PPPP U U Y Y OOO PPPP U U Y Y OOO P P U U Y Y O O P P U U Y Y O O PPPP U U Y O O PPPP U U Y O O P U U Y O O P U U Y O O P UUU Y OOO P UUU Y OOO FAQ by Seth0708 Puyo Puyo was released in Japan only. A slightly different version of this game was available in North America under the name Doctor Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine. Like most puzzle games, the objective seems simple, but becomes more complicated as you (or you foe) utilize strategies to pummel the competition. To read through the rest of the BASICS, you need to understand the key I've used. ______________________ | KEY | |----------------------| | B | Blue Bean | | R | Red Bean | | G | Green Bean | | P | Purple Bean | | O | Orange Bean | | X | Grey Bean | | H | Hasbean | |______________________| In this, and all Puyo Pop! variations, two colored blobs fall from the top of the screen in groups. Your goal is to line four or more of the same color up. Your lines can be straight: | | |R | | | |R | | | OR |R | |RRRR | |R | -------------------- Or they can bend like this: | | | | | | | | |R | | | |R | OR |R | OR |RRR | |RRR | |RR | |XXRR | -------------------------------- Or thet can be in a "box" shape: | | | | |RR | |RR | -------- Of course every good competitive puzzle game has a catch. Puyo Puyo has Grey Beans. Grey Beans drop on your foe's side whenever you make your beans disappear (and vice-versa). Grey beans do not match up with any color and only go away if another group of beans disappear that are touching them. Now what determines the number of Grey Beans that fall you might ask? Well the more beans you combo, the more Grey Beans that fall. What's a combo? Well here is an example of one: | | |RG | |RG | |RRGG | -------- The Red Beans will disappear, causing the Green Beans above them to fall taking out more beans. Here are some bigger combos: |B | | ORGB| | | |BGO | |BR | | OGGB| | O BG | |PPPP | |BROO | OR | RRGB| OR | OOOB | OR |GGGP | |BBRROO| | ROOB| | GGGBB| |BBBOOO| -------------------------------------------- Even Grey Beans can be used to make combos: |G | |XB | |XBBB | |GGGX | -------- Just remember that anything you can do, the enemy cna do too. In the real game, you'll have to screens going at once (one for you, the other for your opponent, Hasbean will be in the middle doing who knows what): ____ | | |X | | | |XXXXXX| |OOOXGG|____|XXXXXX| |BBBRRR| H |RRBBOX| |PPPGGG| |BBRROO| -------------------- A winner is declared when someone's screen fills up with beans or more specifically, when the spot from which the beans fall is blocked: | P | |XXXXXX| | O | |XXXXXX| | R | OR |XXXXXX| | B | |XXXXXX| ------------------- Experiment with different combinations and you may just surprise yourself. PRACTICE MODE ONLY In Practice mode sometimes a large green-colored bean will appear. This bean destroys an entire column when placed. SOUND TEST After completing the game (on any difficulty level) you can access a Sound Test in the Options Menu. COPYRIGHTS Puyo Puyo is (C) SEGA