===================================DISCLAIMER================================== I have decided not to allow websites other than Gamefaqs (www.gamefaqs.com), IGN (faqs.ign.com), Gamerhelp (www.gamerhelp.com) & Gamespot (www.gamespot.com) to host my FAQs from now on. Please don't ask, because I will not grant permission. It's just that too many sites don't keep their version of my FAQ up to date which makes for a lot of hassle in my mailbox. So if anyone sees this FAQ on any site other than those mentioned above, please let me know and I will take care of the situation, thanks. Just to make things crystal clear for some people, this FAQ is not to appear anywhere at the following URLs: http://www.cheatcc.com http://www.cheatindex.com This document Copyright 2004 Daniel Engel =============================================================================== Scooby Doo Mysteries FAQ January 06, 2006 Daniel (FecalLord) Engel fecalord [AT] gmail [DOT] com ############################################################################### (A) TABLE OF CONTENTS ############################################################################### Table of Contents (A) This Table of Contents (B) Controls (C) Maps (D) Walkthrough (E) Questions (F) Passwords (G) Experimental ############################################################################### (B) CONTROLS ############################################################################### The controls for this game are very simple, and are as follows: Dpad - Moves your character [Shaggy], or the cursor. A - Perform commands at the cursor's location. B - Perform commands at the cursor's location. C - Toggle between commands and your inventory of items. Start - Check current password. ############################################################################### (C) MAPS ############################################################################### --------------------- Blake's Hotel Chapter --------------------- Across The Gardener's The Room Bridge | | The Hallway------------- Outside | \ The-------The Lobby---The Office The Kitchen Hotel | / / | The Cafe-------------- | / The / Basement---------------- | The Mine | The Shaft | The Maze | The Tomb | The Dungeon ---------------------- Ha Ha Carnival Chapter ---------------------- The Pond The Game Tent---Dressing Room \ / Hammer \ / The Front Game \ / Office \ \ / / The Front Lot The Hall Of Mirrors | / | The Fun House---The Haunted House | / \ | / The Bumper Cars | / The Boardwalk---The Boathouse | | The Back Lot---The Diving Bell | | The Bungee Jump ############################################################################### (D) WALKTHROUGH ############################################################################### Bricklayer J. Gastronomy You control Shaggy in the game and have access to 10 different commands, they are: Take - Pick up items Look - Look at anything in greater detail Open - Open objects Push - Push objects Eat - Eat objects Give - Give items to someone Talk - Talk to someone Shut - Shut objects Pull - Pull objects Use - Use an item on something The game is then split into two separate mysteries, you get to choose between them. ===================== Blake's Hotel Chapter ===================== You start this chapter in the lobby so before you go anywhere else you should open the door on your right and the outside door on your left beyond the fire. Now take the first door that you opened on the right to the office. Open the drawer in the desk and take the scissors inside, then take the heater on the right side of the room before going upstairs from the lobby to the hallway. Walk past the dumb waiter and open every door except the one at the back wall. This will unlock that door for you so go there to reach the gardener's room. Open the drawer by the mirror and take the antacid inside, then take the bed spring from the bed. Open the drawer by the door and take the book inside, then take the air freshener in the foreground [bottom right corner of screen]. Now take the bottom door in the lobby to reach the cafe. Push the radio before opening it, then take the battery from the radio. Take the bottle of oil at the bottom of the screen, then eat the antacid. The cook should run out of the room which allows you to then take the key from the back left corner of the room. Open the cabinet on the right and take the can opener, then return to the lobby and take the left door to outside the hotel. Head left a screen and take the shovel by the snowman, then use the shovel with the snowman. Take the frozen bell and return right a screen, then use the shovel with the snow covered doors. Go back to the hallway and use the dumb waiter to reach the kitchen, then take the pot above the dumb waiter. Take the chili below the flour bag and take the beads below the sink, then push the flour and look in the peephole. Open the microwave and use the frozen bell with the microwave, then close the microwave. Use the microwave and open the microwave before taking the cow bell from inside. Use the pot with the kitchen sink, then push the refrigerator and take the soda tab. Use the can opener with the chili and use that soda tab with the battery. Go outside and head left a screen, then use the key with the lock on the shed. Open the shed and take the crowbar, weed killer and work gloves. Return right a screen and use the crowbar on the locked doors, then open the double doors and walk down to the basement. Open the locker and take the extension cord, then take the screwdriver in the bottom left corner of the room. Return to the lobby and use the pot o' water on the fire, then take the crumpled note. Return to the gardener's room and use the work gloves with the poison oak on the left side of the room. Return to the kitchen and use the screwdriver on the vent cover, then use the empty chili can with the termites. Return to outside the hotel and use the bed spring to start bouncing, then take the Christmas lights. Use the extension cord with the outlet, then use the heater with the extension cord. Use the light bulb with the soda tab and battery, then use the poison oak with the bear to make the totem fall down. Walk right a screen across the river, then use the pole until you fish out a doll. Take the doll and use the scissors with the rope, then take the rope. Return to the lobby and use the cow bell to get the bellhop's attention, then give the doll to the bellhop. Finally take the goblet and return to the basement. Use the crumpled note with the rack and take the passage to the mine. Take the wheel on the left edge of the screen and take another wheel just right of where you came in. Take a third wheel just left of the mine car, then use the wheels with the mine car. Use the mine car and take the hose, then use the hose with the engine. Use the hose with the gas and head right a screen to the pond. Use the air freshener to get rid of the smell, then go through the door to the maze. Use the flashlight so you can see your way through the maze at least, then refer to the diagram below for the best path to the exit. ------------------------- ------ EXIT | | | | ------------------- | --- | | | | | | |------------------ ---- | | | | | | | | |--- ---- -- | | | | | | ---- ----- ---- ------| | | | | | | | | |------- | ----- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -------| -------------- ---| --- | | | | | ---| | | | | | START ----------------- --------- | Once out of the maze you'll be in the tomb, so walk right and use the weed killer on the killer lettuce before entering the dungeon. Use the rope with the cuffs beside the entrance, then use the rope to go down the hole. Use the termites with Uncle Blake to rescue him, Scooby will then go missing. Return to the tomb and give the book to Uncle Blake, then use the goblet with the statue. Talk to the statue next and choose "XYZZY!" and take the medallion when it appears. Return to the shaft and use the switch, then use the mine car. Return to the basement to find Scooby being chased by a monster, then use the medallion with the hook to end the chapter. ********** *SPOILERS* ********** It turns out that the monster was actually the hotel gardener, and the cook was also helping him out. The bellhop was on your side though and arrests the two guilty individuals. ****** *HERE* ****** ====================== Ha Ha Carnival Chapter ====================== You start this chapter in the front lot, so take the sign before going through the door by the "closed" sign to reach the boardwalk. Open the garbage can left of the giant clown face and take the mummy bandages inside. Take the coupon from the Madame Zelda fortune-telling machine on the right and take the taffy from the taffy machine above, then enter the boathouse at the right end of this area. Take the bottle and the boat from the water, then open the bottle for a note and look at the note. Return to the boardwalk and take the door on the right side to the back lot. From here you'll want to use the ladder to the bungee jump on your left, once there use the bungee harness. Take the bucket while bouncing up and down for a few seconds and return to the boardwalk. Use the bucket with the faucet that's beside the taffy machine, then return to the front lot and take the door on the far left to the hammer game. Give the coupon to the attendant, he will then give you the hammer to play the hammer game. Use the hammer on the hammer game and lose the game, then give the hammer back to the attendant. Play the game again [give the coupon again], but this time pull the pole to destroy the hammer game and send the magnet flying. You'll get to keep the hammer, so return to the back lot. Walk right past the dancing bear and use the balloons on your right with Scooby. He will fly up and knock the magnet down to you [you'll take it automatically]. Walk right behind the balloon stand to reach the diving bell area. Use the valve in the diving bell to end up underwater, then open the hatch on your left. Use the bucket of water with Inky below, then use the magnet with the treasure on your right to get the tokens. Return to the boardwalk and enter the clown's face to reach the fun house, then press right to end up in the hall of mirrors. Walk right until you see the mirror with wheels on it, then push the mirror and walk right. The clown should see his own reflection and run away, then you can take the spark plug that he dropped and return to the front lot. Use the spark plug with the boat that you picked up earlier and enter the game tent on your right. Look through window 2 of the Camera Obscura to see that your friends are in trouble, then use your tokens with the crane game. Play the crane game until you win the water pistol, then return to the front lot. Walk down at the far left to reach the pond, then use the boat with spark plug with the pond to rescue your friends. After the short scene you'll want to return to the fun house and press left to reach the haunted house. Take the boots from the monster, then pull the bandage near the coffin and return to the fun house. This time you want to press down to reach the bumper cars. Use the taffy with the engine and use the switch, then use the bumper car to start a minigame. You're trying to bump the clown more than he bumps you, for the most part its pretty easy but sometimes damage seems to get blocked for no reason. Once beaten the clown will run away and drop a dart, take the dart and return to the front lot. Give the water pistol to the kid to get the tickets, then return to the game tent. Give the tickets to the dart attendant and use the darts that he lays on the counter. Repeat this until you win the teddy bear, then return to the back lot. Give the teddy bear to the balancing bear, then take the ball. *NOTE* If the circus manager popped out of the coffin in the haunted house last time you pulled the bandage then you can skip this part, otherwise go back there and pull the bandage again, this time he should pop out and end up in the front office. Go to the front lot and walk all the way right before walking down to the front office, then take the rubber stamp from the corner of the desk. Return to the game tent and walk past the strong guy on the right to reach the dressing room. Use the rubber stamp with the application in the corner, then use the application with the bulletin board near the entrance. Open the trunk below the bulletin board and take the wrench from inside, then return to the boardwalk. Use the tokens with madame zelda, then choose "What's the meaning of life?" to shatter the glass. Take the head next and return to the haunted house. Use the wrench with the bolts on the monster to get them, then return to the front lot. Talk to the kid and choose "How come you're just standing around here?" followed by "Wanna ride the roller coaster with me and Scoob?". You should end up in the boardwalk with the kid, now give the kid the boots to make him taller. You'll now be riding the rollercoaster, be sure to quickly use the brake lever before you go flying off the track. Use the bolts with the broken section of track to fix it, then use the brakes to start moving again. Quickly use the brakes on the next screen to once again stop moving, then open the shed. Take the paint brush from the shed, then use the brake to end the ride. Return to the back lot and use the paint brush with the bucket with inky, then use the inky brush with the sign. Now use the sign near the cart to attract the clown, and finally use the dart with the ball to end the chapter. ********** *SPOILERS* ********** The creepy clown was actually the dart attendant and he wanted to be a clown real bad, but was terrible at it. So he planned to take over the circus himself and then become a clown himself. ****** *HERE* ****** ############################################################################### (E) QUESTIONS ############################################################################### I only have one question, and that is: What are the mummy bandages used for in the Ha Ha Carnival chapter? They didn't get used at all during the whole chapter. My guess would be that they help to point out that the mummy is in fact not real, which helps you realize that you need to investigate the mummy once again. [Which leads to finding the circus manager]. ############################################################################### (F) PASSWORDS ############################################################################### Here are the passwords for the end of the two chapters: Blake's Hotel Chapter D*OX% AZY%# YM*UV NTKSH !MCLE %TU!T SOJZH E#TSO JZHE# TSOJY (Use the medallion with the hook to see the ending.) Ha Ha Carnival Chapter CN?NE L*QG* UM*I* IFEJC HW*++ PN%XW *++PN %XW*+ +PN%X W*++P (Just use the dart with the ball to see the ending.) ############################################################################### (G) EXPERIMENTAL ############################################################################### For a little while now I've had a paypal link in all my FAQs at the very bottom here. Mainly as a small experiment since a few other FAQ authors have also had the same idea. I had a few people email me before I put this link in because they wanted to send money, so it's here for those people. For the record I've received about $87 (which works out to a bit more in Canadian lol) last I checked, so I've been getting cases of pop and making some excellent progress on a few FAQs. If you don't want to send money or can't then send me an email, it's nice to hear what people thought about my work and there's always room for improvement. My email address is fecalord (AT) gmail (DOT) com, and the paypal address is listed below. For those that want to contribute, you can use paypal at the following address: fecalord2002 (AT) yahoo (DOT) ca Many thanks, and I hope you continue to use my work! ~Dan