Shining Force II Save State Hacking Guide v1.1 Written (despite what some people seam to think, copyrighting something isn't as simple as putting a little © and being done with it) by stufff (, 2000-2001 Index Intro I. Gold II. Name III. Face/Class A. Modifier Digits B. Explination IV. Level V. Stats VI. Experance VII. HP/MP VIII. Spells A. Modifier Digits B. Explination IX. Items A. Modifier Digits B. Explination X. Kills/Defeats XI. Individual Character Stat Adresses XII. Version History Outro Intro: Ahh... the joy of hex editing. In this guide I assume you already know the basics of hex editing... if not, sucks to be you. (But seriously, if you don't there are several brief and good explinations out there on the net. The Shining Force (I) Save State Hacking Guide would probably be the most helpful to learn from in this case.) The tools you'll need for the job are: 1. The Shining Force II ROM 2. A Genesis Emulator (I recoment Genecyst) 3. Windows Calculator (on scientific) 4. A hex editor (Hex Workshop is my fave, but if you don't feel like dealing with the nags/paying for it/registering it illigaly AXE is pretty good freeware) ... and we're off! I. Gold: 100E-100F The maximum Gold you can have is 65535, or FFFF in hex. II. Name: You can change the name of any character you can get in your party whenever you feel like it. You can get up to seven letters in each name. (I've found it easier to just use the ASCII field in your hex editing program... unless of course you happen to know the alphabet in hex... in wich case... well you're pretty fucking sick dude). III. Face/Class: A. Modifier Digits: 00-Base Character/SDMN 01-Base Character/KNTE 02-Base Character/WARR 03-Base Character/MAGE 04-Base Character/PRST 05-Base Character/ACHR 06-Base Character/BDMN 07-Base Character/WFMN 08-Base Character/RNGR 09-Base Character/PHNK 0A-Base Character/THIF 0B-Base Character/TORT 0C-Bowie2/HERO 0D-Base Character/PLDN 0E-Base Character/PGNT 0F-Base Character/GLDT 10-Base Character/BRN 11-Base Character/WIZ 12-Base Character/SORC 13-Base Character/VICR 14-Base Character/MMNK 15-Base Character/SNIP 16-Base Character/BRGN 17-Base Character/BDBT 18-Gerhalt2/WFBR 19-Base Character/BWNT 1A-Peter2/PHNX 1B-Slade2/NINJ 1C-Kiwi2/MNST 1D-Base Character/RBT 1E-Base Character/GLM 1F-Base Character/RDBN B. Explination: Any further is weird stuff that'll really screw up your game. This Changes your character's class, and if that class change results in a change of the characters appearance (Bowie, Peter, Kiwi, etc) their picture changes as well. When the change is made they are treated as if they were really that class. They can be equiped with weapons only that class can use, and will even be shown fighting with that weapon (it looks a little off with some character and weapon combonations, I immagine this is because the character battle frames were all drawn so that they could use the same weapon frames. For example, it looks fine when Bowie has an axe because Bowie can also use a sword, as can Jaha, who can use an axe as well, so the axe was drawn to be held at the same level as the sword. No character, however, uses the staff and the sword, so the staff was drawn at a slightly different level and looks kind of off when Bowie uses it). This does not affect other things, like level up stats and spells (If you make Chester a Mage, he still will not gain MP or spells [I actually have not tested this theory rigorusly, if you feel like testing it yourself and I'm wrong, please drop me a line so I may correct it {I'm assuming my theory is correct because even within the same class characters gain spells and such at different levels, thus I believe these things are set for individual characters, not their classes}]). This could come in handy if say, you promoted Karna before you got the Vigor Ball and now you want her to be a Master Monk. In general I recomend not using it if you're trying to play a regular game. If you don't mind something weird happening however, be my guest. IV. Level: It's fun to lower your character's level, because they get more experance per enemy. (Lowering to 00 and going up to level 1 gives you incrediable stat changes). V. Attack, Offence, Agility, Move: I wouldn't mess with the equip value personally. At the most it'll mess something up bad, at the least it'll just go back to normal when you change weapons. FF (255) is the highest value, but there's no reason you'd want your movement at 255 squares... VI. Expearnace: This value should be kept between 00 and 63 (0-99) to ensure propper game play. VII. HP/MP: Changing the present HP or MP Value will only last for one battle at the most, if you're going for a real change, alter the Maximum values. On the other hand, if all you want is one little boost for a hard battle, then modifying the current works fine. You might also use it just to heal yourself in battle when you have no legitimate means to do so. (In case you noticed, I'm a fan of "moderated cheating", or cheating in dire situations but not often enough to truely ruin the game's chalange). I believe after 400 or 500 the little bar that's usually yellow or blue or black starts turning into strange patterns. You really don't /need/ 500 HP or MP anyway... so just don't bother. VIII. Spells: A. Modifier Digits: 1st Value-Top Spell 2nd Value-Left Spell 3rd Value-Right Spell 4th Value-Left Spell 00-Heal1 01-Aura1 02-Detox1 03-Boost1 04-Slow1 05-Attack1 (Highest level of Attack. 1, 2, and 3 are dummies) 06-Dispel1 (Highest level of Dispel. 1, 2, and 3 are dummies) 07-Muddle1 08-Desoul1 09-Sleep1 (Highest level of Sleep. 1, 2, and 3 are dummies) 0A-Egress1* (All other Egresses are dummies. Egress 2 Is better tho) 0B-Blaze1 0C-Freze1 0D-Bolt1 0E-Blast1 0F-Spoit1 (Dummy. Strange message and you absorb enemy MP.) 10-Healin1 (Dummy. Casts Heal1 similar spell) 11-Flame1 (Dummy. This is actually Monstar Kiwi's flame belch attack) 12-Snow1 (Dummy. Like Flame1 but with snow!?!) 13-Demon1 (Dummy. This is Zeon's Deamon Breath!) 14-Power1 (Dummy. Boosts Attack Slightly) 15-Guard1 (Dummy. Boosts Defense) 16-Speed1 (Dummy. Agility) 17-Idaten1 (Dummy. Movement Range) 18-Health1 (Dummy. Max HP) 19-B. Rock1 (Dummy. Can't Figure out how to use) 1A-Laser1 (Dummy. Can't Figure out how to use.) 1B-Katon1 1C-Raijin1 1D-Dao1 1E-Appolo1 1F-Neptun1 20-Atlas1 21-Powder1 (Dummy. Works as Fairy Powder) 22-G. Tear1 (Dummy. Works as Fairy Tear) 23-Hanny1 (Dummy. Raises Max MP) 24-Brave1 (Dummy. Raises Level) 25-F.Ball1 (Dummy. Works as Blaze3) 26-Brezard1 (Dummy. Works as Freze3) 27-Thundr (Dummy. Works as Bolt3) 28-Aqua1 (Dummy. This is the Karaken's Aquabreath) 29-Kiwi1 (Dummy. This is Kiwi's Flame belch) 2A-Shine1 (Dummy. All team mates get full MP) 2B-Oddeye1 (Dummy. This is OddEye's attack) 2C-Bowie1 (Dummy. Frezes Game) 2D-Sarah1 (Dummy. Frezes Game) 2E-Chester1 (Dummy. Frezes Game) 2F-Jaha1 (Dummy. Frezes Game) 30-Kazin1 (Dummy. Frezes Game) 31-Slade1 (Dummy. Frezes Game) 32-Kiwi1 (Dummy. Frezes Game) 33-Peter1 (Dummy. Frezes Game) 34-May1 (Dummy. Frezes Game) 35-Gerhalt1 (Dummy. Frezes Game) 36-Luke1 (Dummy. Frezes Game) 37-Rohde1 (Dummy. Frezes Game) 38-Rick1 (Dummy. Frezes Game) 39-Elrick1 (Dummy. Frezes Game) 3A-Eric1 (Dummy. Frezes Game) 3B-Karna1 (Dummy. Frezes Game) 3C-Randolf1 (Dummy. Frezes Game) 3D-Tyrin1 (Dummy. Frezes Game) 3E-Janet1 (Dummy. Frezes Game) 3F-Blank 40-Heal2 41-Aura2 42-Detox2 43-Boost2* (Highest level of Boost. 3 and 4 are dummies) 44-Slow2* (Highest level of Slow. 3 and 4 are dummies) 45-Attack2 (dummy) 46-Dispel2 (dummy) 47-Muddle2 48-Desoul2 49-Sleep2 4A-Egress2 (Dummy. Like Egress1 but 3 MP and can cast on others (why?)) 4B-Blaze2 4C-Freze2 4D-Bolt2 4E-Blast2 4F-Spoit2 (Dummy) 50-Healin2 (Dummy. better than 1st level) 51-Flame2 (Dummy. better than 1st level) 52-Snow2 (Dummy. better than 1st level) 53-Demon2 (Dummy. better than 1st level) 54-Power2 (Dummy. Can Cast on others) 55-Guard2 (Dummy. Can Cast on others) 56-Speed2 (Dummy. Can Cast on others) 57-Idaten2 (Dummy. Can Cast on others) 58-Health (Dummy. Can Cast on others) 59-B. Rock (Dummy. Can Cast on others) 5A-Laser (Dummy. Can Cast on others) 5B-Katon2 5C-Raijin2 5D-Dao2 (highest level of Dao. 2 and 3 are dummies) 5E-Appolo2 (Highest level of Appolo. 2 and 3 are dummies) 5F-Neptun2 (Highest level of Neptun. 2 and 3 are dummies) 60-Atlas2 (Highest level of Atlas. 2 and 3 are dummies) 61-Powder2 (Dummy. Will freze game just by selecting) 62-G. Tear2 (Dummy. better than 1st level) 63-Hanny2 (Dummy. Can Cast on others) 64-Brave2 (Dummy. Can Cast on others) 65-F.Ball2 (Dummy. Will freze game just by selecting) 66-Brezard2 (Dummy. Damages ally) 67-Thundr2 (Dummy. Damages ally) 68-Aqua2 (Dummy. As Aqua1 but less Range) 69-Kiwi2 (Dummy) 6A-Shine2 (Dummy. Only restores one person's MP) 6B-Oddeye2 (Dummy. Damages ally) 6C-Bowie2 (Dummy) 6D-Sarah2 (Dummy) 6E-Chester2 (Dummy) 6F-Jaha2 (Dummy) 70-Kazin2 (Dummy) 71-Slade2 (Dummy) 72-Kiwi2 (Dummy) 73-Peter2 (Dummy) 74-May2 (Dummy) 75-Gerhalt2 (Dummy) 76-Luke2 (Dummy) 77-Rohde2 (Dummy) 78-Rick2 (Dummy) 79-Elrick2 (Dummy. Frezes by selecting) 7A-Eric2 (Dummy) 7B-Karna2 (Dummy) 7C-Randolf2 (Dummy) 7D-Tyrin2 (Dummy) 7E-Janet2 (Dummy) 7F-Higins2 (Dummy) 80-Heal3 81-Aura3 82-Detox3 83-Boost3 (Dummy) 84-Slow3 (Dummy) 85-Attack3 (Dummy) 86-Dispel3 (Dummy) 87-Muddle3 (Dummy) 88-Desoul3 (Dummy) 89-Sleep3 (Dummy) 8A-Egress3 (Dummy) 8B-Blaze3 8C-Freze3 8D-Bolt3 8E-Blast3 8F-Spoit3 (Dummy) 90-Healin3 (Dummy) 91-Flame3 (Dummy) 92-Snow3 (Dummy) 93-Deamon3 (Dummy) 94-Power3 (Dummy) 95-Guard3 (Dummy) 96-Speed3 (Dummy) 97-Idaten3 (Dummy) 98-Health3 (Dummy) 99-B. Rock3 (Dummy) 9A-Laser3 (Dummy) 9B-Katon3* (highest level of katon. Level 4 is a dummy) 9C-Raijin3* (highest level of raijin. level 4 is a dummy) 9D-Dao3 (Dummy) 9E-Apollo3 (Dummy) 9F-Neptun3 (Dummy) A0-Atlas3 (Dummy) A1-Powder3 (Dummy) A2-G. Tear3 (Dummy) A3-Hanny3 (Dummy) A4-Brave3 (Dummy) A5-F. Ball3 (Dummy) A6-Brezard (Dummy) A7-Thundr3 (Dummy) A8-Aqua3 (Dummy) A9-Kiwi3 (Dummy) AA-Shine3 (Dummy) AB-Oddeye3 (Dummy) AC-Bowie3 (Dummy) AD-Sarah3 (Dummy) AE-Chester3 (Dummy) AF-Jaha3 (Dummy) B0-Kazin3 (Dummy) B1-Slade3 (Dummy) B2-Kiwi3 (Dummy) B3-Peter3 (Dummy) B4-May3 (Dummy) B5-Gerhalt3 (Dummy) B6-Luke3 (Dummy) B7-Rohde3 (Dummy) B8-Rick3 (Dummy) B9-Elrick3 (Dummy) BA-Eric3 (Dummy) BB-Karna3 (Dummy) BC-Randolf3 (Dummy) BD-Tyrin3 (Dummy) BE-Janet3 (Dummy) BF-Higgins3 (Dummy) C0-Heal4* C1-Aura4* C2-Detox4* C3-Boost4 (Dummy) C4-Slow4 (Dummy) C5-Attack4 (Dummy) C6-Dispel4 (Dummy) C7-Muddle4 (Dummy) C8-Desoul4 (Dummy) C9-Sleep4 (Dummy) CA-Egress4 (Dummy) CB-Blaze4* CC-Freze4* CD-Bolt4* CE-Blast4 B. Explination: Anything beyond this is a dummy. Some dummies are pretty cool, but be careful, they could screw things up. A lot Dummy spells are 0 MP to cast. Some of these kick real ass! Top level spells are marked with an *. IX. Items: A. Modifier Digits 1st Value-Top Item 2nd Value-Left Item 3rd Value-Right Item 4th Value-Left Item 00-Medical Herb 01-Healing Seed 02-Healing Drop 03-Antidote 04-Angel Wing 05-Fairy Powder 06-Healing Water 07-Fairy Tear 08-Healing Rain 09-Power Water 0A-Protect Milk 0B-Quick Chicken 0C-Running Pemento 0D-Chearful Bread 0E-Bright Honey 0F-Brave Apple 10-Shining Ball 11-Blizard 12-Holy Thunder 13-Power Ring 14-Protect Ring 15-Quick Ring 16-Running Ring 17-White Ring 18-Black Ring 19-Evil Ring 1A-Leather Glove 1B-Power Glove 1C-Brass Knuckles 1D-Iron Knuckles 1E-Misty Knuckles 1F-Giant Knuckles 20-Evil Knuckles 21-Short Axe 22-Hand Axe 23-Middle Axe 24-Power Axe 25-Battle Axe 26-Large Axe 27-Great Axe 28-Heat Axe 29-Atlas Axe 2A-Ground Axe 2B-Rune Axe 2C-Evil Axe 2D-Wooden Arrow 2E-Iron Arrow 2F-Steel Arrow 30-Robin Arrow 31-Assult Shell 32-Great Shot 33-Nazca Cannon 34-Buster Shot 35-Hyper Cannon 36-Grand Cannon 37-Evil Shot 38-Wooden Stick??????? 39-Short Sword 3A-Middle Sword 3B-Long Sword 3C-Middle Sword 3D-Achiles Sword 3E-Broad Sword 3F-Buster Sword 40-Great Sword 41-Critical Sword 42-Battle Sword 43-Force Sword 44-Counter Sword 45-Levanter 46-Dark Sword 47-Wooden Sword 48-Short Spear 49-Bronze Lance 4A-Spear 4B-Steel Lance 4C-Power Spear 4D-Heavy Lance 4E-Javelin 4F-Chrome Lance 50-Valkyrie 51-Holy Lance 52-Mist Javelin 53-Halberd 54-Evil Lance 55-Wooden Rod 56-Short Rod 57-Bronze Rod 58-Iron Rod 59-Power Stick 5A-Flail 5B-Guardian Staff 5C-Indra Staff 5D-Mage Staff 5E-Wish Staff 5F-Great Rod 60-Supply Staff 61-Holy Staff 62-Freeze Staff 63-Godess Staff 64-Mystery Staff 65-Demon Rod 66-Iron Ball 67-Short Knife 68-Dagger 69-Knife 6A-Theive's Dagger 6B-Kitana 6C-Ninja Kitana 6D-Gisarme 6E-Taros Sword 6F-Right of Hope 70-Wooden Pannel 71-Sky Orb 72-Cannon 73-Dry Stone 74-Dynamite 75-Arm of Golem 76-Pegasus Wing 77-Warrior's Pride 78-Silver Tank 79-Seceret Book 7A-Vigor Ball 7B-Mithryl 7C-Life Ring?????? 7D-Cotton Baloon 7E-Chirrup Sandles 7F-Blank Space B. Explination: List repeats itself from this point onward, except these items will be equiped (even if they aren't equipable items!) Just take the origional Hex set and add 80 (a hex 80! Not a regular 80... again, use your windows calculator set on hex) to get the equiped item. Example: 6C (Ninja Kitana) + 80 = EC (Equiped Ninja Kitana). The Equipped Empty (FF) can not be droped, sold, etc, if you want to get rid of it, you'll have to reopen your hex editor and change it. I personally recomend not to screw with the equiped items... just give yourself the regular item and equip it in game. additionally, you can unequip an item by subtracting 80 from the number of the equiped item (this would come in handy if you wanted to unequip a cursed weapon but didnt feel like going to visit a preist). X. Kills/Defeats: Wanna impress your friends and make your worst characters (say a team of Rick, Kiwi, Elric, and the rest of their bench buddies) look like a bunch of kickass gods of mayhem under your expert control? Raise their total Kills to something insane and erase those embarassing Defeat records. XI. Individual Character Stat Adresses 1. Bowie Name:10C78-10C7E Face/Class:10C82 Level:10C83 Attack (Base/Equip):10C8A/10C8B Defense (Base/Equip):10C8C/10C8D Agility (Base/Equip):10C8E/10C8F Move (Base/Equip):10C90/10C91 Experance:10CA8 Present HP:10C86-10C87 Maximum HP:10C84-10C85 Present MP:10C89 Maximum MP:10C88 Items:10C99,10C9B,10C9D,10C9F Magic:10CA0-10CA3 Kills:10CAA-10CAB Defeats:10CAE-10CAF 2. Sarah Name:10CB0-10CB6 Face/Class:10CBA Level:10CBB Attack (Base/Equip):10CC2/10CC3 Defense (Base/Equip):10CC4/10CC5 Agility (Base/Equip):10CC6/10CC7 Move (Base/Equip):10CC8/10CC9 Experance:10CE0 Present HP:10CBE-10CBF Maximum HP:10CBC-10CBD Present MP:10CC1 Maximum MP:10CC0 Items:10CD1,10CD3,10CD5,10CD7 Magic:10CD8-10CDB Kills:10CE2-10CE3 Defeats:10CE6-10CE7 3. Chester Name:10CE8-10CEE Face/Class:10CF2 Level:10CF3 Attack (Base/Equip):10CFA/10CFB Defense (Base/Equip):10CFC/10CFD Agility (Base/Equip):10CFE/10CFF Move (Base/Equip):10D00/10D01 Experance:10D18 Present HP:10CF6-10CF7 Maximum HP:10CF4-10CF5 Present MP:10CF9 Maximum MP:10CF8 Items:10D09,10D0B,10D0D,10D0F Magic:10D10-10D13 Kills:10D1A-10D1B Defeats:10D1E-10D1F 4. Jaha Name:10D20-10D26 Face/Class:10D2A Level:10D2B Attack (Base/Equip):10D32/10D33 Defense (Base/Equip):10D34/10D35 Agility (Base/Equip):10D36/10D37 Move (Base/Equip):10D38/10D39 Experance:10D50 Present HP:10D2E-10D2F Maximum HP:10D2C-10D2D Present MP:10D31 Maximum MP:10D30 Items:10D41,10D43,10D45,10D47 Magic:10D48-10D4B Kills:10D52-10D53 Defeats:10D56-10D57 5. Kazin Name:10D58-10D5E Face/Class:10D62 Level:10D63 Attack (Base/Equip):10D6A/10D6B Defense (Base/Equip):10D6C/10D6D Agility (Base/Equip):10D6E/10D6F Move (Base/Equip):10D70/10D71 Experance:10D88 Present HP:10D66-10D67 Maximum HP:10D64-10D65 Present MP:10D69 Maximum MP:10D68 Items:10D79,10D7B,10D7D,10D7F Magic:10D80-10D83 Kills:10D8A-10D8B Defeats:10D8E-10D8F 6. Slade Name:10D90-10D96 Face/Class:10D9A Level:10D9B Attack (Base/Equip):10DA2/10DA3 Defense (Base/Equip):10DA4/10DA5 Agility (Base/Equip):10DA6/10DA7 Move (Base/Equip):10DA8/10DA9 Experance:10DC0 Present HP:10D9E-10D9F Maximum HP:10D9C-10D9D Present MP:10DA1 Maximum MP:10DA0 Items:10DB1,10DB3,10DB5,10DB7 Magic:10DB8-10DBB Kills:10DC2-10DC3 Defeats:10DC6-10DC7 7. Kiwi Name:10DC8-10DCE Face/Class:10DD2 Level:10DD3 Attack (Base/Equip):10DDA/10DDB Defense (Base/Equip):10DDC/10DDD Agility (Base/Equip):10DDE/10DDF Move (Base/Equip):10DE0/10DE1 Experance:10DF8 Present HP:10DD6-10DD7 Maximum HP:10DD4-10DD5 Present MP:10DD9 Maximum MP:10DD8 Items:10DE9,10DEB,10DED,10DEF Magic:10DF0-10DF3 Kills:10DFA-10DFB Defeats:10DFE-10DFF 8. Peter Name:10E00-10E06 Face/Class:10E0A Level:10E0B Attack (Base/Equip):10E12/10E13 Defense (Base/Equip):10E14/10E15 Agility (Base/Equip):10CE16/10E17 Move (Base/Equip):10E18/10E19 Experance:10E30 Present HP:10E0E-10E0F Maximum HP:10E0C-10E0D Present MP:10E11 Maximum MP:10E10 Items:10E21,10E23,10E25,10E27 Magic:10E28-10E2B Kills:10E32-10E33 Defeats:10E36-10E37 9. Gerhalt Name:10E38-10E3E Face/Class:10E42 Level:10E43 Attack (Base/Equip):10E4A/10E4B Defense (Base/Equip):10E4C/10E4D Agility (Base/Equip):10E4E/10E4F Move (Base/Equip):10E50/10E51 Experance:10E68 Present HP:10E46-10E47 Maximum HP:10E44-10E45 Present MP:10E49 Maximum MP:10E48 Items:10E59,10E5B,10E5D,10E5F Magic:10E60-10E63 Kills:10E6A-10E6B Defeats:10E6E-10E6F 10. Gerhalt Name:10E70-10E76 Face/Class:10E7A Level:10E7B Attack (Base/Equip):10E82/10E83 Defense (Base/Equip):10E84/10E85 Agility (Base/Equip):10E86/10E87 Move (Base/Equip):10E88/10E89 Experance:10EA0 Present HP:10E7E-10E7F Maximum HP:10E7C-10E7D Present MP:10E81 Maximum MP:10E80 Items:10E91,10E93,10E95,10E97 Magic:10E98-10E9B Kills:10EA2-10EA3 Defeats:10EA6-10EA7 11. Luke Name:10EA8-10EAE Face/Class:10EB2 Level:10EB3 Attack (Base/Equip):10EBA/10EBB Defense (Base/Equip):10EBC/10EBD Agility (Base/Equip):10EBE/10EBF Move (Base/Equip):10EC0/10EC1 Experance:10ED8 Present HP:10EB6-10EB7 Maximum HP:10EB4-10EB5 Present MP:10EB9 Maximum MP:10EB8 Items:10EC9,10ECB,10ECD,10ECF Magic:10ED0-10ED3 Kills:10EDA-10EDB Defeats:10EDE-10EDF 12. Rohde Name:10EE0-10EE6 Face/Class:10EEA Level:10EEB Attack (Base/Equip):10EF2/10EF3 Defense (Base/Equip):10EF4/10EF5 Agility (Base/Equip):10EF6/10EF7 Move (Base/Equip):10EF8/10EF9 Experance:10F10 Present HP:10EEE-10EEF Maximum HP:10EEC-10EED Present MP:10EF1 Maximum MP:10EF0 Items:10F01,10F03,10F05,10F07 Magic:10F08-10F0B Kills:10F12-10F13 Defeats:10F16-10F17 13. RickElricElric Name:10F18-10F1E Face/Class:10F22 Level:10F23 Attack (Base/Equip):10F2A/10F2B Defense (Base/Equip):10F2C/10F2D Agility (Base/Equip):10F2E/10F2F Move (Base/Equip):10F30/10F31 Experance:10F48 Present HP:10F26-10F27 Maximum HP:10F24-10F25 Present MP:10F29 Maximum MP:10F28 Items:10F39,10F3B,10F3D,10F3F Magic:10F40-10F43 Kills:10F4A-10F4B Defeats:10F4E-10F4F 14. Elric Name:10F50-10F56 Face/Class:10C82 Level:10F5B Attack (Base/Equip):10F62/10F63 Defense (Base/Equip):10F64/10F65 Agility (Base/Equip):10F66/10F67 Move (Base/Equip):10F68/10F69 Experance:10F80 Present HP:10F5E-10F5F Maximum HP:10F5C-10F5D Present MP:10F61 Maximum MP:10F60 Items:10F71,10F73,10F75,10F77 Magic:10F78-10F7B Kills:10F82-10F83 Defeats:10F86-10F87 15. Eric Name:10F88-10F8E Face/Class:10F92 Level:10F93 Attack (Base/Equip):10F9A/10F9B Defense (Base/Equip):10F9C/10F9D Agility (Base/Equip):10F9E/10F9F Move (Base/Equip):10FA0/10FA1 Experance:10FB8 Present HP:10F96-10F97 Maximum HP:10F94-10F95 Present MP:10F99 Maximum MP:10F98 Items:10FA9,10FAB,10FAD,10FAF Magic:10FB0-10FB3 Kills:10FBA-10FBB Defeats:10FBE-10FBF 16. Karna Name:10FC0-10FC6 Face/Class:10FCA Level:10FCB Attack (Base/Equip):10FD2/10FD3 Defense (Base/Equip):10FD4/10FD5 Agility (Base/Equip):10FD6/10FD7 Move (Base/Equip):10FD8/10FD9 Experance:10FF0 Present HP:10FCE-10FCF Maximum HP:10FCC-10FCD Present MP:10FD1 Maximum MP:10FD0 Items:10FE1,10FE3,10FE5,10FE7 Magic:10FE8-10FEB Kills:10FF2-10FF3 Defeats:10FF6-10FF7 17. Randolf Name:10FF8-10FFE Face/Class:11002 Level:11003 Attack (Base/Equip):1100A/1100B Defense (Base/Equip):1100C/1100D Agility (Base/Equip):1100E/1100F Move (Base/Equip):11010/11011 Experance:11028 Present HP:11006-11007 Maximum HP:11004-11005 Present MP:11009 Maximum MP:11008 Items:11019,1101B,1101D,1101F Magic:11020-11023 Kills:1102A-1102B Defeats:1102E-1102F 18. Tyrin Name:11030-11036 Face/Class:1103A Level:1103B Attack (Base/Equip):11042/11043 Defense (Base/Equip):11044/11045 Agility (Base/Equip):11046/11047 Move (Base/Equip):11048/11049 Experance:11060 Present HP:1103E-1103F Maximum HP:1103C-1103D Present MP:11041 Maximum MP:11040 Items:11051,11053,11055,11057 Magic:11058-1105B Kills:11062-11063 Defeats:11066-11067 19. Janet Name:11068-1106E Face/Class:11072 Level:11073 Attack (Base/Equip):1107A/1107B Defense (Base/Equip):1107C/1107D Agility (Base/Equip):1107E/1107F Move (Base/Equip):11080/11081 Experance:11098 Present HP:11076-11077 Maximum HP:11074-11075 Present MP:11079 Maximum MP:11078 Items:11089,1108B,1108D,1108F Magic:11090-11093 Kills:1109A-1109B Defeats:1109E-1109F 20. Higins Name:110A0-110A6 Face/Class:110AA Level:110AB Attack (Base/Equip):110B2/110B3 Defense (Base/Equip):110B4/110B5 Agility (Base/Equip):110B6/110B7 Move (Base/Equip):110B8/110B9 Experance:110D0 Present HP:110AE-110AF Maximum HP:110AC-110AD Present MP:110B1 Maximum MP:110B0 Items:110C1,110C3,110C5,110C7 Magic:110C8-110CB Kills:110D2-110D3 Defeats:110D6-110D7 21. Skreech Name:110D8-110DE Face/Class:110E2 Level:110E3 Attack (Base/Equip):110EA/110EB Defense (Base/Equip):110EC/110ED Agility (Base/Equip):110EE/110EF Move (Base/Equip):110F0/110F1 Experance:11108 Present HP:110E6-110E7 Maximum HP:110E4-110E5 Present MP:110E9 Maximum MP:110E8 Items:110F9,110FB,110FD,110FF Magic:11100-11103 Kills:1110A-1110B Defeats:1110E-1110F 22. Taya Name:11110-11116 Face/Class:1111A Level:1111B Attack (Base/Equip):11122/11123 Defense (Base/Equip):11124/11125 Agility (Base/Equip):11126/11127 Move (Base/Equip):11128/11129 Experance:11140 Present HP:1111E-1111F Maximum HP:1111C-1111D Present MP:11121 Maximum MP:11120 Items:11131,11133,11135,11137 Magic:11148-1114B Kills:11142-11143 Defeats:11146-11147 23. Frayja Name:11148-1114E Face/Class:11152 Level:11153 Attack (Base/Equip):1115A/1115B Defense (Base/Equip):1115C/1115D Agility (Base/Equip):1115E/1115F Move (Base/Equip):11160/11161 Experance:11178 Present HP:11156-11157 Maximum HP:11154-11155 Present MP:11159 Maximum MP:11158 Items:11169,1116B,1116D,1116F Magic:11170-11173 Kills:1117A-1117B Defeats:1117E-1117F 24. Jaro Name:11180-11186 Face/Class:1118A Level:1118B Attack (Base/Equip):11192/11193 Defense (Base/Equip):11194/11195 Agility (Base/Equip):11196/11197 Move (Base/Equip):11198/11199 Experance:111B0 Present HP:1118E-1118F Maximum HP:1118C-1118D Present MP:11191 Maximum MP:11190 Items:111A1,111A3,111A5,111A7 Magic:111A8-111AB Kills:111B2-111B3 Defeats:111B6-111B7 25. Gyan Name:111B8-111BE Face/Class:111C2 Level:111C3 Attack (Base/Equip):111CA/111CB Defense (Base/Equip):111CC/111CD Agility (Base/Equip):111CE/111CF Move (Base/Equip):111D0/111D1 Experance:111E8 Present HP:111C6-111C7 Maximum HP:111C4-111C5 Present MP:111C9 Maximum MP:111C8 Items:111D9,111DB,111DD,111DF Magic:111E0-111E3 Kills:111EA-111EB Defeats:111EE-111EF 26. Sheela Name:111F0-111F6 Face/Class:111FA Level:111FB Attack (Base/Equip):11202/11203 Defense (Base/Equip):11204/11205 Agility (Base/Equip):11206/11207 Move (Base/Equip):11208/11209 Experance:11220 Present HP:111FE-111FF Maximum HP:111FC-111FD Present MP:11201 Maximum MP:11200 Items:11211,11213,11215,11217 Magic:11218-1121B Kills:11222-11223 Defeats:11226-11227 27. Zynk Name:11228-1122E Face/Class:11232 Level:11233 Attack (Base/Equip):1123A/1123B Defense (Base/Equip):1123C/1123D Agility (Base/Equip):1123E/1123F Move (Base/Equip):11240/11241 Experance:11258 Present HP:11236-11237 Maximum HP:11234-11235 Present MP:11239 Maximum MP:11238 Items:11249,1124B,1124D,1124F Magic:11250-11253 Kills:1125A-1125B Defeats:1125E-1125F 28. Chaz Name:11260-11266 Face/Class:1126A Level:1126B Attack (Base/Equip):11272/11273 Defense (Base/Equip):11274/11275 Agility (Base/Equip):11276/11277 Move (Base/Equip):11278/11279 Experance:11290 Present HP:1126E-1126F Maximum HP:1126C-1126D Present MP:11271 Maximum MP:11270 Items:11281,11283,11285,11287 Magic:11288-1128B Kills:11292-11293 Defeats:11296-11297 29. Lemon Name:11298-1129E Face/Class:112A2 Level:112A3 Attack (Base/Equip):112AA/112AB Defense (Base/Equip):112AC/112AD Agility (Base/Equip):112AE/112AF Move (Base/Equip):112B0/112B1 Experance:112C8 Present HP:112A6-112A7 Maximum HP:112A4-112A5 Present MP:112A9 Maximum MP:112A8 Items:112B9,112BB,112BD,112BF Magic:112C0-112C3 Kills:112CA-112CB Defeats:112CE-112CF 30. Claude Name:112D0-112D6 Face/Class:112DA Level:112DB Attack (Base/Equip):112E2/112E3 Defense (Base/Equip):112E4/112E5 Agility (Base/Equip):112E6/112E7 Move (Base/Equip):112E8/112E9 Experance:11300 Present HP:112DE-112DF Maximum HP:112DC-112DD Present MP:112E1 Maximum MP:112E0 Items:112F1,112F3,112F5,112F7 Magic:112F8-112FB Kills:11302-11303 Defeats:11306-11307 XII. Version History v1.1 Fixed error in character offsets resulting from my omission of May's name (see Outro) v1.0 Got most of the stuff done. Outro: This guide may be found wherever... it's not copyrighted but I'd ask you at least do me the simple courtesy of not altering it, claiming it's yours, etc. Microsoft Excel was a _huge_ help when I figured out how to use it to add hex... this guide would have been done months in advance had I known I could shorten the arduous task of finding the address of every single address for every stat for every character. I'm really glad I downloaded... errrr... paid for ;) Microsoft Office! I want to thank tomhu ( for pointing out a serious error in my first guide. As he noted, I had skipped over May's name when recording character offsets, causing all the offsets after Peter's to be one character behind, and leaving no offsets for Claude! The problem was easily fixed, but I'm sure it was a real piss-off for everyone who tried to modify anyone after Peter. I'd also like to thank Thundergod ( for writing the Shining Force (I) Save State Hacking Guide, it helped me get a quick understanding of how the hex values were layed out in the Shining Force II game. Writing this guide took friggin forever... lots of time spent testing what each individual hex value modified, and weather or not it was a dummy, finding all the adresses, etc. I finally understood what other guide writers go through in writing these things, and how important it really is to pay attention to those little "send me a thanks if you read this" notes. I have now sent one to everyone I ever remember using a guide from. I ask that you also drop me a line if youre using this guide or hosting it or reading it and mastrubating to all those beautiful hex digits (hey... whatever floats your boat...) I'd really apreciate it. Seriously. And if you find anything to be wrong or missing or whatever, tell me about that too. Hope this was helpful. Happy Hexing!