***====POWERMONGER====*** FAQ VERSION 2 This guide was written by Cyber Predator, who resides at http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/1301 and can be e-mailed at Cyber_Predator@hotmail.com This document is copyrighted by Cyber Predator, as of its original release date (detailed in the Version Information). Any entities used in this document that are copyrighted by anyone else remains the property of the original owner; Cyber Predator is simply giving information about these copyrighted entities that the copyright owners aren't making very public. RULES FOR THIS DOCUMENT'S DUPLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION You may.... ....Store a copy of this document on your home computer, print out a copy and/or show it to friends AS LONG AS you don't make ANY money from doing so AND you don't leave ANY part of the document out or change anything. ....Use this document to research a guide of your own AS LONG AS you credit this document AND specify the author and where a copy of the guide can be found in a credits section. You may not.... ....Use this document to make money in any way, shape, or form. NO EXCEPTIONS!! ....Distribute this document indiscriminately. ....Make copies of this guide and put them in public places (eg Internet, hard-copy game guides) without Cyber Predator's express permission. ....Translate this guide into HTML without Cyber Predator's express permission. ....Link directly to this text-only document. Failure to observe these guidelines is a violation of international copyright law. A list of all the websites authorised to show copies of this guide is available at http://www.geocities.com/cyber_predator2/games.html#legit ====CONTENTS==== INTRODUCTION Version Information Author's Note FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Getting Started Attacking Recruiting Inventing Multiple Captains CODES Game Codes Pro-Action Replay Codes Credits and Taglines ====INTRODUCTION==== ***VERSION INFORMATION*** VERSION 1 - 0921 GMT, 25-Dec-1999 In addition to credits, copyright and an author's note, this version contains some basic hints on attacking, inventing and recruiting in PowerMonger. There's also advice with having two Captains and a couple of codes. VERSION 2 - 0707 GMT, 29-Apr-2000 Somehow the list of credits and taglines wasn't included in the contents list, but that minor oversight has been corrected. ***AUTHOR'S NOTE*** On seeing a lack of any real FAQ for PowerMonger, I figured that the inclusion of one would be appropriate. Personally I haven't played the game, but I do have a game guide containing some great tips for it. So using that guide's information but my own words, I've written out this FAQ. ====FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS==== ***GETTING STARTED*** An important point is not to rush and be patient. Think your strategies through, work out your tactics. A good plan is essential, and remember that CPU opponents get smarter as time goes on. Early in the game you don't have much of an army, therefore it is a bad idea to immediately attack a larger settlement because you will be hopelessly outnumbered and wiped out. However, the smaller settlements are less likely to have decent weapons or warriors and so you will win them quite easily. ***ATTACKING*** Again, remember to attack small settlements first to decrease the chances of getting killed early on. Also, if the same person rules a small village and large town, don't attack the small village or the larger army will retaliate. When seizing other settlements, set your Posture to passive; this means the troops won't kill everyone in sight and you'll have people to recruit. Killing off villagers means you won't have anyone left to make an army to attack larger settlements. If your army starts to lose (your captain's breathing becomes faster) increase the Posture setting one notch at a time. If you have several captains, here's an effective tactic in capturing large settlements: send your smallest army to the main entrance of the village, but keep your larger armies waiting behind and to the sides of the settlement. Send the small army in to attack first, and the locals will send their troops after them in the belief they'll have an easier victory. Now send your remaining armies in; your enemy will be caught by surprise and have nowhere to run! ***RECRUITING*** As soon as you have captured a town, set your Posture to aggressive and start recruiting. This allows you to quickly increase the numbers of the army for future assaults. After getting all the soldiers you can, keep your Posture on aggressive and clear out the food stocks. ***INVENTING*** Inventing new objects can take time, but they always give you some kind of advantage, making the quest easier and thus being worth the wait. You can only invent if you rule a settlement with a workshop, a building with a small red sign on one of the walls. What you will invent depends on two things; the Posture setting and the location of the settlement. If you set your Posture as aggressive you will invent destructive weapons, but if you set Posture to passive you'll invent boats and pots. If the settlement is near a forest, products made of wood (like bows and spears) will be invented. Settlements atop mountains are likely to have a mine, and so will build things of metal like swords and cannons. ***MULTIPLE CAPTAINS*** If you capture a large settlement, you will be able to recruit the local captain to become one of your own men. Each captain commands his own army, so having two or more captains means having two or more armies to command. This allows you to have an army present at more than one area of the map. If your captains are at different areas of the map, orders are sent to them via courier pigeon. This means it will take time for the army to respond to an instruction. Also, you can only send out one pigeon at a time. If you need to send orders to both captains, the best thing to do is issue an order to one captain and wait for his army to respond, then send out the order to your other captain. ====CODES==== ***GAME CODES*** Final Level: TJ3DP2TJW7TI5PJ3DJ4PJLIKPHAKJEKOGO Master Code: 2MNOA2WSD ***PRO-ACTION REPLAY CODES*** I feel I should make it known that because Patch Code devices like the Action Replay alter the data of the game, either your game or machine could get messed up permanently. The companies have a nice little disclaimer saying it's not their fault since you're the one using the thing, and none of the devices are endorsed by Sega. As for me personally, I don't even believe in the use of a Patch Code device because of the risks involved. But like a wise man once said, there's one born every minute and there's no way I can stop you if you decide to use one. Consider yourself warned and use these codes at your equipment's peril. Infinite troops: FFD06F00FF Infinite food: FFD0AB00FF ====CREDITS AND TAGLINES==== The Sega Power Tips Book 2 by Carl Rowley and published by Carlton in 1993 formed the backbone of this guide. GameSages (http://www.gamesages.com) provided the Master Code and GameWinners (http://www.gamewinners.com) had the Infinite Food patch code. {signed} Cyber Predator 123-926 "Anyone who seeks fame need only become familiar with all that I have achieved." - Claudius Galen The Force will be with you, always