Cycle Begins* - Lunges down from ceiling towards Phantom - Walks across ground - Latches back to ceiling when edge of area reached - Moves back and forth across ceiling - Drops two Explosives *Cycle Ends* STRATEGY If you didn't like the Blue Harvester Biot, then you won't like this guy: he's the same in every way, just stronger and faster. The only improvement in this fight is the opening lunge, which occurs from the opposite side of the room and is far easier to dodge. The Harvester's claw now takes off just under half your health (assuming you've been getting all the Spirit Upgrades), and d ------------------------ LAIR > WEST GHOST JUNGLE ------------------------ Fall through the opened gap in the ground, grabbing the First Aid, and head straight through the new exit on the right. Pass through this small hallway to the East Ghost Jungle. ------------------------ LAIR > EAST GHOST JUNGLE ------------------------ You'll notice the appearance of the tiny annoying Buzz Biots around here: it's best to ignore them. Follow the only path available to the right and up. When the shaft opens out to the left, jump over the small stone platform and climb up the left wall. Destroy the weak section of wall at the top followed by another damaged wall to reveal a Full Energy refill along with another sewer entrance: head on through. -------------------- SPACEPORT > SHIPYARD -------------------- Smash Lock 4 here, grab the First Aid and Energy Aid above and head back to the Jungle. ------------------------ LAIR > EAST GHOST JUNGLE ------------------------ Head back through your newly-made holes in the wall and use your elite Rope skills to swing across the ceiling to yet another sewer entrance. --------------------------- INDUSTRIAL AREA > EAST SIDE --------------------------- Grab the Full Spirit, Full Energy and ultra-cool Power Module up the top here, then take the sewers back to the Ghost Jungle. ------------------------ LAIR > EAST GHOST JUNGLE ------------------------ Drop down to the left and follow the path to face yet another lethal biot. Grab the Energy Aid (but only take the Full Energy in the top-left corner if you need it; otherwise save it for during the fight) and shoot Lock 3 from as far away as possible. ***************************** BOSS NINE: RED HARVESTER BIOT ***************************** STATS Techniques: Claw Lunge, Explosives Health: A.4 Super Explosives/A.8 Explosives Weak Points: Head Rewards: None BATTLE PATTERN *Cycle Begins* - Lunges down from ceiling towards Phantom - Walks across ground - Latches back to ceiling when edge of area reached - Moves back and forth across ceiling - Drops two Explosives *Cycle Ends* STRATEGY Prepare for a dangerous and probably short battle: the Red (and therefore hardest) Harvester Biot. He's everything his brothers were and more, sprinting like lightning across the ground and doing maximum damage with his claws. Hopefully, you've shot Lock 3 from a distance, because the Biot will drop down right on top of it and sprint towards you. If you're quick enough, latch on to the ceiling and bomb him as he passes under (he's even harder to hit now). Otherwise, this strategy just repeats as the past two Harvesters have done. You can also grab the Full Energy refill in the top-left corner when you need it. ------------------------ LAIR > EAST GHOST JUNGLE ------------------------ This nightmarish chapter of bosses isn't over yet. Drop through the gap in the ground and head left back to the West Ghost Jungle, then down and around back into the main section of the East Ghost Jungle. You may remember that you saw Tracker here earlier: destroying Lock 3 allows us to confront him. When you emerge in the East Ghost Jungle again, head to the far right, up the shaft, the down on the left through where Gate 3 was to find him. ******************** BOSS TEN: TRACKER II ******************** STATS Techniques: Webgun Health: A.100 Weak Points: Anywhere Rewards: None BATTLE PATTERN *Cycle Begins* - Fire Webgun - Jumps to other side *Cycle Ends* STRATEGY This probably doesn't even count as a boss fight, it's so ridiculously easy. If you remember your previous battle with Tracker, just take away the annoying Mercenaries and Attack Ship and you get this. Simply duck in the middle and fire at him, and you'll never get hit (except those seemingly random times when the Webgun hits you despite crouching, but those are very rare). If you run out of ammo, you can run next to him and crouch-kick him to death, but you'll need a full Energy bar for the boss battle immediately afterwards... [CUTSCENE] Maxwell Jr: Mother and Sean One must be nervous. Why else would they send me to learn why the last plant life shipment was late. Phantom: Yeah, makes you wonder doesn't it. Maxwell Jr: Ahhh, the purple pest who defeated Graft. Guess I'll have to squash you. ************************* BOSS ELEVEN: GREEN LEGION ************************* STATS Techniques: Large Energy Blast (Legs), Homing Blast (Head) Health: A.100 (Leg Joints), A.150 (Head) Weak Points: Leg Joints, Head (after Legs gone) Rewards: Homing Missiles BATTLE PATTERN [With Legs] - Remains motionless for several seconds *Cycle Begins* - Walks back and forth across room rapidly, firing Large Energy Blast at Phantom *Cycle Ends* [Without Legs] *Cycle Begins* - Flies across area and out of sight - Flies across, pauses, deploys Homing Blast, flies out of sight - Flies across, deploys Homing Blast if one isn't chasing Phantom already *Cycle Ends* STRATEGY The battle with the Legion is dangerous and chaotic: blasts will be flying everywhere from the Legion's three cannons that also act as Leg Joints, while Buzz Biots fly around shooting you. Your aim is to destroy these three Leg Joints: two connect the legs to the head and the third is on the knee joint of the Legion's left, foremost leg. When the battle begins, the Legion will remain motionless for a few seconds: use this time to get as many shots in one on one of the leg joints as possible (the knee joint is a good starting choice because it's easier to dodge the other two at the same time). Hang at the correct height from the roof and blast the Legion as it moves towards you (get out of the way before it hits you). All in all, it will probably take you more lives and First Aid kits than time to destroy all three leg joints. When the Legs are gone, the battle isn't over though: the Legion's head will zoom back and forth across the room firing massively powerful homing blasts at you. These orbs won't stop until they've hit you, and the Legion won't stop to deploy another until the first has hit, so I find a useful technique is to let a Buzz Biot hit you for minimal damage and take the orb hit while you're invincible, letting you bombard the Legion while it wastes time firing another. When the Legion's head goes down, you're rewarded with the Homing Missiles, which will most likely become your favourite weapon in no time at all. [CUTSCENE] Maxwell Jr: Look what you've done to my toy. Your manners are atrocious. Phantom: Where are you, Maxwell. Why are you taking the plant life? Maxwell Jr: This machine is controlled with virtual reality from a remote location. This hobby bores me...though it does have its benefits. (Legion explodes after 5-second countdown, Phantom takes cover) (Phantom and Spark investigate Legion remains) Phantom: I was too late. Many of the jungle plants were uprooted and moved. Spark: I found a memory chip! The self-destruct didn't totally do the job! [END CUTSCENE] ------------------------------------------------ | | | CHAPTER 4: TECHNOWAR | | | ------------------------------------------------ [CUTSCENE] (Dr. Jak reports on the plant shipments) Jak: Hmmm...the plot thickens. Jack Archer's lab assistant grilled by police! Assistant: A rare photosynthetic plant from the Ghost Jungle was destroyed in the lab. If exposed to light, the plant produces powerful energy. Jak: The police still look for clues on where the research was headed. (Report moves to Tracker's arrest) Jak: Tracker, the world renown ecologist and hunter, was arrested today on charges of smuggling the rare Panther out of the city. (Report moves to Political Summit) Jak: Maximum, Inc. funds a project to protect the Political Summit. Anything to do with the Triads, three mutated women with supernatural powers derived from military experiments? Rebecca: The military disposed of the Triads! As instructed by last year's Political Summit. Jak: Disposed of, as in 'suspended animation' by Maximum, Inc. (Phantom talks to Guran and Spark in Skull Lair) Spark: I've found restricted files that detail two of Maximum's operations on the memory chip. Phantom: Let me have information on both. Spark: I wish I could. The chip is losing data very quickly. I'm afraid you'll have to choose which file you'd like to download. I have data on the Biot Factory built by Maximum and Guran has info on the harvesting of the Ghost Jungle plants. [END CUTSCENE] Well, it's Chapter 4. And that means it's time to make another big choice. And after a chapter with relatively no choices, it's welcome. Your choice is is another fairly simple one: the datachip recovered from the remains of the Legion is losing information very quickly, and you must choose which part of the information to download. Spark can tell you about Maximum's biot factories while Guran has more information on the storage and use of the plants taken from the Ghost Jungle. If you choose Spark, you'll have to break into Maximum Building to steal a retina scan allowing access to the Biot Factory, where a dangerous new kind of biot is being manufactured. If you choose Guran, you'll be heading down into the unexplored University Labs to find out where the plant life is being shipped to, meeting with some dangerous spider mutants along the way. Choose wisely, move to that character and press Up to get the information. =:--------------------:= =:---MUTANT HARVEST---:= =:--------------------:= [CUTSCENE] (Phantom talks to Guran in the Skull Lair) Guran: Here's a code to a restricted area in the lower levels of the University Lab. There are computer files detailing the plant life shipment inside. Archer (if rescued): This ID Card gets you into the Lab. Be careful. My lab partner experimented with cells from the plant life on spiders. The explosion may have caused some strange effects on his experiments. Phantom (if Archer rescued): Stay here, I'll check the Lab alone. [END CUTSCENE] ----------------- LAIR > SKULL LAIR ----------------- Head out to the Metropian Map when you gain control. ------------- METROPIAN MAP ------------- Move your skull cursor to the University and head in. --------------------- UNIVERSITY > ENTRANCE --------------------- Head left into the Labs Entrance. ------------------------- UNIVERSITY > LAB ENTRANCE ------------------------- Not much to do here now that the rubble's settled in...head down the still- working elevator and right. Depending on whether you rescued Archer or not, you'll either go into the Upper Lab or Lower Lab. If you rescued Archer, head into the Upper Lab, grabbing the Spirit Upgrade on your way. Otherwise, use the keycard you found in the Ship Factory to head into the Lower Lab nabbing the Energy Aid. !!! SCROLL DOWN TO UNIVERSITY > LOWER LAB IF ARCHER NOT RESCUED !!! ---------------------- UNIVERSITY > UPPER LAB ---------------------- Equip your cool new Homing Missiles if you haven't done so already. The Mutants around here are relatively easy and take one shot from your Missiles if you got the 2x Damage Upgrade in Chapter 2. The only way they can harm you is via direct contact. Jump over to the platform on the right as you head in and fall down to the central platform. Above the Large Spirit refill here is a weakened section of ceiling: smack it and grab the Full Energy before leaving via the destructable yellow-dotted wall on the right. Make your way to the far right, destroy Lock 1 and enter the opened Gate beneath it. Above the half-filled glowing container in the background is another weak ceiling. Break through and head up to the Energy Upgrade, then fall down and continue right through the destructable wall. Jump off this platform to the right, over the wall onto the elevator and around to the metal gate that will crumble when you approach it. Grab the First Aid and Biotech Files. [CUTSCENE] Phantom: Hmm... I have to get past these strange creatures and get these Biotech Files on my computer so I can tell where the shipment is going. [END CUTSCENE] Unfortunately for us, there's no going back from here, so it's onwards to the depths of the Lab. Fall off this platform to the right, head further right past the elevator, drop down then double back left to grab the First Aid in the wall alcove. Jump over to the right and climb the wall, blasting through a small weakened ceiling to grab the Full Energy at the top. Now fall down to the bottom of this section and head right through the opening gate. !!! SCROLL DOWN TO UNIVERSITY > LAB DEPTHS !!! ---------------------- University > Lower Lab ---------------------- !!! ----------------------- UNIVERSITY > LAB DEPTHS ----------------------- As you sprint right through this linear area you'll have to dodge giant claws that will zoom down from the ceiling. The only deadly part of the claw is the actual claw tip, so you can either run under the bouncing claws or jump through the tops of them (it's much easier to run under these ones). The claws will rip off a lot of health when you touch them so take it easy. Make your way right past the sludge, Mutants and explosive crates, eventually reaching the end where you'll encounter a dangerous foe... ************************** BOSS TWELVE: SPIDER MUTANT ************************** STATS Techniques: Claw (Bounce), Claw (Drag Back), Claw (Drag Forward), Deploy Spiders, Deploy Buzz Biots Health: A. 800 Weak Points: Under Spider Chute Rewards: None BATTLE PATTERN *Cycle Begins* - Deploys two Spiders and two Buzz Biots - Attacks with Claw (Bounce) - Deploys two Spiders and two Buzz Biots - Attacks with Claw (Drag Back) - Deploys two Spiders and two Buzz Biots - Attacks with Claw (Drag Forward) *Cycle Ends* STRATEGY This boss may get repetitive and tiresome, since he does have quite a lot of health and is annoying to hit. He can only be hurt when the little metal flap on his big brain opens up to deploy Spiders, which happens in between each round of claw attacks. Naturally, your Homing Missiles will take care of hitting the flap when it opens (though a few may veer off to kill the harmless Spiders that fall out and pesty Buzz Biots), so all you need to do is worry about surviving the Claws for so long. But even they don't provide much of a challenge. The bouncing claw is best dodged by running underneath it as it bounces. The dragging claws should be jumped over (remember, you just need to avoid the differently-coloured tip). So, dodge the claws, fire continuously as he opens his flap, and repeat until his eye explodes (about halfway through, the metal tendons attached to his brain will also snap off). Then get ready for a challenge that could be called harder than the boss itself. Green acid pouring out of the Mutant's eye socket will begin to rise. Quickly jump up onto the platform that descends and jump up out of the room. ------------------ University > Shaft ------------------ Okay. There's acid rising quickly below you, and you have to get up and out of the Lab. There are two different shafts you can take: the left and the right. Each contains a fair few goodies. If you're going left, destroy the weak section of ceiling and begin climbing with your Rope. On the right behind a destructable wall will be a 1-Up. Keep climbing, passing a Large Spirit refill, and destroy the next crumbling ceilings to find an Energy Aid. Above that on the left is a Spirit Upgrade behind another wall. Keep climbing up past another Large Spirit and out via the Energy Aid path at the top. If you're going right, destroy the weakened ceiling and begin climbing up. On your way you'll find a 1-Up, and above another ceiling is two 1-Ups grouped together. Climb the left wall here to grab two Energy Aids on your way out. Generally, the left path will be the better choice if just for the permanent bonus of the Spirit Upgrade. However, if you're very short on lives, feel free to take the right path for the three 1-Ups. Also, don't sacrifice a life if it isn't worth it: really, the only thing that might warrant the loss of a life is the Spirit Upgrade. All the other stuff isn't out of the way at all or isn't worth dying for. [CUTSCENE] (Streets burst with acid, Phantom leaps out) (Phantom talks to Guran and Spark in Skull Lair) Spark: According to these files, the ship carrying the plants from the Ghost Jungle to the Spaceport is dropping them off so they can be transferred to a shuttle. From there they will go to Sean One's Orbital Platform. Phantom: I must stop the shipment before it reaches Sean One. Hypercycle, lock and find. (Phantom flies across Metropian Skies chasing shuttle) Phantom: There's the shipment, I hope I can catch it in time. (Chases shuttle into Spaceport) Phantom: It looks like I'll have to go inside the Spaceport to stop the shipment. [END CUTSCENE] -------------------- Spaceport > Entryway -------------------- The Spaceport is big, full of goodies and can only be accessed twice in the game, so make sure you grab everything you can now (hopefully you've destroyed the Lock via the Ghost Jungle so you can get the useful Power Module). You'll be attacked by Gold Biots in the Spaceport, which take quite a bit of damage before being destroyed (once again, the 2x Power Upgrade will assist greatly). Gold Mercenaries will also be wandering around trying to kill you. First of all, head to the right, jumping over the gap, and grab the First Aid and Large Energy goodies at the end (down below the section blocked by a Gate). Sprint to the left and fall down into the first hole you come to. On the right here behind the obviously crumbling green wall is a 1-Up. Grab it, then head to the left past the destructable white wall. Fall down the gap past the ladder when you reach the end; on the right here halfway down is a another weakened wall. Blast it and head in for a Full Spirit refill, then head out the other side via another damaged wall and keep going right to the exit. -------------------- Spaceport > Shipyard -------------------- Head to the right here and fall down the shaft ignoring the white wall on the right. Jump up on the thin platform when you land near a green ship, and run along the top of the blue ship grabbing the Full Energy refill. Fall back down on the left and run right underneath the blue ship to get a Medium Spirit and First Aid kit at the end. Head back to the left to the white wall we missed earlier. Blast it and head through, grabbing the Large Spirit refill at the top of the wall on the right side, and head right up the escalator. Destroy the wall to the right as you reach the top and head in and down. On the left at the bottom of the escalator here is Lock 3 behind a crumbling wall. Smack it and head right up the escalator, destroy the section of ceiling to the far right, and head up to smash Lock 1. Head back down and jump back out of this area to the left, then head up the elevator and destroy the wall on your left. Head left, destroying the wall at the end to reveal three Large Energy refills (take only what you need). Now head back out and jump up onto the upper ledge. On the right here you may find your way blocked by Gate 4 if you didn't destroy the Lock via the sewer path from the Ghost Jungle. If you did, head in to grab the Full Energy and valuable Power Module. When you're done, jump up onto the ledge above and head right to a white wall. Blast it and head on in. This part might get a bit annoying if you're constantly surrounded by Jet Biots since your Homing Missiles might go for them rather than the floor sections you're trying to destroy. If this is the case, switch to Energy Blast for the moment. Anyway, destroy the floor section to the far right (you'll see a crack near it), head down grabbing the Large Spirit refill, then destroy the floor section on the left. Head down, destroy the left part of the floor again, then go down to the final part with a final left destructable floor area. As you destroy the first one, grab the Large Spirit behind the wall on the right and continue downwards. You'll emerge next to a locked Gate 2. Destroy the floor section on the right side here and drop down into a corridor. Sprint to the left and you'll find a nicely revealed Lock 2 along with an Energy Upgrade. Smack it then head back to the right and up to where Gate 2 was a second ago; inside are three Energy Aids. Drop back down and head left into the floor gap. On the right here between two destructable walls is the unique 1/2 Ammo Upgrade, which halves your ammo usage by half (comboes well with the 2x Damage Upgrade). Also on the right past it is a Large Energy. Head back to the left and drop down, following the path down to the edge of the screen and a large thin white wall. Blast it, grab the revealed 1-Up, and head on through. ------------------------ Spaceport > Loading Zone ------------------------ As you emerge here, you'll here some menacing boss music playing. Head on up the conveyor belt to the right. [CUTSCENE] Graft: You're too late. You can't stop what's now in motion. Give up! Phantom: I won't give up until Metropia is safe from Rebecca's evil plans. [END CUTSCENE] ********************************************************* BOSS THIRTEEN: GRAFT - MELEE COMBAT BIOT (MARK II - BLUE) ********************************************************* STATS Techniques: Spreadstar, Skid, Gravskid, Explosives Health: A.400 Weak Points: Head BATTLE PATTERN *Cycle Begins* - Enters area from right - Reveals head, fires Spreadstar into centre of room - Hides head, Skids across to left - Enters area from left - Reveals head, fires Spreadstar into centre of room - Attaches to ceiling, Gravskids across ceiling to right, dropping three Explosives - Enters area from right - Reveals head, fires Spreadstar into centre of room - Attaches to ceiling, Gravskids across ceiling to left, dropping three Explosives - Enters room from left - Reveals head, fires Spreadstar into centre of room - Hides head, Skids across to right *Cycle Ends* STRATEGY You may have fought Mark I of this beast before in Chapter 2. If so, you may wish to skip this strategy since the actual strategy is no different. Mark II of the Melee Combat Biot has more health, inflicts more damage and is fought on an annoying conveyor belt. Three Explosive Crates are also attached to the roof at the start of the battle. Graft can only be hit when he reveals his head. When he enters the room from the left or right, just hold the trigger while dodging the Spreadstar he fires, which will explode in eight directions from the middle of the room (the best way to dodge it is to move just to the left or right of the centre of the floor and duck, taking the conveyor belt into account). When he Gravskids across the ceiling, you'll also need to dodge the Explosives. The main threat is dodging them as they actually fall, since you don't want a fiery bump on the head. Move to the right or left half of the room and stand between them as they fall, then hang from the roof to avoid the subsequent explosions (you may wish to get rid of all the Explosive Crates on the ceiling before doing this). Graft doesn't hide his head when he Gravskids, so you can keep firing as you dodge the Explosives (but there's no point in firing if you're behind his head since only the front can be hit and your Missiles will just hit the back). This cycle repeats with him either Skidding or Gravskidding, so just dodge all his moves while firing when he reveals his head. You may remember in the Mark I battle that when the armour plate fell off the head it was rather tricky to hit, since you couldn't hit it from standing height with the Energy Blast. This time around when the armour falls off halfway through the fight you won't have any problem since your Homing Missile will do the work for you. If, however, you're doing some kind of No Missiles challenge then it will be extremely difficult to finish him off since you'll need to kind of jump and shoot (no walls to hang from this time). Otherwise, just keep pounding him until he falls. When the incapacitated Graft falls out, walk over to him to end this boss and chapter. [CUTSCENE] Phantom: What does Sean One want with the plants? Graft: He has the technology to make them into a powerful biotech chip to be used in weapons. Phantom: Why? And what does Maximum want with this computer chip? Graft: I don't know, I'm only Rebecca's pawn. ------------------------------------------------ | | | CHAPTER 5: POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT | | | ------------------------------------------------ (Dr. Jak reports on the Free Orbital movement) Jak: Wake up, Metropia! First human born in space, terrorist of the Free Orbital movement - Sean One! Mr. One, any truth to rumors that you're involved with Maximum, Inc.? Sean One: My talents were used to create a computer chip that will help protect the Political Summit and the Earth's environment. Jak: Sorry, Sean, but I don't buy that for a nanosecond. Why would you be interested in saving the Earth? Sean One: Planet Earth is dead. I'm just trying to help you gravity slaves. What anyone believes is not my concern. End of transmission. (Report moves to Political Summit) Jak: In other news the Political Summit is now meeting in a secret location somewhere in Metropia. The world's great political leaders are here to discuss if the Orbitals should become a free nation. Is it any coincedence that the Summit is meeting on the same day that Sean One starts doing good deeds? I'll tell you what you think after this burst. (Report moves to plant shipments) Jak: This just in! A shipment of plant life was found at the Spaceport and the police want to question the Phantom. It's unknown where it was headed but the Orbital Colonies is my guess. (Phantom talks to Mr. Cairo in Skull Lair) Cairo: The battleship named Prometheus is about to destroy the Summit. If you must play hero Alex Sapien of the Humans 4 Humans knows where the Summit is meeting. All I request is that you tell me the location Alex gives you. I believe this African totem belongs to you. Phantom: Tell me where you found the totem and why you need the Summit's location. Cairo: In time. Take this ID Card to the Ruins; you'll find a valve that'll lower the sewer sludge levels. Place the totem in the wall to lead to Sapien. [END CUTSCENE] Welcome to Chapter 5, probably the biggest and most important chapter in the game's storyline. The Political Summit is about to meet, and you have to find out where so you can warn the political leaders about the attack by the Prometheus. First stop is the Ruins once again, where another terrorist Gang Leader is holding hostage Alex Sapien, you knows the location of the Summit. Head out to the Metropian Map and into the Ruins. ----------------- Ruins > West Side ----------------- You should've already explored the Ruins in Chapter 2. If you only explored the West Side, see Chapter 2's "Rescue Mission" section for details on exploring the East Side. If you haven't explored either, Rescue Mission also details what you can explore at this point. The Blue Terrorists here should now die at a single shot of your Missiles. Head out of this area to the right. ---------------- Ruins > Jeep Run ---------------- The Terrorist Battle Jeep should seem like pie now, so take your time to destroy it at the start for an easy run to the right. See Chapter 2's Rescue Mission once again if you want a detailed analysis of this "boss". One way or another, make your way right to the East Side. ----------------- Ruins > East Side ----------------- Make your way past the various walls, enemies and obstacles to the far right of this area. If you haven't already done it in Chapter 2, use your ID Card to lower the Gate and hit the valve that lowers the sludge below. Now head down the ladder nearby. ---------------------- Sewers > Lair Entrance ---------------------- Drop down and hit the Gate on the right to open it. Grab the First Aid kit on the way in. (NOTE: You can actually run to the far left and enter the Ship Factory to grab the Invisibility if you didn't get it in Chapter 2.) --------------------- Sewers > Gang Lair II --------------------- Run right, grabbing the First Aid kit on the way, and fall out to the right. If you aren't familiar with the patterns of the sludge, it regularly rises and falls, so get to high ground or hang from the roof to avoid the rise. Green Crab Biots also patrol down here and may take a few shots to kill (but you should be bothered killing them now since you have the Homing Missiles). Head to the right through a shootable gate or two to a valve at the far end. Smack it to lower the sludge and then head down through the left floor gate. Making sure the sludge is low, drop down to the ground and sprint left to the next valve that will make this level safe. Jump up on the ledge to the left, grab the Energy Aid, and head back to the right and up to the first level. Now drop down through the floor gate on the right, once again taking care to make sure the sludge is down. Destroy Lock 2 at the bottom then head to the left. At the end of this corridor climb up the conveyor belt wall to Lock 1, destroy it, and head into the newly opened Gate. Jump over this section to the left and head through the weakened wall in the upper-left corner. At the end of this path are Full Energy and Full Spirit refills along with a 1-Up. Grab them and then head back to the right and down the shaft. Run to the left to encounter a possible familiar face. ***************************** BOSS EIGHTEEN: GANG LEADER II ***************************** STATS Techniques: Skid, Boomerang Health: A.400 Weak Points: Anywhere Rewards: None BATTLE PATTERN - Starts battle on left - Skids across to right *Cycle Begins* - Throws three boomerangs (different heights) - Skids across to left as boomerangs fly back - Throws three boomerangs (different heights) - Skids across to right as boomerangs fly back *Cycle Ends* STRATEGY Once again, the Gang Leader II has the exact same pattern as the former Gang Leader I - but with one noticable new complication. The sludge will continue rising and falling as you fight this battle, and the Leader is impervious to it. Otherwise, this strategy plays out the same. He'll throw three Boomerangs and skid across to the opposite side, then repeat until he goes down. Your Homing Missiles will do the aiming job; it's up to you to dodge the Boomerangs, Skid and rising sludge by hanging from the conveyor belt ceiling. Only hang from the ceiling if the sludge has risen; otherwise tackle the Leader from ground level by firing and jumping in between the Boomerangs to dodge them at the same time as his Skid. When the acid drops suddenly (followed by the rise), quickly hang from the ceiling until it goes down (you can continue firing at him from the ceiling since his head is visible). Eventually he'll go down. [CUTSCENE] (Phantom talks to Alex Sapien in Gang Lair) Alex: Thank you, the gang would have killed us. What can I do for you? Phantom: Someone is going to destroy the Political Summit and I want to stop it. Do you know where it's being held? Alex: It's taking place on the upper floors of the Wildlife Memorial. (Phantom talks to Guran in Skull Lair) Guran: Mr. Cairo's on line. If you want to tell him the location of the Summit go to him. [END CUTSCENE] ----------------- Lair > Skull Lair ----------------- Yet another choice, though a relatively minor one this time. If you tell Mr. Cairo the location of the Summit, terrorists will mysteriously appear at the Summit in an attempt to force them to legalise combat biots, presenting you with more enemies, explosives lined along the walls of the Wildlife Memorial and an extra boss fight. The good news is that in return Cairo will deactivate turrets that guard a later section of the game, and the terrorists' presence at the Summit will also persuade them to prohibit combat biots in the game's ending. So, if you're up for a bit of extra trouble, tell Cairo the location. Make your choice, and move to Cairo to tell him the location or go to Guran to make Cairo leave with no information. [CUTSCENE] (if you tell Cairo Summit location) Phantom: The Summit's at the Wildlife Memorial. Cairo: Very good, Phantom. I'll make sure the security systems surrounding the Triads in Maximum are shut off. Phantom: Maximum, Inc. disposed of the Triads. Cairo: All is not as it seems, eh, Phantom? [END CUTSCENE] Head out to the Metropian Map and then to the Wildlife Museum next to Maximum Building (everywhere else in the game, it's called the Wildlife Memorial, so that's what I refer to it as at any other time). ---------------------------- Wildlife Memorial > Memorial ---------------------------- The Wildlife Memorial only has one area, but it's a large one with plenty of goodies. Hopefully you've destroyed Lock 4 from the Ghost Jungle sewer path. The run through the Memorial will be similar whether or not you told Mr. Cairo the location of the Summit; the only added complication for those who did reveal it will be proximity mines lining the floor, walls and ceilings. These mines start flashing when you touch them and explode a few seconds after, and aren't really much of a threat (though they do deplete a respectable amount of health). Near the end of the Memorial you'll also encounter Rogue Terrorists and finally an addiotional boss fight at the Memorial's end. Mercenaries are also present throughout the Memorial either way. Head to the right and climb the elevator shaft when you reach it. The first ledge on the left will have a metal gate that will open at your touch. Head on through and grab the Large Energy and Full Spirit refills that await nearby. Climb up the elevator shaft and the next one on the left, and hit Lock 5 at the shaft's top. Now head back out of this section to the first main area and climb up to the Reptiles sign to enter where Gate 5 has opened. Sprint right to the end of the corridor, destroying Lock 3 (note at this point you can technically access the end of the Memorial, but there's so much more to be explored). Drop down the shaft near the end and destroy the weakened wall you'll see on your right to grab a Large Energy refill. Now head into the opening on the left and grab the Energy Upgrade and Spirit Upgrade at the end. Drop down the shaft to the bottom and sprint left, smashing Lock 6 on your way. Through a small weakened wall at the far left of this corridor is Lock 2, so break through and blast it. Now head to the right. As you pass the elevator shaft and under a low overhang, look beneath you for two floor blocks with small cracks in them. Blast this section of floor (you may need to switch to your Energy Blast to do so) and destroy Lock 1 to the right past another crumbling wall. Jump back out of the hole and climb the shaft at the far right. Smash the weak wall you'll see on your left as you climb and grab the 1-Up behind yet another weak wall in the upper-left corner. Continue up, grabbing the Large Spirit behind the crumbling wall, but instead of going along the corridor at the top of the shaft, shoot the cracked floor block at the very top of the background elevator tracks and jump up through. On the left here is a Full Energy refill, Large Spirit, Energy Aid, First Aid, and Rope Upgrade in a crate. Now drop down one level and sprint left to two 1-Ups and two Large Energy refills. Head through the left door into the Aviary. This is the final section of the Memorial and is where Rogue Terrorists will begin to appear if you've given Cairo the Summit location. On the left above the Mammals entrance is an alcove with a rare Power Module; grab it and then use your Rope to climb the the top of the room in the upper-left corner. Stand on one of the birds here and look for a cracked block in the ceiling to destroy, then head on up to grab any of the four Large Energy refills you need that are scattered across the ceiling. Drop back down when you're ready and begin your sprint up the ramp to the right. Follow the ramp right and left in its zigzag motion until you reach a black destructable wall. If the Terrorists are present, this last corridor will be filled with explosives everywhere; sprint through and destroy the wall at the end before any can explode. Climb the left wall here to grab the Large Spirit refill above the destructable platform, then drop down to the right and, if Cairo has been informed of the location, prepare for a fight. !!! SKIP DOWN BELOW BOSS IF YOU DIDN'T TELL CAIRO SUMMIT LOCATION !!! [CUTSCENE] (if Cairo given Summit location) (Dr. Jak reports on Summit attack) Jak: Live from the Wildlife Memorial. The Phantom and terrorists try to destroy the Political Summit! Terrorist Leader: Biots and the Orbitals are our future! We can't ignore the technology that will save us! Phantom: By killing anyone you won't solve anything. Terrorist Leader: You're wrong people listen to violence. For this reason the Political Summit must be stopped. ******************************* BOSS NINETEEN: TERRORIST LEADER ******************************* STATS Techniques: Spread, Skid Health: A.300 Weak Points: Anywhere Rewards: None BATTLE PATTERN - Drops down on left - Skids across to right *Cycle Begins* - Enters room from right - Fires Spread - Skids across to left - Enters room from left - Fires Spread - Skids across to right *Cycle Ends* STRATEGY The Terrorist Leader is really just an easier version of the Gang Leader, though his Spread does pack a punch. Basically, just equip your Homing Missiles and fire at him continuously when he's on the screen while focusing on dodging his shots and Skid. Luckily, both of these can easily be dodged by simply jumping. The Terrorist does move pretty fast, though, and is always on the go. He should go down fairly quickly though. [CUTSCENE] (Phantom talks to Political Leaders) Phantom: You must all flee at once. These terrorists are not the only ones who want to stop the Summit. Maximum and the Orbitals want you dead and this building is targeted by a battleship. (Political Leaders flee, Phantom summons Hypercycle and chases Prometheus) Phantom: The battleship named Prometheus is at the end of this convoy of ships. I must get inside somehow and stop it from destroying the Wildlife Memorial. (Phantom boards Prometheus Convoy) [END CUTSCENE] ----------------------------------- Metropian Skies > Prometheus Convoy ----------------------------------- As you journey along the Convoy, you'll be constantly assaulted by Gold Mounted Biots and Gold Hoverjet Biots, along with all the cannons. Your Homing Missiles should deal with everything as you go. There aren't really any items of interest other than an Energy Aid precauriously sitting near the bottom and a 1-Up right up top near the end of the Convoy. When you reach the right edge of the screen head out. --------------------------- Prometheus > Outside Cannon --------------------------- As you appear at very edge of the green and deadly Prometheus cannon, jump up on top of it and head right to find Full Spirit and Full Energy refills guarded by a few Gold Biots. Grab them and then head back around and inside the cannon. -------------------------- Prometheus > Inside Cannon -------------------------- If you've ever played the reflex childhood game Red Light Green Light you'll understand the premises of this area. Your goal is to reach the far right of the cannon shaft, but as you run along you'll notice glowing energy molecules flying towards the right. When you hear the cannon begin to charge up, get to one of the several ditches in the shaft floor and duck to avoid the deadly cannon blast that will rocket down the main shaft. When it disappates you can head out again and continue running. Various Biots will also attack you along the way but will be destroyed by the cannon blast (NOTE: if you begin running right as soon as you enter the area, you can actually make it to the third floor notch before the cannon fires, but it's tight. You can then head straight to the end without having to dodge again). When you reach the silver claw-shaped cannon at the far right of the shaft, simply duck below it with your Homing Missiles, face left and fire like mad to have your intuitive shots fly around the edge of the claw and straight into the cannon's heart. Keep this up for a boring while and head through when the cannon crumbles. Buzz Biots will also attack in between cannon blasts to provide handy refills for you. --------------------------- Prometheus > Control Centre --------------------------- [CUTSCENE] (Phantom talks to Mars in Control Centre) Mars: Too late! The Summit will be destroyed. Rebecca and her husband will rule the city! Phantom: Maxwell Sr.'s been dead for years. Mars: His mind lives. By using the Panther's unique blood she can transfer brainwaves. All she needs is a body. Phantom: The Panther? How did you get the Panther? Mars: Let's just say I found it. Phantom: Where's she going to get a body for the transfusion? Mars: That's where you fit into the plan. [END CUTSCENE] ***************** BOSS TWENTY: MARS ***************** STATS Techniques: Summon Buzz Biots, Summon Blue Jet Biots, Summon Red Mercenaries Health: A.200 Weak Points: Anywhere Rewards: None BATTLE PATTERN *No Cycle* - Summons Blue Jet Biots, Buzz Biots and Red Mercenaries constantly - Gate opens when Phantom stands on left side of room STRATEGY This is really more of an enemy onslaught than a boss. Mars will stand behind an impenetrable Gate that makes this battle seem neverending until you stand at the very left of the room, which makes the steel gate open. So, all you have to do is hang from the upper-left corner of the room with your Rope and fire at Mars until he goes down, which won't take very long at all. [CUTSCENE] (Rebecca Madison contacts Mars) Rebecca: Mars! Why is the Wildlife Memorial still standing?! And where's the Phantom's body?! Maxwell's brainwaves and the Panther are ready and I need a body! (Phantom breaks computer screen and severes link) [END CUTSCENE] --------------------------- Prometheus > Control Centre --------------------------- Mars has been defeated, but the Prometheus must be destroyed once and for all. Head to the right, down and around to enter the ship's core (mounted Turrets will attack you on the way). ----------------- Prometheus > Core ----------------- [CUTSCENE] Graft: You again! Phantom: Not even you can crush my spirit, Graft. Graft: We'll see about that. [END CUTSCENE] **************************************** BOSS TWENTY-ONE: GRAFT (PROMETHEUS CORE) **************************************** STATS Techniques: Extend Claw, Retract Claw, Summon Buzz Biots Health: A.250 (Claw Module), A.250 (Head) Weak Points: Claw Module, Head Rewards: None BATTLE PATTERN - Extends Claw *Cycle Begins* - Summons four Buzz Biots - After about five seconds, Retracts Claw - After about eight seconds, Extends Claw *Cycle Ends* STRATEGY This boss is one of the easiest in the game. The only real threat to you (excluding stupidly walking into the boss) is the four Buzz Biots Graft will summon every time he extends his Claw. What you have to do is stand on the ground, face the beating Claw Module the Claw protects, and blast like crazy when the Claw retracts. Eventually the Claw will be destroyed, and the battle gets even easier: hang from the roof and bombard the big target of the "head" of the core to reveal Graft and send him collapsing to the ground. Walk over to him to finally end this chapter. [CUTSCENE] Graft: You meddling fool! Since you destroyed my connection to the ship it's now out of control and soon it will become our tomb. Phantom: Not if I can help it. Hypercycle lock and find. (Phantom and Graft flee on Hypercycle through Prometheus Cannon shaft) (Hypercycle emerges from Prometheus into Metropian Skies, Prometheus slowly descends while exploding) Graft: You should've left me in the ship, my life here is over. Phantom: You're still alive Graft. Graft: Unfortunately. Please excuse me while I report to Maximum. (Graft contacts Maxwell, Jr.) Graft: Maxwell, I'm just east of the destroyed ship. Maxwell: Did the tin man fall down again? Graft: Very funny. Maxwell: Is there anyone with you? Graft: No, I'm alone. Maxwell: Bauldedare and I will be there soon. (Connection cuts, Hypercycle lands in Warehouse-like area) Graft: Prometheus was the least of your worries. This disaster has started a war between Sean one and Maximum, Inc. and Mars will be blamed for the Summit attack. Sean's on his Orbital Platform, trigger finer on a cannon. Rebecca will release the Triads on him to buy time to bring Maxwell, Sr. back to life. (Shows Maxwell, Sr. with Black Panther) Phantom: What do you know about Maxwell Sr. Graft: Rebecca's gone mad. She has his brainwaves stored and intends on bringing him back into human form. Once he's back there's no hope for Metropia or Earth. Phantom: Where does she keep his brainwaves? Graft: Only she knows for sure. (Graft talks to Phantom in Warehouse-like area) Graft: Here are codes that access a shuttle leaving for Sean One's Orbital Platform and Maximum's second level that leads to an elevator...and the Triads. Phantom: Come with me. I can save you! Graft: No, stop them while Metropia still has a chance. ------------------------------------------------- | | | CHAPTER 6: TOOLS OF DESTRUCTION | | | ------------------------------------------------- (Dr. Jak reports on the Summit attack) Jak: Oooo -- dissension in the ranks! Ex-military bigwig Mars is blamed for the attack on the Summit! Rebecca Madison's in denial! Rebecca: If I had only known my money supported a madman's dreams of killing the Political Leaders. I offer my help. (Report moves to Free Orbital movement) Jak: The members of the Political Summit have decided not to make the Orbitals a free nation. The Orbitals have shut off all communication and trade with the Earth as a result of this decision. (Phantom talks to Guran in Skull Lair) Guran: Not enough time to attack both the Orbital and Maximum, Inc. The choice you make, with the help of Graft's codes, is not an easy decision. Phantom: That's about the only thing I am sure of. [END CUTSCENE] ----------------- Lair > Skull Lair ----------------- Welcome to Chapter 6, and the final split chapter. This is also the biggest split chapter since there are more than two choices and many secondary objectives to be fulfilled. Basically, Graft has provided you with codes to hitch a shuttle to Sean One's Orbital Platform or to break into Maximum's secure area and destroy the Triads. But the shuttle to the Orbital is leaving soon, meaning you can't attack both places. To complicate things, not only do you have to fight Sean One but you also have to destroy the devastatingly dangerous Damocles Cannon mounted on his Orbital, along with his hidden Computer to ensure he can't build another one. But if you don't destroy the Triads, Maximum will have a way to hold off any attacks while Maxwell, Sr. is revived. Luckily, there's a solution to this dilemma: you can attack both Maximum and Sean One by stealing a secret shuttle from Maximum's secure area which was designed to sneak attack Sean One, allowing you to stop both the Triads and Sean One. Because this alternative is easily the best, it'll be the only guide I offer (for now anyway). I'll still detail a full exploration of the Orbital Platform, and if you need advice on getting through the Spaceport (since we'll be getting a ship from Maximum) then you can check out Chapter 4's guide on that. So, head out of the Skull Lair and head for Maximum Building. =:-------------------:= =:---MAXIMUM ORBIT---:= =:-------------------:= ------------------------------- Maximum Building > Lower Levels ------------------------------- The Lower Levels are barred after Chapter 2, so if you didn't explore them then it's tough luck (they were only open in the "Rescue Mission" choice). Head to the right, open the gate with Graft's codes and head up the first shaft you come to. ------------------------------- Maximum Building > Upper Levels ------------------------------- This area is still open for exploration, so see Chapter 4's "Mechanical Threat" for a fully-detailed guide on grabbing all the goodies here. When you emerge in this area, head through the gate to the right and blast through the first two doors you come to. In this shaft, jump up and go into the first opening on the right. Destroy the half-completed wall section at the right of the room, head down through the destructable block after grabbing the Full Spirit refill, and head through the gate that will open on your right. ----------------------------- Maximum Building > Hellevator ----------------------------- [CUTSCENE] (Elevator counts down from five, then drops into freefall) [END CUTSCENE] Despite the boss music here, I won't be listing it as a boss. All you have to do is hang from the ceiling when the floor collapses and shoot any Crab Biots that stray too close to you. Easy as pie. [CUTSCENE] (Phantom jumps off crumbling Hellevator) [END CUTSCENE] -------------------------------- Maximum Building > Security Zone -------------------------------- Head to the right into the large (and conspiciously boss-tailored) open area and climb the left wall into a small alcove. In this area you'll fight each of the three Triads one by one, then all of the together. The first Triad in the upper-left alcove simply jumps from wall to wall and back to the ground. Just duck in a corner and blast her until she falls with a scream. Head to the opposite corner, grabbing the Energy Aid in the middle of the room, and fight the second Triad. This one leaps from wall to wall, lands back on the ground and sends a wave of fire around the floor, walls and ceiling, resulting in a Spreadstar when it reaches the middle of the ceiling. When she's down, drop down out of the room and head through the corridor to the right. Jump up into the gap and fight the last Triad, who sets off the wave of fire and Spreadstar before rolling around the walls of the room. Finish her then head back to the large open room for the real fight. *********************** BOSS TWENTY-TWO: TRIADS *********************** STATS Techniques: Wall Jump (Triad 1, Triad 2), Flamewave/Spreadstar (Triad 2, Triad 3), Wall Roll (Triad 3), Triad Wheel (All Triads) Health: A.200 (Triad 1), A.250 (Triad 2), A.300 (Triad 3) Weak Points: Anywhere (immune when in Triad Wheel) Rewards: None BATTLE PATTERN (NOTE: Exlude a Triad's part in the Battle Pattern if that Triad is defeated) *Cycle Begin* - Triads appear, Triad 1 on the left, Triad 2 on the right, Triad 3 in the centre - Triad 1 wall jumps to the left then to the right, Triad 2 wall jumps to the right then to the left, Triad 3 does Flamewave/Spreadstar - Triad 1 is motionless, Triad 2 does Flamewave/Spreadstar, Triad 3 does Wall Roll - All Triads form Triad Wheel in the centre of the room, which spins slowly and sends off a wall of blasts in triangular directions (the number of blast walls is equal to the number of Triads left undefeated). *Cycle Ends* STRATEGY My complicated Battle Pattern makes this battle seem far harder and more complicated than it actually is. All you have to do is stand somewhere on the ground, dodge and Flamewaves or rolling Triads that may be coming at you, and keep firing with your Homing Missiles at whoever's still standing. It may be a good idea to focus on each Triad one at a time, since that will make dodging the dangerous Triad Wheel easier. When the battle starts, focus on Triad 3 who's standing motionless while summoning the Flamewave. Dodge the Spreadstar that emerges (it's easier in this open space) then focus on Triad 1 or 2 who are now standing motionless (Triad 2 is performing a Flamewave, Triad 1 does nothing, so see if you can kill Triad 1 before Triad 3 finishes her Wall Roll). When Triad 3 returns, the remaining Triads will form the wheel, so get to the bottom-left corner and prepare to scale the walls and cross the ceiling to stay between the blast walls. Hopefully you've already defeated one Triad so there'll only be two walls to dodge. When the Triads return, focus on Triad 3 again (she should go down before her Flamewave is completed) and then Triad 2. When the battle ends, head out to the far right, grabbing the Energy Aid on the way. ------------------------------- Maximum Building > Shuttle Zone ------------------------------- At first, this area seems small; nothing but a few Biots, some explosive crates and an exit ladder. Using this ladder ends the chapter and also any chance of stopping Sean One. Instead, destroy the block at the top-right corner of the room and get ready to explore the rest of the Shuttle Zone. Remember that if you gave Mr. Cairo the Summit location you'll have a lot less enemies to deal with here. Anyway, head to the left and blast the ceiling block at the end of the corridor. Jump up and head to the far right of this corridor, then blast the block in the floor instead of the ceiling. You'll see a locked Gate 3, so smash Lock 1 here and then head back up to the previous corridor and destroy the ceiling block at the right end. At the left end of this highest corridor is Lock 2. Smash it and return to where Gate 3 is. To the left of Gate 3 is a destructable floor block; smash it and get ready for some anti-gravity action. You'll have to carefully get down with you Rope and then swing across the ceiling to the right, since there's no bottom to this dangerous area (NOTE: If you go left, down the wall and under the lower ceiling you can find two 1-Ups at the far left of the screen. Drop down on top of them, since there are two more to be gained directly below the two visible ones and it's worth the lost life). You can also grab the 1-Up as you swing to the right if your Rope's long enough (which it should be if you've been following this guide). At the bottom of the far right wall is another 1-Up. When you've got enough lives, head up from the right wall through the destructable ceiling. Destroy the next bustable block in the upper-right corner and head up the steps here, smashing Lock 3 and grabbing the Large Spirit refill. If you're up for some more swinging action, you can head back underneath the area to Gate 3 to get an ultra-cool Power Module and Energy Aid refill. Either way, from where the steps and Lock 3 are go out the screen to the right. [CUTSCENE] (Phantom rides shuttle to Orbital Platform) Phantom: Maximum, Inc. programmed this ship to surprise Sean One's Orbital Platform with the Triads. I'll arrive unexpected as well. [END CUTSCENE] ------------------------ Orbital Platform > Docks ------------------------ Sean One's Orbital Platform is full of Buzz Biots and Orbital Troopers (who are tall, thin and weak, but wield flamethrowers or blasters). They shouldn't pose much of a threat as you explore the station. There are two big secrets to be found here on the Orbital Platform, so make sure you get both, along with the other goodies to be found. First of all, jump over the shaft to the left and look for a ceiling block with no lines in it. No, it isn't destructable, but you can jump through it. Do so and then sprint all the way to the left into a large room with a whopping eight 1-Ups, arranged in a smiley face for your pleasure (this also indicates it's a bit of a bonus). Grab them all using your Rope and jumps and then head back right and down through the unlined block. Once you're back at the start, head to the left through the destructable door, keep going and drop down the first elevator shaft you come to. Head into the first opening on the right and run across to the right to grab a First Aid. Now drop down the nearby shaft and head left until you pass another shaft. Above you on the left side of the shaft is a Large Spirit, and above that is a destructable block which you can destroy if you want. Drop back down and destroy the block in the next alcove to the left to get an Energy Aid, and grab another Energy Aid in the furthest left alcove. Head up the shaft or up above where the Large Spirit was and go left through the bustable door, all the way to the other side of the Orbital. --------------------------------- Orbital Platform > Control Centre --------------------------------- Grab the Large Spirit and head up the shaft here all the way to the top. Now sprint left, grabbing the Large Energy refills in the air as you go, and smash the door at the end. Drop down the shaft and go left. Jump up and blast the doors to grab First Aid and Energy Aid kits, then drop back out and head underneath to the left, smashing the door at the end. You've reached the far left side of the Orbital (which is the starting point if you come here from the Spaceport) and another hidden secret. Run to the far left and look nearby for a small floor panel with a background line running straight down into the middle of it. You can drop down through this floor panel. Do so and prepare for more anti-gravity fun, but first a little sacrifice: quickly grab the platform with your Rope as you drop down, then swing to the left and grab the big red block. Now let go and drop down, in line with the centre of the underside of the big red block. As you fall you should grab the extremely hidden and useful 1/4 Spirit Upgrade, with reduces non-lethal damage dealt to you to a quarter of what is originally was (if you missed the Upgrade, you should have at least seen it, so sacrifice another life to get it). Once you've got it, swing underneath the platform to the right instead until you reach the wall. Carefully climb down the wall, swing into the 1-Up and jump down when you see the platform beneath. [CUTSCENE] Phantom: Sean One's main computer! If I destroy it he won't be able to make another weapon like the one on the Prometheus. [END CUTSCENE] Grab the First Aid and Energy Aid kits around the Computer, then blast it into oblivion. [CUTSCENE] Phantom: Sean One's as good as finished! [END CUTSCENE] Now, the hard part: getting back up to the platform. But first, another little trek for the hard-hearted. You can swing underneath the Computer's platform, grabbing a 1-Up beneath the platform, then swing under the whole station to the far right where an additional five 1-Ups wait to be collected. After sacrificing yourself for this noble cause, you'll spawn back on the Computer platform. Begin your climb up the wall and to the right, then hang directly beneath the platform you dropped through. Now jump straight up and you should return to solid ground. Head back to the very far right of this area, drop down the long shaft, and break through the door on the left near the bottom. Sprint to the far left, break through another small door, grab the Full Spirit refill, then head left under the overhang to face Sean One. [CUTSCENE] Sean One: Since the Political Summit will not grant me my wish of a free Orbital nation...you'll be witness as I turn your precious world into interstellar crumbs! [END CUTSCENE] *************************** BOSS TWENTY-THREE: SEAN ONE *************************** STATS Techniques: Single Energy Blast, Forked Energy Blast, Triple Energy Blast, Swoop Health: A.150 Weak Points: Head Rewards: None BATTLE PATTERN *No Cycle* - Fires Single, Forked, and Triple Energy Blasts in that order, repeating - Moves left and right along ceiling towards Phantom - Swoops to opposite side when hovercraft comes into contact with wall STRATEGY Once you figure out how to fight Sean One, he's extremely easy. He's only vulnerable when he swoops, so you have to get him to touch one of the walls. How to do that? Stand near one. When he runs into it and begins climbing down the wall, quickly hang from the middle of the ceiling with your Homing Missiles and fire at his head as he passes under. If you're a high enough Power Level and/or you have the 2x Damage Upgrade, you should be able to down him with just one swoop. Otherwise, repeat. All you have to do in the meanwhile is dodge his predictable and slow (though powerful) Energy Blasts. [CUTSCENE] Sean One: Analytical! Prepare the Damocles Cannon for firing. [END CUTSCENE] Head to the right and drop down through the shaft. ------------------------------- Orbital Platform > Cannon Shaft ------------------------------- Drop down, destroy the crumbling block beneath you, and destroy another one straight down to arrive at a third and final block. Make sure you're at respectable Spirit and Energy levels with your Breakers equipped, then drop down into the room. [CUTSCENE] Sean One: Good of you to join me. It's such a satisfying feeling when thousands of Earth dwellers cry out in terror all at once! [END CUTSCENE] ********************************* BOSS TWENTY-FOUR: DAMOCLES CANNON ********************************* STATS Techniques: Charge, Homing Blast (Sean One) Health: Total A.500 (Five energy packs to destroy) Weak Points: Energy Packs BATTLE PATTERN *No Cycle* - Charges - Sean One attacks Phantom with Homing Blast - Fires Cannon after about 30 seconds STRATEGY Your first and only timed battle! You've got slightly less than 30 seconds to destroy all five Energy Packs of the Cannon, while Sean One bombards you with Homing Blasts. Your Breakers should eat through the Packs quickly, so as soon as the battle starts jump to the left and blast the one on the wall (they're red with energy signs on them). Then drop down through the platform and blast the next one. Now jump back up and across to the other side of the room where two more wait. Once you've hit both, drop down though the bottom-right platform and quickly grab the wall with your Rope just below the fifth and final Energy Pack, before destroying it and finishing the fight. Sometimes Sean One may get in your way; if this happens, you can do one of two things: quickly move around a bit to get him to move, or lure him away and use your Homing Missiles to finish off that Pack. Breakers are still the best bet though because you only get one shot at this battle. If you don't destroy the Cannon, you won't be able to get the Golden Ending since Sean One will fire on the Earth again and again. [CUTSCENE] (if Cannon destroyed) Sean One: Do you know what you've done? (Phantom punches Sean One) Phantom: I've saved the world. (Phantom contacts Guran) Phantom: Guran, I've destroyed Sean One's laser cannon. The Orbital Platform is going to blow! Guran: The SOFT Jet's been flown to your location as requested. Sparks is standing by for you to board. Phantom: Where's Sean One? Sparks: Phantom, ready to pick you up outside Dockiny Bay 94. Phantom: I'll be there shortly...Sean One's disappeared. (SOFT Jet and Sean One flee as Orbital explodes) (Phantom talks to Sparks in Skull Lair) Sparks: I've found a tube train tunnel on the east side of the city that leads into Maximum's inner core. Phantom: I bet Maxwell's brainwaves and the Panther are kept somewhere inside that inner core. I'll stop Rebecca and save the Panther. !!! SKIP DOWN TO CHAPTER 7 IF CANNON DESTROYED !!! [CUTSCENE] (if Cannon not destroyed) Phantom: Where's Sean One? Sparks: Phantom, ready to pick you up outside Dockiny Bay 94. Phantom: I'll be there shortly...Sean One's disappeared. (SOFT Jet and Sean One flee as Orbital explodes) (Phantom talks to Sparks in Skull Lair) Sparks: I've found a tube train tunnel on the east side of the city that leads into Maximum's inner core. Phantom: I bet Maxwell's brainwaves and the Panther are kept somewhere inside that inner core. I'll stop Rebecca and save the Panther. [END CUTSCENE] ------------------------------------------------ | | | CHAPTER 7: MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE | | | ------------------------------------------------ [CUTSCENE] (if Cannon destroyed) (Dr. Jak reports on Orbital Platform's destruction) Jak: An Orbital Platform blew up in space today, raining debris upon the city. No word on casualties but hundreds of Orbitals are homeless. An investigation is under way. If I don't hear it, you don't hear it! (Report moves to Maximum Building) Jak: The Phantom was seen creeping into maximum...is he in league with Rebecca Madison? Stay plugged in! [END CUTSCENE] !!! SKIP DOWN TO METROPIAN MAP IF CANNON DESTROYED !!! ------------- Metropian Map ------------- Here we are: the final Chapter. Our mission is to ride the tube train into Maximum's Inner Core, then destroy Maxwell, Sr. before Rebecca can use the Black Panther's blood to transfer his brainwaves into a human body. This is also your last chance to do any more exploring you want to do, but only a few locations are available for any real exploration, notably the Ghost Jungle, Ruins, Industrial Area, and Ruined Warehouse. All other locations are locked down as per usual, their purposes already served. One new location has become available though: the Tube Train station on the east side of the map. Head in when you're ready for the final fight, because there's no coming back once you're in. -------------------------- TRAIN STATION > TUBE TRAIN -------------------------- [CUTSCENE] (Dr. Jak reports on Tube Train) Jak: Wake up, Metropia! The Phantom is now attacking a tube train on the upper east side. I take you there live! This time the purple nut has really cracked his shell! (Phantom boards Tube Train) [END CUTSCENE] The tube train stretches across this whole area, and it's our goal to reach the front to the far right. Red Jetbiots will assault you the whole time, but their armour is weak enough to be penetrated by a single shot. Make sure to avoid falling onto the tracks, which will cause instant death (both upper and lower platforms on the train can be fallen through, so avoid ducking on the lower platform). Once you reach the destroyed front of the train, you're up for your first of multiple boss fights in this Chapter. *********************************** BOSS TWENTY-FIVE: SPIDER BIOT (RED) *********************************** STATS Techniques: Double Massive Energy Blast, Ram, Buzz Biot Summon Health: A.500 Weak Points: Open Maw Rewards: None BATTLE PATTERN *Cycle Begins* - Starts in middle of screen, maw open - Moves down to bottom of screen, maw open - Moves up to top of screen, maw open - Closes maw, Ram attack - Moves down to bottom of screen, maw open - Closes maw, Ram attack - Moves up to middle of screen, maw open - Closes maw, Ram attack - Moves up to top of screen, maw open - Moves down to bottom of screen, maw open - Closes maw, Ram attack - Moves up to top of screen, maw open - Moves down to middle of screen, maw open - Closes maw, Ram attack - Moves down to bottom of screen, maw closed - Moves up to middle of screen, maw closed *Cycle Ends* STRATEGY If you've fought these Spider Biots before in Chapter Four, you'll have an idea what you're up against. The Spider Biot strafes back and forth across the right edge of the screen (some invisible platform I assume), firing powerful Energy Blasts at you and summoning tiresome Buzz Biots, while you're forced to fight it from a tiny platform (in this case the front of the train). Another problem is that the Spider can only be damaged when its maw is open and Energy Blasts are being fired at you. The battle is practically impossible without the use of Homing Missiles to target the moving mouth but the Buzz Biots will attract a lot of the shots you fire. Every now and then the Spider will also dash across to where you are in an attempt to ram you with its closed mouth, and as soon as it begins moving again it will summon a few Buzz Biots to pester you. Basically, all you have to do is move between the two levels of the train's front (by falling through the top platform and jumping up again) to dodge the Energy Blasts as best you can, all the time firing your Homing Missiles. Depending on how many Power Upgrades you've collected, the Red Spider Biot can sometimes take a very long time to kill, but even with just three or four Power Upgrades it shouldn't take longer than five minutes or so of nonstop firing. The Buzz Biots will usually give you all the ammo you need and a fair bit of health, but if you're running out of either use a Kit (if you're running out of both and you have plenty of lives it's probably a better idea to just die to preserve your precious Kits). On a final note, beware ducking on the lower platform because if you try and jump while ducking you'll fall straight down to your death on the train tracks. [CUTSCENE] (Train crashes through several barriers) ??? [END CUTSCENE] -------------------------------- MAXIMUM BUILDING > INNER SANCTUM -------------------------------- That's one boss down; only three to go. Heal as needed, then head a little bit to the right to fight bogey number two. [CUTSCENE] (Graft appears in Urban Combat Biot (Mark II - Green)) Phantom: Why do you torture yourself? Graft: Rebecca owns me. She can destroy me with the touch of a button. I must obey. Phantom: And I must destroy her. Graft: Then you will have to go through me. [END CUTSCENE] **************************************************** BOSS TWENTY-SIX: GRAFT - URBAN COMBAT BIOT (MARK II) **************************************************** STATS Techniques: Fire Explosives, Claw Lunge, Large Energy Blast Health: A.200 (Claw), A.250 (Legs), A.150 (Head) Weak Points: Claw, Legs (after Claw is destroyed), Head (after Legs gone) Rewards: None BATTLE PATTERN [With Claw] - Enters room from left *Cycle Begins* - Pauses at left and fires two volleys of Fire Explosives, first one low and second one high - Walks across room, pausing three times to lunge with claw - Pauses at right of room and bends over before lunging with claw - Walks backwards, pausing twice to shoot with Large Energy Blast at mid-level *Cycle Ends* [With Legs, Without Claw] - Same as With Claw, but fires Large Energy Blast instead of using Claw [Without Legs] - Head rolls back and forth across room, firing volleys of Fire Explosives about every two seconds STRATEGY This battle is a horrendously easier version of the first Urban Combat Biot, despite the increased health stats. Graft's battle pattern hasn't changed one bit and this time we've got the Homing Missiles. Simply hang from the ceiling to dodge his first low wave of Fire Explosives, drop down to avoid the second wave, then stand wherever you want and let loose with the Homing Missiles. You should be able to do this battle without even getting hurt. Once the legs are destroyed, grab the Energy Refill he drops then stand at the left side of the room firing more Missiles at the detached rolling head, jumping to dodge the wheels when he gets too close. You probably won't need an Energy Kit unless you started the battle with less than near-full. [CUTSCENE] (Graft is lying in flames) Graft: Finish it! Put me out of my misery! Phantom: I will not kill you Graft. Graft: Set me free! Coward! (Phantom walks away) [END CUTSCENE] Two down, two to go. Halfway there! Well, in numbers anyway. The next two battles are going to be much more difficult than this. Head out of here to the right and grab the 1-Up above your head in the shaft. Drop down to the bottom, destroy the block to your left and grab the Kits and Refills to prepare for the next boss, one of the deadliest in the game. When you're ready with Homing Missiles, sprint through the two gates to the right. [CUTSCENE] Maxwell Jr: Never send a tin man to do a genius's job. [END CUTSCENE] ***************************** BOSS TWENTY-SEVEN: RED LEGION ***************************** STATS Techniques: Massive Energy Blast (Legs), Buzz Biot Summon, Homing Blast (Head) Health: A.200 (Leg Joints), A.300 (Head) Weak Points: Leg Joints, Head (after Legs gone) Rewards: None BATTLE PATTERN [With Legs] - Remains motionless for several seconds *Cycle Begins* - Walks back and forth across room rapidly, firing Massive Energy Blast at Phantom from intact leg joints *Cycle Ends* [Without Legs] *Cycle Begins* - Flies across area and out of sight - Flies across, pauses, deploys Homing Blast, flies out of sight - Flies across, deploys Homing Blast if one isn't chasing Phantom already *Cycle Ends* STRATEGY Like the battle we just fought, this is pretty much an exact repeat of your first Legion battle - just more health and power. And although we do have the infinitely useful Homing Missiles, the battle is only marginally less difficult than the Green Legion was back at that time due to the Red Legion's staggering power. Like before, Buzz Biots will hinder you throughout the entire battle but the refills they drop is probably worth the single shot it takes to kill them. As the battle begins, the Legion will fire enormous Energy Blasts from all three leg joints and stomp back and forth with its enormous angular feet. The feet make it difficult to get close to the leg joints to target them with your Misiles, but moving behind the Legion is a bad idea because you'll probably be annihilated by the Energy Blasts in such a tight space. The traditional way to fight this battle would be to stay on the left side, jumping to dodge the Energy Blasts and firing constantly to hit whatever you can. This way is fairly safe, but it will take a while. The second more desirable option is to use the Armor ability you should have obtained in the Ghost Jungle. If you haven't already discovered the Armor's usefulness, it grants you complete invincibility for about ten seconds at the cost of a large amount of energy. Equip it, run below the Legion's lower knee joint, and blast it with your Homing Missiles or even Breakers if you're a good shot. When you start to flash slower, get out of the legs' way and use the Armor again. Make sure you kill plenty of Buzz Biots to get back energy so you keep Kit usage to a minimum. Using this tactic, all three leg joints should be gone in no time at all. With only the head left, the Legion will act like it did in the Green Legion battle, zooming in and out of the screen and sending dangerous Homing Blasts after the Phantom which won't stop until they've hit you. Also like before, you can either use Armor or get hit by a Buzz Biot to absorb the Blast without taking heavy damage. Or you could just continue dodging the Blast, but this means the Legion won't stop which will extend the length of the battle. You can take your time getting health and energy back from the numerous Buzz Biots and finish the head off in your own time. [CUTSCENE] (Phantom stands over Maxwell Jr, who is lying on the ground in front of his VR chair) Phantom: Where's your mother? Maxwell Jr: Talking to father about a raise in my allowance. Phantom: Your father is dead! Maxwell Jr: Perhaps, but the transfusion with the Panther has already begun. Soon we'll be the model family again. [END CUTSCENE] Here we go: the final battle. Of course, which battle you fight depends on what you did in Chapter 6. If you went straight to the Spaceport to fight Sean One, then you'll fight the Triads here. However, if you went to Maximum Building and defeated the Triads there (regardless of whether you subsequently went to Sean One's Orbital) then you're up for the REAL last boss. Either way, destroy the block above Maxwell's VR chair and head across to the far right. !!! SKIP DOWN TO MAXIMUM CORE IF TRIADS DEFEATED IN CHAPTER 6 !!! **************************** BOSS TWENTY-EIGHT: TRIADS II **************************** [CUTSCENE] !!! Professor Archer rescued [END CUTSCENE] ------------------------------- MAXIMUM BUILDING > MAXIMUM CORE ------------------------------- [CUTSCENE] Phantom: I'll lower the Panther and free it from this hideous trap. (Frees Panther) Rebecca: That animal's blood was going to bring my husband back into my arms! Phantom: Your reign of terror in Metropia is over. Rebecca: Not yet. Even though the transfusion was not enough to bring Maxwell back in human form, he's not dead. Protect me my love! Protect me! (Maxwell Senior's head lowers down) [END CUTSCENE] ************************************ BOSS TWENTY-NINE: MAXWELL SENIOR, PART I ************************************ STATS Techniques: Shardclaw Lightning Strike, Superspread (with Shardclaws); Lightning (with Broken Shardclaws); Lightning Orbs (without Shardclaws) Health: A.100 (Head), A.400 (each Shardclaw), A.10 (each Shardclaw Node), A.100 (each Neck Plate) Weak Points: Jaw, Shardclaws, Shardclaw Nodes, Neck Plates Rewards: None BATTLE PATTERN [With Shardclaws] *Cycle Begins* - Shardclaw closest to Phantom uses Lightning Strike and rises back up - Head lowers down, fires Superspread, and rises back up *Cycle Ends* [With Broken Shardclaws] *Cycle Begins* - Lightning rises from floor between broken Shardclaws - Lightning falls back down below floor *Cycle Ends* [Without Shardclaws] *Cycle Begins* - Head lowers from roof to reveal skeletal neck - Three Lightning Orbs travel along sections of ceiling on the left and right - Head raises back up *Cycle Ends* STRATEGY Welcome to the final battle...well, the first part anyway. This first part is split into a further three sections, and in the first section our mission is to deal with the insanely powerful Shardclaws on the left and right of Maxwell's head. The Shardclaws are the biggest threat by far: between each volley of the head's Superspread, the Shardclaw closest to you will smash straight downwards and release two Lightning Orbs outwards from the impact point. If you touch the blades of the Shardclaw at any time, you will be instantly killed, and the Orbs to a fair bit of damage as well. Moral of the story: don't go underneath the Shardclaws except when the head is lowered down. So, for the first section. The very first thing you should do is focus your fire on Maxwell's head to get rid of the four sections of plating. This should only take ten seconds or so. Now, pick either of the Shardclaws to target first. Your Homing Missiles will only target the claws when they're lowered down, meaning you only get a few seconds of hit time. However, there is a trick to destroy them much more quickly: while they're safely raised and are moving back and forth up the top, stand underneath them and bombard them with Energy Blasts or Breakers or any non-homing projectile weapon you want. If explosions break out on the claws, you're dealing damage to them. Either way, when the Shardclaw stops moving, get out of the way back towards the centre of the room because it's about to fall down and rip out the section of the floor, leaving you with less room to fight. Deal with the other Shardclaw in the same way, dodging the head's Superspread by standing underneath it just a little to the side. Once both Shardclaws have fallen through the floor, they'll rise back up to stick out of the floor, marking the start of the second section. You'll notice three red bulbs on each Shardclaw: these are the weak points in this section of the battle, and you have to take them out with just your fists and feet. They only take about three hits each (or even less if you want to use the Wave Attack), but the problem is the rising length of electricity between the two claws where four of the six nodes are located. Start by getting to one side of the claws as soon as they come out of the floor because the electricity is about the rise. Kick out the node you're next to on the outside, wait for the electricity to drop back below the floor, then jump in and smash as many nodes as you can (you should be able to safely smash two). Now, jump back out on the opposite side and destroy the node there, and repeat the attack on the central nodes once the electricity drops. As soon as the last node is destroyed the Shardclaws will fall away (with the outer sections of floor) leaving you just a tiny patch of floor to fight the last section of this battle. Maxwell's head will rejoin the fight, and now that both Shardclaws are finally gone his head is our target - or more specifically the skeletal neck that has appeared since we last encounted the head. You'll see the neck when the head lowers down, and that's when the three neck plates are vulnerable. When the head lowers down it will smash into our little platform, meaning we need to get to a safer location - namely the sections of ceiling in the top corners. Grab one with your Inductance Rope and from there let loose on the neck plates with your Homing Missiles. As the head rises back up out of view, Maxwell will send three Lightning Orbs along these parts of the ceiling that will severe your Rope and send you falling, so drop down before the Orbs hit and grab back onto the platform (the best way to do this is to just press your Rope button again to let go of the ceiling without jumping, then fire your Rope at the platform as you pass it). Once the three Orbs have passed, grab the ceiling again and send a barrage of Missiles at the neck. As soon as all three neck plates are gone, the head will drop down to the platform. Jump on top of it and stand on it as it rises up out of the screen. [CUTSCENE] Phantom: Is Maxwell Sr. destroyed? [END CUTSCENE] ************************************ BOSS THIRTY: MAXWELL SENIOR, PART II ************************************ STATS Techniques: Double Massive Energy Blast, Superspread Health: A.1000 Weak Points: Head Rewards: None BATTLE PATTERN *Cycle Begins* - Moves left and right on top of sludge - Rises from sludge and fires Superspread *Cycle Ends* STRATEGY Welcome to the absolute last fight. You'll find yourself "riding" Maxwell Senior's biomechanical head on top of the sludge rapidly rising through Maximum Building. While the premise of the battle is simple (let loose on the head with all you've got), Maxwell's enormous amount of health and the other threats that face you make it quite an annoying fight. The first frustrating factor is that if you die during the fight, you'll have to start again from the beginning: full health and all. Secondly, while the head makes a fine platform to ride the sludge on, Maxwell will occasionally rise from the acid and let loose with a Superspread and you'll need to jump onto one of the other platforms to dodge it. Thirdly, the platforms become less and less frequent and you'll likely find yourself falling to your death in the sludge quite often. And finally, once you actually destroy the head it loses its solidity, meaning you may fall to your death in the sludge right through the head and have to start all over again. So, how to win? The best option is your Super Explosives, or if you don't have them just Explosives. Stand on the head and drop as many Super Explosives as you can until he dies, refilling Energy and Health from Kits when necessary. The main problem with this is the loss of solidity at the end. So, a fine strategy is to hit the head with a lot of Explosives but finish the job with Homing Missiles from the other platforms once you think he's near death. To preserve ammo with the Explosives, make sure you don't drop them while Maxwell is passing through a platform because usually the Explosive will just detonate on the platform uselessly. Once you see the head fly out of the sludge with explosions abundant before plunging into the sludge once and for all, congratulate yourself: you've just beaten Phantom 2040, best side-scroller ever made. Now the only thing left to do is wait and see just how good an ending you've earned. !!! NOTE: THE FOLLOWING CUTSCENE ENTIRELY DEPENDS ON WHAT ENDING YOU HAVE. FOR THE FULL LIST OF CUTSCENES, SEE "VARIABLES & ENDINGS" AND LOOK FOR THE DESCRIPTION OF YOUR ENDING !!! ------------------- VARIABLES & ENDINGS ------------------- ::-::-:: Path Tree ::-::-:: Note: This Path Tree applies only for choices that directly affect which ending you receive (that is, what cutscene you receive), which includes only choices made in Chapters 5 and 6. Choices made in the other chapters do not affect the cutscene you receive at the end (see Variables for information on these excluded choices). ****** LEGEND ****** 1A: Give Mr. Cairo location of Political Summit 1B: Do not give Mr. Cairo location of Political Summit 2A: Attack Sean One's Orbital Platform via Spaceport 3A: Do not destroy Computer or Damocles Cannon 3B: Destroy Computer without destroying Damocles Cannon 3C: Destroy Damocles Cannon without destroying Computer 3D: Destroy Computer and Damocles Cannon 2B: Attack Triads via Maximum Building 4A: Do not take secret shuttle to Orbital Platform 4B: Do not destroy Computer or Damocles Cannon 4C: Destroy Computer without destroying Damocles Cannon 4D: Destroy Damocles Cannon without destroying Computer 4E: Destroy Computer and Damocles Cannon E#: Ending # __Start__ _/ \_ _/ \_ _/ \_ _/ \_ _/ \_ / \ [1A] [1B] _/ \_ _/ \_ _/ \_ _/ \_ / \_ _/ \ [2A] \_ _/ [2A] __/ _/\_ \__ \ / __/ _/\_ \__ __/ _/ \_ \__ || || __/ _/ \_ \__ __/ _/ \_ \__ || || __/ _/ \_ \__ / / \ \ || || / / \ \ [3A] [3B] [3C] [3D] || || [3A] [3B] [3C] [3D] || || || || || || || || || || || || E18 E17 || || __/ \__ __/ \__ __/ \__ __/ \__ __/ \__ __/ \__ / \ [2B] [2B] __/ _/\_ \__ __/ _/\_ \__ __/ _/ || \_ \__ __/ _/ || \_ \__ __/ _/ || \_ \__ __/ _/ || \_ \__ / / || \ \ / / || \ \ [4A] [4B] [4C] [4D] [4E] [4A] [4B] [4C] [4D] [4E] || || || || || || || || || || E1 E2 ::-::-:: Variables ::-::-:: ::-::-:: Endings ::-::-:: ------------ E1: ENDING 1 ------------ - Maxwell Senior destroyed - Madison family arrested - Sean One's Computer and Damocles Cannon destroyed - Black Panther saved from extinction - Combat biots and biot factories outlawed [CUTSCENE] (Phantom flees crumbling Maximum Building on Hypercycle) (Dr. Jak reports on arrest of Rebecca Madison at ruins of Maximum, Inc.) Jak: Live and photonic. The Enforcers arrested Rebecca Madison and her son in connection with the attack on the Political Summit. (Report moves to fate of Rebecca Madison) Jak: After her arrest Rebecca was declared insane and put into an institution. (Report moves to fate of Maxwell Madison Jr.) Jak: Maxwell Jr. was sentenced to life imprisonment. No one knows the whereabouts of Graft and the Phantom, but I believe they're involved. (Report moves to Black Panther) Jak: Members of the Political Summit made new laws protecting endangered animals after the Black Panther almost became extinct. (Report moves to Biot Factories) Jak: They also decided to stop all production of combat biots and make them illegal. Biot factories are now banned from Metropia. (Phantom watches Maximum Building crumble) Phantom: You're finally free Graft. (Sean One's wanted poster seen in street) [CREDITS] Jak: The Phantom was seen today taking candy from babies and pushing old women into the street. This goofball has lost all his screws and I for one... (Phantom punches Dr. Jak) [END CUTSCENE - THE END] :\/------------/\: :\/ CHARACTERS /\: :\/------------/\: ::-::-:: The Phantom (Kit Walker) ::-::-:: ::-::-:: Non-Playable Characters (NPCs) ::-::-:: ---===ALLIES===--- [Guran] [Professor Archer] [Sparks] ---===ENEMIES===--- [Rebecca Madison] [Maxwell Madison Jr.] [Graft] [Maxwell Madison Sr.] [Sean One] [Mars] [Tracker] ---===NEUTRAL===--- [Mr. Cairo] [Dr. Jak] [Enforcer Cruz] ::-::-:: Enemies ::-::-:: In his struggle to stop Maximum, Inc. and save Metropia, the Phantom will encounter heavy resistance. While most Metropian enemies are Maximum's murderous robotic Combat Biots, there are also a handful of living enemies that seek to stop the masked hero, including terrorists, mutants and mercenaries. The main difference between biotic and abiotic enemies is that abiotic enemies explode when defeated, leaving valuable Spirit and Energy refills. Living enemies simply collapse away from the screen with a cry of defeat. ---===COMBAT BIOTS===--- [Biot (Blue)] STRENGTH: Weak WEAPONS: Small Energy Blast/Flamethrower LOCATIONS: University > Exterior, University > Interior, Warehouse > Dock, Warehouse > Interior, Industrial Area > East, Industrial Area > West As the first-seen, weakest and most basic enemy, Maximum's Blue Biots wield the standard Small Energy Blast cannons or Flamethrowers. They take minimum firepower to destroy, and first appear with Hoverjets in the Industrial Area. [Mounted Biot (Blue)] STRENGTH: Weak WEAPONS: Spikerbike LOCATIONS: C1 -- Industrial Area > East (Upper), Metropian Skies > Tracker's Convoy Tracker's army of blue Mounted Biots ride deadly Spikerbikes and will attempt to ram the Phantom and impale him on their sharp vehicles. Like Hoverjet Biots, they appear on screen for one attack and leave immediately after. They also freeze in the instant before they attempt to ram the Phantom. [Jungle Biot (Green)] STRENGTH: Moderate WEAPONS: Medium Energy Blast/Flamethrower LOCATIONS: C3-C7 -- Skull Lair > Ghost Jungle East, Skull Lair > Ghost Jungle West Maximum's upgraded Jungle Biots appear only in the Ghost Jungle and are noticeably stronger than their blue counterparts. They wield larger Energy Blast cannons and can take more firepower. [Guardian Biot (Emerald)] STRENGTH: High WEAPONS: Medium Energy Blast LOCATIONS: Maximum Building > Lower Levels As the primary defenders of Maximum Building, these green biots have more and take more firepower than Jungle Biots and also have the added ability to liquefy. Green puddles on the floor of Maximum Building will reform into Guardian Biots as you draw near. [Mounted Biot (Gold)] STRENGTH: Moderate WEAPONS: Spikerbike LOCATIONS: Metropian Skies > Prometheus Convoy There isn't actually much difference between these Mounted Biots and their blue forms: they still attempt to ram you and take minimal firepower to defeat. They appear only on the convoy of ships following the Prometheus. [Elite Biot (Gold)] STRENGTH: Very High WEAPONS: Triple Large Energy Blast/Flamethrower LOCATIONS: Biot Factory > Internal, Metropian Skies > Missile, Maximum Building > Upper Levels, Maximum Building > Shuttle Zone, Spaceport > Entryway, Spaceport > Shipyard, Spaceport > Loading Zone, Prometheus > Outside Cannon From Chapter 4 onwards these biots are going to be your main abiotic enemies, and populate the Spaceport, Biot Factory and Maximum Building's upper floors. They wield much more firepower than their previous biot versions, and in the Biot Factory the Hoverjet Biots also wield Flamethrowers. Also note that the Elite Biots found within Maximum Building have the same ability as Guardian Biots: they can sometimes be found liquefied on the floor and will reform as you approach them. [Assault Hoverjet Biot (Red)] STRENGTH: Weak WEAPONS: Small Energy Blast/Flamethrower LOCATIONS: Train Station > Tube Train Similar to Blue Hoverjet Biots in every single way except colour. [Assault Mounted Biot (Red)] STRENGTH: Weak WEAPONS: Spikerbike LOCATIONS: Train Station > Tube Train Similar to Blue Mounted Biots in every single way except colour. ---===OTHER BIOTS===--- [Buzz Biot] STRENGTH: Weak WEAPONS: Tiny Energy Blast LOCATIONS: Warehouse > Dock, Metropian Skies > Gunship, during many boss fights These tiny pests are the most annoying and consistent enemy in Metropia. They fly around the Phantom's head firing tiny Energy Blasts, and their small size makes them very difficult to hit prior to getting the Homing Missiles. Once you have the Missiles, however, you'll find they're much easier to take out. They can most commonly be found hanging around during boss fights to provide Spirit and Energy refills. [Crab Biot] STRENGTH: Weak WEAPONS: Tiny Laser LOCATIONS: Warehouse > Interior, all Sewers, Maximum Building > Hellevator Like the Buzz Biots, the Crab Biots appear frequently and can be difficult to hit. They make the same beeping noise as Buzz Biots and crawl around on floors, walls and ceilings. Their shots are weak however, as is their endurance to your weapons. They come in brown and green varieties, and the green ones can take slightly more firepower. [Turret Biot] STRENGTH: Weak WEAPONS: Medium Laser LOCATIONS: Maximum Building > Upper Levels, Maximum Building > Shuttle Zone These ceiling-mounted turrets are rarer than Buzz or Crab Biots, but they can be just as annoying if you're standing still, moving along the ceiling until they're right over your head and firing a downward laser. You'll already have the Homing Missiles when you first encounter them so they won't be a problem. ---===MERCENARIES===--- [Blue/Green Mercenary] STRENGTH: Moderate WEAPONS: Triple Medium Energy Blast/Flamethrower/Large Energy Blast LOCATIONS: Metropian Skies > Gunship, Industrial Area > West (Lower), Metropian Skies > Tracker's Convoy, Wildlife Memorial > Memorial These armed and armoured Mercenaries are considerably more difficult than Biots, but thankfully they're also much rarer. The Blue/Green Mercenaries you'll encounter early on in the game wield Triple Medium Energy Blasts and Flamethrowers while the ones later on in the Wildlife Memorial wield only Large Energy Blasts, and are actually more similar to Gold/Green Mercenaries. [Gold/Green Mercenary] STRENGTH: Moderate WEAPONS: Large Energy Blast LOCATIONS: Biot Factory > Missile Silo [Gold/Red Mercenary] STRENGTH: Moderate WEAPONS: Large Energy Blast LOCATIONS: Prometheus > Outside Cannon [Blue/Red Mercenary] STRENGTH: Very High WEAPONS: Double Massive Energy Blast LOCATIONS: Prometheus > Control Centre The Blue/Red Mercenary is probably the most dangerous enemy in the game, taking as much firepower as an Elite Biot but packing a Double Massive Energy Blast cannon that will take a serious chunk from your health. As usual, though, ducking and firing will protect you from every shot. ---===TERRORISTS===--- [Blue Swordsman Terrorist] STRENGTH: Weak WEAPONS: Sword LOCATIONS: Ruins > West, Ruins > Jeep Run, some Sewers These weak terrorist grunts don't actually have a gun or even use the swords in their hand - they simply run into you to cause damage. [Blue Bomber Terrorist] STRENGTH: Weak WEAPONS: Explosives Launcher LOCATIONS: Ruins > West, Ruins > Jeep Run, some Sewers While they don't run like the Swordsman Terrorists, these cool-looking guys wield dangerous Explosives Launchers that they won't hesitate to fire at the Phantom. [Yellow Swordsman Terrorist] STRENGTH: Moderate WEAPONS: Sword LOCATIONS: Ruins > East, some Sewers Stronger version of the Blue Swordsman Terrorist. [Yellow Bomber Terrorist] STRENGTH: Moderate WEAPONS: Explosives Launcher LOCATIONS: Ruins > East, some Sewers Stronger version of the Blue Bomber Terrorist. [Orange/Green Swordsman Terrorist] STRENGTH: High WEAPONS: Sword LOCATIONS: Main Sewer As the strongest Terrorist you'll find around the Ruins and Sewers, these vibrantly-coloured enemies have only a sword-wielding form and take more firepower to down than their former yellow versions. [Cloaked Terrorist] STRENGTH: Moderate WEAPONS: Explosives Launcher LOCATIONS: Wildlife Memorial > Memorial (Upper) These enemies are very similar to Yellow Bomber Terrorists and appear only for a short time, and only if you tell Cairo the location of the Summit in Chapter 5. [Orbital Terrorist] STRENGTH: Moderate WEAPONS: Medium Energy Blast/Flamethrower LOCATIONS: Orbital Platform (all areas) The elongated Orbital Terrorists aren't too powerful or difficult to defeat, but they appear very commonly on Sean One's Orbital Platform and can wield Medium Energy Blast cannons or Flamethrowers. ---===MUTANTS===--- [Claw Mutant] STRENGTH: Moderate WEAPONS: Claws LOCATIONS: University > Labs, University > Claw Run Like Swordsman Terrorists, the Claw Mutants will attempt to touch you to deal damage, and don't take much firepower to kill. They do appear commonly, but only in the University's laboratories. ---===HAZARDS===--- [Flame Jets] LOCATIONS: Industrial Area In the Industrial Area there are a number of pipes that spit out dangerous flames every few seconds - make sure to avoid them or wait for them to stop. [Small Energy Blast Cannons] LOCATIONS: Ship Convoys Found in extreme numbers on ship convoys and appearing in a few bosses, these little round cannons will fire small Energy Blasts at the Phantom and can be hard to hit. [Sludge] LOCATIONS: Ship Factory, Main Sewers, Biot Factory, University Labs Another common hazard to the Phantom is the toxic sludge that seems to appear in Maximum's factories across Metropia and also in the sewers and labs. It can usually be avoided by conveyor belts along the ceiling or by using a nearby Claw Biot (or in the labs, by escaping as quickly as possible). ::-::-:: Bosses ::-::-::